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中考试题_初三英语阅读理解练习题 ‎★清华大学★英语系测试:为中学英语量身定做.‎ 官方网站:http://qinghua.yeryy.com/ ‎ 清华大学英语教授50年研究成果 一、   Tom arrived at the bus station quite early for Paris bus. The bus for Paris would not leave until five to twelve. He saw a lot of people waiting in the station. Some were standing in line(排队), others were walking around. There was a group of schoolgirls. Their teacher was trying to keep them in line. Tom looked around but there was no place for him to sit.   He walked into the station cafe(咖啡馆). he looked up at the clock there. It was only twenty to twelve. He found a seat and sat down before a large mirror(镜子) on the wall. Just then, Mike, one of Tom’s workmates came in and sat with Tom.   “What time is your bus?” asked Mike.   “There’s plenty of time yet,” answered Tom.   “Well, I’ll get you some more tea then,” said Mike.   They talked while drinking. Then Tom looked at the clock again. “Oh! It’s going backward(倒行)!” he cried. “A few minutes ago it was twenty to twelve and now it’s half past eleven.”   “You’re looking at the clock in the mirror.” said Mike.‎ ‎ Tom was so sad(难过). The next bus was not to leave for another hour. Since then Tom has never liked mirrors. 根据以上短文内容,从下列各题所给的四个选项中选择最佳的一项。 1、Tom went into the station cafe because . A.Mike asked him to have a cup of tea B.it was quite early and he could find a seat there C.he didn’t like to stay with the schoolgirls D.he wanted to have a drink with his workmate there ‎2、What time was it in fact when Tom looked at the clock in the mirror? A.Half past twelve B.Twenty to twelve C.Half past eleven D.Half past one ‎3、From the story we know that when we look at a clock in a mirror, we will find . A.the time is right B.it’s going slower C.it’s going backward D.it’s going faster ‎4、Which of the following is true? A.Tom arrived in Paris on time B.The next bus would leave in half an ‎ hour C.After that Tom didn’t like clocks any longer D.Tom looked at the clock in the mirror only once ‎5、Which of the following is the title(题目) of the story? A.The Mirror of the Station B.Not A Careful Man C.Missing A Bus D.The Clock In The Mirror ‎ 二、 When Mr. David retired(退休),he bought a small house in a village near the sea. He liked it and hoped to live a quiet life in it. But to his great surprise, many tourists(游客)came to see his house in summer holidays, for it was the most interesting building in the village. From morning to night there were tourists outside the house. They kept looking into the rooms through the windows and many of them even went into Mr. David’s garden. This was too much for Mr. David. He decided to drive the visitors away. So he put a notice on the window. The notice said: “If you want to satisfy your curiosity(好奇心), came in and look round. Price(价格): twenty dollars.” Mr. David was sure that the visitors would stop coming, but he was wrong. More and more visitors ‎ came and Mr. David had to spend every day showing them around his house. “I came here to retire, not to work as a guide(导游).” he said angrily. In the end, he sold the house and moved away. 根据短文内容,从下列各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择正确答案。 1、Mr. David’s house was that many tourists came to see it. A.so small B.so quiet C.so interesting D.such interesting ‎2、Mr. David put a notice on the window in order . A.to drive the visitors away B.to satisfy the visitor’s curiosity C.to let visitors come in and look round D.to get some money out of the visitors ‎3、The notice made the visitors . A.more interested in his house B.lost interest in his house C.angry at the unfair price D.feel happy about the price ‎4、After Mr. David put up the notice . A.the visitors didn’t come any longer B.fewer and fewer visitors came to see his ‎ house C.more and more tourists came for a visit D.no tourist would pay the money for a visit ‎5、At last he had to sell his house and move away because . A.he did not like it at all B.he could not work as a guide C.he made enough money and wanted to buy a new expensive house D.he could not live a quiet life in it ‎ 三、 Sigmund Freud was a world-famous doctor of Vienna(维也纳). He was also a man full of humour(幽默). Once, at his 70th birthday party, a friend asked Freud if he could put his work into several words. “Well,” said Freud, “we take the sick out of their trouble and return them to the common suffering.” As a devoted(忠实的)son, Freud often visited his old mother. His mother usually spent her summers in a small mountain town in Austria(奥地利). The King Josef usually spent his summers there, too. One day in the summer, a band(乐队)was playing a lively tune(曲子)when Freud’s mother was sitting at the window and watching the people singing and dancing on Main ‎ Street. The old woman had a poor memory. She heard the band playing, but forgot it was the King’s birthday. Freud was visiting his mother on her 95th birthday. He told his mother, “Mama, the band is playing for your birthday.” She believed him and had a wonderful day. 根据短文内容,从下列各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择正确答案。 1、Freud was a famous of . A.doctor, Austria B.general, Vienna C.King, Austria D.doctor, Australia ‎2、From what Freud said at his 70th birthday party, we can see that he was . A.a brave man B.a sick man C.a devoted man D.a man full of humour ‎3、One day Freud came to the small mountain town for . A.his 70th birthday B.the King Josef’s birthday C.his mother’s birthday D.for his holiday ‎4、Which of the four sentences is wrong? A.Freud’s mother and the King Josef usually spent their summers in the same place. B.Freud’ mother’s birthday and the King’s birthday were on ‎ the same day. C.Freud’s mother was so old that her memory was very bad. D.She knew that the band was playing for the King.‎ ‎5、Freud’s mother felt very happy on her 95th birthday because . A.the King Josef himself came to celebrate(庆贺)her birthday B.the people of the town came out to celebrate her birthday C.she believed that the band was playing for her birthday D.she heard the band playing a lively tune so wonderfully ‎ 四、 We each have a memory(记忆力). That’s why we can still remember things after a long time. Some people have very good memories and they can easily learn many things by heart, but some people can only remember things when they say or do them again and again. Many of the great men of the world have got surprising memories. A good memory is a great help in learning a language. Everybody learns his mother language when he is a small child. He hears the sounds, remembers them and then he learns to speak. Some children are living with their parents in foreign countries. They ‎ can learn two languages as easily as one because they hear, remember and speak two languages every day. In school it is not so easy to learn a foreign language because the pupils have so little time for it, and they are busy with other subjects, too. But your memory will become better and better when you do more and more exercises. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。 1、Some people can easily learn many things by heart because . A.they always sleep very well B.they often eat good food C.they read a lot of books D.they have very good memories ‎2、Everybody learns his mother language . A.at the age of six B.when he is a small child C.after he goes to school D.when he can read and write ‎3、Before a child can speak, he must . A.read and write B.make sentences C.hear and remember the sounds D.think hard ‎4、In school the pupils can’t learn a foreign language well because . A.they have no good memories B.they have no recorders C.they have too much time for it D.they are busy with other subjects ‎5、Your memory will become better and better . A.if you have plenty of good food B.if you do more and more exercises C.if you do morning exercises every day D.if you get up early ‎ 五、 We spent a day in the country and picked a lot of flowers. Our car was full of flowers inside! On the way home we had to stop at traffic lights, and there my wife saw the bookshelf. It stood outside a furniture(家具)shop. “Buy it,” she said at once. “We’ll carry it home on the roof-rack(车顶架). I’ve always wanted one like that.” What could I do? Ten minutes later I was twenty dollars poorer, and the bookshelf was tied on to the roof rack. It was tall and narrow, quite heavy too. As it was getting darker, I drove slowly. Other drivers seemed more polite than usual that evening. The police even stopped traffic to let us through. Carrying furniture was a good idea. After a time my wife said, “There’s a long line of cars behind. Why don’t they overtake(超车)?” Just at that time a police car did overtake. The two ‎ officers(警官)inside looked at us seriously when they went past. But then, with a kind smile they asked us to follow their car through the busy traffic. The police car stopped at our village church(教堂). One of the officers came to me. “Right, sir,” he said. “Do you need any more help now?” I didn’t quite understand. “Thanks, officer,” I said. “You’ve been very kind. I live just down the road.” He was looking at our things: first at the flowers, then at the bookshelf. “Well, well,” he said and laughed. “It’s a bookshelf you’ve got there! We thought it was——er, something else.” My wife began to laugh. Suddenly I understood why the police drove here. I smiled at the officer. “Yes, it’s a bookshelf, but thanks again.” I drove home as fast as I could.‎ ‎1、From the story we know that . A.the writer was poor and didn’t buy the bookshelf for his wife B.the writer’s wife didn’t like the bookshelf at all C.the writer was always glad to buy something for his wife D.the writer was not very glad to buy the bookshelf for his wife ‎2、What made the writer think that carrying furniture was “a good idea”‎ ‎? A.He could drive slowly and it was safe. B.Other drivers would let him go first. C.His wife could use a new bookshelf. D.He could save a lot of money and time.‎ ‎3、Why were the police and other drivers so kind to the writer? A.Because they thought the writer liked studying very much and needed a bookshelf. B.Because they didn’t think it was polite to overtake a car with a bookshelf on it. C.Because they thought somebody in the writer’s family had died and he needed help. D.Because they thought it was dangerous to carry a bookshelf on a car.‎ ‎4、Why did the writer’s wife begin to laugh? A.Because now she knew what mistake the police had made. B.Because at last her husband understood why the police had driven to the church. C.Because the officer was always looking at the flowers and the bookshelf. D.Because the police had helped them a lot.‎ ‎5、When did the officers begin to realize(意识到)they had made a mistake? A.Before they arrived at the church. B.Before they overtook(overtake的过去式)the writer’s car. C.After one of them looked at the flowers and the bookshelf carefully at the church. D.After the writer’s family left the church.‎ ‎ 六、 Mr. and Mrs. Bell are very forgetful(健忘的). For example, Mr. Bell sometimes goes to his office for work on Sunday morning, for he thinks it is Monday. And Mrs. Bell sometimes forget to cook supper for the family. One summer they planned(计划)to fly to New York for their holidays. They got to the airport only ten minutes before the plane took off. So time was short. But suddenly Mrs. Bell said she must tell Alice, their daughter,not to forget to lock the front door when she went to school. As Alice was then at school, they couldn’t tell her about it by telephone. So they hurried to the post office. Mrs. Bell wrote a short note to Alice while Mr. Bell bought a stamp and an envelope(信封). Soon the note was ready. They put the stamp on the envelope in a hurry and dropped it in the ‎ letter box, but suddenly Mrs. Bell began to cry. The short note was still in her hand. She had put the plane tickets in the envelope.‎ 根据短文内容判断各句是否符合短文意思,符合的划“√”,否则划“×”。‎ ‎1、Mr. Bell is so forgetful that sometimes he takes Sunday for Monday and goes to work on Sunday morning.‎ ‎2、One summer they planned to fly to New York to see their daughter.‎ ‎3、There was no telephone at the airport, so they had to write a note to Alice.‎ ‎4、In a hurry they dropped their tickets in the letter box.‎ ‎5、Suddenly Mrs. Bell began to cry because she had forgotten to put the stamp on the envelope.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎★清华大学★英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.‎ 官方网站:http://qinghua.yeryy.com/ ‎ 清华大学英语教授50年研究成果 八年级英语第一学期期中考试试卷 笔试部分(80分)‎ 一、根据句意和汉语注释,在空格上写出单词的正确形式(10分)‎ ‎1、These swim suits are those (游泳者).Please take care of them.‎ ‎2、His job is (喂)animals.‎ ‎3、You can know the weight of the apples after (称的重量) it.‎ ‎4、English is .(广泛地) used.‎ ‎5、 (老鼠)can be seen everywhere in the old room.‎ ‎6、His father is one of the best (编辑) in that press.‎ ‎7、Children under ‎1.2m in (高度) can’t go into the cinema by themselves.‎ ‎8、The girl has a (微笑的) face.‎ ‎9、She likes reading (广告).‎ ‎10、We (邀请) them to our meeting yesterday.‎ 二、在A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的正确选项(15分)‎ ‎( )1、Her friend is honest boy.‎ A. a B. the C. an D. /‎ ‎( )2、The artist said he hoped drawing the picture soon.‎ A. his son to finish B. to finish C. finishing D.his son will finish ‎( )3、I think Chinese is as as Maths.‎ A. useful B. more useful C. most useful D. the most useful ‎( )4、The Changjiang River is in the world.‎ A the longer river B the long river C one of the longest rivers D one of the long river ‎( )5、—Must I finish my homework now?‎ ‎— .‎ A. No ,you mustn’t. B. No ,you needn’t. ‎ C. No ,you couldn’t. D. No ,you don’t.‎ ‎( )6、We didn’t find in the picture.‎ A. unusual anything B. nothing unusual ‎ C anything unusual D unusual something ‎( )7、Hurry up .There’s time left.‎ A. a little B. little C. a few D. few ‎( )8、Playing football and climbing are than watching TV.‎ A. more healthy B. more healthier ‎ C. much more healthier D. much healthier ‎( )9、I heard her in the next room yesterday evening.‎ A. crying B. cried C. to cry D. was crying ‎( )10、—Can’t you see a boat in the picture?‎ ‎— . It is beautiful.‎ A .Yes, I can’t B. No, I can’t C. Yes, I can D. No, I can ‎ ‎( )11、— do you go to school ,Bill?‎ ‎—Five days a week.‎ A. How long B. How soon C. How far D. how often ‎( )12、I it everywhere ,but I couldn’t it .‎ A. found, look for B. looked for, find C. looked for, find out D. looked at,find out ‎( )13、This morning I my umbrella on the bus.‎ A. left B. forgot C. put D. threw ‎( )14、Jim is a very person and we are in his stories.‎ A. interesting , interesting B. interested , interested ‎ C. interested , interesting D. interesting , interested.‎ ‎( )15、—The cake is so delicious. Would you like ?‎ ‎—No ,thanks.‎ A. more some B. some more C. any more D. some much 三、用括号内所给动词的正确形式填空(10分)‎ ‎1、Tom did his homework so (care) that he made many mistakes yesterday.‎ ‎2、I have a good friend (name) Lucy.‎ ‎3、Could you tell me which pen (buy)?‎ ‎4、We will go to the park if it (not rain) tomorrow.‎ ‎5、You’d better (not climb)that high tree, It’s not safe.‎ ‎6、Look !The Greens (get) ready for the journey.‎ ‎7、I often (go) fishing when I was a child.‎ ‎8、They look forward to (see) you at the party. But you must finish your homework first.‎ ‎9、There (be)a wonderful film tonight, is there ?‎ ‎10、I’ll do (I)best to win the game.‎ 四、根据短文内容在A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案(10分)‎ We were going to play a team from a country school .They didn’t come 1 the match nearly began .They looked 2 than we thought .The wore dirty T-shirts and blue jeans and looked like farm boys .We thought they 3 saw a basketball before .We felt that we didn’t 4 any practice to play with such a team .It was very late so they couldn’t have any time to practice .The match began ,one of our boys 5 the ball and he tried to give it to another one . But from out of nowhere a boy in a T-shirt 6 the ball and he quickly and beautifully got the ball into our basket and had two points .They 7 us .They had another two points in a minute .Soon it was all over .The country team 8 the match .Of course we knew that there was still another team 9 than any good team .But the important lesson we learn this time was : One can’t tell a man or a team by the 10 .‎ ‎( )1、A. when B. so C. until D. at ‎( )2、A. stronger B. younger C. worse D. better ‎( )3、A. never B. often C. sometimes D. always ‎( )4、A. have B. make C. use D. need ‎( )5、A. got B. played C. took D .carried ‎( )6、A. caught B. changed C. held D. stopped ‎( )7、A. surprised B. frightened C. admired D. smiled ‎( )8、A. lost B. won C. got D. had ‎( )9、A. worse B. less C. better . D more ‎( )10、A. T-shirt B. appearance C. name D. points 五、阅读短文,根据短文内容选出正确答案(20分)‎ ‎(A)‎ No.4 Middle School Kunming‎ ,‎Yunnan April 2nd,2004‎ Dear editor,‎ I live in a beautiful city .Many visitors come to my city .There are so many colorful peacocks here .The peacocks mostly live on the grass land of Dongfeng Square.‎ They are given food freely by visitors .They usually throw food to them, and don’t think about at all whether the food is right or not .Some of the peacocks become ill ,some even died after eating the bad food given by the visitors .I’m sure most of the visitors who throw food to the peacocks really like the birds ,but don’t realize that they may be doing them harm .The visitors should be told that what have done is very harmful to the birds ,and this kind of thing must be stopped from happening .Perhaps we can build some small shops beside Dongfeng Square to sell peacock food .For us every person ,it’s our duty to give more love to these beautiful birds and to look after them carefully.‎ Yours,‎ Sun Yan ‎( )1、Many visitors come to the writer’s city to .‎ A. do some shopping B. see beautiful peacocks C. play on ‎Dongfeng Square D. eat nice food ‎( )2、Some peacocks became ill and died because some visitors .‎ A. didn’t give them any food B. gave them too much food C. threw them some bad food D. loved them and played with them ‎( )3、Some shops can be built beside Dongfeng Square so that ‎ they may .‎ A. sell food for visitors B. sell food for peacocks C. make the square more beautiful D. have the beautiful birds ‎( )4、From the passage we know people should .‎ A. live and play with the birds B. stop the birds from eating too much ‎ C. give right food to the birds D. give more food to the birds ‎( )5、We can guess the writer of the letter ,Sun Yan ,may be a .‎ A. visitor B. shopkeeper C. square keeper D. student ‎(B)‎ A man made a nice talking machine .It could weigh people’s weight .The man wanted to try the machine before he could make a lot of machines.‎ He put the machine into the waiting room of a station .There were always lots of people in and out .‎ The first one who used the machine was an Indian woman. She stood on the machine, the machine thought for a few seconds to decide which language to speak .‎ ‎“Good morning ,Madam .”it said in Indian . “Your weight is 72 kilograms .That’s three kilograms more .If you eat more fruit and vegetables ,you will be soon all right .Please have a nice day .”‎ The second one to use the machine was a Chinese girl .She stood on the machine and waited to hear her weight.‎ ‎“Good morning ,Miss .”the machine said in Chinese .”Your weight is 45 kilograms .It’s all right for your age. Keep eating what you eat every day .Please have a nice day .”‎ The third one to use the machine was a very fat American woman .She thought for a long time to stand on the machine .The machine spoke quickly in English , “Good morning .Will one of you get off?”‎ ‎( )1、The machine in this passage could .‎ A. weigh and talk to people B. tell people what they should eat C. speak all kinds of languages D. make people laugh ‎( )2、The man put his first machine .‎ A. in the station ‎ B. in a train ‎ C. in the doctor’s waiting room ‎ D. in the women’s room ‎( )3、The machine told the Indian woman .‎ A. she was a little lighter B. she was a little heavier C. it couldn’t speak Indian D. to eat what she wanted to eat ‎( )4、The machine said to a Chinese girl that she .‎ A. should eat more B. should eat less C. had to eat more fruit D. kept herself healthy ‎( )5、How was the American woman?‎ A. She was healthy .‎ B. She liked thinking .‎ C. She was too heavy .‎ D. The machine didn’t like her .‎ 六、根据所给中文意思完成句子,每空只能填一词(10分)‎ ‎1、我认为游泳不如远足有趣。‎ I swimming interesting a hiking.‎ ‎2、多么糟糕的消息呀!‎ ‎ it is!‎ ‎3、May要求我不要把这个秘密告诉别人。‎ May me tell the secrect to .‎ ‎4、那一刻任何事都可能在她身上发生。‎ ‎ her at that moment .‎ ‎5、我想推荐Daniel为七年级最乐于助人学生奖。‎ I would like to Daniel the Grade 7 Most Helpful Student Award.‎ ‎6、Hobo总是跟艾迪开玩笑。‎ Hobo always tricks Eddie.‎ 七、书面表达(5分)‎ 假如Mary 是上学期来到你们班学习的一个美国女孩,请根据以下内容,介绍她的学习情况,要求条理清楚、语句通顺,60-80词。‎ ‎1、对汉语有浓厚的兴趣,但学习不够用功。‎ ‎2、擅长数学,每天花大量时间做练习。‎ ‎3、愿意和她的同学分享东西,帮助同学做家庭作业。‎ ‎4、英语是她最爱的学科,在班上是英语学得最好的学生之一。‎ ‎5、喜欢运动,擅长打篮球。‎ 笔试部分 一、1、swimmers’ 2、to feed/feeling 3、weighing ‎4、widely 5、mice 6、editors ‎ ‎7、height 8、smiling 9、advertisements 10、invited 二、1—5 CBACB 6—10 CBDAC 11—15 DBADB 三、1、carelessly 2、named 3、to buy ‎ ‎4、doesn’t rain 5、not climb 6、are getting ‎ ‎7、went 8、seeing 9、isn’t going to be 10、my 四、1—5 CCADA 6—10 AABCB 五、(A)1—5 BCBCD (B)1—5 AABDC 六、1、don’t think is as as ‎ 2、what bad news ‎ ‎3、asked not to others ‎ 4、Anything could happen to ‎ ‎5、recommend for ‎ ‎6、plays on 七、书面表达 Mary came to our class last term .She has great interest in Chinese (she is very interested in Chinese) but she doesn’t work hard enough .She is good at maths and spends a lot of time doing maths exercises every day .She is willing to share things with her classmates and often helps her classmates with their homework . English is her favourite (subject). She is one of the best students in English in the class .She likes sports and is good at playing basketball.‎ ‎2007-2008学年度第一学期期中试卷 初二英语答题卷 题号 第一部分 第二部分 总分 得分 一 二 三 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 Ⅰ听力部分(20分)‎ 一、根据录音,选出合适的答句:(10%)‎ ‎1‎ ‎2‎ ‎3‎ ‎4‎ ‎5‎ ‎6‎ ‎7‎ ‎8‎ ‎9‎ ‎10‎ 二、根据你所听到的对话和问题,选择正确答案:(5%)‎ ‎1‎ ‎2‎ ‎3‎ ‎4‎ ‎5‎ 三、根据你所听到的短文内容,选择正确答案:(5%)‎ ‎1‎ ‎2‎ ‎3‎ ‎4‎ ‎5‎ Ⅱ笔试部分(80分)‎ 一、根据句意和汉语注释,在空格上写出各单词的正确形式:(10%)‎ ‎1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ‎ ‎ 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ‎ 二、在A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的正确选项:(15%)‎ ‎1‎ ‎2‎ ‎3‎ ‎4‎ ‎5‎ ‎6‎ ‎7‎ ‎8‎ ‎9‎ ‎10‎ ‎11‎ ‎12‎ ‎13‎ ‎14‎ ‎15‎ 三、用括号内所给动词的正确形式填空:(10%)。‎ ‎1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ‎ ‎ 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ‎ 四、根据短文内容在A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项:(10%)‎ ‎1‎ ‎2‎ ‎3‎ ‎4‎ ‎5‎ ‎6‎ ‎7‎ ‎8‎ ‎9‎ ‎10‎ 五、阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容选出正确答案:(20%)‎ ‎(A)‎ ‎(B)‎ ‎1‎ ‎2‎ ‎3‎ ‎4‎ ‎5‎ ‎1‎ ‎2‎ ‎3‎ ‎4‎ ‎5‎ 四、句型转换,每空一词:(10%)‎ ‎1. ‎ ‎ 2. ‎ ‎3. ‎ ‎4. ‎ ‎ 5. ‎ ‎6. ‎ 九、书面表达:(5%)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎★清华大学★英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.‎ 官方网站:http://qinghua.yeryy.com/ ‎ 清华大学英语教授50年研究成果 ‎★哈佛大学★英语系研究,美国布什推荐。专为中小学生英语量身定做。‎ 官方网站:http://hafo.yeryy.com/ ‎ 哈佛大学英语教授研究组提供 ‎★哈佛大学★英语系研究,美国布什推荐。专为中小学生英语量身定做。‎ 官方网站:http://hafo.yeryy.com/ ‎ 哈佛大学英语教授研究组提供 学英语简单吗?肯定会有许多学生说:“难死了”。为什么有好多学生对英语的学习都感到头疼呢?答案只有一个:“不得法。” 英语与汉语一样都是一种语言,为什么你说汉语会如此流利?那是因为你置身于一个汉语环境中,如果你在伦敦呆上半年,保准说起英语来会非常流利。但很多中学生没有很好的英语环境,那么你可以自己设置一个英语环境,坚持“多说”、“多听”、“多读”、“多写”,那么你的英语成绩肯定会很出色。 ‎ 一、多“说”。 ‎ 自己多创造机会与英语教师多讲英语,见了同学,尤其是和好朋友在一起时尽量用英语去问候,谈心情……这时候你需随身携带一个英汉互译小词典,遇到生词时查一下这些生词,也不用刻意去记,用的多了,这个单词自然而然就会记住。千万别把学英语当成负担,始终把它当成一件有趣的事情去做。 ‎ 或许你有机会碰上外国人,你应大胆地上去跟他打招呼,和他谈天气、谈风景、谈学校……只是别问及他的年纪,婚史等私人问题。尽量用一些你学过的词汇,句子去和他谈天说地。不久你会发现与老外聊天要比你与中国人谈英语容易的多。因为他和你交谈时会用许多简单词汇,而且不太看重说法,你只要发音准确,准能顺利地交流下去。只是你必须要有信心,敢于表达自己的思想。 ‎ 如果没有合适的伙伴也没关系,你可以拿过一本书或其它什么东西做假想对象,对它谈你一天的所见所闻,谈你的快乐,你的悲伤等等,长此坚持下去你的口语肯定会有较大的提高。 ‎ 二、多“听” ‎ 寻找一切可以听英语的机会。别人用英语交谈时,你应该大胆地去参与,多听听各种各样人的发音,男女老少,节奏快的慢的你都应该接触到,如果这样的机会少的话,你可以选择你不知内容的文章去听,这将会对你帮助很大,而你去听学过的课文的磁带,那将会对你的语言语调的学习有很大的帮助。 ‎ 三、多“读”。 ‎ ‎“读”可以分为两种。一种是“默读”。每天给予一定时间的练习将会对你提高阅读速度有很大的好处,读的内容可以是你的课本,但最好是一些有趣的小读物,因为现在的英语高考越来越重视阅读量和阅读速度。每道题的得分都与你的理解程度有很大关系,所以经过高中三年阅读的训练后,你必定会在高考中胜券在握。 另一种是“朗读”这是学语言必不可少的一种学习途径。 ‎ 四、多“写” ‎ 有的同学总是抱怨时间紧,根本没时间写作文。其实“写”的形式很多,不一定就写作文才提高写作能力。比如写下你一天中发生的一些重要的事情,或当天学了某一个词组,你可以创设一个语境恰如其份地用上这个词。这样即可帮你记住这个词的用法,又可以锻炼你的写作能力,比如学“wish”一词时,可写一小段如下: ‎ The teacher often asks us what we want to be in the future.My good friend Tom wishes to be a soldier.However,I'm different .I wish I were a teacher in the future.But my mother wishes me to be a doctor. ‎ 只几句话:但wish的几种用法已跃然纸上,这样写下来印象会深刻得多,这样比死记硬背wish的用法也有趣轻松的多。 ‎ 学习英语不用花大块的时间,10分钟的散步可以练"说",吃完饭后可以读一会儿英语小说,睡前听几分钟英语,可以使你得到更好地休息……只要你每天抽出一些时间来练英语,你的英语成绩肯定会很快提高的。 ‎ 背英语单词技巧 ‎ ‎1、循环记忆法 ‎ 艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线 ‎ 人的大脑是一个记忆的宝库,人脑经历过的事物,思考过的问题,体验过的情感和情绪,练习过的动作,都可以成为人们记忆的内容。例如英文的学习中单词、短语和句子,甚至文章的内容都是通过记忆完成的。从"记"到"忆"是有个过程的,这其中包括了识记、保持、再认和回忆。有很多 ‎ 人在学习英语的过程中,只注重了学习当时的记忆效果,孰不知,要想做好学习的记忆工作,是要下一番工夫的,单纯的注重当时的记忆效果,而忽视了后期的保持和再认同样是达不到良好的效果的。 ‎ 在信息的处理上,记忆是对输入信息的编码、贮存和提取的过程,从信息处理的角度上,英文的第一次学习和背诵只是一个输入编码的过程。人的记忆的能力从生理上讲是十分惊人的,它可以存贮1015比特(byte,字节)的信息,可是每个人的记忆宝库被挖掘的只占10%,还有更多的记忆发挥空间。这是因为,有些人只关注了记忆的当时效果,却忽视了记忆中的更大的问题--即记忆的牢固度问题,那就牵涉到心理学中常说的关于记忆遗忘的规律。 ‎ 一、艾宾浩斯记忆规律曲线解释 ‎ 德国有一位著名的心理学家名叫艾宾浩斯(Hermann Ebbinghaus,1850-1909),他在1885年发表了他的实验报告后,记忆研究就成了心理学中被研究最多的领域之一,而艾宾浩斯正是发现记忆遗忘规律的第一人。 ‎ 根据我们所知道的,记忆的保持在时间上是不同的,有短时的记忆和长时的记忆两种。而我们平时的记忆的过程是这样的: ‎ 输入的信息在经过人的注意过程的学习后,便成为了人的短时的记忆,但是如果不经过及时的复习,这些记住过的东西就会遗忘,而经过了及时的复习,这些短时的记忆就会成为了人的一种长时的记忆,从而在大脑中保持着很长的时间。那么,对于我们来讲,怎样才叫做遗忘呢,所谓遗忘就是我们对于曾经记忆过的东西不能再认起来,也不能回忆起来,或者是错误的再认和错误的回忆,这些都是遗忘。艾宾浩斯在做这个实验的时候是拿自己作为测试对象的,他得出了一些关于记忆的结论。他选用了一些根本没有意义的音节,也就是那些不能拼出单词来的众多字母的组合,比如asww,cfhhj,ijikmb,rfyjbc等等。他经过对自己的测试,得到了一些数据。 ‎ 然后,艾宾浩斯又根据了这些点描绘出了一条曲线,这就是非常有名的揭示遗忘规律的曲线:艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线,图中竖轴表示学习中记住的知识数量,横轴表示时间(天数),曲线表示记忆量变化的规律。 ‎ 这条曲线告诉人们在学习中的遗忘是有规律的,遗忘的进程不是均衡的,不是固定的一天丢掉几个,转天又丢几个的,而是在记忆的最初阶段遗忘的速度很快,后来就逐渐减慢了,到了相当长的时候后,几乎就不再遗忘了,这就是遗忘的发展规律,即"先快后慢"的原则。观察这条遗忘曲线,你会发现,学得的知识在一天后,如不抓紧复习,就只剩下原来的25%)。随着时间的推移,遗忘的速度减慢,遗忘的数量也就减少。有人做过一个实验,两组学生学习一段课文,甲组在学习后不久进行一次复习,乙组不予复习,一天后甲组保持98%,乙组保持56%;一周后甲组保持83%,乙组保持33%。乙组的遗忘平均值比甲组高。 ‎ 二、不同性质材料有不同的遗忘曲线 ‎ 而且,艾宾浩斯还在关于记忆的实验中发现,记住12个无意义音节,平均需要重复16.5次;为了记住36个无意义章节,需重复54次;而记忆六首诗中的480个音节,平均只需要重复8次!这个实验告诉我们,凡是理解了的知识,就能记得迅速、全面而牢固。不然,愣是死记硬背,那也是费力不讨好的。因此,比较容易记忆的是那些有意义的材料,而那些无意义的材料在记忆的时候比较费力气,在以后回忆起来的时候也很不轻松。因此,艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线是关于遗忘的一种曲线,而且是对无意义的音节而言,对于与其他材料的对比,艾宾浩斯又得出了不同性质材料的不同遗忘曲线,不过他们大体上都是一致的。 ‎ 因此,艾宾浩斯的实验向我们充分证实了一个道理,学习要勤于复习,而且记忆的理解效果越好,遗忘的也越慢。 ‎ 三、不同的人有不同的艾宾浩斯记忆曲线--个性化的艾宾浩斯 ‎ 上述的艾宾浩斯记忆曲线是艾宾浩斯在实验室中经过了大量测试后,产生了不同的记忆数据,从而生成的一种曲线,是一个具有共性的群体规律。此记忆曲线并不考虑接受试验个人的个性特点,而是寻求一种处于平衡点的记忆规律。 ‎ 但是记忆规律可以具体到我们每个人,因为我们的生理特点、生活经历不同,可能导致我们有不同的记忆习惯、记忆方式、记忆特点。规律对于自然人改造世界的行为,只能起一个催化的作用,如果与每个人的记忆特点相吻合,那么就如顺水扬帆,一日千里;如果与个人记忆特点相悖,记忆效果则会大打折扣。因此,我们要根据每个人的不同特点,寻找到属于自己的艾宾浩斯记忆曲线 ‎ ‎2》如何学英语 ‎ 下定决心,坚持不懈 ‎ 英语学习作为一门语言技能,通过大量的训练和练习任何人是可以掌握的。一般地说,英语学习的原则是听、说领先,读、写跟上。李扬的疯狂英语提倡,首先建立起我能学好英语的信心,然后以句子为单位,大量地模仿,疯狂地操练,大声地朗读,最后达到自如地说英语,他的方法对提高说英语的能力很奏效。钟道隆教授45岁开始学英语,一年后,学成出国当口语翻译,并创造了逆苦恼、逆急于求成、逆速成的逆向学习英语的方法。他还提出学习英语要遵循听、写、说、背、想的方法,他的方法强调以听为主,并且把所听到的内容全部写下来。尤其是他的学习精神最可佳,他学习英语用坏了十几台录音机,你可想象他听了多少英语;用完的圆珠笔芯几乎装满了一个一拉罐,你可想象他写了多少,在一年半内,累计业余学习英语时间大约三千小时,也就说每天抽出几个小时来学英语。如果我们做到他那样,一定也能学好英语。最重要的是坚持,只要能下定决心,坚持每天至少一个小时的学习英语,战胜自我最后肯定会有收获的。 ‎ 注意方法,循序渐进 ‎ 决心下定,还注意学习方法,有时根据自己的情况和不同的学习目的,选择不同的学习方法,但是学习英语一定要踏踏实实地、一步一个脚印地走。要把基础知识掌握好,也就是说,发音要正确、基本词汇要掌握牢、基本句式要熟练、基本语法要会用。 ‎ ‎(1)要过好语音关。把每一个音标发正确,注意改正有问题的音素,特别是那些容易混淆的音素,尽早地掌握国际音标,并尽量的掌握一些读音规则,尽快地能利用读音规则来拼单词,掌握读音规则对单词的记忆和拼写非常有用。 ‎ ‎(2)掌握一定数量的英语单词。对于学习者来说掌握英语词汇是一难关,学习单词要从单词的形、音、义这三方面去掌握,要注意单词的一词多义,一词多类的用法,要学会一些构词法的知识,来扩展词汇量。学习单词要在语言材料中去学,要结合词组,通过句子,阅读文章来活记单词,死记的单词是记不牢的。坚持在读、说前,先反复听,听的时候反应单词、句子的意思和节奏,想一下单词的拼法、句子结构。并要同学习语法规则有机结合起来进行。 ‎ ‎(3)掌握好基本语法。语法在学习英语中也很重要,它能帮助我们把握住英语的基本规律,通过例句或语言现象把死的语法规则要记住,活的规则要通过做大量的练习掌握。总之学习英语要通过听、说、读、写、译来进行操练,不但要注意数量,更重要的是要注意质量,尤其是基本知识要掌握的准确,熟练。只有经过大量的实践,才能做到熟能生巧,运用自如。 ‎ 提前预习,有的放矢 ‎ 作为学生,在每次上课前,都要对要学的课文提前预习。首先在音标的帮助下试着拼读单词,也可以借助配套磁带反复听,对比一下,把握不准的要标出来,注意上课老师的发音,还要记一下单词的汉语意思和词性。借助课文的注释或辅导材料,预习一遍课文,找出不明白的地方,做到心中有数,在教师讲课时注意听这些地方。总之,预习的目的是熟悉要学的内容,找出不明白的地方,带着问题听课,做到有的放矢。 ‎ 认真听课,积极配合 ‎ 课堂是老师与学生一起学习、掌握、运用知识的主要场所。作为起主导作用的老师一方引导学生搞好课堂教学是很必要的,但也需要学习者的积极配合。上课要专心听讲、作好笔记、认真操练、积极思考。预习时出现的问题在课堂上教师没有讲到的,要向老师提出,把问题搞清楚,老师讲授的问题,先注意听,下课后整理一下笔记,反复思考一下这些问题,抓住老师所讲的重点,难点和考点。总之,上课时要做到耳听、眼观、嘴动、脑想,调动起多个感官来。 ‎ 完成作业,找出问题 ‎ 学完每一课,要认真完成课后作业。做作业时一定不要看参考书上题的答案,做完后再对答案,对于作业中所出现的不明白的问题,应该记下来,等下次上课时提出来。做作业是英语学习的很重要的环节,它是消化知识和巩固知识的过程,一定要认真完成规定的作业,笔头作业要动一动笔,口头作业要动一动嘴,提高听力要练一练耳,课文在听和读的基础上,最好背诵某些精彩段落。总之,要做大量的练习,英语是练出来的, 一定不要偷懒。 ‎ 及时复习,巩固知识 ‎ 学会了的东西随着时间的流逝会逐渐遗忘,但学语言有遗忘现象是正常的。更不必因为有遗忘现象而影响自己学好英语的信心与决心。问题在于怎样来减轻遗忘的程度。善于类比,总结知识,把新学的知识同过去学的有关的知识进行横向和纵向比较和联系。建立错误档案记录,加深印象,以避免再反同样错误。我们大部分知识和技能是靠重复获得的,及时复习对于记忆非常必要,学英语就是要坚持天天不断的练,不断地重复基本句型,常用词汇和基本语法等。学习英语的过程也是同遗忘做斗争的过程。 ‎ 总而言之,只要你能做到下定决心学,注意学习方法,把课前预习,认真听课,完成作业,及时复习这些环节作好了,你一定能够学好英语 ‎★哈佛大学★英语系研究,美国布什推荐。专为中小学生英语量身定做。‎ 官方网站:http://hafo.yeryy.com/ ‎ 哈佛大学英语教授研究组提供 ‎★清华大学★英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.‎ 官方网站:http://qinghua.yeryy.com/ ‎ 清华大学英语教授50年研究成果 过去进行时专项练习 一、 单项选择 ‎1.My brother ___ while he ___ his bicycle and hurt himself. A. fell, was riding B. fell, were riding ‎ C. had fallen, rode D. had fallen, was riding 2. Tom ___ into the house when no one ___.   A. slipped, was looking B. had slipped, looked ‎ C. slipped, had looked D. was slipping, looked 3.The last time I __ Jane she ___ cotton in the fields.   A. had seen, was picking B. saw, picked ‎ C. had seen, picked D. saw, was picking 4.I don ' t think Jim saw me; he ___ into space.   A. just stared B. was just staring ‎ C. has just stared D. had just stared 5.I first met Lisa three years ago. She ___ at a radio shop at the time.   A. has worked B. was working ‎ C. had been working D. had worked 6.---Hey, look where you are going!  ‎ ‎ ---Oh, I ' m terribly sorry.________.   A. I ' m not noticing B. I wasn ' t noticing ‎ C. I haven ' t noticed D. I don ' t notice ‎ ‎ 7. The reporter said that the UFO ___ east to west when he saw it.   A. was traveling B. traveled C. had been traveling D. was to travel 8. I ___ my breakfast when the morning post came.   A. had B. had been having ‎ C. have been having D. was having 9.When I arrived at his office, he ___ on the phone.   A. was speaking B. spoke ‎ C. had been speaking D. had spoken 10. “ What ' s the matter, Ali? You look sad. ”   “ Oh, nothing much. As a matter of fact, I ___ of my friends back home. ”   A. just thought B. have just been thinking C. was just thinking D. have just thought 一、 动词填空。‎ ‎1.John_______(work) all day yesterday.‎ ‎2.He _______(walk) home when the (rian)_______begin.‎ ‎3. —What______you _______(do) at ten o'clock yesterday﹖‎ ‎—I_______(studay) in class.‎ ‎4.When Harry _______(have) breakfast Lily _______(telephone) him. ‎ ‎5.When I ________ (go) to school this morning I ______ (see) a car running into a bus.‎ ‎6. This time yesterday Jack ______ (mend) his bike. 7. I ______ (write) a letter at ten last night. 8. It was six. The Greens ______ (have) supper. 9. When you ______ (knock) at the door yesterday,I ______ (do) some washing.‎ ‎10. While my mother ______ (watch) TV, I ______(make) a kite.‎ 一、 英汉互译。‎ 1、 昨晚我给你打电话时,你正在干什么?‎ 2、 上中学时,我住老师家里。‎ 3、 他昨天本来要看那场戏的,可是太忙了。‎ 4、 They wanted to know when we were leaving for Shanghai.‎ 5、 Soon the whole town was talking about it.‎ ‎★清华大学★英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.‎ 官方网站:http://qinghua.yeryy.com/ ‎ 清华大学英语教授50年研究成果 初中英语语法梳理和提高——动词的语态讲解试题 动词的语态 ‎  知识梳理:提纲挈领,抓住重点和难点!‎ ‎  英语动词有两种语态,即主动语态(The Active Voice)和被动语态(The Passive Voice)。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者,例如:‎ ‎  Many people speak English .  (主动语态)‎ ‎  English is spoken by many people. (被动语态)‎ ‎  1、被动语态的构成 ‎  被动语态由"助动词be +及物动词的过去分词"构成。助动词be 有人称、数和时态的变化,其变化规则与be作为连系动词时完全一样。被动语态的肯定式、否定式及疑问式列表如下:‎ ‎  肯  定  句: 主语+ be+ 过去分词 +(by…)         eg. He is often asked to do this work (by his boss).‎ ‎  否  定  句:主语+ be not +过去分词 +(by…)        eg. I am not invited to the party (by him).‎ ‎  一般疑问句:Be + 主语+过去分词+ (by…)?        eg. Are your clothes washed by yourself?‎ ‎  特殊疑问句:疑问词+ be+主语 +过去分词+ (by…)? eg. What is this sweater made of?‎ ‎  现以动词give为例,其被动语态的各种时态如下:‎ ‎ 式 ‎ 时 ‎ ‎ 一 般 ‎ ‎ 进 行 ‎ ‎ 完 成 现在 Am / is /are + given Am/is/are +being + given Have / has +been +given 过去 Was / were + given Was / were + being + given Had +been + given 将来 Shall/ will + given Shall / will +be + given Should /would + be + given ‎ 含情态词的 Can / may /must +be +given ‎  3、被动语态的用法:‎ ‎    1)当我们不知道谁是动作的执行者,或者没有必要指出谁是动作的执行者时,或者只需强调动作的承受者时,要用被动语态。 例如:‎ ‎    This jacket is made of cotton.‎ ‎    English is spoken in many countries in the world.‎ ‎  2) 强调动作的承受者时。如:The boy was saved at last.这个男孩最后得救了。‎ ‎  3) 主动语态变被动语态的步骤:‎ ‎  主动句:  The boy     broke     the window  yesterday.‎ ‎              ‎ ‎  被动句: The window  was broken  by the boy  yesterday.‎ ‎  步骤一:原句中的宾语the window变成主语。‎ ‎  步骤二:谓语动词broke改为被动形式:was broken ‎  步骤三:原句中的主语The boy放在介词by的后面。‎ ‎  步骤四:其他成分如:yesterday不变。‎ ‎  5) 有两个宾语的句子的被动语态:‎ ‎  A. 可有两种被动语态的常用动词有:buy,give,leave,lend,offer,pay,teach,tell,show,等。‎ ‎  1. He gave me the book just now.‎ ‎    The book was given to me( by him) just now. = I was given the book (by him) just now.‎ ‎  2. They show the guard their passports at the entrance to the building.‎ ‎    The passports were shown to the guard by them at the entrance to the building.‎ ‎  = The guard was shown the passports by them at the entrance to the building.‎ ‎  B. 通常用直接宾语作被动语态主语的一些动词有: bring,do,make,pass,sell,send,sing,write,等。‎ ‎  1. He wrote her a letter.‎ ‎    A letter was written to her.‎ ‎  My mother made me a skirt.‎ ‎  A skirt was made (for me) by my mother.‎ ‎  练习与巩固:熟能生巧,取得好成绩!‎ ‎  一、选择填空 ‎  1.The question ______by us soon.‎ ‎    A.is going to discuss   B.will discuss ‎  C.is going to be discussed       D.has been discussed ‎  2.The old man was quite weak after the accident, so he______.‎ ‎  A.must look after     B.must be taken care ‎  C.must be looked after    D.must take care of ‎  3. All the new words ______up in the dictionary yet.‎ ‎  A.have looked      B.haven't looked ‎ ‎  C.have been looked   D.haven't been looked ‎  4.There was no room for you. All the seats ______.‎ ‎  A. are taken  B.was taken  C.had taken  D.had been taken ‎ ‎  5. A model ship ______his son by Mr More.‎ ‎  A.was made for   B.was made to   C.made for   D.makes for ‎  6.----Dad, please open the door, it ______.‎ ‎  ----OK, dear. I am coming.‎ ‎  A.was locked    B.locks      C.is locked   D.locked ‎  7. This kind of sweater______very soft.‎ ‎  A.is felt     B.feels      C.feel     D.is feeling ‎  8.----Have all the students known that our class will visit the factory this afternoon?‎ ‎  ----Yes. Every student______about it.‎ ‎  A.told      B.has told    C.was told    D.tells ‎  9.The cake ______delicious.‎ ‎  A.smell      B.is smelled     C.is smelling  D.smells ‎  10.My father has given up smoking since he ______on.‎ ‎  A.will operate   B.will be operated  C.operated   D.was operated  ‎ ‎  11.A new school ______ these days.‎ ‎  A. is building    B. is built ‎  C. well build    D. is being built ‎  12. The cake ______delicious.‎ ‎   A. smell        B. is smelled ‎   C. is smelling    D. smells ‎  13.I________there would  be  a football  match on Channel 8 tomato ‎   A. will tell   B. have told  C. was told  D. will be told ‎  14.The librarian told me that the book______for two weeks.‎ ‎   A. can be borrowed   B. can be kept   C. could be borrowed   D. could be kept ‎  15.When______this kind of computer _______?‎ ‎  is; used  B. was; used  C. did; use  D. are; used ‎  16.The new computers_______to the village school as present last month.‎ ‎  are given  B. given  C. were given  D. gave ‎  17.I really don't know_______about it.‎ ‎  A.what to do   B.how to do  C. to do what  D. how can I do ‎  18.Your shoes_______. You'd better come to get them in half an hour.‎ ‎  are mending  B. have mended  C. are being  mended  D. have been mended ‎  19.Though he had often made his little sister______,today he was made____by her.‎ ‎  A.cry; to cry   B.crying; crying  C. cry; cry  D.to cry; cry ‎  20.When_____the accident________?‎ ‎  A.was; happened   B.has; happened   C.was happebeing    D.did; happen ‎  Key: 1----5 CCDDA   6----10 CBCDD   11-15 BDCDB   16-20 CACAD ‎  二、用所给动词的正确形式填空。‎ ‎  Some ideas ______(give) to college students by him yesterday.‎ ‎  ----Do you like the music "Moonlight"?‎ ‎  ----Yes, it ______really beautiful!(sound)‎ ‎  He won't come to the party unless Sue ______.(invite)‎ ‎  The chair needs______.(repair)‎ ‎  "Quick" is another way of ______"fast".(say)‎ ‎  This kind of bike ______in that factory, but you can't buy it now.(make)‎ ‎  Cotton ______in the country.(plant)‎ ‎  Man-made satellites ______by Chinese people.(send)‎ ‎  This kinds of shoes ______out by now.(sell)‎ ‎  The room must ______  clean every day.(keep)‎ ‎  Key: 1.were given  2.sounds    3.is invited   4.repairing/  to be repaired   5.saying 6.is made   7.is planted 8.have been sent    9.have been sold  ‎ ‎     10.be kept ‎★清华大学★英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.‎ 官方网站:http://qinghua.yeryy.com/ ‎ 清华大学英语教授50年研究成果 初二英语期末复习笔记1(Module 1—3)‎ ‎ 班级:_________________ 姓名:____________________‎ Module 1‎ 1、 表达建议的句型:‎ Why don’t you + 动原 = Why not +动原 It’s a good idea to do sth 做。。。是个好主意 You should + 动原 你应该做。。。‎ How about doing = What about doing sth 做 。。。怎么样?‎ Let’s + 动原 让我们做。。。。‎ Try (not) to do sth 尽量做(不做)某事 1、 write down 写下 (代词放中间)‎ egs: write it down, write them down 2、 advice (不可数名词)‎ 一条建议 a piece of advice 两条建议 two pieces of advice 3、 else 修饰不定代词和疑问代词,后置 egs: what else who else something else (1) Don’t worry! ______ will do it for us .‎ A. Else somebody B.Somebody else C.Nobody else ‎ (2) ‎--- _____ do you want to buy ? ----Nothing else, thanks.‎ A. What else B. Else what C. Where else 4、 ask for ….. 请求、征询、要 ask sb for …..向某人征询 如果你有麻烦,你可以向警察请求帮助。‎ If you are in trouble, you can __________________________________.‎ 我可以征询些学习英语的建议吗?‎ May I _________________________ about learning English ?‎ 5、 make mistakes 犯错 犯很多错 make many mistakes ‎ 6、 what do you think of ….. = How do you like ….?‎ ‎ 你认为。。。怎么样?‎ 1、 过得开心,玩得愉快 enjoy oneself = have a good time ‎ ‎(myself , youself, herself, himself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves )‎ 2、 take a deep breath 深呼吸 3、 leave sth + 地方 把。。。落在、忘在某地 ‎(1) This morning I went to work in such a hurry that I _____ the key to my office at home. A. forgot B.left C. missed D.lost ‎ ‎(2)----Sorry, Mr Green. I _____ my English book at home.‎ ‎---- That’s OK, but don’t forget next time. A.forgot B. kept C. left ‎ ‎11. make friends with sb 和某人交朋友 Module 2‎ 1. 现在完成时:表示过去的动作对现在造成的影响 ‎ 结构:have/has + 动过分 时间状语:already, ever, never, just, yet, before, once….,since,for, in the last 15 years, so far, recently ‎2.already, ever, never, just在句中的位置:放在have/has 后面。‎ yet 用于否定句中,放在句子的末尾。‎ Egs: I have already seen the film before.‎ ‎ He has just come back from England.‎ ‎ They haven’t finished doing their work yet. Not yet.‎ ‎3. have gone to 与have been to,have been in 的区别 have gone to 去了某地 (人还没回来)‎ have been to 去过某地 (人已经回来)‎ have been in 在某地逗留 ‎ Exercises: 用have /has gone to ,have/has been to/have been in填空。‎ ‎1).Where ________ you _________? ‎ ‎2).Where ________ he _________? I haven’t seen her for hours .‎ ‎3).-----Mr Li is not here , where is he ? --- Oh, I think he ______________ the office .‎ ‎4).Mr Smith ___________________ Beijing several times.‎ ‎5).How long ______ you ______________ China ? For six years.‎ ‎4. 现在完成时和一般过去时的区别。‎ ‎1).现在完成时绝对不能和表过去的时间连用,如:yesterday, last night, three weeks ago , in 1990 等。 Egs: I saw the film last week . 我上星期看了这部电影。(不能用完成时)‎ ‎2).由when 带出的文句通常不用完成时。‎ Egs: ------I have seen the film . ----- When did you see it ? ‎ ‎ Exercises:‎ ‎1). I ________ already _______(send ) him an email .‎ ‎2). She ____________( not wash ) her hair yet.‎ ‎3). He ___________ (buy ) a watch two days ago .‎ ‎4). ---- I have finished my homework . ----- When _______ you __________(finish ) it ?‎ ‎5). I _______ just _______( buy ) the book .‎ ‎6). I __________(buy ) the book just now.‎ ‎5. take off 起飞 , 脱(衣服)‎ ‎ 飞机刚刚起飞。 The plane _____________________________.‎ ‎6.travel around the world 环游世界 (动词短语)‎ ‎ all over the world 全世界 ‎7.enter a competition 参加竞赛 ‎8.fly to = take a plane to = go to …by plane ‎ ‎ fly ---flew ---flown ‎ 他爸爸昨天坐飞机到海南去了。‎ His father _______________ Hainan‎ ‎Island yesterday.‎ ‎= His father ____________________ Hainan‎ ‎Island yesterday.‎ ‎= His father _____________ Hainan‎ ‎Island ___________ yesterday.‎ ‎9. How much is ……?= What’s the price of ….? 。。。多少钱?‎ ‎10.sell out 卖完 ‎ ‎ 他卖完那些雪糕了吗? 还没有。‎ ‎________ he _________ those ice creams ? Not yet. ‎ ‎11.go/ be abroad 去/在国外 ‎ 他曾经在国外呆过三年. He _______________________ for three years.‎ ‎12. more than = over 多出,超过 ‎ 到目前为止,我们共种了一千多颗树。‎ We have planted _______________________ trees so far.‎ ‎13. come true 实现 ‎ 他的梦想实现了吗? ______his dream _______________?‎ ‎14. in the end = finally = at last 最后 at the end of 在。。。末尾/尽头 He will come back ____________ of this year.‎ ‎ A. in the end B. at the end C. at last ‎ ‎15.区别 another (三者或以上的)另一个的 ‎ the other (二者中的)另一个的 常用语短语 one….the other ‎ (1) This T-shirt doesn’t fit me. Can you show me ______ one?‎ ‎ A. other B. another C. others ‎(2). Of the three foreign visitors, one is from Paris, ______ two are from Tornoto. ‎ A. the other B. other C. the others.‎ Module 3‎ 1. the latest news 最新消息 news(不可数名词) 一则消息 a piece of news ‎2. It takes sb …to do sth 花费某人。。。。做某事 ‎ take 主语为It或者物 常指花费时间 to do ‎ ‎ cost 主语为物 常指花费金钱/价值。。钱 ‎ spend ..doing 主语为人 常指花费时间或者金钱 ‎ pay for 主语为人 常指花费钱 付款 ‎(1) The funny toy monkey ______ Sandy five dollars.‎ ‎ A. cost B. spent C. took D. paid for ‎(2) ---Are your shoes expensive ? --- No, I only _____ five dollars on them.‎ ‎ A.took B. cost C. spent D. paid for ‎3. a lot 与a lot of 区别 ‎ a lot 很,多,非常 常用来修饰动词, 后面不可再跟名词 ‎ a lot of + 名词 许多 ‎ ‎ (1) He reads _______ and becomes very interested in science.‎ ‎ A.a lot B. many C. lots of ‎ ‎4.on business 出差 ‎5.dream of / about 梦想,梦到。。。‎ ‎6. millions of 数百万 ‎ three million 三百万 ‎7.There has/have been 已有 (there be 结构的现在完成时)‎ ‎ 科学家认为地球上的生命已有几百万年的历史。‎ Scientists think that __________________ life on Earth for ______________ years.‎ ‎8. What are you up to ? = What are you doing ?‎ ‎9. go around 绕着。。。走 ‎10.seven other planets 另外的7颗行星 数词+ other + 复数名词 ‎ 还有其他10位男孩在教室。‎ ‎ There are also ______________________ in the classroom.‎ ‎ 11. no one = nobody 没有人 不定代词 (someone, anyone, everyone, something, anything, everything, nothing,) 做主语时是单数。‎ ‎12.None of them 表示(三个或以上)一个也没有 做主语时,单复数皆可 ‎13.alone与 lonely 的区别 ‎ alone 独自,一个人 ‎ lonely 孤单,寂寞 强调感觉 ‎ ‎ Exercises: The old man lives ___________, but he doesn’t feel __________.‎ A. lonely, alone B. alone, lonely C. lonely , lonely ‎14.prefer A to B , prefer doing to doing 宁愿做。。。而不愿做。。。‎ 比起唱歌,LUCY 更喜欢跳舞。 Lucy _______________________________.‎ ‎15. as + 原级 as 和。。。一样 ‎ 他和我一样大。He is _________________ me.‎ ‎16.so + 形容词/副词 that 如此,以致 ‎ 今早我起得太晚了,以致上学迟到了。‎ I got up ___________ this morning _______ I was late for school.‎ 他跑得如此快以致我赶不上他。‎ He ran __________________ I couldn’t catch up with him.‎ ‎17. discover, find, find out 区别 ‎ discover 发现(原来就存在而不为人知的地方和事实)‎ ‎ find 偶然的发现,找到 ‎ find out (通过努力)查明,了解,找出 ‎ ‎★清华大学★英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.‎ 官方网站:http://qinghua.yeryy.com/ ‎ 清华大学英语教授50年研究成果

