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话题写作(一) 人物介绍 第一篇 话题分层复习 【典型例题】[2019·丰台区一模题目①] 故宫在文化和历史方面有着非同寻常的价值以及特殊的地位,很多外国游 客慕名而来。为了让他们有更好的游览体验,故宫现面向中学生招募英文导游 志愿者。 假如你是李华,想申请参加此次活动。请用英语写一封申请信,简要介绍你 的年龄、爱好等个人信息,陈述你想参加的理由以及如何能做好导游志愿者的 设想。 典例分析 [提示词语] English, culture, help, show…around [提示问题] ·Who are you? ·Why do you want to be a guide? ·What are you going to do if you are a guide? Dear Sir or Madam,   I’m writing to apply for a volunteer guide in the Palace Museum.   I’m looking forward to your early reply. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【思路点拨】 1. 要点提炼:本文是一封自荐信。根据题目要求,可以提炼出以下要点: (1)叙述你是谁,你作为一名故宫导游志愿者的优势 (2)为什么想成为一名故宫导游志愿者 (3)如何能做好故宫导游志愿者 (4)自己的感谢 2. 时态:一般现在时,一般将来时 3. 人称:第一人称 【写作架构】 【基础写作】 根据提示写句子。 1. 基础句我擅长英语并且对中国历史感兴趣。(be good at, be interested in) →升格句(用not only…but also…改写此句) I’m good at English and interested in Chinese history. I’m not only good at English but also interested in Chinese history. 2. 基础句我帮助外国游客更好地了解它的历史和文化。(help…know better about) →升格句(用be proud to do改写此句) I help foreign visitors know better about its history and culture. I will be proud to help foreign visitors know better about its history and culture. 3. 基础句我将带领游客参观故宫并给他们照相。(show sb. around, take photos) →升格句(用if, be asked to改写此句) I will show the visitors around the Palace Museum and take photos for them. I will show the visitors around the Palace Museum and take photos for them if I’m asked to. Dear Sir or Madam,   I’m writing to apply for a volunteer guide in the Palace Museum. My name is Li Hua. I’m 15 years old. I’m not only good at English but also interested in Chinese history, so I know the Palace Museum very well. It would be better if I can help foreign visitors know better about its history and culture. If I’m a guide, I’m going to learn how to introduce the Palace Museum better in English and study a travel route. I will show the visitors around the Palace Museum and take photos for them if I’m asked to. I believe I can be a good guide. I’m looking forward to your early reply. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【连句成文】 【导入主题】 1.My name is Li Hong. I’m a 15-year-old girl. 2.My friend Betty is a lively and smart girl. She has long yellow hair and she is the tallest girl in our class. 3.Robert is interested in Chinese history, and he knows China very well. 写作积累 【文章发展】 1.He has a dream of becoming a famous actor one day. 2.However tired he is, he always wears a smile as soon as he sees me. 3.When I am sad, he always comforts me. When I am defeated, he always encourages me. 【结尾总结】 1.I believe he can be a good actor. 2.In short, we can get on well with each other and we will enjoy ourselves every day. A [2019·密云期末题目②]榜样的力量是无穷的。在我们身边有许许多多的榜 样,勤劳的工人伯伯,辛勤的老师,热情的同学,慈爱的父母……某英文网站正在开 展以“我身边的榜样”为主题的征文活动。假如你是李华,请用英语写一篇短 文投稿,谈谈你身边的榜样是谁,他(她)具有什么样的品质,你从他(她)身上学到了 什么。 [提示词语] kind, helpful, warm-hearted, hard-working, set a good example 实战演练 [提示问题] ·Who is your role model? ·What traits(品质)does your role model have? Please give one or two examples. ·What have you learned from him/her?   Everyone has a role model. One possible version:   Everyone has a role model. My role model is my classmate Jack. He is very kind and helpful.   At school, he studies so hard that he often gets good grades in exams. However, I am not good at studying, so he not only helps me with my homework about every subject but also tells me to work hard in order that I can catch up with others. With his help, I have made great progress in my study and I thank him very much.   I think I’m lucky to have such a good classmate. From now on, I’ll try my best to study better and better. And I hope I’ll learn from Jack to help others in trouble. B [2019·燕山期末题目②]随着年龄的增长,有些同学对父母的抱怨越来越多。 某英文报社正在以 “A Model Parent”为题征文,请你用英文投稿。谈谈你心 目中的模范家长是什么样子。如何才能做到? [提示词语] patient, support, help, understanding, responsibility [提示问题] ·What is a model parent like in your mind? ·How should a model parent do? A Model Parent One possible version: A Model Parent   A model parent plays an important role in the development of his/her children. In my opinion, a good parent should be a good person who is full of patience, care, responsibility and understanding. A parent should actually care about the children, such as giving help and support when they have difficulties. A model parent should also be able to create a good family environment to love their children and themselves.

