八年级上英语课件写作素养提升练_牛津译林版 (1)

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八年级上英语课件写作素养提升练_牛津译林版 (1)

写作素养提升练 安徽译林版八年级上 本单元的话题为“学校生活”,要求写作有关 “学校生活”的短文。在写作时,可先总体介绍学校的 环境;其次介绍学校生活,如:上课时间、自己的爱好、 作业及课外活动等情况;最后,用一两句话发表一下自 己的感想,结束全文。 写作时主要用第三人称单数和第一人称,故要注 意运用动词的适当形式。在写作时主要用一般现在时。 同时要注意条理清晰,避免句式单一。 安徽译林版八年级上 请根据中文提示以“ My ideal school” 为题,写一篇 80 词左右的短文。 内容提示:学校又大又漂亮,校园里有许多树和花 儿。早上9 点上课,我们没有许多家庭作业,有很多时 间进行课外活动…… 要求: 语言流畅,条理清晰,书写工整。 My ideal school ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 【思路构建】 步骤 构思 列纲 1 环境描写 big, beautiful, trees, flowers 2 理想的学校 生活 school begins at 9:00, play football, sing, join some clubs, not have much homework 3 结尾点题 This is my ideal school. My ideal school My ideal school is very big and beautiful. There are many trees and flowers in it. I don’t like getting up early, so my ideal school begins at 9:00 in the morning. I like playing football and singing, so I want to have more time to play on the playground and join some clubs. There are about 20 students in my ideal class. We don’t have much homework 【精彩范文】 to do and we have enough time for our after-school activities. This is my ideal school. choose, vacation, discuss, offer, ideal, finish 【单词】 get up, have sports, after-school activities, lots of, play with 【短语】 My ideal school starts at...and finishes at... We have an hour for ... I have...because I think ...is very interesting. We have lots of .... Every ..., we go on a school trip. 【句型】 假如你是Angela,你的美国网友Linda 想了解你的 学校生活。请你根据以下提示,写一封电子邮件,描述 一下你的学校生活。词数80 左右。 1. 在一所混合学校读书,在八年级; 2. 所有科目中最喜欢物理,学习物理是件乐事; 3. 学校有读书周,你从家里带的书是班上最多的。阅读 课上,同学们常常相互讨论这些书; 4. 课外活动较多,家庭作业较少,每年都会外出旅游 一次,玩得很开心。 Dear Linda, How are you? I’m glad to tell you something about my school life. _______________________________________________ Yours, Angela ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Dear Linda, How are you? I'm glad to tell you something about my school life. I study in a mixed school. I'm in Grade 8. Of all the subjects,I like physics best. It's fun to learn it. There is a reading week in our school. I bring the most books from home in my class. In the reading class, we often discuss the ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ books with each other. There are more afterschool activities but less homework. We go on a school trip every year. We always have fun. Yours, Angela

