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话题5 学校与学校生活 第一篇 话题分层复习 【记忆导图】 【佳篇诵读】 Would you like to live in school? We had a survey about it and here’s the result. Most students prefer to live in school because they find it convenient to communicate with their classmates. Also, they can learn how to look after themselves in this way.   However, some students think living at home is a better choice. The main reason is that they can relax better at home. Besides, they can spend more time with their family members and get on better with them.   As for me, I’d like to live in school. That’s because I can spend more time on study. What’s more, it’s a wonderful experience to live with other classmates. 词汇检测清单 学 校 设 施 1.        (n.)小组 2.        (n.)学校 *       去上学 3.        (n.)学院 4.        (n.)大学 5.        (n.)教室 6.        (n.)年级;成 绩 7.        (n.)礼堂 8.        (n.)黑板 9.        (n.)实验室 10.        (n.)办公室 11.        (n.)操场 12.        (n.)座位 13.        (n.)铃;钟 group school go to school college university classroom grade hall blackboard lab=laboratory office playground seat bell 学 校 设 施 14.          (n.)粉笔 15.          (n.)旗 16.          (n.)闪光灯 17.          (n.)讲台 18.         (n.)体育馆 19.         计算机房 20.         (n.)图书馆 →        (n.)图书管理 员 21.         (n.)班,班级, 课 *        下课后 *        课间 22.         (n.)课 *        给某人一个教训 chalk flag flash teacher’s desk gym computer room library librarian class after class between classes lesson teach sb. a lesson 学 校 人 员 1.       (n.)教师 2.       (n.)学生 3.       (n.)同班同学 4.       (n.)班长 5.       (n.)小学生 6.       (n.)(13至19岁的) 青少年 teacher student classmate monitor pupil teenager 科 目 及 学 习 用 品 1.        (n.)学科 2.        (n.)英语 *       上英语课 3.        (n.)中文 4.        (n.)数学 5.        (n.)科学 →        (n.)科学家 6.        (n.)美术 →        (n.)艺术家 7.          (n.)音乐 →         (n.)音乐家 8.          (n.)体育 9.         (n.)历史 10.        (n.)地理 11.        (n.)物理 12.        (n.)化学 13.        (adj.)初级的; 初等的 subject English have English class Chinese maths(美math) science scientist art artist music musician PE history geography physics chemistry primary 科 目 及 学 习 用 品 14.        (adj.)中级的 15.        (n.)作业 *       做作业 16.        (n.)书 *       读书 17.        (n.)书包 18.        (n.)尺子 19.        (n.)钢笔 20.        (n.)铅笔 21.        (n.)橡皮 22.        (n.)纸张 23.        (n.)词典;字典 24.        (n.)笔记本 25.        (n.)日记 *       记日记 middle homework do homework book read books schoolbag ruler pen pencil eraser paper dictionary notebook diary keep a diary 课 内 、 课 外 活 动 1.         (n.)国际象棋 *        下象棋 2.         (n.)运动 *        做运动 3.         (n.)俱乐部 *        参加俱乐部 4.         (v.)参加 *        参加;加入 5.         (v.)教;教授 →        (n.)老师 *        自学 6.         球 *        踢足球 *        打篮球 7.         (v.)比赛;竞争 →        (n.)比赛;竞赛 →         (n.)竞争者 chess play chess sport play sports club join the club join join in teach teacher teach oneself ball play football play basketball compete competition competitor 课 内 、 课 外 活 动 8.         (v.)飞 →         (过去式) →       (过去分词) *         放风筝 9.          (adj.)缺席的; 不在的 *         缺席…… 10.         (n.)活动 11.         (n.)游戏 *        做游戏 12.         (v.)玩耍;演奏 →        (n.)运动员 *        打乒乓球 *        打羽毛球 *        弹钢琴 *        拉小提琴 fly flew flown fly kites absent be absent from activity game play games play player play ping-pong play badminton play the piano play the violin 课 内 、 课 外 活 动 13.         (v.)画 *        画画 14.         (v.)拿走;服用; 乘坐;花费 →        (过去式) →         (过去分词) *        照相 15.         (v.)游泳 →          (过去式) →         (过去分词) *        去游泳 16.         (n.)(夏令)营 (vi.)露营; 宿营 *        去露营 draw draw pictures take took taken take pictures swim swam swum go swimming camp go camping 课 内 、 课 外 活 动 17.         (vi.)去;走;驶; 通到; 到达 →         (过去式) →         (过去分词) *        去划船 *        去远足 *        去滑冰 *        去钓鱼 18.         (v.)骑(马、自 行车);乘车(n.)乘车旅行 →         (过去式) →          (过去分词) *        骑自行车 19.         (n.)野餐 *        去野餐 go went gone go boating go hiking go ice-skating go fishing ride rode ridden ride a bike picnic go for a picnic 核 心 词 汇 专 练 主 题 语 篇 阅 读 Ⅰ.用方框中单词的适当形式填空。 1.He got the lowest      in the examination. 2.We have three English      on Monday. 3.Many great       inventions make our life much more convenient. 4.Lily is very good at singing and she wants to be a      . 5.They will go      by the lake. 6.I asked the      if I could keep the book for another two days. 、 class  fish  grade  science  library  music grade classes scientists’ musician fishing librarian 核 心 词 汇 专 练 Ⅱ.根据首字母提示填写单词。 1.I can play the v      very well and I learnt it by myself. 2.I think keeping d      every day is a good way to improve your writing. 3.What beautiful flowers! I want to take p           here. 4.It’s summer vacation. I like to go c      with my family. 5.I went to the l      and borrowed three books. 6.Doing s      is good for people’s health. 主 题 语 篇 阅 读 iolin iaries ictures/hotos amping ibrary ports 核 心 词 汇 专 练 Ⅲ.根据上下文提示填写单词。 1.Many        have some problems with their parents. 2.His son studied well and went to a top       in America. 3.You should look up new words in the       when reading articles. 4.Tom was ill, so he was       from class yesterday. 5.Lang Lang plays the       very well. 6.These boys are playing basketball on the       . 主 题 语 篇 阅 读 teenagers university dictionary absent piano playground

