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Unit 10 I’d like some noodles . mutton noodle s cabbage s beef potato es Main Words chicken tomato es carrot s A: What do you like ? B: I like …, … and … / I don’t like …, …or…. bread dumplings soup salad rice porridge orange juice Ask and answer hamburgers meat A:What kind of would you like ? B: I ’ d like some beef . beef fish chicken mutton pork meat coffee milk juice co ke green tea A:What kind of drink would you like ? B: I’d like some juice . Let's go and have noodles! I’m hungry! Today’s specil ( 特色菜 ) A : What kind of noodles would you like? B: I’d like beef and tomato noodles . Special 1 A: What kind of noodles would you like? B: I’d like mutton and potato noodles. Special 2 A: What kind of noodles would you like? B: I’d like chicken and cabbage noodles . Special 3 A: What size ( bowl of noodles ) would you like? B: I’d like a small bowl of noodles. a medium bowl of noodles a large bowl of noodles Fill in the blanks. 1.Would you like some_________ ( 面条 )? 2.I’d like three___________( 西红柿 ) 3.The restaurant has some great_______ ( 特色菜 ) 4.Would you like_______( 牛肉 )or mutton? 5.How much are these___________( 土豆 )? noodle s tomato es special s beef potato es Would you like to go camping with me? 1. 我想要一台电脑。 2. 他想要带有牛肉和西红柿的面条。 3. Linda 想要放学后坚持弹吉他 . 4. 这周末你想要和我去野营吗? I would like a computer. They would like beef and tomato noodles. Linda would like to keep playing the guitar. Ⅲ. 汉译英 A:Good morning.welcome to our restaurant.____________________? B:Yes, please. I would like some noodles. A:_____________________________? B: I’d like tomato and beef noodles.By the way,_________________________? A:Yes, there are some cabbages in it. B:Great.They can help us keep healthy. A:______________________________? B:A large one, please! ____________________? A: They are 8 dollars. B:Here is the money. ____________________. A:Thank you. B:_______________________. Role-play the conversation Unit 10 I’d like some noodles. potato es beef mutton chicken cabbage tomato es carrot s noodle s rice noodle s food A:What kind of would you like? B: I’d like… soup hamburger s ---Can I help you? ---Yes, please. ---What would you like? ---I’d like some noodles . ---What kind of noodles would you like? ---I'd like... ---What size would you like? ---I'd like a ... bowl of noodles. Pair work Noodle House 2d. Role-play the conversation. Waitress: Good afternoon. May I _______________? Sally: Yes. Are there any vegetables in the beef soup? Waitress: Yes. There are some tomatoes. Sally: OK. ___________ one bowl of beef soup. Waitress: Sure. __________ would you like? Sally: Large, please. Tom: We’d also like gongbao chicken and some mapo tofu with rice. Waitress: OK. _______________beef soup, one gongbao chicken, and one mapo tofu with rice. Tom: Yes, _______________ . take your order We’d like What size One large bowl of That’s right 1. May I take your order? 你可以点菜了吗? 也可以说“ Can I take (have) your order?”, “Are you ready to order?” 这些都是服务 员请客人点菜的礼貌用语。 例如: ─ May I take your order? — Yes. I’d like some mapo tofu with rice. Language Points 2. a bowl of 一碗 …… two bowls of 两碗 …… 我想要一碗牛肉洋白菜面。 I’d like a bowl of beef cabbage noodles. 我们想要两碗羊肉胡萝卜汤。 We’d like two bowls of mutton carrots soup. Period 3 Section A Grammar Focus -3c Countable nouns Uncountable nouns potato es tomato es onion s strawberr ies apple s egg s orange s beef mutton chicken rice porridge orange juice green tea 4. 请给我来中碗的。 ___________________________ 5. 你想来一个大碗吗? ___________________________ 6. 好的。 ___________________________ I’d like a medium bowl, please. Would you like a large bowl? Yes, please. 1. 你想要什么面条? __________________________ 2. 请给我来牛肉面。 ________________________ 3. 你想要什么碗的? _______________________ 阅读 Grammar Focus 部分 , 完成下列句子。 I’d like beef noodles, please. What kind of noodles would you like? What size would you like? Grammar Focus 7. 在西红柿子鸡蛋汤里有肉吗 ? _______________________________ _______________________________ 不,没有。 _______________________________ _______________________________ 9. I’d = ____________ 10. She’d = _________ I would No, there isn’t any. /No, there’s no meat. she would Is there any meat in the tomato and egg soup? 1. dumpling __________ apple_______ 2. box ______ watch _______ 3. leaf _____ thief _______ 4. country _________ strawberry ____________ 5. policeman __________ woman _______ 6. potato ________ tomato _________ 写出下列可数名词的复数形式 dumplings apples boxes watches countries strawberries policemen women potatoes tomatoes leaves thieves would like 句型 一、would like 意为“想要某物”,常用句式结构: 1. 你想要点什么? What ______ you ______? 我想要一杯茶。 ____ _____ a cup of tea. I’d like would like 探究乐园 你想要什么面条? What _____ of noodles _______ you like? 你想要多大号的毛衣? What ____ of sweater ______ you like? (以上句型为有礼貌、委婉地表达征求对方的要求) kind would size would 11. 不可数名词有: bread, milk, water, _______________________________ 12. 既是可数又是不可数的名词: salad, chicken, ice cream, _______________________________ cabbage beef, meat, mutton 2. Would you like … ? 你想要 …… 吗?这 也是用来向对方有礼貌地语气委婉地 征求对方要求的句型。其答语为: Yes, please. /OK. /No, thanks. 你想要一些牛奶吗? ______ you _____ some milk? 是的,谢谢。 / 不,谢谢。 Yes, _______. / No, _______. please thanks Would like 【 拓展 】 Would you like to do sth.? 你愿意做某事吗? 用来有礼貌地向对方提出建议或邀请的句型。答语常为“ Yes, I’d like to.” “Sorry, …” 你愿意和我们一起去划船吗? ______ you ____ to ____ boating with us? Would like go 二、可数名词与不可数名词 1. 可数名词:可数名词有单数、复数之 分。其复数形式一般要加-s或-es。 如: potato — _________; tomato — __________ 2. 不可数名词没有复数形式,只有单数 形式。如: some ______ (米饭); a lot of _____ (牛肉) rice beef potatoes tomatoes (1) 不可数名词表示数量的多少时,必须与表示数量的名词连用,即“数词 + 表示数量的名词(可数名词) + of + 不可数名词”。如: 两玻璃杯果汁 _____ ________ of juice 三碗米饭 _______ ______ of rice three bowls two glasses (2) 不可数名词做主语时,谓语动词只能用 单数形式。 例如: 在碗里有一些羊肉汤。 There ___ ______ mutton soup in the bowl. 【拓展】如果不可数名词前有复数名词短 语修饰时,谓语动词须用复数形式。 如: 房间里有两袋子大米。 ______ ____ two bags of rice in the room. is some There are A: What do you like ? B: I like …, … and … / I don’t like …, …or…. green tea dumplings soup fish rice porridge orange juice Ask and answer pancakes meat Complete the conversation below. 3a Pairwork May I have your order? ___ 2. What kind of noodles would you like? 3. We have beef, chicken, mutton, cabbage, potato, tomato … ___ 4. Yes, there are some carrots. ____ 5. Sure. What size would you like? ___ 6. We have large, medium and small bowls. a. What kind of noodles do you have? b. Oh, a medium bowl, please. c. OK, I’d like the mutton noodles then. d. I’d like some noodles, please. e. What sizes do you have? f. Are there any vegetables in the mutton noodles? May I have your order? ___ 2. What kind of noodles would you like? ___ 3. We have beef, chicken, mutton, cabbage, potato, tomato … _____ 4. Yes, there are some carrots. ____ 5. Sure. What size would you like? ___ 6. We have large, medium and small bowls. ____ a d f c e b Check the answers. 1. What kind of noodles would you like? (kind) ____________________________________ __________ (chicken/beef/tomatoes) 2. _________________________(size) _____________________________(medium) 3. ____________________________________ (any/cabbage/beef noodles) ____________________________ (no) I’d like the chicken/beef noodles with tomatoes. What size would you like? Are there any cabbages in the beef noodles? I’d like a medium bowl of noodles. No, there aren’t any cabbages. Check the answers. — What _______ you like, Jenny? — I’d like the fruit _____. What about you? 根据图片提示补全对话。 would salad — ___ like the egg and tomato _______. — Well, what ____ ______ you like? — I’d like a ______ ____. — ______ you like some mutton _____? — No, _______. noodles size would I’d small one Would soup thanks W: May I take your ______, please? Tom: Yes. _____ _____ some rice and soup, please. W: What _____ of soup ______ you like? Tom: What kind of soup do you _____? W: We have beef and carrot soup, tomato and egg soup, mutton and potato soup … 补全对话,每空一词。 order I’d like kind would have Tom: Can I have a ______ ___ tomato and egg soup? W: Sure. What _____ would you like? Tom: I’d like a medium one, please. bowl of size Goodbye! Thanks! I like dumplings, fish and orange jucie. I don't like onions, green tea or porridge . What about you? 2a What do you do or eat on your birthday? 2b. Read the article about food traditions and complete the chart. Birthday Food Around the World _______ would people like to eat on their birthday? The answer would be _______ in different countries. In many countries, people have ______________ with candles. The number of candles is the person’s age. The _____________ must make a wish and _______ the candles. If he or she blows What different birthday cake s birthday person blow out out all the candles in one go , the wish will _________. In the UK, people sometimes put a candy in the birthday cake. The child with the candy is lucky. In ________, it is ______________ to have cake on your birthday. But many people still eat very ____________________________. They never cut up the noodles because the long noodles are a symbol of long life. In some places, Chinese people also eat eggs on their birthday. They are a symbol of life and ___________. All of these birthday foods may be different, but the ideas are __________. They bring good luck to the birthday person. come true China getting popular good luck long noodles for their birthday the same 2B How can a person make his or her birthday wish come true? What do people in the UK sometimes put in a birthday cake? Why do people never cut up birthday noodles in China? 4. Why do people eat special foods on their birthday? If he or she blows out the candles in one go, the birthday wish will come true. They put a candy in a birthday cake. Because the long noodles are a symbol of long life. Because they can bring good luck to the birthday person. 2c Read the article again and answer the questions. Language points 1. Birthday Food Around the World 世界各地的生日食品 around the world 意为“世界各地”,相当于 all over the world, 此处为介词短语做后置定语。 We have friends around the world. 我们的朋友遍世界。 返回 2. The number of candles is the person’s age. The number of … “… 的数量”,后跟名词复数,作主语时谓语动词用 单数 。 e.g. The number of students in the room is 50. 区别: a number of …“ 许多 …” 后跟名词复数,作主语时,谓语动词用 复数 。 ( a lot of ) e.g. 1) A number of students are playing chess. 3. The birthday person must make a wish and blow out the candles. make a wish: 许愿 wish: 可数名词 e.g. 1) My wish is to become a doctor. 我的愿望是成为一名医生。 blow out: 吹灭 Can you blow out the candle? 你能把蜡烛吹灭吗? 返回 4. If he or she blows out all the candles in one go, the wish will come true. 如果他(她)一口气把蜡烛全部吹灭的话,许的愿望便会成真。 1) in one go: “ 一口气 ” , 等于 at one go 。 例如: You can’t do the work all in one go. 你不可能一次把工作都干完。 I can swim about 3 kilometers at one go. 我能一口气游 3 千米左右。 2) come true 表示愿望,梦想等的“实现”或“成为现实”。例如: Make a wish, and it can really come true. 许个愿,它一定会实现的。 Keep on working and your dream will come true. 不断干下去, 你的梦想会实现的。 Exercises: Would you like ____ hot soup? A. little B. much C. some D. any 2. –Would you like to come to dinner today? -I’d like to, ___ I’m too busy. A. and B. so C. but D. as 3. Mario likes ____ cold hot dogs. A. eat B. eating C. ate D. is eating 4. I would like ___ in my noodles. A. tomatoes and mutton B. tomatoes and muttons C. tomato and mutton D. tomato and muttons 5. They would like ____ noodles. A. tomatoes and mutton B. tomatoes and muttons C. tomato and mutton D. tomato and muttons ( c ) ( c ) ( B ) ( A ) ( C ) 6. –Bob,would you like to come to the party? -________. A. Yes, I would. B. Yes, I’d love to. C. No, I wouldn’t. D. No, I don’t. 7. If you are lost in the forest, what ____ you do? A. would like B. like C. would D. can 8. -Would you like something to drink? - _______. A. No, thanks. B. Yes, thanks. C. No, just a little. D. It is not good. 9. Don’t eat hamburgers ____ drink tea in your bedroom! A. and B. or C. with D. / 10. -Which scarf would you like best? -I’d like _____. A. red ones B. the red one C. a tie D. ties 11. We would like _____ small hamburgers. A. eating B. eat C. to eat D.ate 12. –What size pizza would you like? -I’d like _____ pizza. A. large B. a large cup of C. a large D. large size ( B ) ( C ) ( A ) ( B ) ( B ) ( C ) ( C ) 1. --- 你想吃什么? --- 西红柿。 2. --- 他想要什么? --- 他想要些牛肉。 3. --- 你想要哪种面条 ? --- 我想要鸡肉白菜面 ---What kind of noodles would you like? ---I’d like chicken and cabbage noodles. ---What would you like? ---Tomatoes. ---What would he like? --- He would like some beef. 复习并翻译 4. --- 你要吃些面条吗? --- 是的。 5. 我要鸡肉白菜面 / 牛肉土豆面 / 羊肉胡萝卜面 ---Would you like some noodles? ---Yes,please. I’d like chicken and cabbage noodles. beef and potato noodles. mutton and carrots noodles 6. 你想要多大碗? I’d like a large bowl of noodles. I’d like a medium bowl of noodles. I’d like a small bowl of noodles. What size bowl of noodles would you like? 我要大碗 中碗 小碗 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1. I know he will have a ______ (luck) day. 2. People would like ______ (have) cakes on their birthday. 3. The number of students in our school _______ (be) 3500. 4. His wish will come true if he ______ (study) hard from now on. 5. He like ______ (dumpling) 根据句意及首字母填空 1. We usually eat cake with c______. 2.    We can ’ t tell a person ’ s a______ just from his appearance( 外表 ). 3. The long noodles are symbols of long l_____. 4. People can ’ t c_____ up the birthday cakes in China. 5. Liu Yifei is very p______ with the young men now. lucky to have is studies dumplings andy ge ife ut opular

