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2018届二轮复习 阅读理解能力七大要求及三大对策 一 阅读理解能力七大要求 在考试中,阅读理解是限时阅读。它主要考查考生两个方面的阅读理解能力:一是快速阅读能力;二是准确的理解能力。下面大家整理了英语阅读理解高分必备能力,希望对大家有帮助。 1文章体裁辨析能力 英语中,由于不同文体的英语文章有不同的写作方法。如果考生具备了识别英文文体的能力,能根据文体特征迅速抓住文章的要点,就会大大缩短阅读时间,提高理解效率。 2文章结构辨析能力 英语文章有一个共同的特点,一般说来,首先确定文章的主题句,即文章的中心,然后,后面的内容都是围绕这一中心来展开论述的。中心句一般位于文章最前面,也有的位于文章末尾,还有的位于文章的中间。有了文章结构的辨析能力,考生就能快速对文章进行全面、系统的掌握。从而根据试题的不同内容或要求在不同的部位准确找到答案的依据。 3归纳总结能力 虽然绝大多数英语文章有中心句,但也还有些文章根本没有中心句。如有些描述性的记叙就要求考生根据文章内容来归纳、总结出中心句。目前高考中的英语试题总有 3~4 题考查考生对文章中心的理解,这就要求考生一定要具有对文章的归纳、总结能力。 4生词猜测能力 掌握一定量的词汇是进行阅读的前提,但运用各种英语知识猜测生词的能力是考查考生阅读理解能力的一个重要方面。倘若单词都不认识,也就无法阅读下去。然而,并不是说,一定要把所有的单词都认识才能进行阅读。事实上,阅读当中出现一些生词,是一件非常正常的事情。不仅英语阅读如此,就连本族语也是这样。正因为如此,有些语言专家把阅读戏称为猜词游戏。因此,考生在英语阅读理解过程中碰到不认识的单词时,要根据各种知识大胆地猜测生词的意义,培养猜测生词意义的能力。 5长句分析能力 句子长而复杂是现代英语的一个显着特点,特别在现代科技英语中更是这样。作者为了把叙述说得准确、逻辑严密,往往是一个主句接一个或几个状语从句、宾语从句、定语从句、同位语从句、并列句,中间还来几个非谓语动词短语或插入语。这样不但使句子长,而且句子结构支离破碎,令读者不知从何处下手。因此,为了夺得高考英语阅读理解的高分,考生必须具备长句分析能力。 6综合推断能力 近年来,英语阅读理解中的推理判断题逐年增多,单从文章的字面找不出答案,而要根据文章中的某些词、短语或句子来推断出它内在的深层意义,或将几个事实综合起来对文章进行深层理解。因此,考生必须在平时的训练中提高综合推断能力。 7. 陷阱识别能力 在英语阅读理解题所给选项中,常出现部分真实的情况,但往往以偏概全、过于笼统,增添枝叶,让选项中的确含有原文中的事实、细节,或原文中已有的情况,却并不与原文事实完全一致,故意扰乱考生的视觉,让考生信以为真,这就是英语阅读理解中的陷阱。因此,考生要具有对陷阱的识别能力,才能绕过陷阱,从而作出正确的选择。 二 阅读理解三大对策 阅读理解是高考英语试卷中卷面分值最高的。阅读有四篇,再加七选五。阅读整体上而言,虽然阅读考查很多能力,比如说你掌握信息的能力、阅读速度,阅读速度也是考查之一。另外,比如说你推断的能力、概括的能力,这些都是阅读题考查的,但是其实最最重要的还是学生的词汇量基础如何。就是如果你的词汇量、你的阅读理解能力很强,所以阅读这一块应该不会成为太大的问题。 当然这应该是我们在高一、高二、高三这三年的过程中不断训练的。但是在高考的考场上来说,阅读这部分,如果我们想尽可能少的失分,因为毕竟每道题两分,少的失分的话,它还是有一些技巧的。就是我们需要去分析清楚,当然我们一般推荐学生在高考的时候,非七选五的阅读题,我们一般做题方法就是先题后文,就是你一定要先看问题,然后看完问题看选项,然后你大概就知道你应该去找什么样的信息,这样的话,你回到原文去,再有目的地去阅读。当然我也发现,最近有些高二升高三的孩子,他们在做高考阅读的时候,他们也会出现各种各样的问题,包括高三现在的学生,他们有的时候会跳读,可能之前老师要求很多学生要去跳读,因为这样会读得很快,但是有些孩子因为跳读没有规律,所以他往往中间会丢失很多信息,这样就会直接导致你考试的时候失分。 所以,阅读这个部分,按理说他是可以能够拿满分的一个部分。所以,如果能够保证这样的话,我觉得第一点、时间分配要清楚,比如说阅读题,你一定要限制在每篇阅读6-7分钟,不能再超了,因为再超了,你其他的时间就没有了。另外一个,一定要分题型,就是如果他是细节题,就一定要上文章中去找细节,一定要找到那句话,如果你没有找到那个出题点的话,你轻易地去选往往会出错。如果他是那种概括题的话,就一定要注意文章的首段、尾段、尾段的首句,这 样的文章细致地阅读,能够帮助我们的考生去把这样的题更好地去做对。 而且还有一个特点,高考试卷有一个非常重要的做题方法,就是排除法,英语也是一样的、所有部分都适用、阅读也是,就是四个选项中,如果他是细节题,那当然不用说了,一定只有一个是正确答案。如果他是正误判断题呢,往往其中会有两个答案都是,你会觉得这两个答案都差不多、都很对,有两个肯定是不对的,和细节不符。所以这样的话,一定要用排除法,找出那两个,然后和文章中每一句逐句地去比较,然后细致地分析它的含义,这样的话才能够真正把那个真的东西找出来,我们说去伪存真,才能够把那个真正正确的答案找出来。 所以,这些都是一些做阅读的一些小技巧,一定把这个题型分析清楚,把时间分配好,我觉得这是最重要的。 高考英语阅读大智慧:找到正确流程 在课堂内外常有学生问到一个问题:在高考阅读的解题中,到底应该先看题目还是先看文章。可以说,这是高考阅读教学中的经典问题之一。通常情况下,“习惯是人生伟大的指南”。因为不管是什么样的解题顺序,首先你要养成一个正确的阅读习惯,在好的习惯的指引下,任何题型的文章你都可以融会贯通,点面俱到。 通过长时间的高考阅读的研究和整理,我大体将目前学生的阅读流程分为三类: 第一类:读文章——做题目——回头再读文章 此为传统方法,命中率高,但速度稍慢。优点是能够迅速理解全文的主题脉络,连贯地进行信息的排查,缺点是由于人的记忆力有限,很多细节在做题时已经忘却,有不确定的地方仍需回到原文细细查找,寻找依据,耗时费力。这种方法的使用,需要较好的英文基础外加优秀的强记能力,一般使用于高分段的学生。 不过,这种阅读流程的效果不单纯作用于考试,还可以切实提高英文阅读水平,对同学们大学以后的学习大有帮助。所以这种阅读顺序,我推荐给高一高二的学生在平时的阅读解题中大可以培养这种习惯,一方面确保准确率,第二稳步提升自己的英文阅读实力,但对于高三的同学,这种方法有些欠妥。由于复习时间的紧张,我们最好摒弃掉此类阅读习惯。 第二类:读题目(题干+选项)—— 读文章 —— 做题目 其实此类方法分两种,一种是只看题不看选项,即大致看看问题,然后带着问题再看文章;另一种是将题干和所有选择项看完,再看文章。第一种的优点是节约时间,缺点是由于不看选项,对于细节缺乏必要的把握,同样要返回文章找寻关键点,而且定位的时候没有精确的坐标;第二个就相对而言科学很多,优点是明了要重点注意的目标信息,有很好阅读的针对性,缺点是相对读文章的时间少了,难免断章取义缺少宏观的把握,容易陷入干扰选项设置的陷阱之中。 对于高三的同学们,还是建议多使用这种方法,方法虽有利弊,但对于时间紧张的你们,往往事半功倍。 第三类:读主题——读题目—— 读全文——做题目 先看懂各段首尾句或短文的第一段,大致明了文章的主题。此后细细地阅读题干推敲选项的大致设置,思考作者的行文规律和命题者的出题陷阱,然后带着已经在首尾句获得的信息和在题目中假设的思路回头进行有目的性的查找工作,准确率高且耗时相对较少。而我们现在的高考阅读文章均取自国内外的英文刊物,少有命题组自行行文的类型,此类文章逻辑严谨,结构清晰,所以气定神闲地先读完各段的首句再耐心的推敲考题选项的设置,往往会直接将四个选支排除掉一个或两个,这无疑对我们的解题帮助极大,减少了我们判断的压力轻松地将文章读完。 高考阅读虽错综复杂,但是只要你养成很好的阅读习惯,加上一些必要的解题技巧是一定能征服它的。 三 典题例析 A During the two and a half years since I settled down in Germany, I’ve caught a cold several times and gotten to experience how different German cold remedies (疗法) are from the Chinese ones. Back in Taiwan, whenever I had a streaming nose and a dry throat, I’d rush to the hospital to get prescribed medicine. For a fever, I would receive a red pill, which I now know is a type of antibiotic (抗生素). Another thing I know now is that the criminal behind my cold is a virus. The drugs I used only relieved the symptoms.When I went to a German hospital intending to get some medicine to treat my cold, I got nothing more than a pat on my shoulder and words from the doctor, saying that I should get some really good rest. The first time this happened, I was shocked. I wondered how I could put up with my sickness without the help of medicine. But the longer I stayed in Germany, the better I knew how to selfmedicate as other Germans do. I learned to take vitamin C to build up my resistance. But what I like the most is drinking “Erk ltungstee”. For German people, Erk ltungstee is what their grandmother gives them when they catch a cold. It’s a tea bag mainly made of lime flower and orange rind. Another popular cold remedy in Germany is chicken soup. During my first winter in Germany, I got a really bad cold. My neighbor brought me a bowl of chicken soup to make me feel better. It contained a lot of ginger, onion, garlic, carrots and celery. Germans believe these ingredients are perfect for helping your body recover. 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了作者在德国如何应对感冒的故事。 1.How did the author feel after seeing the German doctor? A.Relieved. B.Surprised. C.Satisfied. D.Stressed. 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第三段的“The first time this happened, I was shocked.”可知,作者第一次在德国看医生时,医生的应对方式让他很震惊。 2.According to the author, what effect do antibiotics have on his cold? A.They cure his cold. B.They prevent the disease. C.They kill the virus in him. D.They make him feel better. 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第三段的第二句可推知,作者之前生病时所吃的抗生素只是缓解了感冒的症状,让他自己感觉好一些而已。 3.What do Germans think of “Erk ltungstee”? A.It can replace any cold remedy. B.It can build up one’s resistance. C.It’s a good way to selfmedicate. D.It’s better than chicken soup. 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第三段的最后一句并结合最后一段所列举的Erk ltungestee的例子可知,它是一种自我疗法。 4.What can we infer from the text? A.Germans tend not to use antibiotics to treat a cold. B.The author often catches a cold in Taiwan. C.The author seldom drinks chicken soup. D.German doctors are cold to patients. 解析:选A 推理判断题。根据第三段和最后一段的整体内容可知,德国人感冒后医生是不给开药的,而且德国人有自我疗法。由此可推知,德国人不会感冒了就去吃抗生素。 B All hotels are restored periodically. However, few do it as frequently as Sweden’s Icehotel. Located in a remote village of Sweden, the hotel is constructed entirely from ice and therefore, has to be rebuilt annually. The 26yearold tradition began accidentally in 1989 when locals organized an art exhibition to attract winter visitors. Among the tourists was an adventurous group that announced their intention of spending the night in the building where the exhibition was being held. That’s when the idea of building the icy accommodations occurred to the locals. Each year, the preparations begin in March and the construction starts in November. Within eight to twelve weeks, Icehotel is ready to welcome its first visitors until midApril. After that, the beautiful structure will slowly melt into one giant pool. Among this year’s unique suite (套房) offerings is the “Elephant in the Room.” It features a 3metre tall sculpted elephant overlooking an iceframed bed. For those seeking something more cuttingedge,_there are ones themed after a Swedish horror film and local fairy tales. To get a good night’s rest, guests have to snuggle inside their sleeping bags with gloves and hats on. Though that seems a little uncomfortable, visitors say it is an experience like none other. The hotel also features a beautifully crafted ice church where over 100 couples will get married this year and an ice bar that will serve drinks in glasses carved from ice. Though dining options are limited to the hotel’s only restaurant, guests will have little to complain about with Michelintrained chef Alexander Meier in charge. To keep customers entertained, the hotel offers a lot of fun activities like snowshoeing, dog sledding, and even overnight wilderness camping. 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了瑞典一家特殊的冰雕宾馆。 5.What makes the Icehotel special? A.It is located in a remote village. B.It holds an art exhibition annually. C.It is entirely built from ice. D.It offers different theme suites. 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第一段的第三句可知,这个宾馆的特殊之处在于其整个建筑都是由冰建造的。 6.How long is Icehotel in service every year? A.About one month. B.About three months. C.About half a year. D.About a whole year. 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第三段的“the construction starts in November. Within eight to twelve weeks, Icehotel is ready to welcome its first visitors until midApril”可知,宾馆的营业时间大约是三个月。 7.What does the underlined word “cuttingedge” in Paragraph 4 probably mean? A.Thrilling. B.Beautiful. C.Frustrating. D.Peaceful. 解析:选A 词义猜测题。根据第四段的第三句可推知,与童话或恐怖电影有关的东西应该是很刺激的,thrilling“惊险的,令人激动的”,故选A。 8.What can visitors do while staying in Icehotel? A.Learn to sculpt animals from ice. B.Have dinner in a restaurant nearby. C.Hold wedding ceremonies there. D.Watch Swedish horror movies. 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据最后一段的第一句“The hotel also features ...carved from ice.”可知,在这个宾馆里可以举行婚礼。 C Ever since Grumpy Cat first appeared online, the_Internet_can’t_get_enough_of_her. But attention is not the only thing that this cat is getting. Her fortune is estimated at $100 million, more than many famous actors and musicians earn. So how did it all start? Grumpy Cat’s owner Tabatha Bundesen was working as a waitress when her brother Bryan decided to take a photo of her funnylooking cat and post it on Reddit, a social news site. In a matter of hours, she became a sensation (轰动). It got 1 million views on Imgur in 48 hours. Grumpy Cat’s real name is Tardar Sauce and she actually has a condition called dwarfism, which makes her constantly frowning. But that unique frown turned out to be worth millions of dollars. Tabatha, who lives in Arizona in the US, isn’t complaining. She still remembers that September 22, 2012, when her life turned upside down. Since her cat became a worldwide phenomenon, she was able to quit her job and devote her life to managing her cat’s modeling career. Sounds unbelievable, but it’s true. She says that her only job now is to book Tardar’s photo shoots, commercials (商业广告), and other appearances. What are the other benefits of owning a milliondollar cat? Apart from not having to work, Tabatha can travel all the time. She has time and money to visit her family more often and enjoy her life. She never could have imagined just how huge her cat would become, but she always knew Tardar was very special. And she is glad to see her cat bringing joy to so many people around the world. As for the millions of dollars Tardar has earned, they come from all the products, commercials and a bestselling book. She even has her own movie Grumpy Cat’s Worst Christmas Ever. 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文,主要介绍了Grumpy Cat和她的主人Tabatha Bundesen的相关情况。 9.What does the underlined part “the Internet can’t get enough of her” mean? A.The Internet can’t stand her any more. B.The Internet can’t pay more attention to her. C.People don’t focus on her any longer on the Internet. D.The Internet can’t find enough information about her. 解析:选B 词义猜测题。根据第一段第二句可知,这只猫得到的不仅仅是关注。B项“这只猫在网络上得到了很大的关注”与之表述一致。 10.What made Grumpy Cat become famous? A.Her unusual appearance. B.Her bad temper. C.Her short and fat body. D.Her unique fur. 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“take a photo of her funnylooking cat”和第五段中的“which makes her constantly frowning. But that unique frown ...”可知,是这只猫特别的长相使她出名了。故选A。 11.About Tabatha Bundesen, we know that ________. A.she now works as a waitress B.she feels very tired of her famous cat C.she only manages her cat’s modeling career D.she is too busy to go home to visit her parents 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第七段第一句中的“she was able to quit her job and devote her life to managing her cat’s modeling career”可知,选C。 12.The general idea of the last paragraph is ________. A.how the cat can become so famous B.how the cat can make so much money C.what the film about the cat is named D.how the cat’s owner spends so much money 解析:选B 段落大意题。文章最后一段的内容告诉我们Tardar是如何赚如此多的钱的。故选B。查看更多