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Module10 The weather Unit 2 第一课时 一、根据句意及首字母提示写单词。 1 . You'd better take an __________with you.The radio says it may rain this afternoon. 2 . Xinjiang is in the _________of China. 3 . The weather will be colder after a ________ . You'd better bring a sweater with you. 4 . It's about 1 , 200 __________away from my city to Beijing. 5 . It's _________2 degrees today.I don't want to go out. umbrella northwest shower miles minus 二、单项选择。 ( )6.Take your coat because it ________ be cold at night , even in June. A . might       B . must       C . should       D . need ( )7.It snows ________ here in Beijing in winter. A . on time B . in time C . at the same time D . from time to time A D ( )8.There are lots of places of interest ________ in America. A . seeing B . see C . to see D . saw ( )9.There are lots of beautiful houses ________ the coast of Qingdao. A . in B . to C . on D . at ( )10.Fujian is in the ________ of China. A . eastsouth B . southeast C . southwest D . westsouth C C B 三、按要求完成下列句子。 11 . What's the weather like in Shandong ? ( 改为同义句 ) _________the weather in Shandong? 12 . I like snow too.( 改为同义句 ) I like snow _________ . 13 . It may be snowy tomorrow.( 改为同义句 ) It will ______________tomorrow. How is as well probably snow 14 . The temperature is 18 _ degrees today.( 对画线部分提问 ) _________the temperature today? 15 . It often rains in spring here.( 改为同义句 ) It rains ___________in spring here. What is quite a lot 四、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 16 .我打算明天去拍一些雪景。 I'm going to _____________________snow tomorrow. 17 .妈妈,我今天可以和朋友一起去游泳吗? Can I _____________with my friends today , mum? 18 .昆明的天气一年四季宜人。 The weather in Kunming is fine ________________ . take photos of go swimming all year round 19 .和我们的小房子相比,比尔的房子就像一座宫殿。 _____________our small house , Bill's house is like a palace. 20 .今年寒假,我计划去环游北京。 I plan to _____________Beijing this winter holiday. Compared to travel around

