牛津上海英语高一第一学期Unit4Reading 课件(共30张PPT)

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牛津上海英语高一第一学期Unit4Reading 课件(共30张PPT)

New Entertainment Technology UN I T 4 C hina I nternational I mport E xhibition (CIIE) entertainment technology brainstorm How many kinds of entertainment can you list? entertainment (technology) singing karaoke dancing i-phone i-pad i-touch reading books e-books concert drama Seeing films watching TV listening to music surfing the Internet playing video games online games Skimming Read the passage and answer the questions: 1. How many entertainment technologies are introduced in the article? And what are they? Initial Reading What section does this text probably come from? A. education ______ B. science C. advertisement D. entertainment B Skimming Skimming 2. What is genre ( 体裁 ) of this passage? A. Narrative essay B. Expository essay C. Argumentative essay D. Drama 3. What does it usually contain? What is it? What features does it contain? How does it work? Skimming New Technology An Imax Dome Theatre A home entertainment system MP3 player Image maximum 图像最大化 Hemispherical ( 半球状的 )roof. New Trends ❶ Key words (features) Imax Dome Theater Screen: Sound: Film content: Scanning An Imax Dome Theatre How does it work? It can make you feel like part of the action while you are watching a film. The screen surrounds the audience. The sound system has 44 speakers behind the screen. surrounds audience has 44 speakers, very real nature Voice your heart ! Do you still remember your experience when you first watched movie in IMAX Dome theatre ? Could you please describe your feeling? screen: (sense of sight) sound: (sense of hearing) feeling: Can we enjoy a similar effect at home? You can achieve a similar effect in your own sitting room with a New Trends ❷ Key words (features) Home Entertainment System Screen: Location: sound: Home entertainment system a flat-screen TV, clear suspended on the wall stereo speaker, clear What makes both the picture and sound clear? Digital technology. A home entertainment system What is the special feature? You can achieve a similar effect in your own sitting room. How does it work? A wide, flat-screen TV is suspended on the wall. Stereo speakers are arranged round the viewers. v. 达到,获得 Achieve a goal Achieve success Let me hear your voice! Do any of you have a home entertainment system ? If so, would you please describe it? Word Guessing Which of the following can replace the underlined word “suspended” in paragraph 2 ____ . A. hung B. played C. attached D. surrounded A Trends of Technology IMAX huge Far TV big Close small Read paragraph ❸ and answer the following questions: 1. What can we use MP3 player for? 2. Why do people prefer Mp3 players to CDs or cassettes? We can listen to high-quality music M ost MP3 players are smaller than cigarette lighters. It can record hundreds of hours of music You can listen to it while you are working It is easy to carry Small size Portable capacity advantages How does it work? Using digital technology. Summary writing (about 60 words) This passage introduced three new ______ in entertainment technologies including Imax Dome theatre, home entertainment system and Mp3 players. The first one makes us feel ________ while watching film, with 44___________ behind the screen which __________ the audience. The second one uses a ______________ TV, _____________on the wall. The last product is ________ due to its __________ and ______________. trends speakers flat-screened suspended lifelike surrounds popular capacity convenience Trends books TV movie music Photos Shopping AI robot Robot Can you introduce some n ew e ntertainment t echnologies in the CIIE? ( current trends ) TV E ntertain ment movie N ew photos T echnology 1 2 4 3 5 6 New trend in reading books Reading e-books with an e-reader or a mobile phone Trend in shopping Online shopping Traditional shopping TV shopping New trends in watching TV Flat-screen TV screen Interactive TV . . New trends in listening to music cassette CD . New trends in singing New technology in photo taking In presentation, please cover following aspects What is the new technology? What are the special features/advantages? How does it work? PSP AR Game Game boy . Trend in Game VR Game IMAX huge Far TV big Close small Feature1 convenience IMAX D T Home theatre Digital Technology MP3 player Digital Technology Feature2 Intelligence Feature3 Interaction Feature 4 Exchange IMAX huge Far TV big Close small Feature1 convenience IMAX D T Home theatre Digital Technology MP3 player Digital Technology Feature2 Intelligence Feature3 Interaction Feature 4 Exchange C.I.I.E Group discussion Use your imagination, and introduce a trend in future which has never been fully developed now (future trend) Singing Shopping Playing video games Robot Service Restaurant Space travel technology Reading AI Robot Photo Big Data Cloud Bio-tech I nternet O f T hings Future always belongs to the young generation. Future is coming… What will be the next innovative technology?

