小学6年级英语教案:第8讲 情态动词2

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小学6年级英语教案:第8讲 情态动词2

辅导教案 学员姓名: 学科教师: 年 级:六年级 辅导科目:英语 授课日期 ××年××月××日 时 间 A / B / C / D / E / F 段 主 题 情态动词 2 教学内容 1.掌握情态动词 may, can, should 的概念及用法; 2.灵活迁移阅读信息到写作表达中去; (TR 可根据本次课的需要,选择不同的互动探究方法,如:预习、复习上节课内容、或通过案例分析、趣味 故事进行新课导入) 【教学建议】 此环节设计时间在 15 分钟。 1. 可以先讲解上节课预习的单词,再进行检测。 2. 也可以先检测,作为检查上节课课后预习的效果,再讲解。 3. 老师讲解时可以选择问答抢答或相互 PK 的互动方式进行。 同步检测(6A U6) 1. 单词默写。 n.车费;船费 adj.公众的,公共的 n. 交通;运输 n. 售票员 adv.现在.现今;如今 adv.代替 pron. 大多数 pron.没人;一个也没有;毫无 adv.还是,仍然 adv. 也许;可能;大概 adj.很少,几乎没有 n.交通阻塞 n.摩托车 n.立交桥 n.铁路,铁轨 n.隧道 n.桥 n.人行横道,十字路口 n.人行桥 n.招贴画;海报 2.日常表达默写。 堵车;交通阻塞 灯柱 交通灯 停车场 【教学建议】 此环节教案预期时间 60 分钟。 1. 通过下面几幅图,请学生找出句中的情态动词,并说句情态动词在句子的意思; 2. 请学生结合图片,复习情态动词的特征,并举例; 3. 在习题操练中区分各情态动词的用法,注意语境; 肯定回答: Yes, (please. )you may. of course you may(can)./certainly. 表示请求允许:“May I take this book out?” 否定回答: No, you may not. / 1) 意为“可以” can't. / mustn't./ had better not. 表示给予允许:You may take my dictionary as long as you don’t keep it too long. 1. may 2) 意为“可能”,表示推测: He may be in his office now. 他现在说不定在办公室里。 (用于疑问句时,may 通常不用于句首) 3) 意为“祝…, 愿…”用以表示愿望和希望,常置于句首:May you be safe and happy. 【考点拓展】might 的用法:  表示请求允许,语气较委婉 (但并不表示过去);   1) ---Might I take this book out?” ---“Yes, you may.” (由于答语是表示给予允许,可用 may,但不能用 might)   2) You may take my dictionary as long as you don’t keep it too long. (不用 might)   随堂练 1. you be happy! A. May B. Can C. Must D. Would 2. ---Could I use your bike? ----Yes, surely you . A. might B. could C. can D. should What she can do? The room is in a mass, what should the students do? The boy has been playing computer games for three hours, what must the boy do now? 3. Tommy, you play with the knife, you get hurt. A. won’t; can’t B. mustn’t; may C. shouldn’t; must D. can’t; shouldn’t 4. ---Are you coming for dinner? ---I’m not quite sure. I go to my uncle’s instead. A. must B. would C. should D. might 5. Her brother be at home now, because he was seen playing basketball in the stadium just now. A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. can’t D. shouldn’t 6. Don’t believe him. What he said be true. A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. shouldn’t D. may not 7. --- I go home now, sir? ---No, you .You should finish the composition first. A. Might; wouldn’t B. May; had better not C. Must; mustn’t D. Need; mustn’t 8. --- Jack be here now? ---He be here, but I’m not too sure. A. Can; may B. Must; needn’t C. May; mustn’t D. Can; can’t 9. We________ talk or speak loudly in public places, such as hospitals, libraries or cinemas. A. don't B. may not C. needn't D. mustn't 10. We ________ any drink. You’d better buy some fruit and vegetables. A. needn’t B. don’t need to C. don’t need D. not need 表现在的能力,意为“能,会”。 提问:Can .....? 2. can 表现在的请求,允许 回答:Yes, ...can . No, ...can’t. / I’m afraid not. can’t 和 mustn’t 一样,都可表示“不准,不允许”。 表对现在或将来的推测:多用于否定句及疑问句中。“cannot”=不可能 【考点拓展】could 的用法: 表过去的能力, 作为 can 的过去式; could 表委婉客气地提出请求,不表过去时态,回答:Could I…? -- Yes, ... can. / No, ...can't. 随堂练 1. Millie is very busy writing a novel these days, so she watch the game on TV. A. must B. may C. can’t D. needn’t 2. Look at that sign. You ______ walk on the green grass. A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. couldn’t D. may not 3. A: Is Lucy knocking at the door? B: It______ be Lucy. She is in America now. A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. can’t D. may not 4. The old man could hardly read or write, ______? A. can he B. can’t he C. could he D. couldn’t he 5. In order to keep the roads safe, we ______obey the traffic rules. A. can B. must C. need D. may 6. Simon, you ______ do your homework today. Leave it for tomorrow. A. needn’t to B. not need to C. don’t need D. don’t need to 7. The radio is pretty loud. ______ you please turn it down a bit? A. May B. Could C. Must D. Should 8. Lily, please be quiet! The others ______ hear clearly. A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. shouldn’t 9. To everyone’s surprise, the boy ________ copy Zhou Libo’s voice and actions very well. A. can B. may C. must D. need 10. A: Listen! Is Professor Johnson giving a report in the hall? B: No, it ______ be him. He has gone to Japan. A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. can’t D. may not    3. should 表示“应该,应当”,否定结构 should not = shouldn’t: He should work harder. 他应该更加努力。 Crime should be punished. 犯罪应受惩罚。 【考点拓展】 should 与 ought to: 1) should 强调主观看法,而 ought to 强调客观要求,语气稍重。 2) 注意 ought to 的否定式与疑问式。 ① You ought not to do it. 你不应该做此事。 ② —Ought he to start now? 他现在该动身了吗? —Yes, he ought (to) . 是的,该动身了。 ③ They ought to go now, oughtn’t they?他们现在该走了,对吗? 随堂练 1. He ______ eat so greedily. A. shouldn’t to B. ought to not C. ought not D. oughtn't to 2. —______ I ______ go there alone? —Yes, you ought. A. Do…ought B. Will…ought C. Ought... to D. Ought…/ 3. You ______ decide now. You can tell me your decision later. A. don’t have to B. mustn’t C. cannot D. shouldn’t 4. Everyone________ keep the new traffic law and learn how to protect himself. A. need B. can C. may D. should 5. Let’s play table tennis, ______? A. will we B. shall we C. shan’t we D. will you. 6. —______ you ______ turning down the radio a bit? —Not at all. A. Would... mind B. Would…like C. Will…you D. Had... better 7. A computer _______ think for itself. It must be told what to do. A. can’t B. mustn’t C. may not D. might not 8. —______ you please take a message for him? —Sure. A. Will B. Shall C. Ought D. Should 9. Jack ______ in the room now. I just saw him in the street. A. wouldn’t be B. shouldn’t be C. mustn’t be D. can’t be 10. Chemistry isn’t very difficult. You _____ be afraid of it. A. mustn’t B. can’t C. don’t D. needn’t Passage A I love writing! When I was young, I wrote stories in my notebooks and told stories to my friends. I have already written over 100 books! As a teacher, it's my duty to encourage all of my students to love writing. Writing is easy 1 we pay attention to everything in our lives. Everything I see or do is possibly written in a book. Watch around you, and you'll be excited at what you 2 . Anyone can be a 3 . You just put your pen on your paper and write what you like step by step. You should create great characters (创造角色). You should make the readers be 4 your stories at the beginning, or they won't read your story. If you can make the reader ask questions, he has to keep reading to find out the 5 . Follow the rules. The rules of every story are almost the same: Introduce the characters and the story, and then everything gets worse. At last, the hero appears and solves(解决)all the problems. When you write a story, remember to add a 6 humor(幽默)or something unusual to the story to keep the reader interested. 1. A. so B. if C. but D. and 2. A. invent B. hear C. want D. discover 3. A. doctor B. scientist C. writer D. teacher 4. A. strict with B. proud of C. good at D. interested in Reading 5. A. answers B. reasons C. results D. questions 6. A. few B. big C. little D. small Passage B The environment is e 1 around us. It includes the sky and the birds, a rock or a river, your pizza and the box it came in and even other people. The environment is made up of l 2 and non-living things. While rocks and sand and non-living things, a parrot flying f 3 tree to tree is a living thing. In fact, all plants and a 4 are living things. The Seven Characteristics of Living Things: They need to take in f 5 from the environment for energy. (2) Show some kind of movement. (3) Exchange gases with the environment (breathing). (4) Excrete and remove waste from the body. (5) All living things g 6 (6) Sensitive to changes in the environment a 7 them (feel). (7) All living things produce young. Sometimes it is not so e 8 to decide what is living and what is not. A car moves, but it is n 9 a living thing, while a tree doesn’t seem to move, but it is a living thing. Orange juice came from a living p 10 but it is not a living thing. 生词: exchange 交换 excrete 排泄 sensitive 敏感的 答案: everything, living, from, animals, food, grow, among, easy, not, plant 【教学建议】 1. 规定学生必须在 20 分钟内完成; 2. 相互交换批改,或通过优先选择等互动方式讲解练习,表扬正确率最高的学生; 让每个学生简单总结一下错误原因及应该注意的问题,并订正在错题集上; I. Choose the best answer. 1. People should stay at home __________ there is a typhoon. A. but B. and C. when D. So 2. Ben saw Kitty and many children _________ in the swimming pool. A. swimmed B. swimming C. to swim D. swam 3. _________ these pictures in the new order, please. A. Put B. To out C. Putting D. Puts 4. We can _________ bees flying around in spring. A. look B. hear C. see D. listen 5. The strings on Ben's kite _______ just now. A. break B. broke C. has broken D. breaks 6. The wind became ________and the clouds moved _____________. A. stronger ...slightly B. strong...heavily C. stronger... quickly D. strong...immediately 7. Kitty and Alice __________ their kites happily in the gently wind last Sunday. A. fly B. are flying C. flies D. flew 8. _________may happen _______ there is a typhoon? A.What...and B. When...when C. What...when D. Where...if 9. It rained last Sunday and the rain made me _______inside all day. A. stay B. to stay C. staying D. Stayed 10. _______ a windy night, the ship sank and five people lost their lives A. In B. On C. At D. To 11. If he to the Century Park, he _______a lot of photos A. goes, takes B. will go, takes C will go, will take D. goes, will take 12. —_______is it from your home to your school? About ten minutes' walk. A. How long B. How often C. How much D. How far 13. Don't forget to turn off the light _______you leave. A. when B. after C. because D. until 14. The poor man doesn't have _______money, but he's still very happy. A. many B. much C. little D. some 15. —_______I watch TV? I'm afraid you_______. You must do your homework first. A. May, can't B. Must, mustn't C. Must, needn't D. May, needn't 16. There _______an exciting football match on TV this evening. A. will have B. will be C. was D. is II. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words. 1. You must do your homework__________(care) carefully 2. What's the weather like today? It's _____________(wind) windy 3. Look! There is a __________(fish) boat in the middle of the lake. fishing 4. Many years ago, there ____________(be) not much traffic. was 5. __________(not)speak so loudly. The baby ___________(sleep). Don’t… is sleeping 6. I __________(go) out for a picnic with my family next Saturday. will go 7. I see Peter ________(play) with his brother in the garden. play 8. The history Museum _______________(tell) the story of Shanghai. tells 9. You should _________(read) the safety rules first. read 10. Suddenly the wind became _________ (strong). stronger III. Rewrite the sentence as required. 1. Tom will help Kitty make a display board. (保持句意不变) Tom __________ going to help kitty ____________a display board. is…with 2. The typhoon passed quickly. (对划线部分提问) ____________ ___________ the typhoon pass? How did 3. My father read newspapers at home (改成否定句) My father___________ ____________ newspapers at home. didn’t read 4. I like summer best, because I can swim in the river. (对划线部分提问) you like summer best? Why do 5. Kitty is beautiful. Mary is very beautiful. (句意不变) Mary is than Kitty. more beautiful 6. Miss Wang sleeps for nine hours every day. (对划线部分提问) does Miss Wang sleep every day? How long (以学生自我总结为主,TR 引导为辅,为本次课做一个总结回顾) 1. 引导学生说出情态动词的特征,并用一个情态动词举例说明; 2. 引导学生总结各情态动词的用法及注意的地方; 【教学建议】 1. 规定学生在限定的时间内完成; 2. 要求学生对不确定有疑问的题目做标记; 3.下节新课前让学生相互批改表扬正确率最高的学生; 4.对本节课积分高的学生可以考虑相应减少作业量; 5.老师对错误率较高的题目相关的知识点进行复习。 【巩固练习】 I.Choose the best answers. 1. It's going to rain. The sky is getting . A. darkest B. darker and darker C. more and more dark D. more darker 2. I to Hainan Island only once. A. have gone B. have been C. have got D. have visited 3. She didn't go to bed she finished reading the book last night. A. after B. before C. until D. when 4. Century Park is one of in Shanghai. A. the most beautiful parks B. most beautiful parks C. most beautiful park D. the most beautiful park 5. I will tell him immediately if he tomorrow. A. come B. will come C. comes D. came 6. He a teacher three years ago. A. become B. becomes C. became D. has become 7. Plants and animals need water . A. grow B. growing C. grew D. to grow 8. Peter is 20, he will be much taller. A. Where B. When C. What D. Which 9. I live on the floor. A. nine B. nineth C. ninth D. nintieth 10. We may home when it is raining heavily. A. stay B. stay at C. staying D. staying at 11. The story happened _________ a rainy night _________ last summer. A. in. . . in B. on. . . / C. at. . . in D. on. . . in 12. exciting news they have got! A. How B. What C. How a D. What an 13. There's traffic in the city. We all hope there will be traffic jams in the future. A. many. . . few B. much. . . less C. a lot of. . . fewer D. less. . . more 14. Tommy feels because he has got poor marks in the exam. A. happily B. unhappy C. happy D. unhappily 15. Linda often helps her mother the housework on weekends. A. with B. to C. of D. for 16. There a new film on next week. A. will have B. has C. will be D. will is 17. November 2005, Mr. White flew to London for a meeting. A. At B. In C. On D. During 18. I don't want to see the film because I it before. A. haven't seen B. saw C. have seen D. didn't see 19. A typhoon is much than a strong wind. A. strong B. stronger C. strongest D. the strongest 20. —Anna, where is Mike? —He a kite with Bob in the park. A. flies B. is flying C. flew D. will fly II. Rewrite the sentences as required. 1. We had a good time during the summer holidays. (保持原句意思) We during the summer holidays. enjoyed ourselves 2. This is a very important book. (改为感叹句) important book this is! What an 3. The boy wanted to help the old lady. (划线提问) _________ did the boy want to_________? What…do 4. We use water for watering plants. (保持原句意思) Water for watering plants. is used 5. The students must do homework themselves. (划线提问) do homework themselves? Who must II. Reading Comprehension. I finished my cooking course in a college at the age of 21. I thought I was going to become a world-famous cook. I hoped people would t 1 from all over the world just to get a taste of my food. But three months later, I knew I was wrong. Since nobody was traveling to t 2 my food, I decided I should travel to taste theirs. During my travel, I v 3 many different countries, such as Japan and France where different k 4 of food opened my eyes. I especially loved the experiences in Italy and China. When in Italy, I 1 5 how to make pizza and s 6 . We had long lazy lunches in the sun and evening meals where the conversations went on long into the night. In C 7 , I loved the hot Sichuan food and enjoyed the delicious Beijing snacks. I also discovered the joy of making d 8 with good friends. My year of travel came to an end too quickly, but I had decided what I should do for the rest of my 1 9 . I want to bring the fantastic food of the w 10 into my kitchen in New York. 答案: travel, taste, visited, kinds, learned, soup, China, dumpling, life 【预习思考】 Ⅰ. Words. 1. display n.展示;陈列 e. g. On New Year's Eve, the display of fireworks was really beautiful. 除夕之夜的焰火确实很漂亮。 There will be a clothing display next Sunday.下周日将有一个服装展示。 【记忆链接】on display 正在展览中(=on show): e. g. The work was on display.这个作品正在展出。 2. gentle adj.温和的 e. g. She is a gentle and kind girl.她是一个温柔和蔼的女孩。 “May I help you?" she said with a gentle voice. “有什么可帮助的吗?”她用温和的声音说道。 3. hold v.抓住;拿住;抱住 e. g. The girl is holding her father’s hand.那个女孩正抓住她父亲的手。 Julie held the cat in her arms.朱莉把小猫搂在怀里。 4. raincoat n.雨衣 这是一个合成词,它是由rain和coat两个词构成的。 e. g. He had no raincoat on when the rain started.开始下雨时他没穿雨衣。 【知识拓展】合成词一般是由两个词合并为一个词而构成。在本单元中合成词还有:windsurf帆板运动 outside 在……外面 inside在……里面 5. tightly adv.紧紧地;牢固地 e. g. She kept her eyes tightly closed.她紧闭着眼睛。 You must hold the bottle tightly.你一走要紧握着瓶子。 【知识拓展】tight adj.紧紧的,牢牢的 6.slightly adv.轻微地 e. g. The soldier was slightly wounded in the battle.这个战士在战斗中受了轻伤。 I know about him slightly.我只知道一点点关于他的事情。 【知识拓展】slight adj.轻微的,微小的 7. pot n.罐;锅;壶;瓶;盆 e. g. She made a pot of coffee. 她煮了一壶咖啡。 The flowers were growing in pots.这些花生长在花盆里。 【记忆链接】teapot n.茶壶 hotpot n.火锅 8. flat n.公寓;一套房间 e. g. -How many rooms does your flat have? 你的公寓有几个房间? -Two bedrooms.有两间卧室。 【友情提示】在美国英语中用apartment表示公寓。 【知识拓展】flat adj. (比较级flatter,最高级flattest)平(坦)的 e. g. City streets are usually flat and straight.城市街道一般都是平坦、笔直的。 9. move v. (1)移动,运动 e. g. The earth is moving all the time.地球一刻不停地在运动。 (2)搬动 e. g. -Please move the table into the dining room.请把桌子搬到餐厅里。 -I can't move it by myself.我一个人搬不动。 (3)感动 e. g. Everyone was moved by her kindness.每个人都被她的善良所感动。 10. quickly adv.迅速地 e. g. -Do we have to walk so quickly? 我们非得走这么快吗? -Yes, the film begins in five minutes.是的,电影5分钟后就要开始。 11. sink v.(使)下沉 e. g. Wood does not sink in water.木头在水中不下沉。 Surprisingly heavy waves sank that huge ship.惊骇的巨浪吞噬了巨轮。 【知识拓展】sank v.(sink的过去式)(使)下沉 12. cleaner n.清洁工人 cleaner一词由clean加后缀-er构成。 【知识拓展】clean v.打扫 adj.干净的 e. g. They saw some street cleaners cleaning the street.他们看到几个清洁工人在清扫马路。 After that, the street became very clean.那以后,马路变得很干净了。 13. happily adv.愉快地 e. g. He cheered the actor up happily.他愉快地为演员鼓掌。 【知识拓展】happy adj.(比较级happier,最高级happiest)快乐的,幸福的 e. g. Take more exercise, and you will be healthy and happy. 多做运动,你会健康又快乐。 14. gently adv.温和地 e. g. The wind is blowing gently.风正在轻轻地吹。 15. slowly adv.慢慢地 e. g. Could you speak more slowly? I can't hear you.能说慢点吗?我听不清。 16. suddenly adv.突然 e. g. The end came quite suddenly.结局来得很突然。 Suddenly, everyone started shouting and singing.突然间,大家都喊起来,唱起来了。 17. immediately adv.立即;立刻;马上 pron.一……就…… e. g. Stop smoking immediately!立刻停止抽烟!(本句中的immediately可用at once或right away代替) I came immediately I heard the news.我一听到这个消息,马上就来了。(本句中的immediately可以用as soon as 代替) 18. fiercely adv.强烈地;猛烈地 e. g. The wind blows fiercely and people cannot walk properly. 风猛烈地刮着,而人们无法好好前行。 【知识拓展】fierce adj.凶猛的;猛烈的 19. pass (1)经过,路过 e. g. -Can you return this book for me? 你能帮我还这本书吗? -Sure. I will pass the library on my way to class. 当然,我去上课的路上会经过图书馆。 (2)(考试)及格 e. g. -Was the exam difficult? 考试难吗? -Yes. Only half of the class passed.难,全班只有一半的人及格。 20. carefully adv.小心地,仔细地 e. g. She is doing her homework carefully.她正仔细地做作业。 【知识拓展】careful adj.小心的 e. g. She's always careful with her homework.她做作业总是一丝不苟。 21. slide n.幻灯片 e. g. PowerPoint is used for making electronic slides. PowerPoint软件是用来制作电子幻灯片的。 22. happen v.发生 e. g. -What's happened to your computer? 你的电脑怎么了? -I've no idea. I can't start it.我也不知道。我无法开机。 23. object n.物体 e. g. Every object on the earth has a weight.地球上的所有物体都有重量。 24. outside prep.在¨¨¨外面 e. g. You can park your car outside our house.你可以把汽车停在我们房子外面。 Don't go outside the school playground.不要到学校运动场外的地方去。 【知识拓展】outside adv.在夕卜面,向夕卜面 e. g. -It's so noisy outside.外面真吵。 -Let's close the windows.我们把窗户关上吧。 25. inside prep.在…里面 e. g. -What can you see inside this egg? 你能看到这个蛋里面是什么吗? -Oh, it's a chick! 啊,是只小鸡! 【知识拓展】inside adv.在里面 e. g. -It’s raining. We'd better go inside.下雨了,我们进屋吧。 -I'd like to. But I left the key inside.我也希望能进屋,但我把钥匙落在屋里了。 26. shelter n.避难所;躲避处 e. g. He stood in the shelter at the bus stop.他站在公共汽车站的候车亭里。 Ⅱ. Daily expressions. 日常表达 1. windy weather 刮风的天气 windy adj.刮风的;多风的 wind n. 风 e. g. Children like to fly kites in the countryside on a windy day. 孩子们喜欢在有风的天气在乡村放风筝。 The weather report says there will be a strong wind tomorrow.天气预报说明天有大风。 2. different kinds of不同种类的 e. g. In this supermarket, you can buy many different kinds of mooncakes. 在这个大超市里你可以买到许多不同种类的月饼。 3. display board展示板 风的种类及表达 e. g. Could you please help me make the display board? 你能帮助我做这个展示板吗? 4. gentle wind微风 strong wind大风;狂风 typhoon台风

