安徽省初中英语七年级上册Unit1MynamesGina单元固基提能课件 人教新目标版

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安徽省初中英语七年级上册Unit1MynamesGina单元固基提能课件 人教新目标版

单元固基提能 Unit 1 My name's Gina. 1.误: My name is Green Jim. 正: My name is Jim Green. 【易错警示】英语中名和姓的顺序与汉语不 同, 是名在前, 姓在后。Jim是名, Green是姓, 因此, 正确的顺序应该是Jim Green。 2.误: —Are you Helen?   —Yes, I'm. 正: —Are you Helen?   —Yes, I am. 【易错警示】在一般疑问句的简单回答中, 肯定 回答时, 代词都不能与am, is, are缩写, 故此处的 I'm应改为I am。 3.误: —Are you Mr. Smith?   —Yes, you are. 正: —Are you Mr.Smith?   —Yes, I am. 【易错警示】该句是主语为第二人称单数的一 般疑问句, 意为“你是……吗? ”回答时要转换成 第一人称。故用“Yes, I am.”作答。 4.误: I'm in No. 4 middle school. 正: I'm in No. 4 Middle School. 【易错警示】当普通名词变成专有名词时, 单词 的第一个字母要大写。也就是说, 当表明具体中 学的名称时, middle school两个单词的第一个 字母要大写。 5.误: My phone number are 568-6403. 正: My phone number is 568-6403. 【易错警示】My phone number作主语是单数, 相当于it, 所以be动词用is。 6.误: This is your a ruler. 正: This is your ruler. 【易错警示】若名词前用形容词性物主代词时, 则不能再用冠词(an, a, the)或指示代词(this, that, these, those等)修饰。 根据汉语意思完成句子。 1. 我的名字是汤姆·史密斯。 . 2. 辛迪在第6中学。 .Cindy is in No. 6 Middle School. My name is Tom Smith. 3. 她的电话号码是476-6458。 . 4. 这是你的一支钢笔。 .This is your pen. Her telephone number is 476-6458. ( )5. —Are you Jenny?  —______. A. Yes, I'm     B. Yes, you are C. Yes, I am D. Yes, you're C 考点一: 辨析not与no Ⅰ. 用not或no填空。 1. —Is she Li Dan?  — , she isn't. 2. It's red. It's green. 3. His name is Jim. 4. This is a cup. 5. There is(有) milk(牛奶) in the glass. No not not not no Ⅱ. 单项填空。 ( )1. —Excuse me. Are you Lin Tao? —________, I'm ________. A. No; no B. No; not C. Not; no D. Not; not B ( )2. His last name is ______ Smith. It's Green. A. / B. no C. not D. a C ( )3. There are ________ oranges in the fridge(冰箱). A. not B. not a C. no a D. no D 考点二: 辨析a, an与the Ⅰ. 单项填空。 ( )1. This is ______ ruler in English. A. a B. an C. the D. / A ( )2. (2019·广东中考)______ Great Wall is one of the seven wonders around the world. A. The B. A C. An D. / A 看 选 项 ( )3. (2019·四川眉山中考)—Do you know how to spell ______ word "expensive" in English? —Yes. It begins with ______ "e". A. the; a B. the; an C. a; an D. the; the B 看 选 项 Ⅱ. 用a, an或the填空, 不需要冠词的地方填"/"。 1. —What color is it?  —It's black. 2. —What's this in English? —It's map. / a 3. There is "o" in "orange". 4. It's pen and pen is blue. 5. —Is this jacket? —No, it's quilt. an a a a the 考点三: 辨析one与first 用one或first填空。 1. —What's and eight? —It's nine. 2. Li Na's name is Na. 3. My telephone number is , three, nine, seven, double two, zero, five, three, four, six. 4. This is my pen. one first one first Ⅰ. 完形填空。 I am a new student in Class Five. 1 name is Gina Green. My 2 name is Green and my first name is 3 . B( )1. A. I B. My C. I'm D. Her ( )2. A. family B. card C. first D. middle ( )3. A. Alan B. Linda C. Green D. Gina A D I am very happy to 4 two good friends here. One is a boy. 5 name is Jack Smith. The other(另外的) one 6 a girl. C( )4. A. look B. say C. meet D. speak ( )5. A. His B. Her C. My D. He ( )6. A. are B. am C. / D. is A D Her name is Linda Brown. Look! 7 is a picture(照片) of my friends 8 me. C( )7. A. Its B. It's C. It D. She ( )8. A. of B. and C. too D. to B Besides(除……之外) Jack, Linda and me, 9 can also see Mary, Jenny and Alan. So there are 10 children in the picture. A( )9. A. you B. she C. he D. I ( )10. A. four B. five C. six D. seven C Ⅱ. 阅读理解。 A Most English people have three names: a first name, a middle name and a family name. For example(例如), my full name is Brian Allan Green. Green is my family name. Brian and Allan are my given names. People don't often use their middle names. So we can say Brian Green and Mr. Green. But we can't say Mr. Brian. It's different(不同的) from Chinese names. In China the family name comes first and the given name comes last. ( )1. In English-speaking countries(讲英语的 国家), the first name is the ______. A. given name B. family name C. middle name D. full name A ( )2. The man's name is John Allan King. You can call(称呼) him ______. A. Mr. John B. Mr. Allan C. Mr. King D. King Allan C ( )3. The teacher's(老师的) name is Mary Joan Read. You can say ______. A. Miss Read B. Mr. Mary C. Miss Joan D. Mr. Read A ( )4. In China, the ______ comes first. A. given name B. family name C. middle name D. full name B B 阅读下面短文, 并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的 词数要求)。 Hello! My name is Zhang Zimu. I am a girl. My last name is Zhang. My first name is Zimu. My English name is Annabel. My telephone number is 523-0895. This is Ji Zihan. Her last name is Ji. Zihan is her first name. Her English name is Wendy. Her phone number is 053-8421. What's your name and phone number? 5. What's Zhang Zimu's last name? (不超过5个词) . 6. What's Zhang Zimu's telephone number? (不超过5个词) . Zhang./Her last name is Zhang. 523-0895./Her telephone number is 523-0895. 7. What's Ji Zihan's English name? (不超过5个词) . 8. What's Ji Zihan's first name? (不超过5个词) . 9. What's Ji Zihan's phone number? (不超过5个词) . Wendy./Her English name is Wendy. Zihan./Her first name is Zihan. 053-8421./Her phone number is 053-8421.

