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‎2018届二轮复习 阅读理解词义猜测题设题特点及典题例析 词义猜测题着重考查考生根据上下文猜测词义的能力,这也是一个从“已知”得出“未知”的过程,即利用上下文的已知部分(尤其是该词或短语前后的句子)进行推理,有时还需要依靠常识和经验来猜测词义。考查范围涉及单词意义理解、短语意义理解、句子意义理解或代词指代对象的确定等。‎ ‎[题型特点]‎ 一、词义猜测题常见设问方式 The underlined word in the second paragraph means “________”.‎ Which of the following words is closest in meaning to the underlined word in the last paragraph? ‎ The underlined word “hunch” in Paragraph 2 can best be replaced by “________”.‎ What does the phrase “knock off” in Paragraph 1 mean? ‎ The underlined sentence in the last paragraph means “________”.‎ The word “it” in the last sentence refers to “________”.‎ 二、词义猜测题干扰选项特征 ‎1.字面解释的选项 词义猜测题考的就是考生能不能结合文章其他信息来理解词句在具体语境中的意思,所以正确答案绝对不会是考查词句的字面解释。‎ ‎2.与上下文结合不紧密的选项 选项如果是上段、上上段或下段、下下段中的内容,是很难和所考查单词、词组或句子产生任何逻辑和语义关系的。‎ ‎[解题流程]‎ ‎[解题技法]‎ 利用上下文线索或逻辑关系猜测词义 做此类题时,考生应尽可能地利用生词所在的上下文中的解释说明性线索来猜测词义,有时单词所在的上下文中没有明显的解释说明性线索,这时可根据上下文的逻辑关系进行推理,以确定某一难词或短语的意义。‎ ‎[例1] There are also varieties developed to suit specific local conditions. One of the very best varieties for eating quality is Orleans Reinette, but you’ll need a warm, sheltered place with perfect soil to ‎ grow it, so it’s a_pipe_dream for most apple lovers who fall for it.‎ ‎30.What does the underlined phrase “a pipe dream” in Paragraph 3 mean? ‎ A.A practical idea.    B.A vain hope.‎ C.A brilliant plan. D.A selfish desire. ‎ ‎[分析] 选B 根据连接词so可知上下文之间存在着因果关系,故我们需要从上文中寻找答案。由上文中的“One of the very best varieties for eating quality is Orleans Reinette, but you’ll need a warm, sheltered place with perfect soil to grow it ...”可知,尽管Orleans Reinette是很好的品种,但是对各项条件的要求很高,因此大多数喜欢它的人种植它的希望会落空。故选择B项。‎ ‎[例2]   Readers also tended to share articles that were exciting or funny, or that inspired negative feelings like anger or anxiety, but not articles that left them merely sad.‎ ‎[分析] 根据下文的举例“like anger or anxiety”可推知,画线部分的意思应是“消极的”。‎ 根据构词法猜测词义 英语中的许多词汇,特别是不断出现的新词大多是通过构词法生成的。因此,掌握主要的构词法有助于猜测词义。‎ A silence in a conversation may also show stubbornness, uneasiness,_or worry. ‎ ‎[分析] 根据构词法知识我们可知,un为否定前缀,ness为名词后缀,easy(舒适)为词根。因此,我们可知uneasiness为“不安;担忧”之意。‎ 根据常识或背景知识猜测词义 有时考生可运用自己的常识或背景知识,根据上下文猜测词义。‎ The objects around you are visible because they interact with light. Light typically travels in a straight line. But some materials slow and scatter (散射) light, bouncing it away from its original path. Others absorb light, stopping it dead in its tracks. ‎ ‎64.The underlined word “dead” in Paragraph 3 means ________. ‎ A.silently B.gradually C.regularly D.completely ‎[分析] 选D 根据画线词dead所在句子的前一句可知,一些物质使光发散;而本句中的前半句说其他的物质吸收光,根据常识我们可以推知应该是“完全地”阻止光的传播。故正确答案为D项。‎ 根据语法知识猜测词义 在英语句子中,同位语或同位语从句、定语从句、状语从句、with复合结构、独立主格结构等都起着解释说明、补充或限定的作用,因此也能提供猜测词义的线索。‎ Some 2,500 years ago Greece discovered freedom. Before that there was no freedom. There were great civilizations, splendid empires, but no freedom anywhere. Egypt and Babylon were both tyrannies,_one very powerful man ruling over helpless masses.‎ ‎65.What does the underlined word “tyrannies” in Paragraph 2 refer to?‎ A.Countries where their people need help.‎ B.Powerful states with higher civilization. ‎ C.Splendid empires where people enjoy freedom.‎ D.Governments ruled with absolute power. ‎ ‎[分析] 选D 根据后面的独立主格结构“one very powerful man ruling over helpless masses”不难得知选项D与其意义一致,即“专政,暴君统治”。 ‎ 典题例析                   ‎ Ⅰ.片断分类练习 ‎1.猜单词义 I am Peter Hodes, a volunteer stem cell courier. Since March 2012, I’ve done 89 trips — of those, 51 have been abroad. I have 42 hours to carry stem cells (干细胞) in my little box because I’ve got two ice packs and that’s how long they last. In all, from the time the stem cells are harvested from a donor (捐献者) to the time they can be implanted in the patient, we’ve got 72 hours at most. So I am always conscious of time.‎ ‎29.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “courier” in Paragraph 1? ‎ A.provider        B.delivery man C.collector D.medical doctor ‎ 解析:选B 本题可利用下文线索猜测词义。根据画线单词后的“I’ve done 89 trips ... to carry stem cells (干细胞)”以及“...from the time the stem cells are harvested from a donor (捐献者) to the time they can be implanted in the patient, we’ve got 72 hours ...”可知,“我”是一个运送干细胞的人,运送有严格的时间限制,故B项“送货员”与之相符合。‎ ‎2.猜代词指代义 Taxis on a rainy New York night are rarer than sunshine. By the time the group got up to leave, it was pouring outside. Welty’s new friends immediately sent a waiter to find a cab. Heading back downtown toward her hotel, her bigcity friends were amazed at the turn of events that had changed their Big Apple dinner into a Mississippi state reunion (团聚).‎ ‎“My friend said:’Now we believe your stories,’” Welty added. “And I said: ’Now you know. These are the people that make me write them.’”‎ Sitting on a sofa in her room, Welty, a slim figure in a simple gray dress, looked pleased with this explanation.‎ ‎“I don’t make them up,” she said of the characters in her ‎ fiction these last 50 or so years. “I don’t have to.”‎ ‎26.The underlined word “them” in Paragraph 6 refers to Welty’s ________.‎ A.readers B.parties C.friends D.stories 解析:选D 本题可利用上文线索猜测词义。根据画线词上文内容可知,朋友们相信Eudora Welty的故事是真实的,正是在现实生活中从这些陌生人的口中得到的信息才让她写出这些故事。由此可推出,them指代的应该是前面的stories。故选D。‎ ‎3.猜短语义 My color television has given me nothing but a headache. I was able to buy it a little over a year ago because I had my relatives give me money for my birthday instead of a lot of clothes that wouldn’t fit. I let a salesclerk fool me into buying a discontinued model. I realized this a day later, when I saw newspaper advertisements for the set at seventyfive dollars less than I had paid. The set worked so beautifully when I first got it home that I would keep it on until stations signed_off for the night. Fortunately, I didn’t get any channels showing allnight movies or I would never have gotten to bed.‎ ‎…‎ ‎2.Which of the following can best replace the phrase “signed off” in Paragraph 1?‎ A.ended all their programs B.provided fewer channels C.changed to commercials D.showed allnight movies 解析:选A 本题可利用上下文线索猜测词义。根据该短语前的“I would keep it on”说明作者非常喜欢看电视,一直看到电视台停止播放节目为止,所以A项“结束所有的节目”与短语sign off“结束广播/电视节目”意义相近,故选A项。‎ ‎4.猜句子义 If you could have one superpower, what would it be?‎ Dreaming about whether you would want to read minds, see through walls, or have superhuman strength may sound silly, but it actually gets to the heart of what_really_matters_in_your_life.‎ Every day in our work, we are inspired by the people we meet doing extraordinary things to improve the world.‎ They have a different kind of superpower that all of us possess: the power to make a difference in the lives of others.‎ ‎24.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 refer to?‎ A.Your life style. B.Your life value.‎ C.Your trouble in life. D.Your life experience.‎ 解析:选B 本题可利用下文线索猜测句意。根据下文第三、四段的内容,尤其是“to improve the world”及“to make a difference ‎ in the lives of others”可知,画线部分指的应是帮助他人、改善世界的人生价值。故B项正确。‎ Ⅱ.典题全析 A ‎ Five years ago, when I taught art at a school in Seattle, I used Tinkertoys as a test at the beginning of a term to find out something about my students. I put a small set of Tinkertoys in front of each student, and said: “Make something out of the Tinkertoys. You have 45 minutes today — and 45 minutes each day for the rest of the week.”‎ A few students hesitated to start. They waited to see what the rest of the class would do. Several others checked the instructions and made something according to one of the model plans provided. Another group built something out of their own imaginations.‎ Once I had a boy who worked experimentally with Tinkertoys in his free time. His constructions filled a shelf in the art classroom and a good part of his bedroom at home. I was delighted at the presence of such a student. Here was an exceptionally creative mind at work. His presence meant that I had an unexpected teaching assistant in class whose creativity would infect (感染) other students.‎ Encouraging this kind of thinking has a downside. I ran the risk of losing those students who had a different style of thinking. Without fail one would declare, “But I’m just not creative.”‎ ‎“Do you dream at night when you’re asleep?”‎ ‎“Oh, sure.”‎ ‎“So tell me one of your most interesting dreams.” The student would tell something wildly imaginative. Flying in the sky or in a time machine or growing three heads. “That’s pretty creative. Who does that for you?”‎ ‎“Nobody. I do it.”‎ ‎“Really — at night, when you’re asleep?”‎ ‎“Sure.”‎ ‎“Try doing it in the daytime, in class, okay?”‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。作为一名教师,作者用一种玩具培养孩子们的创造性和动手能力,其中一个孩子的创造性引起了作者的注意。‎ ‎1.The teacher used Tinkertoys in class in order to ________.‎ A.know more about the students B.make the lessons more exciting C.raise the students’ interest in art D.teach the students about toy design 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“as a test ... to find out something about my students”,可知作者的目的是更多地了解自己的学生。‎ ‎2.What do we know about the boy mentioned in Paragraph 3?‎ A.He liked to help his teacher.‎ B.He preferred to study alone.‎ C.He was active in class.‎ D.He was imaginative.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。第三段作者描述这个学生,说他特别有创造性(was an exceptionally creative mind at work),因此选D项。‎ ‎3.What does the underlined word “downside” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?‎ A.Mistake.       B.Drawback.‎ C.Difficulty. D.Burden.‎ 解析:选B 词义猜测题。前文提到作者很喜爱这个学生,说这个学生的创造性能够感染其他学生,下文说“冒着失去那些有不同的思考风格的学生的风险”,根据语境前后的对比判断,downside的含义应该是drawback“不利条件,缺点”。‎ ‎4.Why did the teacher ask the students to talk about their dreams?‎ A.To help them to see their creativity.‎ B.To find out about their sleeping habits.‎ C.To help them to improve their memory.‎ D.To find out about their ways of thinking.‎ 解析:‎ 选A 推理判断题。作者鼓励学生讲述他们最有趣的梦,然后鼓励学生说,“白天在课堂上也试一试做梦,好吗?”由此推断,作者让学生讲述他们的梦,是为了帮助学生看到自己的创造性,因此选A项。‎ B ‎ Once when I was facing a decision that involved high risk, I went to a friend. He looked at me for a moment, and then wrote a sentence containing the best advice I’ve ever had: Be bold and brave — and mighty (强大的) forces will come to your aid.‎ Those words made me see clearly that when I had fallen short in the past, it was seldom because I had tried and failed. It was usually because I had let fear of failure stop me from trying at all. On the other hand, whenever I had plunged into deep water, forced by courage or circumstance, I had always been able to swim until I got my feet on the ground again.‎ Boldness means a decision to bite_off_more_than_you_are_sure_you_can_eat. And there is nothing mysterious about the mighty forces. They are potential powers we possess: energy, skill, sound judgment, creative ideas — even physical strength greater than most of us realize.‎ Admittedly, those mighty forces are spiritual ones. But they are more important than physical ones. A college classmate of mine, Tim, was an excellent football player, even though he weighed much less than the average player. “In one game I suddenly found myself confronting a huge player, who had nothing but me between him and our goal line,” said Tim. “I was so frightened that I closed my eyes and desperately threw myself at that guy like a bullet (子弹) —‎ ‎ and stopped him cold.”‎ Boldness — a willingness to extend yourself to the extreme — is not one that can be acquired overnight. But it can be taught to children and developed in adults. Confidence builds up. Surely, there will be setbacks (挫折) and disappointments in life; boldness in itself is no guarantee of success. But the person who tries to do something and fails is a lot better off than the person who tries to do nothing and succeeds.‎ So, always try to live a little bit beyond your abilities — and you’ll find your abilities are greater than you ever dreamed.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。“勇敢大胆,你就拥有了强大力量的支持”是本文论述的重点。作者认为失败的大多数原因不是努力了却没有成功,而是因为害怕失败而停止了奋斗的脚步。‎ ‎9.Why was the author sometimes unable to reach his goal in the past?‎ A.He faced huge risks.‎ B.He lacked mighty forces.‎ C.Fear prevented him from trying.‎ D.Failure blocked his way to success.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据文中第二段第一、二句话提到的“... when I had fallen short in the past ... It was usually because I had let fear of failure stop me from trying ...”可以得知,作者在过去有时无法实现目标的原因是恐惧失败而不去尝试,C项所述正确。‎ ‎10.What is the implied meaning of the underlined part?‎ A.Swallow more than you can digest.‎ B.Act slightly above your abilities.‎ C.Develop more mysterious powers.‎ D.Learn to make creative decisions.‎ 解析:选B 句意理解题。根据文中第四段列举的事例,即蒂姆通过自己的努力战胜了比自己强大很多倍的对手,以及第五段的首句“大胆就是尽情发挥自己的极限……”等内容提示可以得知,此处画线部分表示“略高于你的能力进行发挥”,B项所述正确。‎ ‎11.What was especially important for Tim’s successful defense in the football game?‎ A.His physical strength. B.His basic skill.‎ C.His real fear. D.His spiritual force.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据文中第四段的第一、二句话可以得知,精神力量要比体力强大,接下来举例说精神力量在蒂姆足球比赛过程中的重要作用,故选择D项。文中第四段提到“he weighed much less than the average player”,即蒂姆体力不占优势,故A项错误;B项“他的基本技能”在文中未涉及;C项“他真正的恐惧”不是促使足球比赛获胜的原因。‎ ‎12.What can be learned from Paragraph 5?‎ A.Confidence grows more rapidly in adults.‎ B.Trying without success is meaningless.‎ C.Repeated failure creates a better life.‎ D.Boldness can be gained little by little.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。第五段首句提到勇敢大胆并不是一夜之间就能形成的素质,所以D项所述“勇敢大胆可以被逐步获得”正确。文中没有提到成年人培养自信心会更快,故A项错误;根据第五段末句可以得知,努力了但是失败了的人要比没有付出努力却成功的人更强大,故B项错误;C项“反复失败能创造更加美好的生活”为错误观点。‎ ‎13.What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage?‎ A.To encourage people to be courageous.‎ B.To advise people to build up physical power.‎ C.To tell people the ways to guarantee success.‎ D.To recommend people to develop more abilities.‎ 解析:选A 写作意图题。本文首段提到论点“要大胆勇敢地去尝试”,行文从第二段开始通过列举事实对此论点进行论证,故本文作者主要的目的是“鼓励人们要勇敢”,A项所述正确。‎ C I don’t think I can recall a time when I wasn’t aware of the beauty of the ocean. Growing up in Australia, I had the good fortune of having the sea at my side. The first time I went to Halfmoon Bay, I_suddenly_had_the_feeling_of_not_being_able_to_feel_the_ground with_my_feet_anymore.‎ For my 10th birthday, my sister and I were taken out to the Great Barrier Reef. There were fish in different colors, caves and layers of coral. They made such an impression on me. When I learned that only 1 percent of Australia’s Coral Sea was protected, I was shocked. Australian marine (海洋的) life is particularly important because the reefs have more marine species than any other country on earth. But sadly, only 45% of the world’s reefs are considered healthy.‎ This statistic is depressing, so it’s important for us to do everything to protect them. The hope that the Coral Sea remains a complete ecosystem has led me to take action. I’ve become involved with the Protect Our Coral Sea activity, which aims to create the largest marine park in the world. It would serve as a place where the ocean’s species will all have a safe place forever.‎ Together, Angus and I created a little video and we hope it will inspire people to be part of the movement. Angus also shares many beautiful childhood memories of the ocean as a young boy, who grew up sailing, admiring the beauty of the ocean, and trying to find the secrets of ocean species.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文,作者旨在号召人们保护海洋生物。‎ ‎5.From the underlined sentence in Para. 1, we can learn the author ________.‎ A.seldom went surfing at the sea B.forgot his experiences about the ocean C.never went back to his hometown D.had a wonderful impression of Halfmoon Bay 解析:选D 句意理解题。根据第一段第一、二句可知,作者非常喜欢海洋,画线句意为“我突然有了一种不想再踏上陆地的感觉”,说明Halfmoon Bay给作者留下了一个美好的印象。故选D。‎ ‎6.According to the second paragraph, Australian marine life ________.‎ A.is escaping from the Coral Sea gradually B.depends on reefs for living greatly C.may be faced with danger D.is protected better than that in other oceans 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第二段中的最后两句可推知,澳大利亚的海洋生物可能处在危险之中。故选C。‎ ‎ 7.The Protect Our Coral Sea activity is intended to ________.‎ A.contribute to a complete ecosystem B.prevent more marine species being endangered C.set up a large nature reserve for reefs D.raise more teenagers’ environmental awareness 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“which aims to create the largest marine park in the world. It would serve as a place where the ocean’s species will all have a safe place forever”可知,其目的是保护海洋生物免受危险。故选B。‎ ‎8.Angus and the author create a little video to ________.‎ A.urge more people to take action to protect the marine species B.inspire more people to explore the secret of the ocean C.share their childhood experiences about the ocean D.bring back to people their memory of ocean species 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据最后一段的第一句可知,他们的目的是鼓励人们参与到保护海洋生物的行动中来。故选A。‎ D In today’s world of smartphones and notebook computers, most people have at least one timetelling thing with them. Since these digital products are so common, is time running out for the 500yearold watch? According to some consumers, the answer is yes. New Jersey teenager Charlie Wollman says a watch is “an extra piece of equipment with no necessary function”. Many young adults think so and use their smartphones to tell time. It is said that fewer young people wear watches today than ten years ago. As a result, some ‎ people say that the watch industry is at a crossroads.‎ However, watchmakers optimistically say that watches redeem popularity when consumers reach their 20s and 30s. By then, they are willing to spend money on a quality watch that doesn’t just keep good time. Fifty years ago, watchmakers took pride in their products’ accuracy. But in recent years, the watch industry has changed itself into an accessory business. And today, the image a watch communicates has become more important than the time it tells.‎ ‎“Complications” — features that go beyond simple timekeeping — are an important part of a watch’s image. Today’s watches offer lots of features that meet almost any personality. These features include compasses, USB drivers, and even other functions that measure the effectiveness of golf swings!‎ Creativity also plays a key role in designing today’s watches. For example, Japanese watchmaker Tokyoflash makes watches that don’t even look like watches. The company’s popular Shinshoku model uses different color lights to tell time. It looks more like a fashionable bracelet than a watch.‎ Whether a watch communicates fashion sense, creative talent of a love sports, consumers want their watches to stand out. Nowadays, everyone has the same kind of gadget in their bags, so people want to make a statement with what’s on their wrists. Will this interest in wrist fashion last? Only time will tell!‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇 议论文。有人认为,现在有很多可显示时间的设备,因此手表将会退出历史舞台;而制表商则认为,他们的手表能满足人们的不同个性和需求,手表还会流行起来。‎ ‎1.What can we know from the first paragraph?‎ A.As most people see, watches are out of fashion.‎ B.The watch industry will close down sooner or later.‎ C.Some people feel that watches have been of no use.‎ D.There are so many choices of watches for teenagers today.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第一段第五句可知,有些人认为,手表已经没什么用了。故选C。‎ ‎2.The underlined word “redeem” in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by “________”.‎ A.enlarge        B.regain C.change D.win 解析:选B 词义猜测题。根据第二段内容可知,制表商们认为,消费者在二三十岁的时候,就会乐意花钱买一个不错的手表,因此他们对手表能重获消费者的青睐持乐观态度。由此可推知,“redeem”的意思应为“重获”,与regain的意思相近。故选B。‎ ‎3.Japanese watchmaker Tokyoflash is mentioned in Paragraph 4 to ________.‎ A.tell that today’s watches need more imagination B.show why Shinshoku watches are popular C.advertise Shinshoku watches made by Tokyoflash D.make a comparison between watches and bracelets 解析:选A 推理判断题。根据第四段第二句中的“For example ...”可推知,作者提到日本的制表商Tokyoflash是为了说明在第一句中所表达的观点,即如今的手表需要更多的创造性和想象力。故选A。‎ ‎4.What might be the most suitable title for the passage?‎ A.Japanese Watches Stand Out B.Watches Tell More Than Time C.Watch Industry Is in a Bad Situation D.Watches Are Becoming Less Popular 解析:选B 标题归纳题。根据全文内容可知,本文主要讲述的是:为了迎合时代的发展和人们的需求,现在的手表不仅能显示时间,还有一些新功能,比如有指南针和U盘接口等,制表商对手表的未来充满了信心。B项意为“手表不仅仅能显示时间”,体现了本文的中心,适合做标题。故选B。‎ ‎ 【E】‎ Earlier this year, the social media website Facebook announced that it would work with several news organisations — including The New York Times, The Guardian, and the BBC — to place news stories directly into users’ personal Facebook webpage. Stories published using Facebook Instant Articles will load more quickly and keep the ‎ style of the original publisher, who will keep all the advertising income the stories earn at least for now. The deal shows how important social media has become to news organisations, and is a clear sign of how the world of news is changing and has been for a while.‎ When Google News began in 2002, many saw it as the death of the newspaper. It had no human editor. Instead Google used and still uses a secret computer program that selects and displays news stories according to the reader’s personal interests. More recently, Associated Press and Yahoo! have been publishing computer written articles. Both use special software to automatically produce stories about company financial results and sports reports — areas where the quality of writing is felt to be of secondary importance to the accuracy of the data.‎ Should we be worried about such developments? I think we should. One concern is that Facebook, Google and other social media websites see journalism as a sideline, a way of putting people in front of advertisements. It isn’t their primary function — so if it stops making them lots of money, they’re likely to stop doing it.‎ There’s also a concern that computer written articles are not actually journalism at all, because what a human news team produces is actually quite complex. A well written news story puts information in context, offers a voice to each side of an argument and brings the public new knowledge.‎ Though economics and speed of delivery mean readers will probably choose a computer written story over a carefully shaped ‎ article — at least for daily news — I don’t think computers will be writing any in depth articles for a while yet.‎ 语篇解读:脸谱网启用新闻发布平台,合作媒体包括《纽约时报》、《卫报》和英国广播公司(BBC)。‎ ‎9.What is the main purpose of the article?‎ A.To report on a new computer service offered by Facebook.‎ B.To advise readers against reading computer written news.‎ C.To express concerns about recent trends in online news.‎ D.To describe the process of online news reporting.‎ 解析:选C 写作意图题。根据第三段中的“Should we be worried about such developments? I think we should.”可知,作者写本文是为了表达对这一发展趋势的担心。故选C。‎ ‎10.Computer written news reports have so far focused on sports and finance because ________.‎ A.these are the most popular topics for online readers B.there are fewer journalists specialising in these areas C.information on these topics is more easily available D.writing style is less important than accuracy in these areas 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Both use special software ...secondary importance to the accuracy of the data.”‎ 可知,新闻之所以主要报道金融和体育运动方面,是因为它们对写作方式要求不高。故选D。‎ ‎11.What does the underlined word “It” in Paragraph 3 refer to?‎ A.Journalism. B.Advertising.‎ C.Facebook. D.Business.‎ 解析:选A 代词指代题。根据第三段第二句可知,作者认为它们把新闻业当副业;接下来说“它不是它们的主要功能”。故本处“It”指的是新闻业(journalism)。故选A。‎ ‎12.In Paragraph 4, which of the following is mentioned as a characteristic of a well written news article?‎ A.The information presented is up to date.‎ B.The author’s opinion is clear.‎ C.Different views on the topic are presented.‎ D.The language used is vivid.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第四段第二句可知,一篇好的新闻报道会反映各方的心声,呈现不同的观点。故选C。‎

