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Section_ⅤWriting—_海报 海报带有宣传广告的性质,其宣传内容包括电影戏剧消息、体育赛事、学术报告、商品报道、参观旅游、文艺演出等。‎ 一、基本结构 海报一般由标题、正文和落款三部分组成。‎ ‎1.标题。海报的标题是海报最显眼的一部分,一般写在海报上方正中处。标题可以反映海报的核心内容,如Football Match, Lecture, Film News等,也可直接写POSTER。‎ ‎2.正文。海报的内容通常包括三部分。开头通常先介绍活动背景或开展此活动的目的;主体部分介绍活动细节,包括时间、地点、相关人员以及其他事宜;结尾通常发出号召,呼吁人们积极参加该活动。‎ ‎3.落款。海报要写明主办单位名称以及发出海报的日期。海报的署名一般在右下角,日期在署名的下一行,通常位于左下角。‎ 二、增分佳句 ‎1.No admission fee is required for members of the club.‎ ‎2.Tomorrow morning there will be a(n)...‎ ‎3.Children under 6 are not permitted admission.‎ ‎4.For booking, please stop at the Union Club.‎ ‎5.There are still tickets available for the night shows.‎ ‎6.Buses are available and leave at 6:00 pm from the Peace Hotel.‎ ‎7.Come for the real hit of Rock ’n’ Roll performance!‎ ‎8.Please take an active part in it!‎ ‎9.We set it up so that students can publish their English compositions, communicate ideas and improve writing skills.‎ ‎10.Pen lost. Whoever has found it, please inform us about it.‎ ‎11.Everyone is welcome to watch the match and cheer the players up.‎ ‎[题目要求]‎ 根据下面提示为“绿叶”有机蔬菜生产基地写一篇介绍性海报。‎ ‎1.坐落在城西;‎ ‎2.历经20年已经发展成占地1 000多亩的大农场;‎ ‎3.配备有现代化的设施;‎ ‎4.生产过程中不使用任何化肥;‎ ‎5.富含营养;‎ ‎6.产品出口几十个国家;‎ ‎7.联系方式:Tel: 666888123‎ Email:Green Leaf@ Green Leaf.com 第一步:审题构思很关键 一、审题 ‎1.确定体裁:本文为海报;‎ ‎2.确定人称:海报通常用第三人称;‎ ‎3.确定时态:海报的主体时态通常为一般将来时。‎ 二、构思 第一段,点题,吸引读者去了解“绿叶”有机蔬菜生产基地。‎ 第二段,介绍基地的位置、规模、设施、特点等情况。‎ 第三段,介绍联系方式。‎ 第二步:核心词汇想周全 ‎1.chemical_        化学的 ‎2.fertilizer/manure 肥料 ‎3.organic 有机的 ‎4.expand/extend/spread 扩展;伸展 ‎5.decade 十年 ‎6.equip/outfit_ 装备;配备 ‎7.soil/grass_roots 土壤 ‎8.nutrition 营养 ‎9.export 出口 第三步:由词扩句雏形现 ‎1.你是否梦想能天天品尝没有化肥的绿色蔬菜呢?(主谓结构)‎ Have you ever dreamt of tasting_green_vegetables_without_chemical_fertilizer every day?‎ ‎2.它坐落在城西。‎ ‎①It_is_located_in_the_west_of_the_city.(locate)‎ ‎②It_lies_in_the_west_of_the_city.(lie)‎ ‎3.历经20年它已经发展成占地1 000多亩的大农场。‎ ‎①It has_expanded_to_a_farm_covering an area of more than 1,000 mu in the past two decades.(使用现在分词短语作定语)‎ ‎②It has_expanded_to_a_farm_which_covers an area of more than 1,000 mu in the past two decades. (使用which引导定语从句)‎ ‎4.真正让它与众不同的是这儿的蔬菜在种植过程中没有使用任何化肥。(what引导主语从句,that引导表语从句)‎ What_really_makes_it_different_from_others_is_that the vegetables here are grown without any chemical fertilizer.‎ ‎5.肥沃的土壤让这些蔬菜营养丰富。(用make复合结构)‎ The rich soil makes_these_vegetables_full_of_nutrition.‎ ‎6.它出口到世界上许多国家。(被动句)‎ It is_exported_into many countries in the world.‎ 第四步:句式升级造亮点 ‎1.用locate的过去分词短语作状语连接2、3句 Located_in_the_west_of_the_city,_it_has_expanded_to_a_farm_covering/which_covers_an_area_of_more_than_1,000_mu_in_the_past_two_decades.‎ ‎2.用过渡词as a result连接5、6句 The_rich_soil_makes_these_vegetables_full_of_nutrition;as_a_result,_it_is_exported_into_many_countries_in_the_world.‎ 第五步:过渡衔接联成篇 Have you ever dreamt of eating green vegetables without chemical fertilizer every day? Please go to Green Leaf — an organic vegetable base.‎ Located in the west of the city, it has expanded to a farm covering an area of more than 1,000 mu in the past two decades. It has been equipped with advanced facilities. What makes it different from others is that the vegetables here are grown without any chemical fertilizer. The rich soil makes these vegetables full of nutrition; as a result, it is exported into many countries in the world.‎ If you are interested, please contact us in the following ways.‎ Tel: 666888123‎ Email: Green Leaf@ Green Leaf.com

