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‎2018届二轮复习 阅读理解话题阅读 文化教育类 细节理解题解题技巧 ‎【试题探究】‎ 只有准确理解全部细节,才能深刻而又全面地领悟主题思想。因为段落中的细节都是用来阐明主旨大意的,辅助论据支撑或阐述主题思想。因此,属于细节类的理解题既可检测阅读者对主旨大意理解的深度,又可测定他们对每个细节准确领会的广度。‎ 在阅读考试中,查找主要事实或特定细节题型常见的设问的形式一般是:‎ ‎1.Which of the following statements is (not) true (or correct)?‎ ‎2.Which of the following is not mentioned in the text?‎ ‎3.All of the following are true except________.‎ ‎4.The author (or the passage) states that________.‎ ‎5.According to the passage,when...?‎ 总之,细节理解题的六大类型是:‎ ‎1.直接信息题 在原文中可直接找到答案。常用who,what,when,where,why和how等提问。‎ ‎2.语意转换题 有时需要将题目信息与原文相关信息进行语意上的转换,两者形式不同,但意义不变。‎ ‎3.逻辑排序题 考生可以先找出最早和最后的一个事件发生的时间,并分别把它们作为事件发生的起点和终点,然后使用排除法将范围一一缩小。‎ ‎4.数字计算题 解答此类试题的方法是先理解题意和文意,然后经过对比、分析、计算等得出正确答案。‎ ‎5.图形理解题 在解答此类试题的时候,一定要把握图形中所暗含的信息,特别是有些事实是通过图片来描述的,考生可以按图索骥直至找出正确答案。‎ ‎6.是非判断题 这类试题要求考生确定与原文信息一致或不一致的一项。考生应首先明确题干要求;其次,在原文中进行细节定位;最后,仔细推敲,锁定答案。‎ 当然,针对某一具体的文章,还可以有各种各样形形色色的设问方式。对于细节题,也可以说对于任何阅读理解题,考生必须根据文章提供的信息进行答题,而不能根据自己的主观判断或者一般常识来答题。‎ ‎【方法指导】‎ 细节理解题针对不同的文章,不同的细枝末节,可以有不同的设问,这就让人觉得它是那么不可捉摸,犹如雾里看花,水中望月。其实,这种题型是阅读考试中最简单的了。我们只要记住一点:万变不离其宗。这种题型无论有什么千变万化,你只要能看懂文章和题干,答案都能在原文中找到明显的线索。下面,我们就来看看,对付这等“千变魔头”有何绝招?‎ 我们读文章,无外乎是对两个方面的理解。一个是浅层理解,或表层理解。另一个是深层理解,或内涵理解。所谓表层理解,指要读懂文章的基本内容,包括主要事实和各个细节。主要事实指文章中对于主题主旨具有典型意义的重要事实,这是文章的基本框架。细节是构成主要事实的局部因素或充实事实的例子、数据等细枝末节。一篇文章一般都包括这些要素。所以阅读理解考试中要求寻找的主要事实和特定细节都可以在文章中找到。但是,要注意的是出题者不会很明白很直接地提问,而是很注意提问的技术性或艺术性。也就是说,他提问都是要设障碍的,要罩上一层迷雾的,使得你弄不清问题指的是哪一件事,哪一个细节,造成你寻找的困难,这就要求你仔细琢磨了。归纳起来,提问技巧一般有隐含提问法、真伪证实法、迂回提问法三种。‎ ‎1.隐含提问法 出题者使用同义词语、参照词、代词等,使考生对阅读内容和问题产生模糊感。例如:‎ The basketball team never lacked vociferous(大叫大喊的)young supporters,but they rarely responded to this show of enthusiasm.‎ Who seldom reacted to that enthusiastic show?‎ A.The young people.‎ B.The players.‎ C.Some people.‎ D.A lot of people.‎ 因为the basketball team和players;seldom reacted和rarely responded是两对同义关系的词语,而“they”又与basketball team有参照关系,所以答案应该是B。‎ ‎2.真伪证实法 出题者要求考生确定文章中的事实,不让其问题直接与文章中的事实对号入座,而是提出似是而非,或完全错误的事实让考生去判断。对于这类题目,考生不要根据自己读文章的最初印象马上加以判断,而必须找到与问题相应的文章部分,找出正确肯定的事实,才可以据此判定否定的或错误的答案选项。例如:‎ One word that sums up(概括)our age better than any other—whether “our age”is“the technological age”of western countries or the “modernizing age”of China—is the word CHANGE.But has change not always been present?True,but never before at such a breakneck speed.Today it is more than just change.It is unprecedented change.In such a world,reading provides the best tool we have for keeping up and for ‎ avoiding future shock in a world continually being remade.‎ Which of the following is NOT true?‎ A.Western countries and China are being remade.‎ B.Reading will help understand our age.‎ C.The present age and future world are continually changing.‎ D.Reading is the best tool provided by our age.‎ 选择题中,A、B、C三项均与文意吻合一致。D项是一个似是而非的选择答案。文中的Reading provides the best tool for us(阅读对我们来说,是最好的工具)和选项中D.Reading is the best tool provided by our age.(阅读是我们时代提供的最好工具),意思不符,所以答案是D。‎ ‎3.迂回提问法 这又是一种设障提问技巧。问题不直接提出,而是绕着弯子提出。比如,涉及时间、距离及数据等时,你必须经过复杂的计算才能确定答案,有时,选择答案给你的数据与文章中的数据不符,只是一个近似数值,(其它选择答案完全不沾边,完全错误),或者,提问者只给你一部分事实,让读者推出相应的事实使某事实更完整正确(这又叫做省略提问法)。‎ 巧用“导读法”快速定位细节 做细节题时,一般采用导读法,即先读题,然后带着题干信息快速浏览全文,找出与问题有关的词语或句子,再对相关部分进行比较、分析、对比,最后得出答案。‎ 做题时注意同一语意的不同表达方式,有时为了增加试题的难度,问题的表达一般不用文章中的原话,而是使用同义词、近义词、句型的变换来表达,因此,一定要先看题干,理清问题所在。‎ Passage 1‎ ‎(2016·全国Ⅰ)The meaning of silence varies among cultural groups.Silences may be thoughtful, or they may be empty when a person has nothing to say.A silence in a conversation may also show stubbornness, or worry.Silence may be viewed by some cultural groups as extremely uncomfortable; therefore attempts may be made to fill every gap (间隙) with conversation.Persons in other cultural groups value silence and view it as necessary for understanding a person’s needs.‎ Many Native Americans value silence and feel it is a basic part of communicating among people, just as some traditional Chinese and Thai persons do.Therefore, when a person from one of these cultures is speaking and suddenly stops, what maybe implied(暗示) is that the person wants the listener to consider what has been said before continuing.In these cultures, silence is a call for reflection.‎ Other cultures may use silence in other ways, particularly when dealing with conflicts among people or in relationships of people with different amounts of power.For example, Russian, French, and Spanish persons may use silence to show agreement between parties about the topic under discussion.However, Mexicans may use silence when instructions are given by a person in authority rather than be rude to that person by arguing with him or her.In still another use, persons in Asian cultures may view silence as a sign of respect, particularly to an elder or a person in authority.‎ Nurses and other care-givers need to be aware of the possible meanings of silence when they come across the personal anxiety their patients may be experiencing.Nurses should recognize their own personal and cultural construction of silence so that a patient’s silence is not interrupted too early or allowed to go on unnecessarily.A nurse who understands the healing(治愈) value of silence can use this ‎ understanding to assist in the care of patients from their own and from other cultures.‎ ‎1.What does the author say about silence in conversations?‎ A.It implies anger. B.It promotes friendship.‎ C.It is culture-specific. D.It is content-based.‎ ‎2.Which of the following people might regard silence as a call for careful thought?‎ A.The Chinese. B.The French.‎ C.The Mexicans. D.The Russians.‎ ‎3.What does the author advise nurses to do about silence?‎ A.Let it continue as the patient pleases.‎ B.Break it while treating patients.‎ C.Evaluate its harm to patients.‎ D.Make use of its healing effects.‎ ‎4.What may be the best title for the text?‎ A.Sound and Silence B.What It Means to Be Silent C.Silence to Native Americans D.Speech Is Silver; Silence Is Gold Passage 2‎ ‎(2016·全国Ⅱ)Reading can be a social activity.Think of the people who belong to book groups.They choose books to read and then meet to discuss them.Now, the website BookCrossing.com turns the page on the traditional idea of a book group.‎ Members go on the site and register the books they own and would like to share.BookCrossing provides an identification number to stick inside the book.Then the person leaves it in a public place, hoping that the book will have an adventure, traveling far and wide with each new reader who finds it.‎ Bruce Peterson, the managing director of BookCrossing, says, “The two things that change your life are the people you meet and books you read.BookCrossing combines both.”‎ Members leave books on park benches and buses, in train stations and coffee shops.Whoever finds their book will go to the site and record where they found it.‎ People who find a book can also leave a journal entry describing what they thought of it.E-mails are then sent to the BookCrossing to keep them updated about where their books have been found.Bruce Peterson says the idea is for people not to be selfish by keeping a book to gather dust on a shelf at home.‎ BookCrossing is part of a trend among people who want to get back to the “real” and not the virtual(虚拟).The site now has more than one million members in more than one hundred thirty-five countries.‎ ‎1.Why does the author mention book groups in the first paragraph?‎ A.To explain what they are.‎ B.To introduce BookCrossing.‎ C.To stress the importance of reading.‎ D.To encourage readers to share their ideas.‎ ‎2.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refer to?‎ A.The book.‎ B.An adventure.‎ C.A public place.‎ D.The identification number.‎ ‎3.What will a BookCrosser do with a book after reading it?‎ A.Meet other readers to discuss it.‎ B.Keep it safe in his bookcase.‎ C.Pass it on to another reader.‎ D.Mail it back to its owner.‎ ‎4.What is the best title for the text?‎ A.Online Reading: A Virtual Tour B.Electronic Books: A new Trend C.A Book Group Brings Tradition Back D.A Website Links People through Books Passage 3‎ ‎(2016·全国Ⅲ)If you are a fruit grower—or would like to become one—take advantage of Apple Day to see what’s around.It’s called Apple Day but in practice it’s more like Apple Month.The day itself is on October 21, but since it has caught on, events now spread out over most of October around Britain.‎ Visiting an apple event is a good chance to see, and often taste, a wide variety of apples.To people who are used to the limited choice of apples such as Golden Delicious and Royal Gala in supermarkets, it can be quite an eye opener to see the range of classical apples still in existence, such as Decio which was grown by the Romans.Although it doesn’t taste of anything special, it’s still worth a try, as is the knobbly(多疙瘩的) Cat’s Head which is more of a curiosity than anything else.‎ There are also varieties developed to suit specific local conditions.One of the very best varieties for eating quality is Orleans Reinette, but you’ll need a warm, sheltered place with perfect soil to grow it, so it’s a__pipe__dream for most apple lovers who fall for it.‎ At the events, you can meet expert growers and discuss which ones will best suit your conditions, and because these are family affairs, children are well catered for with apple-themed fun and games.‎ Apple Days are being held at all sorts of places with an interest in fruit,including stately gardens and commercial orchards(果园).If you want to have a real orchard experience, try visiting the National Fruit Collection at Brogdale,near Faversham in Kent.‎ ‎1.What can people do at the apple events?‎ A.Attend experts’ lectures.‎ B.Visit fruit-loving families.‎ C.Plant fruit trees in an orchard.‎ D.Taste many kinds of apples.‎ ‎2.What can we learn about Decio?‎ A.It is a new variety. B.It has a strange look.‎ C.It is rarely seen now. D.It has a special taste.‎ ‎3.What does the underlined phrase “a pipe dream” in Paragraph 3 mean?‎ A.A practical idea. B.A vain hope.‎ C.A brilliant plan. D.A selfish desire.‎ ‎4.What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?‎ A.To show how to grow apples.‎ B.To introduce an apple festival.‎ C.To help people select apples.‎ D.To promote apple research.‎ Passage 4‎ ‎(2016·北京高考)‎ Why College Is Not Home The college years are supposed to be a time for important growth in autonomy(自主性) and the development of adult identity.However,now they are becoming an extended period of adolescence,during which many of today’s students are not shouldered with adult responsibilities.‎ For previous generations,college was decisive break from parental control; guidance and support needed help from people of the same age and from within.In the past two decades,however,continued connection with and dependence on family,thanks to cellphones,email and social media,have increased significantly.Some parents go so far as to help with coursework.Instead of promoting the idea of college as a passage from the shelter of the family to autonomy and adult responsibility,universities have given in to the idea that they should provide the same environment as that of the home.‎ To prepare for increased autonomy and responsibility,college needs to be a time of exploration and experimentation.This process involves “trying on ” new ways of thinking about oneself both intellectually(在思维方面) and personally.While we should provide “safe spaces” within colleges,we must also make it safe to express opinions and challenge majority views.Intellectual growth and flexibility are fostered on debate and questioning.‎ Learning to deal with the social world is equally important.Because a college community(群体) differs from the family,many students will struggle to find a sense of belonging.If students rely on administrators to regulate their social behavior and thinking pattern,they are not facing the challenge of finding an identity within a larger and complex community.‎ Moreover,the tendency for universities to monitor and shape student behavior runs up against another characteristic of young adults: the response to being controlled by their elders.If acceptable social behavior is too strictly defined(规定) and controlled,the insensitive or aggressive behavior that administrators are seeking to minimize may actually be encouraged.‎ It is not surprising that young people are likely to burst out,particularly when there are reasons to do so.Our generation once joined hands and stood firm at times of national emergency.What is lacking today is the conflict between adolescent’s desire for autonomy and their understanding of an unsafe world.Therefore,there is the desire for their dorms to be replacement homes and not places to experience intellectual growth.‎ Every college discussion about community values,social climate and behavior should include recognition of the developmental importance of student autonomy and self-regulation,of the necessary tension between safety and self-discovery.‎ ‎1.What’s the author’s attitude toward continued parental guidance to college students?‎ A.Sympathetic. B.Disapproving.‎ C.Supportive. D.Neutral.‎ ‎2.The underlined word “passage” in Paragraph 2 means ________.‎ A.change B.choice ‎ C.text D.extension ‎3.According to the author,what role should college play?‎ A.To develop a shared identity among students.‎ B.To define and regulate students’ social behavior.‎ C.To provide a safe world without tension for students.‎ D.To foster students’ intellectual and personal development.‎ ‎4.Which of the following shows the development of ideas in the passage?‎ I:Introduction P:Point Sp:Sub-point(次要点)‎ C:Conclusion Passage 5‎ ‎(2016·四川高考)If you could have one superpower, what would it be?‎ Dreaming about whether you would want to read minds, see through walls, or have superhuman strength may sound silly, but it actually gets to the heart of what_really_matters_in_your_life.‎ Every day in our work, we are inspired by the people we meet doing extraordinary things to improve the world.‎ They have a different kind of superpower that all of us possess: the power to make a difference in the lives of others.‎ We’re not saying that everyone needs to contribute their lives to the poor.Your lives are busy enough doing homework, playing sports, making friends, seeking after your dreams.But we do think that you can live a more powerful life when you devote some of your time and energy to something much larger than yourself.Find an issue you are interested in and learn more.Volunteer or, if you can, contribute a little money to a cause.Whatever you do, don’t be a bystander.Get involved.You may have the opportunity to make your biggest difference when you’re older.But why not start now?‎ Our own experience working together on health, development, and energy the last twenty years has been one of the most rewarding parts of our lives.It has changed who we are and continues to fuel our optimism about how much the lives of the poorest people will improve in the years ahead.‎ ‎1.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 refer to?‎ A.Your life style. B.Your life value.‎ C.Your trouble in life. D.Your life experience.‎ ‎2.Why does the author say they are inspired every day?‎ A.They possess different kinds of superpowers.‎ B.They have got the power to change the world.‎ C.Some people around them are making the world better.‎ D.There are many powerful people in their life and work.‎ ‎3.What does the author stress in Paragraph 5?‎ A.Learning more and contributing more to a cause.‎ B.Rising above self and acting to help others.‎ C.Working hard to get a bigger opportunity.‎ D.Trying your best to help the poor.‎ ‎4.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?‎ A.The author believes the lives of the poorest will get better.‎ B.Much more progress will be made in the near future.‎ C.The work on health is the most valuable experience.‎ D.People’s efforts have been materially rewarded.‎ Passage 1‎ ‎(2015·全国Ⅱ)More students than ever before are taking a gap-year (间隔年)before going to university.It used to be called the “year off” between school and university.The gap-year phenomenon originated(起源) with the months left over to Oxbridge applicants between entrance exams in November and the start of the next academic year.‎ This year,25,310 students who have accepted places in higher education institutions have put off their entry until next year,according to statistics on university entrance provided by the University and College Admissions Service(UCAS).‎ That is a record 14.7% increase in the number of students taking a gap year.Tony Higgins from UCAS said that the statistics are good news for everyone in higher education.“Students who take a well-planned year out are more likely to be satisfied with,and complete,their chosen course.Students who take a gap year are often more mature and responsible,” he said.‎ But not everyone is happy.Owain James,the president of the National Union of Students(NUS),argued that the increase is evidence of student hardship-young people are being forced into earning money before finishing their education.“New ‎ students are now aware that they are likely to leave university up to £15,000 in debt.It is not surprising that more and more students are taking a gap year to earn money to support their study for the degree.NUS statistics show that over 40% of students are forced to work during term time and the figure increases to 90% during vacation periods,”he said.‎ ‎1. What do we learn about the gap year from the text?‎ A.It is flexible in length.‎ B.It is a time for relaxation.‎ C.It is increasingly popular.‎ D.It is required by universities.‎ ‎2. According to Tony Higgins,students taking a gap year________.‎ A.are better prepared for college studies B.know a lot more about their future jobs C.are more likely to leave university in debt D.have a better chance to enter top universities ‎3. How does Owain James feel about the gap-year phenomenon?‎ A.He’s puzzled. B.He’s worried.‎ C.He’s surprised. D.He’s annoyed.‎ ‎4. What would most students do on their vacation according to NUS statistics?‎ A.Attend additional courses.‎ B.Make plans for the new term.‎ C.Earn money for their education.‎ D.Prepare for their graduate studies.‎ Passage 2‎ ‎(2015·北京高考)Technological change is everywhere and affects every aspect of life, mostly for the better. However, social changes are brought about by new technology are often mistaken for a change in attitudes.‎ An example at hand is the involvement of parents in the lives of their children who are attending college. Surveys(调查) on this topic suggests that parents today continue to be “very” or “somewhat” overly-protective even after their children move into college dormitories. The same surveys also indicate that the rate of parental involvement is greater today than it was a generation ago. This is usually interpreted as a sign that today’s parents are trying to manage their children’s lives past the point where this behavior is appropriate.‎ However, greater parental involvement does not necessarily indicate that parents are failing to let go of their “adult” children. ‎ In the context(背景) of this discussion, it seems valuable to first find out the cause of change in the case of parents’ involvement with their grown children. If parents of earlier generations had wanted to be in touch with their college-age children frequently, would this have been possible? Probably not. On the other hand, does the possibility of frequent communication today mean that the urge to do so wasn’t present a generation ago? Many studies show that older parents—today’s grandparents—would have called their children more often if the means and cost of doing so had not been a barrier.‎ Furthermore, studies show that finances are the most frequent subject of communication between parents and their college children. The fact that college students are financially dependent on their parents is nothing new; nor are requests for more money to be sent from home. This phenomenon is neither good nor bad; it is a fact of college life, today and in the past.‎ Thanks to the advanced technology, we live in an age of bettered communication. This has many implications well beyond the role that parents seem to play in the lives of their children who have left for college. But it is useful to bear in mind that all such changes come from the technology and not some imagined desire by parents to keep their children under their wings.‎ ‎1.The surveys inform us of ________.‎ A.the development of technology B.the changes of adult children’s behavior C.the parents’ over-protection of their college children D.the means and expenses of students’ communication ‎2.The writer believes that ________.‎ A.parents today are more protective than those in the past B.the disadvantages of new technology outweigh its advantages C.technology explains greater parental involvement with their children D.parents’ changed attitudes lead to college children’s delayed independence ‎3.What is the best title for the passage?‎ A.Technology or Attitude B.Dependence or Independence C.Family Influences or Social Changes D.College Management or Communication Advancement ‎4.Which of the following shows the development of ideas in this passage?‎ Passage 3‎ ‎(2015·重庆高考)At thirteen,I was diagnosed(诊所) with a kind of attention disorder.It made school difficult for me.When everyone else in the class was focusing on tasks,I could not.‎ In my first literature class,Mrs.Smith asked us to read a story and then write on it,all within 45 minutes.I raised my hand right away and said,“Mrs.Smith,you see,the doctor said I have attention problems.I might not be able to do it.”‎ She glanced down at me through her glasses,“You are no different from your classmates,young man.”‎ I tried,but I didn’t finish the reading when the bell rang.I had to take it home.‎ In the quietness of my bedroom,the story suddenly all became clear to me.It was about a blind person,Louis Braille.He lived in a time when the blind couldn’t get much education.But Louis didn’t give up.Instead,he invented a reading system of raised dots(点),which opened up a whole new world of knowledge to the blind.‎ Wasn’t I the “blind” in my class,being made to learn like the “sighted” students? My thoughts spilled out and my pen started to dance.I completed the task within 40 minutes.Indeed,I was no different from others; I just needed a quieter place.If Louis could find his way out of his problems,why should I ever give up?‎ I didn’t expect anything when I handled in my paper to Mrs.Smith,so it was quite a surprise when it came back to me the next day—with an“A” on it.At the bottom of the paper were these words:“See what you can do when you keep trying?”‎ ‎1.The author didn’t finish the reading in class because ________.‎ A.he was new to the class B.he was tired of literature C.he had an attention disorder D.he wanted to take the task home ‎2.What do we know about Louis Braille from the passage?‎ A.He had good sight.‎ B.He made a great invention.‎ C.He gave up reading.‎ D.He learned a lot from school.‎ ‎3.What was Mrs.Smith’s attitude to the author at the end of the story?‎ A.Angry. B.Impatient.‎ C.Sympathetic. D.Encouraging.‎ ‎4.What is the main idea of the passage?‎ A.The disabled should be treated with respect.‎ B.A teacher can open up a new world to students.‎ C.One can find his way out of difficulties with efforts.‎ D.Everyone needs a hand when faced with challenges.‎ Passage 4‎ ‎(2015·湖北高考)Science has a lot of uses.It can uncover laws of nature,cure diseases,make bombs,and help bridges to stand up.Indeed science is so good at what it does that there’s always a temptation(诱惑) to drag it into problems where it may not be helpful.David Brooks,author of The Social Animal,The Hidden Sources of Love,Character,and Achievement,appears to be the latest in a long line of writers who have failed to resist the temptation.‎ Brooks gained fame for several books.His latest book The Social Animal,however,is more ambitious and serious than his earlier books.It is an attempt to deal with a set of weighty topics.The book focuses on big questions:What has science revealed about human nature? What are the sources of character? And why are some people happy and successful while others aren’t?‎ To answer these questions,Brooks surveys a wide range of disciplines (学科).Considering this,you might expect the book to be a dry recitation of facts.But Brooks has structured his book in an unorthodox (非常规的),and perhaps unfortunate,way.Instead of introducing scientific theories,he tells a story,within which he tries to make his points,perhaps in order to keep the reader’s attention.So as Harold and Erica,the hero and heroine in his story,live through childhood,we hear about the science of child development,and as they begin to date we hear about the theory of sexual attraction.Brooks carries this through to the death of one of his characters.‎ On the whole,Brooks’ story is acceptable if uninspired.As one would expect,his writing is mostly clear and,to be fair,some chapters stand out above the rest.I enjoyed ,for instance,the chapter in which Harold discovers how to think on his own.While Harold and Erica are certainly not strong or memorable characters,the more serious problems with The Social Animal lie elsewhere.These problems partly involve Brooks’s attempt to translate his tale into science.‎ ‎1.The author mentions the functions of science at the beginning of the passage to ‎ ________.‎ A.illustrate where science can be applied B.demonstrate the value of Brooks’s new book C.remind the readers of the importance of science D.explain why many writers use science in their works ‎2.According to the author,which of the following could be a strength of the book?‎ A.Its strong basis.‎ B.Its convincing points.‎ C.Its clear writing.‎ D.Its memorable characters.‎ ‎3.What is the author’s general attitude towards the book?‎ A.Contradictory. B.Supportive.‎ C.Cautious. D.Critical.‎ ‎4.What is the author likely to write about after the last paragraph?‎ A.Problems with the book.‎ B.Brooks’s life experience.‎ C.Death of the characters.‎ D.Brooks’s translation skills.‎ Passage 5‎ ‎(2015·福建高考)‎ Food festivals around the world Stilton Cheese Rolling May Day is a traditional day for celebrations, but the 2,000 English villagers of Stilton must be the only people in the world who include cheese rolling in their annual plans.Teams of four,dressed in a variety of strange and funny clothes, roll a complete cheese along a 50-metre course.On the way, they must not kick or throw their cheese, or go into their competitors’ lane(赛道).Competition is fierce and the chief prize is a complete Stilton cheese weighing about four kilos (disappointingly, but understandably the cheeses used in the race are wooden ones).All the competitors are served with beer or port wine, the traditional accompaniment for Stilton cheese.‎ Fiery Foods Festival—The Hottest Festival on Earth Every year more than 10,000 people head for the city of Albuquerque, New Mexico.They come from as far away as Australia, the Caribbean and China, but they all share a common addiction—food that is not just spicy(辛辣),but hot enough to make your mouth burn, your head spin and your eyes water.Their destination is the Fiery Food and BBQ Festival which is held over a period of three days every March.You might like to try a chocolate-covered habanero pepper—officially the hottest pepper in the world—or any one of the thousands of products that are on show.But one thing’s for sure—if you don’t like the feeling of a burning tongue, this festival isn’t for you!‎ La Tomatina—The World’s Biggest Food Fight On the last Wednesday of every August, the Spanish town of Bunol hosts La Tomatina—the world’s largest food fight.A week-long celebration leads up to an exciting tomato battle as the highlight of the week’s events.The early morning sees the arrival of large trucks with tomatoes—official fight-starters get things going by casting tomatoes at the crowd.‎ The battle lasts little more than half an hour, in which time around 50,000 kilograms of tomatoes have been thrown at anyone or anything that moves, runs, or fights ‎ back.Then everyone heads down to the river to make friends again—and for a much-needed wash!‎ ‎1.In the Stilton cheese rolling competition, competitors on each team must ________.‎ A.wear various formal clothes B.roll a wooden cheese in their own lane C.kick or throw their cheese D.use a real cheese weighing about four kilos ‎2.Where is the Fiery Food and BBQ Festival held?‎ A.In New Mexico. B.In the Caribbean.‎ C.In Australia. D.In China.‎ ‎3.The celebration of La Tomatina lasts ________.‎ A.three days B.seven days C.less than three days D.more than seven days ‎4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?‎ A.The chief prize for the Stilton cheese rolling competition is beer or port wine.‎ B.More than 10,000 Chinese take part in the Fiery Food and BBQ Festival.‎ C.Thousands of spicy foods are on show in the Fiery Food and BBQ Festival.‎ D.An exciting tomato battle takes place at the beginning of La Tomatina.‎ Passage 6‎ ‎(2014·新课标全国Ⅰ)As more and more people speak the global languages of English,Chinese,Spanish,and Arabic,other languages are rapidly disappearing.In fact,half of the 6,000~7,000 languages spoken around the world today will likely ‎ die out by the next century,according to the United Nations Educational,Scientific,and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).‎ In an effort to prevent language loss,scholars from a number of organizations—UNESCO and National Geographic among them—have for many years been documenting dying languages and the cultures they reflect.‎ Mark Turin,a scientist at the Macmillan Center,Yale University,who specializes in the languages and oral traditions of the Himalayas,is following in that__tradition.His recently published book,A Grammar of Thangmi with an Ethnolinguistic Introduction to the Speakers and Their Culture,grows out of his experience living,working and raising a family in a village in Nepal.‎ Documenting the Thangmi language and culture is just a starting point for Turin,who seeks to include other languages and oral traditions across the Himalayan reaches of India,Nepal,Bhutan,and China.But he is not content to simply record these voices before they disappear without record.‎ At the University of Cambridge Turin discovered a wealth of important materials—including photographs,films,tape recordings,and field notes—which had remained unstudied and were badly in need of care and protection.‎ Now,through the two organizations that he has founded—the Digital Himalaya Project and the World Oral Literature Project—Turin has started a campaign to make such documents,found in libraries and stores around the world,available not just to scholars but to the younger generations of communities from whom the materials were originally collected.Thanks to digital technology and the widely available Internet,Turin notes,the endangered languages can be saved and reconnected with speech communities.‎ ‎1.Many scholars are making efforts to ________.‎ A.promote global languages B.rescue disappearing languages C.search for language communities D.set up language research organizations ‎2.What does“that tradition”in Paragraph 3 refer to?‎ A.Having full records of the languages.‎ B.Writing books on language teaching.‎ C.Telling stories about language users.‎ D.Living with the native speakers.‎ ‎3.What is Turin’s book based on?‎ A.The cultural studies in India.‎ B.The documents available at Yale.‎ C.His language research in Bhutan.‎ D.His personal experience in Nepal.‎ ‎4.Which of the following best describes Turin’s work?‎ A.Write,sell and donate.‎ B.Record,repair and reward.‎ C.Collect,protect and reconnect.‎ D.Design,experiment and report.‎ Passage 7‎ ‎(2014·辽宁高考)Travis is the manager of G&G where he is responsible for forty employees (雇员)and profits (利润) of over $2 million per year.He’s never late to ‎ work.He does not get upset on the job.When one of his employees started crying after a customer screamed at her,Travis took her away.“Your working uniform is your shelter,”he told her.“Nothing anyone says will ever hurt you.You will always be as strong as you want to be.”‎ Travis picked up that lecture in one of his G&G training courses,an education program that began on his first day and continues throughout an employee’s occupation.The training has,Travis says,changed his life.G&G has taught him how to live,how to focus,how to get to work on time,and how to master his emotions (情绪).Most importantly,it taught him willpower.‎ At the center of that education is an extreme focus on an all-important habit:willpower. Dozens of cases show that willpower is the single most important habit for a person’s success.‎ And the best way to strengthen willpower is to make it into a habit.“Sometimes it looks like people with great self-control aren’t working hard-but that’s because they’ve made it automatic,”Angela Duckworth,one of the University of Pennsylvania researchers said.“Their willpower occurs without them having to think about it.”‎ The company spent millions of dollars developing programs of study to train employees on self-control.Managers wrote workbooks that serve as guides to how to make willpower a habit in workers’ lives.Those courses are,in part,why G&G has grown from a sleepy company into a large one with more than seventeen thousand stores and profits of more than $10 billion a year.‎ ‎1.We learn from Paragraph 2 that employees in G&G must ________.‎ A.learn to give lectures B.attend education programs C.design a working uniform D.develop a common hobby ‎2.Willpower will become a habit when employees can ________.‎ A.focus on the profits B.benefit from the job C.protect themselves well D.control their feelings well ‎3.What can we infer from the passage?‎ A.G&G has grown into a large company.‎ B.G&G will spend half its profits training employees.‎ C.G&G may become more successful in the future.‎ D.G&G has to produce more workbooks for managers.‎ Passage 8‎ ‎(2014·安徽高考)You are the collector in the gallery of your life.You collect.You might not mean to but you do.One out of three people collects tangible(有形的)things such as cats,photos and noisy toys.These are among some 40 collections that are being shown at“The Museum Of”—the first of several new museums which,over the next two years,will exhibit the objects accumulated by unknown collectors.In doing so,they will promote a popular culture of museums,not what museums normally represent.‎ Some of the collections are fairly common—records,model houses.Others are strangely beautiful—branches that have fallen from trees,for example.But they all reveal (显露)a lot of things:ask someone what they collect and their answers will tell you who they are.‎ Others on the way include“The Museum of Collectors”and“The Museum of ‎ Me.”These new ones,it is hoped,will build on the success of“The Museum Of.”The thinkers behind the project want to explore why people collect,and what it means to do so.They hope that visitors who may not have considered themselves collectors will begin to see they,too,collect.‎ Some collectors say they started or stopped making collections at important points:the beginning or end of adolescence—“it’s a growing-up thing;you stop when you grow up,”says one.Other painful times are mentioned,such as the end of a relationship.For time and life can seem so uncontrollable that a steady serial(顺序排列的)arrangement is comforting.‎ ‎1.How will the new museums promote a popular culture of museums?‎ A.By collecting more tangible things.‎ B.By showing what ordinary people have collected.‎ C.By correcting what museums normally represent.‎ D.By accumulating 40 collections two years from now.‎ ‎2.What can be learned about collectors from their collections?‎ A.Who they are.‎ B.How old they are.‎ C.Where they were born.‎ D.Why they might not mean to collect.‎ ‎3.Which of the following is an aim of the new museums?‎ A.To help people sell their collections.‎ B.To encourage more people to collect.‎ C.To study the significance of collecting.‎ D.To find out why people visit museums.‎ ‎4.According to the last paragraph,people may stop collecting when they ________.‎ A.become adults B.feel happy with life C.are ready for a relationship D.feel time to be uncontrollable Passage 1‎ ‎(2017·安徽安庆市高三下学期第二次模拟)Between about 1910 and 1930,new artistic movements in European art were making themselves felt in the United States.American artists become acquainted with the new art on their trips to Paris and at the exhibitions in the famous New York gallery “291” of the photographer Alfred Stieglitz.But most important in the spread of the modern movements in the United States was the sensational Armory Show of 1913 held in New York,in which the works of a number of progressive American painters were shown.‎ Several of the American modernists who were influenced by the Armory Show found the urban landscapes,especially New York,an appealing subject.Compared with the works of the realist painters,the works of American modernists were much removed from the actual appearance of the city; they were more interested in the “feel” of the “Ash Can School” and the later realists were still tied to nineteenth-century or earlier styles,while the early modernists shared in the international breakthroughs of the art of the twentieth century.‎ The greatest of these breakthroughs was Cubism,developed most fully in France between 1907 and 1914,which brought about a major revolution in Western painting.It overturned the rational tradition that had been built upon since the Renaissance.In Cubism,natural forms were broken down analytically into geometric shapes.No longer was a clear differentiation made between the figure and the background of a painting: objects represented and the surface on which they were painted became one.The Cubism abandoned the conventional single vantage point of the viewer,and objects depicted from multiple viewpoints were shown at the same time.‎ ‎1.What does the passage mainly talk about?‎ A.The development of Cubism.‎ B.Modern art movements in US.‎ C.Contemporary artists in US.‎ D.The influence of photography.‎ ‎2.American artists learned about new artistic movements through the following means EXCEPT ________.‎ A.lessons from successful artists B.the Memory Show of 1913‎ C.trips to Europe D.the exhibitions at the gallery “291”‎ ‎3.Why does the author mention Alfred Stieglitz?‎ A.To show photography was the major influence in modern art.‎ B.To compare him to the other artists of his time.‎ C.To point out many artists learned from him.‎ D.To give an example of someone who influenced modern art.‎ ‎4.According to the author,which of the following was a favorite subject for American modernists? ‎ A.Portraits of famous people.‎ B.Country scenes.‎ C.Pictures of buildings’ interiors.‎ D.City landscapes.‎ Passage 2‎ ‎(2017·安徽合肥市高三第一次质量检测)When slaves were first brought over from West Africa to the southern parts of America,they brought along with them aspects of their own culture—religion,dance,language,music,and cuisine.A mix of the two cultures eventually appeared. The religious dance of the ring shout turned into modern dances like the Charleston,and tribal chants slowly transformed into sorrowful hymns (圣歌) sung by slaves that described their hardships.‎ These soulful accounts by slaves of the severe climate and conditions began to be called “the blues”,which continued in popularity among African Americans after the Civil War.This music increased in popularity into the early 1900s when many black musicians became an important part of the music industry.‎ The slaves that had been brought over were from all different regions of West Africa,but they worked together until they gradually formed a common culture.This strengthened the identity of their music that,in the 1950s,eventually led to the beginning of rock and roll.The Beatles,the most influential band of the 1960s,are often determined as the accelerator that resulted in the ideology (意识形态) surrounding music that is still around today.The freedom and individuality associated with that time period brought forth a whole culture surrounding music.It was not just music any more,but a lifestyle.‎ Over the decades,music has developed into such a vital part of society and pop culture.Musicians are glorified,with tons of adoring and screaming fans.The modern technology of present day has allowed for a greater gap between the creator of the music and the fans,as well as the widespread commercialization of music.However,criticisms of modern pop music often arise due to its mass production,and now there is lack of the same soul and quality of naturalness and simplicity in music that was rising in the early 20th century.‎ ‎1.What contributed to the birth of the Charleston?‎ A.Various African religions.‎ B.People’s love of tribal dances.‎ C.A mix of two different cultures.‎ D.The popularity of sorrowful hymns.‎ ‎2.According to the passage,what can we learn about the blues?‎ A.It became popular in the late 20th century.‎ B.It may include the description of slaves’ sad lives.‎ C.It mainly told the stories of the American Civil War.‎ D.It reflected the hard lives of many black musicians.‎ ‎3.What does the underlined word “This” in the third paragraph refer to?‎ A.Slaves’ collective work.‎ B.One region of West Africa.‎ C.The new common culture.‎ D.The music by the Beatles.‎ ‎4.It can be learned that the music in the early 20th century ________.‎ A.possessed soul and sincerity B.became more commercialized C.was blamed for its mass production D.widened the gap between musicians and fans Passage 3‎ ‎(2017·重庆南开中学高三二诊模拟)‎ Part one: First Major Novels If Dickens had remained the author of Pickwick,Oliver Twist,and The old Curiosity Shop,he might have gained lasting fame only as an author of cheerful comedy.But Dombey and Son,published in 1846 and continued till 1848,is a realistic novel of human life in a society which had taken more or less its modern form.The novel is a study of the influence of the values of a business society on the members of the Dombey family.‎ Part two: Dark novels In 1851 Dickens was struck by the death of his father and one of his daughters within 2 weeks.Partly in response to these losses,he created a series of works which have come to be called his “dark” novels and which rank among the greatest success of the art of fiction.‎ Part three: Later Works In 1859 Dickens published A Tale of Two Cities,a historical novel of the French Revolution,which is read today most often as a school text.It is a fine picture of the historical period and a moving tale of a surprisingly modern hero.Besides publishing this novel in the lately founded All the Year Round,Dickens also published 17 articles,which appeared together with the novel as a book later.‎ Dickens’s next novel,Great Expectations (1860~1861),tells the story of a young man’s moral development in the course of his life—from childhood in the provinces to gentleman’s role in London.Not based on his own life like David Copperfield,Great Expectations belongs to type of fiction called,in German,Bildungsroman (the novel of a man’s education or formation by experience.)‎ ‎1.Which of the following Dickens’ novels shows a clear change of style?‎ A.David Copperfield. B.Pickwick.‎ C.Dombey and Son. D.Oliver Twist.‎ ‎2.According to the passage,A Tale of Two Cities ________.‎ A.is about the Industry Revolution B.can be found in most of the textbooks C.is better than his “dark” novels D.is probably published in a new magazine ‎3.In Great Expectation,Dickens writes about ________.‎ A.the growth of a man B.how to become a gentleman C.his own life experience D.a man’s school education Passage 4‎ ‎(2017·宁夏银川九中高三第二次模拟)Some years ago,writing in my diary used to be a usual activity.I would return from school and spend the expected half hour recording the day’s events,feelings,and impressions in my little blue diary.I did not really need to express my emotions by way of words,but I gained a certain ‎ satisfaction from seeing my experiences forever recorded on paper.After all,isn’t accumulating memories a way of preserving the past?‎ When I was thirteen years old,I went on a long journey on foot in a great valley,well equipped with pens,a diary,and a camera.During the trip,I was busy recording every incident,name and place I came across.I felt proud to be spending my time productively,dutifully preserving for future generations a detailed description of my travels.On my last night there,I wandered out of my tent,diary in hand.The sky was clear and lit by the glare of the moon,and the walls of the valley looked threatening behind their screen of shadows.I automatically took out my pen...‎ At that point,I understood that nothing I wrote could ever match or replace the few seconds I allowed myself to experience the dramatic beauty of the valley.All I remembered of the previous few days were the dull characterizations I had set down in my diary.‎ Now,I only write in my diary when I need to write down a special thought or feeling.I still love to record ideas and quotations that strike me in books,or observations that are particularly meaningful.I take pictures,but not very often only of objects I find really beautiful.I’m no longer blindly satisfied with having something to remember when I grow old.I realize that life will simply pass me by if I stay behind the camera,busy preserving the present so as to live it in the future.‎ I don’t want to wake up one day and have nothing but a pile of pictures and notes.Maybe I won’t have as many exact representations of people and places; maybe I’ll forget certain facts,but at least the experiences will always remain inside me.I don’t live to make memories—I just live,and the memories form themselves.‎ ‎1.Before the age of thirteen,the author regarded keeping a diary as a way of ________.‎ A.observing her school routine B.expressing her satisfaction C.impressing her classmates D.preserving her history ‎2.What caused a change in the author’s understanding of keeping a diary?‎ A.A dull night on the journey.‎ B.The beauty of the great valley.‎ C.A striking quotation from a book.‎ D.Her concerns for future generations.‎ ‎3.What does the author put in her diary now?‎ A.Notes and beautiful pictures.‎ B.Special thoughts and feelings.‎ C.Detailed accounts of daily activities.‎ D.Descriptions of unforgettable events.‎ ‎4.The author comes to realize that to live a meaningful life is ________.‎ A.to experience it B.to live the present in the future C.to make memories D.to give accurate representations of it Passage 5‎ ‎(2017·湖北八校高三第一次联考)We do not usually think about how our language works.Talking is such a natural,everyday activity that we do not often stop to consider how it actually works.When we do study our language,though,we are often surprised that we are able to understand our conversations.Words can mean so many ‎ different things.However,it turns out that the speaking situation helps a lot in making language work.‎ First,the speaking situation helps make words more particular.For example,the word “dog”can describe a dog that a speaker saw in a dream.It can also be used to discuss a neighbor’s dog.No language has a separate word for the idea “dog that I saw yesterday”and another word for the idea “dog that I saw in a dream”.This is because the speaking situation makes it clear what speakers mean when they use words.So,when you have a conversation with your neighbor,the knowledge that you have a dog tells your neighbor what the word “dog”probably means in that situation.‎ The speaking situation also helps make language clearer.For example,the word “bank”has two possible meanings.It can mean “a place where people keep money”,but it can also mean“the side of a river”.So the sentence “I went to the bank”is not clear.It could mean I went to the side of the river or it could mean I went to the place where my money is kept.However,if the speaker is talking about fishing or going to the mountains,others probably know that “bank”means “the side of a river”.‎ The things that speakers say may not always be clear.Sometimes the words are not very particular,but the speaking situation can provide the meaning.Other times words may have many meanings.Then the speaking situation limits the right meaning.This extra knowledge from the situation is very important to understand language.‎ ‎1.The passage is mainly about ________.‎ A.the best time and place to talk to others B.how the speaking situation helps language work C.what to say in difficult situations D.how our language works ‎2.According to the passage,we can safely say that ________.‎ A.the speaking situation does not affect the meaning of words B.speaking is not very natural for most people C.the speaking situation is not important D.people often do not consider how talking works ‎3.By using the example of the word “dog”,the writer wants to show that________.‎ A.a word may need to be explained in a conversation B.a word may have different meanings C.the speaking situation helps people understand the particular meaning of a word D.the meaning of words is not particular ‎4.According to the passage,we can know the meaning of the word “bank”by referring to ________.‎ A.the time and the place where the conversation happens B.the occupation of the person who uses the word C.earlier or later parts of the conversation D.a reliable dictionary Passage 6‎ ‎(2017·湖南东部六校高三联考)Kids love to watch TV.For example,what they see on the television is one of their best forms of entertainment.However,not all programs are suited for kids.“Disney” always has been a choice for parents and teachers when looking at providing entertainment to young children.The reason for this is Disney,such as Alice in Wonderland,has produced its mark in making films that are meant to instill positive values among children.‎ All Disney movies are produced to make its viewers envision(想象) items that are beyond the typical.One great movie that would foster kid’s imagination is “Aladdin” that is about an adolescent lad who fell in love with a princess named Jasmine.But they are able to by no means be married as the princess should only marry a prince.But every thing became nice whenever a genie arrived into the image and granted Aladdin’s wishes.It’s an excellent film that tends to make children envision as it functions entertaining characters such as flying carpet.‎ For kids,dreaming is inborn.But because they develop older,they tend to forget how you can hold on to their dreams.To keep them having a dream and running after it,you are able to allow them to view Disney films concerning the energy of dreaming like “Up”.Released in 2009,the movie tells a tale of Carl Fredricksen who has sufficient courage to track his dream despite adulthood and lack of sources.‎ Although kindness is one thing inborn,children sometimes don’t develop it as a consequence of so many factors such as correct guidance from the moms and dads and influence of other children.To assist children in creating this perspective,you can let them view Disney movies that tell about genuine kindness like “Mary Poppins”that is a tale of a nanny who uses magic to transform normal lives into something extraordinary via kindness.‎ ‎1.Why does the author advise kids to see Disney movies?‎ A.Because TV programs are not suited for kids’ entertainment.‎ B.Because Disney movies can instill positive values among children.‎ C.Because Disney movies entertain children more than TV programs.‎ D.Because Disney movies are popular among their teachers and parents.‎ ‎2.How does the film Up mainly benefit the kids?‎ A.It fosters kids’ imagination.‎ B.It helps kids to practice kindness.‎ C.It inspires kids to follow their dreams.‎ D.It gives kids enough courage and sources.‎ ‎3.Which of the following is true of the movie Mary Poppins?‎ A.The nanny is a kind person to others.‎ B.Kids would like to see it very much.‎ C.It is popular with most of the parents.‎ D.The parents offer a lot of good factors.‎ ‎4.Which of the Disney movies probably helps kids to develop their imagination?‎ A.Alice in Wonderland. B.Aladdin.‎ C.Up. D.Mary Poppins.‎ Passage 1‎ ‎(2017·云南师大附中适应性考试四)College is not just about studying, writing essays and burning the midnight oil in the library. Making friends and enjoying yourself is also necessary for the courses. Parties are social events for students to gather and chat with each other.‎ Now let’s follow a foreign friend to see what parties in the US are like. Get some inspiration to have fun with your friends in your new life.‎ Drinking and music College parties in the US are always lacking in creativity and full of wine and music. The basic form rarely changes—drink until you cannot any more and play loud music at an earth-shaking volume. There is plenty of beer involved, and some mixed cocktails.‎ Creativity in dress The creativity comes in how parties are dressed up. Parties often have a specific theme,like a 90s party or a sports party. At a 90s party, guests might show up dressed like once-famous celebrities. At a sports party, guests might wear their favorite team’s uniforms.‎ Held in apartments The party is usually held in the apartment of a particular outgoing friend. Everyone will be invited,which means strangers will wander in and out of the apartment where you can get to know and make some new friends.‎ Ugly sweater party On holidays, parties frequently take on a proper theme. A popular theme around Christmas is the ugly sweater party. The goal is to wear the ugliest sweater you can find, creating an atmosphere of fun.‎ Whatever the occasion is, there will be no shortage of booze. If you are smart enough, you won’t have so much as to lose your consciousness. Parties are always better when you can remember them the next day.‎ ‎1.This passage introduces ________.‎ A.what to wear at the US college parties B.how much to drink at the US college parties C.how to make friends at the US colleges D.parties of the US colleges ‎2.The passage is probably written for ________ in colleges.‎ A.the freshmen B.the party lovers C.the graduates D.the excellent students ‎3.The author attaches importance to ________ at the parties in colleges.‎ A.creativity arising from inspiration B.drinking to your heart’s content C.communication combined with fun D.dressing in a fancy style ‎4.What does the underlined word “booze” in the last paragraph mean?‎ A.Juice. B.Alcohol. C.Food. D.Music.‎ Passage 2‎ ‎(2017·内蒙古四校联考)While most teenagers were studying to get into a top university, one 19-year-old boy was starring in his first movie,Blue Gate Crossing. It was a film about love on campus and it was well received in Taiwan. Many say it was this film that put Bolin Chen in position for his later glittering career in show business.‎ In fact, it was not until he played a troubled young man in the movie Buddha Mountain three years ago that he regained his passion for acting.‎ While being called a “youth idol” may seem like a compliment,it is a title that Chen has tried to shake off.He believes that a youth idol means you simply rely on your appearance,not your acting talent.‎ The most important thing for Chen now is to take more initiative (主动性) as an actor.“To me,an actor is like a chess piece,waiting for producers and directors to put him somewhere they want him to be,” Chen,29,told NetEase.“But I want to be the game player.” He even took his ambition a step further—setting up his own production company.‎ But just when Chen started to focus on off-screen work,his life on screen took another turn. He won the title of Best Leading Actor at the 2012 Golden Bell Awards on Oct. 26 for his role in hit TV drama In Time with You. When asked why he ‎ accepted the part, which is another “youth idol” role, he told Yangcheng Evening News:“I played it for my grandfather.He told everyone around that I am an actor, but I used to play in movies, not TV series. Now he is in the hospital. I hope that he can watch my performances by simply turning on the TV.”‎ Chen is a veteran(老手) in the entertainment world, but unlike many stars, he hasn’t led a luxurious life. He doesn’t even have a car but walks, rides a bike or takes a taxi whenever he goes out. He doesn’t have a house, either.“Everyone will eventually find some place to live anyway, why bother to buy property (地产)?” he asked Taiwan magazine Business Today.‎ ‎1.What does Bolin Chen think of his title “youth idol”?‎ A.He likes it very much.‎ B.He thinks it a compliment.‎ C.He wants to get rid of it.‎ D.He is not worthy of it.‎ ‎2.Bolin Chen’s words in Para. 4 suggest that he ________.‎ A.likes to play games such as chess B.wants to take an active part in producing his films C.cannot get along well with some directors D.thinks producers are more important in making a film ‎3.Bolin Chen played a part in the TV drama In Time with You because he ________.‎ A.failed in off-screen work B.had become a “youth idol”‎ C.wanted to delight his grandfather D.wanted to succeed in the new field ‎4.The main idea of the last paragraph is that Bolin Chen ________.‎ A.is a veteran in the entertainment world B.hasn’t made much money from his work C.doesn’t like the entertainment world D.prefers a different lifestyle from most stars Passage 3‎ ‎(2017·日照校际联合检测)Whether it is Mozart or Miley, your choice of music could determine whether you will perform well at your work.‎ A new study suggests that listening to music in the office improves the speed and accuracy of tasks such as data entry,proof-reading and problem-solving.‎ In an office-based experiment, 88 per cent of participants were found to produce their most accurate work when listening to music.‎ The study also found that 81 per cent completed their fastest work when music was played.‎ And it matters what type of music you listen to. For instance, if you’re doing your tax returns, then classical music is the most effective as it improves maths skills.‎ Listening to Jessie J or Justin Bieber could also improve your speed, with 58 per cent of participants completing data entry tasks faster while listening to pop songs.‎ During proofreading, dance music, such as David Guetta’s, had the biggest positive impact on participants increasing their speed by 20 per cent compared to tests undertaken with no music at all.‎ Dance music also had a positive effect on spell-checking with a 75 per cent pass rate compared to 68 per cent when no music was played at all.‎ The research, undertaken by Brighton-based Mindlab International, suggests that silent offices may be the least productive.‎ ‎“The music experiment showed that when listening to music,nine out of ten people performed better,” said Dr. David Lewis,chairman of Mindlab International.‎ ‎“Proper music enables people to quickly process and keep information, regulate their behavior, make good choices, solve problems,plan and adjust to changing mental demands,” a senior investigator of Mindlab International explained.‎ ‎“While many schools are cutting music programs and spending more and more time on test preparations, our findings suggest that musical training courses may actually help to set up children for a better academic future,” added Dr. David Lewis.‎ ‎1.What does the passage mainly talk about?‎ A.The positive relationship between music and work efficiency.‎ B.The speed and accuracy of problem-solving tasks.‎ C.The comparison of different kinds of music.‎ D.The experiment on productivity of office staff.‎ ‎2.According to the passage, we can conclude that ________.‎ A.different kinds of music lead to the same effect B.silent offices can make people perform better C.listening to proper music can improve efficiency in offices D.more tests prepare children for a better academic future ‎3.What is the author’s attitude towards school music programs?‎ A.Respectful. B.Doubtful.‎ C.Tolerant. D.Supportive.‎ Passage 4‎ ‎(2017·海南中学模拟)‎ ‎2015 TFK Poetry Contest Call all poets! Time for Kids has a challenge for you: write a funny, rhyming poem.It must be an original poem that does not copy another poet’s work. Enter the Time for Kids Poetry Contest! As fewer and fewer children are interested in writing poetry of their own, Time for Kids decides to organize and sponsor such a contest to change the situation.‎ Contest Rules ‎1.How to enter This contest begins at 12:01 am on March 6,2015 and ends at 11:59 pm on July 24,2015. To enter,mail the following information to 1271 Avenue of the Americas, 32nd Floor, New York, New York 10020: (a) an original and previously unpublished poem that is humorous and has a rhyme scheme; (b) entrants’ first name only and a parent’s mail address. Limit one entry per person. When entering, entrants promise that the entry is original, and has not been published in any medium and has not won an award.‎ ‎2.Judging All entries will be judged by poet Kenn Nesbitt, based on the following criteria: creativity and originality (50%), use of language and rhyme (25%) and appropriateness to the theme of the contest (25%). The length of the entry will not be taken into consideration.‎ ‎3.Prizes Our judges will select four semi-finalists (参加半决赛的选手) from which one grand prize winner and three finalists will be chosen. The one grand prize winner will receive an online class visit from Children’s Poet Laureate Kenn Nesbitt and a signed copy of his newest book of poetry, The Armpit of Doom: Funny Poems ‎ for Kids, approximately value at $ 275.The three finalists will each get a signed copy of Nesbitt’s newest book of poetry, The Armpit of Doom:Funny Poems for Kids,and both their poems and that of the grand prize winner will be published at timeforkids. com.‎ ‎4.Eligibility(参赛资格) Open to legal citizens of the 50 United States and the District of Columbia who are primary school students and are 8 to 13 years old at time of entry.‎ ‎5.Winner’s list For names of the winner and finalists, visit timeforkids.com (after August 1,2015, available for a period of 10 days).‎ ‎1.The purpose of the contest is to ________.‎ A.encourage children to learn from other poets B.help children realize the dream of poetry writing C.encourage children’s interest in poetry writing D.encourage children to read more original poems ‎2.Which of the following characteristics of a poem is valued most in judging?‎ A.Being creative and original.‎ B.Using a proper number of words.‎ C.Using proper language and rhyme.‎ D.Being appropriate to the contest theme.‎ ‎3.What can be known about the finalists of the contest?‎ A.They will get a great deal of money.‎ B.Their poems can be read at timeforkids.com.‎ C.They will receive an online class visit from Nesbitt.‎ D.Their poems will appear in Nesbitt’s newest book of poetry.‎ ‎4.According to the contest rules,________.‎ A.poems can be sent to the organizers by e-mail B.all the children have the right to take part in the contest C.the number of one entrant’s poems to enter the contest is not limited D.the result of the contest will be unknown before August 1, 2015‎ Passage 5‎ ‎(2017·河北名校联盟质监)Many thousands of Chinese are studying at schools in the United States. And writer Liel Leibovitz says the students are following an example that began in the eighteen seventies.‎ Mr. Leibovitz and writer Matthew Miller joined forces to tell the story of the students in their book, “Fortunate Sons”.The book says China sent one hundred and twenty boys from 1872 to 1875 to America to learn about developments that could help modernize their country.‎ Mr. Leibovitz got the idea for the book about the boys a few years ago when he was traveling with his wife in China.‎ Mr. Leibovitz learned that Qing government sent a whole delegation(代表团) of boys to learn the ways of the West. The goal was for them to return to China and help their country.‎ The book says the boys received their American training in Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. It must have been a very good education. Mr. Leibovitz said the first prime minister of the Chinese Republic completed this program. And so did the first engineer to build a large-scale railroad without foreign help. The same was true of the fathers of Chinese education, diplomacy and the Navy.‎ The book-writers had only to open some boxes containing the writings of these men to learn about them. Their notebooks,journals, letters and postcards were in English. Mr. Leibovitz said he was lucky to have so much information from events that took place long ago.‎ The students returned to China after about nine years. They no longer spoke Mandarin (普通话) well enough to answer questions. Police welcomed them home by putting them in jail. The young men were released after about a week. But they were given low-level jobs.‎ Mr. Leibovitz said it took about ten years for them to rise to higher positions. He said their story continues today with large numbers of Chinese studying in the United States.‎ ‎1.How many exchange children did Qing government send to America mentioned in the book?‎ A.1872. B.1875. C.120. D.210.‎ ‎2.The Qing government sent the boys to America because it ________.‎ A.wanted them to help their country B.lost the war C.expected them to affect the culture of the West D.wanted the western countries to help the boys ‎3.Which of the following is not true according to the passage?‎ A.Many thousands of Chinese are studying at schools in America now.‎ B.Some of the boys received their American training in California.‎ C.Police welcomed the boys home by putting them in jail.‎ D.One of the boys became the father of Chinese education.‎ Passage 6‎ ‎(2017·河北冀州中学月考)‎ Submitting Assignment Online In order to upload an assignment (work given to students) to the system properly,you must save the assignment using one of the following applications:Microsoft Word,Corel WordPerfect,or Microsoft Excel.‎ After you complete an assignment,it is important to save your work.This ensures that assignment being uploaded to the system is the most updated version.Your word processing program may attempt to save the assignment to a folder on your computer.We recommend creating a new folder,named after your course,in a location that is easy to remember,such as “My Documents.”‎ File Name Requirements Select a file name for the assignment that is easy to remember.The file name must NOT contain spaces.Any spaces used in the file name will prevent the file from uploading to the system.File names using the extensions.rtf,.html,.zip,.jpg,or .exe are NOT allowed.‎ Assignment Upload Procedure Make sure you save the assignment using one of the applications previously identified and ensure that it meets the file name requirements described above.When the file is ready to upload,follow these steps:‎ ‎1.Sign in the system.‎ ‎2.Enter your address information and click the CONTINUE button.You will be routed to the “Directions” screen.‎ ‎3.Review the directions and click the CONTINUE button.You will be routed to the “Special Assignment Upload” screen.‎ ‎4.Click the SEARCH button.The “Choose File” pop-up window appears.‎ ‎5.Find the location on your computer where you saved your assignment,and select the file.‎ After you have selected the file,click the UPLOAD button to upload your assignment to the system.‎ Assignment Submission Dates Assignments must be submitted by midnight on the specified due date.Submit your assignment on time so that it reaches the system on or before the due date.No late assignments will be accepted or marked.Assignments delivered after the due date will not be assessed and will be failed.Please manage your time carefully as family and work demands will not be accepted as excuses for late or non-submissions.Tutors and administrators do not have the authority to grant extensions.‎ ‎1.Which of the following file names is acceptable for submitting assignment?‎ A.research paper.doc B.research paper.pdf C.research paper.doc D.research paper.rtf ‎2.Students are advised to save an assignment to a specific folder in order to ________.‎ A.sign in the system B.remember where the document is C.choose the appropriate application D.remember the document name quickly ‎3.If you summit your assignment late,you ________.‎ A.can have a second chance B.should ask a tutor for help C.may apply for an extension D.will get a fail for the work 答案解析 ‎【高考真题演练】‎ ‎1.2016年高考真题 Passage 1‎ ‎【语篇导读】 这是一篇议论文。不同的文化对于沉默有着不同的解读。有的认为沉默意味着深思熟虑或脑海中一片空白;有的认为沉默就是执拗;也有的把沉默当成理解他人的必备谈话技巧而倍加珍视。‎ ‎1.C 推理判断题。由第一段中的thoughtful, empty, stubbornness, extremely uncomfortable, necessity等关键词可以看出,不同文化对于沉默的解读是有很大差异的,意即它与特定的文化有关。因此答案为C。]‎ ‎2.A 推理判断题。题干中的“as a call for careful thought”与第二段末句“a call for reflection”相对应,reflection意思是“审慎的思考”,再联系本段首句可知答案为A。]‎ ‎3.D 推理判断题。第四段讲述护理人员对于病人沉默的处理技巧。由末句可知答案只能选D。]‎ ‎4.B 标题归纳题。全文自始至终都是围绕沉默而展开,论述其在不同文化中的含义及影响。因此答案为B。值得注意的是,D项(言语是银,沉默是金)迷惑性较大,但用它作标题,过于片面,不能概括全文。]‎ Passage 2‎ ‎【语篇导读】 这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了BookCrossing.com网站所举办的图书分享活动,内容涉及这一活动的目的和一些具体情况。‎ ‎1.B 目的意图题。根据第一段 内容可知,作者谈到读书小组经常在一起阅读、讨论,是为了介绍有此功能的BookCrossing.com网站。]‎ ‎2.A 代词指代题。根据本句的内容可知,那些把书留在在公共场所的人希望自己的书能够随着阅读它的人走得更远。本句的it指代前面的the book。]‎ ‎3.C 推理判断题。根据第五段最后一句话可知,让书蒙尘是一种很自私的行为,这个网站的目的正是鼓励人们与他人分享图书,所以拿到书的人读完后最有可能继续把书传递给其他的读者。]‎ ‎4.D 标题概括题。通读全文可知,这个网站把人们生命中最重要的两个事物——人和书紧密联系在一起。故D项最能概括全文主旨。]‎ Passage 3‎ ‎【语篇导读】 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了英国的苹果节。‎ ‎1.D 细节理解题。根据第二段中首句Visiting an apple event is a good chance to see, and often taste, a wide variety of apples.可知,在苹果节人们可以尝到各种各样的苹果。故选 D。]‎ ‎2.C 细节理解题。根据第二段末句...as is the knobbly(多疙瘩的) Cat’s Head which is more of a curiosity than anything else.可知,Decio是一种很罕见的苹果。故选C。]‎ ‎3.B 词义猜测题。根据...but you’ll need a warm, sheltered place with perfect soil to grow it,和...for most apple lovers who fall for it.可知,对大多数苹果爱好者来说,种植这种苹果是无法实现的。故选 B。]‎ ‎4.B 写作意图题。纵观全文推知,作者主要介绍了英国的苹果节。故选B。]‎ Passage 4‎ ‎【语篇导读】 本文是一篇议论文。大学期间本来应该是学生自主性成长的一个重要阶段,但是,却变成了青春期的延伸。从而,使学生无法肩负起成人的责任。本文就这种现象进行了阐述。‎ ‎1.B 观点态度题。根据第一段作者说现在的大学生没有承担起成人的责任,以及第二段作者说由于父母的引导延伸到了大学导致学生自主能力的缺失。由此可见,作者对父母给大学生的持续引导是不赞成的。故选B。]‎ ‎2.A 词义猜测题。根据第二段最后一句话中的...from the shelter of family to autonomy and adult responsibility...可知从家庭的庇护到自主性和成人的责任感之间过渡应该是改变,故选A项。]‎ ‎3.D 推理判断题。根据第三段可知大学应该给学生提供在智力和人格发展方面的“安全空间”,从而使学生在严格的辩论和质疑中得到智力和人格方面发展。故选D项。]‎ ‎4.C 篇章结构题。文章的第一段和第二段分别介绍了目前大学阶段所存在问题和家长对大学生呵护所产生的影响;第三段是论点一,讲述了大学是一段思维发展和个人发展方面的尝试;第四段、第五段是论点二,分别讲述大学应该放手让学生了解社会,面对挑战和大学对学生控制的不利影响。最后两段提出了家长和大学所应采取的有效措施,进行了总结。故选C项。]‎ Passage 5‎ ‎【语篇导读】 助人是一种美德。每个人都有遇到困难的时候,最需要的是别人给予的帮助。如果人人都献出一点爱,世界将变成美好的人间。‎ ‎1.B 句意理解题。画线部分what really matters in your life的字面意思是“人生中真正重要的事情”,再结合文章主要讲述人们主动帮助需要帮助的人,积极参与志愿活动,实现人生价值,由此可知选择B项。]‎ ‎2.C 细节理解题。根据文章第三段doing extraordinary things to improve the world可知,这些人都是为把世界变得更美好而做出非凡业绩的人。]‎ ‎3.B 段落大意题。该段中“But we do think that you can live a more powerful life when you devote some of your time and energy to something much larger than yourself.”是该段主题句,作者希望人们能够超越自我,主动帮助别人。]‎ ‎4.A 推理判断题。付出有了回报,作者对穷人的生活会好转表示乐观。]‎ ‎2.经典高考真题 Passage 1‎ ‎【语篇导读】 这是一篇议论文。越来越多的学生在上大学期前都会度过一个间隔年。然而人们对于这一现象所持的看法却大相径庭。有的人十分推崇,而有的人却极力反对。‎ ‎1.C 事实细节题。由短文首句及第三段“That is a record 14.7% increase in the number of students taking a gap year.”一句可知,这种现象日渐流行。因此答案为C。]‎ ‎2.A 推理判断题。根据第三段Tony Higgins的话可知,度过这个间隔年的学生会变得更加成熟和富有责任感,从而更有可能完成他们所选的课程。故A项正确。]‎ ‎3.B 推理判断题。由第四段首句及接下来引用Owain James的话可知,他对这一现象并不感到快乐,而是对学生的学业感到担忧。]‎ ‎4.C 推理判断题。由短文最后一句可知,假期里多达90%的学生被迫去工作。结合前文“...young people are being forced into earning money.”可知答案非C莫属。]‎ Passage 2‎ ‎【语篇导读】 本文以父母对上大学的孩子过度保护为例, 提出科技的发展带来的变化常被误认为是态度的变化的论点。‎ ‎1.C 细节理解题。根据文章第二段parents today continue to be “very” or “somewhat”overly-protective even after their children move into college dormitories.可知调查表明现在的父母在子女上大学之后仍然非常溺爱或某种程度上过度保护子女。故选C。]‎ ‎2.C 观点态度题。第三段作者提出调查的结果并不能理解为现 在的家长对孩子不放手,接下来的两段作者论述了出现这种结果的真正原因是科技的发展使得交流的手段更丰富,成本更低廉,第四段最后一句Many studies show that older parents—today’s grandparents—would have called their children more often if the means and cost of doing so had not been a barrier.以及最后一段更是再一次强调了这种观点。选C。]‎ ‎3.A 文章标题题。由第一段第二句话得出,这种科技的改变容易被误认为是态度的变化,第二至五段具体讨论是科技还是态度变化,第六段再次明确表示是科技的变化,通读全文可知文章主要论述了科技发展带来变化还是态度带来的变化。故选A。]‎ ‎4.B 文章结构题。分析全文可知第一段简单介绍提出问题,第二段为第一个论点,指出父母在子女生活中参与度较高的现象,第三段是第二个论点,指出通过调查并不能推断出父母未能对子女放手,第四、五段为两个次论点,第一个次论点是科技的进步导致父母对子女生活更多的参与,第二个次论点是子女经济不独立导致父母对子女的生活更多的参与。最后一段总结得出论点。故选B。]‎ Passage 3‎ ‎【语篇导读】 本文为记叙文,讲述了作者有注意力不集中的问题,但在老师的鼓励下,作者最终克服了自己的问题,由此告诉我们一个人可以通过努力克服自己的缺陷。‎ ‎1.C 细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的I was diagnosed(诊所) with kind of attention disorder.和When everyone else in the class was focusing on tasks,I could not.可知,选择A。]‎ ‎2.B 细节理解题。根据文中内容he invented a reading system of raised dots(点),which opened up a whole new world of knowledge to the blind.可知,Louis 发明了一种专为盲人阅读系统。]‎ ‎3.D 细节理解题。在老师的鼓励下,作者最终克服了自己的问题,老师给作者的作业得了个“A”,由此可见,Mrs.Smith 给予作者很大的鼓励。]‎ ‎4.C ‎ 主旨大意题。作者最终克服了自己注意力不集中的问题,由此告诉我们一个人可以通过努力克服自己的缺陷。]‎ Passage 4‎ ‎【语篇导读】 这是一篇书评。介绍了Brooks的最新作品The Social Animal。关于这部作品的内容,写作方法,以及作品的缺陷。‎ ‎1.D 推理判断题。文章一开始作者提到科学的功能目的在于引出话题,解释作者在他们的作品中,为什么使用科学作为主题,所以选D。]‎ ‎2.C 细节理解题。第四段第二句As one would expect,his writing is mostly clear...可知,这本书最大的优点是表述清晰,因此C是正确的。]‎ ‎3.D 观点态度题。第四段第四句While Harold and Erica are certainly not strong or memorable characters,the more serious problems with The Social Animal lie everywhere.可知,作者对作品的态度是批评性的。]‎ ‎4.A 判断推理题。最后一段最后一句These problems partly involve Brooks’s attempt to translate his tale into science.可推知,接下去作者主要论及作品存在的问题。]‎ Passage 5‎ ‎【语篇导读】 这是一篇说明文,介绍了世界各地有趣的“美食节”。‎ ‎1.B 细节理解题。根据题干可知答案在第一段中寻找。根据倒数第二句中的括号内的内容,可知,斯蒂尔顿奶酪翻滚大赛上翻滚的是木制奶酪。]‎ ‎2.A 细节理解题。根据题干可知答案需要在第二段中寻找,根据第二段第一句可知,激烈的食品烧烤节是在新墨西哥举行的。]‎ ‎3.B 细节理解题。根据题干可知答案在第三段中寻找,第三段的第二句提到a week-long celebration可以看出选B。]‎ ‎4.C 细节判断题。根据第二段的倒数第二句可知,any one of the thousands of the products that are on show.在食品烧烤节上,会有上千种食品展示。]‎ Passage 6‎ ‎【语篇导读】 本文叙述了学者们正在努力记录濒临消失的语言和文化,来挽救这些语言。‎ ‎1.B 事实细节题。根据文章第二段中“In an effort to prevent...they reflect.”可知学者们正在努力挽救濒临消失的语言。]‎ ‎2.A 词义猜测题。根据文章第四段中“But he is not content...without record.”可知“that tradition”是指Turin记录语言。故选A。]‎ ‎3.D 事实细节题。根据文章第三段中“...grows out of his experience living,looking and raising a family in a village in Nepal.”可知Turin的书以其在尼泊尔的个人经历为基础。故选D。]‎ ‎4.C 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Generations of communities from whom...collected”和“Turin notes the endangered languages...speech communities.”可知,Turin的工作是“收集,保护和使再接合”,故选C。]‎ Passage 7‎ ‎【语篇导读】 本文为说明文。介绍了G&G公司的企业文化,此公司的雇员都会在上班的第一天接受一项教育培训项目,而这个项目培训的主题就是培养员工的意志力。willpower是本文的中心词。‎ ‎1.B 细节事实题。根据第二段的第一句话可以看出答案,每位员工必须先接受培训。]‎ ‎2.D 细节理解题。根据文章的最后两段可以看出:增强意志力的最好办法就是使之成为一个习惯,而公司之所以花重金来开发这个培训项目的目的就是训练员工的自制力。这一点从最后一段第一句话可以看出来,因此D正确。]‎ ‎3.C 推理判断题。从最后一段末句可以看出:这些培训意志力的课程,从某种程度上来说,就是G&G公司从一个沉睡的公司发展到今天一个有17 000多家连锁店,每年利润达到1‎ ‎ 000万美元的大公司的原因。因此可以推知,G&G公司未来可能会更加成功。]‎ Passage 8‎ ‎【语篇导读】 本文讲述了四分之三的人都是收藏家,且有的博物馆展览出一些普通人的收藏品,这成为了一种博物馆流行文化。‎ ‎1.B 事实细节题。根据文章第一段中“...will exhibit the objects accumulated by unknown collectors.”可知通过展示普通人的收藏品,一些新的博物馆提升了其流行文化。故选B。]‎ ‎2.A 事实细节题。根据文章第二段中“But they all reveal...who they are.”可知通过收藏品我们可以了解到收藏者是谁,故选A。]‎ ‎3.C 事实细节题。根据文章第三段中“The thinkers behind the project...what it means to do so.”可知新博物馆的目的是研究收藏的意义,故选C。]‎ ‎4.A 事实细节题。根据文章第四段中“You stop when you grow up”可知当成为成年人的时候,人们可能不再收藏。故选A。]‎ ‎【模拟试题精练】‎ ‎1.2017年模拟试题 Passage 1‎ ‎【语篇导读】 文章主要讲了美国的现代艺术运动。‎ ‎1.B 主旨大意题。由全文大意和第一段中But most important in the spread of the modern movements in the United States was the sensational Armory Show可知, 主要讲的是美国的现代艺术运动,所以选B。易误选C。]‎ ‎2.A 细节理解题。由第一段“on their trips to Pairs and at the exhibitions in the famous New York gallery ‘291’...” 和“but most important in the spread of the...the sensational Armory Show of 1913”可知,B、C、D正确,所以选A。]‎ ‎3.D 推理判断题。文中提到Alfred ‎ Stieglitz是在第一段。由第一段第二句话可知,此处摄影家Alfred Stieglitz的展览是影响美国艺术的事情之一,所以选D。]‎ ‎4.A 细节理解题。由第二段第二句话“...were much removed from the actual appearance of the city; they were more interested in the ‘feel’ of the ‘AshCan School’...”可知与现实主义家相比,美国现代艺术家更注重感觉层面的艺术。所以选A。]‎ Passage 2‎ ‎【语篇导读】 当奴隶开始被从西非带到美国南部时,他们也带来了自己的文化——宗教、舞蹈、语言、音乐和烹饪。本文主要讲的是音乐在文化融合中的发展。‎ ‎1.C 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“A mix of the two cultures eventually appeared.The religious dance of the ring shout turned into modern dances like the Charleston”可知,两种文化的混合促进了Charleston的出现。故选C。]‎ ‎2.B 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“These soulful accounts by slaves of the severe climate and conditions began to be called‘the blues”可知,对在苛刻的气候和环境下工作的奴隶的那些深情凄婉的描述被称作“the blues”。故选B。]‎ ‎3.C 代词指代题。根据第三段中的“they worked together until they gradually formed a common culture.This strengthened”可知,他们一起工作直到他们逐渐形成一种共同的文化。故选C。]‎ ‎4.A 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“and now there is lack of the same soul and quality of naturalness and simplicity in music that was rising in the early 20th century”可知,选A。]‎ Passage 3‎ ‎【语篇导读】 这是一篇记叙文。本文作者将著名英国作家狄更斯的文学创作分为三个阶段:早期,转折时期和晚期,并概要介绍了狄更斯的经典文学作品。‎ ‎1.C 事实细节题。从“...he might have gained lasting fame only as an author of ‎ cheerful comedy.But Dombey and Son...is a realistic novel of human life in a society...”可以看出狄更斯在Dombey and Son这本书之前的创作是喜剧风格,而自此之后转为了现实主义的题材。因此选C。]‎ ‎2.D 事实细节题。根据“Besides publishing this novel in the lately founded All the Year Round...”,我们可以得知A Tale of Two Cities 这篇小说将会在这本新杂志上发表。A应为is about the French Revolution(是有关法国大革命的);B应为is read today most often as a school text(现今被作为教科书阅读最多的);C选项在文中没有被提及。]‎ ‎3.A 段落大意题。根据“Great Expectations (1860—1861),tells the story of a young man’s moral development in the course of his life...”可知《远大前程》这本书讲述了一个年轻男子在其一生中精神层面上的发展变化,因此选A。]‎ Passage 4‎ ‎【语篇导读】 这是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了作者从以前酷爱写日记到现在有选择性地写日记和注重体验当下生活的一个转变过程。‎ ‎1.D 事实细节题。根据“isn’t accumulating memories a way of preserving the past?”从而判断出作者写日记是保存自己过去记忆的一种方式。]‎ ‎2.B 事实细节题。根据“I understood that nothing I wrote could ever match or replace the few seconds I allowed myself to experience the dramatic beauty of the valley.”可以判断出无法用语言描写出亲眼看到的大峡谷的美丽是作者转变态度的一个诱因。]‎ ‎3.B 事实细节题。根据“Now, I only write in my diary when I need to write down a special thought or feeling.”因此推断出作者现在只在日记中记录一些自己很特别的想法和感受。]‎ ‎4.A 推理判断题。根据“I realize that life will simply pass me by if I stay behind the camera, busy preserving the present so as to live it in the future.”从而推断出作者现在意识到了经历当下才是生活中更有意义的事情,故选A。]‎ Passage 5‎ ‎【语篇导读】 本文讲述了语境对语言的理解起着很大作用。‎ ‎1.B 主旨大意题。本文讲述了语境对语言的理解起着很大作用。故选B。]‎ ‎2.D 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“We do not usually think about how our language works.Talking is such a natural,everyday activity that we do not often stop to consider how it actually works”可知,选D。]‎ ‎3.C 推理判断题。根据第二段的第一句话“First,the speaking situation helps make words more particular”和下文的“For example”可知,下文正是用dog一词举例来论证第二段的第一句话。故选C。]‎ ‎4.C 细节理解题。根据第三段所讲,作者用bank一词举例说明对话中这个词之前或之后的部分决定了这个词的含义。故选C。]‎ Passage 6‎ ‎【语篇导读】  本文讲述了在给孩子看电影时,迪士尼电影仍是家长及老师的首选,因为它能培养孩子正确的价值观。‎ ‎1.B 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“‘Disney’ always has been a choice for parents and teachers when looking at providing entertainment to young children.The reason for this is Disney,such as Alice in Wonderland,has produced its mark in making films that are meant to instill positive values among children”可知,迪士尼电影仍是家长及老师的首选,因为它能培养孩子正确的价值观。故选B。]‎ ‎2.C 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“To keep them having a dream and running after it,you are able to allow them to view Disney films concerning the energy of dreaming like ‘Up’”可知,Up这部电影鼓励孩子追逐梦想。故选C。]‎ ‎3.A 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“To assist children in creating this perspective,you can let them view Disney movies that tell about genuine kindness like‘Mary Poppins’ that is a tale of a nanny who uses magic to transform normal ‎ lives into something extraordinary via kindness”可知,电影中nanny是个友好的人。故选A。]‎ ‎4.B 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“One great movie that would foster kid’s imagination is‘Aladdin’”可知,Aladdin这部电影可以帮助孩子培养想象力。故选B。]‎ ‎2.经典模拟试题 Passage 1‎ ‎【语篇导读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了美国大学里的派对。大学生活不仅有挑灯夜战的苦读,还应该有社交的乐趣。派对是交流、交友的一种方式。‎ ‎1.D 考查主旨大意。根据第一段的最后一句和第二段的第一句“Now let’s follow a foreign friend to see what parties in the US are like”可知,本文主要介绍了美国的大学的派对,故选D项。]‎ ‎2.A 考查细节理解。根据第二段的第二句“Get some inspiration to have fun with your friends in your new life”可知,本文是针对开始新的校园生活的人,也就是大一的新生,故选A项。]‎ ‎3.C 考查推理判断。根据第一段中的“Making friends and enjoying yourself is also necessary for the courses”可推知,作者认为交友和玩得开心是很必要的,故选C项。]‎ ‎4.B 考查词义猜测。根据最后一段的最后两句“If you are smart enough,you won’t have so much as to lose your consciousness.Parties are always better when you can remember them the next day”可知,作者建议在派对上不要喝太多的酒,不能失去意识,要保持清醒,由此可判断,booze为“酒”的意思,故选B项。]‎ Passage 2‎ ‎【语篇导读】 本文介绍了演员陈柏霖的不同之处,他不喜欢别人称呼自己为“青春偶像”,他努力拍戏,却没有像其他明星一样过着奢侈的生活。‎ ‎1.C 考查细节理解。根据第三段的第一句“While being called a ‘youth idol’ may seem like a compliment,it is a title that Chen has tried to shake off”可知,陈柏霖并不喜欢别人赞美自己为“青春偶像”,他想要摆脱这个称赞,故选C项。]‎ ‎2.B 考查细节理解。根据第四段的第一句“The most important thing for Chen now is to take more initiative(主动性) as an actor”可知,作为一名演员,他想更加主动地参与电影的制作,故选B项。]‎ ‎3.C 考查细节理解。根据第五段中的“I played it for my grandfather”和“I hope that he can watch my performances by simply turning on the TV”可知,他拍这个电视剧是为了让爷爷一打开电视就能看到他的表演,即为了使爷爷高兴,故选C项。]‎ ‎4.D 考查推理判断。根据最后一段中“Chen is a veteran(老手)in the entertainment world,but unlike many stars,he hasn’t led luxurious life”可知,本句总领本段,指出陈柏霖和其他大多数明星的不同之处,他没有过着奢侈的生活,故选D项。]‎ Passage 3‎ ‎【语篇导读】 研究表明,合适的音乐对工作效率的提高有着积极的作用。‎ ‎1.A 考查主旨大意。根据第一段和第二段可知,合适的音乐有利于提高工作的效率,在办公室听音乐可以提高数据输入、校对及问题解决的速度及准确性,即音乐和工作效率之间的积极联系,故选A项。]‎ ‎2.C 考查推理判断。根据第三、四段和第五段的第一句“And it matters what type of music you listen to”可推知,工作效率的提高取决于听哪种类型的音乐,即合适的音乐有利于提高工作效率,故选C项。]‎ ‎3.D 考查观点态度。根据最后一段中的“our findings suggest that musical training courses may actually help to set up children for a better academic future”可知,作者认为音乐培训课可以帮助学生处于更好的学业未来中,故对于学校的音乐课程,作者持支持的态度,选D项,supportive“支持的”。respectful“有礼貌的”;doubtful“不确定的,感到怀疑的”;tolerant“宽容的,容忍的”。]‎ Passage 4‎ ‎【语篇导读】 为了激发孩子们写诗的兴趣,Time for Kids决定举办一次诗歌大赛。本文主要介绍了该比赛的一些规则,包括参赛方式、评判标准、奖品设置、参赛资格等。‎ ‎1.C 考查推理判断。根据文章第一段的最后一句“As fewer and fewer children are interested in writing poetry of their own,Time for Kids decides to organize and sponsor such a contest to change the situation”可知,比赛的目的是激发孩子们写诗的兴趣,故选择C项。]‎ ‎2.A 考查细节理解。根据Judging中的“creativity and originality (50%),use of...of the contest (25%)”和“The length of the entry will not be taken into consideration”可知,在评判过程中一首诗的创意和独创性是最重要的,因此选择A项。]‎ ‎3.B 考查细节理解。根据Prizes的介绍中的最后一句“The three finalists...and that of the grand prize winner will be published at timeforkids.com”可推知,参加决赛的选手的诗能在timeforkids.com上读到。]‎ ‎4.D 考查细节理解。根据文章Winner’s list下的“For names of the winner and finalists,visit timeforkids.com (after August 1,2015,available for a period of 10 days)”可知,比赛结果将于2015年8月1日以后公布,因此选择D。]‎ Passage 5‎ ‎【语篇导读】 成千上万的中国人在美国学校读书,美国作家Liel Leibovitz和Matthew Miller在他们的书中讲述了中国早期留学生的故事。‎ ‎1.C 考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“The book says China sent one hundred and twenty boys from 1872 to 1875 to America to learn about developments”可知,书中说,中国派出120名男孩到美国学习。]‎ ‎2.A 考查细节理解。根据第四段的最后一句“The goal was for them to return to China and help their country”‎ 可知,清政府派了一批男孩儿去西方学习,目的是让他们学成归国后帮助建设国家。]‎ ‎3.B 考查细节理解。根据第五段的第一句“The book says the boys received their American training in Massachusetts,New York,New Jersey and Connecticut”可知,这些男孩儿并没有在加利福尼亚州接受美国教育,因此B项的说法是错误的。]‎ Passage 6‎ ‎【语篇导读】 本文讲述的是网上提交作业的规定及注意事项。‎ ‎1.C 细节理解题。根据第三段The file name must NOT contain spaces和File names using the extensions .rtf,.html,.zip,.jpg,or .exe are NOT allowed.可知,file name中不能有空格,也不能使用.rtf格式。]‎ ‎2.B 细节推断题。根据第三段Select a file name for the assignment that is easy to remember.和第四段Make sure you save the assignment using one of the applications previously identified and ensure that it meets the file name requirements described above.可知,是为了记住这些文件在哪里,故选B项。]‎ ‎3.D 细节理解题。根据最后一段Assignments delivered after the due date will not be assessed and will be failed.可知,如果交得晚于规定的日期将不会再评估,考试将不及格,故选D项。]‎

