八年级上英语课件《Do you want to watch a game show》 (15)_人教新课标

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八年级上英语课件《Do you want to watch a game show》 (15)_人教新课标

Unit 5 A: 1a-1c Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? Free talk u Do you like watching TV? u What's your favorite TV show? How many kinds of TV shows do you know? Look at the picture and answer: What kind of TV show is it? s 体育节目 s 脱口秀 Tell it like it is 《实话实说》 n. 新闻节目; 新闻 s 知识竞赛类节目 Quiz Show《开心辞典》 s n. 情景喜剧 s 肥皂剧 fashion shows • cartoon 动画片 • hope English希望英语 Culture China Chinese cooking • Animal World Man and Nature Same Song Weather Report 中央电视台新闻 晚间新闻 世界报道 天气预报 体育新闻 实话实说 肥皂剧 中国好声音 情景喜剧 人与自然 Sports News CCTV News Evening Report World’s Report Weather Report Soap Opera Sitcom Tell it like it is The Voice of China Man and Nature game show sports show sitcom soap opera talk show What does Mark think of TV shows? Mark loves game shows. He likes sports shows. But he doesn’t like soap operas. He doesn’t mind sitcoms. He can’t stand talk shows. What do these faces mean? Love like don’t mind don’t like can’t stand What do you think of sitcoms? I love them . What do you think of talent shows? I like them . What do you think of soap operas? I can’t stand them. What do you think of sports shows? I don’t like them. What do you think of news? I don’t mind it. What do you think of ...? I like ... I love ... I can’t stand ...(无法忍受) I don’t mind ...(不介意,不反对) I don’t like ... Match the TV shows with the pictures [a-g].1a 1. talk show ___ 2. soap opera ___ 3. sports show ___ 4. sitcom ___ 5. game show ___ 6. talent show ___ 7. news ___ de b c a g f __ talent show __ talk show __ soccer game __ news Listen and number the shows [1-4] in the order you hear them. 1b 1 2 3 4 A: What do you think of…S? B : I … them . A: What do you want to watch? Sports shows News Soap operas Talk shows Sitcoms Talent shows Mary likes loves doesn’t mind likes can’t stand doesn’t like Alan loves likes doesn’t like likes loves doesn’t mind Sports shows News Soap operas Talk shows Sitcoms Talent shows Mary Alan likes loves doesn’t mind likes can’t stand doesn’t like loves likes likesdoesn’t like loves doesn’t mind A:What does MaryAlan think of ……? B:SheHe …… them. Øwant to sth. 想要做某事 ØWhat do you think of 相当于How do you like, 意为询问对某事的看法。 Exercise: (一)根据汉语,写出英语。 1.认为,想到 ________ 2.游戏节目 ________ 3.才艺展示节目 ________ 4.不能忍受 ________ 5.不介意 ________ think of game show talent show can't stand don't mind (二)汉翻英 1.你认为脱口秀怎么样? _____ do you____ _____ ____ _____ ? 2.我无法忍受。太令人厌烦了。 I_______ ______ it. It’s too boring. What think of talk shows can't stand Homework : 1.Recite the new words . 2. Write down the names of more TV shows. (at least 5). Thank you ! Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? 2a Listen to Lin Hui and Sally’s conversation. Number the TV shows [1-5]in the order you hear them ______ sitcoms ______ news ______ game shows ______ talk shows ______ soap opera 1 2 3 4 5 2b Listen again. Complete the sentences. 1. Sally likes to watch . 2. Lin Hui thinks she can learn from sitcoms. 3. Sally thinks are more educational than sitcoms. 4. Sally loves . She plans to watch Days of Our Past . • 1.educational adj. 有教育意义的 education n. • This is an educational movie. • 2.plan v. n. 计划 • 3.hope v. n.希望 • I hope to relax at home. • 4.find out 查明 • Let us find out the truth. • • 5.discussion n.讨论 discuss v. • He is having a discussion with his friends about his plan. • 6.happen v.发生 • I want to know what happens next. • 7.may v. 可能 • I may be late tomorrow. • 8.expect v. 预料;期待 • I expect good news. • I expect to visit Beijing. • 9.joke n. 笑话 • He likes telling jokes. • 3a Make a conversation and then practice it with a partner. • A: What do you plan to watch on TV tonight? • B: I hope to ___________________, but I also want to ______________. How about you? Do you ____________ a talk show or __________? • A: Oh, I want to ____________________. watch a talk show watch a game show want to watch a game show watch a talk show Language Points 1.Do you plan to watch the news tonight? 你今晚打算看新闻吗? plan vt. & vi.计划, 打算,常用搭配为 plan 还可作名词,如:make plans 制定计划 according to plan 根据计划。 例如: I plan to go swimming tomorrow. It is better for you to make plan for your future. plan to do sth 计划做某事 2. Do you want to join me? 你想要加入我吗? 1) want vt. 意为“需要;想要”。 I want a sweater. 我需要一件毛衣。 The boy wants to go to Taiyuan. 那个小男孩想去太原。 want + n 想要…… want to do sth 想要做某事 e.g. If you want to be respected, please learn to respect others first. 如果你想别人尊重你,就请先尊重别人。 want sb to do sth 想让某人干某事…… I want her to go to a movie with me. 我想让她和我去看电影。 3. What do you think of game shows? 1) What do you think of ...? “你认为······ 怎么样?” 谈论对某事物的喜好程度, 可选择的回答有: I like it./I don't mind it./I don't like it./ I can't stand it./I like it very much./I love it./ It's beautiful./They're fantastic. 2) think “想, 考虑, 思索”(v. 动词) 可以和许多 介词搭配, 组成新的意思。 think of “考虑”; “有······的看法”, 有时等同于 think about. e.g. What does he think of Beijing Opera? 他对京剧有什么看法? My mother always thinks of everything! 我妈妈总是想到所有的东西。 e.g. Mr. Black thinks highly of his son. 布莱克先生对他儿子评价甚高。 think about “考虑” (指计划, 观念, 看它是否 相宜、可行) e.g. He is thinking about going to China. 他正在考虑去中国。 think highly of sb. /sth. 对某人或某物评价甚高 4. I don’t mind them. 我不介意他们。 mind: 介意; 在乎; 反对。其后接名词或v-ing 形式或从句作宾语,常用于疑问句、否定句、 条件句中。 (表示请求或征求意见) e.g. Would you mind opening the door? e.g. Do you mind my dog? Would you mind doing …? Do you mind …? 5. I can’t stand it! 我不能忍受它/我受不了它! stand 1)“站, 站立” e.g. Stand up! 起立 2) “顺利接受; 忍耐、忍受” (多用于 否定句、疑问句) , 后可接动名词。 e.g. I can’t stand the movie! It is too boring! Mary couldn't stand the hot weather. Can you stand the pain? 你忍受得了疼吗? I can’t stand waiting any longer. I can’t stand your being treated like that. I don’t like them. I like to watch cross talk. No ,I don’t . I can expect to learn something about our country from the news. Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? Survey: ØDo you like watching movies? ØDo you know the kinds of movies? Which kind do you like best? Why ? The kinds of the movies: action movie ['ækən] 动作片 comedy [ kmədɪ] 喜剧 cartoon Scary movie 恐怖片 Other kinds of movies: science fiction 科幻电影 documentary 纪录片 [dkju mentərɪ] romance 爱情片 war movie 战争片 Beijing opera 京剧 educational relaxing educational relaxing boring meaningless serious exciting enjoyable exciting wonderful boring 1b Listen and circle the description words you hear in the box in 1a. educational serious wonderful relaxing meaningless enjoyable exciting boring John Mary Action movies exciting Scary movie Game shows sitcoms Talk shows 1c Listen again. Write down the words John and Mary use to describe the TV shows or movies. exciting meaningless meaningless relaxing relaxing enjoyable boring boring wonderful 1d Tell your partner what John and Mary like to watch and why. Then tell your partner what you like to watch and why. John wants to watch talk shows because they’re enjoyable. Ilike to watch action movies because they’re exciting. 2a Discuss the following questions with a partner. 1.Do you like to watch cartoons? 2.What is your favorite cartoon? 3.Why do you like it? When people say “culture”, we think of art and history. But one very famous symbol in American culture is a cartoon. We all know and love the black mouse with two large round ears-Mickey Mouse. Over 80 years ago, he first appeared in the cartoon Steamboat Willie. 2b Read the passage and complete the time line on the next page. When this cartoon came out in New York on November 18, 1928, it was the first cartoon with sound and music. The man behind Mickey was Walt Disney. He became very rich and successful. In the 1930s, he made 87 cartoons with Mickey. Some people might ask how this cartoon animal became so popular. One of the main reasons is that Mickey was like a common man, but he always tried to face any danger. In his early films, Mickey was unlucky and had many problems such as losing his house or girlfriend, Minnie. However, he was always ready to try his best. People went to the cinema to see the “little man” win. Most of them wanted to be like Mickey. On November 18, 1978, Mickey became the first cartoon character to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Today’s cartoons are usually not so simple as little Mickey Mouse, but everyone still knows and loves him. Who has a pair of ears more famous than Mickey’s? 课文翻译 • 当人们说到“文化,”我们就会想到 艺术和历史。但是美国文化里的一个有名 的标志是卡通。我们都知道而且喜欢黑色 的带着两只圆耳朵的老鼠 - 米老鼠。80多 年前,它第一次出现在Steamboat WIllie (威利蒸汽船的电影)里。 当这个卡通在1928年11月18 日出现在纽约的时候,它是第一 部没有声音没有音乐的卡通。米 老鼠背后的男人是Walt Disney。 他变得很有钱很成功。在20世纪 30年代,他用米老鼠为题材制作 了87部卡通。 一些人可能会问这个卡通动物怎 么这么受欢迎。一个主要原因是米 老鼠就像一个普通人,但是他经常 努力面对任何的危险。在他早期电 影里,米老鼠很不幸而且有很多问 题譬如丢了房子 丢了女朋友 米妮。 但是,他一直准备好尽最大的努力。 人们去电影院看“小人物”成功。 他们中的大多数想要成为米老鼠。 在1978年11月18日,米老鼠 成了好莱坞星光大道上的第一 个卡通形象的明星。现在的卡 通不像米老鼠这么简单,但是 人们仍然知道和喜爱它。谁有 一对比米老鼠更有名的耳朵? November 18, 1978 Steamboat Willie came out in New York Over 80 years ago he made 87 cartoons with Mickey. Mickey became the first cartoon character to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame 1930s 2c Read the passage again and fill in the facts about Mickey. Mickey Mouse What does he look like? Who created him? What was his first cartoon? Who is his girlfriend? Why is he popular? A black mouse with two large round ears-Mickey Walt Disney Steamboat Willie Minnie Mickey was like a common man, but he always tried to face any danger. 2d Read the passage again and discuss the questions with a partner. 1. What is Mickey Mouse a symbol of? What cartoon character is a symbol of Chinese culture? American culture. Ne Zha. 2. Do you think Walt Disney is a smart man? Why or why not? Do you want to be like him? Yes , I think so . Because his cartoon is famous all over the world. Yes ,I do. 3. Why did people want to be like Mickey? Do you want to be like Mickey? Why or why not? Because it is like a common man, but he always tried to face any danger. Yes , I do. Because I want to try my best to live. 4. Can you think of another cartoon character that is as famous as Mickey? Why is the character popular? Sun Wukong. Because he can face every problem in his life and win at last. 2e Underline the following phrases in the passage. Write your own sentences or questions using the phrases. think of come out one of the main reasons such as was ready to more than just Pair work Language points 1.I like to find out what different people think about a subject. 我想找出不同人对同一个主题的看法。 此句中的“ find out” 用作及物动词短语, 常表达找出答案,弄明真相,查明情况等 意思。如: Please find out when the train leaves. 请查一下火车什么时候离站。 表示“寻找,找出等近义词还有“ look for , find” 1)look for “寻找”指有目的地找。强调“寻找” 的过程。 e.g. What are you looking for? 你在找什么? (强调找的过程) 2) find vt. “找” 强调找的结果。 e.g. I looked for my book everywhere, but I didn’t find it. (结果是没找到) 2. What is your favorite cartoon? 你最喜欢的卡通片是什么? “ what’ s your favorite…? 是用来询问对方 最喜爱事物是什么。其同义句为“ what… do you like best? 回答用: My favorite book is … 或是 I like …best. e.g. --what’s your favorite book? = what book do you like best? -- My favorite book is Snow White. 或是 I like Snow White best. 3. When people say “culture”, we think of art and history. 当人们提起文化时,我们就 会想到艺术和历史。 think of 有考虑;想起;有…想法;对…有 意见 等意思。在该句中应理解为“ 想起, 想到”。例如: Does the poem make you think of spring? 这首诗有没有让你想到春天? How many stars can you think of? 你能想到多少明星? 4. When this cartoon came out in New York on November 18, 1928, it was the first cartoon with sound and music. 当这部动画片于1928 年11月18 问世于纽约 时,它成为第一部带有音乐的动画片。 “ come out” 在本句中译为“ 出版” 引申为 “ 问世”。此外还有:出来,(花)开出来之意。 e.g. The book comes out this week. 该书本周上市。 Oh, look! The sun's coming out! 噢,看!太阳出来啦! 5. One of the main reasons is that Mickey was like a common man, but he always tried to face any danger. 一个主要原因是米奇看似一个普通人,但 他总是尝试应对任何危险。 one of …后跟可数名词复数,表示…之一。 其后的谓语动词用单数。 e.g. One of my favorite movies is Mr. Bean. 我最喜欢的电影之一是憨豆先生。 One of my best friends is Ann. 安是我最好的朋友之一。 6. However, he was always ready to try his best. 然而, 他总是做好尽全力的准备。 1) be ready to do sth 准备做某事 get ready to do sth 与之同义,但前者强 调状态,后者强调动作。 e.g. Are you ready to start? 你准备好了吗? Please get ready to start. 请作好开始的准备。 2) Try one’s best 尽某人最大的努力 其后跟动词不定式形式,即: try one’s best to do sth. e.g. Don't give up. Just try your best. 不要放弃。只管尽你最大的努力。 Come on!Just try your best to let your dream come true. 加油!尽最大的努力去实现你的梦想吧。 7. People went to the cinema to see the “little man” win. 人们去电影院是为了看这个“ 小人儿” 赢。 go to the cinema 也可译为“ 看电影”类似 表达如下: go to movies go to a movie go to see a movie. 8. Today’s cartoons are usually not so simple as little Mickey Mouse. 现在的卡通片通常不像米老鼠那样简单。 此句中not so… as 结构表示“ 不像……那 样……; 不如……这么……”。又如: It wasn’t so good as last time. 这次不如上次好。 It is not so easy as you’d think. 这不像你想的那样简单。 9. She dresses up like a boy and takes her father’s place to fight in the army. 她女扮男装,替父上战场打仗。 1) dress up “盛装打扮、乔装打扮”。 e.g. I’d like you to dress up for my birthday party tonight. 今晚我希望你为我的生日派对打扮打扮。 Young kids often dress up and have fun at Halloween. 万圣节前夜,小孩子通常都 乔装打扮,玩得很开心。 2)take one’s place 取代某人的位置,顶替。 e.g. Nam believes that no one can take Kin's place in her heart. 家岚相信,在她的内心世界里没有人可 以取代陆坚。 10. They did a good job in the movie. 他们在电影中表演出色。 do a good job 好好干;干得好; 干得出色 e.g. I'm sure you can do a better job next time. 我相信你下次会干得更好。 You've done a good job of it. 你干得太漂亮了! famous • famous adj. 著名的, 出名的 famous同义词是well-known,反义词是 unkown。famous除了可以放在名词前作 定语外还可以作表语,常见以下结构: (1)be famous for表示某人以某种知识 技能或特征出名,或以某种特产而出名, 意为 “因为…出名” The area is famous for its green tea.这个 地区以绿茶而出名。 might与may辨析 • might与may表可能性,有“或许、可能”之意可 以换用,但might表示较多的怀疑、更加不肯定、 语气更委婉。 • He may/might be English.他可能是英国人。 • They may/might have a lot of work to do.他们可能 有许多工作要做。 • 表示许可或征询对方许可时,疑问句常用may。 • May I watch TV after supper?晚饭后我可以看电视 吗? • He said that I might use the telephone.他说我可以 用电话。 二、翻译 1. 你喜欢什么样的电影? 喜剧。 What ____ of ________ do you like? I like comedies. 2. 他不喜欢京剧, 因为京剧太没意思了。 He ______ like Beijing Opera, because ___ is very _______. kind movies doesn’t boringit 3. 他是我最喜欢的演员, 我认为他很 出色。 He is my _______ actor. I ______ he is ______. 4. 她认为喜剧很有趣, 所以经常和朋友 去看喜剧。 She ________ comedies are very ______, so she _____ ______ to see comedies ______ her friends. favorite think great thinks funny often goes with 三.单项选择 1. What do you ________ do? A. want B. want to C. like D. to like 2. My grandfather ________ stay ________ home and watch TV. A. like, at B. like, in C. likes to, at D. likes to, in 3.________ kind of movies ________ Lucy like? A.What, does B.What, do C.What’s, does D.Which, do B C A 4.________ a word, we can learn a lot ________ Chinese history. A.For, for B.In, about C.For, about D.In, for 5. Gina likes action movies, ________ she doesn’t like thrillers. A.and B.so C.or D.but 6. September is ________ month of the year. A.nineth B.ninth C.the nineth D.the ninth B D D 7.I don’t like action movies. I think they’re ________. A.boring B.difficult C.interesting D.exciting 8.— How is the new movie? — It is ________. A.well B.thriller C.young D.exciting A D action comes from about played fantastic like shows want plan Homework S1 S2 Why action movies comedies Cartoons Scary movies Beijing Opera 2. Make a survey and then make a report. 1. Write your movie review using the notes in 3b. 3. Write a movie review about your favorite movie. Unit 4 Self check 名词:sitcom, news, soap opera, comedy, action movie, cartoon, 动词:plan, hope, happen, expect 形容词:educational, meaningful, famous, rich, successful 短语:find out, be ready to, dress up, take one's place, do a good job 中央电视台新闻 晚间新闻 世界报道 天气预报 体育新闻 实话实说 肥皂剧 人与自然 情景喜剧 Sports News CCTV News Evening Report World’s Report Weather Report Soap Opera Sitcom Tell it like it is Man and Nature 1. Write questions and answers using the words in brackets. 1. A: ______________________________ B: ______________________________ Q = Question A = Answer Q: what / think of /soap operas A: can’t stand What do you think of soap operas? I can’t stand them. Q: what show / want to watch / tonight A: talent show 2. A:____________________________________ B:_____________________________________ Q: what / except to learn / game show A: interesting information 3. A:____________________________________ B:_____________________________________ What show do you want to watch tonight? I want to watch talent show. What do you expect to learn from game show? I hope to learn some interesting information. Q: what / hope to watch / tomorrow A: news Q: do / plan to watch / action movie A: no / plan to watch / comedy 4. A:____________________________________ B:_____________________________________ 5. A:____________________________________ B:_____________________________________ What do you hope to watch tomorrow? I hope to watch the news. Do you plan to watch action movie? No, I plan to watch comedy. 2 which of these statements do you agree with ( √ ) or disagree with ( ⅹ)? Give at least one reason by yourself. 1. I think game shows are meaningless. ( ) 2. I can’t stand soap operas. ( ) 3. I think sitcoms and talent shows are relaxing. ( ) 4. I love talk shows. ( ) 5. I think comedies are fantastic. ( ) √ ⅹ √ ⅹ ⅹ

