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体裁突破(五) 议论文 A ‎(2017·前黄高级中学一模)‎ Research confirms that performing acts of kindness and sharing thankful thoughts have many positive effects on mood and health.They are among the top five predictors of happiness.‎ When you feel thankful for something,that’s gratitude.You never get it out of 1 ;you are clear who or what is responsible,whether that’s a loved one,a stranger,or a higher power.Gratitude is how you 2 to others when you see yourself in connection with things larger than yourself. 3 ,this understanding of our reliance on others is becoming more 4 today.With commercial and social media,everything makes the younger generation feel that they are the 5 of the universe.If it’s all about them,why thank others?‎ If true,there would be a disturbing 6 trend.Canadian researchers found that people who wrote thank-you letters or performed good deeds for a six-week period decreased their pain,upped their energy,and improved their mental health.And you can 7 these benefits at any age.Old people who choose to be thankful are less likely to worry about their 8 health.‎ Gratitude tends to be easily spread,as well.Those who are helped are more likely to pay kindness 9 .One study found that when someone is thanked,it more than doubles his or her chances of being 10 again,likely because he or she enjoys feeling socially 11 .‎ If you aren’t particularly grateful now,you can learn to be.People who keep a journal of three positive things that happen to them each day 12 health-inducing thankfulness.At first,it may be difficult to 13 the good things that occur.But 14 ,your brain gets trained into a more appreciative mode.And in the end,the journal becomes a book of joyful 15 .Gratitude training certainly comes to your aid during the 16 times because a greater 17 for life is the part you focus on.‎ ‎ 18 your gratefulness directly with the person you feel grateful to,the benefits of happiness 19 .You don’t need a scientific study to know that showing and accepting gratitude can ensure you an 20 life,a much better life than you thought.‎ 语篇解读 研究表明,善意的行为和分享感恩的想法对情绪和健康有许多积极的影响。它们排在预示幸福的前五名中。‎ ‎1.A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing 答案 D 解析 something某事;anything任何事情;everything一切事情;nothing什么也没有。句意为:当你心存感谢时,那就是感激。你从来不会平白无故地表达它。故选D。‎ ‎2.A.refer B.submit C.subscribe D.relate 答案 D 解析 refer涉及,参考;submit主张,服从;subscribe捐助,订阅;relate叙述,使有联系。句意为:感激就是当你看到自己与比自己伟大的事情相联系时与别人交流的方式。故选D。‎ ‎3.A.Therefore B.Meanwhile C.However D.Besides 答案 C 解析 therefore因此;meanwhile与此同时;however然而;besides另外。句意为:然而,我们对依赖别人的这种理解在今天变得更加困难了。故选C。‎ ‎4.A.strange B.difficult C.stubborn D.ridiculous 答案 B 解析 strange奇怪的;difficult困难的;stubborn顽固的;ridiculous荒谬的。句意见上题解析。故选B。‎ ‎5.A.master B.center C.survivor D.creator 答案 B 解析 master主人;center中心;survivor幸存者;creator创造者。句意为:所有的一切都让年轻一代觉得自己就是宇宙的中心。根据句意可知选B。‎ ‎6.A.health B.mental C.cultural D.industrial 答案 A 解析 health健康;mental精神上的;cultural文化的;industrial工业的。句意为:如果是真的,就会有一个令人不安的健康趋势。故选A。‎ ‎7.A.continue B.approach C.sustain D.reap 答案 D 解析 continue继续;approach靠近;sustain维持;reap收获。句意为:在任何年龄你都能收获这些好处。故选D。‎ ‎8.A.original B.improving C.failing D.falling 答案 C 解析 original最初的;improving有启发的;failing失败的;falling下降的。句意为:选择感恩的老人担心自己不健康的可能性就低。故选C。‎ ‎9.A.forward B.downward C.backward D.upward 答案 A 解析 forward向前地,向将来,往后;downward向下;backward向后地;upward向上。句意为:那些得到帮助的人往后更有可能会付出善意。故选A。‎ ‎10.A.thankful B.respectful C.helpful D.careful 答案 C 解析 thankful感谢的;respectful恭敬的;helpful有帮助的;careful仔细的。句意为:一项研究发现当人受到感谢的时候,这将会使他/她再次乐于助人的机会增加一倍以上。故选C。‎ ‎11.A.valued B.influenced C.attracted D.noticed 答案 A 解析 value估价,重视;influence影响;attract吸引;notice注意。句意为:很可能是因为他/她享受自己的社会价值感。故选A。‎ ‎12.A.cultivate B.emphasize C.benefit D.transmit 答案 A 解析 cultivate逐渐形成;emphasize强调;benefit受益;transmit传输。句意为:人们每天写一篇关于三件积极的事情的日志,逐渐形成有利于健康的感恩。故选A。‎ ‎13.A.analyze B.recognize C.summarize D.organize 答案 B 解析 analyze分析;recognize认出,识别;summarize总结;organize组织。句意为:起初,识别发生的美好的事情是很难的。故选B。‎ ‎14.A.roughly B.decidedly C.gradually D.accidentally 答案 C 解析 roughly粗糙地;decidedly果断地;gradually逐渐地;accidentally意外地。句意为:但是,渐渐地,你的大脑被训练成更具欣赏力的模式。故选C。‎ ‎15.A.essays B.thoughts C.files D.memories 答案 D 解析 essay随笔,散文;thought思想,想法;file文件;memory记忆。句意为:最后,日志变成了一本有快乐回忆的书。故选D。‎ ‎16.A.dark B.golden C.special D.urgent 答案 A 解析 dark黑暗的;golden金色的;special特殊的;urgent紧急的。句意为:在黑暗时期,感恩的培训肯定会对你有所帮助。故选A。‎ ‎17.A.admiration B.allocation C.appreciation D.affection 答案 C 解析 admiration钦佩;allocation分配;appreciation欣赏,感激;affection影响,喜爱。句意为:因为更懂得欣赏生活就是你所关注的那部分。故选C。‎ ‎18.A.Supplying B.Experiencing C.Sharing D.Recalling 答案 C 解析 supply供应;experience体验;share分享;recall回想起。句意为:直接与你感激的人分享你的感激之情,幸福的好处就会累积。故选C。‎ ‎19.A.disappear B.accumulate C.emerge D.weaken 答案 B 解析 disappear消失;accumulate积累;emerge浮现,显现;weaken变弱。参考上题解析。故选B。‎ ‎20.A.enriched B.engaged C.enlarged D.enabled 答案 A 解析 enriched丰富的;engaged忙碌的;enlarged扩大的;enabled已启用的。句意为:表示并接受感激能使你拥有一个丰富的人生。故选A。‎ B ‎(2017·南京三模)‎ Research shows that when we are absorbed in an activity,even minor distractions(分心) can have a huge effect.According to a study,regaining our 21 drive following an interruption can take about 20 minutes.‎ Multitasking(多重任务),as many studies have shown,is a myth(谬论).A more accurate 22 of what happens when we tell ourselves we are multitasking is that we’re rapidly 23 between activities,sucking our mental energy.And the 24 can be surprisingly serious.An experiment found that we lose as many as 10 IQ points when we allow our work to be 25 by distractions like emails and text messages.‎ The 26 is that multitasking is enjoyable.It’s fun to satisfy your curiosity.Who knows what that next email or text message holds 27 ?Finding out provides immediate satisfaction. 28 ,resisting distractions and staying on task requires 29 and mental effort.‎ So,what are we to do?‎ Our strategy is to change the 30 to move temptation further away:shut down your email program or 31 your phone.It’s a lot easier to stay on task when you’re not 32 fighting off mental desires.‎ The alternative,which most of us consider common,is 33 to dieting in a bakery.We all need the willpower to resist the temptations,but doing so comes with 34 costs to our limited supply of willpower.‎ Another worthwhile 35 is to collect similar activities together,keeping transition(转换) time to a 36 point.Instead of spreading phone calls,meetings and emails throughout your day,try 37 related tasks so that there are fewer transitions.‎ In some jobs,multitasking is 38 .Some of us truly do need to stay 39 to our clients,colleagues and managers.So it’s worth noting that limiting disruptions is the only solution.‎ Remember,the more you do to minimize task-switching over the course of the day,the more ability you’ll have for activities that actually 40 .Even small changes can make a big difference.‎ 语篇解读 研究显示,当我们全神贯注于某一活动时,即便是小小的分心都会对活动的效果产生巨大的影响。‎ ‎21.A.initial B.personal C.inner D.ambitious 答案 A 解析 句意为:研究表明,在一次分心之后,我们想要再次获得干劲(专注于某一活动),大约需要20分钟。根据句意可知,initial最初的,符合语境,即获得原来的干劲。‎ ‎22.A.plan B.account C.prediction D.insight 答案 B 解析 ‎ 句意为:当我们告诉自己正处于多重任务时,对于此时所发生的事情的一个更加确切的描述是,我们是在几项活动间不停地转换。account描述,叙述,符合语境。‎ ‎23.A.switching B.swinging C.swapping D.shuttling 答案 A 解析 参考上题解析。switch转换。‎ ‎24.A.benefits B.reasons C.consequences D.challenges 答案 C 解析 根据本句中的“surprisingly serious”以及后一句中的“lose as many as 10 IQ points”可知,consequence结果,后果,符合语境,即这样做的后果有多么严重。‎ ‎25.A.guided B.changed C.adapted D.interrupted 答案 D 解析 句意为:研究发现,当我们的工作被分心打扰(中断)时,我们将损失多达10个点的IQ。interrupt打扰,打断,符合语境。‎ ‎26.A.advantage B.emphasis C.trouble D.practice 答案 C 解析 文章上一段讲到负面的影响,本段则介绍的是产生的原因,也就是具体的问题所在——为什么虽然有负面影响,人们还是乐此不疲?trouble问题,麻烦,符合语境。‎ ‎27.A.in stock B.in store C.in check D.in possession 答案 B 解析 句意为:谁知道下一封邮件或短信中会有什么内容呢?hold in store蕴藏,符合语境。‎ ‎28.A.As a rule B.As a result C.In short D.In contrast 答案 D 解析 根据上下文语境可知,前后句意相反,上一句说的是分心的情况,后一句则讲的是如何抵制分心。in contrast与此相反,相比之下。故选D。‎ ‎29.A.patience B.discipline C.courage D.attention 答案 B 解析 句意为:要抵制分心的诱惑,并专注于我们的工作,需要自律(discipline)和内心的努力。故选B。‎ ‎30.A.expectation B.task C.environment D.vision 答案 C 解析 根据冒号后面的内容可知,C项符合语境,即改变工作或学习环境。‎ ‎31.A.replace B.silence C.answer D.pick 答案 B 解析 silence意为“使沉默,使静音”,符合语境,即将电话调成静音状态。‎ ‎32.A.continuously B.finally C.passionately D.directly 答案 A 解析 句意为:当你不再需要持续击退内心的欲望时,专心于工作便会变得更加容易。continuously连续不断地,符合语境。‎ ‎33.A.similar B.relevant C.superior D.opposite 答案 A 解析 句意为:还有一个大多数人认为普通的选择,它和在面包店里节食相似。similar相似的,符合语境。‎ ‎34.A.affordable B.basic C.considerable D.modest 答案 C 解析 句意为:(尽管)我们需要抵制诱惑的意志力,但是这种做法(在面包店节食)会极大地消耗我们有限的意志力。considerable相当大的,符合语境。‎ ‎35.A.research B.aspect C.reaction D.approach 答案 D 解析 根据上下文可知,这里是在教我们集中注意力的方法(approach),所以选D。上文的strategy亦是暗示。‎ ‎36.A.minimum B.maximum C.turning D.fixed 答案 A 解析 句意为:另一种方法是将相似的活动归类在一起完成,这样可以将不同活动之间切换的时间缩短到最小。minimum最小的,符合语境。‎ ‎37.A.analyzing B.grouping C.assigning D.undertaking 答案 B 解析 参考上题解析。group指“分类,归类”,符合语境,即将相关的工作分组归类。‎ ‎38.A.disturbing B.annoying C.unavoidable D.unnecessary 答案 C 解析 根据下句可知,在有些工作中,多重任务是无法避免的。unavoidable不可避免的,符合语境。‎ ‎39.A.sympathetic B.loyal C.accustomed D.connected 答案 D 解析 句意为:我们中的一些人确实需要和我们的客户、同事和经理保持联系。connected有联系的,符合语境。‎ ‎40.A.matter B.function C.work D.interfere 答案 A 解析 matter在这里是不及物动词,意为“重要,要紧”,符合语境,即你将有更多的能力去处理那些真正重要的事情。‎ C ‎(2017·盐城中学期中)‎ Do you know how discipline can help you achieve your goals?Do you know that discipline is important to 41 ?What is the power of discipline?How to become disciplined?‎ You might think that many people are not self disciplined, 42 I’m going to prove to you that people in general are disciplined,but 43 ,in non-beneficial ways.There are many people who smoke daily 44 the fact that it is harmful and 45 and it could kill them.Such people are disciplined at 46 cigarettes and smoking.There are people who are disciplined at drinking lots of alcohol daily.Such people are disciplined at consuming alcohol.Do you 47 where I am going with this?‎ One of my friends who has a 48 for running spends half an hour every single morning running.Whether it is snowing or raining,she has to run.This is the kind of 49 discipline that you are supposed to 50 and create in your life.‎ Do you know someone who bought a book,but didn’t finish 51 it for some reason?Do you know someone who decided to improve his 52 and start eating more vegetables and fruit,but after two weeks,he 53 ?‎ These are all examples of 54 of discipline.If you are not disciplined,then you will have a ‎ hard time to get your 55 .As I mentioned in my book The Ultimate Guide to Achieving Your Goals that you could know what you want, 56 and take action,but if you are not self-disciplined,you will 57 give up.‎ With discipline,you can start getting up early in the morning,exercise,and 58 yourself of the non-beneficial habits such as smoking and eating non-healthy food.With discipline,you can change negative habits to positive habits.With discipline,you can join the gym and start working on having a 59 body.Do you see what the 60 of discipline can do?‎ Always remember what Jim Rohn said,“One discipline always leads to another discipline.”‎ 语篇解读 本文是一篇议论文。文章主要论述了自律的力量及对人们的影响,呼吁人们要增强自律意识,改掉恶习,培养健康向上的生活习惯。‎ ‎41.A.wealth B.success C.fortune D.health 答案 B 解析 wealth财富;success成功;fortune命运;health健康。根据前一句“你知道自律如何帮助你实现你的目标吗?”可知,此处指自律对成功也是很重要的。故选B。‎ ‎42.A.for B.and C.or D.but 答案 D 解析 根据空前句意“你也许认为很多人不自律”和空后句意“我要证明给你看的是人们一般是有自律性的”可知,前后存在转折关系。故选D。‎ ‎43.A.unfortunately B.unwillingly C.unnecessarily D.unexpectedly 答案 A 解析 unfortunately不幸地;unwillingly不情愿地;unnecessarily没必要地;unexpectedly意外地。根据下文列举的吸烟、喝酒的例子可推知,此处指“不幸的是,这些都是不好的例子”。故选A。‎ ‎44.A.besides B.despite C.except D.without 答案 B 解析 besides除此之外(还有);despite尽管;except除……之外;without没有。句意为:尽管吸烟有害健康是个事实,但是有很多人每天都吸烟。故选B。‎ ‎45.A.courageous B.disgusting C.dangerous D.forbidden 答案 C 解析 courageous勇敢的;disgusting令人厌恶的;dangerous危险的;forbidden被禁止的。此处顺承前文,与harmful对应,表示“吸烟是有害和危险的”。故选C。‎ ‎46.A.selling B.buying C.getting D.consuming 答案 D 解析 sell卖;buy买;get得到;consume消耗。句意为:这种人在消耗香烟和吸烟方面是自律的。另外根据后文的“Such people are disciplined at consuming alcohol.”可知,此处应使用consume。故选D。‎ ‎47.A.care B.see C.feel D.mind 答案 B 解析 care关心;see看到,明白;feel感觉;mind介意。句意为:你明白我说这些要表达什么意思吗?故选B。‎ ‎48.A.passion B.gift C.respect D.reason 答案 A 解析 passion酷爱,激情;gift天赋;respect尊重;reason原因。根据下文的“Whether it is snowing or raining,she has to run.”可知,作者的一个朋友爱好每天早晨进行半个小时的晨跑。故选A。‎ ‎49.A.formal B.positive C.negative D.religious 答案 B 解析 formal正式的;positive积极的;negative消极的;religious宗教的。此处与前文吸烟、喝酒的不良习惯形成对比,指的是一种积极的自律性。故选B。‎ ‎50.A.form B.learn C.follow D.believe 答案 C 解析 form形成;learn学习;follow遵循;believe相信。句意为:这是一种你应该在你的生活中遵循和创造的积极自律性。故选C。‎ ‎51.A.reading B.reciting C.analyzing D.reviewing 答案 A 解析 ‎ read阅读;recite背诵;analyze分析;review复习。句意为:你知道有的人买了一本书,但是因为某种原因却没有读完吗?故选A。‎ ‎52.A.service B.diet C.skill D.performance 答案 B 解析 service服务;diet饮食;skill技巧;performance表现。根据下文的“start eating more vegetables and fruit”可知,此处指改善自己的饮食。故选B。‎ ‎53.A.broke down B.turned up C.gave up D.set out 答案 C 解析 break down抛锚;turn up露面;give up放弃;set out 出发。句意为:但是两周后,他就放弃了。故选C。‎ ‎54.A.lack B.gesture C.sign D.symbol 答案 A 解析 lack缺乏;gesture手势;sign迹象,符号;symbol象征。根据上文可知,列举的这些例子都是缺乏自律性的表现。故选A。‎ ‎55.A.attention B.order C.credit D.desire 答案 D 解析 attention注意;order顺序;credit信用;desire愿望。句意为:如果你不自律,那么实现你的愿望将是很困难的。故选D。‎ ‎56.A.plan B.listen C.ask D.hope 答案 A 解析 plan计划;listen听;ask问;hope希望。句意为:正如在我的《实现你的目标终极指南》这本书中提到的,你能知道你想要的、做好计划并采取行动,但是如果你自律性不强,你将很可能放弃。故选A。‎ ‎57.A.obviously B.practically C.likely D.quickly 答案 C 解析 obviously显然地;practically实际上;likely很可能;quickly迅速地。句意参考上题解析。故选C。‎ ‎58.A.persuade B.inform C.deliver D.break 答案 D 解析 persuade劝说;inform通知;deliver传递;break打破,解除。句意为:有了自律性,你可以每天早上早起、锻炼,还可以改掉像吸烟和吃不健康食物的坏习惯。故选D。‎ ‎59.A.healthier B.weaker C.heavier D.clumsier 答案 A 解析 healthier更健康的;weaker更弱的;heavier更重的;clumsier更笨的。句意为:有了自律性,你可以去体育馆,开始为拥有一个更健康的体魄而努力。故选A。‎ ‎60.A.demand B.power C.principle D.measure 答案 B 解析 demand要求;power力量;principle纪律;measure措施。句意为:你明白自律的力量能做些什么了吗?故选B。 ‎

