人教版 七年级英语上册-周周清9检测内容:Unit 8

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人教版 七年级英语上册-周周清9检测内容:Unit 8

检测内容:Unit 8 得分________ 卷后分________ 评价________ 一、单项选择。(10×2 分=20 分) 1.There is ________ art class in the morning. A.a B.an C.the D./ 2.I was born ________ a cold(寒冷的) morning ________ May. A.on;on B.in;in C.on;in D.in;on 3.There are twelve ________ in a year. A.days B.weeks C.months D.numbers 4.There are thirtyeight ________ in my class,twenty boys and eighteen girls. A.students B.teachers C.cousins D.daughters 5.—I'm very ________ to meet you,Eric. —Nice to meet you,too. A.tidy B.late C.sorry D.happy 6.________ comes before (在……之前) June but after April. A.March B.May C.July D.August 7.My skirt is too ________,so my mother wants to buy me a new (新的) one. A.nice B.tidy C.good D.old 8.—________ is your grandpa's birthday? —On March 10th. A.What B.Where C.When D.Who 9.In China,October 1st is ________. A.National Day B.Children's Day C.Father's Day D.Women's Day 10.—Happy birthday,John! —________. A.The same to you B.Thanks C.You are welcome D.Happy birthday 二、完形填空。(10×2 分=20 分) I am Wu Gang.I__11__ a big family.My grandfather is seventy __12__ old and my grandmother is sixtynine.My father likes basketball,my mother __13__ tennis,and I like __14__. My grandfather's birthday is New Year's __15__.My grandmother's birthday is__16__.November 15th is my father's birthday and December 20th is __17__.When is my birthday?My birthday is June 1st!It's __18__! Every Sunday we have a family party and every __19__ we have a trip.I have a very __20__ family. 11.A.hasB.likesC.have 12.A.year B.years C.months 13.A.likes B.like C.like to 14.A.color B.class C.soccer 15.A.Day B.Week C.Month 16.A.February 31st B.February 30th C.February 14th 17.A.my mother B.my mother's birthday C.my birthday 18.A.fun B.old C.blue 19.A.day B.month C.morning 20.A.dear B.small C.happy 三、阅读理解。(5×4 分=20 分) Dear Aunt Anna, How are you these days ? The English Student Art Festival starts in our middle school.Today is the first day.There is a photo show (展览).Students take many photos.All of them are great.I love one of the photos a lot.It's a photo of a big family.It's named “Happy Birthday,Grandpa!” I think this student must have a happy family,just like us.In the next two weeks,we have other fun things—the talent (才艺) show,Chinese painting show and the DIY show.The talent show is on the afternoon of December 19th.My classmate Tony and I will (将要) play the piano (钢琴) on it.Our parents will come and watch the show.I hope we can do well.Do you have time?Please come and watch our show.And ask Cindy to come with you.I want to see her. Yours, Helen 21.There is a(n)________ in Helen's school. A.sports meet B.art festival C.English party D.book sale 22.画线单词“them”指的是“________”。 A.students B.shows C.photos D.schools 23.Helen will play the piano with ________. A.her classmate B.her parents C.her aunt D.her grandpa 24.What can we learn from the passage? A.Today is December 19th. B.There is a basketball game. C.Helen likes the DIY show. D.You can see the talent show in the afternoon. 25.Helen writes (写) the email to ________. A.show Anna a photo B.tell Anna about her photos C.ask her aunt to watch the show D.say hello to Cindy 四、词汇运用。(10×1 分=10 分) A)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填写单词。 26.We will have an English ________(测验)next week. 27.I have a really ________(忙碌的) week. 28.Look at the ________(时间)!We'll be late. 29.Boys and girls,welcome to my birthday p________! 30.F________ is the second month of a year. B)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 31.Today is John's ________(nine) birthday. 32.Mike and Tom are ________(thirteenth) years old this year. 33.The ________(one) picture is about a Chinese tennis star—Li Na. 34.In China,there are two ________(term) in a school year. 35.Do you know your ________(parents) birthdays? 五、按要求完成下列句子。(5×2 分=10 分) 36.Is your mother's birthday on March 3rd?(作肯定回答) Yes,________________. 37.Joe and John are fifteen_years_old.(对画线部分提问) ________________ are Joe and John? 38.Our school has a book sale every term.(改为一般疑问句) ________________ school have a book sale every term? 39.Kate has a school trip on Monday.(改为否定句) Kate ________________ a school trip on Monday. 40.Teachers' Day is on_September_10th every year in China.(对画线部分提问) ________________ Teachers' Day every year in China? 六、补全对话。(5×4 分=20 分) 在下面对话的空白处填入恰当的话语(话语可以是句子、短语或词),使对话完整。 A:Hi,Li Ling!My birthday is coming. B:41.________________________________? A:It's on this Friday. B:42.________________________________? A:Yes,I do.I want to have a party. B:43.________________________________? A:At seven on Friday evening.Can you come to my birthday party? B:Yes,I can.44.______________________________? A:At my home.See you then. B:45.________________________________. 答案: 一、1~5 BCCAD6~10 BDCAB 二、11~15 CBACA16~20 CBABC 三、21~25 BCADC 四、26.test27.busy28.time29.party30.February31.ninth 32.thirteen33.first34.terms35.parents' 五、36.it is37.How old38.Does your39.doesn't have 40.When is 六、41.When is your birthday42.Do you have a party 43.When is it44.Where is it45.See you

