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话题17 历史与社会(国家与民族、历史、文化、名家名作等) 第一篇 话题分层复习 【记忆导图】 【佳篇诵读】 Dear Peter,   I'm very happy to receive your e-mail. From your e-mail, I know there is a program called Culture China on your school website. It mainly introduces the customs of some Chinese festivals and the life of Chinese middle school students. I think this program is very helpful and useful. It can open your eyes to China and Chinese students. Thank you for asking me to write something for the program. Today, I am going to tell you something about Mid-Autumn Day.   Mid-Autumn Day is a traditional Chinese festival with a long history. It always falls on the 15th, August of the Chinese lunar year. On that day family members get together, have a big dinner, eat mooncakes, enjoy the bright moon in the yard and talk about something pleasant.   I hope the program is becoming more and more popular and I hope you could come over to my house and join us for the festival some day. Yours, Li Hua 词汇检测清单 国 家 与 民 族 1.      (n.)世界 2.      (n.)国家 3.      (n.)亚洲 →     (adj.)亚洲的,亚洲人 的(n.)亚洲人 4.      (n.)非洲 →     (adj.)非洲的,非洲人 的(n.)非洲人 5.      (n.)欧洲 →     (adj.)欧洲的,欧洲人 的(n.)欧洲人 6.      (n.)中国 →     (adj.)中国的;中国人 的;汉语的(n.)中国人;汉语,中文 world country Asia Asian Africa African Europe European China Chinese 国 家 与 民 族 7.      (n.)美国;美洲 →     (adj.)美国的;美国人的 (n.)美国人 8.      (n.)日本 →     (adj.)日本的,日本人的 ,日语的(n.)日本人,日语 9.      (n.)澳洲;澳大利亚 →     (adj.)澳洲的,澳大利亚 人的(n.)澳大利亚人 10.      (n.)英国 →     (n.)英国人 (adj.)英国的;英国人的 11.      (n.)英格兰 12.      (n.)伦敦 13.      (n.)德国 →     (adj.)德国的;德语的; 德国人的(n.)德语;德国人 America American Japan Japanese Australia Australian Britain British England London Germany German 国 家 与 民 族 14.      (n.)法国 →     (adj.)法国的;法语的; 法国人的(n.)法语;法国人 15.      (n.)俄罗斯 →     (adj.)俄国人的,俄语 的(n.)俄国人,俄语 16.      (n.)加拿大 →     (adj.)加拿大的;加拿 大人的(n.)加拿大人 17.      (n.)印度 →     (adj.)(美洲)印第安人 的;印度人的(n.)印第安人;印度人 18.      (adj.)国家的,全国的, 民族的 →      (adj.)国际的 19.      (n.)种族;民族 France French Russia Russian Canada Canadian India Indian national international race 历 史 与 文 化 1.       (adj.)社会的 →     (n.)社会 2.       (adj.)古代的;古老的 3.       (adj.)现代的 4.       (n.)历史 5.       (v.)传播;延伸 →     (过去式) →     (过去分词) 6.       (n.)文化 →     (adj.)有文化的 7.       (n.)习俗;习惯 8.       (adj.)传统的 9.       (n.)战争 10.      (n.)枪,炮 11.      (n.)和平 →     (adj.)和平的 *      处于和平状态的 social society ancient modern history spread spread spread culture cultural custom traditional war gun peace peaceful in peace 历 史 与 文 化 12.      (n.)胜利 13.      (v.)打败 14.      (n.)成功 →     (v.)成功 →     (adj.)成功的 15.      (v.)失败;不及格;衰退 →     (n.)失败 16.      (v.)达到;取得 →      (n.)成就;完成 17.      (n.)行动 *      采取行动 18.      (n.)军队 19.      (n.)士兵;军人 20.       (n.)背景 21.       (n.)责任,职责 22.      (n.)权利 23.      (n.)情况,形势 24.      (n.)精神 victory beat success succeed successful fail failure achieve action take action army soldier background responsibility right situation spiritachievement 历 史 与 文 化 25.      (n.&adj.)标准,水平; 标准的 26.      (n.)事实;真相;真理; 真实 27.      (n.)国王 28.      (n.)皇后,女王 standard truth king queen 核 心 词 汇 专 练 主 题 语 篇 阅 读 Ⅰ.用括号中单词的适当形式填空。 1. There are many different (country) in the world. 2. More and more students want to be volunteers, so we should organize as many (society) events as possible. 3. People living in the war time are longing for a (peace) life. 4. Different cultures have different (custom), so do as the Romans do. 5. There are three (America) in our class and they are very friendly. countries social peaceful customs Americans 核 心 词 汇 专 练 6. The news that he was admitted by a famous university (spread) over the village. 7. In New Zealand, the Maori people maintain a strong (culture) tradition. 8. We must take (act) to prevent people from polluting the environment. 主 题 语 篇 阅 读 spread cultural action 核 心 词 汇 专 练 Ⅱ.根据首字母提示填写单词。 1. Confucius(孔子) is considered the greatest of the a   Chinese sages(圣人). 2. The news s   quickly and soon got around. 3. Some of the t   food in China tastes very delicious. 4. He failed many times, but I believe his hard work will make him s   sooner or later. 5. We won! Let's have a party to celebrate the v   . 6. Children are still too young to tell the differences between r   and wrong. 主 题 语 篇 阅 读 ncient pread raditional uccessful ictory ight 核 心 词 汇 专 练 7. India is an ancient country with a long h   and civilization. 8. He can speak not only English but also F   . 主 题 语 篇 阅 读 istory rench 核 心 词 汇 专 练 Ⅲ.根据上下文提示填写单词。 1. He shot the bird down with his    . 2. I felt my heart    faster when speaking in public. 3. I want to be a    to protect our motherland. 4. I must tell you the    about this matter. 5. It's our    to look after our parents when they are old. 6. I love the    and quietness of country life. 7. In old times, the    of a country had the power to make a life and death decision. 8. You can    your goal as long as you put your heart into it and make an effort for a long time. 主 题 语 篇 阅 读 gun beat soldier truth responsibility peace king achieve

