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只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 1 The environment 课时跟踪检测 B 卷 Ⅰ.完形填空 (2015·扬州中学高三 4 月检测)Thanks to a combination of young businessmen, large numbers of university students and revitalization (新生) efforts by the local and national governments, today’s Nanjing has an __1__ of youthful exuberance (繁茂) that would have been __2__only a few decades ago.__3__, the city, a booming city of 6. 5 million on the banks of the Yangtze River some 185 miles west of Shanghai, bears __4__resemblance to the former capital of China that suffered the worst cruelty and violence of World War Ⅱ. __5__Nanjing has shown a remarkable capacity for reinvention during its 2,500year history. And in recent years, the city has moved __6__its tragic past to become a vital engine of China’s economic growth, thanks __7__to its position in the middle of China’ s prosperous eastern seaboard. Growth has also __8__thanks to improved ground transportation: A new bullet train linking Nanjing and Shanghai started service last year, __9__travel time between the cities from several hours to just 75 minutes, and a BeijingShanghai highspeed line is __10__to open later this year, with a stop in Nanjing. Within the city, two metro lines were built in the last few years; 15 more are planned to begin service by 2030. Signs of Nanjing’s __11__wealth and optimism can be seen everywhere. In the heart of the downtown Xinjiekou district, a bronze statue of Sun Yatsen,__12__the father of modern China, looks __13__over a busy __14__area. There is perhaps no more __15__symbol of the city’s transformation than the Zifeng Tower, a 1,480foot skyscraper that opened its doors last May.__16__offices, restaurants and an InterContinental hotel, the tower is the second tallest building in China and billed as the seventh tallest in the world. Underlying all this development is a large Chinese and __17__student population — there are several major universities, plus a branch of Johns Hopkins’s international studies school. In fact,art and music __18__in all sorts of places. On a larger __19__, local government officials and private investors are pushing the city as a rising center for contemporary art and architecture, hoping to attract __20__ from the neonbathed streets of its neighbor Shanghai. 1.A.advance B.affection C.air D.ability 2.A.unforgett able B.unthinkable C.unbearable D.unnecessary 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 2 3.A.Actually B.Regretfully C.Hopefully D.Consequently 4.A.close B.slight C.much D.little 5.A.Because B.But C.As D.Since 6.A.beyond B.on C.off D.out 7.A.in addition B.in all C.in part D.in fact 8.A.started B.enlarged C.existed D.accelerated 9.A.removing B.cutting C.dividing D.lowering 10.A.scheduled B.invented C.desired D.meant 11.A.attractive B.wellreceived C.newfound D.discovered 12.A.thought B.treated C.considered D.elected 13.A.out B.at C.about D.for 14.A.remote B.regional C.rural D.commercial 15.A.universal B.visible C.traditional D.political 16.A.Keeping B.Consisting C.Opening D.Housing 17.A.British B.western C.American D.foreign 18.A.spring up B.stand up C.set up D.keep up 19.A.extent B.degree C.scale D.level 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 3 20.A.businessmen B.students C.tourists D.painters Ⅱ.阅读理解 (2015·泰州高三调研)Grasshoppers are having to change their song — one of the iconic sounds of summer — to make themselves heard above the noise of road traffic, ecologists have discovered.The study, published in the British Ecological Society’s journal Functional Ecology, is the first to show that humanmade noise affects natural insect populations.Animals use sound to communicate for many reasons, including marking out territory, warning of predators and finding mates, and although previous research shows birds, whales and even frogs change their calls in noisy environments, the impact of humanmade noise on insects has been neglected until now.Ulrike Lampe and colleagues from the University of Bielefeld in Germany caught 188 male bowwinged grasshoppers, half from quiet locations and half from beside busy roads.The grasshoppers use their song to attract mates. ]The team then studied the differences in the two groups’ songs in the laboratory.To encourage them to sing they exposed the males to a female grasshopper, and then recorded their courtship songs.Analysis of almost 1,000 recordings revealed grasshoppers living beside noisy roads produced different songs to those living in quieter locations. According to Lampe,“Bowwinged grasshoppers produce songs that include low and high frequency components.We found that grasshoppers from noisy habitats increase the volume of the lowerfrequency part of their song,which makes sense since road noise can mask signals in this part of the frequency spectrum (频谱).” The team’s findings are important because traffic noise could be upsetting the grasshopper’s mating system (交配系统).“Increased noise levels could affect grasshopper courtship in several ways.It could prevent females from hearing male courtship songs properly, prevent females from recognising males of their own species, or impair females’ ability to estimate how attractive a male is from his song,” Lampe explains. Having discovered that humanmade noise affects insect communication,the researchers now want to learn more about how the mechanism works, and whether the grasshoppers adapt to noise during their development as larvae (幼虫), or whether males from noisy habitats produce different songs due to genetic differences. The bowwinged grasshopper is a common species in Central Europe. Adults occur mainly between July and September, preferring dry grasslands.Around 1.5 cm long, they vary in 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 4 colour from green and browns to red and purple.The male’s song consists of 2 secondlong phrases that increase in amplitude (振幅) towards the end.The beginning of a phrase is characterized by slower ticking sounds that increase in speed and amplitude, leading to a buzzing sound towards the end of the phrase.A courtship song usually includes 2 phrases. 1.The author wrote the article to ________. A.introduce how grasshoppers make noises to attract mates B.raise the awareness of protecting bowwinged grasshoppers C.inform us of a recent discovery of ecological research D.warn us that humanmade noise has changed ecological system 2.Which of the following could be the main idea of the passage? A.Bowwinged grasshoppers use their songs to communicate. B.Grasshoppers change their songs to adapt to the noisy environment. C.Grasshoppers’ songs include both low and high frequency components. D.Bowwinged grasshoppers are a common species in Central Europe. 3.What does the underlined word“impair”in the fourth paragraph mean? A.Repair. B.Develop. C.Weaken. D.Improve. 4.Which of the following statements is TRUE according the passage? A.Road noise can cover the lowerfrequency part of their song. B.Animals make sounds only for the purpose of finding mates. C.Grasshopper larvae learn to adapt to humanmade noise. D.Bowwinged grasshoppers grow up into adults in spring. Ⅲ.书面表达 (2015·苏州四校联考)“百善孝为先”是中国人的传统美德。请根据以下提示,谈谈你对“孝” 的理解。 提示:1.你认为“孝”是什么; 2.以你自己或身边人的事例说明。 注意:1.文中不得透露个人和学校信息; 2.词数:150 左右; 3.参考词汇:孝顺 filial piety ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 5 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 6 答 案 Ⅰ. 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了现代南京城的巨大变化。由于国家和地方政 府,年轻商人和大批高校学生的努力,今天的南京呈现出一派数十年前无法想象的繁荣 景象。因地处中国最具发展前景的东部沿海一带,如今的南京已挣脱过去的伤痛阴霾, 成为中国经济发展的重要动力。 1.选 C 句意为:由于年轻商人、大批高校学生以及国家和当地政府的努力,今天的南京呈现 出一派数十年前无法想 象的繁荣景象。have an air of 为固定搭配,意为“具有……气氛/氛围/ 景象”。故 C 项正确。 2.选 B B 项意为“无法想象的”,符合语境。故 B 项正确。A 项意为“无法忘记的”;C 项意 为“无法忍受的”;D 项意为“没有必要的”,都与语境不符。 3.选 A 句意为:事实上,从上海往西 185 英里,坐落在长江边上的南京如今已是坐拥六百五 十万人口的繁荣城市,她已不再是第二次世界大战时备受蹂躏的中国前首都。A 项意为“事实上”, 符合语境。故 A 项正确。 4.选 D 南京已不再是第二次世界大战时备受蹂躏的中国前首都。bear little resemblance to 意为“与……大不一样”,little 意为“几乎没有”,符合语境。故 D 项正确。 5.选 B 根据上句“第二次世界大战时中国前首都南京备受蹂躏”可知,本句与上句形成转折 关系。故 B 项正确。 6.选 A 句意为:近年来,因地处中国最具发展前景的东部沿海的中部地带,如今的南京已挣 脱过去的伤痛阴霾,成为中国经济发展的重要动力。move beyond 意为“挣脱,跨出,超越”;move on 意为“变换工作,改变,流逝”;move off 意为“离开,出发”;move out 意为“撤离,搬出”。 故 A 项正确。 7.选 C 根据上文“Thanks to a combination of young businessmen,large numbers of university students...”可知,南京能够成为中国经济发展的动力,还由于政府、商人、大学生 的共同努力,所以其优越的地理位置只是部分因素。thanks in part to 意为“部分因为”,in part 意为“部分地”,符合语境与下文中的“Growth has also”相呼应。故 C 项正确。 8.选 D 句意为:而得利于完善的地面交通,南京的发展速度还在不断加快。D 项意为“加速”, 符合语境。故 D 项正确。 9.选 B 句意为:沪宁动车组去年投入运营,将往来两地之间的时间由几小时缩短至 75 分 钟……cut...to 为固定搭配,意为“减少到……”,符合语境。故 B 项正确。 10.选 A 句意为:……京沪高铁将于今年年末投入使用,南京是必停站。be scheduled to 为 固定搭配,意为“计划……”,符合语境。故 A 项正确。 11.选 C 句意为:南京随处可见象征着新财富与乐观的标志。C 项意为“新发现的”,符合语 境。故 C 项正确。 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 7 12.选 C 根据常识可知,孙中山先生被视为现代中国之父。C 项意为“视为,把……看作”, 符合语境。故 C 项正确。 13.选 A 句意为:现代中国之父孙中山先生的青铜像矗立在南京市中心商业区新街口,他越 过一片繁华的商业区看向远方。look out 意为“向外看”,符合语境。故 A 项正确。 14.选 D 句意为:现代中国之父孙中山先生的青铜像矗立在南京市中心商业区新街口,他越 过一片繁华的商业区望向远方。D 项意为“商业的”,符合语境。故 D 项正确。 15.选 B 句意为:紫峰大厦去年五月份开放。这座高 1 480 英尺的摩天大楼或许是南京城里 最明显的城市蜕变标志。B 项意为“可见的,明显的,引人注目的”,符合语境。故 B 项正确。 16.选 D 句意为:紫峰大厦集办公、餐饮和洲际酒店于一体,它是中国第二高,世界第七高 的建筑。D 项意为“给……房子住,覆盖,存放”,符合语境。故 D 项正确。 17.选 D 句意为:南京的高速发展离不开当地大批海内外学生……D 项意为“国外的”,与上 文的“Chinese”相呼应,符合语境。故 D 项正确。 18.选 A 句意为:事实上,这儿的每个角落都散发出艺术和音乐的气息。A 项意为“发生,出 现”,符合语境。故 A 项正确。 19.选 C 句意为:在更大程度上,当地政府官员和私人投资者都在将这座城市打造成一个正 在崛起的当代艺术和建筑中心。on a large scale 为固定搭配,意为“在很大程度上”。故 C 项正 确。 20.选 C 句意为:……他们希望以此从临近的处处霓虹的上海吸引来更多的游客。根据上文 可知,当地政府和私人投资者都在将这座城市打造成一个正在崛起的当代艺术和建筑中心,结合该 句中的“处处霓虹的上海”可以推知,他们意在吸引游客。C 项意为“游客”,符合语境。故 C 项 正确。 Ⅱ. 语篇解读:本文是一篇科研报告。最新的研究表明,人类产生的噪音会扰乱蝗虫的交 配系统,从而影响其数量。 1.选 C 写作意图题。根据第一段第一、二句可知,作者介绍了一项最新的研究成果,即人类 产生的噪音对于昆虫的影响。故 C 项正确。 2.选 B 主旨大意题。根据第一段第一句,即本文的主题句可知,在吵闹的环境中,蝗虫为了 能让其发出的声音被听见而改变了其声音。故 B 项正确。 3.选 C 词义猜测题。根据第四段第一句可知,交通噪音会扰乱蝗虫的交配系统,带来的是负 面影响,所以可猜测“impair females’ ability”应是“减弱雌性的能力”。impair 应与 weaken 同义。故 C 项正确。 4.选 A 正误判断题。根据第三段最后一句可知,A 项正确;根据第一段第三句可知,昆虫发 出声音有多种目的,故 B 项错误;根据第五段可知,科学家对于幼虫的研究还没有结论,故 C 项错 误;根据第六段第二句可知,D 项中的一部分内容错误。故 A 项正确。 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 8 Ⅲ.参考范文: It is universally accepted that filial piety is an important virtue in China. It means respecting and caring for parents and the elderly. Take my parents for example.After my grandma died last year, my parents spent much time chatting with my grandpa, accompanying him on walks and cooking him delicious food. At first, my grandpa seemed to be happy about it, but as time went by, he became uneasy, because he was not used to leading so comfortable a life.Therefore, my parents encouraged him to attend some activities in our community. They also encouraged him to go to a drawing class in a school for the old, which gave my grandpa a great sense of achievement. He became happy again. My parents set a good example to me. In my opinion, the real filial piety is giving the old what they really need.

