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特色重组练七 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A Every year on April 22 people across the world take part in Earth Day. Communities, governments and schools realize that the earth needs to be protected. Here are some ideas to teach your students about protecting the earth. Endangered Earth To make children know the risks of not protecting our environment, try giving them a visual. The website Endangered Earth is a great place to begin. This site is about information with pictures, videos and resources for young students to explore endangered animals. Another site is The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This site is designed to teach children the importance of protecting our environment through games and homework. It also offers a lot of lesson plans and teacher resources. The Face of Climate Change Earthday. org has announced that the following year's theme is calling attention to climate change. “The Face of Climate Change” means that every person who is trying to do their part to help the environment is a face of climate change. To help celebrate this theme, try the following activities with your students •Explain that the earth is warming and humans are largely responsible for this. •Discuss that the choices that we make today will affect the future of our earth. •Talk about how our life is connected to the climate and how we can reduce the risks from climate change. •Use a recyclable water bottle and lunch bag at school. •Plant a tree in the school yard. •Recycle their papers at school. 篇章导读:本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍了Earth Day的相关情况。 1.What can we know about Endangered Earth? A.It's popular among teachers. B.It gives advice on how to raise animals. C.It teaches students to use videos to protect animals. D.It shows the importance of protecting the environment. 答案:D 细节理解题。由第二段前两句可知,Endangered Earth 网站有助于 学生了解环保的重要性。 2.What topic will Earth Day choose next year? A.Save the earth. B.Climate change. C.Endangered animals. D.Our environment. 答案:B 细节理解题。由第四段第一句“Earthday.org has announced that the following year's theme is calling attention to climate change.”可知,明年 Earth Day 的 主题是关于气候变化的。 3.What can students do to help protect the earth? A.Take good care of trees and flowers at school. B.Write on both sides of every paper. C.Avoid using plastic water bottles. D.Carry lunch from home. 答案:B 细节理解题。由“Recycle their papers at school.”可知,选项 B 正确。 4.What's the main purpose of the text? A.To introduce Earth Day. B.To tell the effects of climate change. C.To compare Endangered Earth and EPA. D.To call on us to protect animals on the earth. 答案:A 主旨大意题。本文主要是关于 Earth Day 的介绍,并呼吁学生保护 地球。   be responsible for 对……负责 be connected to 与……有联系 recyclable adj. 可循环再用的   第四段第二句:“The Face of Climate Change” means that every person who is trying to do their part to help the environment is a face of climate change. 译文:“面对气候变化”意味着,每一个努力参与保护环境的人都是应对气 候变化的重要人物。 分析:这是一个主从复合句,that 引导宾语从句,作动词 means 的宾语。从 句中 who 引导定语从句,修饰先行词 person。 B Planning when to eat meals and snacks and not skipping breakfast, are patterns associated with healthier diets, which could reduce cardiovascular (心血管的) disease risk, according to a new scientific statement published in the American Heart Association journal Circulation. The statement provides information of the current scientific evidence suggesting when and how often people eat may affect risk factors for heart attack, or other diseases. “Meal timing may affect health due to its effect on the body's internal (内部的) clock. In animal studies, it appears that when animals receive food while in an inactive state, such as when they are sleeping, their internal clocks are reset in a way that can change nutrient metabolism (新陈代谢), resulting in greater weight gain, and other diseases. However, more research would need to be done in humans before that can be stated as a fact,” said Marie­Pierre St­Onge, Ph.D., writing group chair and an associate professor of nutritional medicine at Columbia University in New York City. The statement stresses that it is still important to eat a healthy diet, emphasizing fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low­fat dairy products, and fish, while limiting red meat, salt and foods high in added sugars, but when and how often a person eats may also affect cardiovascular wellness according to a growing body of research. There is a link between eating breakfast and having lower heart disease risk factors. Studies have found people who eat breakfast daily are less likely to have high blood pressure, and people who skip breakfast—about 20 percent to 30 percent of US adults—are more likely to be overweight, have improper nutrition, or be diagnosed with diabetes. Given people's busy lives, setting time aside to eat without focusing on something else is important. “All activities have a place in a busy schedule, including healthy eating and being physically active,” St­Onge said. “Those activities should be planned ahead of time and proper time should be devoted to them.” 篇章导读:本文是一篇新闻报道。研究表明,健康的饮食习惯能减少心血管 疾病的发病率。 5.How can we try to avoid cardiovascular disease risk by eating? A.Avoiding eating too many snacks. B.Meal timing and having breakfast. C.Planning ahead of time to eat less. D.Not skipping breakfast more often. 答案:B 细节理解题。由文章第一句可知,按时吃饭、不要错过早餐属于健 康的饮食习惯,能够降低心血管疾病风险。 6.Which of the group is regarded as a healthy diet according to the text? A.Whole grains, and low­fat dairy products. B.Fruits, vegetables, and more red meat. C.Foods high in added sugars and salt. D.Meat, fish, vegetables and more salt. 答案:A 细节理解题。由第四段中的“emphasizing fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low­fat dairy products, and fish, while limiting red meat, salt and foods high in added sugars”可知,多吃水果、蔬菜、谷类、低脂奶制品和鱼,同时减少红肉、 盐和含糖量高的食物。 7.What should we do if we want to reduce the risk of high blood pressure? A.Skip breakfast often. B.Eat breakfast daily. C.Have proper nutrition. D.Lower heart disease risk. 答案:B 细节理解题。由第五段中的“Studies have found people who eat breakfast daily are less likely to have high blood pressure”可知,研究表明经常吃早餐 的人,患上高血压的可能性更低。 8.What is the author's purpose in writing the text? A.To plan our eating time. B.To make scientific studies. C.To ask us to have breakfast. D.To suggest healthier diets. 答案:D 推理判断题。通读全文可知,作者是在倡导健康的饮食习惯。   evidence n. 证据;根据 nutrient n. 营养物;营养素 be diagnosed with 被诊 断出   第三段第二句:In animal studies, it appears that when animals receive food while in an inactive state, such as when they are sleeping, their internal clocks are reset in a way that can change nutrient metabolism (新陈代谢), resulting in greater weight gain, and other diseases. 译文:在对动物的研究中,发现当动物在不活跃的状态下摄入食物时,比如 当他们睡眠时,它们的内在生物钟被重新设置,改变了营养物质代谢,结果导致 严重发胖或者其他疾病。 分析:本句是一个主从复合句。第一个 that 引导表语从句。在该表语从句中, when 又引导时间状语从句;way 后面的 that 引导定语从句,修饰先行词 way。 Ⅱ.完形填空 (原创题)The most important day I remember in all my life is the one on which my teacher, Anne Mansfield Sullivan, came to me. I am filled with __1__ when I consider immeasurable __2__ between the two lives which it connects. It was the third of March, 1887, three months before I was seven years old. On the afternoon of that eventful day, the afternoon sun __3__ my upturned face. My fingers lingered almost __4__ on the familiar leaves and blossoms which had just come forth to __5__ the sweet southern spring. I did not know what the future __6__ of wonder or surprise for me. Anger and __7__ had preyed upon me continually for weeks and a deep tiredness had __8__ this passionate struggle. I __9__ approaching footsteps, I __10__ out my hand as I supposed her to be my mother. Someone __11__ it, and I was held close in the arms of her who had come to __12__ all things to me, and, more than all things else, to love me. The morning after my teacher came she led me into her room and gave me a doll. The little blind children at the Perkins Institution had sent it and Laura Bridgman had dressed it; __13__ I did not know this until afterward. When I had played with it a little while, Miss Sullivan __14__ spelled into my hand the word “d­o­l­l”. I was __15__ with childish pleasure and pride. Running downstairs to my mother I __16__ my hand and made the letters for doll. I did not know that I was spelling a word or even that words existed; I was __17__ making my fingers go in monkey-like __18__. In the days that __19__ I learned to spell in this uncomprehending way a great many words, among them pin, hat, cup and a few verbs like sit, stand and walk. But my teacher had been with me several weeks before I understood that everything has a(n) __20__. 篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了海伦·凯勒人生中最重要的一天, 她的启蒙老师 Anne Mansfield Sullivan 来到了她家。 1.A.wonder B.hope C.sorrow D.disappointment 答案:A 根据下文内容可知,从海伦的老师走进她生活的那一天以后,她 的生活发生了很大变化。据此她感到惊叹不已(wonder)。 2.A.connections B.contrasts C.contracts D.conflicts 答案:B 第一句提到,“我”一生中最重要的日子是老师 Anne 走进“我” 生活的那一天。据此可推知,这一天把(“我”过的)截然不同的两种生活连在一起, 即前后存在巨大的差异(contrasts)。 3.A.took up B.fell on C.dropped down D.broke into 答案:B 根据句意可知,午后的阳光洒落在(fell on)“我”仰起的脸上。take up “从事”;drop down “落下”;break into “突然闯入”。 4.A.familiarly B.strangely C.undoubtedly D.unconsciously 答案:D 根据句意可知,“我”的手指无意识地(unconsciously)游移在那些 熟悉的叶片和花蕾之间。familiarly “熟悉地”;strangely “奇怪地”;undoubtedly “毋庸置疑地”。 5.A.greet B.save C.catch D.face 答案:A 刚抽芽的树叶和刚开的花迎来南方温馨的春天。greet “问候;迎 接”,符合语境。 6.A.got B.gained C.held D.landed 答案:C 这里指的是至于“我”的未来可能会发生什么样的奇迹和惊喜,“我” 茫然不知。hold “保持,保留;发生”符合语境,故选 C 项。 7.A.bitterness B.excitement C.surprise D.joy 答案:A 怨恨(bitterness)与 anger 在情绪上相一致,故 A 项正确。 8.A.attempted B.canceled C.followed D.preferred 答案:C 根据语境可知,随之而来(followed)的是深深的厌倦感。attempt “尝 试”;cancel “取消”;prefer “偏爱”。 9.A.noticed B.appreciated C.felt D.touched 答案:C 根据句意可知,“我”感觉到(felt)靠近的脚步声。 10.A.stretched B.shook C.raised D.folded 答案:A 根据下文的“I was held close in the arms of her”可知,“我”伸出 (stretched out)手,以为是妈妈。shake “摇动”;raise “举”;fold “折叠”。 11.A.saw B.took C.marked D.hit 答案:B 根据空格后的“I was held close in the arms of her”可知,有人抓住 (took)“我”的手,“我”被紧紧地搂在她的怀里。 12.A.repeat B.reveal C.react D.refer 答案:B 根据下文可知,老师的到来是将整个世界展现给“我”。reveal “展 现,显露”,符合语境。repeat “重复”;react “反应”;refer “参考”。 13.A.or B.for C.and D.but 答案:D 空格前“The little blind children at the Perkins Institution had sent it and Laura Bridgman had dressed it.”与空格后“I did not know this until afterward.”为转折关 系,故用 but。 14.A.fortunately B.slowly C.swiftly D.ambiguously 答案:B 根据文章主题可知,Sullivan 老师很有耐心,所以她慢慢地(slowly) 在“我”手上拼写单词。 15.A.filled B.equipped C.charged D.presented 答案:A “我”内心充满孩子气的快乐和骄傲。be filled with “充满”。 16.A.warmed up B.checked up C.held up D.tied up 答案:C 根据空格后的“made the letters for doll”可知,“我”举起(hold up) 手拼出字母。warm up “加热”;check up “检查”;tie up “绑;系”。 17.A.simply B.easily C.thoroughly D.comprehensively 答案:A 根据设空处前一句可知,“我”不知道“我”在拼写一个单词, 甚至不知道单词的存在,这里用 simply(表示“仅仅”)符合语境。 18.A.recitation B.dictation C.imitation D.expectation 答案:C 根据“monkey-like”可知,这里表示“像猴子一样模仿”。imitation “模仿,仿效”。 19.A.following B.to follow C.follow D.followed 答案:D 此处是 that 引导的定语从句,从句中缺谓语部分,因为全文是“我” 在回忆之前的日子,所以用一般过去时。in the days that followed “在接下来的日 子里”。 20.A.process B.end C.routine D.name 答案:D 根据前文的“I learned to spell in this uncomprehending way a great many words, among them pin, hat, cup and a few verbs like sit, stand and walk.”可知, “我”的老师和“我”在一起几周后,“我”明白了所有东西都有自己的名字(name)。   immeasurable adj. 不可估量的;无限的;无穷的 eventful adj. 充满大事 的;重要的 linger v. 流连;逗留;徘徊 uncomprehending adj. 不理解的;茫 然的   第一段第一句:The most important day I remember in all my life is the one on which my teacher, Anne Mansfield Sullivan, came to me. 译文:我一生中记得的最重要的一天是我的老师安妮·曼斯菲尔德·沙利文来到 我身边的那一天。 分析:这是一个主从复合句。day 后面是一个省略了引导词 that 的定语从句。 on which 引导定语从句,修饰先行词 the one。 Ⅲ.阅读七选五 (2019·湖南衡阳模考)The world is a colorful landscape of different languages, skin colors, and different cultures. __1__ A way to develop this appreciation is to try to learn about other cultures around the world. There are several ways to become knowledgeable about different cultures. __2__ Reading works by authors who have a close relationship with a particular culture allows people to gain an accurate glimpse into the food, music, language, religion, and way of a life of a particular group of people. For example, __3__ she will often read them stories based on a culture's folktale. Another way to learn about different cultures is to try to learn a foreign language. A variety of language­learning books, software, and audio programs are available at the public library or bookstores. __4__ Making contact with people who are native speakers of the language helps to gain firsthand knowledge of a particular culture as she struggles to learn the language. __5__ Whether a person wants to learn more about regions in Japan, the Middle East, Africa, or any other world culture, becoming familiar with its food is a giant step in the right direction. Food is an important part of different cultures and allows people to gain insight into a particular cultural group's way of life. A.when a student wants to learn more about a different culture. B.when a teacher wishes to expose her students to a different culture. C.One way is to read books written by authors from a particular culture. D.Learn about different cultures by eating food from a specific cultural group. E.Gaining an understanding of other cultures benefits both you and other people. F.A person can choose a language to learn and locate learning programs to help her master the language. G.It's important to develop an appreciation for different cultures to become a well­rounded person. 篇章导读:本文是一篇说明文,介绍了欣赏不同文化的方法。 1.G G 项中的“appreciation”和“different cultures”与空格后一句中的“appreciation” 和“other cultures”相对应。 2.C C 项中的“One way”与上文中的“several ways”相对应,“read books written by authors from a particular culture”与下文中的“Reading works by authors who have a close relationship with a particular culture”相对应。 3.B B 项中的“a teacher”和“her students”分别对应下文中的 she 和 them。 4.F F 项中的“a language to learn”和“locate learning programs”与上文中的“learn a foreign language”和“audio programs”相对应。 5.D 由下文“becoming familiar with its food is a giant step in the right direction” 可知,D 项“通过吃特定文化群体的食物来了解不同文化”符合此处语境。其中 D 项中的“eating food”与下文中的“becoming familiar with its food”相对应。   appreciation n. 欣赏;感激;鉴识 accurate adj. 精确的 glimpse n. 一瞥, 一看   第二段第三句:Reading works by authors who have a close relationship with a particular culture allows people to gain an accurate glimpse into the food, music, language, religion, and way of a life of a particular group of people. 译文:阅读与特定文化有密切关系的作者的作品,可以让人们准确了解特定 人群的食物、音乐、语言、宗教和生活方式。 分析:这是一个主从复合句。who 引导定语从句,修饰先行词 authors。

