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话题2 个人情况(兴趣爱好) 第一篇 话题分层复习 【记忆导图】 【佳篇诵读】 Students in our school have one thing in common—an interest in sports. Different students have different ways to relax. Sports can help them relax after a period of exhausting work. They take the sport that they like best. Most of the boys take part in all kinds of sports, because they think it can make them stronger. As for girls, they want to lose weight. They want to keep slim, so they also like taking exercise.   I like sports not only because they can help me to keep healthy, but also because they make me relaxed. Studying all day long makes me tired so that I often do sports with my classmates after class. Now I feel much better than before. So let’s take exercise as much as possible. 词汇检测清单 兴 趣 、 爱 好 1.        (n.)活动 2.        (adj.)户外的 3.        (adj.)室内的 4.        (n.)(夏令)营 (vi.)野营;宿营 *       去野营 5.        (n.)步行;散步 *       散步 6.        (v.)爬;攀登 7.        (n.)野餐 *       去野餐 8.        (v.)收集 →       (n.)收集 9.        (v.)游泳 *       去游泳 activity outdoor indoor camp go camping walk go for a walk climb picnic have a picnic collect collection swim go swimming 兴 趣 、 爱 好 10.        (v.)旅行 →       (n.)旅行者 *        去旅行 11.        (v.)唱歌 →         (n.)唱歌 →        (n.)歌手 12.        (v.)钓鱼 *       去钓鱼 13.        (n.)体育运动 *       做运动 14.        (v.)跑 →       (过去式) →       (过去分词) travel traveler go traveling sing singing singer fish go fishing sport do sports run ran run 兴 趣 爱 好 相 关 信 息 描 述 1.       (v.)喜欢;喜爱 2.       (v.)欣赏;享受……的 乐趣;喜欢 *        过得愉快 3.       (n.)爱(v.)热爱 4.       (v.)更喜欢 5.       (v.)使……满意 *        对……满意 6.       (adj.)最喜爱的 7.       (n.)兴趣;趣味 →       (adj.)有趣的 →       (adj.)感兴趣的 *        名胜古迹 *       对……感兴趣 8.       (v.)恨;讨厌 9.       (n.)业余爱好;嗜好 like enjoy enjoy oneself love prefer satisfy be satisfied with favorite interest interesting interested places of interest be interested in hate hobby 兴 趣 爱 好 相 关 信 息 描 述 10.       (n.)迷;爱好者 11.       (v.)吸引 →      (adj.)有吸引力的 12.       (v.)放松 →      (adj.)放松的 →      (adj.)令人放松的 13.       (adj.)厌倦的;烦闷的 →       (adj.)无聊的; 令人厌烦的 14.       (adj.)忙碌的 *         忙于做某事 15.       (adj.)空闲的 *         在某人空闲的时候 16.       (adj.)好奇的 *         对……好奇 fan attract attractive relax relaxed relaxing bored boring busy be busy doing spare in one’s spare time curious be curious about 核 心 词 汇 专 练 Ⅰ.用括号中单词的适当形式填空。 1.I hope all of you can enjoy      (you). 2.It is very difficult to      (satisfy) everyone’s demand. 3.Tony has a large      (collect) of stamps. 4.Teachers should encourage students to take different     (active)in their spare time. 5.It’s really      (relax) to do some sports after a week’s work. 主 题 语 篇 阅 读 yourselves satisfy collection activities relaxing 核 心 词 汇 专 练 Ⅱ.根据首字母提示填写单词。 1.I p     milk to coffee. 2.My f     fruit is watermelon. It’s really delicious. 3.When he was a child, Tom showed i     in painting. 4.Young people are always c     about the outside world. 5.The doctor suggested I should have more o     exercise. 主 题 语 篇 阅 读 refer avorite nterest urious utdoor 核 心 词 汇 专 练 Ⅲ.根据上下文提示填写单词。 1.It is only a three-mile      to Kabul from here. You can go there on foot. 2.I have difficulty      the mountain because my left foot hurts. 3.We’re going on a      in the park tomorrow. 4.It’s spring in Beijing; it’s a good time to      a kite. 5.I will be very     next week, so I’m afraid I can’t go to Linda’s birthday party. 主 题 语 篇 阅 读 walk climbing picnic fly busy

