2020冀教版英语五年级上Lesson 2课件

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2020冀教版英语五年级上Lesson 2课件

Unit 1 My family 冀教版 · 五年级上册 Lesson 2 Lead-in Who’s this man? This is Li Ming’s father. Who’s this man? This is Li Ming’s uncle. Who’s this girl? This is Li Ming’s cousin. New words white 白色;白色的 hair 头发 black 黑色;黑色的 uncle 伯父;叔父;舅父;姑父;姨父 aunt 姑母;姨母;伯母;婶母;舅母 cousin 堂兄(弟、姐、妹);表兄(弟、姐、妹) thin 瘦的 Who are they? 1. What colour is Li Ming’s grangfather’s hair? 2. What colour are Li Ming’s eyes? 3. Is Li Ming’s father tall? Read and answer His grandfather’s hair is white. Li Ming’s eyes are black. Yes, his father is tall. My grandfather is eighty-one years old. He has white hair. My grandfather is seventy-five years old. She has white hair, too. My parents and I have black hair. We all have black eyes. My uncle, aunt and my cousin Jing have black hair and black eyes, too. My father is tall. My mother is short. Uncle Dachao is tall and thin. Aunt Meiping is short. Look at Jing and me. I have short hair, but Jing has long hair. Language points 1. What do they look like ? 他们长什么样子? 询问别人外貌特征常用句型“ What + do/does +主语+ look like ?”, 其中 like 在本句中用作介词,意为“像 …… ”。这句话直译为:他们看起来像什么?也就是问“他们长得怎么样”。 【例句】她长得怎么样? What does she look like ? 2. My grandfather is eighty-one years old. 我的爷爷 81 岁了。 英语中表示年龄的基本方法是“主语+ be(am 、 is 、 are) +基数词+ years old ” ,其中“ years old ”可以省略。 【例句】她五岁了。 She is five years old. 【拓展】询问别人的年龄通常用句型: How old + is/are+ 主语? ,回答是可以直接说年龄,也可以用“主语 +be 动词 +year(s) old. ” 3. He has white hair. 他有白色的头发。 本句为 描述人的外貌 的一种常用句式,其基本结构为 “主语+ have/has +形容词+表示身体部位的名词”。 此时 have/has 可以翻译成“有,长着”。 【例句】她长着一张小嘴。 She has a small mouth. 4. She has white hair, too. 她也有白色的头发。 too 在本句中的意思是“也” ,多用于陈述和前面相同的情况。 too 在表示“也”的含义时,一般用在肯定句尾,其 前面常用逗号同主句隔开 。 【例句】很高兴见到你。 (我)也很高兴见到你。 — Nice to meet you. — Nice to meet you, too. 5. My father is tall. 我的父亲很高。 英语中描述外貌还可以用“主语+ be(am 、 is 、 are) +表示人的高矮胖瘦的形容词”。 【例句】麦克长得怎么样? 麦克很胖。 — What does Mike look like? — Mike is fat. 【 拓展 】 如果主语有两个或者多个特征,最后两个形容词中 间用 and 连接,译为“又 …… 又 …… , …… 相间的”。 【例句】汤姆长得怎么样? 汤姆又高又瘦。 — What does Tom look like? — Tom is tall and thin. 6. Look at Jing and me. 看看静和我。 look 为不及物动词,意为“看,望,瞧”,强调“看”的动作。 look 表示看某个物体时,常在后面加 at 。 【例句】看!空中有只鸟。 Look! There’s a bird in the sky. 看黑板。 Look at the blackboard. Let’s do it! 1. Pair work. Read Part 1. Ask and answer. How old is Li Ming’s grandmother? She’s seventy-five. What colour is Li Ming’s hair? Is Li Ming’s mother tall? What does Uncle Dachao look like? What does Jing look like? What colour is Li Ming’s hair? His hair is black. Is Li Ming’s mother tall? No, she is short. What does Uncle Dachao look like? He is tall and thin. What does Jing look like? Jing has long hair. Read and match. a. My grandfather is seventy-five years old. He has white hair. b. My father is thirty-nine years old. He is tall and thin. c. This is my mother. She has long black hair. d. This is my aunt. She has red hair. e. Tom is my uncle. He is short. f. This is my cousin Eddy. He has short brown hair. His eyes are blue. Check answers a b c d e f

