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1 译 林 社 数 字 化 助 教 资 源 库 ·《 英 语 》( 四 年 级 下 册 ) Test for Unit 5 (A) 姓名 班级 得分 听力部分 40% 一、听录音,选出与所听内容相符的图片。5% ( ) 1 A B C ( ) 2 A B C ( ) 3 A B C ( ) 4 A B C ( ) 5 A B C 二、听录音,给下列图片排序。14% ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 30 14 13 2 译 林 社 数 字 化 助 教 资 源 库 ·《 英 语 》( 四 年 级 下 册 ) 三、听录音,判断所听内容是(T)否(F)与中文意思相符。5% ( ) 1 秋天我可以去爬山。 ( ) 2 你喜欢什么学科? ( ) 3 我能在公园里放风筝。 ( ) 4 这是你的夹克衫。 ( ) 5 今天天气真好! 四、听录音,给下列句子排序。6% ( ) Who’s the man over there? ( ) Can you draw these flowers? ( ) Are those your mangoes? ( ) Whose umbrella is this? ( ) When do you do your homework every day? ( ) What day is it today? 五、听录音,选择正确的答句。10% ( ) 1 A We go boating. B I’m hot today. C I like autumn. ( ) 2 A It’s warm. B I fly kites. C I make snowmen. ( ) 3 A No, I don’t. B No, I am not. C No, I can’t. ( ) 4 A Yes, it does. B No, it isn’t. C No. It’s a sunny day. ( ) 5 A She has a bag. B It’s a nice bag. C It’s my bag. 笔试部分 60% 一、找出各组中不属于同一类选项。5% ( ) 1 A sticker B spring C summer ( ) 2 A cold B match C warm ( ) 3 A swimming B skating C dinner ( ) 4 A cool B is C are ( ) 5 A bag B jacket C get 二、判断画线部分读音是否一致,相同的用S表示,不相同的用D表示。 6% ( ) 1 Chinese this ( ) 2 climbing like ( ) 3 hill picnic ( ) 4 ice cream dinner ( ) 5 lesson every ( ) 6 see evening 三、仿照例句,写一写。4% 1 It is warm. We f ly kites and have picnics in the park. It is . 2 It is hot. We eat ice creams and go swimming. It is . 3 It is cold. We make snowmen and go skating. It is . 4 It is cool. We eat fruit and go climbing. It is . 3 译 林 社 数 字 化 助 教 资 源 库 ·《 英 语 》( 四 年 级 下 册 ) 四、选词填空。10% 1 This is (I, my) bag, and that is (you, your) book. 2 I like (climb, climbing).What (about, are) you? 3 We can (go, going) (skate, skating) this afternoon. 4 Let’s have picnics (in, on) a (sun, sunny) day. 5 (Who’s, Whose) dog is (this, these)? 五、从II栏中找出与I栏相对应的答句。5% I II ( ) 1 Can you draw a horse? A It’s two o’clock. ( ) 2 When do you go home? B Yes, it is. ( ) 3 What can you see in the tree? C It’s difficult, but I can try. ( ) 4 Is it Friday today? D At four f ifty. ( ) 5 What time is it now? E I can see some monkeys. 六、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。10% 1 like autumn you do ( ? ) 2 cold winter it is in ( ? ) 3 f ly in we kites spring ( . ) 4 do like I not summer ( . ) 5 has she my bag big ( . ) 七、给下列句子排序,组成通顺的话。6% A It’s Sunday, Mum. B Wonderful! We can go boating on the river. C What day is it today, Helen? D No, I don’t. E It’s warm outside. Let’s go to the park this afternoon. F Do you have any plans today? 4 译 林 社 数 字 化 助 教 资 源 库 ·《 英 语 》( 四 年 级 下 册 ) 八、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。10% Sam: Hello, Bobby. Bobby: Hello, Sam. Would you like an ice cream? It’s very nice. Sam: No, thank you. I don’t like ice cream. I don’t like the hot summer either. I like warm spring. We can ride bikes by the lake. Bobby: Billy likes spring too. But I like autumn. It’s cool. I can have picnics with my family. Tina likes winter. She likes making snowmen. Sam: Oh, it’s two thirty now. I have a football match this afternoon. Will you come and watch it, Bobby? Bobby: Sure. ( ) 1 Sam doesn’t like summer. ( ) 2 Sam likes riding bikes by the lake in autumn. ( ) 3 Billy and Sam both like spring. ( ) 4 Tina likes autumn. ( ) 5 Sam has a basketball match this afternoon. 九、仿照小诗,写一写。4% Spring, spring, Warm spring. Spring is coming. Let’s go boating. 5 译 林 社 数 字 化 助 教 资 源 库 ·《 英 语 》( 四 年 级 下 册 ) Test for Unit 5 (A) 听力原文 一、1 We have picnics in the park in spring. 2 Let’s climb the hill together. 3 It is cool in autumn. 4 I have thirteen pencils. 5 It’s a sunny day. Let’s go boating. 二、1 A: Which season do you like ? B: I like spring. It’s beautiful. 2 It’s six. It’s time to have a skating lesson. 3 The snowman is big and nice. We all like it very much. 4 It’s time for PE. Let’s run and play football in the playground. 5 A: What do you usually do in autumn? B: We often have picnics in the park. 6 A: What can you see in the zoo? B: I can see tigers and lions. 7 A: Let’s f ly kites. B: Good idea! 三、1 I can go climbing in autumn. 2 What subjects do you like? 3 I can ride the bike in the park. 4 Here’s your basketball. 5 I’m fine today. 四、1 Whose umbrella is this? 2 Can you draw these flowers? 3 Who’s the man over there? 4 Are those your mangoes? 5 What day is it today? 6 When do you do your homework every day? 五、1 Which season do you like? 2 What do you do in spring? 3 Do you like summer? 4 Is it a fine day today? 5 Whose bag is it? 6 译 林 社 数 字 化 助 教 资 源 库 ·《 英 语 》( 四 年 级 下 册 ) 参考答案 听力部分 一、1 B 2 C 3 B 4 C 5 A 二、4 3 1 2 5 6 7 三、1 T 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 F 四、3 2 4 1 6 5 五、1 C 2 B 3 A 4 B 5 C 笔试部分 一、1 A 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 C 二、1 D 2 S 3 S 4 D 5 S 6 S 三、略 四、1 my, your 2 climbing, about 3 go, skating 4 on, sunny 5 Whose, this 五、1 C 2 D 3 E 4 B 5 A 六、1 Do you like autumn? 2 Is it cold in winter? 3 We fly kites in spring. 4 I do not like summer. 5 She has my big bag. 七、C A F D E B 八、1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 F 九、略

