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Unit 4 What's the best movie theater? 单元阅读清 一、完形填空。 根据短文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。 Dear Linda, You asked about places to go and things to do in town. The Downtown Mall is always __1__. It's a __2__ place in the oldest part of town. There are some good stores and restaurants. __3__,Trendy Clothes Store is in Downtown Mall. It's a fun place to shop,and it has the __4__ clothes. The shop assistants (店员) are friendly __5__ people. My favorite __6__ in town is Nick's Restaurant. It is close to my house. It's cheap and the hamburgers there are great. I like Dragon City Restaurant,__7__. You can eat wonderful noodles there and the beef noodles are the most delicious! You must try the dumplings there, too! But it's more expensive than Nick's. The Big Cinema is the best cinema in town. It has the biggest screens and the most __8__ seats. The Del Ray Complex is also a good place to see movies. The Del Ray Complex doesn't have __9__ movies,but the tickets are the cheapest. Anyway,there are lots of things to do and to see there. Come for a __10__ soon! Love, Jenny 1.A.bad B.fun C.boring D.expensive 2.A.fishing B.skating C.reading D.shopping 3.A.So that B.For example C.As for D.In fact 4.A.better B.best C.worse D.worst 5.A.with B.for C.to D.at 6.A.school B.restaurant C.hospital D.park 7.A.too B.also C.either D.both 8.A.dangerous B.comfortable C.important D.boring 9.A.the newer B.newer C.newest D.the newest 10.A.visit B.see C.walk D.dinner B D B B C B A B D A 二、阅读理解。 根据短文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中选择一个正确答案。 PeterI live in Beijing, the capital (首都) of China. It's a big city, and there are many big cinemas. I often go to the movies during (在……期间) my summer vacation because there are usually many new films on. My favorite cinema is the one at Joy City. It's big and has comfortable seats.JohnMy hometown is a small village near Changchun, Jilin Province. There is a big river in my village. When I was young, I often swam in it. But now my parents tell me not to do that anymore because the water isn't clean as before. Luckily, there is going to be a gym (体育馆) in my hometown next month. Then I can go swimming in it.AmyI live in a town near Shanghai. Although my town is small, there are many clothes stores. I usually go shopping with my friends at the weekend. There is a big clothes store near my home.But the clothes in it are very expensive, so I seldom (很少) buy things there. My favorite clothes store is the one near my school. Its service is the best and the clothes are cool and cheap. 11.Where does Peter live? A.In Shanghai. B.In Beijing. C.In a town near Shanghai. D.In a village near Changchun. 12.Why does Peter like the cinema at Joy City? A.Because its service is the best. B.Because it's big and has comfortable seats. C.Because it's close to his house. D.Because it has the biggest screens. B B 13.Why doesn't John swim in the river now? A.Because it's cold. B.Because it's dangerous. C.Because he grows up. D.Because the water isn't clean. 14.When does Amy usually go shopping? A.At the weekend. B.After school. C.On Friday. D.During the summer vacation. D A 15.What are the clothes in Amy's favorite clothes store like? A.They are expensive. B.They are beautiful but big. C.They are cool and cheap. D.They are cheap but bad. C

