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小题组合(五)‎ 一、完形填空 ‎   My grandparents actively practiced simplicity. They both grew up in very large families and     1     the Great Depression. Saving for a rainy day was their life philosophy. They chose to spend really     2     life together with their family rather than Seeking     3     through material items.‎ ‎    Over the years my grandparents have noticed     4     changes in their community. Every year more farmland was     5     to build larger and larger homes. As real estate(地产) prices rose, many of their neighbors     6     their little homes and land. Soon theirs was     7     little house surrounded by the sea of mansions. Lots of family members     8     my grandparents to expand their little old house. But they didn’t want a bigger one. They loved their little house and were     9     with what they had.‎ ‎    My grandparents     10     a consumptive lifestyle by painting and repairing the house themselves. They lived in a little home,but had a huge     11    . They loved and enjoyed planting     12     it greatly improved their health,     13     their grocery bill, and gave them a(n)     14     to be outside. They also     15     everything. For instance,they had driven the same car for over 15 years and didn't buy a new one until the old Chevrolet was     16    .‎ ‎    Through their example, I learned an important     17    : it is possible to live a simple life. My grandparents taught me that living a simple life isn’t about self-deprivation(自我牺牲).     18    , it’s about giving yourself the time, freedom and money to pursue your dreams. Becoming debt free, living in a     19     building, and going out on foot are good ways to     20     your life and startpursuing your dreams.‎ ‎1.A.ignored     B.lived through     C.accomplished     D.passed up 2.A.elegant     B.wealthy     C.plain     D.casual 3.A.patience     B.security     C.passion     D.satisfaction 4.A.slight     B.steady     C.sharp     D.sudden 5.A.discovered     B.protected     C.watered     D.destroyed 6.A.bought     B.sold     C.rented     D.decorated 7.A.the first     B.the same     C.the only     D.the very 8.A.forced     B.encouraged     C.commanded     D.assisted 9.A.bored     B.disappointed     C.familiar     D.content 10.A.avoided     B.preferred     C.hated     D.pursued 11.A.pool     B.gym     C.park     D.garden 12.A.because     B.though     C.until     D.unless 13.A.reduced     B.covered     C.included     D.canceled 14.A.courage     B.exit     C.excuse     D.confidence 15.A.recreated     B.reused     C.reformed     D.replaced ‎ ‎16.A.run out     B.given out     C.tried out     D.worn out 17.A.lesson     B.skill     C.rule     D.course 18.A.Still     B.Instead     C.Besides     D.Furthermore 19.A.new     B.green     C.small     D.large 20.A.take control of     B.catch up with     C.make up for     D.look forward to 二、语法填空 ‎    Don't remember sending that text? Maybe you were sleep texting. A new study from Villanova University found that the habit of using smartphones ①________(message) friends while still asleep — and having no memory of doing it — is a growing trend among young adults. " They are attached ②________ their phones," said Elizabeth B. Dowdell, professor of nursing at Villanova and the lead author of the study. Young adults can average 60 to 100 text messages a day. Texting while sleeping is ③________ (usual) caused by sounds. It's the buzz(嗡嗡声), beep or tweet ④________ makes them reach for their phone. That sound gives them ⑤________ sense of happiness.‎ ‎    The researchers ⑥________ (survey) 372 students at two northeast colleges with an average age of 19. 7 — 75 percent were women, 25 percent men. All of the ⑦________ (interview) had a smartphone and 93 percent kept their cellphone with them at night. Twenty-five percent of the students admitted ⑧________ (text) while asleep.‎ ‎   The majority of the study's participants were not getting enough quality sleep. The late nights, early morning ⑨________ (class) and 24/7 nature of college life can leave students ⑩________ (tire).‎ 三、短文改错 ‎    Nowadays we can still see some behaviors against public morals. As was often the case, people tend to talk loud in public places, annoyed others around. Spitting and littering rubbish can be seen anywhere. Besides, it’s common that the young or middle-aged sit on the bus when the elderly have to stand. Measure must be taken to change this situation. First of all, as students, we should manage our own behaviors but help people around you form good habits. Meanwhile, it is necessary for the government and some organizations to encourage people to behave proper. Don’t undervalue the role we can play with. Do remember we can make difference! Take action right now!‎ 参考答案 一.完形填空 ‎1.答案:1.B; 2.C; 3.D; 4.C; 5.D; 6.B; 7.C; 8.B; 9.D; 10.A; 11.D; 12.A; 13.A; 14.C; 15.B; 16.D; 17.A; 18.B; 19.C; 20.A 解析:1.根据语境可知,爷爷和奶奶都在大家族里长大,熬过了经济大萧条时期。live through "经历(灾难或其他困境)而幸存"符合语境。ignore"忽视";accomplish"完成";pass up"放弃,错过"。 2.根据文章开头"My grandparents actively practiced simplicity"和下文对爷爷奶奶生活的描述,尤其是最后一段的"live a simple life”可知,爷爷奶奶选择和家人一起过简单的生活。plain"朴素的,简单的"与simple意义相近。elegant"优雅的";wealthy "富裕的"; casual"随便的"。 3.根据语境可知,爷爷奶奶不是通过物质来寻求满足,而是与家人一起过简单的生活。 4.根据下文的"Every year more fannland was 5 to build larger and larger homes”可知,每年有大量的农田被毁以修建越来越大的房子。故该空所在句应该表示多年来,爷爷奶奶已经注意到了他们社区的巨大变化。sharp"巨大的,明显的”。slight"轻微的";steady "稳定的";sudden"突然的"。 5.参见上题解析。discover"发现";protect "保护";water"灌概"。 6.根据上文的"As real estate(地产) prices rose"可知,此处表示"随着地产价格的上涨,爷爷奶奶的许多邻居卖掉了他们的小房子和土地"。 7.据语境可知,很快爷爷奶奶的房子就成了唯一一个被大量高楼大厦包围的小房子了。故选C。 8.根据语境可知,许多家庭成员劝爷爷奶奶去扩建他们的小房子。encourage此处表示"鼓动,劝告"。force”强迫";command"命令"; assist"帮助"。 9.根据上文的"They loved their little house"可知,爷爷奶奶喜爱他们的小房子,对他们所拥有的感到很满足。be content with"对……感到满足"。 10.根据句意可知,"我"的爷爷奶奶通过亲自给房子刷漆、维修来避免奢侈的生活方式。prefer"更喜欢";pursue”追求"。 11.根据下文的"They loved and enjoyed planting"可知,爷爷奶奶的房子虽小但是却拥有一个很大的花园。 12.根据语境可知,此处表示原因,故选A。 13.根据语境和常识可知,通过种植,爷爷奶奶减少了杂物开销。 14.种植不仅很好地改善了爷爷奶奶的健康,还减少了他们的杂物开销,同时给了他们到户外的理由。excuse"(正当的)理由,借口"。 15.根据下文的"For instance, they had driven the same car for over 15 years and didn't buy a new one until the old Chevrolet was 11 "可知,文中举例爷爷奶奶一辆车开了15年,直到这辆旧雪佛兰车用坏为止。这也就证明了他们会重复使用一切东西。故选B。 16.参见上题解析。run out "用完,到期";give out"分发,用光";try out"试用,试验";wear out "磨损,用坏 ‎"。 17.根据下文的"it is possible to live a simple life"可知,通过爷爷奶奶的例子,我学到了重要的一个经验,想过简单的生活是可能的。 18.根据上下文可知,此处表示转折关系。过简单的生活并不意味着自我牺牲,而是给自己时间、自由和金钱去追求梦想。故选Instead。 19.根据语境,以及文中反复提及的"little house"可知,此处表示"没有债务,居住在小房子里,外出步行都是掌控生活、追求梦想的好方式"。 20.参见上题解析。take control of "控制,安排";catch up with"追上,赶上make up for"补偿,弥补";look forward to"盼望,期待"。 ‎ 二.语法填空 答案:1. to message2. to3. usually4.that5.a6.surveyed7.interviewees8.texting9.classes10.tired 解析: ‎ 本文为说明文,主题语境属于"人与社会",介绍了Villanova University的研究人员对一批美国大学生在睡觉时发短信的状况进行的调查研究。‎ ‎1. to message考查非谓语动词。根据句意可知,此处用不定式表示目的,故填to message。message在此作动词,意为"向(某人)传送(电子信息)"。‎ ‎2. to考查介词。be attached to"依恋”,为固定搭配,这里是指年轻人离不开手机。‎ ‎3. usually考查副词。此处修饰动词,故用副词。‎ ‎4. that考查强调句型。分析句子结构可知,此处是强调句型,被强调的部分是物,且在句中作主语,故填that。‎ ‎5. a 考查冠词。a sense of happiness"幸福感"。‎ ‎6. surveyed考查时态。根据语境可知,研究是在过去进行的,故此处应用一般过去时。‎ ‎7. interviewees考查名词。根据句意可知,此处表示"被采访者",且空前有all of修饰,interviewee为可数名词,需用其复数形式。注意interviewer表示"采访者"。‎ ‎8. texting考查非谓语动词。admit doing sth.表示"承认做某事"为固定用法,此处表示"25%的学生承认在睡觉的时候发过短信"。‎ ‎9. classes考查名词单复数。此处与上文的"the late nights”并列,且根据语境,此处表示复数概念,故此处也应用复数形式。‎ ‎10. tired考查形容词。"leave sb. + ”表示"让某人处于……状态", 此处表示"让学生处于疲惫状态",故填tired。‎ 三.改错 答案:    Nowadays we can still see some behaviors against public morals. As often the case, people tend to talk loud in public places, others around. Spitting and littering rubbish can be seen . Besides, it’s common that the young or middle-aged sit on the bus the elderly have to stand. must be taken to change this situation. First of all, as students, we should manage our own behaviors help people around form good habits. Meanwhile, it is necessary for the government and some organizations to encourage people to behave.Don’t undervalue the role we can play with. Do remember we can make  difference! Take action right now!‎ 解析:1. 考查时态。句意:通常情况下,人们倾向于在公众场合大声说话,惹恼周围的人。本句陈述的是客观事实,要用一般现在时。2. 考查非谓语动词。公众场合大 声说话造成的结果是惹恼周围的人。此处非谓语动词annoy 与主语people构成主动关系,故用现在分词作结果状语。3. 考查副词。句意:随地吐痰和乱扔垃圾到处可见。此处应指“到处”,用everywhere。 anywhere是“任何地方”,常用于否定句和疑问句中。4. 考查连词。此处表示公交车上,年轻人或者中年人坐在座位上而老人却不得不站着,这种情况很常见。此处while表示对比,意为“而,然而”。5. 考查名。句意:必须采取措施来改变这种情况。上文提到的不文明现象不止一种,采取的措施应该不止一个。 且measure为可数名词,故用复数形式。6. 考查连词。句意:首先,作为学生我们应该管理好我们自己的行为,而且也要帮助我们周围的人形成良好的习惯。根据句意可知,前后是顺承关系。7. 考查代词。结合上文,此处是指“要帮助我们周围的人”。8. 考查副词。此处修饰动词 behave,要用副词形式。9. 考查介词。句意:不要低估了我们所能发挥的作用。 play a role意为“起作用”。10. 考查固定短语。make a difference 是固定短语,意为“起作用,产生影响,有效果”。‎ ‎ ‎

