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‎2011年中考英语试题分类汇编总复习--单项选择(一)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎—It’s said that you have moved into a new house. ‎ ‎—Yeah, and we need to buy some     in the mall nearby. ‎ A. food    B.furniture     C. hamburger ‎ ‎【答案】B ‎—Well,you look so happy!  ‎ ‎—Because I got a good ________.‎ A.work                       B.news                       C.job ‎【答案】C Sandy‎ didn’t tell her parents that she was going home because she wanted to give them a _______.‎ A. gift            B. call               C. surprise     D. note        ‎ ‎【答案】C You can get much_____about the World Expo on the Internet.‎ A.map                        B.picture                    C.ticket             D.information ‎【答案】D The customers are pleased with the________of the restaurant.‎ A.balance                   B.experience                     C.surface                           D.service ‎【答案】D ‎–Lily has a silk __________.Listen,she is singing in the next room!‎ ‎—— How nice!.‎ A. look                                B. noise                               C. voice ‎【答案】C ‎—Wow,so many beautiful cars!I don’t know which one to buy.‎ ‎—Anyway ,you have to make a________.‎ A.conclusion       B.connection       C.decision           D.presentation ‎【答案】C We need to come up with a/an________and make a decision at once.‎ A.information     B.advice              C.idea                  D.news ‎【答案】C ‎—Would you like some _______?‎ ‎--No,thank you.I’m not hungry at all.‎ A.water               B.books               C.clothes             D.bread ‎【答案】D I Iike______ a Iot, and my mother usuaIIy cooks it in different ways.‎ A.fish           B.potatoes        C.noodIes ‎【答案】A ‎—When will the 2010 World Expo(世博会) come to a close? ‎ ‎—It’ll close at the end of ________. ‎ A.September             B.October      C.November            D.December ‎【答案】B ‎–Why are you still waiting in line?‎ ‎--I’ve missed my _______ .  ‎ ‎ A. place          B. order            C. turn           D. time ‎【答案】C ‎(  )It was very hard for me to make a—but J decided to leave my job A suggestion    B decision    C plan          D speech ‎【答案】B ‎—Good news.We will have a _______holiday.‎ ‎--I’ve heard of it.But it’s coming in_______.‎ A.three days;three days’ time         B.three days’;three days’‎ C.three-day;three days                    D.three days;three-day time ‎【答案】C ‎—Why not go to Qingdao on May Day,Jim?‎ ‎--I’m afraid it’s not a good ________.I have been there several times.‎ A.way                 B.place                C.advice                     D.idea ‎【答案】D ‎(      )Mr Black gave us ______on how to learn English well.‎ A.an advice         B.many advices   C.some advice            D.some advices ‎【答案】C ‎— With whom did you watch 2010 World Cup Opening Ceremony ?‎ ‎— _________.‎ A. A friend of mine                                       B. A friend of me ‎ C. A friend of my sister                                D. A friend of you ‎ ‎【答案】A Oh, my god! The kids are making too much_______ here. I can’t do anything.‎ A. sound           B. voice                  C. noise         D. footstep    ‎ ‎【答案】C ‎— You seem to like watching TV very much . Which _______ do you like best ?  ‎ ‎— Lucky 52. I like Li Yong very much.‎ A. programme                   B. screen            C. progress         D. Deseription ‎【答案】A ‎— What’s your job , Henry?‎ ‎— I’m a ________ ,I work late . I’m very busy when people go out to dimters .‎ A. waiter                   B. reporter          C. teacher            D. nurse ‎ ‎【答案】A ‎ (   ) -How many ______can you see in the picture?‎ ‎-Only one.‎ A. dog                 B. sheep             C. child ‎【答案】B ‎(   )——What’s your     ?‎ ‎——I like swimming.‎ A. job  B. age  C.hobby  D. number ‎ ‎【答案】C ‎(   )——What would you like,sir?‎ ‎——______.‎ A. Two pop  B. Two bottles pop  C. Two bottles of pop  D. Two bottle of pop ‎【答案】C I have a.______ for breakfast everyday.‎ A.hot dog                 B.cookie                   C.dumpling                D.hamburger ‎【答案】D Please pick up the _______. Don’t keep it on the floor.‎ A. water   B. paper C. books   D. bottles ‎【答案】B ‎ (       ) A low-carbon(低碳) lifestyle has ___________ effect on our daily life. People are paying more and more attention to saving ____________ these days.‎ A. the, energies            B. a, energy        C. an, energy ‎【答案】C ‎—What a fine day! Shall we go hiking ,Bob?‎ ‎--I’d love to.But is’s not the right ________.I am busy now.‎ A.place                B.moment           C.weather ‎【答案】B If you work hard,you’ll get good ________.‎ A.grades                            B.notes                C.lessons                    D.answers ‎【答案】A ‎—Lucy,do you like ________?‎ ‎-Yes.Most of my clothes are __________.  ‎ A.an orange an orange                           B.orange ,orange C.oranges ,oranges                                 D.orange,an orange ‎【答案】B ‎(   ) Mr. Li regards Ningxia as his second_______ because he has been here for over twenty years. ‎ A. family              B. house                C. room               D. home ‎【答案】D I'm not sure about the meaning of the word. You'd better look it up in a ____ .‎ A.letter    B.dictionary C.postcard D.notice ‎ 【答案】B ‎— I hear you have to run for half an hour every day.‎ ‎— Right. It is one of the            in my school.‎ A. choices                B. plans             C. hobbies                D. rules ‎【答案】D ‎---What’s the news about ?                                                    ‎ ‎---________ entertainment stars gathered to attact donations for Yushu.  ‎ ‎  A.A member of    B.A kind of           C.A packet of      D.A number of ‎【答案】D My cousin gave up the chance of working abroad and returned to his hometown.‎ A.opportunity            B.challenge          C.experience ‎【答案】A What a pity! Liu Xiang didn’t win the_____hurdles(跨栏).‎ A.110-meter              B.110-meters            C.110 meter ‎【答案】A ‎(  )22. When I was a student, I liked to sit in the front of the classroom so that I could see the words more clearly on the _______.‎ A. blackboard      B. desk      C. dictionary     D. postcard ‎【答案】A ‎ (   ) 17. I saw many ____________ eating grass on the hill.‎ A. horse        B. cow    C. rabbit       D. sheep ‎【答案】D ‎—The land in the southwest of China is in great need of        .‎ ‎—Yes ,it hasn’t rained for a long time there.‎ A. milk         B.tea      C.coffee     D.water  ‎ ‎【答案】D The pants I bought last year are too small now.  I think I need a new    . A.belt    B.pair    C.shirt   D.space ‎【答案】B Mike: I always forget what I want to buy when I go to the market. Oscar: Well, you can make a     of things you want to buy. A habit  B list      C pack   D wish ‎【答案】B ‎— What is the____of the 2010 World Expo(世博会)?‎ ‎— It is “Better‎ ‎City, Better Life”.‎ A.song                   B.theme                C.custom ‎【答案】B ‎—Would you like some drinks, boys?  ‎ ‎—Yes, ____ , please.‎ A. some oranges                  B. two boxes of chocolate  ‎ C. some cakes                     D. two boxes of cola ‎【答案】D ‎—Can I help you?‎ ‎—I’d like ____________ for my twin daughters.‎ A. two pair of shoes                                   B. two pairs of shoe C. two pair of shoe                                       D. two pairs of shoes ‎【答案】D  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎2011年中考英语试题分类汇编总复习--单项选择(二)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎--Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?‎ ‎-- __________is OK.I don’t care.‎ A. Either                  B. Neither                    C. Both ‎【答案】A ‎—Look ,that’s Mike,your classmate.‎ ‎--Yes,Let’s go and say hello to_________.‎ A.him                  B.he                     C.her                   D.hers ‎【答案】A ‎—Look! Do you know ______man under the tree?‎ ‎——Sorry .It’s too far to see ______clearly.‎ A.this;him                  B.that;his             C.this;her             D.that;him ‎【答案】D ‎—Which of the caps will you take?‎ ‎--I’ll take _______,one for my father ,the other for my brother.‎ A.neither                    B.both                 C.all ‎【答案】B ‎—Who helped you clean the classroom yesterday?‎ ‎--_______.I cleaned it all by myself.‎ A.Somebody              B.Nobody           C.Everybody ‎【答案】B ‎—Can I have some more ice cream,Mum?‎ ‎--Sorry. There is _______left in the fridge.‎ A.none         B.nothing            C.no one       D.anything ‎【答案】B ‎—Excuse me .I want to buy some stamps.Where can I find a post office?‎ ‎--I know _______not far from here.You can easily find ________.‎ A.that;it               B.it;one               C.one;it ‎【答案】C ‎_________of the hats suited him,so Jack had to try on the third one.‎ A.Neither            B.Either                      C.Both ‎【答案】A ‎—Is the woman a teacher? ‎ ‎—Yes. She teaches ________ English. ‎ A.you                     B.us                  C.our                    D.your ‎【答案】B ‎—Have you got ________ready for the sports meeting?‎ ‎--Not yet.We still have________to do.‎ A.anything;nothing           B.something;everything           C.everything;something ‎【答案】C Don’t wear jeans,or______won’t be Aiiowed to go to the concert.‎ A. I            B.you           C.they ‎【答案】B ‎–How many students are there in the classroom?‎ ‎--__________. They are all in the lab.‎ ‎ A. Some         B. None            C. All            D. Neither ‎【答案】B ‎ (  )To help Tommy learn better, his parents have done__________they could:cards,tapes,special learning centers,in short, everything they can think of.‎ A both        B all        C none       D neither ‎【答案】B ‎—How many students like this song?‎ ‎--___________of us likes it.It sounds terrible.‎ A.None               B.Nobody           C.Every one        D.All ‎【答案】A ‎—I don’t know _______to do next?‎ ‎--It’s easy .Press the red button in 2 minutes.‎ A.what                B.how                        C.where               D.when ‎【答案】A ‎—Excuse me, is this _______ new camera?‎ ‎—Yes, it’s _______. ‎ A. your; my    B. your; mine    C. yours; my      D. yours; mine ‎【答案】B Emma, can you introduce       to Alice? I want to meet her.‎ A. him   B. his     C. me     D. my ‎【答案】C She is new here, so we know         about her.‎ A. nothing    B. something       C. anything  D. everything ‎【答案】A ‎—How heavily it rained this early morning. ‎ ‎—Yes. But     of the students in our class was late for school.  ‎ A.some    B.none      C. all ‎ ‎【答案】B ‎—Lucy’s skirt is black. What about          ? ‎ ‎—Mine is white. ‎ A.you      B.your    C. yours  ‎ ‎【答案】C ‎—How was your visit to the World Park in Beijing?‎ ‎--Wonderful!We enjoyed ______very much.‎ A.itself                B.myself              C.yourselves        D.ourselves ‎【答案】D ‎—Oh,you’re reading a newspaper .Is there _______in it?‎ ‎--I don’t know. I read it just now.‎ A.new something       B.anything new          C.something new ‎【答案】B ‎—Who is Mr Xu?‎ ‎--He is_____teacher and he teaches _______P.E.‎ A.our;us                            B.our;our                    C.ours;our ‎【答案】A ‎—Would you like to go to the concert with me tonight?‎ ‎--I’d love to ,but ________of us couple has tickets.Do you have some?‎ A.both                        B.neither                    C.none ‎【答案】B ‎—Could you please tell me_________in today’s newspaper?‎ ‎--Sorry,________.‎ A.something special;special nothing      B.special something ;special nothing C.something special;nothing special ‎【答案】C I’m expecting a pet dog for long,but mom has no time to buy_______for me.‎ A.it                      B.one                   C.this            D.that ‎【答案】B ‎—Would you like tea or coffee?‎ ‎--_________is OK.I really don’t mind.‎ A.None               B.Either               C.Neither                   D.Both ‎【答案】B ‎—Is this model plane yours,Susan?‎ ‎--Yes,it’s mine.It’s made by_________.‎ A.myself            B.yourself           C.himself             D.herself ‎【答案】A His name is Thomas ,but usually calls ______ Tom.‎ A. him                 B. himself    C. her                  D. Herself ‎【答案】A Maybe bamboo has more uses than ______in the world.‎ A.any plant         B.all the plants    C.other plant              D.any other plant ‎【答案】D The volunteers love________students in that small village in the west of China.‎ A.they                        B.them                C.their                 D.themselves ‎【答案】C New Zealand‎ has two islands.One is North Island and ______is South Island.‎ A.another                   B.the other          C.other                D.the others ‎【答案】B ‎—The exam was very easy,wasn’t it?‎ ‎--Yes,but I don’t think ________would pass it.‎ A.somebody               B.anybody          C.everybody              D.nobody ‎【答案】C This is __________classroom,but where is ours?‎ A.they                 B.them                       C.their                        D.theirs ‎【答案】C I’m from England ,and ______name is Jacky.‎ A.her                   B.his                    C.your                 D.my ‎【答案】D ‎ (    )There are only_________new words in the passage,but I know ______of them.‎ A.some;all                  B.a few;none                     C.lots of;a few                  D.few;none ‎【答案】D ‎ (    )—Your tea,please.‎ ‎--There must be_______in the tea.I like this kind of tea with sugar.‎ A.nothing sweet                B.something sweet C.sweet something                   D.sweet nothing ‎【答案】B ‎--Hi!A purse is on the ground.Whose is it?‎ ‎--There’s a girl over there.Maybe it’s _________.‎ A.her                   B.hers                  C.she                   D.herself ‎【答案】B ‎ (    )Earthquakes happen when two plates(板块)move against________other.‎ A.both                        B.all                            C.each                 D.every ‎【答案】C ‎--Whose shirt is this? Is it Tom's?‎ ‎---No, it isn't, ______ is white.‎ A.Mine           B.Hers                    C.His                     D.Yours ‎【答案】C ‎—Kate ,I’m going on business.Please look after ________well.‎ ‎--Don’t worry,Mom,I will.‎ A.herself                           B.myself                     D.yourself ‎【答案】C Whatever you do, ________ is difficult if you put your heart into it.‎ A.nothing               B.anything            C.something       D.everything ‎【答案】A ‎ (       )Two places of interest in Beijing are well-known to people from home and abroad. One is the Great Wall, ___________ is the Summer‎ ‎Palace. ‎ A. the other               B. another          C. other ‎【答案】A ‎— Excuse me, is this Lucy’s book ?‎ ‎— No, this is ____.  ____ is over there .‎ A. mine; Hers   B. my; Her      C. my; Hers    D. mine; Her ‎【答案】A ‎—Which of the two T-shirts do you prefer?‎ ‎—  ▲  is OK. I don’t like their styles.‎ A. Either                  B. Neither           C. Both               D. All ‎ ‎【答案】B How is your father? Please say hello to ______ for me.‎ A. she                  B. him                 C. it                            D. her ‎【答案】B ‎ (   )——Tina, is this     schoolbag?‎ ‎——Yes,it’s mine.‎ his  B. her  C. Yours  D.your ‎【答案】D ‎— How will she deal with the work?‎ ‎— She doesn’t want to do it by herself . She wants to ask someone else to do it , _________. ‎ A. yet          B. instead           C. too           D. either ‎【答案】B ‎ (   )-Wow, what a nice MP4!  Whose is it?‎ ‎-My aunt bought it for my brother and me. It’s ______.‎ A. mine                B. his               C. ours ‎【答案】C ‎— Where is my notebook ?‎ ‎— I don’t know . It isn’t here . Maybe _______ took it away by mistake . ‎ A. everybody            B. nobody          C. anybody               D. somebody ‎ ‎【答案】D Tom and Mike are good friends. _____ often help each others.‎ A. They             B. Them           C. Their                   D. Theirs ‎【答案】A ‎–______ schoolbag is this? –I guess it’s Lily’s.‎ A. What           B. Who             C. Whose                       D. Which ‎【答案】C There is ______ wrong with this computer. It doesn’t work well.‎ A. something   B. anything      C. everything                 D. nothing ‎【答案】A ‎—Who took you to the new school your dad or mum?‎ ‎--________.I went there alone.‎ A.Either                     B.Both                C.Neither ‎【答案】C ‎—Would you like             to drink? ‎ ‎—Yes, I’ d like a cup of coffee.‎ A. something else     B. else something     C. anything else     D. else anything ‎【答案】A My father has a computer, but he doesn’t know       to use it. ‎ A. what            B. how                C. who            D. which ‎【答案】B ‎—Jim,Tom is looking for his English book.Is this _________?‎ ‎--No.that is ________.I don’t know where his is.‎ A.his,mine           B.he,mine            C.him,mine          D.his,my ‎【答案】A ‎(   ) It’s difficult for me to decide which one to choose, because ______ of them are good. ‎ A. neither                          B. both                       C. either                            D. each ‎【答案】B ‎(   ) ---Help _______ to some cakes, Jim.‎ ‎---Thank you.‎ A. you                       B. your                    C. yourself                      D. yourselves ‎【答案】C I forget to bring a pen.Would you lend me ____?‎ A.one    B.that               C.it              D.this ‎【答案】A ‎---Would you like to have ___________ cake ?                                  ‎ ‎----No, thanks. I’ve had two. That’s enough.‎ A.other         B.others              C.another          D.the other ‎【答案】C ‎---I like red best. What about___________?                                     ‎ ‎---My favourite colour is orange. It represents joy.‎ A. you            B.her                C.him              D.it ‎【答案】A ‎ (   ) You are in a bad mood all the afternoon. Maybe you need _________ like me to cheer you up.‎ A. no one     B. none     C. someone     D. everyone ‎【答案】C ‎— What a nice MP5! Whose is it? ‎ ‎— It’s           . My father bought me last week.‎ A. me     B. him    C. his    D. mine ‎【答案】D ‎--Hurry, Mike! The bus is coming. ‎ ‎---Wait a moment, please! Let me see if there’s __________ left.‎ A. anything else                                                  B. something important    ‎ C. nothing else                                                     D. any other things ‎【答案】A ‎— Which would you like to visit, Shanghai‎ Expo ‎Garden or Beijing Bird Nest?‎ ‎—__________. I prefer to enjoy the 2010 FIFA World Cup at home.‎ A. Both          B. Either   C. Neither        D. None ‎【答案】C ‎---How can I get well along with others, father? ‎ ‎---Try to smile to others, boy. That will make __________ much __________.‎ A. them, easier           B. them, more easy           C. it, easy           D. it, easier ‎【答案】D Maybe the disaster can destroy our homes, but_______can destroy the love in our people. ‎ A.something      B.everything           C.anything       D.nothing ‎【答案】D ‎(   ) I don’t want to read this book. There is _______ in it.‎ A. something interesting                                      B. nothing interesting C. interesting something                                      D. interesting nothing ‎【答案】B ‎—Which of these two English books will you borrow?‎ ‎--I’ll borrow________of them.Because they are very interesting.‎ A.either               B.all                            C.neither                    D.both ‎【答案】D I could look after _____when I was six.‎ A.herself                           B.myself                     C.yourself           D.himself ‎【答案】B I am thirsty. Could you let me have ______ coke?‎ A. little                B. any                  C. some                      D. other ‎【答案】C ‎-When shall we go to the museum, this afternoon or tomorrow morning?‎ ‎-_____ is OK. I’m free these days. ‎ A. Both            B. All               C. Either            D. Neither ‎【答案】C ‎--Which of these two sweaters will you take?‎ ‎--I’ll take       . They look nearly the same, and I just need one.‎ A. both    B. either   C. none   D. all ‎【答案】B ‎—Sally, could you go and help your father wash the car?‎ ‎—Why ____________? I’m busy now. Amy is lying on the grass doing nothing.‎ A. me                  B. I                            C. him                        D. her ‎【答案】A The boy found______hard to get along with the other classmates.‎ A.this                   B.that                 C.it ‎【答案】C ‎ (  )29. Several years ago, ______ people knew Sean. But now he is famous in Jinan.‎ A. few    B. any      C. many       D. most ‎【答案】A ‎ (  )21.--- Do you know everyone from Class One?‎ ‎--- Er…, I know some of ______.‎ A. they        B. their       C. theirs      D. them ‎【答案】D ‎—Wow! You’we got so many skirts.‎ ‎—But________ of them are in fashion now.‎ A.all            B.both              C.neither          D.none ‎【答案】D ‎—Why don’t we take a little break? ‎ ‎—Didn’t we just have_________?‎ A.it              B.that            C.one            D.this ‎【答案】C ‎ (   ) 21. —Is this your sweater, Joy?‎ ‎—No, It's not________ sweater. ________is yellow. ‎ A. my, My      B. my, Mine      C. mine, Mine     D. mine, My ‎【答案】B I cannot understand why Steven bought so many watches but never wears     of them.   (A) any     (B) both (C) every      (D) others ‎【答案】A Gary‎: I can’t find my pen.   Nina: Is the one on Jack’s desk    ?   Gary: Yes, Thank you.   (A) mine   (B) ours (C) theirs      (D) yours ‎【答案】D ‎—Have you brought        with you? We won’t have time to come back.‎ ‎—Don’t worry. All the things we need are here, in this big bag.‎ A. something    B. anything    C. nothing    D. everything ‎【答案】C Come on,children! Help _____to some_____.‎ A.yourself;meat          B.yourselves;chicken    C.yourselves;beefs ‎【答案】B ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎2011年中考英语试题分类汇编总复习--单项选择(三)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎--The cake is too expensive. Would you like to show me a _______one?‎ ‎--Sure. Here you are.‎ A. cheap                      B. cheaper                         C. cheapest ‎—Yummy!The coffee is good.‎ ‎ --That’s right .It will taste________with some milk.‎ A.good         B.better               C.best                  D.the best ‎【答案】B ‎—What’s the low-carbon life style like?‎ ‎--Save_______energy,produce________carbon.‎ A.more;more       B.less;more          C.less;less            D.more;less ‎【答案】D What a nice picture of a house.It would be_______with some green trees around it.‎ A.good                B..better                     C.worse ‎【答案】B I had a hard time with math and I wasn’t ______to get the bad report from my math teacher.‎ A.sure                  B.surprised                 C.excited ‎【答案】B Tom is not good at math.He always feels ______before her takes a math test.‎ A.interested        B.comfortable     C.nervous            D.proud ‎【答案】C ‎—I’m going to a job interview. I feeI a IittIe_______.‎ ‎—Take it easy. Listening to music can heIp you reIax.‎ A.comfortable    B.nervous     C. excited  ‎ ‎【答案】B It is--- to teach a kid the way to solve a problem than tell him the solution directly  ‎ A.helpful           B.more helpful  C.   the most heipfui       ‎ ‎【答案】B ‎–Are you scared of the flight?‎ ‎--No, just a little ________.‎ A. angry          B. serious       C. anxious         D. calm ‎【答案】C ‎–Waiter, $ 20 for dinner, right?‎ ‎--I’m afraid $25, sir, for drinks are ________.‎ ‎ A. extra          B. free            C. high           D. spare ‎【答案】A ‎ (  )—Excuse me,sir. The shoes are a bit small for me ‎—Don’t worry.I’ll change them for a——size A smaller      B smallest    C larger      D largest ‎【答案】C Taking buses in Beijing is______than taking a taxi.‎ A.more cheap      B.much cheaper  C.a little cheap    D.less cheaper ‎【答案】B ‎—Which province is the ________ one in winter? ‎ ‎—It should be Hainan‎ ‎Province, I think. ‎ A.coldest          B.hotter       C.warmest              D.cooler ‎【答案】C I don’t think looking after children is just       work.‎ A. woman    B. woman’s      C. women     D. women’s ‎【答案】D Sometimes walking is even     than driving during the busy traffic time.‎ A. fast   B. faster       C. slow  D. slower ‎【答案】B ‎________mothers can’t go to the meeting ,because they have gone to New York on business.‎ A.Alice and Lily’s      B.Alice’s and Lily’s   C.Alice’s and Lily ‎【答案】B Taking buses in Beijing is ________than taking taxies.‎ A.more cheaper                 B.much cheaper                C.less cheaper ‎【答案】B ‎—Peter has good grades in all his subjects,but he never shows off.‎ ‎--I agree.He is very _________.‎ A.easy-going       B.imaginative      C.modest             D.generous ‎【答案】C You can’t sneeze and keep your eyes _______ at the same time.‎ A. open           B. opens           C. opened          D. opening       ‎ ‎【答案】A Listening is just as________as speaking in language learning.‎ A.important                B.more important       C.most important       D.the most important ‎【答案】A My dog is gentle and never bites.So you needn’t be_______.‎ A.excited                   B.frightened               C.satisfied                  D.interested ‎【答案】B ‎—Our teacher wants us to be_______when we talk with the foreigners.‎ ‎--Yes,we should believe in ourselves.‎ A.comfortable                   B.confident         C.unusual            D.energetic ‎【答案】B ‎—Did you have a wonderful time at the party?‎ ‎--Yes,it’s ________ one I’ve ever been to before.‎ A.a more excited        B.a more exciting       C.the most excited     D.the most exciting ‎【答案】D ‎—Which do you like ________,tea,coffee or juice?‎ ‎--Coffee.‎ A.good                B.better               C.best                  D.well ‎【答案】C The ______friends you have ,the ______you will be.‎ A.more;happy            B.many;happy            C.more;happier    D.many;happier ‎【答案】C ‎---I'm ______, mum. Can I have something to drink?‎ ‎---OK. Here's some cola.‎ A.full             B.heavy                    C.hungry                   D.thirsty ‎【答案】D Which is the _______ way to Qingdao, by plane, bus or train?‎ A. good     B. well   C. better       D. best ‎【答案】D Study hard! ____ you study, ____ results you’ll get.‎ A. Harder; better  B. The harder; better.  C. The harder; the better  D.Harder;the better.‎ ‎【答案】C ‎-Let’s buy some cards for our teachers on Teachers’ Day.‎ ‎--Why not make some by hand?It’s much_________.‎ A.interesting                     B.more interesting             C.the most interesting ‎【答案】B ‎—Lin Tao ,why are you so________?‎ ‎--Because Wang Meng got three gold medals at the Winter Olympics.‎ A.excited                          B.angry                      C.disappointed ‎【答案】A Lucy didn’t make my mistakes in the math exam. She is _______ than any other student.‎ A. the most careful   B. more careless        C. more careful D. much careful ‎【答案】C ‎— What do you think of the sweater ?‎ ‎— It’s too _________ , and I don’t have enough money to buy it .‎ A. nice                       B. lovely             C. popular           D. expensive ‎【答案】D ‎— Why are you unhappy , Ben ?‎ ‎— I was late for class again , I’m afraid Miss Li will be _______ me .‎ A. friendly to                   B. angry with             C. busy with        D. proud of ‎ ‎【答案】B He was so ____▲ _when he heard the ____▲ ___ news that he got the first prize in the contest.‎ A. exciting, exciting   B. exciting, excited  C. excited, excited   D. excited, exciting           ‎ ‎【答案】D ‎ (   )-Claudia, your handwriting is much ______ than before.‎ ‎-Thank you.‎ A. beautiful              B. more beautiful     C. most beautiful ‎【答案】B ‎–Which color do you like ______, blue or green? –Blue. ‎ A. good            B. better           C. best                     D. the best ‎【答案】B ‎ (   )——Jack?Jack?Can you come?‎ ‎——I______my homework.‎ A.do  B. will do  C. am doing  D. was doing ‎【答案】C ‎--- What is your favourite sport?  --- Swimming, I think. It’s _____ of all.‎ A. earsier                    B. more difficult        C. the most interesting             D. the most boring ‎【答案】C All of us want to do more work with ___▲ ______ time and __▲ ______ workers.‎ A. fewer, less      B. less, fewer            C. more, much         D. less, more  ‎ ‎【答案】B ‎—What do you think of the entertainment show you saw last night?‎ ‎--It’s so _______that I want to see it again.‎ A.exciting           B.boring                     C.tiring ‎【答案】A ‎—Who has ____ marks in English,Wang Lin,Zhang Fang or Li Hong?‎ 一Li Hong.‎ A.good    B.better  C.best    D.the best ‎ 【答案】D ‎---Andy, you were the only person that was late for the meeting, why? ‎ ‎---Sorry, sir. But I really had a __________ time finding the meeting hall.‎ A. enjoyable               B. funny                            C. difficult          D. pleasant ‎【答案】C ‎— Health is money.‎ ‎— But I think it is            money. ‎ A. as important as     B. more important than    C. so important than        D. the same as ‎【答案】B ‎ (   )Mr Brown always makes his class _________ and keeps his students _________ in class.‎ A. alive; interesting     B. lively; interesting C. alive; interested     D. lively; interested ‎【答案】D ‎ (   ) That film was so _________ that most of the audience kept screaming in fear while watching it last night.‎ A. exciting     B. frightening     C. boring     D. amazing ‎【答案】B ‎— Congratulations! Your English teacher told me you got an A this time.‎ ‎— Thank you. She is very          .‎ A. impressed              B. embarrassed          C. terrified         D. frustrated ‎【答案】A ‎---How can I get well along with others, father? ‎ ‎---Try to smile to others, boy. That will make __________ much __________.‎ A. them, easier           B. them, more easy           C. it, easy           D. it, easier ‎【答案】D ‎---Mum, I’m really ________ about the result of the exam.                             ‎ ‎---Cheer up. I believe you can be successful.‎ A.patient        B.satisfied            C.unhappy          D.pleased ‎【答案】C ‎(2010·天津市,38,1)We will have a field trip this afternoon.The news makes everyone______.‎ A.excited                          B.frightened        C.happily                    D.luckily ‎【答案】A Dear students, please read every sentence carefully. ___ you are, ____ mistakes you’ll make.‎ A. The more carefully, the fewer            B. The more careful, the less C. The more carefully, the less              D. The more careful, the fewer ‎【答案】D Many Chinese students think science subjects are ______ foreign languages.‎ A. more difficult as   B. less difficult than   C. much difficult than   D. so difficult as ‎ ‎【答案】B ‎--- What do you think of the lecture of Li Yang’s Crazy English?‎ ‎--- I think it’s _______ , but someone thinks it’s much too ________.‎ A. wonderful enough; bored   B. enough wonderful; boring   ‎ C. wonderful enough; boring   D. enough wonderful; bored ‎【答案】C The shop ________ at 8:‎00 a.m. and it ________ for ten hours every day.‎ A. opens; is open                                    B. is opened; opens    ‎ C. is open; has opened                                  D. opened; opens ‎【答案】A Beijing, the capital of China, is one of __________ cities in the world.‎ A. the biggest     B. bigger             C. much bigger            D. big ‎【答案】A He finds watching English movies frustrating because the people speak too quickly.‎ ‎  A.boring                 B.difficult          C.disappointing ‎【答案】C Julia is very clever.In fact,I doubt whether anyone in the class has_______ IQ.‎ A.a high          B.a higher         C.the higher        D.the highest ‎【答案】B How can you study in the living room when other people are watching TV?‎ I think you need a_______place. A. cleaner     B. quieter     C. safer  D. smaller ‎【答案】B Marsha thought her friends would do something_______to celebrate her birthday, but they just gave her a birthday card.  ‎ A. correct     B. honest      C. quick   D. special ‎【答案】D In this five-person game, the one who finds_______hidden balls will win the last free ticket for  the movie A Born Player. ‎ A. many          B. some    C.the more      D. the most ‎【答案】D ‎—Why don’t you like winter in Beijing?‎ ‎—Because it is        winter in Guangzhou.‎ A. as cold as    B. much colder than    C. not so cold as    D. not colder than ‎【答案】B ‎ ‎

