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Welcome to our English class To learn English well, change life. 学好英语 , 改变生活 . Christmas Which is the most important festival in western countries? What do you know about Christmas? Christmas tree Christmas present/ gift Dashing through the snow, in a one-horse open sleigh. 冲过大风雪 他们坐在雪橇上 Over the fields we go, laughing all the way. 奔驰过田野 欢笑又歌唱 Bells on bob-tails ring, making spirits bright, 铃声响叮当 你的精神多欢畅 What fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight. 今晚滑雪真快乐把滑雪歌儿唱 Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way. 叮叮当 叮叮当 铃儿响叮当 Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh. 我们滑雪多快乐 我们坐在雪橇上 Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way. 叮叮当 叮叮当 铃儿响叮当 Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh. 我们滑雪多快乐 我们坐在雪橇上 Christmas card Santa Claus Lesson46: Help People New words beard reindeer chimney New words b ear d Saint Nicholas save s ai l or Nikolaus Pole the North Pole slei gh rein deer Rudolph chimney n. 胡须 圣 . 尼古拉斯 v. 救 , 节省 水手 尼古芬斯 n. 地极 北极 n. 雪橇 n. 驯鹿 鲁道夫 n. 烟囱 New Words b ear d Saint Nicholas save s ai l or Nikolaus pole The North Pole slei gh rein deer Rudolph chimney What do es Santa Claus look like ? Do you know? Listen to the tape carefully. Fill in the blanks. Santa Claus is the man in ______ clothes. He has a ______, ________beard. He wears _______ boots. He _____, “Ho, Ho, Ho! He and ___________ go together. . Listening red long white black says Christmas Feature What do you know about Santa Claus? Ho!Ho!Ho! In red clothes Black boots White beard Do you know? Reading Read the passage below the picture in your books. Then fill in chart. More SantaClaus’name Names In … Europe Germany Holland North Ameria Name Saint Nicholas Sankt Nikolaus Sinter Klaas Santa Claus Does Santa have glasses? Hmmm… is this really Santa? Is Santa Clause a real man? Reading He save d sailors from storms ,helped young children and gave gifts to the poor. story What are the real storties about “Santa Claus”? Long ago,there really was a Saint Nicholas.There are old stories about Saint Nicholas. The stories say he saved sailors from storms , helped young children and give gifts to the poor. Remembering Language points Does your family exchange gifts at Christmas ? 你的家人之间在圣诞节互换礼物吗? at Christmas 在圣诞节 【 拓展 】 : 圣诞卡片 Christmas card on Christmas Eve Christmas present Christmas tree 在 圣诞夜(平安夜 ) 圣诞礼物 圣诞树 exchange vt.( 常与 for, with 连用) 交换,互换 exchange seats with sb. 与某人调换座位 e.g.Exchange foreign money for Renminbi . 把外币兑成人民币 . John _________ gifts ________ Mary. 约翰与玛丽交换了礼物 . 我和你调换个座位好吗? May I exchange seats with you? exchanged with 2.He’s that man in red clothes. 他是穿红衣服的那个男人。 in red clothes 穿着红衣服 【 拓展 】 in ( prep .+ 颜色 穿着,戴着 put on 穿 (动作) 反义词: take off wear 穿着 (状态) 3. deer 单复数一样 , 同样的单词有 Japanese, Chinese, sheep, fish 用一句口诀 : 中国人 和 日本人 爱吃 鱼 , 鹿 和 绵羊 。 4.The stories say he saved sailors from storms, 这个故事说他从暴风雨中拯救了水手 . save sb. from +n./doing…“ 从 …… 救出人” 我把动物从洪水中救了出来。 e.g. I ______the animals ____the flood . saved from e.g. He saved a girl from drowning yesterday. 昨天他救了一名溺水女孩 . 5. the poor 穷人 the 加某些形容词可表一类人,作主语时后加复数谓语动词 年轻人 (the young) 老人 (the old) 富人 (the rich) 聋人 (the deaf) 盲人 (the blind) 富者愈富,贫者愈贫。 e.g. _____ get richer and ______get poorer. the poor The rich 6.pronounce…as… 把 … 读 / 念成 … e.g. Don’t pronounce met as meet. 【 拓展 】 pronounce (v.) [prə'nauns] 发 … 的音 pronunciation ( n. )   [prə,nʌnsɪ‘eʃən] 发音 发音对于学好英语来说很重要。 你能读出这个词吗 ? e.g. Can you ________ the word? e.g. _________ is very important to learn English well. pronounce Pronunciation practice 1. 穿着红衣服 2. 从 … 救出 3. 在圣诞节 4. 在北极 5. 在圣诞节前夜 6. 从烟囱爬下) 1.in red clothes 2.save…from 3.at Christmas 4.at the North Pole 5.on Christmas Eve 6.come down the chimney A. in the United States B. in Holland C. at the North Pole 1.Where does Santa live? C. at the North Pole Quick Quiz ! 2.What animals pull Santa’s sleigh? A. reindeer B. cows C. elephant a ninth reindeer the red-nosed reindeer Rudolph 第九只驯鹿 A. reindeer 3.How does Santa get into their houses? A.He comes through the front door. B.He comes down the chimney. C.He comes through the window. I come down the chimney. B.He comes down the chimney. 谁读得最棒 比比看 Read the text quickly (silently) for 2 minutes and try to fill in the blanks in groups. Group work 1 当堂过关练习 : Fill in the blanks. Christmas is an____________ festival. Santa Claus and___________ go together. He is always ___ red clothes and black boots. On Christmas Eve, he comes down through a ___________. It is said that he_______ sailors from the storms, _________young children and gave _______ to the poor. His name is very __________ in Europe. He ______ at the North Pole .He rides in a ________and some __________pull his sleigh. western in chimney lives Christmas famous reindeers saved helped gifts sleigh 中考连接 : 一、按要求完成下列各题 ( )1.We visited our teacher ____Christmas Eve. (2012 陕西 ) A. in B. on C. at D. of ( )2.Mr. Li is that man ___a brown coat. A. in B. wear C. puts on D. putting on ( )3.The animals _____ from the flood yesterday. (2012 四川 ) were saved B. was saving C. has saved D. is saved B A A Group work 2 Discuss for 2 minutes : What can we learn from Santa Claus ? To be helpful ! Discuss in groups 1.Who has ever helped you? 2.What did he/she do for you? 3.What do you want to say to him/her? I think… Helping others will benefit yourself as well. 帮助他人就是帮助己 。 课外拓展: Extracurricular : 赠人玫瑰,手有余香 Roses given, fragrance in hand . 世界上能为别人减轻负担的都不是庸庸碌碌之徒。 —— 狄更斯 No man is useless in this world who lightens the burden of someone else. ( C. Dickens ) 希望工程 the Hope Project Tel: 86-029-88413097 中国红十字协会 The Red Cross Society of China Tel: 400┄600┉9778 If you have more money, you want to donate. If you have a poor family, you need to help. Spring Festival Lantern Festival Mid-Autmn Festival New Year’s Day Dragon Boat Festival Children’s Day National day 春节 元宵节 中秋节 元旦 端午节 儿童节 国庆节 清明节 Tomb-sweeping Day 重阳节 the Double Ninth Festival 腊八节 the laba Rice Porridge Festival Easter 复活节 3 月 22 日至 4 月 25 日之间 New Year's Day 1 月 1 日 新年 Halloween 10 月 31 日 万圣节前夕 11 月的第四个星期 四  感恩节 Thanksgiving Day 4 月 1 日  愚人节 April Fools‘ Day 5 月的第二个星期日  母亲节 Mother's Day 6 月的第三个星期日  父亲节 Father's Day 12 月 25 日 圣诞节 Christmas Day Homework: Write a passage about your favourite festival. ( what,why,when,where,who, How ) Thank you!

