pep人教版英语三年级下册Unit 1 Part B 第6课时优质课件

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pep人教版英语三年级下册Unit 1 Part B 第6课时优质课件

Unit 1 Welcome back to school! Part B Start to read & Let's check & Let's sing & Story time PEP·三年级下册 Enjoy a song China USA UK Australia Canada A: Hi, B. I’m from… Where are you from? B: I’m from… Hello, C! Where are you from? C: … Choose a country you like, then introduce yourselves. What can you think of? China What about other flags? What can you think of? Group work A: Hi, I’m a boy/ girl. I’m from… B: This is A. He/ She is a boy/girl. He/ She is from… I’m a boy/girl. I’m from… C: This is A. He/ She is a boy/girl. He/ She is from… This is B. He/ She is a boy/girl. He/ She is from… I’m a boy/girl. I’m from… For example Ø This is … Ø He / She is a … Ø He / She is from … Look and say Read and tick (√). My name’s Mike. I’m from Canada. He’s from Canada. This is John. He’s my friend. She’s my friend. This is Miss White. He’s a teacher. She’s a teacher. This is Zhang Peng. He’s a student. She’s a student. My name’s Mike. I’m from Canada. He’s from Canada. √ Check the answers and read after the recording, then practice by yourselves. This is John. He’s my friend. She’s my friend. √ This is Miss White. He’s a teacher. She’s a teacher. √ This is Zhang Peng. He’s a student. She’s a student. √ Talk about your teacher and your friend. This is … He / She is a … He / She is from … Choose and introduce Photo of your class Look and predict Who are they? What are they doing? Let's check Listen and number. Check the answers 2 3 4 1 Who is faster? boy she he studentteacher girl studentteacher Look and match I am a boy and you are a girl. I am a boy and you are a girl. I am a boy and you are a girl. Do you want to be my friend? Boy and girl 男孩和女孩 我是一个男孩, 你是一个女孩。 你想成为我的朋友吗? Read and understand. Let's sing 好呀! 我们来玩一个游戏吧! 我们来扮演老师和学 生吧! Let’s play a game! OK! Let’s play teacher and student. Read the story. 我个头大,我 是老师! I’m big. I’m the teacher! 我聪明,我是老 师! 我是老师! 不!我是老师!No! I’m the teacher! I’m the teacher! I’m clever. I’m the teacher! 稍等一下!Wait a minute! 你会读这个 吗? 当然,“我是 学生” 。 哈哈!你明白了吧? 我是老师! 哦,不! Can you read this? Sure, “I am the student.” Haha! You see? I am the teacher! Oh, no! Watch and answer 1.Who is big? 2.Who is clever? 3.Who becomes the teacher lastly? Read the story and practice in groups, then act it out. Blackboard design Unit 1 Welcome back to school! he boy teacher she girl student He is a boy. He is a teacher. She is a girl. She is a student.

