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Unit 2 Working the land 教案设计 教材分析和教材重组 教 材 分 析 本单元以“农业”为中心话题,通过本单元的学习,可以帮助学生了解农村、农业以及 农作物耕种的基本知识;同时了解袁隆平博士的研究成果以及有机耕作的重大意义。 通过本单元的语言技能训练,要求学生学会有关农业的词汇,掌握动词-ing 形式作主 语和宾语的用法,同时进一步复习巩固任何表达意见和建议并学习任何设计英文广告。 1. Warming Up 以农村、农业以及农作物耕种为话题,让学生讨论对农村和农业劳动 的认识和经验。这一话题的引入,可以帮助学生更深刻地理解袁隆平博士的研究成果 的价值。 2. Pre-reading 设置的两个问题可以帮助学生理解课文,同时培养他们的同情心和人道 主义精神。 3. Reading 塑造了一个朴实、务实的中国农业科学家的形象,他过着普通人的生活, 干着伟大的事业。 4. Comprehending 共有 3 个练习,这 4 个练习的设置由表及里,由浅入深,非常科学。 旨在提高学生讨论、收集信息及归纳整理的能力。 5. Learning about Language 分为两部分,通过不同层面的练习,要求并帮助学生熟练 掌握课文中所学的词汇以及-ing 形式做主语和宾语的用法。 6. Using Language 分为三部分,Reading 部分读写结合,要求学生在理解文章 Organic farming 的基础上写出文章的摘要。Listening 讲了两个农民的故事,即进行了听力训 练也说明了有机耕作的重大意义。Reading, speaking and writing 让学生假设自己是“绿 色食品”生产商,在读说的基础上为自己的食品设计一个广告。 教 教 材 重 组 1. 材 重 1. 将 Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading 与 Comprehending 整合在一起上一节“阅读 课”。 2. 将 Learning about Language 和 Workbook 的 using words and expressions 及 using structures 整合在一起上一节“语言学习课”。 3. 将 Using Language 设计为一节包括听说读写在内的“综合技能课(一)”。 4. 将 Workbook 的 READING AND LISTENING 和 TALKING 结合在一起上一节“听 说课”。 5. 将 Workbook 的 LISTENING TASK , READING AND WRITING TASK 和 SPEAKING TASK 设计为一节“综合技能课(二)”。 课 时 分 配 1st Period Reading 2nd Period Language study 3rd Period Integrating skills(Ⅰ) 4th Period Listening and Speaking 5th Period Integrating skills(Ⅱ) Period 1: A sample lesson plan for reading (A PIONEER FOR ALL PEOPLE) Aims To develop reading ability To learn something about farming Procedures I. Warming up Warming up by questioning Hello, everyone. We shall read about man who works the land today. Have you ever grown any plants? What kind of plant would you like to grow? How will you grow it? For reference: I worked with my father in the rice field last year. We grow hybrid rice and use animal wastes to make the soil rich. Has anyone of you ever been to the countryside? What did you do there? For reference: I went to Chuankou the day before yesterday. It is a small mountain village 75 li north of Beijing. I went there to visit my uncle’s family. I like that small beautiful village very much. Who are from a farmer’s family? What do you know about farming? For reference: Dou Jun and I are from a farmer’s family. We grow wheat and raise pigs on our farms. And both of our families are going to expand the area of fields this year. Warming up by seeing and listening Planting rice Boys and girls, I shall show you some photos of farming first. Look at this one. What are these people doing in the fields? Yes, it is spring and they are planting rice. Lots of people in the world live on rice. I think you like eating rice, too. Plowing the land Here is another photo about farming. The man driving the tractor in the photo is plowing the land to prepare for the planting. He does not grow rice there. What kind of crop is he going to plant here? Indoor harvesting This photo is interesting. The woman farmer from Tibet is harvesting her crops not in the open field but in a plastic house. For generations, the people in Tibet Autonomous Region, have farmed the land using traditional methods. But in recent years, things have begun to change. All the farmers admit the new ways are better. II. Pre-reading 1.Questioning and answering Rice is the main food in South China. What do you think would happen if tomorrow there were suddenly no rice to eat? For reference: Then people in the south would have to change their eating habit. They could turn to potatoes, wheat flour, cow and sheep cheese, cabbage, onions and garlic for food. They are the bases of the traditional food in North China. If you had the chance to do one thing to help end hunger in the world, what would you do? For reference: I would try to end hunger by popularizing the advanced farmingtechniques. Modern techniques could be introduced to increase the rice output, and expand the area of fields. 2. Giving background information about Professor Yuan Longping Have you ever heard of a man called Professor Yuan Longping? Would anyone of you tell the class something about him? For reference: Professor Yuan Longping is a Chinese agricultural scientist. Professor Yuan's breakthrough scientific achievement led to the world's first successful and widely grown hybrid rice varieties, revolutionizing rice cultivation in China and tripling production over a generation. His approach to rice breeding then spread internationally throughout Asia and to Africa and the United States, providing food for tens of millions and leading to his becoming known as the "Father of Hybrid Rice." III. Reading 1. Reading aloud to the recording Comprehension—understanding what you are reading is important. To read in thought groups is an easy, yet effective, way of improving reading comprehension. Now turn to page 9 and read aloud to the recording of the text A PIONEER FOR ALL PEOPLE. Pay attention to the thought groups in the sentences while listening and reading aloud. 2. Reading and underlining Read the text again and underline all the collocations in the passage. You are supposed to copy them into your notebook after class as homework. Collocations from A PIONEER FRO ALL PEOPLE work the land 在田间工作, do one’s research 从事研究工作, for the past five decades 在过去 的五十年里, grow hybrid rice 种植杂交水稻, become an agricultural pioneer 成为农业先驱, have a high output 产量高, be born into a poor family 出生在一个贫苦家庭, graduate from a college 大学毕业, devote one’s life to…一生致力于……, increase the rice output 增加水稻产 量, search for a way to do sth.寻求做某事的途径, circulate one’s knowledge 传播知识, thanks to…幸亏;由于, rid the world of hunger 摆脱饥饿, twice as large as before 是原来的两倍, be satisfied with… 对……感到满意, care little about…很少关心……, spend money on…把钱花 在……, lead a comfortable life 过着舒适的生活, equip sb. for sth. 供给某人从事……, keep time for one’s hobbies 有时间从事一个人的爱好, no longer 不再, play one’s violin 拉小提 琴, play mah-jong 打麻将, prefer to do sth. 喜欢/宁愿做某事, wish for…希望得到……, ear of rice 稻穗, grain of rice 稻粒, awake from one’s dream 从梦中醒来, with the hope of 希望 2. Reading, identifying and summarizing Attention, please! It is time to skim the text one more time and identify the topic sentence of each paragraph. (Minutes later) Xue Hongmei, would you read to the class the four topic sentences you identified? What about the main idea of the passage? Who will volunteer to give the class his summary of the main idea? Bai Jianfang, you’d like to say something? Go ahead! 3. Understanding difficult sentences In groups of four, analyze the structure of the difficult sentences. If you have any problems which are too difficult for you to solve do not hesitate to put them to me. 4. Reading and transferring In pairs, read the text, find information to complete the following form. Facts about Yuan Longping Facts about Yuan’s super hybrid rice birth capacity education application personality hobby contribution ideal future For reference: Facts about Yuan Longping Facts about Yuan’s super hybrid rice birth 1931, a poor farmer’s family capacity can produce 1/3 more of the crop in the same fields; more than 60% of the rice in China is from this hybrid strain education graduating from Southwest Agriculture College in 1953 application besides China, knowledge being circulated in India, Vietnam and other less developed countries to increase their rice harvest personality regarding himself as a farmer; care little for being rich and famous hobby playing violin, playing mah-jong, swimming and reading contribution rice harvest being produced twice as large; 22% of people fed from just 7% of the farmland in China; the UN ridding the world of hunger ideal to export his rice to be grown all over the world future the rice being grown all over the world IV. Closing down Closing down by doing exercises In the last five minutes let’s do the comprehension exercises on page 10. Check your answers against your neighbour’s when you have finished. Closing down by having a dictation To end the period you will take a dictation. It is about Yuan Longping, “Father of Super hybrid rice”. Additional Materials Complete the summary of the story with one word in each blank. Yuan Longping is a man who __1__ the land, does his research and grows hybrid rice. He is an agricultural ___2__ to have a high output of rice __3__expanding the area of fields. He devotes his whole life to __4__ ways to increase the rice output, to __5__ both the Chinese and the world people. He is __6__ his knowledge so that more farmers can be free from hunger and __7__satisfied with their lives. Yuan cares little about his money and fame, __8__ a great deal of time and money helping others doing __9__ research. He __10__wishes for more cheap rice for all the people. Yuan Long ping is a great person. (Key:1. works 2. pioneer 3. without 4. finding 5. feed 6. circulating 7. satisfied 8. devoting 9. agriculture 10. wishes) Comprehension questions 1. He wants everyone to call him a farmer, because _____. A. he works the to do his research every day B. he has a sunburnt face and arms C. that’s how he regards himself D. he was born in a poor farmer’s family 2. Dr Yuan cares little about the following EXCEPT ____. A. spending the money on himself B. being famous C. leading a comfortable life D. finding a way to increase rice harvests without expanding the area of fields 3. He has some dreams that _____ A. he hopes to produce a kind of rice that could feed more people B. he hopes to help other less developed countries to increase their rice harvests C. he hopes to keep time for his hobbies D. all the above 4. Why does Dr Yuan give millions of yuan to equip others for their research in agriculture? Because ____. A. he cares little about spending money on himself B. he does care about leading a comfortable life C. he believes a person with too much money has more, rather than fewer troubles D. all the above (Key: 1. C 2. D 3. D 4. D) Notes to some difficult sentences: 1. What do you think would happen if tomorrow there was suddenly no rice to eat? (Warming up) 本句是一个非真实条件句,表示对将来的假设。 如: If you came round at about seven tonight, it would be all right. ( 实际上来不了。) 2. Born into a poor farmer’s family in 1931, Dr Yuan graduated from Southwest Agriculture College in 1953. 句中 Born into a poor farmer’s family in 1931 是过去分词短语做状语,如: Left alone at home, the girl began to cry. 3. These increased harvests mean that 22% of the world’s people are fed from just 7% of the farmland in China. 句中 increased 是过去分词,在句中做定语修饰 harvests,又如: a developed country an experienced worker a printed book a deserted island 如果是过去分词短语则要放在被修饰词语的后面,如: a present given by his friend a glass broken by the boy a bag stolen by a thief 4. Using his hybrid rice farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before. 句中 Using his hybrid rice 做状语,表原因。又如: Reading English every morning, he improved his English quickly. V-ing 形式作状语通常表示四种意思: 1)表示原因,相当于一个表示原因的状语从句,多放句首,如: Being so poor in those days, we couldn't afford to send the boy to hospital. (=As we were so poor...) 那时我们那么穷,我们没有力量送孩子上医院。 2)用作时间状语,相当于一个时间状语从句,多放在句子前部。如: Turning around, she saw an ambulance driving up. 她转过身时,看见一辆救护车开了过来。 (=When he turned around, ...) 3)作伴随状语,表示主语正在进行的另一个动作,和谓语动作或状态是同时发生的,一 般放在句子后部。如:They sat facing each other. 他们面对面地坐着。 They ran out, talking and laughing. 他们说着笑着跑出去。 4)表示结果状语,通常放在句子后面。如: The bus stopped suddenly, this causing the delay. 汽车突然停开,造成耽搁。 5. And he would rather keep time for his hobbies. 1) would rather…than…或 would…rather than…其前后必须用相同的语法单位。如: I'd rather have the red one than(have)the green one. 我宁愿要红的,不愿要绿的。 I'd take the slowest train rather than go there by air.我宁可乘坐最慢的火车也不愿坐飞机去那 儿。 He would rather walk than drive. 他宁愿步行不愿开车。 I'd prefer to go in August rather than in July. 我愿八月去,不愿七月去。 I'd call her hair chestnut rather than brown.我宁愿说她的头发是栗色,而不是棕色。 【注意】I'd rather +动词原形,通常意为"我宁愿",相当于"I'd prefer to…",具有选择意义, 即"宁愿做……不愿做……"。但是,当后接动词 like, enjoy, appreciate 时,rather 是一个程 度副词,象 quite 和 fairly 一样无选择意义,所以 I'd rather like 不是"我宁愿喜欢",而是"我 相当(很)喜欢"。试比较下列句子: "I'd rather like a cup of coffee." "Oh, would you? I'd rather have a beer. ""我很想来杯咖啡。"" 噢,是吗?我宁愿喝杯啤酒。" We would rather appreciate your help. 我们非常感谢你的帮助。 Which would you rather have, tea or coffee? 你更愿意喝什么,茶还是咖啡? He would rather enjoy seeing a film on Sundays. 他很喜欢在星期天看场电影。 2)在 would rather 前后可用不同的主语来表示某人宁愿让另一个人做某事,这时,一般用 过去时来表示现在或将来要做的事。如: "Shall I open a window? ""I'd rather you didn't." "我开一扇窗好吗""你最好别开。" Don't come tomorrow. I'd rather you came next weekend.明天别来,我希望你下周末来。 I'd rather you told me the truth. 我宁愿你给我讲实话。 I'd rather you went home now. 我愿意让你现在就回家。 3)谈到过去的动作,用过去完成时。如: I'd rather you hadn't done that.我真希望你没做过那件事。 I'd wish you had answered the question. 我真希望你回答了这个问题。 I'd rather you hadn't done that. 我希望你没做过那件事。 4) rather than 此处是介词短语,意思是"与其"、"不是",相当于 instead of。如: I think you, rather than Mary, is to be punished.我认为该受惩罚的是你,而不是玛丽。 Rather than fish, we'll have fried eggs and meat for lunch.今天午餐吃煎蛋和肉,而没有鱼。 The colour seems green rather than blue.这颜色看上去是绿的,而不是蓝的。 I always prefer starting early, rather than leaving everything to the last minute. 任何事情我总是 喜欢早点做,不要到最后。 I'll have a cold drink rather than coffee. 我要喝冷饮,不想喝咖啡。 6. He used to walk to his rice fields twice a day, but now he prefers to rice his motorcycle. 句中 used to 表示过去习惯做的事情,而现在不做了。如: He used to be an actor. (现在不是演员了) He used to swim in winter, but now he is addicted to Kung fu. would 表示过去的倾向性,习惯性动作,意为"总是"。如: When we worked in the same company, he would drop in on me on his way home on Saturdays. 7. Dr Yuan awoke from his dream with the hope of producing a kind of rice that could feed more people. 句中 with the hope of 是“有着……的愿望”的意思。如: He went to the south with the hope of realizing his dream. 【高考链接】 1. It is no ____ arguing with Bill because he will never change his mind. (2006 全国 II) A. use B. help C. time D. way 2. After the earthquake, the injured were cared ____ in the local hospitals or taken by air to the hospitals in the neighbouring cities.(2006 江西) A. of B. for C. after D. with 3. The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without ____ his notes. (2006 浙江) A. bringing up B. referring to C. looking for D. trying on 4. At the meeting they discussed three different ____ to the study of mathematics. (2006 湖北) A. approaches B. means C. methods D. ways 5. There have been several new events ____ to the program for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.(2006 北京) A. add B. to add C. adding D. added 【巩固练习】 1. Rather than ___ on a crowded bus, he always prefers ____a bicycle. A.ride, ride B.riding, to ride C.ride, to ride D.to ride, riding 2. Salon lived ____ to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing attitude. A. thanking B. thanked C. thanks D. to thank 3. When I go out in the evening I use the bike ____ the car if I can. A. rather than B. regardless of C. in spite of D. other than 4.____, he dare not talk to others. A. Being shy B. Shy C. Be shy D. Having been shy 5. I don’t know the person ______. A. he referred B. he referred to C. who he referred D. that he referred 6. When he was very old, Mr. Smith _______ sit for hours without saying a word. A. would B. should C. must D. used 【汉译英】 1. 他对这次实验的结果感到非常满意。 2. 多亏有你的帮忙,我们这次才能成功地实施这项计划。 3. 他宁愿呆在家里上网也不愿和父母出去散步。 4. 会上提到的那个人是那家公司的一个重要人物。 5. 在某种程度上,提高英语水平的最佳办法就是到一个讲英语的国家去。 【答案及解析】 【高考链接】 1. A 该题主要考查 It is +use /good +doing sth.这一句型 2. B 根据句意,空白处应为与“care” 搭配的固定词组,意为“护理”,即“take care”和“take care of”,但后者“care”为名词。C 项中的“after”应与“look”搭配。故只能用“care for”。 3. A A 项,“抚养长大”;B 项,“保持”;C 项,“寻找”;D 项,“试穿”。根据句意“主席在 大会上发言近一个小时,没用演讲稿”,故选 B。 4.A 句意:他们在会上讨论了三种不同的研究数学的方法。选择 A 项的关键词是题干中的 介词 to。因为只有 approach 后才能跟 to 短语。 5. D 句意:2008 年北京奥运会已增加了几项新的比赛项目。考生应首先判断出 There be 结构:There be(谓语)+名词(主语)+to do/doing/done(非谓语动词做定语修饰前面的 名词)。其次,新的比赛项目是被添加到 2008 年北京奥运项目中了,所以应使用过去分词 表被动,故选 D。 【巩固练习】 1. C 该题考查目标是看学生是否掌握了 prefer to do A rather than do B.(宁愿做……而不 愿做……)尽管把主句放在后边,我们也要看出这个句式。 2. C 该题考查 thanks to –because of 的意思均为“由于,因为”。 3. A 如果我晚上出门,一般情况下,我会尽可能骑车而不是开车。rather than 而不是; regardless of 不管,不顾;in spite of 尽管;other than 除……之外 4. A. being shy 是现在分词作状语,表原因。 5. B. refer to“涉及,提及”,此句是定语从句,修饰 the person. 6. A would 此处表过去的倾向性,习惯性动作,意为"总是"如: When we were children, we would go swimming every summer. 【汉译英】 1. He is very satisfied with the result of the experiment. 2. Thanks to your help, we succeeded in carrying out the plan. 3. He would rather surf the Internet at home than go out for a walk with his parents. 4. The person referred to at the meeting is an important person in that company. 5. In a way, the best way of improving your English is to go to an English-speaking country. Period 2: A sample lesson plan for Learning about Language (The –ing form as the Subject & Object) Aims To learn about the –ing form as the Subject & Object To discover and learn to use some useful words and expressions To discover and learn to use some useful structures Procedures I. Warming up Warming up by reading the text aloud Language is learned in context. So let’s first review the text learned yesterday by reading it aloud. Try to force out your English slowly and clearly. II. Discovering useful words and expressions In pairs do the exercises 1, 2 and 3 on pages 11 and 12. You are to finish them in 5 minutes. III. Learning about grammar 1. Read and identify Read the text about Yuan Longping again, paying attention to the sentences which use the –ing form as the subject and object. In the sentence “Wishing for things, however, cost nothing.” the –ing form is used as a subject. It can be also used as an object of the sentence. For example: Yuan Longping likes playing his violin. 2. Consolidating by doing exercises To consolidate your understanding you will be given 10 minutes to go over exercises 1,2,3,4 and 5 on pages 12 and 13. You may just write the answer on your text book. I mean the student’s book you are working by. III. Ready used materials for the –ing form as the Subject & Object Verbals -Gerund A gerund is a verbal that ends in -ing and functions as a noun. The term verbal indicates that a gerund, like the other two kinds of verbals(Participles, and Infinitives), is based on a verb and therefore expresses action or a state of being. However, since a gerund functions as a noun, it occupies some positions in a sentence that a noun ordinarily would, for example: subject, direct object, subject complement, and object of preposition. A Gerund Phrase is a group of words consisting of a gerund and the modifier(s) and/or (pro)noun(s) or noun phrase(s) that function as the direct object(s), indirect object(s), or complement(s) of the action or state expressed in the gerund, such as: Points to remember: 1. A gerund is a verbal ending in -ing that is used as a noun. 2. A gerund phrase consists of a gerund plus modifier(s), object(s), and/or complement(s). 3. Gerunds and gerund phrases virtually never require punctuation. Gerund as subject: ♣ Traveling might satisfy your desire for new experiences. cf. The study abroad program might satisfy your desire for new experiences. ● We usually use the empty subject it with a clause or to-infinitive, but with the v-ing form we prefer the real subject at the beginning Studying English is sometimes boring. Using the right hand to shake hands is a convention in many countries. Playing chess requires great concentration. Speaking English is always useful when traveling abroad. ● After it is not good/ it is no use /etc., we usually use the v-ing form as the real subject of the sentence. A It(formal subject) is no use/ no good/ fun / a waste of time/ a good pleasure, etc. + doing… It is no good writing to him; he never answers letters. It is no use your complaining; the company won’t do anything about it. It's no use saying, ''We are doing our best.'' You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary. B It(formal subject) is useless/ nice/ good/ interesting/ worthwhile, etc. + doing… It is worth driving to the lake to have a look around. It is good playing chess after supper. It is useless speaking. C There is(was) no + doing There is no denying that she is very efficient. There is no telling what he is going to do. There is no point (in) making the simple experiments once again. Gerund as direct object: They do not appreciate my singing. Cf. They do not appreciate my assistance. Will you admit having broken the window? The watch needs repairing. His suggestion is worth considering. I consider it(formal object) a waste of time arguing about it. Gerund as object of preposition: The police arrested him for speeding. Cf. The police arrested him for criminal activity. He put off making a decision till he had more information. Do you feel like taking a walk? We succeeded in getting over all the difficulties. verbs or phrases usually followed by gerund as object: admit 承认; excuse 原谅 ; postpone 拖延 ; fancy 想象;practise 练习; appreciate 欣赏; finish 完成; prevent 防止; avoid 避免;forbid 禁止; propose 建议; consider 考虑; forgive 宽恕; delay 耽搁; imagine 想象; deny 否认; involve 涉及;resist 抵制; risk 冒险; dislike 讨厌; mind 在意; save 挽救; miss 错过; suggest 建议; enjoy 喜欢; pardon 原谅;understand 理解; escape 逃避;permit 允许 can’t stand 忍 不住; can’t help 忍不住; feel like 想,欲; give up 放弃; put off 推迟,instead of 替 换, look forward to 期盼, object to 反对, keep on 坚持, see about 了解, take to 从事 Read the sentences below. Select an appropriate word from the verb list. Convert it to a gerund. No gerund is used twice. (Verb List: analyze, enroll, indicate, make, read, replace, sack, stay, study, walk, work) 1. Many people enjoyed _______along the new footpaths. 2. The students discussed ________together to complete the assignment. 3. The judge delayed _______a decision because new evidence had been presented _______ that an adjournment was in the best interests of justice. 4. The new manager advocated _______twenty per cent of the staff as a matter of principle. 5. Because Geraldine enjoyed ________history she decided _______in a PhD was a good thing to do. 6. Not all students enjoy _________literature, some just prefer ________for pleasure. 7. She hated _______up so late. 8. The mechanic discussed _______the filters when the car would be due for its next service. Keys: walking; working; making; indicating; sacking; studying; enrolling; analyzing; reading; staying; replacing IV. Closing down by doing a quiz 巩固练习: 动名词要点单项选择测验 1. While shopping, people sometimes can't help ________ into buying something they don't really need. A. to persuade B. persuading C. being persuaded D. be persuaded 2. -How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers? -The key ________ the problem is to meet the demand ________ by the customers. A. to solving; making B. to solving; made C. to solve; making D. to solve; made 3. How about the two of us ________ a walk down the garden? A. to take B. take C. taking D. to be taking 4. -What do you think made Mary so upset? - ________ her new bicycle. A. As she lost B. Lost C. Losing D. Because of losing 5. -We don't allow anyone ________ here. -Well, I hate to say it again. We don't allow ________ here. A. to smoke; smoking B. smoking; to smoke C. to smoke; to smoke D. smoking; smoking 6. They thought there is no trouble ________ their favorite brand from other brands. A. to tell B. telling C. tell D. told 7. Some birds finally reach home by accidentally ________ landmarks which they recognize. A. to come across B. coming around C. coming across D. to come around 8. Millions of pounds have been spent ________ the free state education system in Britain. A. to improving B. in improving C. to improve D. to have improved 9. A large glass of water before you eat may help ________ too excited before delicious foods. A. to keep you from getting B. to carry you from getting C. to prevent you to get D. to stop you to get 10. ________ for school once in a while often makes Mr. Smith angry. A. Tom being late B. Tom to be late C. For Tom being late D. Tom's being late (Key: 1-5 CBCCA 6-10 BCBAD ) Period 3: A sample lesson plan for Using Language (Organic Farming) Aims To enjoy reading the passage Organic Farming To use the language by reading, listening, speaking and writing Procedures I. Warming up Warming up by listening and reading aloud Language is created to be listened to and spoken first. So open your book to page 13 and read it aloud while listening to the recording. Watch your pauses between the thought groups. II. Guided reading 1. Reading and underlining Next you are to read and underline all the useful expressions or collocations in the passage. Copy them into your notebook after class as homework. Collocations from ORGANIC FARMING gain a meaning 有某种含义, refer to…与……有关;提到,说到或涉及到;参考,参阅, make the soil fertile 使得土壤肥沃, natural waste from animals 动物的粪便, put…in the field 把…… 放在土里, make the soil rich 使得土壤肥沃, become healthy 变得健康, develop a healthy soil 改良健康的土壤, reduce diseases 减少疾病, grow strong and healthy 变得强壮而且健康, keep…free from…使……脱离……, leave…in the ground 把……留在土里, as a result 因此, get exhausted 变得无力, kill bacteria and pests 杀死细菌和害虫, insist on…坚持, change crops 改变作物, be followed by…紧跟着, put…back into …把……放回到……, need a deeper level of soil 需要深层的土壤, prefer doing sth 宁愿/喜欢做某事, plant…between crops 在两种作物 之间种……, prevent…from…阻止……做……, carry away…把……带走, make sure that 确 保…… 3. Doing exercises Now you are going to do exercises 1, 2 and 3 on page 14. 4. Listening Turn to page 14 and then 15 for the listening exercises 1, 2 and 3. Are you ready? 5. Reading, speaking and writing When trying to argue people into or out of doing something we may use the following expressions: I would rather… I don’t like…because… I’d prefer…because It’s a great pity that… Should I / we…? It’s better to… This is good value because… If I have a choice I’d choose…because What is the advantage of…? You need to… In pairs you are to make up a dialogue to argue each other into or out adopting organic farming. Get started. III. Guided writing 1. Writing a poster Writing a poster which includes all the information about the uses of computer so that you will encourage more farmers to buy and use. You are asked to base your poster on the overall pattern of the article you have learned. Limit your poster to between 200 and 250 words. 2. Writing a speech Write a speech for Professor Yuan Longping. He is to attend an international conference on modern agriculture. You may also make use of the library and network resources for the task. IV. Further applying 1. Finding information Read online to find as much information as possible about Professor Yuan Longping and his research group. Share your findings with your partner next time you are here. 2. Writing a report Go back home to interview your parents or your grandparents about China’s agriculture, its past and present situations. Write a report in English in about 500 words as a weekly project. 3. Acting a text play Turn either one of the two articles into a text play. Rehearse it and play it in front of the class. The play shall last at least 10 minutes. IV. Closing down Closing down by filling a form To end the period, please fill in the form below. What is organic farming? definition characteristics potentials For reference: What is organic farming? definition crops growing with natural rather than chemical fertilizers. characteristics using natural waste from animals potentials making the soil richer in minerals and so more fertile; developing a healthy soil for crops growing strong and healthy Closing down by imaging Imagine and write about what the agriculture will be like 50 years from now in the future. Use your imagination to compete for “wild thinking prize”.

