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‎ 词性转换 一、出题方向 1. 出题量最大,也是最难把握的方向——同词根不同词类之间的相互转换 ‎ 常考的相互转换词类有四种:名词、动词、形容词、副词 ‎ 名词 à 动词、形容词 动词、形容词 à 名词 ‎ ‎ 动词 à 形容词 形容词 à 动词 ‎ 形容词 à 副词 副词 à 形容词 ‎ 做这样的转换需要平时大量的积累,建立词根词缀的概念,多掌握常用的词缀,灵活变通 2. 最基本题型,必考方向——名词、代词、数词 ‎ 名词考察方向:1. 复数 ‎ ‎ 代词考察方向:1. 宾格 2. 形容词性、名词性物主代词转换 3. 反身代词可能出现 ‎ 数词考察方向:1. 基数词、序数词的拼写与互换 2. 分数可能出现 3. 简单题型,多练即可把握——比较级最高级 ‎ 需要掌握:1. 比较级和最高级的变化方式 2. 比较级和最高级的辨识关键词 4. 较难题型,多次转换,反义理解 ‎ 有时候词类之间需要越级变换,要仔细斟酌词类间的修饰关系,确保答案的正确性 ‎ 较难题目不仅会越级变换,还需要添加反义,这需要更耐心细致地解题,分析题意 二、解题技巧 1. 形容词修饰名词、代词性成分;部分名词也可以修饰名词 2. 动词、形容词、副词需要副词修饰,副词也可以修饰整句话 3. 系动词后一般使用形容词,连系动词后尤其需要注意添加形容词,这点易和实义动词用副词修饰混淆 4. 扎实掌握名词、代词、数词的基本知识 1. 注意做完需要通读一下,检查反义及动词的时态语态问题 三、词性转换表 ‎ n..‎ act, action anger attention back beauty business care change cheer cleaning clearness collection correction completeness danger death difference excitement extent, extension fall fear full fool fight fright gladness goodness greed happiness harm heat help height hesitation honesty hope hunger hurry interest invitation joy kindness ‎ v. ‎ act attend care change cheer clean clear collect correct complete endanger die differ excite extend fall fear full fool fight frighten harm heat help hesitate hope hurry interest invite enjoy ‎ adj.‎ active angry attentive back beautiful busy careful changeable cheerful clean clear collective correct complete dangerous dead,dying,deadly different exciting, excited extensive falling, fallen fearful full foolish fighting frightful,frightened glad good greedy happy harmful hot helpful high hesitant honest hopeful hungry hurried interesting,interested inviting joyful ‎ adv.‎ Active Angrily attentively back beautifully busily carefully cheerfully clearly collectively correctly completely dangerously deadly differently excitedly extensively fearfully fully foolishly frightfully gladly well greedily happily harmfully hotly helpfully high hesitantly honestly hopefully hungrily hurriedly interestedly invitingly joyfully kind last ‎ v.‎ ‎ add advise answer apologize arrive award begin breathe brush build call carry choose cook copy cost cough cove cry dance decide discover discuss draw dream dress drink drop end enter excuse explain fail feel fish fly inform invent land laugh mail matter mean ‎ n.‎ addition anvice answer apology arrival award beginning breath brush building call carriage choice cooking copy cost cough cover cry dance, dancing decision discovery discussion drawing dream dress, dressing drink drop end entrance excuse explaination failure ‎ feelings fish, fishing flight information invention land laugh mail matter meaning last life loss love luck need opening past person pleasure pollution possibility post,postage pride rain reality relaxation round sadness safety silence situation sleep smile snow success surprise talk taste thanks tradition truth union use welcome width wonder work worry wound last live lost lovely need open pass please pollute post rain realize relax round save situate sleep smile snow succeed surprise talk taste thank trust unite use welcome widen wonder work worry wound kind, kindly last living, lively lucky necessary open, opening past personal pleasant, pleased polluted possible postal proud rainy real relaxing, relaxant round sad safe silent situational asleep, sleepy, sleeping smiling snowy successful talkative tasteful thankful traditional true united useful welcome wide wonderful working worried wounded lively luckily necessarily openly past personally pleasantly possibly proudly really round,,around safely silently asleep smilingly successfully tastefully thankfully traditionally truly usefully widely wonderfully worriedly meet notice operate organize paint pay perform plan point practise pronounce read recite record report return ring rob run say see sell serve step shop show sing smell smoke sound speak stay stop store study swim telephone type meet, meeting notice operation organization paint, painting pay performce plan point practice pronunciation reading recitation record report return ring robbery run, running saying seeing,sight sale service step shop, shopping show singing,song smell smoke, smoking sound speech stay store store study swim, swimming telephone type ‎【基础题】‎ 1. Li Ping is good at _________. ( draw)‎ 2. Alice prefers to do some__________. (shop)‎ 3. Mary is my _______ sister and she is 2 years _________ than I . (old)‎ 4. Excuse me, what is the ____________ of this word? (mean)‎ 5. All the __________ of the game will be given a nice present tomorrow. ( win)‎ 6. The video game machine is so _______ that all of us are ________ in it. (interest)‎ 7. We are _________ thankful for all your help.(true)‎ 8. Our life today is much _________than before. (good)‎ 9. December is the_________ month of a year. (twelve)‎ 10. Computers are becoming more and more________ in our life.( use)‎ ‎11. " Don't play football in the street." The policeman shouted at the children ______. (angry)‎ 11. Did you enjoy ___________at yesterday's party? (you)‎ 12. What is the __________ of the parcel? (post)‎ 13. Every morning my grandpa spends half an hour __________ the flowers. (water)‎ 14. Computers can work out problems far _______________ than human beings. (quick)‎ 15. Mary is the __________ of three sisters. (old)‎ 16. The little girl plays piano ____________. (wonder)‎ 17. Who was the ___________ of the high jump? (win)‎ 18. When he was only 3 years old, he started hard ______________ with his father. (train)‎ 19. Now more and more ___________ are coming to visit China from other countries.(visit)‎ 20. I found his ____________pen under the table. (lose)‎ 21. Have you received Mary's _____________? (invite)‎ 22. Alice bought 2 hula hoops instead of two _____________of bread. (loaf)‎ 23. We must not only think _____________.(we)‎ 24. The boy is sitting in his seat ____________. (quiet)‎ 25. Today is his _______________ birthday. (eighty)‎ 26. Tom can throw ___________ than I (far)‎ 27. He started_____________ the piano at the age of four. (play)‎ 28. Children should do some housework. It is also a way of ______________.(relax)‎ 1. ‎"It is never too late to learn" is a Chinese ____________.(say)‎ 2. Don't believe her. I can __________ say that she did not tell us the __________. (true)‎ 3. It is raining _____________. You must drive carefully. (heavy)‎ 4. My deskmate look _____________, for he failed in the English test. (happy)‎ 5. How______________ he has got the first prize. (luck)‎ 6. The old lady looked ____________ at me. (angry)‎ 7. Many animals are so ______________ to us. (help)‎ 8. We are going to have a ___________ about this problem.(discuss)‎ 9. Don't take it away. It is an ___________ test paper.( correct)‎ 10. The famous ___________ can speak 3 languages. (science)‎ 11. These artists use _______things or men as their models. They draw pictures ____ well. (real)‎ 12. My daughter looks much________________ than her deskmate. (health)‎ 13. Some ____________ are interested in Chinese food. (Germany)‎ 14. The teacher ___________ the matter just now. ( discussion)‎ 15. All of you must hand in your ____________ after class. (paper)‎ 16. The weather report says it is _____________. (cloud)‎ 17. Of all the boxes, the one in the corner is the ________________. (heavy)‎ 18. All of them are ___________ to their new ____________. (friend)‎ 19. I am not used to the weather here. It is ____________. (change)‎ 20. He is a ___________ scientist. He comes from ______________. (German)‎ 21. I know these ____________ over there quite well. (fish )‎ 22. We want to have a talk with your ________________. (manage)‎ 23. Is it ____________to collect stamps? (use)‎ 24. The old man likes to live in a ____________place. Now he is sitting there ________ . (quiet)‎ 25. Please help ______________to the cake. (you)‎ 26. Our Chinese teacher has some ___________ papers _______________.( correct)‎ ‎【提高题】‎ 词性转换1‎ ‎1. My little brother’s ambition is to be an ____________ like Jackie Chan. ( act )‎ ‎2. What’s the weather like today? It’s ______ ( cloud )‎ ‎3. Children usually begin school at the ________ of six. ( aged ) ‎ ‎4. Children __________ seven must go to school. ( age )‎ ‎5. Mary has made several films. She is a wonderful __________ . ( act )‎ ‎6. The girl over there is the most __________ member in our school singing group. ( act )‎ ‎7. Joan plays the guitar, and in ___________, she writes her own songs. ( add )‎ ‎*8. At the end of his speech, Tim _________ a few points to show his agreement. ( addition )‎ ‎*9. She __________ her part well, because she is one of the most famous ___________ in the world.( act )‎ ‎*10.Yoga is one of his favourite ___________. ( act )‎ 词性转换2‎ ‎1. We didn’t know whether he was dead or _________. (live)‎ ‎2. We all know that water is very important to all ________ things. (live)‎ ‎3. Spiders can __________ for several days without food. (alive)‎ ‎4.Disneyland is a famous ___________ park. (amuse)‎ ‎5. Jack told his students an _________ story. (amuse)‎ ‎6. I can never find my pens at home because they _________ after I bought them. (disappear)‎ ‎7. I must go now because I have an important meeting to _________. (attentive)‎ ‎8. My Mum bought a new washing machine, it’s __________ (automatically)‎ ‎*9. Grandpa Li _________ alone because he has no children. (alive)‎ ‎*10. When Tom was parking his car in the street, a policeman _________ in front of him. (disappear)‎ 词性转换3‎ ‎1. The students of Class One will _______ a lecture on how to fight pollution. (attentively)‎ ‎2. The lift can open and close the door __________ (automatic)‎ ‎3. Kate sings so __________ that many people like her very much. (beautiful) ‎ ‎4.The light music sounded very __________. I enjoy every minute of it. (beautifully)‎ ‎5. She knows the subject from __________ to end. (begin)‎ ‎6.At the __________ of this century, the APEC conferences were held successfully in shanghai. (begin)‎ ‎7. What a ______ day we’re having these days! ( brightly ) ‎ ‎8. Of all the subjects ________ is my favourite subject. ( chemical )‎ ‎*9. No one knows why dinosaurs ____________ suddenly. (appear)‎ ‎*10. After running 500 meters, I ________ to feel tired. (beginning)‎ 词性转换4‎ ‎1. Another across sea bridge will be _____ in China soon. ( build ) ‎ ‎2. You’d be more _____ next time, or you’ll make the same mistake again! ( care ) ‎ ‎3. Among all the students in our class Li Ming writes the most ______. ( careful ) ‎ ‎4. Could you tell me whether it is a ________ change or a physical change? ( chemistry ) ‎ ‎5. In summer the sun is always shining ______. ( bright )‎ ‎6. How do you know that Joyce was a popular ______ as a chief editor? ( choose ) ‎ ‎7. They want to make it _____ to the public that air pollution is harmful to us. ( clearly ) ‎ ‎8. The students are not allowed to touch the ________ without permission. ( chemistry )‎ ‎*9.Do you think it is good to have so many tall _______ in our city? ( build ) ‎ ‎*10. You look _______ than before. (healthy)‎ ‎ ‎ 词性转换5‎ ‎1. Both of the trousers are well designed, I don’t know which pair to _____ . ( choice ) ‎ ‎2. Please say it loudly so that everybody can hear you ______. ( clear ) ‎ ‎3. The little boy asked if the rain came from the _____. ( cloudy )‎ ‎4. When I was of your _________, I was very strong. ( aged )‎ ‎5. Nowadays children prefer hamburgers to any other food, but they are not good for children’s _______. (healthy)‎ ‎6. It rained ____ last night and the river rose two feet. (heavy)‎ ‎7. The _____ in my car doesn’t work properly. (heat)‎ ‎8. It’s very important for us to have plenty of ______ food. (health)‎ ‎*9. Traffic today is much ______ than that of tomorrow. (heavy)‎ ‎*10. The _________ over there live in the same housing estate. (fish)‎ 词性转换6‎ ‎1.Two women doctors will give us a lecture on ____ diet tomorrow. (health)‎ ‎2. It is difficult to _____ the office because it is too big. (heater)‎ ‎3. The box is too ____ for me to carry. (heavily)‎ ‎4. The building is one of the_______ buildings in the city. (high)‎ ‎5. Have the government officials measured the _____ of the bridge? (high)‎ ‎6. She told us the young man was of average ____ and wore a pair of glasses. (high)‎ ‎7. He does so well in his study and I think he must be ____ to others. (help)‎ ‎8. The Qomolongma is the_______ peak in the world. (high)‎ ‎*9. An English-Chinese dictionary _____ us a lot. (helpful)‎ ‎*10. Do you know who the telephone was________ by? (invention)‎ 词性转换7‎ ‎1. Li Ming jumps ____ than any other student in his students. (high)‎ ‎2. She is always very ______ to his class teacher. (help)‎ ‎3. China is a great country and it has a long _______. (historical)‎ ‎4. Today many Chinese children are having a happy life with their parents while thousands of ________ children in Iraq are having a hard life. (home)‎ ‎5. Sue is a good girl and her ________ makes her parents and teachers pleased. (honest)‎ ‎6. There are many places of _______ interests in Beijing. (history)‎ ‎7. Our English teacher _______ us a lot in learning English. (helpful)‎ ‎8. One his way _______ , he saw a robber running out of a bank. (homeless)‎ ‎*9. I wouldn’t like to do business with such a ________ man. (honesty)‎ ‎*10. It is _________ for him to improve his English without enough practice. (possibly)‎ 词性转换8‎ ‎1. After the heavy storm , thousands of people became _____ .(home)‎ ‎2. He looks _________ enough, but can we trust him? (honesty)‎ ‎3. I read the book _______ looking for some information about UFOs. (hungry)‎ ‎4. He is too ________ to walk any more. (hunger)‎ ‎5. Nowadays more and more people realize the _______ of keeping balance of nature. (important)‎ ‎6. It is ______ for us to learn English well in order to meet the need of World Expo (importance) ‎ ‎7. I’ll come as soon as _______. (possibly)‎ ‎8. He’ll _______ get the first prize because he is so good at English. (possible)‎ ‎*9. He is _______ to Mary’s birthday. (invitation)‎ ‎*10. The children _______ themselves playing in the water yesterday afternoon. (joy)‎ 词性转换9‎ ‎1. He will ________ be a professional football player in the future. (possible)‎ ‎2. She shows great ______ in singing. (interesting)‎ ‎3. The film was so _______ that all of us laughed. (interest)‎ ‎4. They were ______ in my culture and they asked me a lot of questions. (interest)‎ ‎5. Otis was the _______ of the first lift. (invent)‎ ‎6. His _____ saved people from having to walk up and down stairs.(invent)‎ ‎7. Simon has just received an _____ to Betty’s birthday party tomorrow. (invite)‎ ‎*8. Making paper is one of the greatest _____ of ancient Chinese people. (invent)‎ ‎*9. The party was very exciting and we _______ every minute of it. (joy)‎ ‎*10. We went to a beautiful lake and spent an _______________ day. (forget)‎ 词性转换10‎ ‎1. He has got an ________ from his uncle in the United State. (invite)‎ ‎2. Are you going to ______ Julia to your birthday party? (invitation)‎ ‎3. To his great _______ , he will go travelling to Hong Kong with his parents this summer holiday. (enjoy)‎ ‎4. My father wants to buy a car of this model, but my mother thinks it’s too __________ (expense)‎ ‎5. I don’t think I like ________________ food. It’s not fresh. (freeze)‎ ‎6. Can you do me a ________________ to lift the heavy box? (favourite)‎ ‎7. What _____________ weather we are having now! (freeze)‎ ‎8. There are different kinds of ___________ in the sea. (fish)‎ ‎*9. Tim thinks traveling by train is far ___________ than by air. (joy)‎ ‎*10. The fish are ____________ by the great noise. (fright)‎ 词性转换11‎ ‎1. The woman was ___________ when she saw the big snake. (frighten)‎ ‎2. The man talked all the time _________________. (excited)‎ ‎3. It was so ________________ to see my favorite singers at the concert yesterday. (excited)‎ ‎4. I love my teacher because she is ________________ to us. (friend)‎ ‎5. They tried to run away to ______________ ( free)‎ ‎6. The children are skating excitedly on the __________________ river. (freeze)‎ ‎7. It was said that he was the last bird ________________ in that village. (fish)‎ ‎8. Last week three _________________ saw a UFO flying over the sky. (fish)‎ ‎*9. He tried to make more money to work out a solution to travelling _____________ (expensive)‎ ‎*10. Hearing the good news, the children rushed out ____________________ than usual. (excite)‎ 词性转换12‎ ‎1. He is the person who likes to make a lot of ________________ . (friend)‎ ‎2. We are so lucky that we are _________________. (freedom)‎ ‎3. What a ________________ (fun) story it is!‎ ‎4. What’s the _________________ place you’ve ever been to? (far)‎ ‎5. Let’s study the _________________ lesson now. (four)‎ ‎6. The __________________ word in this dictionary is “zoo”. (finally)‎ ‎7. I think _________________ is the most important thing in the world. (free)‎ ‎*8. Jack is very good at fishing. He must be one of the greatest ____________ in the world. (fish)‎ ‎*9. _________, he fell off his bicycle and broke his arm yesterday. (luck)‎ ‎*10. It was an _____________ experience for me to be invited to attend the meeting. (forget)‎ ‎ ‎ 词性转换13‎ ‎1. He gave me a ___________________ smile. (friend)‎ ‎2. The air in the city is polluted by many _____________________ (factory)‎ ‎3. Hey, boy, don’t be _______________ any more. (fool)‎ ‎4. Ben throws the discus far, but John throws much __________. (far)‎ ‎5. I need ____________ information to work out the problem. (far)‎ ‎6. Maybe this is a __________ answer. (fool)‎ ‎7. My brother is 8 years old. His _____________ food is chocolate cake. (favour)‎ ‎8. My mother is very _________________ though she is only forty. (forget)‎ ‎*9. It’s _________ for him to be late for school because he is a good student.‎ ‎ (usually)‎ ‎*10. Lesson One is _________ than Lesson Two. (difficulty)‎ 词性转换14‎ ‎1. The students enjoyed their __________ during the summer holidays. (free)‎ ‎2. The children are skating happily on the ___________________ river. (freeze)‎ ‎3. People keep dogs and cats because they are their ___________________ (friend)‎ ‎4. The sky thundered with a __________ sound of lightning. (frighten)‎ ‎5. They had an ________________ morning together. (enjoy)‎ ‎6. She was so ________________ that she couldn’t say anything. (frighten)‎ ‎7. You should give me an __________________ of your absence from the meeting. (explain)‎ ‎*8. It’s about twenty __________ ride from here to the nearest hospital. (minute)‎ ‎*9. She _______ her face with her hands.  (discover)‎ ‎*10. Have you __________ the problem with anyone?  (discussion)‎ 词性转换15‎ ‎1. I’m very _________________. Let’s take a photograph now. (exciting)‎ ‎2. I’m too tired to walk any ________________.(far)‎ ‎3. The ________________ of a good education in that country is great. (expensive)‎ ‎4. It was ___________________ of you to do so. (fool)‎ ‎5. I caught three little _________________ yesterday (fish)‎ ‎6. My professor is very ___________ and sometimes he forgets what school we’re at. (forget)‎ ‎7. When we were visiting the small town, the people there were very ___________ to us. (friend)‎ ‎8. I have been to Beijing __________. (one)‎ ‎*9. Although it is very late, he still went on__________ on the old man. (operate)‎ ‎*10. Our house____________ an area of 200 square metres. (discover)‎ 词性转换16‎ ‎1. He will come to the library at_______ (one)‎ ‎2. Don’t leave the window_________ when you go to bed. (open)‎ ‎3. The________ of your speech was really wonderful. (open)‎ ‎4. Who often ______ the door of the classroom? (open)‎ ‎5. Can you tell me how to ________ the machine? (operation)‎ ‎6. This doctor always does an important ______ on an important person. (operate)‎ ‎7. How do you ________ this new recorder? (operation)‎ ‎8. As soon as you enter the hotel, you can see a large_____ on the wall. (paint)‎ ‎*9. He _______ the letter when he was on his way home. (postage)‎ ‎*10. Peter likes eating sweet rice dumplings, but he ______eating the salty ones.   (like)‎ 词性转换17‎ ‎1. His job was to__________ the school sports meeting at the moment. (organization)‎ ‎2. Tom is a very good swimmer. He has ______ arms and legs. (power)‎ ‎3. Have you ever visited such a famous_______ (paint) like him?‎ ‎4. Tom’s ambition is to be a ________ footballer (professor)‎ ‎5. All the students like PE lessons. Here “P.E” means _______ Education. (physics)‎ ‎6. We mustn’t ________ our school by throwing the rubbish everywhere (pollution)‎ ‎7. The _______ teacher told us that this was a _______change. (physics)‎ ‎8. This is really a _______trip. We’re all_______ with it. (please)‎ ‎*9. The great_______ always teaches me how to _______ the ________ (paint)‎ ‎*10. When they got there, the soldier had already _________ the boy. (safe)‎ 词性转换18‎ ‎1. It gave us great ________ to watch ”Tennis Masters Cup” (please)‎ ‎2. We can get a lot of _________ out of Watching “Tennis Masters Cup”. (pleased)‎ ‎3. Everybody must help to fight all kinds of ________. (pollute)‎ ‎4. He is our new ________ teacher. He teaches_______ very carefully (physics)‎ ‎5. I want to ________ the parcel to America, can you tell me what the ______ is? (post)‎ ‎6. WTO is short form for World Trade______ (organize)‎ ‎7. Sometimes we believe the police have special _______ to deal with this kind of case. (powerful)‎ ‎8. This is a ________ machine. The ________ for the machine is electricity. (power)‎ ‎*9. He is one of the most famous _________ in the university. (professional)‎ ‎*10. The underground runs ________ than the car (quick)‎ 词性转换19‎ ‎1. Not only Tom but also John often _________ football here after school. (practice)‎ ‎2. A _______ painter can paint all kinds of paintings.(professor)‎ ‎3. The car can’t go as _______ as the underground. (quick)‎ ‎4. There must have been a heavy ________ last night, for the ground is all wet. (rainy)‎ ‎5. Students don’t like ______ weather because they can’t have P.E lesson in the ______. (rain)‎ ‎6. Many people don’t ______that too much salt is harmful to health. (real)‎ ‎7. I ______don’t know who is the _____ actor of this film. (real)‎ ‎8. Yesterday I heard a _______ story. I was ________ moved by it. (real)‎ ‎9. The new hospital is ___ (location) in one of the new estate.‎ ‎*10. He was __________ last week because he lost his new bicycle. (happiness)‎ 词性转换20‎ ‎1. When the teacher asks you , you must stand up ______ and give a _______ answer. (quick)‎ ‎2. The children are often told to be more careful on __________ days. (rain)‎ ‎3. What a fast ___________ John is! (run)‎ ‎4. Tom was ______ the poem when I came in. (recite)‎ ‎5. There are thousands of books in our school (librarian).‎ ‎6. Don’t to him! (listening)‎ ‎7. It is a suitable ___ (locate) for the new post office.‎ ‎8. Thank you for giving me so ___ present! (love)‎ ‎*9. I finally __________ that he was my deskmate long ago. (real)‎ ‎*10. It hasn’t _______ for a long time. But now it is _________ (rainy)‎ 词性转换21‎ ‎1. I didn’t ______ you were going to get ready for the picnic. (real)‎ ‎2. The recitation by class 5 is ________ wonderful (real)‎ ‎3. The teacher asked us to ______ this part of the text. (recitation)‎ ‎4. The recitation _______ by Tom is really wonderful. (recite)‎ ‎5. Alice is a good ___ (library), she is in charge of many books.‎ ‎6. Sometimes, to be a ___ (listen) is a good way.‎ ‎7. The horn is ___ (loudly) enough to be heard a mile off.‎ ‎8. He has a great (lovely ) for knowledge and truth.‎ ‎*9. He _____ his pipe and usually smokes with it. (lovely)‎ ‎*10. It is __________ to swim in a swimming pool than in a river. (save)‎ 词性转换22‎ ‎1. He was out of ___ (lucky) and failed the examination.‎ ‎2. The library has employed ten __________, six men and four women. (library)‎ ‎3. I’m trying to ________ Mr. Smith. Do you know where he is? (location)‎ ‎4. That music is too _____. Please turn it down. ( loudly)‎ ‎5. Everything in the garden is ______ (love).‎ ‎6. Mr. Li had a bad _______ these days. (luckily)‎ ‎7. The other day the ______ school received an official letter. (medicine)‎ ‎8. Look! This is our _______ room. (meet)‎ ‎*9. We ________ carefully but heard nothing. (listener)‎ ‎*10. _________, Peter failed to pass the English test yesterday. (luck)‎ 词性转换23‎ ‎1. ________, he could get rid of the unhealthy habits. (lucky)‎ ‎2. Air is a ________ of gases. (mix)‎ ‎3. I want you to ________ the names of all the plants in their correct order. (memory)‎ ‎4. A: Wish you good (lucky). B: Thank you.‎ ‎5. What is the purpose of your visit?(mainly) ‎ ‎6. I like all music, but I’m interested in jazz. (main)‎ ‎7. Why don’t you complain to the ? (manage)‎ ‎8. Why did the patient refuse to take the ? (medical)‎ ‎*9. He __ the company while his father was away. (manager)‎ ‎*10. We’ve had five________ and still haven’t solved the problem. (meet)‎ 词性转换24‎ ‎1. A: Will you me at the station?(meeting) B: Sorry, I won’t.‎ ‎2. What a (an)_______girl she is! She passed the exam at last. (luckily)‎ ‎3. We have had a _________ to say that your father is ill. (messenger)‎ ‎4. He passed the test and smiled __________. (happy)‎ ‎5. –Why can’t I see the cursor on the screen, Daddy?‎ ‎--Your little brother broke your ______ yesterday. (mice)‎ ‎6. China Daily is a __________ newspaper. (nation)‎ ‎7. -What’s your __________?‎ ‎--I am French. (nation)‎ ‎8. The one whose job is carrying messages is called a _______. (message)‎ ‎*9. After the car accident, Mr. and Mrs. Lee both lost their ________. (memorize)‎ ‎*10. She put the sugar into the coffee and ___________ them up with a spoon. (mixture)‎ 词性转换25‎ ‎1. We need one man to be my _________ to tell them of the sad news. (message)‎ ‎2. My cat, Kitty, is good at catching ______. (mouse)‎ ‎3. The city is a ________ of old and new buildings. (mix)‎ ‎4. The economy class airfare for my ___________ was ¥980.‎ ‎5. “He has French _______.”It means he is a Frenchman. (national)‎ ‎6. Nancy can’t go swimming with us because she is ________ ill. (serious)‎ ‎7. At last the students came back to school ________. (safety)‎ ‎8. A Waiter’s job is to __________ customers. (service)‎ ‎*9. Australia is one of the English-speaking _________. ( national)‎ ‎*10. Telephone __________ are developing quickly in our city. (serve)‎ ‎ ‎ 词性转换26‎ ‎1. We’ve had a ______ to say that you’ve won the first prize. (messenger)‎ ‎2. Do you know how he is going to __________ at the meeting ? (speech)‎ ‎3. Hello, don’t stand there. Come in and take a __________. (sit)‎ ‎4. Perhaps time would __________ the problem. (solution)‎ ‎5. I like this English _________ (say) “A friend in need is a friend indeed”.‎ ‎6. My son likes reading _________ fiction. He said it was very exciting. (scientist)‎ ‎7. The weather report said, “it is _________ today.” (snow)‎ ‎8. Every Sunday afternoon I often go _________ with my mother. (shop)‎ ‎*9. The chemist __________ some medicine for the patient. (mixture)‎ ‎*10. We should obey traffic ________ in order to keep ourselves ________. (ruler, save )‎ 词性转换27‎ ‎1. Yang Liwei is going to make a _________ at the meeting tomorrow morning. (speak)‎ ‎2. When he heard this bad news, he cried __________ (sad).‎ ‎3. After half an hour’s flying, the plane landed ________ in Shanghai. (safe)‎ ‎4. The brave man took the child to the _________ (safe)‎ ‎5. The famous teacher Yu Yi made a great _________ on her teaching career. (succeed)‎ ‎6. The story happened in a _________ winter. (snow)‎ ‎7. “Your job is to __________ customers well, Please keep it in mind.” The manager told the waiters. (service)‎ ‎8. Children go to __________ schools after they leave elementary schools. (second)‎ ‎*9. Some famous __________ are going to give lectures in our university in August. (science)‎ ‎*10. The recorder needs four ___________. (speak)‎ 词性转换28‎ ‎1. Tony was _________ to fail in the maths exam. (sadly)‎ ‎2. With the policeman’s help, the little girl got home _________ (save)‎ ‎3. Can you _________ this problem? (solution)‎ ‎4. Are you going to ________ at the meeting ? (speech)‎ ‎5. She kept her valuable jewellery in a _______ (save).‎ ‎6. The _______ of the restaurant was highly spoken of. (serve)‎ ‎7. I want to go __________ this evening. Would you join me? (shop)‎ ‎*8. He didn’t do well in the test because of his ___________. (care) ‎ ‎*9. Your watch is three minutes ___________ than mine. (slowly)‎ ‎*10. His way of _________ this kind of problem is to turn a deaf ear to it. (solution)‎ 词性转换29‎ ‎1. Tom was _________ hurt in the accident this morning. (serious)‎ ‎2. They were having an __________ about who to do the cooking. (argue) ‎ ‎3. She explained everything very __________ .(clear)‎ ‎4. - What’s the weather like today? ‎ ‎-It’s __________ .(cloud)‎ ‎5. The _________ kettle is out of work again. We need to buy a new one. (electricity)‎ ‎6. My car had to have a new __________ .(engineer)‎ ‎7. I decided to learn Spanish just for __________ .(funny)‎ ‎8. There are miles of __________ beaches near Tom’s house.(gold)‎ ‎*9. Are there any taxi _________ in the small city? (serve)‎ ‎*10. Some famous ___________ are going to give lectures in our university in August. (science)‎ 词性转换30‎ ‎1. Mr. Wang crossed the desert __________ last month. (save)‎ ‎2. He was __________ ill at that time. (serious)‎ ‎3. He is a famous _________. (science)‎ ‎4. She holds the world __________ for the 100 metres. (recorder)‎ ‎5. He has a wide __________ of painting and music.(know)‎ ‎6. It doesn’t seem __________ for us to meet.(unnecessary)‎ ‎7. Stand quietly, children, and try not to talk to your _________. (neighbourhood)‎ ‎*8. I can never repay your many __________ to me.(kind)‎ ‎*9. The neighbours __________ seeing him leave the building around noon.(reporter)‎ ‎*10. Few ________ words made us interested in this topic. (speaker)‎ ‎ ‎ 词性转换31‎ ‎1. You should receive a reply __________ seven days.(with)‎ ‎2. All the furniture was made of __________ .(wooden)‎ ‎3. In the accident, there were 230 __________ children .(wound)‎ ‎4. The __________ of this letter is Tommy.(write)‎ ‎5. This glass isn’t __________ enough.(clearly)‎ ‎6. The mountain rises above the __________ .(cloudy)‎ ‎7. It’s __________ to swim in such a hot day. (fun)‎ ‎8. It’s very __________ of you to help us.(kindness)‎ ‎*9. The Great Wall is one of the eight _________ in the world.(wonderful)‎ ‎*10. Who __________ Kennedy as President? ( suggestion)‎ 词性转换32‎ ‎1. I’d like to hear your __________ for ways of raising money.(suggest)‎ ‎2. What is the __________ of your car? (long)‎ ‎3. He moved into the __________ recently. (neighbour)‎ ‎4. She is the __________ of this meeting.(record)‎ ‎5. I went to Disneyland __________ my mother.(within)‎ ‎6. She went out of the room __________ saying anything.(with)‎ ‎7. We had __________ weather during the holidays.(wonder)‎ ‎8. The house is __________. (wood)‎ ‎*9. Tony’s farther ____________as an engineer years ago. (work)‎ ‎*10. She __________ French as well. (knowledge)‎ 词性转换33‎ ‎1. There’re more __________ appliances in our home nowadays. (electric)‎ ‎2. He received a bad leg __________ in the war. (wounded)‎ ‎3. He ________ goes to school by bicycle . (usual)‎ ‎4. He is a wonderful __________. (work)‎ ‎5. He is a famous ____________. (report)‎ ‎6. I was a __________ of theirs. (neighbour)‎ ‎7. He’s __________ fit for his age. (wonder)‎ ‎*8. Our __________ should come before our wants. (need)‎ ‎*9. Have you __________ the report yet? (writer)‎ ‎*10. It is __________ to tell it to him because he’s already known it. (need)‎ 词性转换34‎ ‎1. He was very glad because he passed the examination _____________. (succeed)‎ ‎2. He’s been__________ in his life.(success)‎ ‎3. He had __________ agreed to help. (kind)‎ ‎4. His hobby is to ______ stamps.  (collection)‎ ‎5. The painting comes from his private _______.  (collect)‎ ‎6. I ________ to school every day.  (cyclist)‎ ‎7. The ________ fell off the bicycle and broke his leg.  (cycle)‎ ‎8. Let’s go _______ together tomorrow, shall we? (cycle)‎ ‎*9. Playing football is _________ in the street than that in the playground. (danger)‎ ‎*10. He _________ in making so many model planes yesterday.(success)‎ 词性转换35‎ ‎1. There are seven ________ in a week. (day)‎ ‎2. My father always read Wenhui _______ when he has breakfast. (day)‎ ‎3. Children’s lives are in _______ every time they cross this road.  (dangerous)‎ ‎4. People, animals and plants will ________ if they don't have water.  (death)‎ ‎5. My grandpa has been ___________ for many years.  (die)‎ ‎6. Most boys like football but John is ____________.  (difference)‎ ‎7. I can't ________ what colour to paint my room.  (decision)‎ ‎8. We got to the top after a long _________ climb.  (difficulty)‎ ‎*9. The child is _________ normally.  (development)‎ ‎*10. My good friend prefers _______ butterflies to playing volleyball. (collection)‎ ‎ ‎ 词性转换36‎ ‎1. It's _________ to drive a car at night without any lights.  (danger)‎ ‎2. His _______ made us sad.  (dead)‎ ‎3. The _______ solider said nothing and lay in bed for a few days.  (die)‎ ‎4. We need a __________ in this by next week.  (decide)‎ ‎5. The piece of equipment is an exciting new ____________. (develop)‎ ‎6. We had a ___________ about the differences between Britain and the US. (discuss)‎ ‎7. He always told  lies , so he was __________.  (honest)‎ ‎8. _________ is very important to the students. (honest)‎ ‎*9. We should be brave when we have __________.  (difficult)‎ ‎*10. There are many _______ between English and Chinese. (different)‎ 词性转换37‎ ‎1. An _________ person does not lie or steal.  (dishonest)‎ ‎2. I _______ playing tennis.  So does Alice. (dislike)‎ ‎3. Don't _________ so fast!  (driver)‎ ‎4. My uncle __________ to the office every day.  (driver)‎ ‎5. I can ________ finish it tonight.  (easy)‎ ‎6. Studying English is ________ requirements.  (education)‎ ‎7. This_______ rice cooker is very useful.  (electricity)‎ ‎8. The _________ makes the motor-car run.  (engineer)‎ ‎*9. Now, the Class Four students are __________ the date for the outing. (discuss)‎ ‎*10. We ________ this beach while we were sailing around the island. (cover)‎ 词性转换38‎ ‎1. Is it ________ for her to tell me the truth?  (easily)‎ ‎2. She completed her former ________ last year.  (educate)‎ ‎3. They are sending an ___________ to fix the phone.  (engine)‎ ‎4. The road isn’t enough for heavy traffic. (widely)‎ ‎5. The machine is driven by ___________.  (electrical)‎ ‎6. These days a strong is blowing from north. (windy)‎ ‎7. Now all heavy children have problems like adults. (weigh)‎ ‎8. Mr. Tom is a popular . He has us English for 3 years. (teach)‎ ‎*9. She has just entered the _________ office.  (teach)‎ ‎*10. Mary can work out the problem because it’s the _______ one. (easily)‎ 词性转换39‎ ‎1. A famous _______ will come to our factory. (engine)‎ ‎2. The local government is going to the street. (wide)‎ ‎3. Jim is now working as a in the restaurant and his girl friend works as a________ in it as well. (wait)‎ ‎4. Look , the is behind clouds but the weather forecast says it is going to be________ this afternoon. (sun)‎ ‎5. Could you tell me how English is used outside England and America. (wide)‎ ‎6. Fishermen are told to be more careful on days. (wind)‎ ‎7. Would you please put your letter here so that I can it for you? (weight)‎ ‎8. He didn’t go to the cinema because he had seen the film . (two)‎ ‎*9. Jane enjoys playing badminton and ___________ as well. (swim) ‎ ‎*10. Do you know what each of the _______ of the English contest will be given? (win)‎ 词性转换40‎ ‎1. To tell you the , I don’t like this songs at all. (true)‎ ‎2. My is over 80 kilograms so I should go on a diet. (weigh)‎ ‎3. Mobile phones are used in our life nowadays. (wide)‎ ‎4. English is the most widely language in the world. (use)‎ ‎5. His failure is for him for he seldom does his homework by himself. (usually)‎ ‎6. It is for him to fail in the English test. He gets good marks for all subjects. (usual)‎ ‎7. lost this pen? Teacher Wang asked us pen this was. (who)‎ ‎8. I think Li Ming will the table tennis match. She will be the ________‎ ‎ of the game twice. (win)‎ ‎*9. Millions of come to visit the Shanghai Oriental Pearl Tower every day. (visit)‎ ‎*10. When I entered Mr. Smith’s office, he was _________ a newspaper carefully. (reader)‎ ‎ ‎ 词性转换41‎ ‎1. This reading book is very for Grade 9 students. (use)‎ ‎2. Tell me what you think about it. (true)‎ ‎3. He was so tired that he almost fell __________ in class. (sleep)‎ ‎4. Many magnificent buildings such as the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Palace Museum and so on show the great of Chinese people. (wise).‎ ‎5. Let me the parcel for you first. (weight)‎ ‎6. The traditional culture and customs are different between eastern and countries. (west)‎ ‎7. The young man works as a in a five-star hotel. (wait)‎ ‎*8. The ________ happened so suddenly that we failed to see how the ____________ looked. (rob)‎ ‎*9. Have you get used to in your new flat? (alive)‎ ‎*10. The seven little dwarfs went back home from work in the evening. One day, when they get home as , they found something at once. Their house had been tidied up. (usual)‎ 词性转换42‎ ‎1. Computers are machine. (use)‎ ‎2. What do people eat for their Christmas Dinner? (usual)‎ ‎3. Do you know the ___________ of saving water? (important)‎ ‎4. What a day it is today! (sun)‎ ‎5. There is no ________ that he is the thief. (prove)‎ ‎6. John lives on the _________ floor while Mike lives on the _________. (nine, twelve)‎ ‎7. We must stop cutting down trees because they are our pollution __________. (fight) ‎ ‎*8. Some _________ visited our factory yesterday. (Germany)‎ ‎*9. Each of the of the game will be given a nice present. (win)‎ ‎*10. If he a few minutes more, he’ll get another good chance. (waiter)‎ Keys 词性转换1‎ ‎1. actor 2. cloudy 3. age 4. aged 5. actress 6. active 7. addition 8. added ‎ ‎9. acts, actresses 10. activities 词性转换2‎ ‎1. alive 2. living 3. live 4. amusement 5. amusing 6. disappeared 7. attend 8. automatic ‎9. lives 10. appeared 词性转换3‎ ‎1. attend 2. automatically 3. beautifully 4. beautiful 5. beginning 6. beginning 7. bright 8. chemistry 9. disappeared 10. began 词性转换4‎ ‎1. built 2. careful 3. carefully 4. chemical 5. brightly 6. choice 7. clear 8. chemicals 9. buildings 10. healthier 词性转换5‎ ‎1. choose 2. clearly 3. clouds 4. age 5. health 6. heavily 7. heater 8. healthy ‎ ‎9. heavier 10. fishermen ‎ 词性转换6‎ ‎1. health 2. heat 3. heavy 4. highest 5. height 6. height 7. helpful 8. highest 9. helps 10. invented ‎ 词性转换7‎ ‎1. higher 2. helpful 3. history 4. homeless 5. honesty 6. historical 7. helps 8. home 9. dishonest 10. impossible 词性转换8‎ ‎1. homeless 2. honest 3. hungrily 4. hungry 5. importance 6. important 7. possible 8. possibly 9. invited 10. enjoyed ‎ 词性转换9‎ ‎1. possibly 2. interest 3. interesting 4. interested 5. inventor 6. invention 7. invitation 8. inventions 9. enjoyed 10. unforgettable 词性转换10‎ ‎1. invitation 2. invite 3. joy 4. expensive 5. frozen 6. favour 7. freezing 8. fishes 9. more enjoyable 10. frightened 词性转换11‎ ‎1. frightened 2. excitedly 3. exciting 4. friendly 5. freedom 6. frozen 7. fisherman 8. fishermen 9. expenses 10. more excitedly 词性转换12‎ ‎1. friends 2. free 3. funny 4. farthest 5. fourth 6. final 7. freedom 8. fishermen 9. Unluckily 10. unforgettable 词性转换13‎ ‎1. friendly 2. factories 3. foolish 4. farther 5. further 6. foolish 7. favourite 8. forgetful 9. unusual 10. more difficult 词性转换14‎ ‎1. freedom 2. frozen 3. friends 4. frightening 5. enjoyed 6. frightened 7. explanation 8. minutes’ 9. covered 10. discussed 词性转换15‎ ‎1. excited 2. farther 3. expense 4. foolish 5. fish 6. forgetful 7. friendly 8. once 9. operating 10. covers ‎ 词性转换16‎ ‎1. once 2. open 3. opening 4. opens 5. operate 6. operation 7. operate 8. painting 9. posted 10. dislikes 词性转换17‎ ‎1. organize 2. powerful 3. painter 4. professional 5. Physical 6. pollute 7. physics, physical 8. pleasant, pleased 9. painter, paint, painting 10. saved ‎ 词性转换18‎ ‎1. pleasure 2. pleasure 3. pollution 4. physics, physics 5. post, postage 6. Organization 7. power 8. powerful, power 9. professors 10. more quickly ‎ 词性转换19‎ ‎1. practises 2. professional 3. quickly 4. rain 5. rainy, rain 6. really 7. really, real 8. real, really 9. located 10. unhappy 词性转换20‎ ‎1. quickly, quick 2. rainy 3. runner 4. reciting 5. library 6. listen 7. location 8. lovely 9. realized 10. rained, raining ‎ 词性转换21‎ ‎1. realize 2. really 3. recite 4. recited 5. librarian 6. listener 7. loud 8. love 9. loves 10. safer ‎ 词性转换22‎ ‎1. luck 2. Luckily 3. lucky 4. luck 5. lovely 6. luck 7. medical 8. meeting 9. listened 10. Unluckily 词性转换23‎ ‎1. Luckily 2. mixture 3. memorize 4. luck 5. main 6. mainly 7. manager 8. medicine 9. managed 10. meetings 词性转换24‎ ‎1. meet 2. lucky 3. message 4. happily 5. mouse 6. national 7. nationality 8. messenger 9. memories 10. mixed 词性转换25‎ ‎1. messenger 2. mice 3. mixture 4. flight 5. nationality 6. seriously 7. safely 8. serve 9. nations 10. services 词性转换26‎ ‎1. message 2. speak 3. seat 4. solve 5. saying 6. science 7. snowy 8. shopping 9. mixed 10. rules, safe ‎ 词性转换27 ‎ ‎1. speech 2. sadly 3. safely 4. safety 5. success 6. snowy 7. serve 8. secondary 9. scientists 10. speakers 词性转换28 ‎ ‎1. sad 2. safely 3. solve 4. speak 5. safe 6. service 7. shopping 8. carelessness 9. slower 10. solving 词性转换29 ‎ ‎1. seriously 2. argument 3. clearly 4. cloudy 5. electric 6. engine 7. fun 8. golden 9. services 10. scientists 词性转换30‎ ‎1. safely 2. seriously 3. scientist 4. record 5. knowledge 6. necessary 7. neighbour 8. kindnesses 9. reported 10. speakers’‎ 词性转换31‎ ‎1. within 2. wood 3. wounded 4. writer 5. clear 6. cloud 7. fun 8. kind 9.‎ ‎ wonders 10. suggested 词性转换32‎ ‎1. suggestion 2. length 3. neighbourhood 4. recorder 5. with 6. without 7. wonderful 8. wooden 9. worked 10. knows ‎ 词性转换33‎ ‎1. electrical 2. wound 3. usually 4. worker 5. reporter 6. neighbour 7. wonderfully 8. needs 9. written 10. unnecessary 词性转换34‎ ‎1. successfully 2. successful 3. kindly 4. collect 5. collection 6. cycle 7. cyclist 8. cycling 9. more dangerous 10. succeeded ‎ 词性转换35‎ ‎1. days 2. Daily 3. danger 4. die 5. dead 6. different 7. decide 8. difficult 9. developing 10. collecting ‎ 词性转换36‎ ‎1. dangerous 2. death 3. dying 4. decision 5. development 6. discussion 7. dishonest 8. Honest 9. difficulties 10. differences ‎ 词性转换37‎ ‎1. honest 2. like 3. drive 4. drives 5. easily 6. educational 7. electric 8. engine 9. discussion 10. discovered ‎ 词性转换38‎ ‎1. easy 2. education 3. engineer 4. wide 5. electricity 6. wind 7. weight 8. teacher, taught 9. teachers’ 10. easiest ‎ 词性转换39‎ ‎1. engineer 2. widen 3. waiter, waitress 4. sun, sunny 5. widely 6. windy 7. weigh 8. twice 9. swimming 10. winners 词性转换40‎ ‎1. truth 2. weight 3. widely 4. used 5. usual 6. unusual, usually 7. Who, whose 8. win, winner 9. visitors 10. reading ‎ 词性转换41‎ ‎1. useful 2. truly 3. truly 4. asleep 5. wisdom 6. weigh 7. western 8. robbery, robber(s) 9. living 10. usually, usual, unusual ‎ 词性转换42‎ ‎1. useful 2. usually 3. importance 4. sunny 5. proof 6. ninth, twelfth 7. fighters 8. Germans 9. winners 10. waits ‎ 真题再现 ‎00‎ 1. Paper catches fire__________. (easy)‎ 2. Are there any taxi __________in the small city? (serve)‎ 3. ‎__________is more important to me than money, (healthy)‎ 4. Look at the photo! The __________man from the left is our class teacher, Mr.‎ ‎ Wang, (five)‎ 1. The sick man is getting__________. (ill)‎ ‎01‎ ‎1. Paper catches fire__________. (easy)‎ ‎2. Are there any taxi __________in the small city? (serve)‎ ‎3.__________is more important to me than money, (healthy)‎ ‎4. Look at the photo! The __________man from the left is our class teacher, Mr. Wang, (five)‎ ‎5. The sick man is getting__________. (ill)‎ ‎02‎ fun begin freeze engine clearly ‎1. Patrick is going to be a(n)__________when he grows up.‎ ‎2. On a ________night, you can see thousands of stars in the sky.‎ ‎3. Lucy looks __________in Mum's shoes.‎ ‎4. In __________weather, the old had better stay at home.‎ ‎5. At the ______of this century, the APEC conferences were held successfully in Shanghai.‎ ‎03‎ act, five, pleased, safe, service, usually, wood ‎1. The French artist said, "It is my ________time to visit Shanghai. I love this city so much."‎ ‎2. Such cold weather is quite ________in June and people have to wear warm clothes again.‎ ‎3. It's a ________to have a picnic with all the family members.‎ ‎4. "Your job is to ________customers well. Please keep it in mind," the manager told the waiters.‎ ‎5. That girl is the most ________member in the school singing group.‎ ‎6. Quite a few ________houses have been built for the tourists around the lake.‎ ‎7. After flying in the storm for nearly one hour, the helicopter landed ________at last.‎ ‎04‎ 1. The old lady could hardly believe that she had got the travel pass to Hong Kong so ________. (easy)‎ 2. Mr. Chen was surprised to see the fast ________ in Shanghai after his long absence from the city. (develop)‎ 3. Feng Ai’s love and ________ will always be remembered by her students and their parents in Yunan. (kind)‎ 4. Many people caught cold last month because of the ________ weather. (change)‎ 5. Watch ________, and you will find the difference between the two pictures. (care)‎ ‎05‎ 1. A bus ________ is responsible for the safety of his passengers. (drive)‎ 2. It rained ________ last night and the river rose two feet. (heavy)‎ 3. The fisherman are told to be more careful on ________ days. (wind)‎ 4. More people are getting to know the ________ of environmental protection. (important)‎ 5. I ________ we see a film about the Anti-Japanese War. (suggestion)‎ 6. ‎________ food is convenient to cook so it’s a craze in supermarkets. (freeze)‎ ‎06‎ 1. I received some Christmas ________ from my pen pals. (card)‎ 2. The young man works as a ________ in a five-star hotel. (wait)‎ 3. The children were ________ excited when they saw the two pandas, Tuantuan and Yuanyuan. (real)‎ 4. To be lovely Shanghainese, we should be helpful and ________ to others. (friend)‎ 5. Our new flat is on the ________ floor, and we have a good view of the park. (ten)‎ 6. It is ________ to improve our English without enough practice. (possible)‎ 7. The situation in that country is ________. You’d better not go there. (danger)‎ 1. It is ________ of Peter to pay so much money for clothes. (fool)‎ ‎07‎ 1. The street near my house is always crowded with cars and ________ . (bus)‎ 2. Mum made a big chocolate cake for little Kevin’s ________ birthday. (six)‎ 3. ‎“Would you tell ________ about your trip to Russia?” the children asked Uncle Joe. (we)‎ 4. The Iraq War has made thousands of children ________. (home)‎ 5. Listen! The birds are singing ________ in the woods. (beautiful)‎ 6. I believe knowledge is more ________ than money. (power)‎ 7. The students had a ________ in the English class yesterday. (discuss)‎ 8. Put some milk into the flour, break two eggs and then ________ them. (mixture)‎ ‎08‎ 1. They bought some ________ at the supermarket yesterday. (potato)‎ 2. Mandy has got a lovely dog. ________ name is Oliver. (It)‎ 3. We still need ________ more chairs for the meeting room. (ninth)‎ 4. The young mother is singing ________ to her baby son now. (soft)‎ 5. Shirley has done a lot of for the tourists. She is really a ________ guide.(help)‎ 6. It’s difficult for us to tell the ________ between these two words. (different)‎ 7. More and more foreigners are learning to ________ Chinese nowadays. (speech)‎ ‎8. A group of young Japanese had an ________ tour in our town last month. (enjoy)‎

