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Unit 3 Inventors and inventions ‎     ‎ 一、单词表词汇全查验——运用多媒体,提问默写词汇 Ⅰ.阅读词汇(英译汉)‎ ‎[第一屏听写]‎ ‎1.patent n.        专利证书;专利权 ‎2.courtyard n. 院子;庭院;天井 ‎3.walnut n. 胡桃;胡桃木 ‎4.powder n. 粉末;火药 ‎5.perfume n. 香水;香味                          ‎ ‎[第二屏听写]‎ ‎6.version n.        版本;译本 ‎7.extension n. 电话分机;扩大;延伸 ‎8.triangle n. 三角形;三角形物体 ‎9.criterion n.(pl.criteria) (评判的)标准;尺度 ‎10.string n. 线;绳子;一串 ‎11.glue n. 胶;胶水 vt. 粘贴;粘合                          ‎ ‎[第三屏听写]‎ ‎12.greengrocer n.     蔬菜水果商 ‎(pl.) 蔬菜水果店 ‎13.refrigerator n. 冰箱 ‎14.jam n. 堵塞;阻塞;果酱 ‎15.microphone n. 麦克风;话筒 ‎16.multiple adj. 多种的;多样的;多类型的 n. 倍数                          ‎ ‎[第四屏听写]‎ ‎17.dynamic adj.     充满活力的;精力充沛的;‎ ‎ 动态的;发展变化的 ‎18.personnel n. 人力资源;人事部;全体人员 ‎19.helicopter n. 直升飞机 ‎20.cube n. 立方体;立方 ‎21.cubic adj. 立方的                          ‎ Ⅱ.高频词汇(汉译英)‎ ‎[第五屏听写]‎ ‎1.distinguishvi.&vt.   显示……的差别;‎ ‎ 使……有所不同;辨别 ‎2.merciful_ adj. 宽大的;仁慈的;慈悲的 ‎3.productn. 产品 ‎4.abruptadj. 突然的;意外的 ‎5.abruptlyadv. 突然地;唐突地                          ‎ ‎[第六屏听写]‎ ‎6.convenientadj.      便利的;方便的;就近的 ‎7.cautionn. 小心;谨慎 ‎8.expectationn. 预料;期待;期望 ‎9.passiveadj. 被动的;消极的;被动语态的 ‎10.merryadj. 愉快的;高兴的                          ‎ ‎[第七屏听写]‎ ‎11.merrilyadv.    高兴地;愉快地 ‎12.seizevt. 抓住;捉住;夺 ‎13.recognitionn. 认出;认可;承认 ‎14.claimn.&vt. 要求;声称;主张 ‎15.filen. 文件;档案;文件夹 vt. 提交;将……归档                          ‎ ‎[第八屏听写]‎ ‎16.competencen.    能力;胜任;本领 ‎17.validadj. 有效的;确凿的 ‎18.ripeadj. 熟的;成熟的 ‎19.freezingadj. 冰冻的;严寒的 ‎20.identificationn. 鉴定;辨认;确定;身份证明                          ‎ ‎[第九屏听写]‎ ‎21.dialvt.       拨(电话)‎ ‎22.rainfall_ n. 降雨 ‎23.innocentadj. 清白的;无罪的;天真的 ‎24.bearvt. 忍受;忍耐;负担 ‎25.foreheadn. 额头 ‎26.occasionallyadv. 偶然地;不时地                          ‎ ‎[第十屏听写]‎ ‎27.tapvt.&vi.     轻打;轻拍;轻敲 n. 轻轻地敲击(声);(水)龙头 ‎28.currentn. (水或气)流;电流 adj. 现在的;当前的 ‎29.stableadj. 稳固的;稳定的;安定的 ‎30.invaluableadj. 无价的;极宝贵的 ‎31.associatevt. 联想;联系 n. 同伴;伙伴                          ‎ ‎[第十一屏听写]‎ ‎32.practical_ adj.     实际的;实践的;实用的 ‎33.directoryn. 电话簿;商行名录 ‎34.dive_into 迅速把手伸入;一心投入 ‎35.set_out_(to_do)_ 开始(做)‎ ‎36.call_up 给……打电话 ‎37.now_and_then 偶尔;有时 ‎38.set_about 开始;着手                          ‎ ‎[第十二屏听写]‎ ‎39.hang_on_       不挂断;稍等;紧紧握住 ‎40.out_of_order_ 次序颠倒;发生故障 ‎41.get_through 设法联系上(尤指打通电话);‎ ‎ (设法)做完;通过 ‎42.ring_back 回复电话 ‎43.ring_off_ 挂断电话                          ‎ 二、单元核心考点初热身——提供语境,单元考点自测回顾 ‎(一)分类识记单词——用时少·功效高 识 记 单 词 写 对 Ⅰ.知其意(英译汉)‎ ‎1.patent n.  专利证书;专利权 ‎2.courtyard n. 院子;庭院;天井 ‎3.perfume n. 香水;香味 ‎4.cube n. 立方体;立方 ‎5.cubic adj. 立方的 ‎6.string n. 线;绳子;一串 ‎7.greengrocer n. 蔬菜水果商;蔬菜水果店 ‎8.jam n. 堵塞;阻塞;果酱 ‎9.microphone n. 麦克风;话筒 ‎10.dynamic adj. 充满活力的;精力充沛的 ‎11.personnel n. 人力资源;人事部;全体人员 ‎12.multiple adj.   多种的;多样的;多类型的 n. 倍数 ‎13.extension n. 电话分机;扩大;延伸 Ⅱ.写其形(汉译英)‎ ‎1.foreheadn. 额头 ‎2.validadj. 有效的;确凿的 ‎3.ripeadj. 成熟的;熟的 ‎4.passiveadj. 被动的;消极的;被动语态的 ‎5.invaluableadj. 无价的;极宝贵的 ‎6.directoryn. 电话簿;商行名录 ‎7.rainfalln. 降雨 核 心 单 词 练 通 ‎1.I seized (抓住) the opportunity to practise my spoken English while working in England.‎ ‎2.You need special software to view the information in the_file(s) (文件).‎ ‎3.Nowadays many old people have to bear (忍受) miserable loneliness after their sons or daughters leave home for work.‎ ‎4.The suspect tapped (轻敲) the table nervously with fingers to hide his fear inside.‎ ‎5.We believe that only a stable (稳定的) and fully confident middle class will guarantee the stability and prosperity of Hong Kong.‎ ‎6.The news on smartphones saves people much time reading through newspapers for current (当前的) affairs.‎ ‎7.I dialed (拨打) 120 and waited there until the injured lady was taken to hospital.‎ ‎8.Twentyfive percent of the students claimed (声称) that it is the family genes that are to blame.‎ ‎9.The abrupt (突然的) change of the climate has drawn worldwide attention to the benefit of green energy.‎ ‎10.You could hear them singing and dancing merrily (高兴地) out in the street.‎ ‎[记全记牢]‎ ‎1.distinguish vi.&vt.显示……的差别;使……有所不同;辨别→distinguishedadj.著名的;卓越的;杰出的 ‎2.merciful adj.宽大的;慈悲的;仁慈的 ‎[用准用活]‎ ‎1.Children are innocent,_as a future teacher I have a childlike_innocence and I will really love them. (innocent)‎ ‎2.He is a cautious man and is ‎ 拓展单词用活 ‎→mercilessadj.残忍的;无情的→mercyn.宽恕;仁慈 ‎3.product n.产品→producev.生产→producern.生产者;制片人 ‎4.convenient adj.便利的;方便的;就近的→conveniencen.方便;便利→convenientlyadv.便利地 ‎5.caution n.小心;谨慎→cautiousadj.小心的;谨慎的→cautiouslyadv.小心地;谨慎地 ‎6.expectation n.预料;期待;期望→expectv.预料;期待;期望;认为 ‎7.recognition n.认出;认可;承认→recognizevt.认出;识别;承认 ‎8.freezing adj.冰冻的;严寒的→freezev.冰冻→frozenadj.冻结的 ‎9.identification n.鉴定;辨认;确定;身份证明→identityn.身份;同一性→identicaladj.同一的;完全相同的→identifyv.确定;鉴别 ‎10.innocent adj.清白的;天真的;无罪的→innocencen.天真;清白 ‎11.occasionally adv.偶然地;不时地→occasionaladj.偶然的→occasionn.时机;机会;场合 ‎12.associate vt.联想;联系 n.同伴;伙伴→associationn.联系;联盟;协会 ‎13.practical adj.实际的;实践的;实用的→practicen.实践;练习 v.练习;训练 ‎14.competence n.能力;胜任;本领→competentadj.能胜任的;称职的;有能力的 always doing things with caution.You should get on with him cautiously.(caution)‎ ‎3.You can visit Professor Li when it is convenient,_that is, at his convenience. His house is conveniently near the bus stop. (convenient)‎ ‎4.In western countries, the number “thirteen” is usually associated with bad luck, but actually there isn’t any association between them. (associate)‎ ‎5.He is such a merciful man and always has mercy on those homeless animals but sometimes he can be merciless to those he doesn’t like.(mercy) ‎ ‎6.The dog wagged its tail in expectation of a bone but was expected to go out. (expect)‎ ‎7.It is freezing outside now, and more snow is falling on already frozen streets. (freeze)‎ ‎8.This is my occasional_visit to the theme park, in which I occasionally meet the cartoon characters I like most. (occasion)‎ ‎9.Although there are many practical difficulties in learning oral English, you must keep practicing speaking every day. (practice)‎ ‎⇩ ‎1.后缀ive形容词集锦 ‎①active 主动的 ‎②passive 被动的 ‎2.紧紧“抓住”不放松①seize 抓住;捉住 ‎②catch 抓住;接住 ‎3.含fore前缀的单词面面观 ‎①forehead n.额头 ‎③positive 积极的 ‎④negative 消极的 ‎⑤subjective 主观的 ‎⑥objective 客观的 ‎③grasp 抓住;掌握 ‎④clutch 抓住;紧握 ‎⑤capture 抓住;俘获 ‎⑥grapple 抓住;格斗 ‎②forearm n. 前臂 ‎③forecast vt. 预报 ‎④foresee vt. 预见;预知 ‎⑤foreword n. 前言 ‎⑥foretell v. 预言;预示 ‎(二)语段串记短语——不枯燥·兴趣高 先 写 对 再 用 准 第一组 ‎1.call_up 给……打电话;使想起 ‎2.now_and_then 偶尔;有时 ‎3.dive_into 一心投入;迅速把手伸入 ‎4.ring_off 挂断电话 ‎5.hang_on 不挂断;稍等;紧紧握住 ‎  Xiao Ming always dreams of inventing a new mobile phone that doesn’t do harm to people’s eyes. He ①dives_into his dreaming inventions after school every day. ②Now_and_then he ③calls_up his science teacher to consult some questions. His teacher never ④rings_off until Xiao Ming gets a satisfying answer.‎ 第二组 ‎1.set_about 开始;着手 ‎2.set_out_(to_do) 开始(做)‎ ‎3.out_of_order 次序颠倒;发生故障 ‎4.get_through 设法联系上(尤指打通电话);‎ ‎(设法)做完;通过;度过 ‎5.ring_back 回复电话 Last year, Xiao Ming ①set_about designing his new mobile phone after he figured out all the puzzling problems. He did ②get_through a lot of pains during his work. To his pain, the phone he is using now is often ③out_of_order,_especially when he ④rings others back. How he hopes to invent his new phone earlier!‎ ‎⇩ ‎1.“v.+into”短语荟萃 ‎①dive into  一心投入 ‎②burst into 突然闯入 ‎③run into 撞上 ‎④look into 调查 ‎⑤knock into 撞上 ‎⑥break into 破门而入 ‎2.“偶尔;有时”词汇全接触 ‎①now and then 偶尔;有时 ‎②now and again 有时;时而 ‎③from time to time 有时;偶尔 ‎④at times 偶尔;有时 ‎⑤once in a while 偶尔;有时 ‎⑥on occasion 偶尔;有时 ‎3.“动词+back”短语一览 ‎①take back 拿回;撤销 ‎②bring back 带回;使恢复 ‎③look back 回顾 ‎④date back 追溯到 ‎⑤keep back 隐瞒;忍住 ‎⑥hold back 控制住 ‎(三)仿写用活句式——造佳句·表达高 背 原 句 明 句 式 学 仿 写 ‎1.Between the outside and the inside walls of the bowl there is some jelly, which freezes when cooled. ‎ 在碗的内壁和外壁之间有些胶状物,冷却后会冻结。‎ ‎“连词+过去分词”省略结构。‎ 一旦曝光,胶卷就会被损坏而不能用了。‎ Once_exposed_to_light,_the film will be damaged and get useless.‎ ‎2.The criteria are so strict that it is difficult to get new ideas accepted unless they are truly novel. ‎ ‎(评定)专利标准是很严格的,除非新的想法真是新颖的,否则很难被接受。‎ so ...that ...引导结果状语从句。‎ 我的英语口语很出色以至于多次在英语口语大赛中获奖。(2018·6月浙江高考写作)‎ My spoken English is so_excellent_that I have won many awards in the Spoken English Competition for several times.‎ ‎3.Follow it up, explore all around it, and before you know it, you will have something worth thinking about to occupy your mind. ‎ 跟踪下去,不断探索,不知不觉中,你就会发现某种值得思考的东西占据着你的头脑。‎ 祈使句+and+陈述句。‎ 好好学习,天天向上。‎ Study_hard_and_you_will_make_progress_ every day.‎ 考点新组合 阅读微技能 To be a true inventor Can you distinguish discovery and invention? A discovery is said to be an accident meeting a prepared mind ________❶ invention is something one finds that did not exist before.As we know, inventors often associate their new ideas ________❷ their new inventions.Comeon, and you can also invent your new things just like Alexander Graham ‎1.①处可填入的词为while,表示前后对比,意为“而”。‎ ‎2.②处可填入的词为with;_它与associate 构成的短语可以用connect ... with ...; link ...to ...等来替换。‎ ‎3.③处的句式结构为“祈使句+and+陈述句”。‎ ‎ Bell and Thomas Edison❸.‎ ‎1.distinguish vt.& vi.显示……的差别;使……有所不同;辨别 ‎ ‎(1)distinguish between A and B  区分A和B distinguish ... from ... 把……与……区分开来 distinguish oneself as 作为……而出名 ‎(2)distinguished adj. 卓越的;著名的;杰出的 be distinguished for ... 因……而出名 be distinguished as ... 作为……而出名 ‎[题点全练] 单句语法填空 ‎①It’s important to distinguish reality from dreams.‎ ‎②Reading good books can not only enrich our minds but also teach us to distinguish between right and wrong.‎ ‎③As we know, Lang Lang has already distinguished himself as a talented pianist in the world.‎ ‎④On the other hand, Shanghai Museum, a wellknown and distinguished (distinguish) museum at home and abroad, is more professional in holding painting exhibitions.‎ ‎⑤We all know that Yuan Longping is distinguished for his scientific achievements.‎ ‎2.associate vt.联想;联系 n.同伴,伙伴 ‎(1)associate ...with ...  使……与……联系起来 associate with sb. 与某人交往/联系 be associated with 与……有关 ‎(2)association n. 联系;联盟;协会 in association with 与……联合/有关联 ‎[多角练透]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①If you associate with positivethinking people, you are definitely going to achieve success.‎ ‎②There are many serious health problems associated (associate) with smoking.‎ 补全句子 ‎③We are working in_association_with a local company to raise money for the homeless.‎ 我们正与一家当地公司联合为无家可归的人筹钱。‎ ‎3.“祈使句+and+陈述句”句式 Follow_it_up,_explore_all_around_it,_and before you know it, you will have something worth thinking about to occupy your mind.‎ 跟踪下去,不断探索,不知不觉中,你就会发现某种值得思考的东西占据着你的头脑。 ‎ ‎(1)祈使句+and+陈述句=If ...,+主句 ‎(2)祈使句+or/or else/otherwise+陈述句=If ... not ...,+主句 ‎(3)名词词组+and+陈述句 ‎①Follow_your_doctor's_advice,_and you will get better soon.‎ 接受医生的建议,你很快就会好的。‎ ‎②Don't leave your car here, or_you_will_be_fined.‎ 不要把你的车放在这里,否则你会被罚款的。‎ ‎③A_few_minutes_earlier,_and I could have seen the famous scientist.‎ 要是早来几分钟的话,我就能见到那位著名科学家了。‎ 考点新组合 阅读微技能 To be a true inventor If you can’t bear❶ the inconvenience that something brings to you, you can get yourself through the difficulties and invent something more convenient. More importantly, don’t forget to call the patent office up before you apply for the patent. A patent is an exclusive right granted by the government and can protect the inventor’s interests. In this sense, you are a true inventor.‎ ‎1.①处单词bear的意思是“忍受”,它的同义表达还有:stand;_tolerate;_put_up_with等。‎ ‎2.What should you do first if you invent something?( D )‎ A.Bear the inconvenience brought by the old things.‎ B.Get yourself through the difficulties.‎ C.Invent something more convenient.‎ D.Apply to the patent office for the patent.‎ ‎4.bear vt.忍受;忍耐;负担;承担;记住;生育;结果实 ‎ ‎[练牢基点] 写出下列句中bear的含义 ‎①Why do I have to bear all the costs of repair?负担;承担 ‎②He can’t bear being laughed at in public.忍受 ‎③She did bear a healthy baby in hospital yesterday.生育 ‎④Some of the newlyplanted apple trees have also begun to bear.结果实 ‎[系统考点]‎ ‎(1)bear doing/to do sth.      忍受做某事 bear sb./sb.’s doing sth. 忍受某人做某事 ‎(2)bear/keep sth. in mind 记住某事 bear/keep in mind that ... 记住……‎ ‎[练通重点] 单句语法填空 ‎⑤I can’t bear young people casting_(cast) away their youth.‎ ‎⑥Please bear in mind that success comes from hard work while laziness leads to failure.‎ ‎5.get through设法联系上(尤指打通电话);(设法)做完;通过;度过;用完;耗尽 ‎ ‎[一词多义] 写出下列句中get through的含义 ‎①My new secretary is very quick. She got through a lot of work in one morning. 设法做完 ‎②I couldn’t get through to him because his telephone was out of order now and then. 打通电话 ‎③Luckily, the gap in the fence was just wide enough for the sheep to get through. 通过 ‎④The little boy got through all his money in just one week and had to ask his mom for some more.用完 ‎[归纳拓展]‎ get (sth.) across (to sb.)  (使某事)被(某人)理解 get along with sb. 与某人相处;进展 get away with sth. 携某物潜逃;不因某事受惩罚 get down to (doing) sth. 开始做某事;认真处理某事 get over 熬过;克服(困难)‎ ‎⑤According to Lee, it was Ben’s carelessness that accounted for the accident. But Ben got_away_with his wrong doing.‎ 根据Lee所说的,正是Ben的粗心才导致了那场事故。但是,Ben侥幸逃脱了罪责。‎ ‎6.call up给……打电话;使想起 ‎ ‎[归纳拓展]‎ ‎❶call off          取消;停止进行 ‎❷call for 要求;呼吁;需要 ‎❸call at 拜访(某地)‎ ‎❹call on/upon 拜访(某人);号召;需求 ‎[应用领悟]‎ ‎①The photo calls up many good memories of my childhood. ‎ 这张照片唤起我童年时代的许多美好回忆。‎ ‎②Don’t let anything call off your attention from your studies. ‎ 不要让别的事转移你学习的注意力。‎ ‎③Success in school calls for much hard work.‎ 在学校的成功需要付出大量的辛勤工作。‎ ‎[单元语基落实]‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.The speech mainly deals with the trouble young children have distinguishing (distinguish) between right and wrong.‎ ‎2.Bearing (bear) a heavy burden, she has to work hard to bring up her children.‎ ‎3.We all have an expectation_(expect) that we can be admitted to our own ideal universities.‎ ‎4.If we are blind to our own faults, we will not be very merciful_(mercy) towards others.‎ ‎5.We will visit you this weekend if it is convenient_(convenience) for you.‎ ‎6.The service offers young people practical (practice) advice on finding a job.‎ ‎7.The exhibition was organized by the school in association (associate) with local artists.‎ ‎8.The blind man tapped (tap) his cane on the sidewalk and walked to the supermarket.‎ ‎9.The father as well as his three children goes skating on the frozen (freeze) river every Sunday afternoon in winter.‎ ‎10.In my opinion, only by facing difficulties bravely and seizing (seize) opportunities can one succeed.‎ Ⅱ.选词填空 out of order, hang on, get through, ring off, now and then, dive into, set about, call up ‎1.I know you are tired, but try to hang_on a minute. ‎ ‎2.When I asked if I was speaking to the manager he simply rang_off.‎ ‎3.A lot of people dived_into the lake in search of the lost diamond ring.‎ ‎4.As soon as she got into the classroom, she set_about_preparing for the lessons.‎ ‎5.We were very glad when we heard that you had got_through your exam.‎ ‎6.I checked the files and some of the papers were out_of_order. You had better sort them out.‎ ‎7.The students go to visit their English teacher now_and_then who retired from school last year.‎ ‎8.As I grew up in a small town at the foot of a mountain, the visit to the village called_up scenes of my childhood.‎ Ⅲ.根据提示词和相关要求补全(或翻译)句子 ‎1.课堂上认真听老师讲课,否则你就无法理解老师说的是什么。(祈使句+or+陈述句)‎ Listen_to_the_teacher_carefully_in_class,_or_you_can’t_catch what he is saying.‎ ‎2.白求恩大夫挽救了那么多中国士兵的生命,以至于他被中国人永远地记住了。(so ...that ...)‎ Doctor Bethune_saved_so_many_Chinese_soldiers’_lives_that_he_was_remembered_by Chinese forever.‎ ‎3. 除非加以修改,否则这条法律将给农民的生活造成困难。(连词+分词)‎ Unless_changed,_this law will make life difficult for farmers.‎ ‎4.对他来说这个世界上似乎没有什么是不可能的事情。(there seem ...)‎ There_seems_to_be_nothing_impossible_for_him_in_the_world.‎ ‎5.只有所有国家的人们联合起来,我们才能解决世界上现存的一些问题。(only位于句首的倒装句)‎ Only_if_people_of_all_the_countries_are_united_will_we_be_able_to_solve/can_we_solve some existing problems in the world.‎ Ⅳ.句型转换 ‎1.We all know that Hangzhou is famous for the West Lake.‎ ‎→We all know that Hangzhou is_distinguished_for the West Lake.‎ ‎2.But when he set out to do it, he came to a sudden awareness that nothing is so easy.‎ ‎→But when he set_about_doing_it,_he came to a sudden awareness that nothing is so easy.‎ ‎3.Please learn by heart: Success comes from hard work while laziness leads to failure.‎ ‎→Please bear_in_mind:_Success comes from hard work while laziness leads to failure.‎ ‎4.The sound of music reminded him of his happy memories of his childhood.‎ ‎→The sound of music called_up his happy memories of his childhood.‎ ‎[高考拆组训练]‎ 练(一) 语言运用组块专练——练准度 ‎(限时:25分钟)‎ Ⅰ.完形填空 It was still raining. The shop assistant was ready to __1__. “No, please don't,” Tammy __2__. “I'm lost and I have nowhere to go.” She had __3__ her mind to stay where ‎ she was because she was sure that her mom would be back to get her.__4__, she had been here for so long and why no one had come. She thought it for the hundredth time.‎ In the distance she heard a vehicle engine __5__ hoped it was her mom or dad in their car. She was __6__ when she saw that it was a school bus filled with kids. Her eyes were fixed on the bus. Her brain got busy wondering if she should __7__ the bus and if she did so, then how __8__ would help her, because she didn't know where she __9__. Suddenly she saw a huge __10__ monster in the bus. She was really __11__ and began to run. Then the school bus was chasing after her.‎ ‎“Tammy!” a soft __12__ voice called and someone __13__ touched her shoulder.‎ ‎“Mom!” Tammy said in __14__, tears of joy rolling down her face.‎ ‎“Were you having a bad __15__, honey?” she heard her darling mom ask.‎ ‎“Yes, Mom,” she said __16__. “I was lost and being chased by a school bus and a huge green monster!”‎ Her mother laughed __17__ and hugged Tammy closely. “You poor dear!” she said. “Dreams can __18__ seem so real, right?” Tammy __19__ her head in agreement and snuggled (依偎) closer. “But you're safe and warm at home!” Tammy sighed in__20__.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。Tammy迷路了,在商店避雨,这时一辆校车驶来,她正在琢磨是否要使校车停下,突然她看到校车里有一头绿色巨兽……这时妈妈叫醒了她,原来是一场梦,她松了一口气。‎ ‎1.A.arrive   B.show C.leave D.come 解析:选C 根据下文中的“No, please don't”和“I'm lost and I have nowhere to go.”可知,Tammy迷路了,无处可去,她希望店员不要离开(leave),故C项正确。‎ ‎2.A.thought B.worried C.hesitated D.laughed 解析:选A 根据上句可知,店员要离开;结合“No, please don't”可知,该句是Tammy心里想的内容。A项意为“想”,符合语境,故A项正确。‎ ‎3.A.relied on B.made up C.dealt with D.given up 解析:选B 根据语境可知,她下定决心要待在原来的地方,因为她确信她妈妈会回来接她的。make up one's mind为固定搭配,意为“下定决心”,故B项正确。A项意为“依靠,依赖”;C项意为“处理”;D项意为“放弃”。‎ ‎4.A.Finally B.Therefore C.Besides D.However 解析:选D 根据上句语境再结合空处后面的“she had been here for so long and why no ‎ one had come.”可知,她在这里待了这么久,可是没有人来接她,空处前后为转折关系。However意为“然而,不过”,符合语境,故D项正确。‎ ‎5.A.but B.and C.or D.for 解析:选B 根据语境可知,在远处,她听到了一个汽车引擎的声音,她希望那是她的妈妈或爸爸在他们的车里。根据语境并分析句子结构可知,空处前后为顺承关系,故用并列连词and,故B项正确。‎ ‎6.A.proud B.comfortable C.excited D.disappointed 解析:选D 根据该句中的“when she saw that it was a school bus filled with kids”可知,她看到的是载满小孩的校车,并不是她的父母,据此可以判断,她很失望(disappointed),故D项正确。A项意为“骄傲的”;B项意为“令人舒服的”;C项意为“兴奋的”。‎ ‎7.A.start B.get off C.stop D.run after 解析:选C 根据前文可知,她看到的是载满小孩的校车,并不是她的父母;结合该句可以判断,她在琢磨是否要让校车停下(stop),故C项正确。A项意为“开始”;B项意为“下班,离开”;D项意为“追赶”。‎ ‎8.A.her dad B.her mom C.the monster D.the bus driver 解析:选D 根据该句中的“if she did so, then how__8__would help her, because she didn't know where she__9__”,并结合前文中的“a school bus”可知,因为她不知道自己住在哪里,所以她担心校车司机(the bus driver)不知道如何帮助她,故D项正确。‎ ‎9.A.stayed B.lived C.hid D.waited 解析:选B 参见上题解析。B项意为“居住”,故B项正确。‎ ‎10.A.red B.white C.green D.yellow 解析:选C 根据下文中的“a huge green monster”可知,她突然看到校车里有一头巨大的绿色怪兽,故C项正确。‎ ‎11.A.scared B.puzzled C.offended D.excited 解析:选A 根据上句,她突然看到校车里有一头巨大的绿色怪兽可知,她非常害怕(scared),开始奔跑。故A项正确。‎ ‎12.A.similar B.ordinary C.different D.familiar 解析:选D 根据下句中的“Mom”,并结合常识可知,妈妈的声音应是熟悉的(familiar)。故D项正确。A项意为“相似的”;B项意为“平常的”;C项意为“不同的”。‎ ‎13.A.quickly B.gently C.partly D.easily 解析:选B 根据该句中的“soft”可知,她的妈妈温柔地(gently)抚摸她的肩膀。故B项正确。‎ ‎14.A.relief B.danger C.regret D.sorrow 解析:选A 根据该句中的“‘Mom!’ Tammy said in __14__”可知,当发现是妈妈后,她应该是感到宽慰,故A项正确。B项意为“危险”;C项意为“懊悔”;D项意为“悲伤”。‎ ‎15.A.memory B.idea C.habit D.dream 解析:选D 根据下文中的“Dreams can__18__ seem so real”,并结合该句可知,妈妈问她是不是做噩梦(dream)了。故D项正确。‎ ‎16.A.eagerly B.angrily C.cautiously D.secretly 解析:选A 根据下句“I was lost and being chased by a school bus and a huge green monster!”可知,在梦中她迷路了,被一辆校车和一头绿色巨兽追赶;再结合常识可以判断,她急切地(eagerly)将梦中的情景讲给她的妈妈听,故A项正确。B项意为“愤怒地”;C项意为“小心地,谨慎地”;D项意为“秘密地”。‎ ‎17.A.calmly B.slowly C.softly D.strangely 解析:选C 根据语境可知,她的母亲轻轻地(softly)笑了笑,并紧紧地抱住了Tammy。故C项正确。A项意为“平静地”;B项意为“慢慢地”;D项意为“奇怪地”。‎ ‎18.A.never B.ever C.sometimes D.once 解析:选C 根据该句语境并结合常识可知,妈妈告诉她,有时(sometimes)梦境似乎很真实,故C项正确。‎ ‎19.A.waved B.nodded C.dropped D.raised 解析:选B 根据该句中的“in agreement”可知,Tammy同意地点头(nodded),故B项正确。A项意为“挥手”;C项意为“垂下”;D项意为“抬起”。‎ ‎20.A.contentment B.doubt C.surprise D.patience 解析:选A 根据上句“But you're safe and warm at home!”妈妈告诉她,她现在待在温暖而安全的家里可知,Tammy满足(contentment)地叹了口气,故A项正确。B项意为“怀疑”;C项意为“惊奇”;D项意为“耐心”。‎ Ⅱ.语法填空 ‎“Mirror, mirror, which clothes suit me best?” Now, there is a magic mirror in the shopping center __1__ can answer the question.‎ A shopping center in England is selling a magic dressing mirror. You needn't enter a fitting room and put the clothes __2__ by yourself. All you need to do is stand in front of the mirror. The magic mirror can tell you __3__ the clothing you have chosen suits you or not.‎ ‎3D technology __4__ (use) for the magic mirror for you to choose and try on all kinds of clothes from different stores. When you stand in front of the mirror, it will use the technology to make its own __5__ (judge) of your body type. Then you can see __6__ (you) wearing the dress you have chosen in the mirror. ‎ It's very convenient for you to find the most __7__ (suit) dress. You do not have to spend a lot of time __8__ (walk) around in different stores.Neither __9__ you need to shut yourself into a small dressing room. “The mirror has worked much better with women's clothing than __10__ (expect), so we are now developing the software for mens' and kids' clothing,” said the marketing manager of the shopping center.‎ 语篇解读:文章介绍了一种新的科学技术——3D试衣魔镜。通过这种技术,我们可以很快看到哪一类衣服适合自己。‎ ‎1.that/which 考查定语从句。空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词a magic mirror,且在从句中作主语,故填关系代词that或者which。‎ ‎2.on 考查介词。put on是固定搭配,意为“穿上”。‎ ‎3.whether 考查名词性从句。tell后是一个宾语从句,且句中含有or not,故这里需用whether,表示魔镜会告诉你你选的衣服是否适合你。‎ ‎4.is used 考查动词时态和语态。主语是3D technology,与use之间是被动关系,故用被动语态;又由于本句叙述的是一般情况,要用一般现在时,故填is used。‎ ‎5.judgment 考查名词。分析句子,在its(形容词性物主代词)后应该用名词形式,故用judgment,意为“判断”。‎ ‎6.yourself 考查反身代词。句中主语为you,这里指看到镜中的自己,故用yourself作see的宾语。‎ ‎7.suitable 考查形容词。空格处修饰名词dress,另外再根据前面的the most可知需填形容词suitable,表示找到最适合的衣服。‎ ‎8.walking 考查非谓语动词。spend ...(in) doing sth.是固定搭配,意为“花……做某事”,故填walking。‎ ‎9.do 考查倒装句。前一句是否定句,后一句表示“也不……”,根据句首的Neither可知应使用倒装句,再结合一般现在时态以及主语为you可知填助动词do。‎ ‎10.expected 考查非谓语动词。此处表示超过了期望,这里指的是对这种3D试衣魔镜的期待;动词expect与其逻辑主语之间是被动关系,故填expected,相当于than it is expected。‎ 练(二) 第四部分写作增分专练——练规范 ‎(限时:40分钟)‎ Ⅰ.应用文写作 假定你是李华。作为一名交换生你在英国学习和生活了3个月。近日你收到了美国好友Tom的来信,他询问你的这段经历。请给他写一封回信,内容包括:‎ ‎1.校内学习情况;‎ ‎2.校外活动;‎ ‎3.对自己的影响。‎ 注意:1.词数80左右;‎ ‎2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ 参考范文:‎ Dear Tom,‎ I am delighted to hear from you. I'd like to share with you my experience in Britain as an exchange student. ‎ In the school, I took several courses, such as English writing, oral English, the history of Britain and so on. After class, to experience the British culture, I often visited some places of interest around the school and watched some football matches with my friends.‎ Not only did I learn knowledge, but also I made some friends, which broadened my horizons and enriched my life.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua Ⅱ.概要写作 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。‎ Every summer, hundreds of thousands of students travel to other countries looking for work and adventure. Most of the opportunities are in seasonal work, mainly connected with tourism and agriculture. The pay is usually poor, but most people work abroad for the thrill of travel. You can pick grapes in France, work on a family campsite, and entertain kids on American summer camps, and of course, there are always jobs in hotels and restaurants.‎ But it is not as easy as it used to be to find work. “Unless you speak the language of the country well, there will be very few openings,” says Anthea Ellis, an adviser on vacation work for students. “If you work as a nanny with a family in Italy, then of course you'll have to speak Italian. When you arrive to wash dishes in a restaurant in Paris, the owner will expect you to speak French.”‎ Not everyone enjoys the experience. Sarah was an assistant responsible for a summer camp group of forty American children in Europe. One child lost his passport; another became seriously ill and was flown home; four children were lost in Madrid for a whole day; the whole group was thrown out of one hotel because of the noise they made. “I did visit a lot of new places,” she says, “but it wasn't worth it. The pay was awful and it really was a 24houraday job. The kids never slept!”‎ ‎“The trouble is that students expect to have an easy time of it,” Anthea Ellis points out. “After all, they see it as a holiday. In practice, though, you have to work hard. At the same time, all vacation work is casual work. You'll have a job when the hotel, the restaurant, or the campsite is busy and you have few employment rights. As soon as the holiday season finishes, they'll get rid of you. If you don't work hard, or if your employer doesn't like you, you'll get fired.”‎ 参考范文:‎ Many students seek vacation work abroad every summer for the excitement of travel and working in other countries. (要点1) However, language is sometimes a barrier when you seek jobs overseas. (要点2) Meanwhile, some students don't think it worthwhile, like Sarah, who was very disappointed at her experience because of tiring heavy work and low pay. (要点3) Worse still, vacation work is informal and temporary, meaning that you can be easily out of work. (要点4)‎

