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‎2020届二轮复习 形容词用法考点纵览学案 一、概述 形容词是用来描述或修饰名词的一类词。根据不同的标准,可将形容词分为不同的种类,但英语中,大多数形容词属于多功能形容词。但根据功能可分为定语形容词和表语形容词;根据作定语时的位置又可分为前置定语形容词与后置定语形容词;根据形容词的特性又可分为动态形容词与静态形容词;根据构成可分为简单形容词与复合形容词;最后根据形容词与名词的关系可分为主动意义形容词与被动意义形容词。‎ 本章首先介绍了形容词的分类,对于每类形容词都给予大量实例加以论证,并对有些情况进行了深刻地剖析(如表语形容词作后置定语),接着,介绍形容词在句中的作用,对于名词前多个形容词修饰的顺序问题,给予了精彩凝练的口诀。最后介绍了形容词的级及形容词的特殊结构,而且提出了解决此章问题的重要方法及本章的核心与关键。‎ 形容词在英语中也是比较重要的一种词,本章内容细节问题较多,所以在学习本章的时候要注意把握细节。‎ 二、定义及分类 形容词是用来描写或修饰名词的一类词。根据形容词的功能、位置、结构与名词的关系及特性可有以下分类(顺便阐述每类形容词的用法)。‎ ‎1、表语形容词与定语形容词(英语中绝大部分形容词都可用作定语,只有少部分不能用作定语,只能用作表语。所以在此只介绍表语形容词,其它形容词一般情况下可作定语。)‎ 表语形容词指只用作表语的形容词,主要有以下两类:‎ ‎(1)以字母a开头的形容词,如:alive、alone、afraid、alike、asleep、aware、awake、ashamed、amiss、abloom等。如:‎ After the serious injury in the accident, the man was still alive.‎ I’m afraid I can’t attend the meeting.‎ He was aware that he had made a serious mistake.‎ 注:①上述形容词有时也可作补语或后置定语(如alive)。②上述形容词都不能作前置定语,但当被相应的副词修饰时可作前置定语,如:a sound asleep baby。‎ ‎(2)well、worth、sure、unable、ill、content、liable等词。如:‎ He didn’t look well today.‎ The book is worth reading several times.‎ I’m sure that the murderer will be caught by the police sooner or late.‎ His grandpa is seriously ill in the hospital.‎ Getting the first prize, I was very content.‎ 注:①表示“生病”时,ill只用作表语,定语需用sick,当ill不表示“生病”而表示“坏的”时可用作前置定语,如:ill temper,ill luck等。②此外在英语中有个习惯性的规定:alone等上述表语形容词只能用all,much或very much,少数也可用副词well修饰(如worth),但不用very修饰。如:‎ The man was all/much/very much alone on the island.而不说The man was very alone on the island.‎ 上面说了一些表语形容词可以作后置定语,下面从另一个角度(可谓本质或根源)去挖掘二者的内在联系(仅以alive为例)。‎ 所谓另一角度便是运用定语从句的省略法分析(为了读者更好的理解,将首先介绍定语从句中的一种省略方式,由此层层递进,层层剖析,进而过度到表语形容词alive,进而推广到所有的形容词)。‎ 定语从句中的一种省略方法即是当先行词在定语从句中充当主语且定语从句出现be动词(即be动词作谓语),也就是说整个定语从句的句子结构是主系表结构。(当然,在这里表语只局限于形容词即表语形容词)这时,可将定语从句的主语及be动词一块省略,那么定语从句部分只留下了形容词,即变成了形容词作后置定语(应注意如果表语只是一单个形容词,省略的条件是此形容词是表语形容词,否则不可省略。当然,如果表语部分不仅仅是形容词还有其他成分一般情况下都可省略)。下面通过一实例具体论证:‎ Everyone that is present at the meeting shall keep silent.根据以上定语从句省略法,将that is一块省略便成了Everyone present at the meeting shall keep silent.这样表语形容词present便由上述实例推广到alive。如:‎ The old poet who is alive wrote a lot of famous poems during his whole life.根据定语从句省略法将who is省去,便成了The old poet alive wrote a lot of famous poems during his whole life.再由表语形容词alive推广到所有表语形容词,便可深刻理解表语形容词用作后置定语内在原因。‎ 对此要由后置定语形容词结构联想到定语从句,反过来,在定语从句中也要联想到此种省略方式,二者相辅相成,有机结合。‎ ‎2、多功能形容词 英语中大部分形容词都是多功能形容词,多功能形容词是指既能充当定语,又能充当表语或宾语补足语的形容词。如:‎ The flower is beautiful.(表语)‎ The girl picked a beautiful flower.(定语)‎ I find the flower really beautiful.(宾补)‎ in past months(前置定语)‎ in months past(后置定语)‎ 注意下面的表达法 下星期一on Monday next next Monday 上星期五on Friday last last Friday ‎3、前置与后置定语形容词 ‎(1)前置定语形容词(指只能用作前置定语的形容词),主要有以下几类:‎ ‎①以词尾-most结尾的形容词或与most构成的合成形容词,如:utmost、foremost等。‎ ‎②以-ly结尾的表示时间的形容词,如:daily、weekly、monthly、yearly。例如:‎ weekly report(正)‎ The report is weekly.(误)‎ ‎③以-er结尾的形容词,如:elder(eldest)、upper、utter、lesser、outer、former、latter、lower、other、inner等。如:‎ the former president(正)‎ The president is former.(误)‎ ‎④指以词尾-en结尾的形容词,如:woolen、wooden、golden、sicken、ashen等物质形容词。如:‎ a woolen coat(正)‎ the coat is woolen(误)‎ 注意以上前置定语形容词不能用作表语。‎ ‎(2)后置定语形容词(指用作定语时,须放在被修饰词后的形容词),主要有以下几类。‎ ‎①以字母a开头构成的形容词,如:alive、afraid、alone、alike、asleep、awake等(对此可结合以a开头的表语形容词进行反向分析,因为此类形容词常作表语,结合上述定语从句省略法可知常用作后置定语)。如:‎ The boy alone couldn’t make such a serious problem.‎ The little baby awake cried sadly, looking at her mother.‎ ‎②表示方位和时间等的副词常作后置定语,如:above、else、out、tomorrow、today、here、now、home、abroad、here等。如:‎ the text above上述文章 the way home回家的路 the weather today今日天气 the reason below下述原因 people there那里的人们 food abroad国外食物 注意:1、upstairs和downstairs作定语常后置,但也可前置。如:‎ rooms upstairs the well downstairs upstairs rooms the downstairs well ‎2、home同表示旅程的词,如:trip、journey、return等连用时,也可作前置定语。如:‎ the long journey home the return home the long home journey the home return ‎③当被修饰词是由every、some、any、no构成的复合名词时,形容词需后置(对于此点同样可结合定语从句分析,因为此类词常跟定语从句作后置定语)。如:‎ everyone present、something else、nothing serious ‎④形容词成对出现(形容词间往往用and连接)作定语时须后置(因为此类结构往往较长,在英语中我们知道当定语过长时,往往采取后置的方式,如:介词短语、动词不定式、定语从句等结构)。如:‎ He bought a flat in the building, simple and beautiful.‎ The store is full of clothes, blue and red.‎ ‎⑤以-able或-ible结尾的词可置于被最高级或only等词修饰的名词后。如:‎ The path is the only way possible to lead to the top of the hill.‎ That is the tallest tree imaginable.‎ ‎⑥当形容词作为非限制性定语时(即形容词前后都有逗号隔开时)须后置(此点可同样结合定语从句省略法分析,非限制性定语从句也同样适合此省略规则)。如:‎ The father, angry, looked at the boy.‎ Miss Lin, anxious, wait for her husband to come back.‎ ‎⑦形容词短语一般作后置定语(对此可从两方面分析:一、定语过长往往后置。二、结合定语从句省略法分析,实际上形容词短语是由相应的定语从句省略后而得到的,所以常作后置定语)。如:‎ We should eat more food good for our health.(形容词+介词短语)‎ He wants to change for a room ten meters long and eight meters wide.(数词+形容词)‎ Finally, he solved the problem so difficult to deal with at first.(形容词+不定式)‎ The soldier brave enough to take risks played an important role in the army.(形容词+enough+不定式)‎ There are many flowers in the park so smelly and beautiful that the tourists tear themselves away from them.(so+形容词+that结构状语从句)‎ I need another table bigger than this one.(形容词比较级+than)‎ The population twice larger than of the country in the city will cause a lot of trouble.(倍数+形容词比较级+than或as+形容词原级+as)‎ 对于以上各例都可看成是省去定语从句中作主语的关系代词及be动词而得到的结构形式。‎ ‎4、静态形容词与动态形容词 静态形容词用以描绘人或物的静态特征,如:long、small、beautiful等英语中大多数形容词都是静态形容词。‎ 动态形容词指那些带有动作含义的形容词。有的以-able结尾的形容词,有的以-ive,-ous,-ful,-some结尾的形容词,有分词转化而来的形容词及表示人性格及特征的形容词,如:reliable、respectable、tiresome、patient、witty、helpful、attractive、talkative、serious、friendly、clever、cruel、careful、brave、ambitious、calm、generous、gentle、rude、timid、slow、vicious、nice、slow、shy、reasonable等。‎ 下面着重阐述静态动词与动态动词二者间的用法上的区别:‎ ‎①动态形容词可用在进行时态中,而静态形容词不可以。如:‎ The teacher is being careful with his work.(正)‎ The flower is being beautiful.(误)‎ ‎②动态形容词可用于使级结构中,而静态动词则不可以。如:‎ Our English teacher told us to be patient.(正)‎ He asked her to be pretty.(误)‎ ‎③动态形容词可以用于be动词开头的祈使句中,而静态动词不可以。如:‎ Be careful.(正)‎ Be strong.(误)‎ ‎④动态形容词常用于“it is+形容词+of…”结构,静态形容词常用于“it is+形容词+for…”结构。如:‎ It is kind of you to help me with it.‎ It is difficult for him to achieve the aim.‎ ‎5、简单形容词与复合形容词 ‎(1)简单形容词即由一单词构成,如:strange、big、nice、green等。‎ ‎(2)复合形容词通常由两个或两个以上形容词构成,中间通常用连字符“—”连接,复合形容词的构成方式如下。‎ a、名词+形容词(形容词+名词),如:‎ water-tight防水的 care-free无忧无虑的 ice-cold冰冷的 ‎ snow-white雪白的 world-famous世界著名的 all-mighty万能的 b、形容词(数词)+名词,如:‎ long-distance长途的 second-hand二手的 full-scale全力的 first-rate第一流的 high-speed高速的 half-prize半价的 c、名词(代词)+名词+ed,如:‎ apple-shaped苹果形状的 gold-cornered镶金边的 silver-haired银发的 stone-hearted铁石心肠 e、名词(代词)+现在分词,如:‎ flesh-eating食肉的 record-breaking破纪录的 trouble-making捣乱的 peace-loving爱好和平的 epoch-making划时代的 English-speaking说英语的 f、名词(代词)+过去分词,如:‎ self-taught自学成才的 heart-broken伤心的 home-made家里做的 state-owned国有的 sugar-coated糖衣的 left-handed用左手的 g、形容词(数词)+名词+ed,如:‎ warm-hearted热心肠的 good-mannered有礼貌的 long-legged长腿的 white-haired白发的 bad-tempered坏脾气的 four-legged四条腿的 h、形容词+现在分词,如:‎ good-looking漂亮的 easy-going随和的 ‎ smooth-talking花言巧语的 close-fitting紧身的 i、形容词+过去分词,如:‎ new-born新生的 ready-made现成的 high-born出身高贵的 foreign-manufactured外国造的 j、副词+形容词,如:‎ ever-green常绿的 all-round全能的 too-rapid太快的 over-busy太忙的 k、副词+名词,如:‎ off-hour休息时间 outside外面的 off-budget预算外的 offshore离岸的 l、副词+现在分词,如:‎ far-reaching深远的 ever-lasting持久的 ‎ long-lasting耐用的 fast-moving动作迅速的 m、形容词+形容词,如:‎ red-hot炽热的 bloody-red血红的 dark-green深绿色的 yellow-green黄绿色的 n、动词(或过去分词)+副词,如:‎ made-up编造的 carry-on随身携带的 built-in嵌入的 dressed-up随身携带的 ‎6、主动意义形容词和被动意义形容词 从形容词的意义上看,形容词有主动与被动之分,下面具体介绍。‎ ‎(1)以-ing结尾的形容词(即现在分词形容词)一般具有主动意义,而以-ed结尾的形容词(即过去分词形容词)一般具有被动意义(现在分词表示主动含义,而过去分词表被动意义,可谓两种分词间的显著区别之处)。如:‎ The boy is exciting at the game.‎ The injured driver been carried to hospital.‎ ‎(2)以-ful、-ive、--ous、-ory、-ant等后缀结尾的形容词一般表示主动意义,以-ible、-able、-worthy等结尾的形容词一般表示被动意义。如:‎ The man is very careful.‎ What he said isn’t trust worthy.‎ The plan isn’t acceptable for this.‎ ‎(3)有些形容词可表示主动和被动两种含义视具体场合而定。如:‎ He has been sensible of the problem.(觉察到,主动)‎ What she thought was sensible in her face.(可觉察的,被动)‎ ‎7、现在分词形容词和过去分词形容词 ‎(1)英语中的许多形容词是由现在分词转化而来的,大都是品质形容词。在句中可作定语或表语,现在分词形容词多用于指物,表示“…令人怎么样的”。常见的有:interesting、frightening、exciting、disappointing、demanding、pleasing、tiring、amazing、boring、threatening、shocking、surprising、relaxing、inspiring、challenging、amusing等,如:‎ Yesterday night I was tired of the boring film.‎ The game is really exciting.‎ That is a challenging job.‎ 还有些-ing形容词具有不及物性,只能作定语,不能作表语,同时也没有相应的比较级及最高级,常见的有:aging、bursting、increasing、bleeding、becoming、outgoing、falling、dying、living、remaining、existing、rising等。如:‎ The increasing population will bring a lot of trouble.‎ The rising sun is so beautiful.‎ ‎(2)大部分-ed形容词都是由及物动词的过去分词演变而来的,具有被动含义,可作定语或表语,此类形容词表示“让人感到怎么样的”,通常指人,如:surprised、frightened、excited、pleased、amazed、delighted、shocked、tired、worried、bored、disappointed、satisfied、confused、discouraged、interested等。如:‎ I’m surprised to see my old friend.‎ His confused face told me he didn’t catch what I had said.‎ 注意:名词+ed也可构成形容词,这类形容词通常作定语。如:‎ a gifted musician有天赋的音乐家 a skilled worker熟练或技术工 gloved hands戴手套的手 a flowered place有花的地方 以上便是形容词的分类,如果相对于每种形容词且从意义上考虑,则又可细分为限定性形容词(冠词、指示代词、形容词性物主代词、所有格、基数词、序数词等)、描绘性形容词、大小、长短、高低、形状、年龄、新旧、颜色、国籍(地区、出处)、材料、用途(作用、类别)等类形容词,在后面介绍形容词作定语的先后顺序时将详细阐述。‎ 三、在句中的作用 在英语中总的来说,形容词可修饰名词或代词,在句中可用作定语、表语、主语补足语、宾语补足语、状语、主语、独立成分、感叹语等。‎ ‎1、作定语,如:‎ A good teacher should pay more attention to his students.‎ The bad weather had a bad effect on our plan.‎ 形容词作定语时,有时表面上好像修饰A,实质上却修饰B(多指人),这种形容词叫做转移形容词。如:‎ I had a sleepless night yesterday.(表面上好像修饰night,但实质说的是“我失眠”)‎ Before you are determined, you’d better make a wise choice.(这里的wise表示“我明智”,而不是“选择”是明智的)‎ 有些形容词形式上修饰名词,实际上相当于副词,实质上修饰名词所内含的动作。如:‎ a heavy smoker=somebody who smokes heavily a hard worker=somebody who works hard 有时名词虽未内含动作,但形容词仍相当于副词。如:‎ a poor soldier=a soldier who acts poorly a good teacher=a teacher who(are well for his students)‎ 有时同一个形容词用作定语可有不同的含义,如:‎ a mad doctor治精神病的医生/患精神病的医生 a criminal lawyer刑事律师/犯罪的律师 ‎2、作补语 形容词既可作主语补足语也可作补语补足语,表示状态、现状、结果等并常用在表示“认为、设想、发现、看待”等动词后面。如:‎ I find the subject difficult to learn.(补语补足语)‎ He sat silent.(主语补足语)‎ The way to the problem was thought unpractical.(主语补足语)‎ The soldier came back from the war sound.(主语补足语)‎ They picked up the apple ripe.(宾语补足语)‎ ‎3、作表语 有时表语也可看成是主语补足语,形容常放在系动词后作表语,表语依赖系动词而存在,在下列系动词后要用形容词作表语,不可用副词。‎ ‎①在全系动词be之后常用形容词作表语,这也是最常见的。如:‎ The room is clean.‎ The book is valuable.‎ ‎②在表示“是,在,保持”动词后要用形容词作表语,如:remain、stay、keep、continue、stand、lie等。如:‎ Please keep silent during the meeting.‎ Doing exercises will help us to stay healthy.‎ ‎③在“变成类”系动词,如:get、turn、grow、fall、run、go、come等后要用形容词作表语。如:‎ When autumn comes, the leaves on the tree turn yellow gradually.‎ One day in the future, the aim in my heart will come true.‎ ‎④在感觉、感官动词,如:feel、appear、seem、taste、sound、smell等后要用形容词作表语。如:‎ The song sounds good.‎ I feel excited at the good news.‎ ‎4、作主语 形容词也可用作主语,但此类形容词往往成对出现具有名词化的特点。如:‎ Rich and poor should have the same righty.‎ Old and young should do some sports to build up their body.‎ 成对出现的形容词不仅可以作主语,有时也可用作宾语。如:‎ The boy is too young to tell right from wrong.‎ We should care about old and young.‎ ‎5、作状语 形容词(或形容词短语)可作状语,可谓于句首、句中或句末。形容词作状语可表示时间、原因、方式、伴随、让步、强调、条件等或说明主语的状况。如:‎ Ripe, the apples can be picked up.(时间)‎ Anxious to arrive home early, he caught the first bus.(原因)‎ He went into the library, silent not to bother others.(方式)‎ Rich or poor, every is created equal.(让步)‎ The girl is fine/nice/good and pretty.(强调,相当于very pretty)‎ Energetic and enthusiastic, he got down to his work.(说明主语状态)‎ 现在将从两方面深层次角度剖析挖掘形容词作状语的本质。‎ ‎①形容词为什么可以作状语:在状语从句中,如果主从复合句的主句一致(从句用相应的人称代词去代替主句主语)且从句有be动词(即整个从句的句法结构为主系表结构)(当然,这类只研究表语是形容词这种情况)时。可将从句的主语连同be 动词一块省略,即剩下形容词或形容词短语部分,再进一步省略的话还可将状语从句的引导词省略,省略后的形式它的根还是状语从句,所以形容词(或形容词短语)仍作状语。‎ ‎②为什么可作多种含义的状语:由①可知,形容词(或形容词短语)作状语由相应的状语从句转化而来的,状语从句表示时间、方式、原因、条件、让步等,所以省略后的形成仍可表示多种含义。‎ 在这里,指示简单的介绍,不再从广度上展开,在省略法一章中将全面阐述。‎ ‎6、用作独立成分 有些形容词,如:strange、true、curious、important、surprising、remarkable等作状语或形容词短语如strange to say、sure enough作状语表示评注性说明,是说话者的某种看法,形容词可加more或most,还可换为it is…that句型(因为此类形容词作状语常用以修饰整个句子),注意这里的形容词作状语与上述5中的形容词作状语有着本质区别,这里的形容词与句子的主语没有任何关系。如:‎ Surprising, such a bad man will help others.‎ Strange to say, she loves such a boy.‎ Most important, we should have the ability to control ourselves.‎ ‎7、作感叹语 形容词作感叹语时表示某种情绪,如:‎ Good! Work hard.‎ Wonderful! Play the piano again.‎ 四、形容词的级 英语中的形容词有三个等级,即原级、比较级和最高级,一般说来,表示“等于”时用原级,表示二者比较时用比较级,表示“最…”时用最高级。‎ ‎1、形容词比较级的构成 ‎(1)形容词比较级和最高级的规则变化主要有两类:一是-er和-est型,二是more和most型。下面通过一表具体反映:‎ 构成法 原级 比较级 最高级 单音节词末尾加-er和-est big bigger biggest 单音节词以-e结尾,只加-r和-st nice nicer nicest 闭音节单音节词如果末尾只有一个辅音字母,须先双写这个辅音字母,再加er或est hot hotter hottest ‎ thin thinner thinnest 少数以-y、-er、-ow、-ble结尾的双音节词,末尾加-er或est(以辅音字母加-y结尾的词须先变y为i再加-er或-est,以e结尾的词仍只加-r或-st) happy happier happiest ‎ clever cleverer cleverest ‎ narrow narrower narrowest ‎ able abler ablest 其他双音节和多音节词都在前面加more或most important more important most important 注意:①‎ 以-er或-est构成比较级和最高级的形容词,在加上-im、-un等否定前缀后,虽然多了一个音节,成为双音节或单音节词,但仍加-er和-est构成相应的比较级和最高级,如:unhappy—unhappier—unhappiest、untidy—untidier—untidiest。‎ ‎②有些形容词的比较级和最高级有两种变化形式,即既可加-er和-est构成比较级和最高级也可加more和most构成,常见的有:cross、plain、exact、quiet、worthy、angry、precise、holy、stupid、often、bitter、rocky、stable、eager、sober、sunny、tender、civil、profound、windy等,但有时只有一种变化形式,属于惯用法或特定情况。‎ ‎③有时可在形容词前加less和least构成,表示“教不、最不”,如:short—less short—least short、easy—less easy—least easy。‎ ‎④下面两个词可有两种变化形式:sly—slier/slyer—sliest/slyest、shy—shier/shyer—shiest/shyest。‎ ‎⑤trust worthy要加-er和-est构成比较级和最高级。‎ 对于形容词变为比较级和最高级后的单词发音也要注意。‎ ‎⑥形容词加上-er和-est自成一个音节,分别读作/?/和/ist/,如:tall—taller—tallest、nice—nicer—nicest。‎ ‎⑦如果形容词原级的词末为不发音的字母r再加-er和-est时,r要发/r/,如:near—nearer—nearest、clear—clearer—clearest。‎ ‎⑧如果形容词原级词末的发音为/?/,在加-er和-est后音节后须加一个/g/,如:strong—stronger—strongest、long—longer—longest。‎ ‎(2)形容词比较级与最高级的不规则变化 原级 比较级 最高级 good well better best bad ill worse worst many much more most little less least old older elder oldest eldest late later(较迟)‎ latter(后者的) latest(最近的)‎ last(最后的)‎ far farther further farthest furthest 对上述一些重要的比较级与最高级的用法进行进一步阐述。‎ ‎①older和oldest不同于elder和eldest,前者多指年龄、时间等且常作表语,后者指兄弟姐妹之间的长幼关系且常作定语。如:‎ In my family, my mother is older than my father, and also the eldest of her sisters.‎ Her eldest son is two years older than her little son.‎ ‎②farther和farthest不同于further和furthest,前者多用于说明具体的远近,一般可感知,而后者多用来说明比较抽象的事物,further也可用作动词,意为“促进”。如:‎ I can’t walk any farther.‎ He wants to go abroad to study English further in order to become an expert.‎ The managing plan will further the development of the company.‎ ‎(3)加后缀-most构成的最高级 英语中有少量最高级是由形容词、副词、名词+most构成,这类词一般无比较级(in、out除外),大多表示空间、位置,如:up、right、fore、after、head、sea、bottom、mid、top、under、back、middle、rear、in、out、end、left、centre、front等,有的表示反向,如:west、east、north、south、eastern、western、northwestern等,如:‎ under most最下面的 bottom most最底部的 mid most正中间 lower most最低的 after most最后面的 foremost最前面的,最重要的 east most最东的 northwestern most最西北的 注:个别表示空间的形容词或副词,可加-er构成比较级,加most构成最高级,但这些词的比较级和最高级只能作前置定语,不可用于比较。如:‎ in—inner—inmost(或inner most)、up—upper—upmost(或upper most)‎ ‎(4)加more和most构成比较级和最高级的单音节形容词和双音节形容词。‎ ‎①由分词转化而来的形容词,如:pleased、learned、surprising、tired、excited、tiring、shocking、discouraging、charming、exciting等,如:‎ The game is more exciting than that one.‎ The writer is more learned.‎ ‎②描述某种特征、品质或具有强调意义的形容词 有时这种比较不是在两个人或两个事物之间进行,而是描述同一个人或物,表示“与其说…倒不如说,更多的是…而不是”。如:‎ He is more shy than afraid.‎ The boy is more brave than bold.‎ ‎③一些以两个辅音字母结尾的单音节形容词。如:‎ The judge is more just than others.‎ The book is more worth reading.‎ ‎④常用作表语的双音节形容词,如alive、aware、afraid、alone、alike、content等。如:‎ He is more afraid to communicate with others than you.‎ The old lady is more alone than before.‎ ‎⑤表示国籍的形容词,表示该国人的行为举止。如:‎ The man is more Chinese than the Chinese.‎ The way she spoke was more Canadian than him.‎ ‎⑥由一个单音节或双音节形容词加上另一个形容词或分词构成复合形容词且关系密切时,如:‎ She is more warm-hearted lady.‎ I’m more home-sick in college than before in the senior high school.‎ 但复合形容词关系松散时或第一个词是deep、large、well等单音节词时通常就在词后加-er和-est变为比较级或最高级。‎ deep-rooted—deeper-rooted—deepest-rooted hard-working—harder-working—hardest-working 以well、old等构成的复合词有些有两种变化形式,如:‎ well-known—better-known/more well-known—best-known/most well-known old-fashioned—older-fashioned/more old-fashioned—oldest-fashioned/most old-fashioned 但只能说:well-to-do—more well-to-do—most well-to-do以bad构成的复合形容词也只有一种比较级和最高级构成形式,如:bad-tempered—worse-tempered—worst-tempered ‎⑦由形容词+ly构成的副词要加more和most构成比较级和最高级,如:slowly、quickly、kindly、highly、directly、deeply、closely、widely、tightly、fairly、clearly、loudly等。如:‎ Tom ran more quickly than Tom.‎ Please get more closely.‎ ‎(5)没有比较级和最高级的形容词 英语中并不是所有的形容词都有比较级和最高级;有些形容词一般不用来比较,本身具有无法比较的含义。主要有下面几种情况:‎ ‎①表示“完全,特别”等意义的形容词(或副词),如:excellent、final、utter(ly)、perfect(ly)、fatherless、almighty、universal、absolute(ly)、complete(ly)、entire(ly)、total(ly)、unprecedented(ly)、illiterate、impossible、unskilled等。‎ ‎②表示“极限,主次”等形容词(副词),如:supreme、major、eternal、minor、interior、main、basic、maximum、minimum、extreme、chief、first、fundamental等。‎ ‎③表示“独一无二”的形容词,如:mere、only、single、sheer、sole、unique、matchless、unrivaled等。‎ ‎④表示“强调”的形容词(副词),如:barely、hardly、scarcely、simply、very、favourite等。‎ ‎⑤表示“几何形状”的形容词,如:square、angular、oval、round、vertical、horizontal、straight、circular、level等。‎ ‎⑥表示“时间,地点,方位”的形容词(副词),如:daily、monthly、now、present、then、ahead、there、here、forward、backward、future等,但east、west、south、north、left、right、back、mid、middle虽然没有比较级,但可加most构成最高级(见上文)。‎ ‎⑦表示“材料,性质,国籍”等的形容词,如:woolen、wooden、silken、silvern、metallic、golden、sonic、true、false、artificial、industrial、spiritual、American、Chinese等。‎ ‎⑧表示“状态”的形容词,如:afloat、alight、ashamed、asleep、awake、blind、deaf、dumb、dead、naked、agape等。‎ ‎⑨junior、senior、inferior、superior、prior、previous没有比较级和最高级,要同to连用而不同than连用。‎ 以上便是形容词比较级和最高级的构成,在此补充说明几点内容:‎ ‎①几个同时修饰一个名词时,一般要使用同一种形式,要么都加-er和-est,要么都加more和most。如:‎ The man may be the most clever, most lucky, most kind, most far-sighted person.‎ The lady is the meanest, nicest and shallowest woman in the word.‎ ‎②如果-er、-est和more、most形式并用,通常是-er、-est形式在前。如果more、most形式在前,后面的比较级和最高级也要用相同的形式。如:‎ The flowers in the garden become nicer and more beautiful.‎ The beds in the hotel become more comfortable and more soft.‎ ‎③more和most后可跟几个并列形容词。如:‎ The film is more interesting, moving and inspiring than that one.‎ ‎④形容词最高级有时有“即使”的含义。如:‎ The slightest fault shouldn’t be neglected.‎ ‎⑤most作very解时,most并不是构成最高级,因为most本身就可以用作“副词”,表示“非常”的意义,所以在这种情况下most前无需加the,当有范围时,则most是用来构成最高级,这时需加定冠词the,如:‎ The picture is most beautiful.‎ The picture is the most beautiful of all.‎ 上述说法不仅适合most型最高级,同样适合-est型最高级。如:‎ The room is biggest.‎ The room is the biggest in the building.‎ 五、形容词的位置 ‎1、形容词作定语时,通常放在被修饰词前面,但也有少数形容词作定语放在被修饰词后面(见上文“后置定语形容词”部分)。如:‎ She is a very kind lady.‎ He is the most famous writer alive of all.‎ ‎2、形容词短语作定语时放在名词后面。如:‎ We should focus on the problems difficult for us to solve.‎ ‎3、形容词放在以some、any、every、no等构成的不定代词后面,如:something、somebody、anything、anybody、everything、everybody、nothing、nobody、someone、anyone、everyone等后面。如:‎ The machine couldn’t work, maybe there was something wrong with it.‎ 但有时形容词亦可放在something之前作定语,且这时something前有定冠词the修饰,这种用法的something可视为名词化了。如:‎ There was the bright something appearing in the dark sky.‎ ‎4、当多个形容词共同修饰一个名词时,在意义上同名词关系最密切的最靠近名词,排列顺序(按离名词的距离由近到远)依次是:‎ ‎(1)限定词:①冠词或指示代词(a、an、the、this、that、these、those等)。②所有格(形容词性物主代词和名词所有格)(my、his、her、your、our、their、John’s、Tom’s等)。③序数词(first、second、third、last等)。④基数词(one、two、three等)。‎ ‎(2)描绘性形容词(表示特征或性质)(pretty、small、good、nice等大部分形容词)‎ ‎(3)大小、长短、高低的形容词(big、small、long、short、high、little、low等)‎ ‎(4)形状状态形容词(round、square等)‎ ‎(5)年龄、温度、新老(young、old、new等)‎ ‎(6)颜色(red、blue、yellow、white、black等)‎ ‎(7)国籍、出处(Chinese、American、Northern等)‎ ‎(8)材料、质地(wooden、sicken、woolen等)‎ ‎(9)用途、类别(medical、writing等)‎ 识记上述顺序未免有点难度容易混淆,下面运用比较简洁凝练的语言对上述内容予以概括,即名词前多个形容词的排序规律:限定(冠/指、格、序、基)、描绘、大、长、高、形状、年龄、温度和新老、颜色、国籍跟材料、作用、类别往后靠。‎ 对上述规律给予以下几点说明及补充:‎ ‎1、首先要牢记此排序规律,分清各概括性的语言所指代的实际内容(可参考上述分类)。‎ ‎2、限定词中所包含的词要严格按照此顺序:冠词(指示代词)--所有格—序数词—基数词。如:‎ The/His first two children are both daughters.‎ ‎3、大、长、高一般情况下是并列的,不会同时出现任何两个或三个,大多数情况下只会出现一个,所以没必要严格区分、大、长、高的顺序。‎ ‎4、其他词应放在用作形容词的名词前,如:the new eye exercise。‎ ‎5、普通形容词居前,特殊形容词居后,如:a delicious round homemade pin。‎ ‎6、出处+过去分词,如:British made watch。‎ ‎7、现在分词+出处,如:fast-developing northern economy。‎ ‎8、动名词紧放名词前,如:audio-visual teaching aids。‎ ‎9、beautiful居new之前,而ugly居new之后,如:a beautiful new car、a new ugly car。‎ ‎10、同类形容词,读音短的在前,读音长的在后,如:a blue and yellow sheet、a nice strange, untrust worthy smile。‎ ‎11、形容词past、following、appointed、preceding等作定语置于名词前后均可,意思不变。如:‎ in the following week in the week following下一周 in past months in months past上几个月 但只能说in the past month,不能说in the month past,只能说a long time past,不能说a past long time。‎ ‎12、next、last与基数词连用时可互换位置,如:‎ the last three chapters the three last chapters最后三章 the next five paragraphs the five next paragraphs下面五段 下面将通过实例对形容词排序规律进行论证:‎ the second chance(冠词+序数词)‎ the/these/those five students(冠词/指示代词+基数词)‎ John’s two brothers(所有格+基数词)‎ a delicious small round cake(冠词+描绘性形容词+大小+形状)‎ a nice big blue coat(冠词+描绘形容词+大小+颜色)‎ a long hot summer(冠词+长短+温度)‎ a nice new teacher(冠词+描绘+新老)‎ this old yellow dress(指示代词+新老+颜色)‎ these strong young Japanese soldiers(指示代词+描绘性形容词+年龄+国籍)‎ a nice small red Chinese sheet(冠词+描绘性形容词+大小+颜色+国籍)‎ this lovely small round old black Chinese silken doll(指示代词+描绘性形容词+大小+形状+新老+颜色+国籍+材料)‎ a nice long square new white American medical ‎ towel(冠词+描绘性形容词+长短+形状+新老+颜色+国籍+用途)‎ 六、有关形容词的特殊句型、用法及重要形容词的用法比较 ‎1、比较级和than连用,以及和比较级有关的一些特殊句型及含义。‎ ‎(1)在比较从句中当than后的谓语动词省略时,要把助动词放在主语前,运用倒装结构。如:‎ Tom ran faster than did anyone else in the team.‎ He speaks English even more fluent than does a native speaker.‎ ‎(2)“more+形容词/名词+than+形容词/名词”表示“与其说…倒不如说…”。如:‎ The girl is more acute than smart.‎ She is more mother than wife.‎ ‎(3)“more of a/an A than B”表示“比起B来更有A的气质,作为A比作为B更称职”。如:‎ He is more of a writer than a teacher.‎ ‎(4)“no+比较级+than”表示“与…一样不”相当于“as+该形容词反义词+as”结构。如:‎ He is no cleverer than she.相当于He is as foolish as she.‎ ‎(5)more than有多重含义:①超过,多于②不仅仅(no more than表示“仅仅”)③非常④不能。如:‎ He earns more than three thousand per month.‎ The man is more than a writer, he is also a teacher.‎ The boy is more than clever.(more than相当pretty或very)‎ That is more than I can tell you.我不能告诉你那件事。‎ It’s more than he can understand.这非他能理解。‎ ‎(6)比较级用于否定句结构中,意为“最…不过”,如:‎ nothing better最好不过的 nothing cheaper最便宜不过的 The answer can’t be better.答案最好不过了。(can’t同比较级连用,表示“…不能再…样了”)‎ You gave her no greater pleasure.你让她再高兴不过了。‎ ‎(7)比较级结构中的than可看作关系代词,有时相当于than what或than that which。如:‎ There is more meaning in it than seems. =than that which She is more cautious than is supposed. =than what The boy is cleverer than can be imagined.‎ 对于以上说法,这种用法的than在英语中称为准关系代词,类似的还有as、but,在“从句法”一章定语从句部分将详细论述,在此只是稍微提一下。‎ ‎(8)比较级形容词所修饰的名词有时可省略,也可用one或ones代替。如:‎ The richer (people) should give the poorer (people) some help.‎ This coat is a little bigger. Please give me a smaller (one).‎ ‎(9)A+比较级形容词+any other + n(单数)+of/in +B(表示范围),此结构A属于B的一部分。如果A不属于B则应把上述结构中的other去掉,即采用“A+比较级形容词+ any + n(单数)+of/in B。如:‎ Shanghai is larger than any other city in China.‎ China is larger than any country in Africa.‎ ‎(10)比较级+and+比较级,表示“越来越…”,相当于increasingly+形容词原级。如:‎ China is becoming more and more powerful.‎ The situation was worse and worse.‎ ‎(11)“the+比较级…,the+比较”结构,表示“越…越,愈…愈”。有人称之为比例状语从句,一般从句在前,主句在后,有时主从句中的主语和谓语可省略且主句可采取倒装结构,但有时也可主句在前,从句在后,这时主句中的“the+比较级”应置于谓语动词之后,而不应放在句首。如:‎ The more learned a person is, the more modest he is.‎ The more learned, the more modest.‎ The more learned a person is, the more modest is he.‎ The person is the more modest, the more learned he is.‎ ‎(12)none(not)the+比较级(有时后可加for表示原因),表示“不因…而更…”。如:‎ The condition of her illness is none the better for the treat.‎ The fool is none the wiser for your explanation.‎ ‎(13)all + the +比较级,表示“更加,越发…”,也通常和for连用,all有时可换为so much。如:‎ Don’t be afraid to fail and make mistakes, you will be all the better for failures and mistakes.‎ If he doesn’t come, so much the better.‎ The leaves will be all greener for the springs coming.‎ ‎(14)有时,为了表达意思的需要,同一句中要同时使用原级和比较级两种形式。这时,要特别注意比较结构的完整性,原级结构在前,比较结构在后。如:‎ This pen is as good, if not better than, the pen I bought.(误)‎ This pen is as good, if not better, as the pen I bought.(误)‎ This pen is as good as, if not better than, the pen I bought.(正)‎ ‎(15)“the+比较级+of the two(+名词复数)”,注意比较级前the不能省,且此结构只可用于两者间的比较。如:‎ Tom is the taller of the two brothers.‎ ‎2、最高级的特殊表示法及用法 ‎(1)绝对最高值:有些最高级形式并不表示比较,而表示强调,以加强语气表示“非常,十分,极其”等常用于下列结构中:①形容词性物主代词+最高级②形容词性物主代词+最高级+名词③be + of +‎ ‎ the+最高级④at+形容词性物主代词(the)+最高级⑤the+最高级+of +名词。如:‎ The girl laughs her happiest (smile).(结构①可看作是结构②的省略形式,即可将最高级后的名词省略)‎ The plan is of the best.‎ The grass is at its greenest in spring.‎ During the war, people suffered the cruelest of torture.‎ ‎(2)最高级意义的多种表示法 ‎①never…such,so+原级+名词,如:‎ I have never seen such a moving film (so moving a film).‎ ‎②as+原级+as ever,如:‎ He is as great a writer as ever breathed.‎ ‎③否定词+比较级,如:‎ He likes nothing better.他最喜欢这个。‎ ‎④比较级+ than + any other +单数名词或比较级+ than + any +单数名词或比较级+ than + any + of + the other +复数名词,如:‎ He is taller any other student in his class.相当于He is taller than any of the other students in his class.‎ ‎⑤否定词+so(as)+原级+as,如:‎ No one is so eloquent as those diplomats.‎ ‎⑥单数名词+ of+同一名词复数。如:‎ Confucius is the teacher of teachers.‎ Time is the treasure of treasures.‎ ‎⑦more+形容词+than the+同一形容词构成的名词。如:‎ The man is more Chinese than the Chinese.‎ The old picture is more valuable than the valuables.‎ ‎⑧as+原级+as many和as…as can be结构。如:‎ The girl is as pretty as any in her school.‎ The flower is as beautiful as beautiful can be.‎ ‎(3)不表示最高级意义的最高级形式 下面几种结构中的最高级形式表示“非常,很,极为”等。‎ ‎①the+最高级+ of +不可数名词,表示“非常,极为”。如:‎ He plays the most beautiful of music.‎ The man is the best of health.‎ ‎②the+最高级+of+复数名词或表示复数意义的词(重复前面的形容词),表示“非常,极为”。如:‎ He is the most fortunate of the fortunate (men).‎ The boy is born in the richest of families.‎ ‎③of + the+最高级,这种结构表示“非常,极为”。如:‎ Her song is of the most beautiful.‎ The progress is of the greatest.‎ ‎④及物动词+形容词性物主代词+最高级+宾语(可省去)+状语。如:‎ She sang her nicest song yesterday.‎ He dreamt his worst dream last night.‎ ‎(4)最高级前不用the的情况 一般情况下形容词最高级常和the连用,但在以下一些情况下不可和the连用。‎ ‎①形容词最高级在句中做宾语补足语时常常不带the。如:‎ I think it best to try once again.‎ I find listening hardest in English study.‎ ‎②两个或多个形容词最高级并列使用从第二个起常不带the。如:‎ She is the tallest but youngest girl in our class.‎ It is the widest and busiest road in the town.‎ ‎③形容词最高级用于同自身不同场合比较时不带the。如:‎ The lake is deepest at this point.‎ The sun is most beautiful at dawn.‎ ‎④同源宾语前的形容词最高级只能用形容词性物主代词修饰,不能用the修饰。如:‎ He lived his poorest life.‎ The girl smiled her happiest smile.‎ ‎3、形容词比较级与形容词最高级前的修饰语 ‎①用于修饰形容词比较级的副词有:a bit、a little、slightly、any、even、a lot、much、far、by far、a great deal、greatly、still、all等这些词常位于比较级之前。如:‎ Are you any better today?‎ I felt a lot happier at the good news.‎ ‎②用于修饰形容词最高级的副词有:nearly、almost、much、far、by far、quite、really要求置于最高级定冠词之前,ever、yet要求置于最高级后,second、third、next要置于定冠词和最高级之间。如:‎ That is the biggest oil field yet (ever) discovered.‎ The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.‎ 注意:a、very不能用以修饰比较级,但可修饰最高级。修饰最高级时,往往位于定冠词和形容词最高级之间。如:‎ He is the very tallest boy in his class.‎ b、still通常位于比较级前,但有时也可置于比较级之后,其条件是:比较级单独使用后没有than从句,也不跟其所修饰的名词。如:‎ This room is larger still.‎ She felt happier still when she received a letter from her friend.‎ c、比较级前也可用名词短语修饰,如:a head、ten meters、two hours等这些名词短语紧放在被修饰词前,也可用by加相应的名词短语,但此结构必须位于句末。如:‎ My father is a head taller than me.‎ This room is two meters wider than that one.或This room is wider than that one by two meters.‎ d、by a great deal、by much、by ten minutes等由by组成的副词短语修饰比较级时,应置于句末。如:‎ He is fatter than his son by much.‎ They arrived later than us by ten minutes.‎ e、by far修饰不带the的比较级时,位于前后均可,但要放在带the的比较级和最高级前。如:‎ His speed is by far better (或better by far).‎ Of the two universities, this one is by far the better.‎ That is by far the best plan.‎ ‎4、有关形容词的典型句型极其用法、含义 ‎(1)as+原级+as和not+ so/as+原级+as 前者意为“和…一样”,表示肯定意义,后者意为“不及…”,表示否定意义,要弄清两个as的词性,第一个as是副词,第二个as是连词,所以当as…as中间出现名词及不定冠词时,第一个as后腰紧跟形容词,不定冠词放在形容词后面。如:‎ The river is as wide as that one.‎ The bus isn’t so/as fast as the car.‎ He can draw as nice a picture as his teacher.‎ 对此应注意以下几点:‎ a、as far as不仅可表示“和…一样远,远至”,还可作为一个整体,作连词引导一个条件状语从句,这时的as far as相当于so far as,as far as还用于以下结构as far as I know或as far as I’m concerned,表示“就我所知,就我而言”。如:‎ She walked alone as far as the river.‎ As far as this book appears, the writer will be more famous.‎ As far as I know (I’m concerned), it’s time for us to put the policy into effect.‎ 类似的as/so long as不仅表示“长达”,也可作为连词引导条件状语从句,表示“只要,如果”。‎ b、当as…as与表示重量、数量、时间、距离、价格等名词连用时,往往并不是比较,而是构成一个形容词词组,意为“重达、多达、高达等”。如:‎ The tree is as tall as thirty meters.‎ Snow occurred as late as February this year.‎ c、需要特别注意的是as…as结构后要直接跟表示时间、距离等的名词,不可插进介词。如:‎ The war broke out as early as in the 15th century.(误)‎ The war broke out as early as the 15th century.(正)‎ d、副词quite常可用来修饰as…as结构。如:‎ It was quite as hot as yesterday.‎ His English is quite as good as others’.‎ e、注意下列结构及其含义。如:‎ The hard-working student studies as happily as plays. =The hard-working student studies as happily as she plays happily.‎ The girl is as beautiful as smart. =The girl is as beautiful as she is wise.‎ 对于以上两种结构,可将第一句看作第二句的省略形式。‎ ‎(2)too+形容词(或副词)+ to do结构,一般情况下具有否定意义,表示“太…而不能”。如:‎ The boy is too young to go to school.‎ 这种too…to结构相当于so…that…not或so…as not to句型,上句可改写为:‎ The boy is so young that he can’t go to school.‎ The boy is so young as not to go to school.‎ 还可将too…to结构中的形容词改为相应的反义词,运用“not enough…to…”结构。如:‎ The boy is not old enough to go to school.‎ 当然,too…to之间也可插入名词短语,但形容词需放在too后,不定冠词前。如:‎ He is too kind a man to treat others badly.‎ 对上述“too…to”句型予以补充说明以下几点:‎ a、too…for也表示否定,表示“太…而不适合”。如:‎ The man is too old for the hard work.‎ b、too…to do表示的是否定含义,对此结构可加以变更,表示肯定含义有两种方法:一是在too前加not构成not too…to表示“并不太…所以能…”,另一个方法是在不定式to do前加not,通过否定不定式而表示肯定含义,意为“太…不会不”。如:‎ The main idea of the text is not too difficult to understand.‎ He is too sensible not to realize the danger.‎ ‎“too…to”句型在下列情况下表示肯定意义:‎ a、too后面的形容词是anxious、apt、eager、easy、glad、happy、inclined、kind、pleased、ready、satisfied、willing等。如:‎ He is too eager to see his parents.‎ He is too apt to forget.‎ The man is too satisfied to hear the good news.‎ b、too前有副词not、never、nor、none、only、simply、but、quite、just、all、for等,这时only too/but too=very。如:‎ They are but too glad to do so.‎ He will be only too pleased to help you.‎ c、“too…not to…”表示“太…不会不”。如:‎ He is too wise not to see that.‎ d、“too many/too much…to”表示“有太多…要”。如:‎ You are a very busy man with too much to do.‎ She is always changing things. It seems she’s got too many to wear.‎ e、to不定式作真正的主语,too+形容词作表语。如:‎ It is too difficult to imagine their sufferings.‎ It is too much to say that she is an excellent speaker.‎ ‎(3)not so much A as B和more A than B not so much A as B是部分否定,意为“与其说A不如说B”,而more A than B表示“与其说B倒不如说A”,两者所强调的重点位置不同。如:‎ the man is not so much a writer as a reporter.相当于The man is more a reporter than a writer.‎ The oceans do not so much divide the world as unit it.‎ ‎(4)as…as any,as…as can be和as…as ever。‎ as…as any相当于as…as ever lived意为“杰出的”,as…as can be意为“无以复加”,表示强调as…as ever相当于as…as before意为“和以前一样”。如:‎ He is as great a poet as any. (=相当于he is as great a poet as ever lived.)‎ The sun is as red as red can be.‎ His skill in operating the machine is as good as ever (before).‎ ‎(5)as…as可用于表示两个人或物不同性质的比较,表示程度相等或相当,意为“…怎么样而…怎么样”。如:‎ She is as beautiful as kind.‎ The answers are as complexed as (they are) profound.‎ ‎(6)as such、as soon as not和(just)as…so…‎ ‎①as such意为“照此,本身,作为”。如:‎ I think the plan isn’t good and practicable as such.‎ If you respect others, you will be respected by others as such.‎ ‎②as soon as not相当于more willingly,意为“更愿意”。如:‎ I want to travel around the world as soon as not.‎ ‎③(just)as…so…结构意为“正如…也…,犹如…一样”,表示的是比拟关系,as引导的是含有比拟意义的方式状语从句,so相当于in the same way引导主句,这种结构有如下几个特点:a、as前可加just表示强调。b、as从句可以居前也可以居后,在前时用逗号同主句隔开,在后时不用逗号。c、as从句居前时,主句常用倒装结构。d、as…so结构可用what…that…结构替换前者用so引导主句,后者用that引导主句。e、有时,引导主句的so可以省略,这时主句不倒装。如:‎ In our world, as some are very famous, so others are notorious.‎ As fire tries gold, so does adversity try courage.‎ Just as rust eats iron, (so) care eats the heart.‎ As you sow, so you reap.‎ As bees love sweetness, so flies love rottenness.‎ What bees love sweetness, that flies love rottenness.‎ ‎(7)as well和as well as ‎①as well是副词短语,意为“也、同样的好”,as well+不定式位于句中,意为“还是…为好”。如:‎ He is a farmer and a doctor as well.‎ The student speaks English so fluently, no other students can speak as well.‎ ‎②as well as是连词,可连接名词、代词、形容词、动名词等,as well as一般强调前项,as well as连接主语时,谓语动词应同前项保持一致。‎ as well as同not连用时,as well as前面的词为否定,而后面的词为肯定。如:‎ The students don’t want to have an exam as well as the teacher.老师想考试而同学们不想考。‎ The students as well as the teacher don’t want to have an exam.老师和同学们都不想考试。‎ ‎③as well as作连词时,后面可跟动名词,但不可跟动词原形、不定式或句子。‎ They discussed the problem as well as thinking out of a way to solve it.‎ ‎(8)as likely as not和as often as not as likely as not表示“很可能”,as often as not相当于more often than not均意为“往往,经常”。如:‎ He will attend the meeting as likely as not.‎ As often as not be would call on his kind teacher in primary school.‎ ‎(9)as much、as many、as much as和as good as ‎①as much和as many均可表示同样的数目,前者用于不可数名词,后者用于可数名词,as much还可以表示同样的事情,意为“也,同样,相应”。如:‎ I find ten texts in as many pages.我在10页中发现10篇课文。‎ She put in three pounds of vinegar and as much sugar.‎ He thought as much.‎ ‎②as much as表示:a、和…一样多b、几乎等于与…同类c、和…一样,与…同一程度d、多达。如:‎ I have as much money as he.‎ He gave me a gesture as much as to say “keep silent”.‎ I like you as much as he.‎ The river is as much as ten meters deep.‎ ‎③as good as表示“简直是(实际上)等于,和…一样”。如:‎ He as good as told me so.‎ He is a man as good as his words.‎ ‎(10)not so much…as、not…so much as和not so much as ‎①前两个词表示“与其说…还不如说”,此两句型中的as有时可改为but。‎ ‎②not so much as意为“甚至连…都不”,not even、without even、never so much as和without so much as都是这个意思。如:‎ The foolish adult can not so much as write her own name.‎ He left without so much as saying “goodbye”.‎ 但要注意not so much that…as that和not so much that…but that则意为“倒不是…而是…”。‎ It was not so much that he disliked studying as/but that all the subjects were very difficult for him to understand.‎ ‎(11)nothing less than的含义 nothing less than与little less than和no less than同义,意为“和…一样,不亚于,简直是”。如:‎ What you said is nothing less than gossip.‎ That excuse is no less than sheer fabrication.‎ ‎(12)other than的几种含义 Other than在具体的语言环境中有四种含义,other than作“除外”解时,常可同no、not、never、nothing等否定词连用,other than后可接代词、名词、副词或不定式(other than前的谓语动词是实义动词do时,不定式可省去to,否则不可)。‎ ‎①除外、除了 No one other than you knew the truth of it.‎ There was nothing they could do other than face the fact.‎ I have no choice other than to wait for the next bus.‎ Other than this, I knew nothing about it.‎ ‎②不是 He reads many books other than novels.‎ The girl seldom looks other than happy.‎ ‎③只能 Time is limited. I can look through the plan other than hurriedly.‎ He can hardly be other than comforting himself.‎ ‎④与…不同 What the witness said is other than what had happened.‎ ‎(13)after all和after all+名词 after all是介词短语,用于句尾时意为“毕竟,可还是”,用于句首时表示“别忘了,不管怎么说”;after all+名词意为“尽管,虽然”,表让步。如:‎ Go easy on him, after all, he is just a baby.‎ After all my suggestions, he just does it in his own way.‎ ‎(14)A is to B what X is to Y 这个句型表示“A之于B犹如X之于Y”,本句型变体有:A is to B as X is to Y、as X is to Y, so is A to B、what X is to Y, (that) A is to B,最后一个结构中的that可省可不省。如:‎ Taiwan is to China what son is to mother.‎ 类似:Taiwan is to China as son is to mother.‎ As son is to mother, so Taiwan is to China.‎ What son is to mother, that Taiwan is to China.‎ What son is to mother, Taiwan is to China.‎ ‎(15)not so…but (that, what)和not such a…but ‎①这两个词组意为“不是如此…以至于…”。如:‎ He is not such a fool but that he can understand it.‎ The problem is not so difficult but what we can solve it.‎ ‎②not but that和not but what表示让步,相当于although。如:‎ I don’t know where he lives, not but that/what I really want to call on him.‎ ‎③有时but that可引导条件状语从句,作“如果…不”解。如:‎ But that I try it for myself, I won’t have the idea how difficult it is.‎ ‎(16)形容词修饰另一个形容词 形容词在某些固定词组中科用来修饰另一个形容词,这种用法的形容词不可变为副词。如:red hot、wide open、tight shut、dead drunk、dead tired、icy cold等。‎ ‎(17)前置定语强调结构—假并列定语 在nice、good、fine、rare、lovely、fatal、bright、lonely、big、save等+ and ‎ +另一形容词结构中and前后的形容词不是并列关系,而是从属关系,第一个(即上述)形容词起副词作用,相当于very、quite等对第二个形容词加以强调。如:‎ It was a lovely and short speech.‎ The car is good and fast.‎

