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‎2020届二轮复习 介词用法考点纵览学案 一、概述 介词又叫做前置词,一般置于名词前。介词是一种虚词,在句中不能单独作任何句子成分,只表示其后的名词或相当于名词的词语与其他句子成分。介词只有跟有宾语,构成相应的介词结构,才能在句子中充当成分。‎ 本章首先介绍了介词的分类,从构成、词义两方面分别予以阐述。接着,介绍了介词的作用,介词最直接地作用就是跟有宾语构成构成介宾结构,介宾结构才能在句中充当成分。由介宾结构进而阐述了介词的位置,一般情况下紧放在相应宾语的前面,但有些时候,由于受到某种语法、句法及固定用法的约束,也会出现特殊情况,即介词后并没有紧跟宾语或介词位于句尾。最后介绍了常用介词的用法及相关介词及介词词组的比较,内容详实,全面剖析。‎ 此章内容比较整齐,系统性较强。要从分类、作用、位置、介词(短语)的常用法等方面把握,为了更好地理解、把握介词。最后予以了详细总结归纳,并提炼本章精华,构造了本章知识网,要抓住知识网进行发散,全面掌握介词。‎ 二、分类 ‎1、从介词的构成来看,介词可分为以下五种。‎ ‎(1)简单介词:指由一个单一单词构成,常见的有:at、in、for、from、on、under、above、beyond、by、over、off、to、near、of、with、up、like、down、during、except、but、beside、besides、behind、among、between、along、against、across、round等。‎ ‎(2)复合介词:由两个介词组合而成,常见的有:as for、as to、into、out of、within、outside、inside、without、throughout、upon等。‎ ‎(3)二重介词,由两个介词搭配而成,但没复合介词固定,常见的有:from under、from behind、until after等。‎ ‎(4)现在分词介词:由现在分词构成,常见的有:concerning、regarding、including、respecting、saving等。‎ ‎(5)短语介词:由短语构成,常见的有:because of、according to、in spite of、on behalf of、with reference to、out of、but for、ahead of、apart from、due to、as concerns、for want of、with a view to、for the sake of、in the event of等。‎ ‎2、从介词的词义来看,常表示以下几种含义。如:‎ ‎(1)表时间,如:at、about、before、after、for、since、until、during、over、on、till、to、within、as、around、by等。‎ ‎(2)表地点,如:at、in、on、under、above、over、behind、off、near、around、below、beneath、beyond、across、along、among、into、towards、throughout等。‎ ‎(3)表示除了,如:except、except for、besides、beyond、but、apart from等。‎ ‎(4)表示所属关系,如:of、with等。‎ ‎(5)表示手段、方式,如:by、with、in等。‎ ‎(6)表示条件,如:on、without、considering等。‎ ‎(7)表示原因,如:for、at、with、about、because of、due to等。‎ ‎(8)表示比较,如:as、like等。‎ ‎(9)表示关于,如:as to、as for、concerning、in respect of、about、on、regarding、with regard to等。‎ ‎(10)表示反对或赞成,如:for、against等。‎ ‎(11)表示让步,如:in spite of、despite、not with standing等。‎ 三、作用 介词必须同其他词类或成分连用才能在句中充当语法成分。介词和介词宾语一起构成介词短语,介词短语在句中可充当下列以下成分。如:‎ ‎1、主语 From our dormitory to the teaching building is five-minute riding.‎ Between two and three people will do the job.‎ ‎2、表语 Some people are against the decision.‎ The book is on the desk.‎ ‎3、宾语 The criminal will serve a sentence of between 2 and 7 years.‎ The boy shows up from behind the door.‎ ‎4、定语 The girl with a long hair is so beautiful.‎ A friend in need is a friend indeed.‎ ‎5、状语 He arrived home at about ten o’clock at night.‎ Considering the time of the meeting, we should get up early.‎ ‎6、补语 I found the old man in bad condition of health.‎ He was elected as president of the country.‎ 上面我们提到,介词后必须跟有宾语才能构成介词短语,在句中充当一定的成分,下面讲述关于介词的宾语问题。‎ 介词的宾语不仅限于名词和代词,还可以是其他词类或句子等。‎ ‎(1)名词 He came into the room and sat on the chair.‎ The professor will make a lecture about education.‎ ‎(2)代词 With that, he left off.‎ He always carries the cell phone with him.‎ ‎(3)形容词 In common with others, he also likes Chairman Mao.‎ At most, there are four people in the room.‎ ‎(4)副词 He could see the mountain clearly from here.‎ He had told me this until recently.‎ ‎(5)动名词 The man had some difficulty in doing the job.‎ Because of being late for school, the boy was criticized by his teacher.‎ ‎(6)不定式 He couldn’t do anything but wait.‎ The girl knew better to love the man.‎ ‎(7)介词短语 He worked until into the night.‎ He came from opposite the shop.‎ ‎(8)数词 One in ten students has the chance to take part in the exam.‎ After school, the students leave in twos and threes.‎ ‎(9)疑问词+不定式 He gave me some advice on how to do the job.‎ He called to remind me of where to meet.‎ ‎(10)疑问词引导的从句 I care about who will win the game.‎ I had no idea as to whether he will follow me.‎ ‎(11)that引导从句 He liked English in that he had great interest in it.‎ I would attend the meeting but that I am seriously ill.‎ 对上述内容予以补充说明以下几点:‎ ‎1、介词后一般用动名词做宾语,用不定式作宾语只局限在一些固定句型中,如:can’t choose but do sth、can’t help but do sth、have no(other)choice but to do sth、do nothing but do sth、would rather(sooner)…than do sth、could do no other wise than(to)do sth、know better than to do等结构中。‎ 应注意,当介词后的不定式用以解释句中实义动词do时,不定式符号to可省略,即用动词原形作介词宾语,如上述结构中的do nothing but do、can’t do anything except do等。‎ ‎2、应注意的是除了in that、except that、save that、but that、not with standing that外,that引导的从句不可直接作介词的宾语,必须借用形式宾语it,然后再加相应that从句。如:‎ You can’t depend on it that he gives you any help.‎ ‎3、形容词作介词宾语情况是不多的,常用于固定词组中。如:in common、in short、at most、at least、for the better、in full、in earnest、for sure、from bad to worse、at large、of old、in the wrong、of late、to the full、on the whole等。‎ 四、位置 ‎1、介词通常位于名词或代词前。如:‎ There are many birds in the tree.‎ Did you believe in him?‎ ‎2、在某些特殊句法结构中,介词也可放在句尾。如:‎ ‎(1)以which、what、whose、who引导的疑问句,介词常放在句尾。如:‎ Which are you pointing at?‎ What room do you live in?‎ Who are you talking to?‎ ‎(2)定语从句中位于which、whom之前的介词可以放在句尾。如:‎ He is the man that/who he turns to for help.‎ The man is his teammate that/who he often walks with.‎ ‎(3)某些以-wh词引导的名词性从句中,关系代词位于从句句首时,介词应后置。如:‎ I don’t know what the boy looks like.‎ Courage is what he is in need of when he fails.‎ ‎(4)动词不定式作状语,需要介词同句中主语构成介宾关系时,介词后置。如:‎ The room is comfortable to live in.‎ The water is hot to bathe in.‎ ‎(5)动词不定式作后置定语,不及物动词后的介词同所修饰的名词构成介宾关系,介词后置。如:‎ That is a good place to go to.‎ This is the pen to write the novel with.‎ ‎3、在不及物动词+介词结构中,介词紧放名词前,构成介宾结构。如:‎ He arrives at school early.‎ He lies on the grass, looking at the blue sky.‎ 五、常见介词用法 ‎1、about ‎(1)表示“大约”。如:‎ The old man is about eighty years old.‎ He arrived at about 8 o’clock.‎ ‎(2)表示“在…周围,在…附近”。如:‎ All the students stand about their teacher.‎ They sit about the table to celebrate thanksgiving day.‎ ‎(3)表示“关于”。如:‎ He gave me some suggestions about what to do with the problem.‎ The story is about a poor girl.‎ ‎(4)表示“对…采取措施”。如:‎ We must do something about the air pollution.‎ Something should be done about the high rate of the crime.‎ ‎(5)表示“从事”。如:‎ What are you about?‎ ‎(6)表示“在身体的某个部位”。如:‎ I felt painful about my left leg.‎ ‎(7)表示“在身边”。如:‎ Is there any money about you?‎ ‎2、above ‎(1)表示“在…上”。如:‎ There is a light above the desk.‎ The sun rises above the sea level.‎ ‎(2)表示“越出…(能力、范围等)”。如:‎ The question is so difficult that it is above my ability.‎ The theory is above my head.‎ ‎(3)表示“(数量、时间上)多于、超过”。如:‎ It has been above nine o’clock.‎ The car costs the man above two million.‎ ‎(4)表示“(在地位、级别上)高于、优于”。如:‎ The dean of a college is above the vice dean in rank.‎ He got a position above the minister.‎ ‎(5)表示“不屑于”,常用be above doing sth结构。如:‎ I think the gentleman is above doing such a bad thing.‎ The honest boy is above telling a lie.‎ ‎(6)表示“在…北方”。如:‎ There’s a small village above the hill.‎ ‎3、after ‎(1)表示“(时间)在…以后”。如:‎ After ten years outside, he came back to his hometown.‎ He came to the class after four o’clock.‎ ‎(2)表示“(位置)在…后面”。如:‎ This way please, after you.‎ ‎(3)表示“(地位、重要性等)低于、次于、不如”。如:‎ After life, time is important.‎ ‎(4)表示“紧接着”。如:‎ Day after day, he makes great progress.‎ ‎(5)表示“(让步)尽管”。如:‎ After great efforts in the subject, he didn’t pass the exam finally.‎ ‎(6)表示“因为、由于”。如:‎ After his past experience of committing crimes, the police pay special attention to him.‎ ‎(7)表示“追求、追赶、寻找、询问”。如:‎ I don’t know what he is after.‎ You should inquire after the bus station for some further information.‎ ‎(8)表示“按照、遵循”。如:‎ He was named after his father.‎ ‎(9)表示“符合、与…一致”。如:‎ His performance in school isn’t after his parents’ expectations.‎ ‎4、against ‎(1)表示“反对”。如:‎ His son goes against going hiking.‎ ‎(2)表示“依靠”。如:‎ Don’t stand against the door. The door has been broken.‎ ‎(3)表示“向着、正对着”。如:‎ The shop lies against the post office.‎ ‎(4)表示“对…不利”。如:‎ Such bad weather is against the sports meet.‎ ‎(5)表示“同…竞争”。如:‎ He studied very hard against the time 1 o’clock.‎ ‎(6)表示“抵抗、抵挡”。如:‎ We should build a high bank against the flood.‎ ‎(7)表示“以…为背景”。如:‎ The film is full of blood and death against the World War Ⅱ.‎ ‎(8)表示“和…相比”。如:‎ The time of the meeting is three hours this time as against two hours last time.‎ ‎(9)表示“以…为标准”。如:‎ People should balance what they spend against what they earn.‎ ‎5、at ‎(1)表示“(地点)在…里,在…上”。如:‎ There are two shops at the school.‎ ‎(2)表示“(时间)在…时刻、在…岁数”。如:‎ He went to college at 18.‎ ‎(3)表示“向着、朝着”。如:‎ The man pointed at the boy angrily.‎ ‎(4)表示“以…价格”。如:‎ The apples will be sold at the rate of 10 dollars a pound.‎ ‎(5)表示“以…速度”。如:‎ The car runs at a speed of 300 kilometers per hour.‎ ‎(6)表示“处于…状态”。如:‎ The program is at its best.‎ ‎(7)表示“因为、由于”。如:‎ At the good news, the boy jumped very high.‎ ‎(8)表示“按照”。如:‎ He attended the party at her request.‎ ‎(9)表示“在…方面”。如:‎ He is good at math.‎ ‎(10)表示“隔着一段距离”。如:‎ There is a tree at a short distance.‎ ‎6、before ‎(1)表示“(时间)在…之前”。如:‎ We must finish the task before 8 o’clock.‎ ‎(2)表示“(地点、位置)在…前面”。如:‎ There is a small river before my home.‎ ‎(3)表示“(表示重要性、顺序等)先于”。如:‎ All the factories put quality before quantity.‎ ‎(4)表示“宁愿…而不…”。如:‎ I will choose death before shame.‎ ‎7、beyond ‎(1)表示“超出,非…所能及”。如:‎ The little couldn’t reach the basket, it’s beyond his reach.‎ ‎(2)表示“ 在…的那边”。如:‎ There are many houses beyond the river.‎ ‎(3)表示“在…以外”。如:‎ The company plan to bring in some new technology beyond seas.‎ ‎(4)表示“除了…以外”。如:‎ I don’t know anything else about the accident beyond what you’ve told me.‎ ‎(5)表示“迟于、晚于”。如:‎ You shouldn’t stay up beyond ten o’clock.‎ ‎8、by ‎(1)表示“(方式)凭、靠”。如:‎ He came to school by car.‎ ‎(2)表示“在…旁边”。如:‎ The boy reads the newspaper by the window.‎ ‎(3)表示“(方位)偏于”。如:‎ The ship sailed in the direction of east by north.‎ ‎(4)表示“(时间)到…之时”。如:‎ By now, he has already learned 5,000 words.‎ ‎(5)表示“在…时候”。如:‎ He earns money by day and sleeps by night.‎ ‎(6)表示“握、抓”。如:‎ The policeman caught the thief by the arm.‎ ‎(7)表示“因为、由于”。如:‎ He seized the chance by chance.‎ ‎(8)表示“根据、按照”。如:‎ Most importantly, we should judge a person by his morality.‎ ‎(9)表示“按…计算”。如:‎ The workers are paid by the month.‎ ‎(10)表示“差…(常用在比较级结构中)”。如:‎ My father is taller than me by a head.‎ ‎(11)表示“对待”。如:‎ The boy was badly done by in the factory.‎ ‎9、for ‎(1)表示“对…而言”。如:‎ The problem is difficult for me.‎ ‎(2)表示“(目的)要求、为了”。如:‎ He came to the bus station for a ticket.‎ ‎(3)表示“为得到、为成为”。如:‎ The teacher trained the students for good basketball players.‎ ‎(4)表示“适合”。如:‎ He is the suitable man for the job.‎ ‎(5)表示“(时间、数量、距离)达、历程等”。如:‎ They walked for about 500 meters a day.‎ ‎(6)表示“(方向)去、往”。如:‎ He leaves for New York.‎ ‎(7)表示“(等价、报酬、赔偿或比例关系)交换”。如:‎ He sells the car for one billion.‎ ‎(8)表示“(身份等的)当作”。如:‎ He mistakes the man for his father.‎ ‎(9)表示“赞成、拥护、支持”。如:‎ Most of people are for the plan.‎ ‎10、from ‎(1)表示“从…起,始于”。如:‎ He began to review his lesson from Monday.‎ ‎(2)表示“来自,从…来”。如:‎ The boy came from a small village.‎ ‎(3)表示“由于、因为”。如:‎ He trembled from cold.‎ ‎(4)表示“从、根据”。如:‎ I often take notes from the reference books.‎ ‎(5)表示“(看不见原材料)由…制成”。如:‎ Paper is made from the wood.‎ ‎(6)表示“分离、隔开”。如:‎ They parted from each other at the crossroads.‎ ‎(7)表示“免除、阻止”。如:‎ We should prevent this accident from happening.‎ ‎(8)表示“区别”。如:‎ The lady couldn’t tell yellow from red.‎ ‎(9)表示“因…而,因患病而”。如:‎ The driver dies from a bad accident.‎ ‎11、in ‎(1)表示“在…里面”。如:‎ There is a nice present in the box.‎ ‎(2)表示“(时间,如月年世纪等)在…”。如:‎ In 1940s, the World WarⅡbroke out.‎ ‎(3)表示“(时间)在…之内”。如:‎ He will finish the paper in an hour.‎ ‎(4)表示“(形式、方式)以、按照”。如:‎ He wrote a composition in the form of poem.‎ ‎(5)表示“(材料)用、以”。如:‎ Please rewrite the line of words in black ink.‎ ‎(6)表示“穿着、戴着”。如:‎ The lady in the red coat is his mother.‎ ‎(7)表示“(能力、性格)在…身上”。如:‎ There is a good sense of responsibility in the man.‎ ‎(8)表示“用(语言、声音)”。如:‎ Please speak in a loud voice.‎ ‎12、of ‎(1)表示“(所属关系)属于”。如:‎ The glass of the window is broken.‎ ‎(2)表示“(能看出原材料)由…制成”。如:‎ Clothes are made of cloth.‎ ‎(3)表示“相似”。如:‎ He is a beast of a man.‎ ‎(4)表示“具有某种性质、状况”。如:‎ The way to solve the problem is of great use.‎ ‎(5)表示“同位关系”。如:‎ The city of Beijing is the capital of China.‎ ‎(6)表示“由于”。如:‎ The old man finally died of cancer.‎ 对于of所有格中所能表示的各种含义可参考名词“所有格”部分。‎ ‎13、on ‎(1)表示“在…上”。如:‎ There are many files on the table.‎ ‎(2)表示“(时间)在…时候”。如:‎ In summer, the boy often goes swimming in the lake on Sundays.‎ ‎(3)表示“关于”。如:‎ The journalist gives a report on the economic development this year.‎ ‎(4)表示“依据、根据”。如:‎ People here live on rice.‎ ‎(5)表示“在…时候,一…就”。如:‎ On entering the room, the telephone rings.‎ ‎(6)表示“在…中,是…中的一员”。如:‎ He is on the football team.‎ ‎(7)表示“通过(多表示无线电的东西)”。如:‎ He likes to listen to some programs on the radio.‎ ‎(8)表示“在身上”。如:‎ Do you have any money on you?‎ ‎(9)表示“在…旁边”。如:‎ There is a small village on the river.‎ ‎14、out of ‎(1)表示“从…里面”。如:‎ The bird flies out of the big tree.‎ ‎(2)表示“从…中”。如:‎ Nine out of ten minds are very diligent.‎ ‎(3)表示“离开、脱离”。如:‎ We must keep us out of fire.‎ ‎(4)表示“由于、出于”。如:‎ Out of consideration for the weather, we delayed the meeting.‎ ‎(5)表示“用…制造”。如:‎ They made tables out of wood.‎ ‎(6)表示“没有,缺乏”。如:‎ The place is often out of drinking water.‎ ‎(7)表示“放弃”。如:‎ He tried his best to talk me out of doing it.‎ ‎15、to ‎(1)表示“朝、向、往”。如:‎ The window looks to the east.‎ ‎(2)表示“离”。如:‎ There are only ten miles to the entrance.‎ ‎(3)表示“到、直到”。如:‎ Walk along to the end of the street and you’ll find the shop.‎ ‎(4)表示“对于”。如:‎ Health is vital to everyone.‎ ‎(5)表示“对、应”。如:‎ The door opened to his calling.‎ ‎(6)表示“到…(程度)”。如:‎ The poor man was beaten to death in prison.‎ ‎(7)表示“与…一致,符合”。如:‎ The book is just to his liking.‎ ‎(8)表示“随同、伴随着”。如:‎ She danced to the music.‎ ‎(9)表示“令…”。如:‎ To my surprise, he finally won the first prize.‎ ‎16、under ‎(1)表示“在…下面”。如:‎ The dog under the table is Tom’s.‎ ‎(2)表示“少于、低于”。如:‎ What he earned a month is under 3,000 Yuan.‎ ‎(3)表示“在(情况、条件)下”。如:‎ Under no conditions will I give in to failure.‎ ‎(4)表示“正在…期间”。如:‎ The high building is under construction.‎ ‎(5)表示“借、以、趁”。如:‎ The thief often steals under the darkness of night.‎ ‎17、with ‎(1)表示“和…一起,同”。如:‎ He goes to the supermarket with his mother.‎ ‎(2)表示“具有,有…特征”。如:‎ The girl with a long hair is my sister.‎ ‎(3)表示“在身上”。如:‎ Do you have any money with you?‎ ‎(4)表示“随着”。如:‎ With the last word, the old man died.‎ ‎(5)表示“由于”。如:‎ Her face became pale with cold.‎ ‎(6)表示“尽管、虽然”。如:‎ With all his comfort, his wife was still angry.‎ ‎(7)表示“伴随状况”。如:‎ He works with the door closed.‎ 六、常见介词用法举例及相关介词及介词短语用法比较 ‎1、表示时间的介词 ‎(1)at的用法 ‎①表示某个时间点.如:‎ We usually have our dinner at 6:00.‎ ‎②表示三餐的时间。如:‎ at breakfast、at lunch、at supper、at dinner ‎③表示一种具体的某个时间点,如:子夜、破晓、日出、正午、日落等。如:‎ at midnight、at daybreak、at sunrise、at sunset、at nightfall ‎④表示某一时间点,表示“一…就…”。如:‎ They got excited at the news.‎ The boy became worried at the thought of the coming exam.‎ ‎(2)in的用法 in表示较长的时间,常和世纪、年代、年、月、季节、上午、下午等连用。如:‎ in the 21st century、in the 1980s、in 2008、in June、in the week、in the morning、in the afternoon、in the evening in还常同人生的不同阶段连用,如:in the flower of youth在青春时期、in the spring of life在年轻时代、in the flush of life在青春时代、in the school days在学生时代、in the prime of life在壮年时代、in one’s old age在…晚年。‎ ‎(3)on的用法 ‎①表示特定的某一天。如:‎ on Sunday、on may 1、on Christmas Day、on Thanksgiving Day、on the fifth of October ‎②表示具体的某天早晨、中午和晚上,常同of连用,加上具体的某天或前有形容词修饰,表示某一天的具体特征。总之、表示的是有别于其他的具体的某天。如:‎ on the morning of January 1st、on the night of April 1st、on a dirty night、on a sunny night、on a cold afternoon、on a windy evening 但要注意:当morning、afternoon、evening和night前面有early或late等修饰词时或者这些词前有表示具体钟点的名词,通常要用in而不能用on。如:‎ Early in the morning of a snowy day, he got up to clean the road.‎ At about eight o’clock in the afternoon of the next day, we will begin our meeting.‎ ‎③on+动名词结构表示“一…就…”,相当于as soon ‎ as。指前后紧接的时间关系,通常只有非延续性动词如reach、arrive、hear、see、snatch才能这样用,延续性动词不可以这么用。on也可替换成upon,on后也可加名词。当然,on也可省略,直接用现在分词作状语的形式。如:‎ On my arrival at my hometown, I will call you.‎ On entering the kitchen, I smelt something burnt.‎ 表示“一…就…”意思的短语很多,如单个的词:on、upon、directly、instantly、immediately,两个词的名词词组:the minute/second/moment等,固定句型:as soon as、hardly…when、scarcely…when、barely…when、no sooner…than。应注意后四个词组中主从句中的时态用法,主句用倒装形式的过去完成时(因为句首为否定副词,将过去完成时的had提前,采用倒装结构),从句用一般过去式。‎ ‎(4)of的用法 of表示时间用“of + a/an +周日、早晨、下午”结构,指一种经常性的动作,即“一般,通常”。如:‎ He usually go to fly a kite of an afternoon in spring.‎ When do you often get up of a Sunday?‎ of还可构成of recent years(近年来)、of old(从前、往昔)、of late(近来)、of recent(近来)等时间词组。‎ ‎(5)during和in的差异 ‎①表示一段时间时,during和in两者常可替换,但during后的名词前必须有定冠词the,而in后的名词前有定冠词则表特指,无定冠词表泛指。如:‎ You should take care of your sick mother during (in) my absence.‎ What are you going to do during (in) the summer holidays?‎ It often snows in winter.‎ ‎②during强调动作的延续性,指“在整个过程中”,如表示习惯性或持续性的动作或某一项活动,如同visit、meal、concert、service、voyage、stay等连用时,只能用during不能用in,in则指某事发生的具体时间。如:‎ He stayed at home during the whole winter.‎ He left school in 1998.‎ ‎(6)during和for的差异 during概指一段不大确定的时间,for则表示一段具体的时间,指一动作持续多次。试比较:‎ She sings for one morning.(她唱了整整一早晨的歌)‎ She sings during the morning.(在早晨唱歌,但不一定整早都在唱)‎ He stayed with his grandpa for a whole winter vacation.(连续呆在祖父家)‎ He called on his grandpa during the winter vacation.(寒假期间偶尔抽空去拜访祖父)‎ 当表示某一动作连续不断时,只能用for,不能用during。如:‎ They’ve known each other for many years.‎ ‎(7)after和in的差异 after+表示一点时间的词,表示具体的某时、某日、某月、某年后,after也可跟一具体事件。‎ in+表示一段时间的词,表示“再过多长时间”,谓语为非延续性动词;in+表示一段时间的词还可表示“在…时间内”,谓语动词为延续性动词。如:‎ The new plan will be carried out after August 1st.‎ The new plan will be carried out in two months.‎ They had to leave their hometown after the war.‎ He learnt to swim in three weeks.‎ 表示“在过去某一时间之后”用in或after均可。如:‎ The meeting began in/after five minutes.‎ ‎(8)in和for的差异 表示将来时,in用于肯定句,for用于否定句。表示一段时间时,美国英语用in,英国英语用for。比较:‎ It will begin to rain in half an hour.‎ It won’t begin to rain for half an hour.‎ It is the heaviest harvest in (for) ten years.‎ ‎(9)since和after的差异 since后接某一时间点,表示从过去某一点时间延续到现在或过去,主句谓语动词用完成时。after作介词或连词,可以表示时间,同过去式或将来时连用,但不能和现在时间发生关系,不能同现在完成时连用。如:‎ Since his graduation, he has taught at this school.(正)‎ After his graduation, he taught (will teach) at this school.(正)‎ After his graduation, he has taught at this school.(误)‎ ‎(10)to,till和until的差异 ‎①在from…to…结构中,to可换为till或until。如:‎ He studied in his class from 7:00 to (till或until) 10:30.‎ ‎②在表示“距…还有多长时间,把…推迟到某一时间”时,可用to或till。如:‎ It is only five minutes to (till) the meeting.‎ Because of the bad weather, they had to postpone the sports meet to/till the next Sunday.‎ ‎③until比till更正式,可用于句首表示强调。till一般不位于句首,其余情况则可换用。till和until后不可接地点名词,同地点名词连用要用to。如:‎ Until yesterday, he finished his task.‎ ‎(11)from和since的差异 只表示某个情况或动作从某个时候开始用from,但若同现在完成时连用,表示持续至说话时刻的情况或动作开始于某个时候,要用since不可用from。如:‎ He began to learn the song from last month.‎ They have been good friends since several years ago.‎ ‎(12)as from和as of的用法 as from、as of、on and after+时间名词表示“从…日起”,beginning+时间状语,表示“从…起”,from and inclusive表示“从…起”。如:‎ He will be employed as of (from)/on and after May 1st.‎ Beginning in this spring, we will plant many trees every year.‎ The price of pork will go up from and inclusive today.‎ 注意:1、mornings、Sundays等也可直接作时间状语,不和任何介词连用,表示反复出现的动作。如:‎ He plays basketball Sundays (on Sunday).‎ Her mother cooks breakfast mornings (in mornings).‎ ‎2、表示一次连续多长时间,可用数词+straight(successive、consecutive)+名词结构,也可用“(for)+数词+running”结构,running可换成on end、in row、at a stretch、in successive等。如:‎ He wrote his novel three successive years (three years in succession).‎ ‎2、表示地点或位置的介词(或介词短语)‎ ‎(1)at、in和on的差异 ‎①一般说来,at表示较小的地方,而in则表示较大的地方。如:‎ He lives at a small village.‎ He went to a good university in Shanghai city.‎ ‎②road前用on,门牌号前用at,street前用in或on。如:‎ John works at 708 Xing Fu Street.‎ There is a shop in (on) the street rather than that road.‎ ‎③把某个机构看成一个机关或组织结构时用at,看成一个具体的地方用in。如:‎ The professor works at Beijing University.‎ The professor lives in Beijing University.‎ ‎(2)on和underneath的差异 on表示“在…上”,表示上下两者紧贴一起,而underneath是on的反义词,表示“某物紧贴在一物的底下”,两者接触。如:‎ The cell phone is put on the book.‎ Underneath the table is ground.‎ ‎(3)under和over ‎①under和over是对反义词,表示一种垂直概念,指“正下方或正上方”,一般不接触。如:‎ In summer, especially in hot weather, there are many people under the big shade of the tree.‎ There are many bridges over the Changjiang River.‎ ‎②over和under还可表示“上级、下级”,over还可表示“同时,一边一边,在…期间,覆盖,横过,越过,控制”。如:‎ He is over us.‎ We are under the lady.‎ They talked over a cup of tea.‎ What did you do over your summer holidays?‎ The mother put a sheet over the sleeping baby.‎ There is a bridge over the small river.‎ The storm lasts over twenty hours.‎ The government should have absolute control over the crime.‎ ‎(4)above和below的差异 ‎①above和below是一对反义词。above表示“高于”,below表示“低于”。两者既不表示相应接触,也不表示上下垂直,仅表示“在…上方”和“在…下方”。如:‎ The bird files above us.‎ The sun sets down below the horizon.‎ ‎②below还可表示“数量少于,温度低于,不如…”,above还可表示“在…以北”。如:‎ His salary is below 300 per month.‎ Your spoken English is below the standard.‎ The ship sank above the island.‎ ‎(5)beneath的用法 ‎①表示“在…下”时,beneath可以指垂直的上下关系,也可以表示上下接触的意思,所以可以同below、under、underneath换用。如:‎ Shoes are put beneath the bed.(垂直关系)‎ There are many houses in the village beneath the hill.(非垂直关系)‎ Beneath the sailing ship are big waves of water.(上下接触)‎ ‎②beneath用于引申义,表抽象含义,表示“不值得、不屑、有失…的身份”等。如:‎ This bad place is beneath attention.‎ Telling a lie is beneath me.‎ ‎(6)near、near to和next to的差异 ‎①near意为“在…附近,靠近”,next to意为“紧挨着、紧靠着”。如:‎ There’s a river near my home.‎ At dinner, he likes to sit next to his mother.‎ ‎②next to表示“几乎”,还可表示喜欢或不喜欢,以引出第二选择。如:‎ What he said was next to a lie.‎ Next to meat, I like vegetables.‎ ‎③用于本义时near和near to可互换,可有比较级和最高级nearer和nearest,同时也可被副词very、so、quite等修饰。如:‎ My office is nearest (to) his.‎ The post office is quite near (to) the cinema.‎ ‎④near用于转义或作为副词时,不可换为near to。如:‎ During the serious illness, the old man was near death many times.‎ The meeting is near the end.‎ The kettle was somewhere near full.(near可同somewhere、anywhere、nowhere、nothing、nothing、anything等连用)‎ ‎⑤near to可表示“亲近、关系亲密”,near则不能。如:‎ He is near to the official.‎ 在表本义时,near和near to可互换,类似的opposite和opposite to在表示位置时也可换用。如:‎ The bank is opposite (to) the college.‎ ‎(7)before、in front 和ahead of的差异 ‎①before多用于某人前,其反义词是behind,in front of多用于建筑物前。如:‎ Before him stands his father.‎ There is a small lake in front of my house.‎ ‎②in front of和ahead of指空间时常可换用,但指时间是,只能用ahead of。如:‎ Boys and girls play happily in front of/ahead of the classroom.‎ He returned home from work ahead of time.‎ ‎③in front of强调事物外部空间的前面,in the front of强调内部空间的前面,但at the front of同样强调外部空间的前面。如:‎ He stood at the front of the queue.‎ ‎(8)behind和after behind表示方向、位置的先后,after表示时间的先后,但表示“随…后“时,两者均可用。如:‎ The boy hid behind the door.‎ He will come back after ten o’clock.‎ They left one by one after (behind) the meeting.‎ Remember to turn off the light after (behind) you.‎ Rain will come after (behind) the black cloud.‎ ‎(9)about、round和around的差异 三个词都被动“在…周围”。about指的是“靠近…的周围,大概的周围”,不表示“把…团团围住”;round和around是表示一种“完全的周围,封闭的周围”,而且around通常表示静态位置,round既可表示静态的位置,也可表示动态的动作。如:‎ The children played happily about the wall.(不可用round或around)‎ They run round the circle.(动态)‎ All the family members sat around (round) the table.‎ about还可表示“在…各处”。如:‎ he looked for his pen about the room.‎ ‎(10)about、with、by、on和in的差异 ‎①表示“带有、持有”时,可以用with、on和about。如:‎ Did you have any money with (on、about) you?‎ ‎②但是细微的区别还是有的,on表示“身上带有”指口袋、衣服中带有,作宾语的常是“钱、笔、项链”等小件物品;也可用about(强调地点)和with(强调随同)。但携带较大的物品时是用with;by主要强调“在手中”;表示人的某种异常或偶然的情况要用about;而表示物有某种异常或偶然的情况要用with;表示某人身上所固有的的东西(如气质、性格等)要用in。如:‎ He took an umbrella with him during the whole visit.‎ When you study English, you should have a dictionary by you.‎ There’s something wrong with the walkman.‎ What’s wrong with you.‎ He has a bad temper with him.‎ 注意:当同形容词wrong连用时,无论后跟人还是无,常同介词with连用。‎ ‎③当表示“身上有”可以说have sth with sb或have sth on/about sb,但若动词不是have,而是其他动词,如:take、carry、bring等,则只能用with,不能用on或about。如:‎ You should take a big bag with you for a hiking.(不可用on或about)‎ ‎(11)inside和within的差异 ‎①inside表示“进入到里面”,inside有“被围住在内”的含义,inside还可表示“在…的内侧”。如:‎ He came inside the room and closed the door.‎ ‎②相比较而言,inside通常指较小的空间范围,within多指大的空间范围。如:‎ Inside the small box is a pen.‎ He lived within the building from last month.‎ ‎③在表示时间、距离时,inside和within均可表示“不超过”,在美语中也可用inside of。如:‎ They will have their dinner within/inside/inside of/ten minutes.‎ ‎(12)through、over和throughout的差异 ‎①表示空间上的“遍及”时,throughout比through和over更加强调,也可以说all through或all over。如:‎ English is becoming more and more important through/over/throughout/all through/all over the world.‎ ‎②如果宾语是“某个抽象范围”,而不是“空间、区域”,则只能用over。如:‎ The important research spreads over branches of the subject.‎ ‎(13)up和down的用法 ‎①表示动作时,up指“由下而上”,down指“由上而下”。如:‎ The tourists walked up the hill.‎ The tourists walked down the hill.‎ ‎②表示静止的空间位置时,up表示“在…高处,在…上面”,down表示“在…下面”。如:‎ The water is dirtier up the river.‎ The water is dirtier down the river.‎ ‎③从南到北、从农村到城市、从沿海到内地、从市区到宅区,要用up;从北到南、从城市到农村、从内地到沿海、从宅区到市区要用down。如:‎ He went down south for winter.‎ He went up north for summer.‎ He went down the sea to surf.‎ ‎④up表示速度的“快”,而down表示速度的“慢”。如:‎ The driver speeded up to arrive on time.‎ The driver speeded down in case of accident.‎ ‎⑤up表示“增加、扩大、增强”,down表示“减少、缩小、减弱”。如:‎ The price will go up.‎ The price will go down.‎ The fire was burning up.‎ The fire was burning down.‎ ‎⑥up表示“欢乐、喜悦”,指高涨的情绪,down则表示“悲伤”,指低落的情绪。如:‎ At the good result of the game, he warmed up.‎ At the bad result of the game, he broken down.‎ ‎⑦up表示情况的“好转、上升”,down表示情况的“差、劣、下降”。如:‎ He came up in early years.‎ He went down in late years.‎ The man is down and out.‎ Things look up.‎ ‎⑧up表示“充满生气、生机勃勃、健康”,down表示“无生气、生病、无力”。如:‎ The old man still keeps up.‎ His condition of illness is running down.‎ After proper treatment, the patient is picking up.‎ She is down with a high fever.‎ ‎⑨当表示静止的空间位置,而不强调具体的方向时,up和down可换用;且当不明确具体方向,而只表示“沿…进行”时,up和down可换用,相当于along。如:‎ There is a bank up/down the street.(在街的那一端)‎ Walk up/down the street and turn right at the second corner.‎ ‎(14)from和off的差异 ‎①表示“距离…,离开…”,表示陆上距离时,from和off可互换;表示海上距离时,只能用off。如:‎ The centre is 100 miles from (off) my home.‎ The ship has left 200 miles off the sea.‎ ‎②相互粘贴在一起的两物分开或被分开时用off,使在一起(并非粘在一块)的两物分开用from。如:‎ Please take the picture off the wall.‎ She tears herself away from the park.‎ ‎③far from表示“离…远、远非、远不”,作状语时,置于句首,表示“不仅…(而且)”,这种用法中的from不可换为off。如:‎ His home is far from his school.‎ The result is far from satisfying.‎ Far from saying sorry, he made another mistake.‎ ‎(15)between、among、amidst和amid的差异 ‎①between一般用于指两者之间,among用于指三者或三者以上之间。如:‎ There is a difference between British and American English.‎ He is the only student from the countryside among them.‎ ‎②between有时也可用于三者或三者以上,强调每两者之间的关系或差别。如:‎ There is a short distance between trees.‎ The boy can tell the difference between basketball, football and volleyball.‎ ‎③如果表示地理上的明显、准确的位置用between指处于三者或三者以上之间,不用among。如:‎ Luxemburg lies between Belgium, Germany and France.‎ ‎④‎ amidst后可接复数可数名词,也可接不可数名词,而between和among只能接指人或物的可数名词,不能和抽象名词连用。如:‎ He still lives amidst the darkness.‎ ‎⑤among多用来表示“在善意而友好的事物中”,而amidst多表示“在困难、危险或敌对中”。如:‎ We are happy among our family members.‎ He found himself amidst difficulties.‎ ‎⑥among多表示同类中,而amidst多表示异类中。如:‎ He played well among the players.‎ He worked as a judge amidst the players.‎ ‎⑦among表示处于易分辨的事物中,amidst表示处于混乱难分辨的事物中。如:‎ He is taller than others so he can be easily found among them.‎ A bird of the same feather is midst so many birds.‎ ‎3、表示原因、起因的介词 ‎(1)of的用法 ‎①of同die连用,多表示内因,常同cancer、illness、hunger、thirst、grief、poison、disappointment、old age连用。如:‎ He died of liver cancer.‎ Some of people died of old age.‎ ‎②of还可表示生病的原因或情绪上的原因。如:‎ He is sick of being caught in a storm.‎ The illness came of a bad cold.‎ I am fond of beautiful pictures.‎ The boy has got tired of studying.‎ ‎(2)from的用法 From同die连用,多表示外因,常同wound、carelessness、tortures、too much work、wine等连用。如:‎ The driver died from carelessness.‎ Most soldiers died from serious wound during the war.‎ 但同hunger、a disease、wound、thirst等连用时,可用die of或die from。如:‎ Most people in the village in old times die of/from hunger.‎ ‎(3)for的用法 for表示某种内在的、心理上的原因,常同喜、怒、哀、乐等抽象名词连用或为了某一目的的原因或奖赏、处罚的原因。如:‎ He trembled a lot for fear.‎ He studies very hard for the aim to go to college.‎ The policeman did him a fine for breaking the traffic rule.‎ ‎(4)with的用法 with多表示由外界影响的原因,既可指生理上的也可指情感上的原因。如:‎ The old woman beat with old age.‎ He is do tired with such a long walk.‎ The girl goes crazy with joy.‎ ‎(5)at的用法 at常同表示“喜、怒、惊讶、好奇”等词连用,表示感情上的原因。如:‎ I am very pleased at the invitation.‎ He is sad at the bad news.‎ ‎(6)on的用法 on表示具有依靠或条件的原因。如:‎ he took part in the party on his friend’s invitation.‎ The thief gave up what he had stolen on request.‎ ‎(7)by的用法 by表示凶杀暴力的原因,强调手段或方法。如:‎ Many people in the building died by violence.‎ Every year millions of people died by their own hands.‎ ‎(8)through的用法 through表示偶然或消极的原因,常同lack、carelessness、neglect、negligence、fault、curiosity、surprise等连用。如:‎ He is out of work through lack of skill.‎ The boy played with the cat through curiosity.‎ ‎(9)due to的用法 due to在传统英语中只可用作表语,但是现在作状语已逐渐被接受,相当于owing to。如:‎ Due to his great efforts, he was successful in the end.‎ His illness is due to much exposure to the sunshine.‎ ‎(10)owing to的用法 owing to既可作状语,也可作表语。如:‎ Owing to much rain this year, the crop grows up very quickly.‎ His rude behavior was owing to the bad education in his family.‎ ‎(11)because of的用法 because of一般作状语,不作表语,但是如果主语是指一个事实,而不是一个名词,because of也可作表语。如:‎ Because of too much work, the man broke down.‎ He rent a room outside; that was because of his low salary.‎ 注意:an account of与because of的意义和用法大致相同。‎ ‎(12)thanks to thanks to只能作状语,不能作表语,表示“幸亏、由于”。如:‎ Thanks to the man’s help, the boy got out of the water.‎ Thanks to his good performance in subjects, he was rewarded.‎ ‎4、表示“关于、至于”的介词 ‎(1)in regard to、with regard to、regarding和as regards的用法 四个词都表示“关于、至于”,但应注意,in regard to和with regard to中的to为介词,to不可改为其他词,regarding后不可加to,as regards中必须用regards复数形式。如:‎ In (with) regard to living happily, you should learn to enjoy yourself.‎ His father talked with the boy regarding his performance in school.‎ As regards protecting our environment, all of us should do our bit.‎ ‎(2)concerning、respecting和touching的用法 这三个词都表示“关于、至于”,相当于about、with regard to、regarding和as regards。这三个词都是正式用语,concerning可同as连用,构成as concerning,也可以说as concerns。如:‎ Concerning (respecting, touching) English study, we should find our own way.‎ As concerning (as concerns) the cause of the accident, the road was very icy.‎ ‎(3)with respect to、in respect of、with(in)reference to和in the matter of的用法 这几个词可换用,with respect to和with(in)reference to中的to为介词,in the matter of后一般接具体的事物。如:‎ With (in) reference to the film, the actor played an important part in it.‎ The government should take some immediate measures with respect to the serious lack of water.‎ You should take something for your trip in the matter of shoes, clothes and other living things.‎ ‎5、表示手段、方法、方式和工具的介词 ‎(1)by的用法 ‎①by表示“凭、靠、以”,相当于be means of,通常用于以下三种结构中。如:‎ by+表示交通工具的名词(无冠词,名词用单数形式)→表示交通方式 by+表示通讯工具的名词(无冠词,名词用单数形式)→表示通讯方式 by+其他名词→表示方式、方法 如:‎ He went to Beijing by plane (air).‎ We often sent letters by express.‎ The shoes are made by hand.‎ 表示交通方式的by短语有:by plane(air)、by train、by bus、by car、by land、by ship、by boat、by water、by sea、by bike、by underground、by tube、by subway、by metro等。‎ 表示通讯方式的by短语有:by express、by letter、by telegram、by Telex、by sea mail、by air mail、by post、by parcel post、by radio、by messenger等。‎ ‎②by后也可跟数词或动名词。如:‎ Fifteen divided by five is three.‎ The boy passed the exam by cheating in the exam.‎ ‎③如果不用by,而用in、on等表示通讯方式,须在名词前加the,表示交通方式,须在名词前加a或an。如:‎ He goes to work by car/in a car.‎ They often talks with each other by telephone/on the telephone/over the telephone/through the telephone.‎ 注意:一般情况下,by+交通工具,交通工具前是零冠词,但交通工具前有客观的时刻表限制时,要和定冠词the连用。如:‎ He will leave by (on) the 8:00 plane.‎ ‎(2)with换为by的差异 ‎①with表示运用具体的工具,而by表示方法、方式。在被动语态中,by表示行为者;with表示工具。如:‎ The westerners eat with s knife and folk.‎ The man lifted the box up with his hand.(表示使用的具体工具)‎ The woman made a pair of nice shoes by hand.(表示方式,手工做的)‎ After class, we can’t come in with the back door.(误)‎ After class, we can’t come in by the black door.(正,表示方式)‎ Wu Song killed the tiger by bare hands.(误)‎ Wu Song killed the tiger with bare hands.(正,表示具体的工具、手段)‎ ‎②with后接有形的器皿、工具的内容;by表示无形的手段,后接动名词,表示某种方式。如:‎ The room was decorated with electric lights.‎ The room was lighted by electricity.‎ ‎③with可引出抽象的行为者,如感情、疾病、困难等,而by则不可。如:‎ He trembled a lot with fear.‎ The old man was seized with cancer.‎ ‎(3)in的用法 ‎①in后接表示材料的名词,表示“以…方式”。要注意,in和with在结构和意义上的区别:‎ in+(单数,无冠词)pen(pencil,ink)→书写的方式 with + a/an(必须有不定冠词)pen(pencil)→书写的工具 The boy writes in pencil but draws in ink.‎ The author writes his novel only with a pen.‎ 应注意:当with后有两个或两个以上名词并列使用时,常不用冠词。如:‎ He wrote with pen and ink.(而不说with a pen and ink)‎ ‎②in还可表示某种行为方式,表示“以…按照…”,也表示“表达”的含义,指用某种语言、原料等。如:‎ Many words in Japan are spelled in Chinese way.‎ The coat was made in jacket style.‎ Please say it in English.‎ ‎(4)through的用法 through表示方法、手段时,常同by互换。如:‎ the present was sent to his friend through (by) post.‎ He supported his family through (by) a small shop.‎ ‎6、表示价格、标准尺度、比较速度的介词 ‎(1)at的用法 at可表示价值、价格、速度。如:‎ This old picture was valued at one million dollars.‎ The pork is sold at ten Yuan a jin.‎ The car runs at a (the) speed of 200 kilometers an hour.‎ at表示单价、代价(at the cost of或at the price of)或表示“按…出售,购买”;而for表示“花…钱去买,以…价格买或卖”,指总价。试比较:‎ He bought the meat at three dollars a jin.(单价)‎ He bought the meat for ten dollars.(总价)‎ 另外,at的宾语可以是具体的钱数,也可以是抽象的价格,如高价、低价、合理价、平价、好价(a high, low, fair, reasonable, fair price);for表示“交换”,宾语可以是具体的钱数,也可以是其他名词,但不能是price。如:‎ He bought the car at a reasonable price.‎ He sold his house for 1,000 dollars.‎ She paid 200 dollars for the set of furniture.‎ ‎(2)by的用法 ‎①by用来表示度量单位或标准,表示“以…计,按…计算”。by后表示计量单位的名词一般是单数名词,前要加the,但若计量单位是数词,也可用复数,这时不可加the,当然,若用单数,必须和the连用;另外,by weight、by volume、by retail、by wholesale、by auction等中的名词前不可加the。如:‎ Most people are paid by the month in the factory.‎ Eggs are sold by the dozen.‎ The product comes from the machine by the hundred.‎ The product comes from the machine by hundreds.‎ Some goods are sold by retail but others by wholesale.‎ ‎②by还表示数量、空间、时间的相差。如:‎ My father is taller than me by a head (a head taller).‎ He is my senior by only a month.‎ The river is wider by 100 miles.‎ ‎(3)than的用法 对于比较结构中than的用法,在形容词一章形容词比较级部分已详细阐述,在此只作稍稍一提。如:‎ I am older than he (him).‎ My mother loves me more than my father (loves me).‎ ‎(4)to的用法 ‎①to表示比较时,常同以-ior结尾的形容词连用,如:senior、junior、inferior、superior、prior、posterior、anterior。还用在perfer…to…结构中,注意搭配的不同,如果perfer后接不定式,要把to改为rather than。如:‎ My mother is senior than my father.‎ This pair of shoes is inferior to that one.‎ The boy prefers to go to work outside rather than go to school.‎ ‎②to可表示“比,对比,(增加)到…,(减少)到…配给”等。如:‎ Finally, they won with the score of ten to six.‎ The ratios of 2 to 1 and 4 to 2 are the same.‎ The income of the family has increased to one million.‎ Twenty-four apples are packed to each basket.‎ to表示的“比,对比”指的是“比率”,如要强调比较,要用against或as against。另外,against还可表示“相映,衬托”的含义。如:‎ He was elected chairman by a majority of 100 votes against 30.‎ The score of his match is 90 this year ad against 80 last year.‎ The sky is more blue against the white clouds.‎ ‎7、表示特性、属性的介词 ‎(1)of的用法 表示特性、属性时,of常有以下结构:‎ of +抽象名词=相应的形容词(名词前可有形容词修饰)‎ 名词+ of +抽象名词或具体名词=相应的形容词+名词 of +a/an +名词→表示两事物的共同特征 of + a/an +形容词+名词→表示人或物的具体特性 如:‎ of good use = very useful of great importance = very important a boy of gift = a gifted boy a girl of beauty = a beautiful girl Birds of a feather flock together.‎ He is a husband of a good temper.‎ 对于of表示特性、属性予以补充说明以下两点:‎ ‎①在be of a/an size (age, color, height, help, use, length, shape)结构中,of常可省略。如:‎ My mother and my father are (of) an/the same age.‎ The coat and the shirt are (of) the same color.‎ ‎②of+动名词(或名词)和of one’s own+动名词均可作表语,表示具有某种性质、特点等。应注意,在of+动名词结构中,动名词同句子主语构成主谓关系;而在of one’s own+动名词结构中,动名词同句中主语构成动宾关系。如:‎ The boy is of happy playing. (=the boy plays happily)(主谓关系)‎ The plan is of good help to us. (=The plan can help us well.)(主谓关系)‎ The book is of his own writing.(动宾关系)‎ The decision is of her own making.(动宾关系)‎ ‎(2)with的用法 表示特性、属性时,with后通常接具体名词,表示人或物的具体形状特征。如:‎ a desk with four legs a book with many pictures a girl with a long hair ‎8、表示“除了”的介词 表示“除了”类的介词可分为三类:第一类表示“除了…之外没有”,第二类表示“除了…之外还有”,第三类既可表示“除了…之外没有”,也可表示“除了…之外还有”。下面将一一介绍其用法。‎ ‎(1)besides的用法 besides表示“除了…以外还有”,相当于in addition to。如:‎ Besides English, he studies Chinese, math, science etc at college.‎ ‎(2)except的用法 except表示“除了…以外没有”,强调所排除的“不包括在内”,一般表示同类之间的关系,常同nothing、all、none、nobody、any等不定代词及every连用。如:‎ We all agreed to the plan except John.‎ We have evening classes every night except Saturday.‎ Nobody knew the secret except my best friend.‎ except后不仅可接名词或代词,还可接副词、介词短语、不定式(或不带to的不定式)或从句等。如:‎ He looked for his pen everywhere except here.‎ We go to school every day except on Sunday.‎ The boy does anything very well except study in school.‎ Your composition is very good except that there are some mistakes in it.‎ besides含有肯定意味,应与a few、a little连用,except含有否定意味,应与few、little连用。如:‎ The boy has few relatives except his aunt.‎ The boy has a few relatives besides his family members.‎ ‎(3)except for的用法 except for也表示“除…以外”,指对某种基本情况进行具体的细节方面的修正,强调“美中不足”,except for同except的根本区别是:except for后所接的词同句子中的中心名词不是同类的,指从整体中除去一个细节或一个方面;而except后接的词同句子中的中心词一般的同类的,指在同类整体中除去一部分。如:‎ The composition is very good except for some spelling mistakes.(作文同拼写错误不是同类事物)‎ The room is empty except for two tables.(房间同桌子不是同类事物)‎ He likes all the subjects except math.(数学是整体所有科目中的一部分)‎ except for有时表示“除去为了”。如:‎ He didn’t surf the internet except for some useful information.‎ ‎(4)excepting的用法 excepting和except同义,但excepting多位于句首,还可同no、 without、always等词连用,而except则不可。excepting后一般只用名词或代词,not excepting和without excepting表示“不除外…,不例外…”。如:‎ Excepting John, all the people attend the meeting.‎ We all may make mistakes, without excepting the saint.‎ He likes all the meat, always excepting mutton.‎ Everyone, not excepting myself should obey the traffic rules.‎ ‎(5)but的用法 but表示“除…之外没有”,用法同except基本相同,but和except后都可跟动词不定式作宾语。但应注意,当句中的谓语动词为实义动词do时,but和except后所接的动词不定式才能不带to,否则to不可省。如:‎ No one but Tom is late for class.‎ I could do nothing but (except) face the fact.‎ He had no choice but (except) to refuse her invitation.‎ 对上述except、except for、excepting、but的用法予以补充说明以下几点:‎ ‎①but通常与all、every、everybody、anyone、anywhere、no、nobody、nothing、who、what、where等意义确定的,绝对的不定代词或疑问代词等连用,但不可同some或many等意义确定的词连用,如不可说some but him或many but him等。如:‎ We go to work every day except/but Sunday.‎ The park is never opened except on weekends.(不可用but,因为句子中没有出现上述代词)‎ ‎②save也可表示“除了…以外没有”,用法相当于except,save一般多用于极其正式的文体中。‎ ‎③but和except作介词时,不可用于句首;而except for和excepting则可以。如:‎ But you, everyone arrives on time.(误)‎ Everyone but you arrives on time.(正)‎ Excepting you, everyone arrives on time.(正)‎ ‎④but还可跟形容词、数词介词短语等。如:‎ The man is anything but careful.(anything but相当于not at all,表示“根本不,一点也不”)‎ There is no way to my school but across the river.‎ I met all of them but two.‎ ‎⑤“but+人称代词”后紧跟谓语时,人称代词多用主格,否则多用宾格。如:‎ No one but he played basketball so well.‎ No one played basketball so well but him.‎ ‎(6)apart from既可以表示besides的意思,意为“除…之外还有”,也可以表示except或except for的含义。如:‎ All the family members love the baby apart from his parents.(=besides his parents)‎ Your paper is finished very well, apart from some small faults. (=except for some small faults)‎ He does morning exercise every day apart from Wednesday. (=except Wednesday)‎ ‎9、表示“尽管”的介词 ‎(1)after all、in spite of、despite(of)、for all、with all、regardless of和notwithstanding这几个词都表示让步,意为“尽管,虽然”,后面一般只能接词组,不能接句子。despite本身就表示让步的介词,但也可以说in despite of或despite of相当于in spite of。regardless必须和of连用,notwithstanding后不能有其他介词。for all one’s和with all one’s,意为in spite of。如:‎ Regardless of great efforts, he failed finally.‎ In spite of/despite (of) his mother’s advice, he did it in his own way.‎ Notwithstanding the heavy storm, they arrived on time.‎ After all the serious accident, he survived at last.‎ For (with) all his failure for many times, he didn’t lose heart.‎ ‎(2)表示“尽管”时,for all后有时也可跟that从句或省略that,直接跟从句。如:‎ Generally speaking, he has done a very good job for all (that).‎ Sometimes, he will make some mistake.‎ ‎(3)for all one knows、for anything one knows、for all anybody knows中的all不是表示“尽管”,而是相当于as far as,表示“了解,但不确知,没有把握”。如:‎ For all I know, he is an honest man.(并不确定)‎ For all anybody knew, the man was still alive.(并不确知)‎ ‎(4)for all I care表示“我不在乎,与我无关”。如:‎ It is whether true or not for all I care.‎ You may make your final decision for all he cares.‎

