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第4讲 代词 ‎ 近几年高考在代词上主要考查其基本用法,相对比较简单。考生在解题时要根据语意语境去判断人称和数,要认真阅读上下文,看清指代对象,并注意分析其成分以确定代词的格。未来高考对代词的考查仍将侧重其基本用法,且会加强语境的复杂性。‎ 考点感悟 语法填空 语法填空中对代词的考查侧重于对人称代词、物主代词、反身代词及替代词和it的考查。‎ 感1.(2019·浙江杭州外国语学校高三月考)________ (it) is difficult to figure out where the miners are and reach them in time.‎ 答案:It 此处it是形式主语,动词不定式作真正的主语,故答案为It。‎ 短文改错 短文改错中主要考查代词的指代错误、代词数与格的误用,人称代词与反身代词的误用及物主代词、不定代词的错用等。‎ 感1.(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)In the cafe, customers will enjoy yourselves in the historical environment ... ‎ ‎_____________________‎ 答案:yourselves→themselves 此处指代主语customers,要用themselves。‎ 语法填空 ‎2.(2018·全国卷Ⅲ)When the gorillas and I frightened each other, I was just glad to find ________ (they) alive.‎ 答案:them 跟在动词find后作宾语,故应用人称代词的宾格形式。‎ ‎3.(2016·全国卷Ⅰ)On my recent visit, I held a lively three-month-old twin that had been rejected by ________ (it) mother.‎ 答案:its 修饰名词mother,应用形容词性物主代词。‎ ‎4.(2019·青海西宁三校高三联考)It's a fascinating event for visitors to absorb ________ (they) in the festive atmosphere in the museum.‎ 答案:themselves 短语absorb oneself in表示“集中注意力在……上”,指代visitors,故填themselves。‎ 悟1.学会判断是否该填代词 高考时代词的考查有时给提示词,有时不给提示词,如果没有给提示词,且简单句中缺少主语或宾语,这时一般要填代词,主要包括人称代词、替代词和it ;如果所给提示词为代词,则人称代词需要考虑变为宾格、物主代词或反身代词以及it变为its等。‎ ‎2.学会判断该填何种代词 ①根据所作成分(参考考点素能一)。②根据所指对象:这类通常是考查替代词,一般也不给提示词,如that,those,one(s),it等。③it用法:主要考查作形式主语或形式宾语或固定结构。④代词的固定搭配:如one ... another, some ... the other ... 等。‎ 短文改错 ‎2.(2018·全国卷Ⅱ)As a kid, I love to watch cartoons, but ... They would say to us that playing card games would help my brain.‎ ‎_____________________‎ 答案:us→me 根据上下文可知,谈话的对象应为“我”。‎ ‎3.(2016·全国卷Ⅱ)He had a deep voice, which set himself apart from others in our small town, and he was strong and powerful.‎ ‎_____________________‎ 答案:himself→him 此处意为“他有深沉的嗓音,这使他与他人区分开”。‎ ‎4.(2019·四川绵阳高三第二次诊断)Those outofclass activities in deed helped us relieve the pressure from learning, and promoted us enthusiasm for future study.‎ ‎_____________________‎ 答案:第二个us→our 此处表述“激发了我们对未来学习的热情”。用形容词性物主代词修饰名词enthusiasm “热情”。‎ ‎5.(2015·全国卷Ⅱ)Five minutes later, Tony saw parents.‎ ‎_____________________‎ 答案:parents前加his 根据句意“五分钟后,托尼看见了他的父母”可知答案。‎ 悟1.代词前后要一致 ①看到代词要考虑它与指代内容的数及所有格是否一致;②看到不定代词要考虑它的含义、特点、作用及与其他相近不定代词的区别;③切莫受汉语影响而导致代词的误加或遗漏。‎ ‎2.夯实基础语法知识 一方面考生要熟悉代词所作成分及考试形式,如,修饰名词常用形容词性物主代词,单独使用常用名词性物主代词;另一方面要牢记常见的代词的区别。此外在做题时,还要注意从语意、语境上去考虑,这样才能做到万无一失。‎ 考点素能 一 根据句子成分,确定代词形式 ‎1.作主语,用人称代词主格。‎ ‎2.作宾语或表语,用人称代词宾格。‎ ‎3.作定语,修饰一个名词,用形容词性物主代词。‎ ‎4.作主语、宾语或表语,且常单独使用,用名词性物主代词。‎ ‎5.作宾语、表语或同位语,且反射句子主语,用反身代词。‎ 二 根据句式结构和指代内容,判断使用it的情况 ‎1.it可指代上文提到过的同一事物或同一内容。‎ ‎2.it可指代天气、时间、距离、金钱等。‎ ‎3.it可作形式主语或宾语,指代不定式、动名词或从句,而把真正的主语或宾语后置。‎ ‎4.某些及物动词(通常是表示情感的动词)或短语不能直接跟从句,须先用it作宾语,再加从句,常见的有like, dislike, hate, love, appreciate, depend on, rely on, count on, see to等。‎ ‎5.it常用于一些固定搭配中,如 make it(成功),it is no wonder that ... (难怪……),when it comes to ... (当谈到……),if I can help it(如果我有办法),as sb. put it(正如某人所言),it takes sb. some time to do sth.(做某事花了某人多长时间),it is the first time that ... (第一次……),it is/was ... that/who ... (强调句式)等。‎ 三 根据句式和范围,确定不定代词 ‎1.两者:“二者选其一”用either;“二者都不”用neither;“二者都”用both。‎ ‎2.三者或三者以上:“三者或三者以上的任何一个”用any;“三者或三者以上的都不”选用none;“三者或三者以上都”选用all。‎ ‎3.其他:若表示“(三者或三者以上中的)另外一个”用another;若表示“(两者中的)另一个”用the other;若表示 ‎“其余的,另外的”且在名词前用other;若不跟名词且指代复数,用others。‎ ‎4.肯定句用something,否定句和疑问句用anything。‎ 四 根据指代意义,确定替代词 ‎1.若指代前面出现过的不可数名词或单数可数名词则用that,其复数形式为those。‎ ‎2.若指代前面出现过的那类事物中的“一个”则用one,其复数形式为ones。‎ ‎3.指代同一事物或内容,则用it。‎ 过关检测(限时:30分钟)‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.When he came to life, he found ________ (he) lying on the ground, bleeding in the head.‎ 答案:himself ‎2.I hope my parents won't try to force me to do ________ (they) favorite job.‎ 答案:their ‎3.She asked ________ (I) name and said she didn't remember me.‎ 答案:my ‎4.—Are you going to get your own car after the test?‎ ‎—My parents have said they'll get ________ for me.‎ 答案:one ‎5.—How many students are there in the classroom now?‎ ‎—________. I have locked it.‎ 答案:None ‎6.Both teams were in hard training; ________ was willing to lose the game.‎ 答案:neither ‎7.When I was on the airplane, I kept telling ________ (I) that I had to be strong when facing any troubles or problems.‎ 答案:myself ‎8.However, his fame was not accompanied by money and he found ________ necessary to return to farming.‎ 答案:it Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.Nang is a special kind of cake in Xinjiang. I like them very much.‎ ‎_____________________‎ 答案:them→it ‎2.We are now back home. Thank you very much for showing them around your city and providing us with the wonderful meals.‎ ‎_____________________‎ 答案:them→us ‎3.Finally, I should be able to tell visitors about our history and culture and show them their great achievements.‎ ‎_____________________‎ 答案:their→our ‎4.About 36% of them are fond of surfing the Internet, which helps him know about the latest news and current affairs in the world.‎ ‎_____________________‎ 答案:him→them ‎5.I'd like to introduce Sarah to you. She is a good friend of me.‎ ‎_____________________‎ 答案:me→mine ‎6.Wherever he is, he makes himself a rule to give his mother a call.‎ ‎_____________________‎ 答案:himself→it ‎7.I think I can improve me a lot in this way, because where there is a will, there is a way.‎ ‎_____________________‎ 答案:me→myself ‎8.There are many difficulties and problems that we can't overcome with only their own efforts.‎ ‎_____________________‎ 答案:their→our Ⅲ.语法填空 Foreigners with basic Chinese language skills can generally ask for advice on restaurants or how __1__ (get) to the subway. But the fact is, many still find it __2__ (challenge) to use the language in real-life settings. Some even think that no one in China actually speaks Putonghua, at least not __3__ (nature). This is an opinion that many Chinese themselves would be quick to agree with.‎ However, in a small county __4__ (name) Luanping, Chengde City, Hebei Province, you can meet the locals, young and old, __5__, despite their education level, talk exactly in __6__ same manner as the language recordings you became used to in class. For __7__ (generation), they have known no other mother tongue other than the standard Chinese.‎ Elderly residents in Luanping still remember the experts from the capital __8__ (record) the way they spoke in the 1950s, which began being promoted nationally in 1955. The county __9__ turn proudly calls __10__ (it) the “hometown of Putonghua”.‎ ‎1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________‎ ‎5.________ 6.________ 7.________ 8.________‎ ‎9.________ 10.________‎ 篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文,对河北省承德市滦平县被誉为普通话之乡的原因加以简单介绍。‎ ‎1.to get 考查非谓语动词。那些有着基本中文技能的外国人通常能询问有关餐馆或者如何到达地铁的建议。此处是how to get to the ‎ subway在句中作介词on的宾语。‎ ‎2.challenging 考查词性转换。但事实是许多人仍然发现在现实环境中使用这门语言很具有挑战性。在“find it+形容词+to do sth.”结构中,形容词作宾语补足语,故用形容词challenging。‎ ‎3.naturally 考查词性转换。有些人甚至认为在中国事实上没有人说普通话,至少说得不够自然。此处应用副词修饰speaks。‎ ‎4.named 考查非谓语动词。name在此作动词,意为“命名,给……取名”,是及物动词,与被修饰词a small county之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词作后置定语。‎ ‎5.who 考查定语从句的引导词。设空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是locals,设空处在定语从句中作主语,故用who。‎ ‎6.the 考查冠词。the same (as) ... “(与……)相同,一样”,是固定搭配。‎ ‎7.generations 考查名词。根据语境可知,此处指“祖祖辈辈”,且generation是可数名词,故填generations。‎ ‎8.recorded 考查动词的时态。20世纪50年代专家们对他们说话的方式加以录音。句中有明确的表示过去的时间,即in the 1950s,故使用一般过去时。‎ ‎9.in 考查介词。这个县继而自豪地称自己为“普通话之乡”。in turn “转而,相应地”。‎ ‎10.itself 考查代词。因为设空处作宾语与句子主语The county指同一事物,故此空应填入反身代词itself。‎ Ⅳ.短文改错 Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I feel great honored to be speaking on behalf of all the camp members. First of all, I'd like to express my sincere thank to all the teachers and host families which have given us a lot of help in life and in study. During past few weeks we have had a wonderful time and achieve a lot. The host parents took care of us, which made us feeling at home. But with the help of the teachers we have made great progress in English. Meanwhile, we have got to know more about western history and culture before seeing so many places of interest. What's more, the visit to such famous universities as Harvard University and Stanford‎ ‎University that has broadened our horizons.‎ What they have gained from this camp is not only knowledge, but also friendship. I hope our friendship will last forever. Thank you!‎ 答案:‎ Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I feel honored to be speaking on ‎ behalf of all the camp members. First of all, I'd like to express my sincere to all the teachers and host families have given us a lot of help in life and in study. During past few weeks we have had a wonderful time and a lot. The host parents took care of us, which made us at home. with the help of the teachers we have made great progress in English. Meanwhile, we have got to know more about western history and culture seeing so many places of interest. What's more, the visit to such famous universities as Harvard University and Stanford‎ ‎University has broadened our horizons.‎ What have gained from this camp is not only knowledge, but also friendship. I hope our friendship will last forever. Thank you!‎

