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话题14 饮食、卫生与健康 第一篇 话题分层复习 【记忆导图】 【佳篇诵读】 My healthy lifestyle   Two years ago, I often got up late and seldom had breakfast. I used to eat lots of junk food, such as fried chicken and hamburgers, and drink drinks like cola. I didn't like fruit and vegetables. As a result, I was often ill. My parents were worried about me.   Later I learned some knowledge about healthy food. I got to know the importance of the healthy food. Eating lots of fruit and vegetables is good for our health. I often run in the morning for an hour. And I exercise twice a week. Now I am healthier than before.   I always remember: eat the right food and keep healthy. 词汇检测清单 身 体 部 位 1.       (n.)脑子 2.       (n.)眼睛 3.       (n.)鼻子 4.       (n.)嘴巴 5.       (n.)耳朵 6.       (n.)脸 *      面对面 *      做鬼脸 7.        (n.)头发 8.        (n.)牙齿 →       (复数) 9.        (n.)头 10.       (n.)皮肤 11.       (n.)身体 12.       (n.)腿 13.       (n.)手臂 brain eye nose mouth ear face face to face make faces hair tooth teeth head skin body leg arm 身 体 部 位 14.       (n.)膝盖 15.       (n.)手 *       一方面……另一方面 *      手工 16.       (n.)脚 →      (复数) 17.       (n.)手指 18.       (n.)心脏 19.       (n.)脖子 20.       (n.)胃;肚子 21.       (n.)背部 22.       (n.)血 knee hand on the one hand …on the other hand by hand foot feet finger heart neck stomach back blood 食 物 及 食 感 1.      (v.)煮沸;烧开 2.      (v.)加热 3.      (v.)烹饪;做饭 4.      (n.)食物 5.      (n.)牛肉 6.      (n.)肉 7.      (n.)猪肉 8.      (n.)米饭 9.      (n.)玉米 10.      (n.)面条 11.      (n.)汉堡包 12.      (n.)饺子 13.      (n.)鸡蛋 14.      (n.)粥 15.      (n.)馅饼 16.      (n.)饼干 17.      (n.)薄烤饼 18.      (n.)面包 boil heat cook food beef meat pork rice corn noodle hamburger dumpling egg porridge pie biscuit pancake bread 食 物 及 食 感 19.      (n.)三明治 20.      (n.)鱼 21.      (n.)黄油 22.      (n.)蛋糕 23.      (n.)蔬菜 24.      (n.)卷心菜 25.      (n.)胡萝卜 26.      (n.)西红柿 27.      (n.)土豆 28.      (n.)洋葱 29.      (n.)奶酪 30.      (n.)薯条 31.      (n.)鸡肉 32.      (n.)饼干;曲奇饼 33.      (n.)日常饮食 34.      (n.)碟;盘;一道菜 35.      (n.)菜单 36.      (n.)进餐 sandwich fish butter cake vegetable cabbage carrot tomato potato onion cheese chip chicken cookie diet dish menu dining 食 物 及 食 感 37.      (n.)早饭 38.      (n.)午饭 39.      (n.)正餐;晚饭 40.      (v.)喂养; 为……提供食物 →     (过去式) →     (过去分词) 41.      (adj.)美味的 42.      (n.)品尝;味道 (v.)品尝 →     (adj.)美味的 43.      (adj.)新鲜的 44.      (adj.)咸的 45.      (adj.)酸的 46.      (adj.)甜的 47.      (adj.)饱的 48.      (n.)饥饿 →     (adj.)饿的 49.      (adj.)口渴的 breakfast lunch dinner feed fed fed delicious taste tasty fresh salty sour sweet full hunger hungry thirsty 餐 具 及 厨 房 用 品 1.       (n.)盐 2.       (n.)糖 3.       (n.)盘;碟 4.       (n.)碗 5.       (n.)盘子 6.       (n.)杯子 7.       (n.)瓶子 8.       (n.)盒子 9.       (n.)篮子 10.      (n. pl.)筷子 11.      (n.)叉 12.      (n.)刀 13.      (n.)勺;匙 salt sugar dish bowl plate cup bottle box basket chopsticks fork knife spoon 饮 品 1.       (n.)水 2.       (n.)牛奶 (v.)挤奶 3.       (n.)果汁 4.       (n.)橘子汁 5.       (n.)咖啡 6.       (n.)饮料 7.       (n.)可乐 8.        (n.)冰淇淋 9.       (n.)茶;茶叶 10.      (n.)酒 11.      (n.)泉水 12.      (n.)汤 water milk juice orange coffee drink Coke tea wine spring soup ice-cream(美ice cream) 健 康 、 医 疗 和 疾 病 1.      (n.)健康 →     (adj.)健康的 →     (adj.)不健康的 *       保持健康 2.      (adj.)健康的;晴朗的; 好的 3.      (adj.)健康的;合适的 4.      (adj.)有病的;不健康的 →     (n.)疾病 *      患病;病倒 5.      (adj.)有病的;恶心 6.      (adj.)瞎的 7.      (adj.)聋的;不愿听的 8.       (n.)胃疼 9.      (n.)牙疼 health healthy unhealthy fine fit ill illness sick blind deaf stomachache toothache keep healthy fall ill 健 康 、 医 疗 和 疾 病 10.      (n.)头痛 11.      (v.)咳嗽 12.      (n.)发烧 13.      (n.)流行性感冒 14.      (n.)寒冷;感冒;伤风 *       感冒 15.      (n.)癌症 16.      (n.)疼;疼痛 17.      (n.)药 →     (adj.)医疗的 *       吃药 18.      (n.)毒品;药 19.      (v.)动手术 →     (n.)手术 20.      (n.)治疗;疗法 21.      (n.)医院 *       去医院 headache cough fever flu cold cancer pain medicine medical drug operate operation treatment hospital take the medicine go to the hospital catch a cold 健 康 、 医 疗 和 疾 病 22.      (n.)医生 *       看医生 23.      (n.)护士 doctor see a doctor nurse 核 心 词 汇 专 练 主 题 语 篇 阅 读 Ⅰ.用方框中单词的适当形式填空。 1. Mr. Li, 1.65m, with black      , is my first teacher. 2. Tom is very upset, because his pet dog      this morning. 3. Chinese people eat with chopsticks but foreigners eat with      and forks. 4. There are fewer traffic      because of the laws on drunk driving. 5. Look! Mr. Green is      in the kitchen. 、 cook knife die hair accident ill hair died knives accidents cooking 核 心 词 汇 专 练 主 题 语 篇 阅 读 6. He has been absent from school for several days because of the serious      . illness 核 心 词 汇 专 练 Ⅱ.根据首字母提示填写单词。 1. I like drinking coffee with s      in it, so it will taste sweet. 2. Most Chinese people make d      on New Year's Eve. 3. Most people drink when they are t     , but they often need more water especially when they take exercise. 4. I'd like some bread and milk for b     . 5. The bread tastes d      but it's not good for my health. 主 题 语 篇 阅 读 ugar umplings hirsty reakfast elicious 核 心 词 汇 专 练 Ⅲ.根据上下文提示填写单词。 1. If you want to keep      , do some exercise with me. 2. He was      . He couldn't see anything. 3. Take the      three times a day and you will feel better soon. 4. My sister was injured when doing sports, so my parents took her to the      hurriedly. 5. The young man's legs were badly hurt in the accident, so the doctor was having an       on him. 主 题 语 篇 阅 读 healthy blind medicine hospital operation

