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Unit 3 I'm more outgoing than my sister. 第六课时 Section B (3a4)—单元同步作文指导 本单元以 “ 人物个性特征 ” 为话题,向我们展示了如何谈论人物特征,如何运用比较级来对人物进行比较。具体到书面表达中,要求同学们会根据所学来描写人物之间的相同点和不同点。 教材中出现的相关句型: ① Sam has longer hair than Tom. 萨姆比汤姆的头发长。 ② Tina is taller than Tara.And she also sings more loudly than Tara. 蒂娜比塔拉高。而且她唱歌也比塔拉大声。 ③ Tara works as hard as Tina. 塔拉和蒂娜工作一样努力。 ④ She likes to do the same things as me. 她喜欢和我做相同的事情。 ⑤ She is good at sports. 她擅长运动。 ⑥ Mary and her best friend are both tall. 玛丽和她最好的朋友都很高。 ⑦ I always get better grades than he does. 我总是比他取得更好的成绩。 拓展常用句型: ① In some ways , they look the same.And in some ways , they look different. 在一些方面他们看起来是相同的;在一些方面他们又是不同的。 ② I'm taller now than I was two years ago. 我现在比我两年以前高。 ③ She is talented in music. 她在音乐方面很有天赋。 假如你是 Kate , Mary 是你的好朋友,你们两个各有所长。请你根据以下要点提示,写一篇不少于 70 词的英语短文,简要地介绍一下你们两个人的特点。要点提示: 1 .你比较外向,喜欢唱歌,比你们班里的许多女生唱得都要好;而 Mary 比你更加外向,她在舞蹈方面很有天赋。 2 . Mary 的学习成绩比你的更好一些。她尤其擅长数学,经常帮你学数学。 3 .你比 Mary 更加擅长运动,你们两个打网球时,你总是赢。 My name is Kate.I have a good friend and her name is Mary.We are different in many ways.I'm outgoing and I enjoy singing.I sing better than many of the girls in our class.Mary is more outgoing than me.She is talented in dancing.Mary always gets better grades than me.She is very good at math and often helps me with my math.I'm better at sports than Mary.When we play tennis , I always win. 回忆两年前的你,想想现在的你,看看你有哪些变化。 提示: 1. 可从外貌、性格、学习等方面进行比较; 2 . 70 词左右,可运用对比手法,适当拓展。 Two years ago , I was a primary school student , now I'm a middle school student.I'm taller now , and I am smarter than before.I was quiet two years ago , but now I am more outgoing and more popular.I study harder than before.My Chinese is as good as before , and I do better in math than before.I am a better student now. 本课时其他知识点精讲精练 ► information 意为 “ 信息 ” ,为不可数名词,不能与 a 或 an 连用,无复数形式。表示 “ 一条信息 ” 用 a piece of information 。 eg : You can get much information about the World Expo on the Internet. 你可以从网上获取大量的关于世博会的信息。 一、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。每空一词。 1 .在我的家附近有一所小学。 There is a _______________near my home. 2 .请拨打我们的电话 558 5668 获取更多信息。 Please ____us ____558 5668 ____more ___________ . 3 .这位语文老师在学校和孩子们相处得很好。 The Chinese teacher is very __________children at school. primary school call at for information good with

