外研版英语四年级下册Module 4 Unit 2优质课件

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外研版英语四年级下册Module 4 Unit 2优质课件

Unit 2 Will it be hot in Haikou? Module 4 外研版 四年级下册 New words 多云的 It is cloudy today. 天气 What’s the weather like? Let’s sing sunny snow windy cloudy rain weather hotcold How many kinds of weather do you know? Look and guess. What can the robot do? It can talk about weather. Watch the video and answer the questions. 1. Will it be sunny in Beijing? Yes, it will. 2. Will it be sunny in London? No, it won’t. Answer the questions. It will be sunny in Beijing.① It will be cloudy in London. Listen, point and say.1 Listen and say.2 The Weather Tomorrow hot—Haikou cold—Yinchuan rain—Hangzhou snow—Shenyang sunny—Guangzhou windy—Beijing Will it be hot in Haikou?② Yes, it will. The Weather Tomorrow hot—Haikou rain—Hangzhou snow—Shenyan sunny—Guangzho windy—Beijing Will it be cold in Yinchuan? Yes, it will. The Weather Tomorrow cold—Yinchuan hot—Haikou rain—Hangzhou snow—Shenyan g sunny—Guangzho u windy—Beijin g Will it snow in Hangzhou? No, it won’t. It will rain in Hangzhou. The Weather Tomorrow cold—Yinchuan hot—Haikou rain—Hangzhou snow—Shenyan sunny—Guangzhu windy—Beijin Will it rain in Shenyang? No, it won’t. It will snow in Shenyang. The Weather Tomorrow cold—Yinchuan hot—Haikou rain—Hangzhou snow—Shenyang sunny—Guangzhou windy—Beijing Will it be cloudy in Guangzhou? No, it won’t. It will b e sunny in Guangzh ou. The Weather Tomorrow cold—Yinchuan hot—Haikou rain—Hangzhou snow—Shenyang sunny—Guangzhou windy—Beijing Will it be windy in Beijing? Yes, it will. The Weather Tomorrow cold—Yinchuan ü Will it be cold in Yinchuan? ü Will it snow in Hangzhou? ü Will it rain in Shenyang? ü Will it be cloudy in Guangzhou? ü Will it be windy in Beijing? Listen and judge: T or F? Work in pairs. hot—Haikou rain—Hangzhou snow—Shenyang sunny—Guangzhou windy—Beijing Yes, it will. / No, it won’t. cold—Yinchuan Will it be ______ in _______? Try to be a weather reporter. Cities Signs of weather Beijing Hangzhou Guangzhou Haikou Yinchuan Shenyang It will be _______ in _______. Look, match and say. It will be cold tomorrow. 3 It will be snowy tomorrow. It will be windy tomorrow. It will be hot tomorrow. It will ______ tomorrow.rain It will be ______ tomorrow.sunny Will it be windy? Will it be hot? I don’t know. I hope not. Will it be cloudy? Will it be snow? Listen and say. Then chant.4 I hope not. But I don’t know. What will the weather be today? I hope it’s good. And we can play. Watch the video and chant again. Guess and say. Yes, it will. Will it be sunny tomorrow? Will it be hot tomorrow? No, it won’t. 5 Role-play with your classmates. Will it be windy tomorrow? No, it won’t. Will it be _____ tomorrow? Yes, it will. / No, it won’t. Do and say. Make a survey of Saturday plans and tell the class about it. 6 I will fly my kite. I will go swimming. It will be sunny on Saturday. Xiaoyang will fly his kite. Xiaoting will go swimming. Do a survey and then report. Names Activities Caicai Lulu Feifei ... have a picnic go swimming run in the park ... It will be sunny on Saturday. Caicai will have a picnic. Lulu will go swimming... Homework 1. 熟记并听写关于天气的英文单词。 2. 用本单元所学句型播报天气预报。 3. 完成《创优作业100分》Module 4 Unit 2 的练习题。 名词: picnic野餐 weather天气 形容词: cloudy多云的great太好了,好极了 动词: fly飞take带,拿 其他: because因为why为什么 so所以 on Saturday 在星期六 in London 在伦敦 take your kite 带着你的风筝 take your ball 带着你的球 Why not 为什么不 have a picnic 去野餐 询问对方是否将要做某事的句型: Will you take your kite? 你将会带着你的风筝吗? 计划或者打算做某事的句型: On Saturday we’re going to have a picnic! 星期六我们将去野餐!

