外研版英语五年级下册Module 10 Unit 2课件

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外研版英语五年级下册Module 10 Unit 2课件

Module 10 Unit 2 I’m in New York now. 外研版 五年级下册 Watch the video and learn pet 宠物 speak (动词)说,讲 Look, listen and say. This is my new pet. It speaks English. Hello! Hello! Wow! It speaks Chinese too. Nihao! Nihao! Watch the video and learn words taxi 出租车 building (名词)建筑物 American 美国的;美国人的; 美国人 more更多的(量) 较多的(量)(代词) Dear Mum and Dad, I’m in New York now.① I arrived here yesterday.② I’m very happy. Grandma and Cousin Simon met me at the airport. We took a yellow taxi to their home. New York is very beautiful. There are lots of tall buildings, cars and people. Grandma made Chinese food for me. But I want to try American food. I want to find out more about the US. I will write again soon. Love, Daming 1.Where is Daming now ? 2.When did Daming arrive there?③ 3.Who met Daming at the airport? 4.What food did Grandma make for Daming? Now answer the questions. 1. Where is Daming now ? 2. When did Daming arrive there? 3. Who met Daming at the airport? 4. What food did Grandma make for Daming? His grandma and his cousin Simon. She made Chinese food for him. He is in New York now. He arrived there yesterday. Where, Where, 在哪里 What,What,是什么 When,When, 在何时 Who, who, 你是谁 熟记 “W” 找出课文中的所有动词过去式 arrived met was went made arrive meet is go make What food did Daming want to try? Listen and say. wh wh wr who when write whose what wrong Enjoy the video Listen and say. Then sing. I’m in the sky. I’m flying high. It’s a big exciting world. There’s new food to eat, new people to meet. It’s a big exciting world. I will travel by plane, again and again. It’s a big exciting world. Follow and say. We’re going to have a party. I’m going to sing a song. We’re going to have a party. He’s going to sing a song. I’m going to play a game. We’re going to have a party. He’s going to sing a song. She’s going to play a game. I… I’m going to the zoo this Saturday. I’m going to take bread and juice. There are some funny animals at the zoo. I want to take lots of photos. Do, write and say. Make a plan for the weekend. Then write and tell the class about it. Summary Ø ______ is going to travel? Linda is going to travel. Ø ______ is she going? She is going to Beijing. Ø ______ is she going there? She is going there next year. Ø ______ is she going there? She is going there by high-speed rail. Who Where When How ( ) 1. —____ are you going to? —To the park. A. What B. Where C. When D. How ( ) 2. ____ are you going to do? A. What B. Where C. When D. How ( ) 3. ____ are you going to go there? A. What B. Where C. How B A C Exercise 一、单项选择。 ( ) 4. —____ is going to go with you? —Daming. A. Who B. What C. Where D. When ( ) 5. —____ are you going to the park? —By bus. A. What B. How C. Who D. When A B 二、判断划线部分的读音是(Y)否(N)相同。 ( ) 1. where wheel ( ) 2. who what ( ) 3. write wrong Y N Y 三、情景交际,选择合适的选项补全对话。 A. I arrived here last Friday. B. What food did your uncle make for you? C. Who met you at the airport? D. I’m in Shanghai now. Jack: Where are you now? Tom: ______________ Jack: When did you arrive there? Tom: ______________ Jack: ______________ Tom: My uncle. Jack: ______________ Tom: Dumplings. 掌握字母组合wh,wr在 单词中的发音。 end airport ticket passport building pet American 结束,终止 机场 票 护照 建筑物 宠物 美国人 名词 speak when more nervous safe American 紧张的,情绪不安的 安全的,平安的 说,讲 美国的,美国人的 形容词 在什么时候 更多的(量),较多的(量) 其他 make a list speak English try American food find out travel by plane take a taxi in New York at the airport all right lots of 列一张清单 说英语 尝尝美国食物 发现,弄清 乘飞机旅行 乘出租车 在纽约 在机场 没事,没问题 许多,大量 例句:Where are you going this weekend, Sam? 询问对方将要去哪里的句型:Where are you going (+其他)? 询问对方将在什么时候去某地的句型:When are you going(to)+地点? 例句:When are you going to the airport?

