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话题3 个人情况 话题单词 第1组 ‎□1.active adj. 积极的;主动的 passive adj. 被动的 ‎□2.average adj. 不好不坏的;一般的 ‎□3.bore vt. 使厌烦;使厌倦 ‎□4.brave adj. 勇敢的 ‎*bravery n. 勇气 ‎□5.careful adj. 小心的 careless adj. 粗心的 caring adj. 有爱心的;关心他人的 ‎□6.*caution n. 谨慎 cautious adj. 谨慎的 ‎□7.complain vi.& vt. (常接about/of短语或从句)抱怨 ‎□8.confidence n. 信任;信心 ‎□9.diligent adj. 勤奋的;勤勉的 diligence n. 勤奋 ‎□10.divorced adj. 离婚的 ‎□11.enthusiastic adj. 热情的 ‎□12.facial adj. 面部的 ‎□13.generous adj. 慷慨大方的 ‎□14.grateful adj. 感激的 第2组 ‎□1.handsome adj. (男子)英俊的;(女子)健美的 ‎□2.honest adj. 诚实的;正直的 honesty n. 诚实 ‎□3.honour (美honor) n. 荣誉;光荣 vt. 尊敬;给予荣誉 honourable adj. 可敬的;光荣的 ‎□4.humorous adj. 富于幽默的 humour (美humor) n. 幽默;幽默感 ‎□5.male n. 男性 female n. 女性 ‎□6.modest adj. 谦虚的;谦逊的 ‎□7.nationality n. 国籍 ‎□8.neat adj. 整齐的;整洁的 ‎□9.noble adj. 高尚的;贵族的 ‎□10.ordinary adj. 普通的;平常的 ‎□11.pale adj. 苍白的;灰白的 ‎□12.personality n. 性格;个性 ‎□13.plain adj. 朴素的;简单的 ‎□14.power n. 力量;权力;政权 powerful adj. 有力的;强大的 第3组 ‎□1.principle n. 道德原则;法则 ‎□2.punctual adj. 守时的 ‎□3.reasonable adj. 合乎情理的 ‎□4.sensitive adj. 敏感的;容易生气的 ‎□5.slim adj. 苗条的;修长的 ‎□6.straightforward adj.& adv. 简单的(地);坦率的(地)‎ ‎□7.strongwilled adj. 意志坚强的 ‎□8.stubborn adj. 固执的;倔强的 ‎□9.sympathetic adj. 同情的;赞同的;讨人喜欢的 ‎□10.thoughtful adj. 考虑周到的 ‎□11.tough adj. 艰苦的;艰难的 ‎□12.ugly adj. 丑陋的;难看的 ‎□13.*virtue n. 美德;正直的品行;德行 ‎□14.warmhearted adj. 热心的 ‎□15.wisdom n. 智慧 话题短语 第1组 ‎□1.balance advantages against disadvantages 权衡利弊 ‎□2.be active in sth. 积极从事某事 ‎□3.be admitted to/be enrolled by 被……录取 ‎□4.be born in 出生在 ‎□5.be curious about 对……好奇 ‎□6.be experienced in 在……方面有经验 ‎□7.be of much help to 有益于……‎ ‎□8.be qualified for 有……资格;可胜任 ‎□9.be remembered as 作为……被人们所记住 ‎□10.be responsible for 对……负责 第2组 ‎□1.create a pleasant and friendly atmosphere 创造一种愉快而友好的气氛 ‎□2.go abroad for further study 出国深造 ‎□3.graduate from 毕业于 ‎□4.have a good sense of humour 很有幽默感 ‎□5.have a great passion for 对……充满激情 ‎□6.help sb. out 帮助某人摆脱困境 ‎□7.live up to 不辜负 ‎□8.show a talent for ... 展示出……的天赋 ‎□9.make a difference 有影响;有重要作用 第3组 ‎□1.promote better communication and understanding 促进更好的沟通和理解 ‎□2.serve the people heart and soul 全心全意为人民服务 ‎□3.set us a good example/set a good example to us 给我们树立好榜样 ‎□4.sign up for a match/contest/competition 报名参加比赛 ‎□5.spend one's spare time (in) doing sth.用业余时间做某事 ‎□6.succeed in doing sth. 成功地做某事 ‎□7.take ... seriously 认真对待……‎ ‎□8.think highly of 对……高度评价 ‎□9.think of others 为别人着想 ‎□10.win the first prize/place 获得第一名 话题佳句 ‎1.She is a beautiful girl, with long hair and big eyes.‎ 她是一个长着大眼睛,留着长发的漂亮女孩。‎ ‎2.So poor was his family that he had to drop out at the age of 12.‎ 他的家庭如此贫困以至于他十二岁时就不得不辍学。‎ ‎3.Owing to the fact that he can do whatever he has chosen to do with great perseverance, he has made great achievements in many fields.‎ 由于他能够坚持不懈地做他所选择做的事情,所以他在很多领域都取得了巨大成就。‎ ‎4.His charming personality lies in a simple fact that he never hesitates to help others.‎ 他的人格魅力在于一个简单的事实:对帮助别人他从不犹豫。‎ ‎5.Although he has won countless honors, he never shows any signs of pride.‎ 尽管获得了无数的荣誉,他却从未有过任何骄傲的迹象。‎ ‎6.She was quite optimistic and energetic. She brought me a lot of happiness and courage. I learned something precious from her—a belief in life.‎ 她非常乐观且有活力。她给我带来了许多快乐和勇气。我从她身上学到了一些宝贵的东西——要对生活有信心。‎ ‎7.Devoted to community activities, he was highly thought of by the people around.‎ 致力于社区活动,他受到周围人的高度评价。‎ ‎8.I have shown great interest in English since my childhood and have no difficulty talking with English speakers.‎ 从小时候我就对英语感兴趣,因此与说英语的人交谈没有困难。‎ ‎9.In the new term, I'll work harder and do my best to make greater progress, hoping to be admitted into Beijing University.‎ 在这个新学期里,我要更加努力地学习,努力争取更大的进步,希望被北京大学录取。‎ ‎10.To be honest, I was not so good at my study when I came to high school.‎ 说实话,当我刚进入高中的时候,我学习不太好。‎ 话题美文 假定你是李华,得知某英文报社要评选“The Most Qualified Student (最美中学生)”,请你用英语给编辑写一封推荐信。要点如下:‎ ‎1.介绍被推荐人(林扬)的基本信息;‎ ‎2.说明推荐理由。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;‎ ‎3.开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。‎ Dear Editor,‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Yours sincerely,‎ Li Hua ‎[范文必背]‎ Dear_Editor,‎ I'm a senior high school student and I happened to hear that you are hosting an activity to select The Most Qualified Student. It is a great honor for me to introduce one of my best friends, Lin Yang.‎ First of all, Lin Yang, who is among the most diligent students in our school, not only studies hard, but also behaves well. Secondly, he stands out for his diverse hobbies, including painting and playing the violin. Last but not least, he is warmhearted and willing to help others in need. Therefore, I here highly recommend him to you with all my heart. ‎ Looking forward to hearing from you at the earliest possible moment.‎ Yours_sincerely,‎ Li_Hua

