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‎2018届二轮复习阅读理解中巧用paraphrasing,化解长难句 阅读理解经常会涉及有学生不懂的“新”词,长句和难句。偶尔,笔者观摩同事或同行在讲评阅读理解的时候,唯恐学生不理解,教师往往会把其中的生词,长句或学生觉得费解的地方直截了当地翻译成中文。譬如,请看下面的例句(划线部分为关键词)。‎ ‎1. She fell violently in love with him.‎ ‎2. His comments sparked off a heated quarrel between them.‎ ‎3. The escaped criminal is still at large.‎ ‎4. Regrettably, the experiment ended in failure.‎ ‎5. She heard the news of his death with apparent unconcern.‎ ‎       为了帮助学生理解,有些教师在课堂上直接把以上的句子翻译成中文:‎ ‎1. 她狂热地爱上了他。‎ ‎2. 他的评论在他们当中激发了一场争吵。‎ ‎3. 逃脱的罪犯仍然逍遥法外。‎ ‎4. 遗憾的是,实验以失败告终。‎ ‎    5.听到他的死讯,很明显她无动于衷。‎ 对于以上简单机械的英译中处理手法,笔者不太苟同。无可否认,有了老师的中文解释,学生对篇章句意的理解是深入了,可是,除了一瞬间的顿开茅塞外,收益又有多少呢?对此笔者表示质疑。在英语课堂,笔者坚持认为,教师应该尽可能多地用英语来冲击和刺激学生的听觉和视觉,以确保他们有足够的语言输入量。笔者建议把阅读中那些典型的长难句挑出让学生进行paraphrase。下面谈谈笔者对以上例句的粗浅做法,仅供参考。‎ 具体操作如下:‎ 例1:首先笔者会提问学生,“Can you think of a word or phrase close in meaning with violently?” 倘若学生想不出,笔者就会提供以下两个句子让他们填空:‎ She fell ____________ (crazy) in love with him.‎ ‎= She is __________ ___________ him.‎ 于是学生就想到了crazily是副词修饰fell, 以及be crazy about, be keen on等词组。‎ 例2:笔者先叫学生猜测spark off的词义,并鼓励学生动脑筋用学过的单词或词组来取代其意思。结果学生想到以下的句子:‎ ‎1. His comments caused / led to / resulted in a violent quarrel between them.‎ ‎2. Their violent quarrel resulted from his comments.‎ ‎...‎ 例3:提示学生根据句中的escaped及still,猜测at large的中文意思,接着要求学生explain in their own words。结果,学生提供了自己的答案:‎ ‎1. The criminal manages to avoid being caught by the police.‎ ‎2. The police are in search of the criminal but fail to catch him.‎ 等等 例4:笔者叫学生按照原句的意思来填写以下的句子:‎ ‎1. It is a __________ that the experiment failed at last.‎ ‎2. ______ ______ ______ (令大家感到遗憾的是), the experiment failed in the end.‎ 如此一来,学生就会联想到 It’s a regret / pity / shame that…“……真遗憾”‎ 和to one’s… “令某人感到……”这个结构。‎ 例5:类似地,可以采用例4的方法,进行句型转换,要求学生填空:‎ ‎1. When she heard of his death, obviously she was not ________ _________ it.‎ ‎2. Hearing the news _________ _________ ________ ________(用同位语从句), it ‎   was clear that she didn’t care about it.‎ ‎3. She was _________ _________ (对……冷漠/无动于衷) his death. ‎ ‎      通过paraphrase来替换长难句,学生的表达会更加灵活,语言的能力也得到提升。‎ ‎  同理,不仅单句中的难词(词组)可以用近义词或其它的句型来paraphrasing,把长句难句用paraphrasing来进行化解,更有助于学生对长难句的结构把握,从而加深理解。拿以下两道阅读理解中的长难句为例,笔者并没有一一为学生译成中文,而是要求他们用英语来解释(explain the following sentences in their own words)。‎ ‎1. Dr. Larks thought the risk of an operation was justified.‎ ‎        笔者鼓励学生根据构词法猜测justify的意思。just意为“正义的”,由terrify, qualify, beautify等后缀可推知,justify很明显是动词,表示“令……合理化”,于是学生有了以下的解释:‎ 学生甲的paraphrasing: The operation would be a great risk, but Dr. Larks thought he had good reasons to take the risk and perform the operation.‎ 学生乙的paraphrasing:Dr. Larks held the belief that although performing the operation would be risky, it was reasonable and worthwhile to do that.‎ ‎2. As the sun rose higher, thirst began to take a central place in Peter’s consciousness.‎ 学生丙的paraphrasing:As it got hotter, Peter became more and more conscious of how thirsty he was.‎ 学生丁的paraphrasing:With the temperature becoming higher, Peter became more and more aware that he was very thirsty. ‎ 通过paraphrase,遇到新词(词组),学生再不会条件反射地在其后面注上中文意思,而是用近义词来作为注脚,逐渐养成用英语来解释英语的好习惯。如此一来,日积月累,学生的词汇扩大了,思路开阔了,表达多样了,处理生僻词的能力也得到了锤炼,更重要的是学会用英语来思维(think in English)。‎

