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冠词 ‎ Part Ⅰ、课前小测 一网打尽 名词练习 ‎ ‎1.将第一栏中单词与后两栏相对应的名词分类连接起来。(如果在第三栏没有相对应的可不连线。)‎ guitar 个体名词 butter 专有名词 ‎ Snow White 集体名词 sleep 可数名词 ‎ flag 物质名词 army 不可数名词 Paris 抽象名词 love ‎ ‎2.写出下列单数名词的复数形式 ‎1.knife _______ 2.orange_________ 3.box _________ 4. cap _______ ‎ ‎5. woman ________ 6. tomato ________ 7. bus _______ 8. hero _________ ‎ ‎9. boy ________ 10. baby _______ 11.roof________ 12.watch_______ ‎ ‎13. photo________ 14.class_______ 15. foot________ 16.house________ ‎ ‎17.pen_______ 18.car________ 19.horse________ 20.shelf_______ ‎ ‎21.radio________ 22.fox.________ 23.dish________ 24.half_________‎ ‎25.deer _________ 26.child________ 27.fish _____‎ ‎3.将下列单词的复数形式改成单数形式 ‎1. wolves ________ 2.doctors_________ 3.cities_______ 4. Chinese _______5.pianos________ 6. thieves______ 7.ears ________ 8.churches________ 9.ladies_______ 10. leaves_______ 11.teeth _________ 12 .zoos________ 13.brushes ________ 14.wives__________ 15.ropes________ 16.men __________ 17.pears __________ 18.monkeys_______‎ ‎4.请从括号里选出正确的答案 ‎1. Please give me (two /two cups of )coffee.‎ ‎2. There are a lot of (sheep /sheeps ) on the farm.‎ ‎3. I’d like some (bread / breads ) and (potato /potatoes).‎ ‎4. Look! There is a (mouse /mice) in the corner.‎ ‎5. He bought (a piece of /a piece ) paper.‎ ‎6. “Where is (Woman’s / Women’s) Room?” asked Susan.‎ ‎7. (The girl’s/The girls’ )hobby is drawing.‎ ‎8. Aunt Lucy sent (a child’s /a children’s ) book to me.‎ Part Ⅱ、精讲精练 ((典型例题 方法指导) ‎ 第4讲 冠词 冠词一般用在名词的前面,对名词起限定作用,不能离开名词单独存在。‎ ‎1、不定冠词a,an用在单数可数名词前面,泛指一类人或物中的任何一个。‎ ‎① a用于辅音音素开头的名词之前。e.g. a bed,a computer,a “U”‎ ‎② an用于元音音素开头的名词之前。 e.g. an egg,an umbrella,an hour ‎ ‎2、定冠词the用在单数或复数可数名词前,也可用在不可数名词前。‎ ‎① 表示特指的人或物前。‎ e.g. The man with a flower in his hand is Jack.‎ ‎② 指说话人双方都知道的人或物前。‎ e.g. Lily, close the door, please.‎ ‎③ 在上文提到过,第二次又提到的人或物前。‎ e.g. There is a man under the tree. The man is called James.‎ ① 表示世界上独一无二的事物前。‎ e.g. The sun is bigger than the moon.‎ ② 用在序数词前面。‎ e.g. It is the first day of the new term.‎ ③ 用在乐器名称前。‎ e.g. He often plays the violin at weekends.‎ ④ 用在形容词最高级前。‎ e.g. Spring is the best season in a year.‎ ⑤ 用在由普通名词构成的专有名词前。‎ e.g. I went to the Great Wall last week.‎ ‎⑨ 用在国家名称的缩写前。‎ e.g. He is from the UK.‎ ‎3、零冠词:名词前不用冠词的情况。‎ ‎ 在季节、月份、星期、节假日、三餐、球类或棋类运动前,通常不用冠词。‎ e.g. have breakfast ,play basketball,play chess 冠词练习 ‎1.在空格内填上a或an ‎1. _____ear 2.______actor 3. _____hen 4. ______toy 5. ______university ‎ ‎6. ______elephant 7. ______hat 8.______umbrella 9.______rabbit 10.______idea ‎11.______hour 12_______ honest boy 13.______interesting book 14.______easy question ‎15.______orange dress 16_______apple pie 17_______X-ray machine 18.______ice cream ‎2.用a,an,the或“/”填空 ‎1.________Washington is _______capital of ________United States of America.‎ ‎2.There is _________”A” on his paper. ‎ ‎3. I ate ______apple .It’s _______red apple.‎ ‎4._______tall man over there is my boss. ‎ ‎5._______earth moves around sun.‎ ‎6.No news is ________good news. ‎ ‎7.Have you visited Great Wall?‎ ‎8.They often play football after school. ‎ ‎9.Children need love and attention. ‎ ‎10.Are there any birds in sky?‎ ‎11. student in the third row is tallest in our class.‎ ‎12.Did you have breakfast this morning? ‎ ‎13.Mr.White will go to Tokyo by air.‎ ‎14.By way,do you know old woman in glasses?‎ ‎3.选择填空 ‎1.Mom tells her little daughter old story every night. ‎ A. a B. / C. an D. the ‎ ‎2. computer on the table is Susan’s. ‎ A. A B. An C. The D. /‎ ‎3.There is map of the world on wall. map is mine.‎ A. a, a, A B. a, the, The C. the, the, The D. the, the, A ‎4. Whites live on floor. ‎ A. /, three B. A, third C. The, third D.The, the third ‎5. Spring comes after winter. ‎ A. /, / B.The, / C.The, the D.A, the ‎6.I bought shoes yesterday. shoes are very beautiful.‎ A. a, The B. a pair of, The C. the, The D. a pair, The pair ‎7.He was soldier in the Second World War. ‎ A. a B. an C. the D. /‎ ‎8.She can play and .‎ A. the tennis, the guitar B. tennis, guitar C. the tennis, guitar D. tennis, the guitar ‎9.I can see moon and clouds in the sky. ‎ A. the, a B. a, a C. the, / D. the, the ‎10. “c” is in “cat.” “s” is in “sat.” ‎ A. An, An B. An, A C. A, A D. A, An ‎11. Tian’anmen Square is in Beijing. ‎ A. /, / B. A, / C. The, / D. /, the ‎12.—Can you tell me nearest bookshop?‎ ‎ —Go straight and turn right at_______third crossing, and you will see it.‎ A. the, a B. the, the C. a, the D. the, /‎ Part Ⅳ、课后作业「consolidation homework工作纸、测试卷」‎ 一.从方框中选出适当的形容词加在下面的名词之前。如有需要,把a换成an或把an换成a。每个词只能用一次。‎ big green empty English difficult chocolate sharp silver honest useful red small ‎·an apple green a green apple ‎ ‎1. a box ‎ ‎2.       a flag ‎ ‎3.a song _ ____ __________________‎ ‎4.       an elephant________ __________ ‎ ‎5.a tool ______________ _____________‎ ‎5.       a room __________ ________ ‎ ‎6.a medal ____________ ________________‎ ‎7.       an ice cream ________ ______ ‎ ‎7. a boy ___________ _______________‎ ‎8.       a knife __________ ____________ ‎ ‎9. a question __________ __________‎ 二.根据中文,写出下列固定搭配的英文。‎ ‎1.拉小提琴______________ ‎ ‎2.总而言之______________ ‎ ‎3.看一看________________ ‎ ‎4.在早上________________ ‎ ‎5.顺便说一下___________ ‎ ‎6.在左边________________‎ ‎7.吃晚餐________________ ‎ ‎8.下棋__________________‎ ‎9.在家_______________ ‎ ‎10.开始时_________‎

