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2018 年江苏省南京市高三年级第三次模拟考试试题英语 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 20 分)(略) 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节 单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 1. Sometimes it’shard to accept the truth _________ thelie sounds so much better. A. because B. unless C. though D. until 解析:考查连词。句意:有时候真相很难被接受因为谎言听起来更好听。故选 A。 答案:A 2. Held inside fortoo long, regret ______affect the immune system. A. must B. can C. should D. shall 解析:考查情态动词。情态用词特殊用法,can 表示可能。后悔在心里憋得时间过长, 可能会有影响到免疫系统。故选 B。 答案:B 3. Coming-of-age is aceremony _______youngpeople wear traditional costumes to mark the transition from youth toadulthood. A. that B. what C. as D. where 解析:考查定语从句。成人礼是一个仪式,在这个仪式上孩子们穿着传统服饰标志着孩 子从青少年成长为成年人。Where 表地点指代前面的 ceremony。故选 D。 答案:D 4. We come fromdifferent cultures, and carry with_______ different histories. A. it B. that C. us D. them 解析:考查固定搭配。carry with sb. sth.,句意:我们来自不同的文化,我们背负着不 同的历史。故选 C。 答案:C 5. The couch of thefootball team _______toresign to take responsibility for the failure, but it was rejected. A. offered B. managed C. needed D. afforded 解析:考查动词词义辨析。A 主动提供,B 成功做成,C 需要,D 付得起。句意:这支 足球队的的主教练主动提出辞职来承担这场失利的责任,但是这个请求被拒绝了。根据句意, 选 A。 答案:A 6. The suspect wasreleased, as the evidence was _______and, to some extent, ambiguous. A. clear B. thin C. hard D. negative 解析:考查形容词词义辨析。大致句意为指控被取消了,因为证据不够充分。A 清晰, C 坚硬牢靠,D 消极的,均不符合句意,根据排除法,故选 B。 答案:B 7. —Can you put me _______aboutthe World Cup Football Match? —Sorry. I myself know nothingabout it. A. in the air B. on the move C. in the picture D. on the post 解析:考查介词短语。A 悬而未决,B 在移动中,C 知情,D 当场,立刻。句意:——你 能给我讲讲世界杯吗?——不好意思,我自己也不太清楚。Put sb in the picture about 也可理 解为固定搭配,故选 C。 答案:C 8. The selfie has inspired risk-taking behavior,_______ the boundaries of safety, whether by hanging from a skyscraper orposing with live explosives. A. pushed B. to push C. pushing D. having pushed 解析:考查时态语态。这里逗号加 v-ing 表示的是一种顺其自然的结果,“自拍激发了 很多危险动作,引发了很多危险”,选 C。 答案:C 9.As more and morecompanies extend their global _______, it is easy to understand why new opportunitiesbirth in various locations. A. concern B. appeal C. reach D. consensus 解析:考查名词辨析。A 关心,B 吸引,C 可及之范围,D 共识。句意:因为越来越多 的公司开始扩展自己的国际贸易范围,因此也可以很容易的理解为什么新的机会都产生在各 种地区。Extend …… reach,选 C。 答案:C 10.Through the use of blogs, shy students who rarely ______ duringclass discussions are given a voice. A. advance B. focus C. compromise D. contribute 解析:考查动词辨析。大致句意为:通过博客的广泛使用,那些害羞的不敢再讨论上发 言的学生也有了发表自己意见的地方。A 促进,B 关注,D 贡献,均不符合句意,根据排除 法,选 D。意为在教室讨论中做出自己应有的贡献。 答案:D 11.The agency willmake travel arrangements for you._______ , youcan organize your own transport. A. Similarly B. Furthermore C. Instead D. Alternatively 解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:这个机构会帮你做好旅行安排。或者,你也可以自己 安排出行方式。根据句意,该空格表达的是选择的意思,故选 D,Alternatively。 答案:D 12. We watched theharbour and then the coastline______into themorning mist. A. turn away B. fade away C. wear away D. break away 解析:考查短语辨析。句意:我们眺望了港口接着海岸线消失在早晨的雾霭之中。结合 语意,表达的是海岸线延伸至远处,消失在雾霭之中,故用 fade away,A 远离,C 磨损,D 脱离;打破,均不符合句意,故选 B。 答案:B 13. The banker finds it difficult _______justas an ordinary human being at home. A. to treat B. to be treated C. to have treated D. to have been treated 解析:考查时态语态。被对待,表示被动,排除 AC,不存在表示过去的含义,不需要 用 have,排除 D,故选 B。 答案:B 14.They say at the end of your life, you regret the stuff you didn’t do more than the stuff that you ______. A. do B. did C. had done D. would do 解析:考查时态语态。句意为:在你生命的最后时间,你会更加后悔那些你没有做过的 事而不是那些你做过的事。做过的事,时态为过去时,故用 did,选 B。 答案:B 15. —Hey, can youlend me some money, buddy? I am hard up these days. —____. The funds Ibought came down again yesterday and I don’t have a bean now. A. Forget it B. No worry C.No problem D. Forgive me 解析:考查情景交际。句意:——能借我点钱吗兄弟,最近手头拮据。——别想了,我 买的基金昨天又亏了我现在一个子都没有了。首先排除 BC,D forgive me 用在要说或者请 求一些鲁莽的事情前。(used before you ask or say something that might seem rude)不符语境, 故选 A。 答案:A 第二节 完形填空 (共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分) 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 What brought McCoy thatBaltimore alley was nothing to be proud of. McCoy was looking for a safe placeto do 16 . He had been there for only a minute when something caught his eyes: a brownleather Rioni handbag.Picking it up, he found it had been 17 of everything but an electricity bill. McCoy could 18 all too well. One of his 19 possessions, the sleeping bag, had recently been stolen.Remembering how angered he’d been by his own 20 , he decided to return the purse. He began right away, startingwith the 21 on the bill. It was on the other side of the city.On the way, several people asked to buy the purse, but he 22 ,“I’m returning this to its owner.” After traveling much of theday and 23 approaching the address, he was stopped by a woman called Smith. She asked tobuy the purse. 24 , McCoy refused, saying he was searching for itsowner. “But I am the owner,” thewoman said. At Smith’s 25 .McCoy told her his story. He’d been in charge of a landscaping business until2012, when he was in acar accident that 26 him addicted to narcotics. Smith, 27 , this stranger had gone to such great strengths toreturn her bag, asked to do something tohelp. “I’m a heroin addict,” McCoy 28 .“I’m probably going to let you down.” Undaunted, Smith gave him herphone number, saying, “If you want to go to rehab, call me.” She 29 his lost sleeping bag with her own, then drove himback and left, thinking that would be the 30 of it. Two days later, she got a call. Smith realized that McCoy was 31 aboutgetting better; he even gave her the name of a 28-day rehab facility inFlorida. So she 32 her saving account and bought McCoy a plane ticket.While there, he would call her. “I heard his 33 over thephone. Every day he would call me, and it went from this scared, 34 voice to ahealthy, energetic voice.” After 28 days there, McCoy isdrug-free. His life is back 35 .One crime victim would empathize with another’s loss. 16. A. drugs B. sports C.business D. study 17. A. rid B. removed C. emptied D. cheated 18. A. recall B. relate C. remember D. reflect 19. A. few B. many C. illegal D. original 20. A. loss B. deed C. desire D. response 21. A.name B. date C.number D. address 22. A. added B. declined C. promised D. hesitated 23. A. slowly B. secretly C. finally D. cautiously 24. A. Then B. Actually C. Constantly D. Again 25. A. urging B. insulting C. approving D. threatening 26. A. kept B. left C. found D. saw 27. A. amused B. confused C. amazed D. concerned 28. A. insisted B. repeated C.declared D. warned 29. A.shared B. replaced C. exchanged D. compared 30. A. end B. star C. result D. cause 31. A. careful B. casual C. serious D. doubtful 32. A. went into B. dug into C. looked into D. checked into 33. A. satisfaction B. expectation C. transformation D. determination 34. A.calm B. anxious C. pleasant D. desperate 35. A. at will B. at risk C.on duty D. on track 解析:16.根据后文 M 这个人吸毒,可以看出,他想找一个地方做毒品交易。 17.这个钱包被清空了所有东西,只有一张电子账单。 18.A 与 C 同义必同错。 19.他没有多少东西了,因为所剩无几的睡袋也被人偷了。 20.loss 与 stole 还有后文的 lost 属于同义替换。 21.根据账单中的地址,M 找到了失主,这与后面的 theother side of the city 同义替换。 22.有人要买这个钱包,但是他委婉拒绝了。 23.最后,终于到达了目的地。 24.再一次,S 提出要买这个钱包。 25.在 S 的一再敦促下,M 分享了他背后的故事。 26.一次交通事故,使得 M 染上了毒品。 27. S 被这个吸毒者的诚实感到惊讶。 28. S 提出要帮助 M,但是 M 警告 S,他吸毒。 29. S 给了 M 她自己的睡袋。 30. S 把 M 送回了家,以为他们不会再有联系。 31. S 知道 M 解毒是真心的。 32. S 自己掏腰包,帮助 M 买了一张飞机票。 33.在电话里我听得出他的改变,与后面的 went from 呼应。 34.之前 M 对生活绝望的声音,因为他连绝无仅有的睡袋都被人偷了,生无所恋导致绝 望。但所幸的是,保留了最后的诚实。 35.固定搭配,生活回到了正规。 答案:16-20 ACBAA 21-25 DBCDA 26-30 BCDBA 31-35 CBCDD 第三部分 阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Costa Rica NaturalParadise 9-Day Tour $1295 Volcanoes, Beaches &Rainforests --- w/All Hotels, Meals &Activities 36. During the 9-daytour, tourists will have a chance to _________. A. spend time in volcanic hotsprings B. hike in the desert C. feed crocodiles and birds D.camp in a national park 解析:根据 day4:enjoy a relaxing soak in volcanic hot springs 提示,enjoy 同义替换 spend time,故选 A。根据 day 8:hike through the rainforest 提示,B 错;根据 day 7:enjoy birdwatching & crocodile spotting 提示,C 错;根据 day7:continue to your Manuel Antonio hotel located atNational Park 提示,D 错。 答案:A 37. Which promotionstrategy does the tour agency employ? A. Revealing others’shortcomings. B. Reducing itsoriginal price. C. Presenting tourists’comments. D. Giving away free activities. 解析:根据方框右下角中他人的评论提示,故选 C。ABD 原文中根本没有提到。 答案:C B Humanity has begun wrestling with the dangers of globalthreats such as climate change. But fewauthorities are planning for catastrophic solar storms-huge eruptions of massand energy from the sun that destroy Earth’s magnetic field. In a recent paper,two Harvard University scientists estimate the potential economic damage fromsuch an event will increase in the future and could equal the current U.S.GDP-about $20 trillion-150years from now. This kind of storm hashappened before. The so-called Carrington Event in 1859, the most intensemagnetic storm ever recorded on Earth, caused auroras(极光)in the atmosphere and even delivered electric shocks totelegraph operators. But a Carrington-scale storm today would cause far moreharm because society now depends so heavily on electrical power grids,communications satellites and GPS. In an effort to quantify thatthreat, astrophysicists Abraham Loeb and Manasvi Lingam of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics developed a mathematical model that assumessociety’s vulnerability(脆弱性)to solar stormswill grow with technological advances. Under this model, during the next 50years the potential for economic damage will depend primarily on the rising odds of astrong solar storm over time. Beyond 50 years our vulnerability will increasedramatically with technological progress until the latter levels off. Some scientists question themodel’spredictions. “Estimating the economic impact is challenging now, let alone inover a century,” says Edward Oughton, a research associate at the University ofCambridge’s Center for Risk Studies. Yet he warns that uncertainty should notstop us from practical preparations, such as making power grids stronger andimproving early-warning systems. Loeb and Lingam think up amuch wider strategy: a $100-billion magnetic deflector shield (导流板), positioned between Earth and the sun. This ideaseems “pretty preposterous,” however, given that solar particles arrive atEarth from all directions, says Daniel Baker, director of the Laboratory forAtmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado Boulder. A better understanding of “space weather” -the changing condition in Earth’s outer space environment,including solar radiation and particles-could help find the best strategies forconfronting a dangerous solar storm, says Stracey Worman, a senior analyst atconsulting firm Abt Associates. “This is a challenging but important question,” Worman says, “that we need more eyes on.” 38. According toEdward Oughton, which of the following about solar storms is right? A. They will become much stronger in 150 years. B. Technology makes their potential damage grow. C. It’s difficult to predict their possible economicdamage. D. Space weather forecast can effectively help dealwith them. 解析:根据题目 Edward Oughton 提示,找到第 4 段第 1、2 行:estimating the economic impact is challenging now,challenging 同义替换为 difficult,estimate 同义替换为 predict,故 选 C。 答案:C 39.The underlined word “preposterous” in Paragraph 5 means ___________. A. unreasonable B. practical C.innovative D.inflexible 解析:根据第 5 段第 1 行提示:wilder strategy,wilder 说明了感情趋向,再来看这个 idea: $100-billionmagnetic deflector shield, positioned between Earth and the sun,非常的狂野,几乎 不可能,所以只能选 A,unreasonable“不切实际的”。 答案:A 40. The author writes the passage mainly to __________. A. report the damage of solar storms B. remind people to guard against solar storms C. introduce the characteristics of solar storms D. analyze the possible cause of solar storms 解析:通读全文可知作者的情感取向,ACD 的确是文章的内容的一部分,但题目问的 是作者写作目的,根据最后一段第二行:help find the best strategies for confronting a dangerous solarstorm,最后一句:this is achallenging but important question that we need more eyes on 说 明作者在提醒大家阻止 solar storm,故选 B 答案:B C There are plenty of goodreasons for a young person to choose to go to university: intellectual growth,career opportunities, having fun. Around half of school-leavers in the richworld now do so, and the share is rising in poorer countries, too. Governments are keen on highereducation, seeing it as a means to increase social mobility and economicgrowth. But they tend to overestimate the benefits and ignore the costs ofexpanding university education. Often, public money just feeds the arms race forqualifications. As more young people seekdegrees, the returns both to them and to governments are lower. Employersdemand degrees for jobs that never required them in the past and havenot become more demanding since. In a desperate attempt to stand out, studentsare studying even longer, and delaying work, to obtain master’s degrees. Spending on universities isusually justified by the “graduate premium” — the increase in earnings thatgraduates enjoy over non-graduates. These individual gains, the thinking goes,add up to an economic increase for society as a whole. But the graduate premiumis a flawed unit of calculating. Part of the usefulness of a degree is that itgives a graduate jobseeker an advantage at the expense of non-graduates. It isalso a signal to employers of general qualities, such as intelligence anddiligence, that someone already has in order to get intoa university. Some professions require qualifications. But a degree is notalways the best measure of the skills and knowledge needed for a job. Withdegrees so common, recruiters are using them as a simple way to evaluateapplicants. Non-graduates are thus increasingly locked out of nice work. In any case, the premiumcounts only the winners and not the losers. Across the rich world, a third ofuniversity students never graduate. It is the weakest students who are drawn inas higher education expands and who are most likely to drop out. They pay feesand sacrifice earnings to study, but see little increase in their futureincomes. When dropouts are included, the expected financial return to startinga degree for the weakest students shrinks to almost nothing. Manyschool-leavers are being misled about the probable value of university. Governments need to offer theyoung a wider range of options after school. They should start by rethinkingtheir own hiring practices. Most insist on degrees for public-sector jobs thatused to be done by non-graduates, including nursing, primary-school teachingand many civil-service posts. Instead they should seek other ways fornon-graduates to prove they have the right skills and to get more on-the-jobtraining. School-leavers should be givena wider variety of ways to gain job skills and to demonstrate their employability inthe private sector. If school qualifications were made more strict, employerswould be more likely to trustthem as signals of ability, and less insistent on degrees. Universities shouldgrant credits to dropouts for the parts of courses they havecompleted. They could also open their exams to anyone who wants to take them,and award degrees to those who succeed. Such measures would be moreefficient at developing the skills that increase productivity and should savepublic money. To promote social mobility, governments would do better to directfunds to early-school education and to helping students who would benefit fromuniversity but cannot afford it. Young people, both rich and poor, areill-served by the arms race in academic qualifications, in which each must study longer because thatis what all the rest are doing. It is time to disarm. 41. How does the author consider higher education? A. It’s a good way to raise students5social status. B. It definitely benefits the development of economy. C. It will amply reward individuals and governments. D. It’s a waste of money for some students andtaxpayers. 解析:文中第二段提及“Often, public money just feeds the arms race for qualification”在 文末重提“Such measures would be more efficient at developing the skills thatincrease productivity and should save public money”所以作者认为对于一些学生和纳税人而言,高等 教育是在浪费金钱,所以答案选择 D。 答案:D 42. What does the underlined word “them” in paragraph 3 refer to? A. Degrees. B. Returns. C. Employers. D. Jobs 解析:Them 所在的当句为“Employersdemand degrees for jobs that never required them in the past and have notbecome more demanding since,”所以文中指的是老板过去曾经不需要学 历。这里的 them 指代 degrees。 答案:A 43. What is the authors’ preferred solution to the issue? A. To decrease university drop-out rates. B. To improve the teaching qualities of universities. C. To open more public-sector jobs to non-graduates. D. To provide school-leavers with proper job training. 解析:作者在文中提出了“Instead they should seek other ways for non-graduates to prove theyhave the right skills and to get more on the job training.”所以作者提出了要让辍学者得到合 适的工作培训。所以 D 选项正确。A 选项没有提及,文中只提出了让大学资格的获得更严 格。B 选项也没有提及。C 选项文中说的是 private sector 而并非 publicsector。 答案:D 44. What is the best title for the passage? A. Measures to boost social mobility B. Time to end the academic arms race C. Difficulty in solving unemployment D. Necessity of changing hiring practices 解析:A 选项过于片面,提高社会流动性只是政府支持大学教育的理由之一,并非全文 核心。C 选项偏离主题,文中探讨的是辍学者和大学教育的问题,并不是谈失业。D 选项同 理,偏题主题。排除法得 B 选项最佳。B 选项包含了文中的内容。 答案:B D Recently, I was made keenlyaware of the different Englishes I do use. I was giving a talk to many people,the same talk I had already given to half a dozen other groups. The nature ofthe talk was about my writing, my life, and my book, The Joy Luck Club.The talk was going along well enough until I remembered one major differencethat made the whole talk sound wrong. My mother was in the room. And it wasperhaps the first time she had heard me give a lengthy speech, using the kindof English I have never used with her. I was saying things like, “theintersection of memory upon imagination”—a speech filled with all the forms ofstandard English that I had learned in school, the forms of English I did notuse at home with my mother ① . You should know that mymother’s expressive command of English doesn’t show how much she actuallyunderstands. She reads the Forbes report and listens to Wall StreetWeek 一 all kinds ofthings I can’t begin tounderstand, ② Yet some of my friends tell me they understand noneof what my mother says, as if she were speaking pure Chinese. But tome, my mother’s English is perfectly clear, perfectly natural. ③ Her language, as I hear it, is vivid, direct, fullof observation and imagery. That wasthe language that helped shape the way I sawthings, expressed things, made sense of the world. Lately, I’ve been giving morethought to the kind of English my mother speaks. ④ Like others, I have described it to people as “broken” English. But I wince when I say that. It has always bothered me that Ican think of no way to describe it other than “broken”, as if it were damaged and needed to be fixed, I’veheard other terms used, “limited English”, for example. But they seem to indicate thateverything is limited, including people’s perceptions of the limited Englishspeaker. And I had plenty of evidenceto support me: the fact that people in department stores, at banks, and atrestaurants did not take her seriously, did not give her good service,pretended not to understand her, or even acted as if they did not hear her. WhenI was fifteen, she used to have me call people on the phone to pretend I wasshe. One time I was forced to call her stockbroker in New York and say in anadolescent voice that was not very convincing, “This is Mrs. Tan”. And mymother was standing in the back whispering loudly, “why he don’t send me check,already two weeks late. So mad he lie to me, losing me money”. And then I saidin perfect English and gave him warnings. The following week there we were infront this astonished stockbroker, and I was sitting there red-faced and quiet,and my mother, the real Mrs.Tan, was shouting at his boss in her brokenEnglish. I think my mother’s Englishalmost had an effect on limiting my possibilities in life as well. Sociologistsand linguists probably will tell you that a person’s developing language skillsare more influenced by peers. But I do think that the language spoken in thefamily, especially in immigrant families plays a large role in shaping thelanguage of the child. I also had teachers who were trying to steering me awayfrom writing and into math and science. Fortunately, I happen to berebellious in nature and enjoy the challenge of disproving assumptions madeabout me. I became an English major my first year in college. When I began towrite, I decided I should envision a reader for the stories I would write.And the reader I decided upon was my mother, because there were stories aboutmy mothers. So with this reader in mind—and in fact she did read my earlydrafts—I began to write stories using all the Englishes I grew up with: theEnglish I spoke to my mother, which for lack of better term might be describedas “simple”; the English she used with me, which for lack ofbetter term might be described as “broken”; and what I imagined to be her translation of her Chinese if she could speak inperfect English, her internal language, and for that I sought preserve theessence, but neither an English nor a Chinese structure. I wanted to capturewhat language ability tests can never reveal: her intent, her passion, herimaginary, the rhythms of her speech and the nature of her thoughts. Apart from what any critic hadto say about my writing, I knew I had succeeded where it counted when my motherfinished reading my book and gave me her opinion: “So easy to read.” 45. What happened during the speech, according to paragraph 1? A. The author’s mother arrived unexpectedly at thespeech. B. The author delivered wrong information to theaudience. C. The author admitted that she could use standardEnglish. D. The author began to reflect on the differentEnglishes she used. 解析:第一段文中“recently, I was made keenly aware of the different Englishes I douse.” 和“The talk was goingalong well enough until I remembered one major difference that made the wholetalk sound wrong”可知作者在演讲中突然反应过来她所用的不同的英语,答案选择 D。 答案:D 46. In which blank we put the sentence “It’s my mother tongue.”? A.① B.② C.③ D.④ 解析:It’s my mothertongue.在 1 处与前文所述话题矛盾,前文在说标准英语,而这句显 然是在说来自作者妈妈的“broken English”,所以不选 A。2 处上文在说读的报刊,与这句 话所说内容无法相连,错误。3 处上文在说 mymother’s English 而后文在说她的语言的特 点。恰好能连上,所以放在 3 处合适。4 处上文是在思考的内容,前后不连贯。所以放在 3 处最合适,答案选 C。 答案:C 47. How does the author feel about her mother’s English being described as “limited”? A. Ashamed B. Uncomfortable C. Astonished D.Disappointed. 解析:由文中“But they seem to indicate that everything is limited, includingpeople’s perceptions of thelimited English speaker”可知作者并不满意 limitedEnglish 这种说法,所以答 案选择 B. uncomfortable。 答案:B 48. The author tells the story in Paragraph 5 to _________. A. show the limitations of her mother’s English. B. Indicate that people in New York are easily takenin. C. explain the reasons for others’ bad attitude to hermother. D. display the difficulty immigrants had fitting intosociety. 解析:文中举了作者模仿妈妈和股票经纪人对话,段落中“Why he don’t send mecheck, already two weeks late. So mad he lie to me, losing me money”具体地向读者展示了她妈妈的 broken English。所以答案选 A。 答案:A 49. In what way was the author influenced by her mother? A. Her mother helped her draft her writing. B. Her mother greatly shaped her writing. C. Her mother’s language ability inspired her. D. Her mother’s language almost ruined her life. 解析:文中提及,作者脑海中的读者是她妈妈“The reader I decided upon was my mother”; 作者用所有学到的英语写书,“I began to write stories using all the English I grew up with; theEnglish I spoke to my mother……”所以说作者的母亲极大地改变了作者的写作。所以答 案选择 B。A 选项错误,作者的母亲没有帮助作者起草原稿只是阅读了原稿。C 选项错误, 启迪了作者的是“herintent, her passion , her imagery, the rhythms of her speech and the nature ofher thoughts”并不是作者母亲的语言能力。D 选项错误,文中提及“limitingmy possibilities in life”但没有毁了作者的一生。 答案:B 50. What can be learned from the passage? A. The author’s writing retells what happened to hermother. B. American language ability tests are unfair toChinese immigrants. C. The author finds it impossible to describe hermother’s language. D. The author feels lucky to have inherited culturefrom her mothers. 解析:由原文知,作者的故事“these were stories about mothers”所以这是关于母亲们的 故事,而不是复述她的母亲身上发生了什么,A 选项错误。B 选项主观臆断,作者说了语言 测试不能够展示人内在的本质,但没有说语言能力测试对中国移民不公平。C 选项错误,作 者认为最好的描述她母亲的语言的就是“broken English”。答案 D 正确。 答案:D 第四部分 任务型阅读(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单 词。注意:每个空格只填一个单词。 What can we learn from Amish people? Many people think of the Amishas living without. These devout communities, predominantly located inPennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana, go without cars, TVs, computers, phones or eventhe electricity needed to run so much of 21st century gadgetry. But whatresearchers who have studied them have found is what the Amish have a surplusof: good health in late life. The average American life expectancy is currentlyjust under 79 years. Back in 1900, it was only 47, but for early-20th centuryAmish it was already greater than 70. Over the decades, most Americans havecaught up in overall life expectancy, but the Amish still have a significant edgein late-life health, with lower rates of cancer, cardiovascular disease,diabetes and more. So how do they do it? Start with lifestyle. Amishcommunities are agrarian, with no modern farm equipment, meaning all the workhas to be done by hand. In 2004, the American College of Sports Medicine fittedAmish volunteers with pedometers to determine how much physical activity theyperformed. The results were dramatic. Amish men took 18,425 steps a day andwomen 14,196 steps, compared with non-Amish people who are encouraged bydoctors to shoot for at least 10,000 steps-and typically fail. Including otherforms of manual labor-lifting, chopping, sowing, planting-the Amish are sixtimes as active as a random sample of people from 12 countries. One result of this is that only 4% of Amish people are obese, compared with 36.5% ofthe overall US population. Amish children are about one-third as likely asnon-Amish to be obese, according to a 2012 study in PLOS One. This means 50%lower rates of Type 2 diabetes. The near absence of tobacco inthe Amish community-some men do smoke cigars--results in a 63%lower rate of tobacco-related cancers, according toa 2004 study of Ohio's Amish population. The Amish also had rates of allcancers that were 40% lower than therest of the Ohio population. Cardiovascular disease is onearea in which the Amish don't have an edge, with blood-pressure andheart-disease rates slightly higher than those of other populations. Some ofthis might be attributed to the Amish diet, which is heavy on pancakes, eggsand sausage for breakfast, and meat, potatoes, gravy and bread for dinner.Working the farm can burn off those calories, but all the fat and salt andcarbs still have a bad effect. The most powerful weapon inthe Amish long-life arsenal, however, may be genes. The Amish population in theUS is about 318,000, descended from just 200 families that immigrated in the1700s. They mostly marry within their own communities, which means the genesthat existed when their ancestors got to America have remained. That can be adangerous thing if bad genes are hidden in the mix but a good thing if thegenes are sound. While no community is without genetic problems, the Amish seemto have gotten a lucky draw. In a study released lastNovember, researchers announced the discovery of a gene in an Amish communitythat seemed to be associated with an average life span 10% longer than that of people without the gene. While much of the Amishadvantage is unique to the Anish themselves, there is one long-life lesson onthey can teach everyone else. Almost all elderly people in the Amish communityare cared for at home, by relatives. This isn't always realistic or possible inthe non-Amish world, but when it is, it plays huger health dividends thanmedicine does. What can we learn from Amish people? 解析:51.根据第一段第 5,6 两行可以判断出,Amish 人的寿命比美国人要长,用 outlive。 52.第一段倒数第二行,合成词 late-life 言下之意是 Amish 人年老的时候健康状况比较 好。 53.原词重现,第二段第二行 all the work has to be done by hand。 54.固定搭配,对 Amish 有利的一些因素,应该是 factorsin one’s favor。 55.词性转换,第二段第三行,much physical activity 所以应该是 physically active。 56.总结概括,这个单词是对第三段的总结概括, various forms of manual labor 确保他们 肥胖率比较低。 57.第四段第一句,是 thenear absence of tobacco 这个与 less 和 little 是属于否定层面的 同义替换。 58.第六段整段的内容都在讲 Amish 只在内部通婚,所以用这种方式保持基因的纯正, keep sth pure。 59.总结概括题,根据第 5 段描述 Amish 的饮食,低脂肪,低盐,可知,Amish 的饮食包 含的脂肪和盐比较少,用 contain。 60.固定搭配,家庭之间的友爱超过了药物的治疗作用,超过用 go beyond。 答案:51. survived/outlived 52. old/aging 53. favor/favour/interest(s) 54. farm/work/labor/labour 55. physically 56. ensure/guarantee 57.Little/Less 58. keep 59. containing 60. above/beyond 第五部分 书面表达(满分 25 分) 61.请认真阅读下面这幅图片及相关文字,并按照要求用英语写一篇 150 词左右的文章。 写作内容: 1.用约 30 个单词概述图片和文字的主要内容; 2.用约 120 个单词阐述你的观点,内容包括: (1)对“设立家规”这一做法的认识(至少两点); (2)请列举一条你家的家规以及你对它的理解。 写作要求: 1.写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句; 2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称; 3.不必写标题。 评分标准: 内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。 解析:略。 答案: Due to their child’s lying aboutthe exam, a couple have a thorough discussion and decide to list some familyrules, which they think will help regulate his behavior. (29 words) Familyrules are an effective tool for motivating and disciplining children. First ofall, under the guidance of family rules, every child in the family will become clear about parents’expectations. In addition, family rules help children understand what behaviorsare acceptable, which can help children learn to observe rules in other places. My family also has a list of familyrules, which apply to not only me but also my parents. For instance, one ofthem is “Pick up after yourself”. We are expected to put away our stuff afterwe are done with it. It enhances household safety and cleanliness, helping medevelop a good habit of keeping clean. So let’s work together to obey the family rules, which can result in a harmonious familyrelationship. (128 words)

