初三英语上Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the are?

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初三英语上Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the are?

‎2020-2021学年人教版初三英语上学期期中高频考点Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?‎ ‎【高频词汇】 (A)单句填词 1. People use s______ for sending letters. 2. Grace picked ______(grape) on her uncle's farm last weekend. 3. The young man took his friend to a very nice ______(Italian) restaurant. 4. It was a sunny afternoon, so I suggested ______(go) to the beach. 5. Miss Zhang received lots of p______ from her students on Teachers' Day. 6. Go on in that d______ and you may find the post office! 7. I did a 4-year ______(课程) in English at Shanxi University. 8. Sue pointed to the building on the c______ of the street and said, “That’s my school.” 9. The dog can do anything according to Judy’ s r ______, such as “sit down” and “stand up”. 10. With the help of new technology, Chinese English learners can now talk with native s______ from all over the world. 11. It's ______(polite) to speak loudly in the library. 12. There aren't many people on the bus, so it's ______(crowd). 13. After reading her novels, we know she is a brave, honest and ______(直率的) woman.    14. Talking with English ______(讲某种语言的人) helps Wang Ting improve her spoken English. 15. The information we need includes your names, ______(地址) and phone numbers. 16. When I worked in the small town, I went to that coffee shop at the ______(拐角) after work every day. 17. Tina and her friends got lost in a(n) ______(地下的) parking lot in the Walmart. 18. If you start off early, then you won’t have to r______. 19. Who can tell me the c______ idea of this passage? 20. My best friend Henry m______ a letter for me this morning. 21. The brain is the ______(center) part of the human body. 22. The house has a bedroom, a b______, a kitchen and a living room. 23. I drank too much water. Can you tell me the way to the r______? 24. The b______ is small, but you can buy many interesting books there. ‎ ‎25. The hotel ______(staff) tried their best to make sure that our stay would be as enjoyable as possible. 26. Dave ______(mail) the gifts yesterday. He wanted his children to receive them before Christmas. 27. Nobody told Alex the ______(正确的) time, so he didn't know when he should get there. 28. Shanghai is a really ______(fascinate) city and Molly has decided to stay there for another two weeks. 29. How many s______ has your brother collected so far? 30. Please give me some advice on becoming a good English s______. 31. Show the man a map and tell him the ______(方位). 32. With ______(谁) did Mary go shopping last Sunday? 33. He is always ready to help those in need. He never refuses their ______(请求). 34. Backpacking can be a great and ______(expensive)way to spend a weekend with friends. (B)短文填空 (1)‎ 根据短文内容及括号内所给汉语句子提示,补全短文,使短文完整、通顺。 Look! A young woman is standing near a road in the city center. She is reading a book while a noisy queue (长队) of traffic is driving slowly along the road. (35)______(你知道她是谁吗?) Do you know how long she has been standing there? (36)______(你知道她为什么在这样一个地方读书吗?) She is Quyang Junying. She came to Beijing in 1995 to look for work. She has a number of different jobs. She has also been studying English for about ten years. (37)______(她希望她能得到一份好点的工作。) There are lots of people in the city parks, doing everything from tai chi to ballroom dancing. (38)______(但是这位年轻女子说过她不喜欢公园。) She said that if she studied in a park, people always watched her and she didn't feel comfortable.   Recently she found a new job. She is helping an architect (建筑师) with his work. (39)______(你能猜出来她在干什么吗?) Teaching him English, of course! (2)‎ 根据短文内容及所给首字母提示,补全文中所缺单词,使短文完整、通顺。 Ben is an impolite boy. Oh, no! I'm not c______(40). Ben's brother Jack is an impolite boy. Instead Ben is a p______ (41) boy. He is always asking for things or doing things politely. Now he is making a call to his mother. Dear Mom, p______ (42) me for going to Green Supermarket with Jack without telling you. Today the things in ‎ this supermarket are good and they're i______(43). So Jack and I bought some. For fruit, we bought some g______ (44), bananas and strawberries. For vegetables, we bought some potatoes and onions. We also bought some other things. Then we were in trouble. We didn't have enough money for them. Jack is still in the supermarket. I'm outside. I tell you my d______ (45). I'm on Green Street and I'm beside a bus stop. Please get some money for us as quickly as possible. I s______ (46) you drive your car here. Jack and I are waiting for you. Please hurry up! (3)‎ live, excite, it, writer, begin, child village, during, buy, they, show, call ‎ 阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺,其中有两个词是多余的。 ‎ Jessica and Dylan are in Scotland. Read about the things they like. A boat trip down Loch Ness It’s great fun to go on a boat trip down Loch Ness! It’s a famous lake. In Scotland lakes are (47) ______ lochs. Loch Ness is the largest freshwater loch in Scotland. Many people believe that a monster (48) ______ there. They try to take a photo of (49) ______. The monster has a nickname: Nessie. The scene from the lake is very beautiful. You can see high mountains, an old castle and cute little (50) ______. Edinburgh’s festivals In Edinburgh, there are many festivals every year. We like the children’s festival. (51) ______ the festival, children can see many great (52) ______ at the theaters. The Edinburgh International Book Festival is wonderful, too. It (53) ______ in 1983 and is the biggest book festival of its kind in the world. You can meet famous (54) ______ there. We were so (55) ______ to see Jacqueline Wilson last time! She is the writer of the great book The Story of Tracy Beaker. We love her books! If you (56) ______ one of her books, she will sign her name on it for you. (4)‎ 根据短文内容及所给首字母提示,补全文中所缺单词,使短文完整、通顺。‎ My lucky jacket What’s my favorite thing? My favorite is something I’ve had for a long time. It’s my much-loved biker jacket. It’s made o______ (57) thick black leather (皮革). It’s a cool biker jacket and my mother g______ (58) it to me five years ago. It used to b______  (59) to my mother when she was young, so it’s very old now! W______ (60) do I love my jacket? First, it was my mother’s and it saves time and money. You don’t need to iron (熨) it and you never need to get it cleaned. Also, it k______ (61) me warm and dry, so I wear it all the time, of course not in the summer. Another thing is that leather jackets never go out of fashion (过时的) and you can wear t______ (62) with jeans or skirts or dresses. Several months ago, I was in a restaurant and I was so c______ (63) that I left without taking the jacket away on the back of my chair. I realized what I had done w______ (64) I was on the bus. I thought I’d lost it forever. At that moment, a young guy jumped onto the b______ (65), holding my jacket. He had run after me down the road with it! We started talking and I made a new f______ (66). Now I think of it as my lucky jacket. 参考答案 (A)单句填词 1. stamps 2. grapes   3. Italian   4. going   5. postcards 6. direction   7. course   8. corner   9. request(s)   10. speakers 11. impolite 12. uncrowded   13. direct 14. speakers 15. addresses 16. corner 17. underground   18. rush    19. central    20. mailed 21. central   22. bathroom    23. restroom   24. bookstore   25. staff    26. mailed 27. correct   28. fascinating 29. stamps    30. speaker    31. direction   32. whom   33. requests   34. inexpensive    (B)短文填空 (1)‎ ‎35. Do you know who she is? 36. Do you know why she is reading in such a place? 37. She hopes (that) she can get a better job. 38. But the young woman said (that) she didn't like parks. 39. Can you guess what she is doing? ‎ ‎ (2)‎ ‎40.correct   41. polite   42. pardon 44. inexpensive 45. grapes  ‎ ‎46. direction 47. suggest (3)‎ ‎48.called   49. lives   50. it   51. villages   52. During 53. shows   54. began   55. writers   56. excited   57. buy (4)‎ ‎58.of    59. gave    60. belong    61. Why    62. keeps    63. them   64. careless    65. when / while    66. bus   67. friend ‎ ‎【句型专练】 (A)按要求转换句型 1. The restroom is on the third floor in the mall.  (对划线部分提问) _________________________________________________________________________ the restroom in the mall? 2. Excuse me, is there a supermarket nearby?  (改为同义句) ______ ______, is there a supermarket nearby? 3. Holly thinks the football match is more exciting than the volleyball match.  (改为同义句) Holly thinks the volleyball match is ______ ______ than the football match. 4. Whose mobile phone is on the sofa? Mom asked.  (合并为含有宾语从句的复合句) Mom asked ______ mobile phone ______ on the sofa. 5. What was Tina doing at that time? Tony wonders.  (改为含宾语从句的复合句) Tony wonders what ___________________________________________________________________ at that time. 6. Alex will give the book to his cousin.  (对划线部分提问) ______ ______ will Alex give the book?‎ ‎ 7. Lisa is going to Shanghai with her cousin next month.  (对划线部分提问) ______ is Lisa going to Shanghai______next month? 8. Let’s have dinner after work, shall we?  (改为同义句) ________________________________________________________________________ having dinner after work? 9. Mr. Clark hasn’t decided where he will stay tonight.  (改为同义句) Mr. Clark hasn’t decided __________________________________________________________________ tonight. 10. How did they go to the zoo? Tim wondered.  (合并为含有宾语从句的复合句) Tim wondered ______ ______ ______ ______ the zoo. (B)根据汉语提示完成句子 11. 当你看到医院的时候左拐。 ______ ______ when you see the hospital. 12. Carol didn't find the post office's gate ______ ______(最初). 13. ______ ______(劳驾), do you know where the bank is? 14. ______ ______(朝东走) along the road, and you will get to the zoo. 15. 沿着这条街走到尽头,你会发现公园在你的右边。 ______ ______ this street to the end, and you will find the park on your right. 16. 艾伦听到有人经过了房间,可是他没有出去看是谁。 Alan heard someone ______ ______ the room, but he didn't go out to see who it was. 17. 妈妈同意带我们去游览苏州,听到这个消息我们很兴奋。 Mom agreed to take us to visit Suzhou. We ______ ______ ______ ______ the news. 18. 每天他们的英语课以一首甜美的英文歌开始。 Their English class ______ ______ a sweet English song every day. 19. Larry lost his mobile phone ______ ______ ______ ______(在他去……的路上) the museum. 20. Ken ______ ______(路过) your house last night when he drove home. 21. ______ ______(快点儿)! We don't have much time. 22. 无锡是在太湖附近的一个著名的城市。 Wuxi is a famous city ______ Lake Tai. ‎ ‎23. 不要急促,否则你会出事故的。 ______ ______, or you may have an accident. 24. 今晚你方便来我家吃饭吗? (convenient) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 25. 昨天特德(Ted)整个上午都在看报纸。 (spend) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 26. 先生,很抱歉打扰你,请你给我开一下门,好吗? (trouble) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 27. 你能告诉我在哪儿兑换零钱吗? Could you tell me ______ ______ ______ some money? 28. 辛迪(Cindy)喜欢动物,比如狗,熊和猴子。 (such as) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 29. 请再说一遍好吗?刚才我没有听清楚你说的话。 ______? I didn't hear you clearly just now. 30. Andy's sister is a member of the ______ ______(摇滚乐队). 31. 这个计划取决于天气情况。 (depend on) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 32. 你应该学会如何礼貌地请求帮助。 (ask for help) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 33. 我想知道晚会什么时候开始。 I wonder ______ the party ______. 34. 王老师总是建议我们多读一些书。 Mr. Wang always ______ that we ______ ______ more books. 35. 昨天他的确和朋友出去吃饭了。 He ______ ______ ______ with his friend yesterday. 36. The lady told the girl to ______ ______ ______ ______(抓着她爸爸的手). 37. 这个课程不如那个难。 This course is ______ ______ than that one. 38. 今天我们不需要去上学。去游泳怎么样?‎ ‎ We ______ ______ ______ go to school today. What about going swimming? (C)情景交际 (1)‎ 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。 A: Excuse me, sir. B: Yes? A: Could you please tell me how to get to the train station? (39)______ B: Sure. Go down this road and take the third turning on the right into East Road.  (40)______ You'll find a big supermarket. The train station is on its left. A: (41)______ B: It's about half an hour's walk. A: It's really a long way. (42)______ B: Yes. The No. 3 bus will take you right there. A: (43)______ Thanks a lot! B: You're welcome. ‎ A. How far is it from here?       B. Do you know where it is? C. I'll go there by bus. D. I'm new here.         E. Is there a bus? F. Walk on until you reach the end of the road.   G. It's a little far from here (2)‎ 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。 A: Excuse me. Could you please tell me where I can buy the novel The Ordinary World ? B: Certainly. (44) ______ A: I’m new here. I don’t know the way. (45) ______‎ ‎ B: Sure. Go east along this street and turn left at the second crossing. It’s next to a supermarket. A: (46) ______ B: It’s about three kilometers away. A: (47) ______ B: Yes, you can. A: Which bus can I take? B: You can take the No. 8 bus. (48) ______ Look! The bus is coming! A: Thank you very much. B: You’re welcome. A. How far is it from here? B. You can buy it in Qing Tian Bookstore. C. The bookstore closes at 8:00 p.m. D. The bus stop is on the other side of the street. E. Can you tell me the way to it? F. Can I take a bus there? G. I’m not sure how to get there. (3)‎ 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。 A: Excuse me, I wonder if there is a post office near here. B: Yes, there is. What do you want to mail? A: (49)______ B: When is your sister’s birthday? A: It is next Sunday. (50)______ B: Sure. Go east along South Street and turn left when you see a bank. (51)______ A: Is it next to the bank? B: (52)______   A: Do I have to take a bus? B: No, you don’t. (53)______‎ ‎ A: Thank you. B: You’re welcome. ‎ A.No, it’s next to a hotel.   B. The post office is on your left. C. Go past the hotel. D. It only takes you 15 minutes to walk there. E. Could you tell me how I can get there? F. Do I need to walk there? G. I want to mail a birthday card to my sister. 参考答案 (A)句型转换 1. Where is   2. Pardon me         3. less exciting 4. whose; was    5. Tina was doing 6. To whom       7. With whom   8. How about / What about   9. where to stay    10. how they went to (B)根据汉语提示完成句子 11. Turn left    12. at first       13. Excuse me       14. Go east 15. Go along       ‎ ‎16. go past 17. were excited to hear               18. starts / begins with 19. on his way to    20. passed by 21. Come on / Hurry up       22. beside / near    23. Don't rush 24. Is it convenient for you to come to my house for dinner tonight? 25. Ted spent the whole morning reading the newspaper yesterday. 26. Sir, I'm sorry to trouble you, but could you please open the door for me?   27. where to change      28. Cindy likes animals, such as dogs, bears and monkeys. 29. Pardon    30. rock band 31. The plan depends on the weather. 32. You should learn how to ask for help politely. 33. when; begins / starts 34. suggests; should read      35. did eat out 36. hold her father's hand(s)    37. less difficult       38. don't need to (C)情景交际 (1)‎ 39. D 40.F 41.A 42.E 43.C (2)‎ 44. B 45.E 46.A 47.F 48.D ‎ ‎ (3)‎ ‎49.G 50.E 51.B 52.A 53.D

