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外研版四年级英语上册期中考试测试卷 听力部分(40 分) 一、 听音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。(10 分) ( )1.A.left B.right C.near D.beside ( )2.A.read B.take C.talk D.play ( )3.A.high B.strong C.far D.fast ( )4.A.dragon boat B.play chess C.listen to D.get on ( )5.A.juice B.egg C.tomato D.poato 二、选出你所听到的句子。(10 分) ( )1.A.Have you got a new sweater? B.Have you got a red dress? ( )2.A.Here’s a red hat. B.She’s got a red hat. ( )3.A.He’s playing basketball. B.He’s drawing pictures. ( )4.A.Do you want some rice? B.Do you want some juice. ( )5.A.They’re rowing a boat. ( )B.They’re playing chess. 三、听音,圈出正确的图片。(10 分) 1.A. B. 2. A. B. 3. A. B. 4. A. B. 5. A. B. 四、听音,给所听到的句子选择正确的汉语意思。(10 分) 1.A.你想吃一些水饺吗? B.你想吃一些米饭吗? 2. A.他正在喝豆浆。 B.我喜欢喝豆浆。 3.A.他正在跳。 B.他正在跳舞。 4.A.它紧靠超市旁边。 B.它在电影院附近。 5.A.他正在拍照。 B.他正在画画。 笔试部分 五、看图选单词。(共 10 分) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) A.chess B.tomato C.train D.boat E.house 六、选择(20 分) ( )1、—Have you got a pen? — . A.Yes,I have. B.Yes,I haven’t. C.No,I have. ( )2、Tom . A.is swim B. are swimming C.is swimming ( )3、— is the cinema? —Go straight on and turn left. A.what B.where C.who ( )4、 is my friend ,Tom. A.They B.He C.She ( )5、Lingling is a picture. A.draw B.drawing C.draws ( )6、—What he doing? A.is B.am C.are ( )7、I’m reading a book China. A.about B.to C.in ( )8、Look the people the lake. A.at;to B.in;on C.at;on ( )9、We can see interesting things. A.a lots of B.lots of C.lot of ( )10、He’s noodles. A.make B.making C.makeing 七、根据图片意思选出正确的一项。(计 10 分) ( )1、 A、She is reading a book. B、She is writing a letter. ( )2、 A、The car is down the hill. B、The car is up the hill. ( )3、 A、She is singsing. B、She is dancing. ( )4、 A、They are swimming B、They are running. ( )5、 A、Do you want some juice? B、Do you want some milk? 八、英译汉(20 分) 1、play chess ___________ 2、go straight on ___________ 3、You’re welcome ___________ 4、take pictures ___________ 5、I’m hungry ___________ 6、fast food___________ 7、row a drangon boat ___________ 8、at the station ___________ 9、on the lake ___________ 10、He goes to work by car ___________ 九、判断正误. 根据图片意思,判断所给的句子是否相符, 相符的写“T”,不相符的写“F” 。(计 10 分) ( )1.They are playing basketball. ( )2.He is going to eat an apple. ( )3.She is drawing. ( )4. watch TV. ( )5.She isn’t dancing. 十、情景选择(10 分) ( )1、你想知道面条多少钱一碗,你会问___________ A、How many? B、It’s five yuan. C、How much is it? ( ) 2、你想知道 Sam 是否会踢球,你会问___________ A、Yes,he can B、Can Sam play football? C、No,he can’t. ( )3、你想知道那只大象正在干什么,Daming 告诉你___________ A、You are dancing B、It’s listening to music C、It’s an elephant. ( )4、你想对别人说非常感谢,你会说___________ A、Thank you so much B、You’re welcome! C、Come on. ( )5、你想知道去公园的路怎么走,你会问___________ A、 Go straight on,Turn left. B、Where’s the park? C、I can’t do it.

