高中英语人教版选择性必修一课件:Unit 3 Reading and Thinking

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高中英语人教版选择性必修一课件:Unit 3 Reading and Thinking

Unit 3   Fascinating Parks   Reading and Thinking Ⅰ. 单词拼写 1. __________( 迷人的 )parks 2. ______( 打来打去 )the cloth of my tent 3. the mountain ____( 边缘 ) 4. ____( 巨大的 )sheets of ice 5. their ________( 领土 ) fascinating buffet edge vast territory 6. ____( 禁止 )smoking 7. ______( 看得见的 )change 8. __________( 陪伴 )their reindeer 9. _____( 接受 )their habits 10. feel _______( 幸福的 ) ban visible accompany adopt blessed Ⅱ. 根据语境及汉语提示填空 1. All the children like music __________Bobby.   除了鲍比外所有的孩子都喜欢音乐。 2. I don’t want to _____ anything ______. 我不想留下任何东西。 apart from leave behind 3. After going through all this, he became a man __ _____ with the world.   经历过这一切之后 , 他成了一个与世无争的人。 4. He has achieved what he ______to do three years ago.   他已经实现了他三年前的奋斗目标。 at peace set out 5. He ______ his cap ___ from the floor and put it back on his head. 他从地板上捡起帽子 , 重新戴在头上。 picked up Ⅰ. 文本整体理解 : 理清文章架构 Ⅱ. 文本细节理解 : 探寻语篇细节信息 1. What is the text mainly about? A. The Arctic Circle. B. The Sami people. C. The reindeer. D. A fascinating park. 2. Why does the author say telling whether it is morning or night is impossible? A. Because the wind is too strong. B. Because it is summer above the Arctic Circle. C. Because the watch is broken. D. Because the sun is shining too brightly. 3. Why was Sarek made a national park? A. Because Sarek’s mountains are covered by vast sheets of ice. B. Because there are varieties of rare animals. C. Because the government hopes to keep Sarek in its natural state. D. Because the Sami people made this territory their home. 4. Which of the following statements is true? A. Reindeer live on grass and small animals. B. Reindeer hardly move about. C. Sarek is the original home to them. D. Reindeer have a deep effect on Sami’s life style. 5. What does the author think of his trip to Sarek national park? A. Challenging but worth it. B. Difficult and boring. C. Puzzling and terrible. D. Just so so. 答案 : 1 ~ 5. DBCDA Ⅲ. 文本素养提升 : 阅读技能综合运用 1. 根据课文语境与语句知识细致解构语句 译文 : 跟随驯鹿而来的是萨米人 , 他们把这片土地当成了自己的家。 译文 : 即使阳光灿烂 , ___________________________ 。 分辨是早或是晚也是不可能的 译文 : 但每年春天 , 仍有一小部分萨米人 _____________ _________________, 住在帐篷或旧农舍里 , 享受着他们 的传统。 跟随他们的驯 鹿进入萨利克山谷 2. 课文概要填空    Sarek national park is really a (1)__________ ( 迷人的 ) hidden natural treasure in Europe. As it lies above the Arctic Circle, when it is summer, (2)______(tell) exact time is (3)__________( 不可能的 ). After (4)____( 巨大的 ) sheets of ice melted, reindeer and the Sami people arrived one after another and the fascinating telling impossible vast people made this territory their home. In order to keep the land (5)__ its natural state, all new development (6) _________( 禁止 )within park boundaries. (7) _______( 虽然 )most Sami live a modern life just like their neighbours, every spring, a small number of them still observe their (8) _________( 传统 ). As a hiker, I have (9) _______ ( 接受 )some of their in is banned Even if traditions adopted habits. Although the journey will be full of sweat and hard work, being in such a beautiful and wild place makes me feel (10)_______ ( 幸福的 )to be alive.   blessed 3. 阅读主题活动 Talk about the following questions in pairs, and find out the best answers. (1)Is it worth making a place like Sarek a national park? Give your reasons. ______________________________________________ ____________________________________________  Yes. In Sarek natural park, the sky is broad, the air is fresh. . . almost everything is in its natural state. (2)Do you think setting up national parks is an effective way to balance development and the protection of nature? Why or why not? ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ______ _________________________ Yes. Only when we take measures to ban unnecessary development can we keep the nature in its natural state.   (No. . . The answer is open. )  【 阅读微技巧 】 速览文章找寻文章线索 , 把握说明文重点 1. 关注每一段中的地点及描述地点的词汇与语句。如 shining, above the Arctic Circle, mountain edge, branch, be covered by ice, glacier, reindeer 等。 2. 关注作者对地点描述的态度 , 提取其中隐含的作者情感。 从以上两个方面综合判断作者所写文章的线索与情感。 1. fascinating adj. 迷人的 ; 极有吸引力的 * The plot of the novel is fascinating . 这部小说的情节引人入胜。 * China has always fascinated me. 中国一直令我心驰神往。 *They were fascinated to see that it was similar to one they had at home. 发现这个和家中的那个相似 , 他们表现得极感兴趣。  * Water holds a fascination for most children. 水对大多数孩子都有吸引力。 * Fascinatingly , Mr Bush faced no such criticism when doing exactly the same thing. 有趣的是 , 布什做过一模一样的事情却不用面对如此批评。 【 词块积累 】 fascinate     v. 使着迷 , 使神魂颠倒 ; ( 尤指蛇 ) 以眼神震慑 ( 人或动物 ), 使无法动弹 fascinated adj. 着迷的 ; 被深深吸引的 fascinatingly adv. 极有吸引力地 ; 迷人地 fascination n. 魅力 ; 魔力 ; 入迷 【 巧学助记 】 表示感情色彩的词 , 一般用 v. -ed, 表示人对什么感到 …… 如 : excited( 对 …… 感到兴奋 ), interested ( 对 …… 感兴趣的 ), surprised( 感到吃惊的 ), amazed( 感到惊讶的 ) 。描述事物一般用 v. -ing 形式 , 表示令人 …… 。 【 即学活用 】 用 fascinate 的适当形式填空 ① It’s __________ to see how different people approach the problem. ②The __________ of the game lies in trying to guess what your opponent is thinking. fascinating fascination ③The bird watchers’ behavior shows that they are really _________ by nature. ④The private lives of movie stars never fail __________.   fascinated to fascinate 2. vast adj. 辽阔的 ; 巨大的 ; 庞大的 * Sarek’s mountains used to be covered by vast sheets of ice. 萨利克的山脉曾经被巨大的冰层覆盖。 *(2019· 江苏高考 ) These are volcanoes so explosive that they burst open in a single big crack, leaving behind a vast hole, the caldera.   这些火山具有极强的爆发性 , 它们会在一个大裂缝中裂开 , 留下一个巨大的洞 , 也就是破火山口。 * The Pacific Ocean is a vast expanse of water. 太平洋是一片汪洋。 * A little change on this painting made it vastly different. ( 他在 ) 这幅画上稍加改动 , 感觉就大不一样了。 【 词块积累 】 vastly         adv. 极大地 ; 广大地 ; 巨大地 vast difference 天壤之别 vast knowledge 渊博的知识 vast plain 无边的原野 vast resources 丰富的资源 a vast sum of money 一大笔钱 【 易混辨析 】 vast, enormous, huge 这组词的共同意思是“大的”。 huge 一般修饰超越一定标准大的事物的体积或容量 , 用在比喻中形容抽象事物 , 指某事严重或急需解决 ; enormous 指“大”到令人吃惊、甚至不相称的程度 , 也常形容抽象事物的严肃性、迫切性 ; vast 用以指范围、数量 , 但着重指面积 , 而不涉及重量或体积。 【 即学活用 】 (1) 用 vast 的适当形式填空 ① A ____crowd turned out to watch the match. ②His piano playing has ______ improved since last year. vast vastly (2) 翻译句子 ① There is a vast difference between happiness and blessing! _________________________ ②We are surprised at his vast knowledge of this subject. ___________________________________________ “ 幸福”与“祝福”是何等不同 ! 我们对他在这一课题方面的广博知识感到吃惊。 3. ban vt. 明令禁止 ; 取缔 n. 禁令 * Though the Sami are allowed to continue their traditional way of life in the park, no one else can live here, and all new development is banned within park boundaries. 虽然萨米人被允许在公园里继续他们的传统生活方式 , 但没有其他人可以住在这里 , 在公园边界内所有新的开发都被禁止。 *She was banned from athletics for two years after failing a drug test. 她没有通过药检而被禁赛两年。 * A ban on the importation of drugs has been issued recently. 最近已经发布了禁止进口毒品的法令。 *The police lifted the ban against parking in this street. 警方已取消了不准在此街停放车辆的禁令。 【 词块积累 】 ban sb. from sth. /doing sth.   禁止某人做某事 place/put/lay a ban on 禁止 announce a ban on 宣布对 …… 的禁令 withdraw/lift the ban against. . . 取消 …… 的禁令 alcohol ban 禁酒令 parking ban 禁止停车令 【 易混辨析 】 ban, forbid 都有“禁止”的意思。其区别在于 : forbid 是普通用语 , 指父母、教师等直接下命令 , 或以规则来禁止某事 ; ban 指禁止不合宗教、道德等标准的事情。 【 即学活用 】 (1) 语法填空 ① He was banned from _______for six months. ②The book was _______ from school libraries. (2) 改写句子 There is a ban on smoking in the theatre. →Smoking ___________in the theatre.   →Smoking _________in the theatre.   driving banned is forbidden is banned 4. visible adj. 看得见的 ; 可见的 * At the far side of the valley, an ancient Sami cottage is visible . 在山谷的远处 , 可以看到一间古老的萨米人小屋。 *(2018· 新课标 Ⅰ)They’re the little spots of color like throw pillows, mirrors and baskets that most of us use to add visual interest to our rooms. 它们是像抱枕、镜子和篮子那样的小色块 , 我们大多数人都用它们来给我们的房间增添视觉趣味。 *She showed no visible nervousness. 她没有表现出明显的紧张。 * Mr Norton was visibly angry now. 现在诺顿先生显而易见很生气。 *Dense fog is covering roads in the north and visibility is very poor. 浓雾笼罩了北部的公路 , 能见度很低。 * The mends were almost invisible . 修补过的地方几乎看不出来。 【 词块积累 】 visibly    adv. 明显地 ; 看得见地 visibility n. 能见度 ; 可见性 invisible adj. 看不见的 ; 无形的 vision n. 视觉 ; 视力 visual adj. 视觉的 , 视力的 ; 栩栩如生的 【 知识延伸 】 visual     adj. 视觉的 , 视力的 ; 栩栩如生的 visually adv. 视觉上 ; 外表上 ; 看得见地 ; catch sight of 看见 lose sight of 看不见 【 即学活用 】 (1) 语法填空 ① This star is ______ (vision) only at sunset. ②The sand in the air reduced ________(visible) to a hundred yards. visible visibility (2) 完成句子 ①每次我瞥见镜子里的自己就觉得沮丧。 _____________________________in the mirror, I feel so disappointed.   ② 只有鼠目寸光的人才会看不见教育的重要性。 Only a short-sighted man will ______________ _____________________.   Every time I catch sight of myself lose sight of the importance of education 5. accompany vt. 陪同 ; 陪伴 ; 伴随 ; ( 尤指用钢琴 ) 为 …… 伴奏 * Since reindeer were always on the move, the Sami would pick up their tents and accompany them. 由于驯鹿总是在移动 , 萨米人便会搭起他们的帐篷陪伴他们。 * (2018· 全国卷 Ⅲ)Teresa posted a photo of the chance meeting on a social networking website accompanied by the touching words: “What a blessing this young man was to our family! He was so sweet and kind to do this. ” 特蕾莎在一个社交网站上贴出了这次偶遇的照片 , 并附上了感人的文字 : “ 这个年轻人是我们家的福气 ! 他这样做真是太亲切、友善了。” * The storm is accompanied with thunder. 暴风雨中夹杂着雷声。 * Sarah sings and Bill accompanies her on the guitar. 莎拉唱歌 , 比尔弹吉他为她伴奏。 *In the hotel, they accompanied the old man in drinking away as usual. 在旅馆里 , 他们陪这位老人和往常一样喝个不停。 * He agreed to accompany us to the theater. 他答应陪我们去剧院。 【 词块积累 】 accompany sth. with sth.    与 …… 同时发生 accompany sb. in doing. . . 陪某人做 …… accompany sb. to a place 陪同 ( 送 ) 某人去某地 accompany sb. on a walk(trip) 陪同某人散步 ( 旅行 ) accompany sb. on the piano 用钢琴为某人伴奏 【 名师点津 】 (1) 作“陪伴某人做某事”解时 , 多接“ on+ 表示动作的名词”或“ in+ v. -ing”, 极少接动词不定式。 (2) 作“伴奏”解时 , 通常指用钢琴伴奏 , 这时主语通常是人 , 宾语可以是人 , 也可以是 song 等名词或 singing 等动名词。表示“用某种乐器伴奏”时则与介词 on 或 at 连用。 (3)accompanied by sb. /sth. 的意思是“由 …… 陪伴 ( 伴随 ) 着” , 在句中常用作状语。 【 知识延伸 】 companion      n. 同伴 ; 朋友 company n. 公司 ; 陪伴 , 同伴 ; 连队 vi. 交往 vt. 陪伴 keep sb. company 陪伴某人 in company 一起 ; 当众 【 即学活用 】 (1) 语法填空 ① A group of young pioneers always accompany the disabled girl __ the school. ②The singer was accompanied ___ the piano by her sister. to on (2) 完成句子 ①她用小提琴为这首歌曲伴奏。 She accompanies the song ___________.   ② 昨天我见到她时 , 她正由她的男朋友陪着。 When I saw her yesterday, she _______________by her boyfriend.   on the violin was accompanied 6. adopt vt. 采用 ; 采取 ; 采纳 ; 领养 * I am not a Sami, but in Sarek I’ve adopted some of their habits. 我不是萨米人 , 但在萨利克 , 我接受了他们的一些习惯。 *(2019· 天津高考 ) I’m talking about people who have stopped learning on growing because they have adopted the fixed attitudes and opinions that all too often come with passing years. 我说的是那些在成长过程中停止学习的人 , 因为他们已经接受了随着岁月流逝而来的固定的态度和观点。 *The schools must adopt new methods of teaching foreign languages. 学校必须采用新的外语教学法。 * Stephen Smith was accepted into the family like an adopted child. 这家人把斯蒂芬 · 史密斯视为养子一样当作一家人。 *The senator urged against the adoption of the measure.   那参议员极力反对采取这项措施。 * According to She Lin, this kind of material is adoptable to the air quality in Beijing. 舍林说 , 这种材料也比较适应北京的空气质量 . 【 词块积累 】 adoption      n. 采用 ; 采纳 ; 收养 adopted adj. 被收养的 ; 被采用的 adoptable adj. 可采用的 , 可收养的 【 易混辨析 】 adopt 与 adapt adopt 是及物动词 , 接名词或代词作宾语。作“采用 , 采纳 , 采取”解时 , 后面常接方法、方针、步骤、政策、意见、态度之类的名词 ; 作“正式通过或接受”解时 , 后面常接报告、议案、决议、方案、计划之类的名词。 adapt vt. 改编 ; 使适应 vi. 适应。 adapt 的基本意思是通过必要的改动以适应新的条件或适于某事物。用作及物动词时意思是“使适应 , 使适合” , 接 sb. /sth. 作宾语 , “ 适应”的客体常可用介词 to 引出。 adapt 还可特指“改编”“改写” , 这时其客体须由介词 for 或 from 引出。例如 : * She adapted herself quickly to the new climate. 她很快就适应了这种新气候。 *This text is adapted from a story in Chinese Literature . 这篇课文是根据 《 中国文学 》 上登载的一篇故事改编的。 It’s hard to adapt this novel for children. 要将这部小说改编为适合小孩 ( 的阅读水准 ) 很难。 【 即学活用 】 语法填空 ① She was left an orphan and a poor peasant woman _______(adopt)her. ②She refused to give the child for ________(adopt). ③These styles can be _______(adapt) to suit individual tastes. adopted adoption adapted ④The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to adapt __ the change. to 7. set out 出发 ; 启程 ; 开始 ( 怀着目标 ) 工作 * She could still see the open doorway of the wardrobe and even catch a glimpse of the empty room from which she had set out . 她仍能看到衣橱的入口处 , 甚至还能瞥见她出发时的那个空房间。 *He set out to paint the whole house but finished only the front part. 他着手粉刷整座房子 , 最后只完成了前半部分。 【 词块积累 】 set out=set off 动身 , 出发 set out to do sth. =set about doing sth. 着手做某事 set up     建立 ; 设立 ; 制定 ; 安排 set down 放下 , 写下 set aside 留出 , 储存 set off 出发 , 引爆 , 引起 【 熟词生义 】 He set out the reasons for his resignation in a long letter. 他在一封长信中 陈述 了他辞职的理由。 ( ) set out, 陈述 , 陈列 , 阐明 【 即学活用 】 (1) 语法填空 He sets about _____(do) his homework after supper every day. →He sets out _____(do) his homework after supper every day.   doing to do (2) 用 set 短语完成句子 My son wants to ______a company, so he has to ___ ______some money. Now, he has ______to prepare for it. I suggest he first ________his plans in detail.   我儿子想创建一家公司 , 所以他不得不存一些钱。现 在 , 他已开始为此做准备。我建议他先把计划详细地 写下来。 set up set aside set out set down 8. Even though the sun is brightly shining, telling whether it is morning or night is impossible.   即使阳光灿烂 , 也不可能分辨出是早还是晚。 【 句式解构 】 本句中 even though/if 引导让步状语从句 , telling whether it is morning or night 动名词短语是句子的主语。 *I wouldn’t lose courage even if/though I will fail ten times. 即使要失败十次 , 我也绝不灰心 . * What is there to fear even if/though untold hardships lie ahead? 前方有千难万险又有何所惧 ? 【 知识延伸 】 although, though, despite, 或者使用词组 even though 或 in spite of 都可以在句子里作让步状语。但是 despite 和 in spite of 不能直接引导句子 , 如需引导句子 , 需先加 the fact that 。例如 : * In spite of the fact that it is snowing, she is going out for a walk. 尽管正在下雪 , 她仍然要出去散步。 【 即学活用 】 (1) 语法填空 ① We had to wait half an hour _________________ ( 即使 )we had already booked a table.   ②My grandfather still plays tennis now and then, _________________( 即使 ) he’s in his nineties.   even if/even though even if/even though (2) 句型转换 In spite of the fact that they are against it, we are going on doing it. _______________________they are against it, we are going on doing it.   Even if/ Although/Though 【 要点拾遗 】 1. buffet vt. 连续猛击 ; 打来打去 n. 自助餐 * I wake up to the sound of the wind buffeting the cloth of my tent. 风噼里啪啦地拍打着我的帐篷 , 我在这声音中醒来。 *Strong winds buffet the ship from time to time. 狂风时不时地击打着航船。 * Flowers are buffeted by the rain and wind. 花朵受风吹和雨打。 【 词块积累 】 a buffet lunch/supper 自助午餐╱晚餐 buffet car 餐车 【 易混辨析 】 beat 和 buffet 都有“击打”的意思 , 但是 beat 强调有规律或节奏的击打 , 如 ( 心脏等的 ) 跳动 ; 击鼓声 ; 振翅声 ; 有规律的敲击 ( 声 ) 。 Hailstones beat against the window constantly. 冰雹块不断地砸在窗户上。 【 即学活用 】 (1) 语法填空 ① Their plane had been severely ________(buffet)by storms. ②It is a buffet, right? I love wedding ______(buffet). ③She was removing dust from the carpet by _______(beat) it. buffeted buffets beating (2) 翻译句子 She’s alive─her heart is still beating . _____________________________ 她没死 —— 她的心脏还在跳动。 2. edge n. 边 ; 边缘 ; 边线 ; 刀刃 vt. & vi. ( 使 ) 徐徐移动 ; 给 …… 加边 * I leave my tent and walk over to the mountain edge . 我离开帐篷 , 走到山边。 * Please sharpen the edge of this axe. 请把这把斧头的刃磨快。 *We slowly edged our way towards the exit. 我们向出口缓慢移动。 * In the second half of the game, the home team got the edge on the visitors and kept it. 比赛下半场 , 主队比客队略占上风 , 并保持这一优势 ( 到终场 ) 。 * New houses have mushroomed on the edge of the city. 城市边缘的新建房屋犹如雨后春笋。 * At the edge of life everything is an occasion for death. 在生命的边缘 , 一切都是导致死亡的原因。 【 词块积累 】 at the edge of   在边缘上 ; 在 …… 的边缘 on the edge of 几乎 ; 濒于 ; 在 …… 边缘 double-edged adj. 双刃的 ; 对双方皆不利的 【 名师点津 】 edge 用作名词的基本意思是“边 , 棱 , 边缘” , 还可指“刀口 ( 刃 )” 。引申可指精力的“极限”、战争的“边缘”、语言 ( 气 ) 的“尖锐 ( 刻 )” 等 , 还可指“优势”。 edge 用作名词时的意思是“边”“刃” , 转化为动词时意思是“给 …… 形成边”“使锐利”。引申后可表示“侧身徐徐移动”。 【 即学活用 】 根据语境猜测黑体部分词义 ① They all walked barefoot across the damp sand to the water’s edge . ( ) ②Be careful─the knife has a sharp edge . ( ) ③He edged closer to the telephone, ready to grab it. ( ) 边缘 刀刃 徐徐移动 3. leave behind 留下 ; 抛弃 ; 永久离开 ( 某人、某地或某国 ) *Around 9, 000 years ago, this ice melted, leaving behind over 100 glaciers. 大约 9000 年前 , 这些冰融化了 , 留下了 100 多个冰川。 *(2019· 天津高考 )By opening a novel, I can leave behind my burdens and enter into a wonderful and mysterious world where I am now a new character. 通过打开一本小说 , 我可以放下我的负担 , 进入一个奇妙而神秘的世界 , 在那里我现在是一个新的角色。 * She knew that she had left childhood behind . 她知道童年已一去不复返了。 【 词块积累 】 leave out   遗漏 , 省去 ; 不考虑 leave for 动身去 leave alone 不打扰 ; 不干涉 ; 不管 ; 不理 【 即学活用 】 (1) 根据提示完成句子 ①他连伙食钱都不够 , 更不必说娱乐了。 He hasn’t enough money for food, __________ ___________.   leave alone amusements ② 这些女人中有很多离开了自己的丈夫 , 她们说害怕 可能永远都见不到他们了。 Many of the women ___________________________ and they told of their fears that they may never see them again.   had left their husbands behind (2) 语法填空 ① They must decide what _______(leave) out.   ②The hat maker put his hats back in his barrow and quickly ___(leave) for the market. ③He also uses it to scrape in the dirt for what the people who once lived there left ______. to leave left behind 4. apart from 除 …… 之外 ; 且不说 ; 并且 * Getting here is quite difficult, so apart from the Sami very few people have ever seen Sarek. 到达这里是相当困难的 , 所以除了萨米人 , 很少有人见过萨利克。 *Is anything upsetting you—I mean, apart from this business? 有什么烦心事吗 ? 我的意思是 , 除了这件事以外还有吗 ? *You’ve got to help. Apart from anything else you’re my brother. 你得帮忙。且不说别的 , 你总归是我兄弟。 *Young children are curious about how things work. They want to take apart a watch to see what makes it work. 小孩对事物的运作充满了好奇 , 他们想把表拆开 , 看看它到底是如何工作的。 * You can tell my twin brother and me apart by this mark on my face. 你可以从我脸上的疤痕分辨出我和我的孪生兄弟。 【 词块积累 】 apart from anything else   且不说别的 take. . . apart 将 …… 拆开 tell. . . apart 分辨出 , 辨别 【 易混辨析 】 besides, except, apart from, in addition to 这几个词和短语都有“除了”的意思 , 非常容易混淆。 besides 、 in addition to 表示除 …… 外 ( 还有 ), 是包括在内的意思。 except 表示除去 , 是不包括的意思。 apart from 既能表示包括 , 也能表示不包括 , 要根据上下文判断意思。例如 : *Besides tomatoes, I also like potatoes. ( 包括 tomatoes) *I like all vegetables except (for) tomatoes. ( 不包括 tomatoes) *I like all vegetables apart from tomatoes. ( 不包括 tomatoes) 【 即学活用 】 根据提示完成句子 ①除了英语以外 , 我们还学俄语及西班牙语。 _________________, we also study Russian and Spanish.   Apart from English ② 当时是困难时期。别的一切都不说 , 我们财政上也 有问题。 It was a difficult time. ______________________, we had financial problems.   ③ 你知道如何拆枪 , 然后再把它装到一起吗 ? Do you know ________________a gun and put it back together? Apart from anything else how to take apart 5. feed on 以 …… 为食 ; 以 …… 为能源 * Close by, there are a few reindeer feeding on grass. 附近有几只驯鹿在吃草。 * The baby can’t feed itself yet (= can’t put food into its own mouth) . 这个婴儿还不能自己吃东西。 *Birds feed on nuts and berries in the winter. 鸟类靠坚果和浆果过冬。 * The cattle are fed on barley, grass and rape. 用大麦 , 草和油菜喂养牲畜。 * When parents are sleepy for a nap, they will be fed up with the noises made by their kids. 当父母因疲倦想午睡时 , 他们越发觉得孩子们弄出的噪音讨厌。 【 词块积累 】 be fed up with   受够了 ; 极厌恶 ; 对 …… 厌倦 feed back 反馈 ; 反应 ; 回复 feedback n. 反馈 ; 成果 , 资料 ; 回复 【 熟词生义 】 *(2018· 全国卷 Ⅱ)If you have a juicer, you can simply feed in frozen bananas and some berries or sliced fruit. 如果你有榨汁机 , 你可以简单地放进去冰冻的香蕉和一些浆果或切片的水果。 [ v. 为 ( 机器 ) 提供 ( 原料或动力 )] *(2017· 全国卷 Ⅰ)Our exhibits will feed your mind, but what about your body? 我们的展览将满足你的思想 , 但你的身体呢 ? [ v. ( 非正式 ) 满足 ] 【 即学活用 】 (1) 语法填空 ① All animals including men feed ___ plants or other animals. ②He took the compact disc from her, then ___(feed)it into the player. ③I’m fed up ____ my job and I want to change my career. on fed with (2) 我们已经受够了他那种自私的性格。 We __________________________his selfishness.   have already been fed up with 6. bless vt. 祝福 * Being in such a beautiful and wild place makes me feel blessed to be alive. 在这样一个美丽而荒凉的地方 , 我感到活着是一种幸福。 *(2019· 天津高考 )Looking back, I feel blessed someone had wanted to help a stranger. 回首往事 , 我感到很幸运 , 有人愿意帮助一个陌生人。 * God bless you! 愿上帝保佑你 ! * Bless me! Where’s my wallet? 天哪 , 我的钱包去哪儿了 ? *This rain will be a blessing for the farmers. 对农民来说 , 这场雨真是一场甘霖。 *I bless him for his kindness. 我感激他的好意。 【 词块积累 】 blessing      n. 祝福 ; 祷告 ; 幸事 blessed adj. 幸福的 ; 受祝福的 ; 神圣的 bless sb. for sth. 因为某事感谢某人 a blessing in disguise 塞翁失马 Bless me! 我的天哪 ! 【 即学活用 】 (1) 语法填空 ① She blessed them ___ their patience. ②His illness was __ blessing in disguise, because he afterwards married his nurse. ③I know how _______ I am to do what I want to do. for a blessed (2) 完成句子 ①洪水终于过去了 , 真是幸事。 It’ s _________that the flood is over.   ② 但是我也对自己能够做想做的事感到非常幸运。 But I also ______________to be able to do what I want to do.   a blessing feel very blessed 7. Following the reindeer were the Sami people , who made this territory their home.   跟随驯鹿而来的是萨米人 , 他们把这片土地当成了自己的家。 【 句式解构 】 Following the reindeer were the Sami people 是特殊倒装句 , who made this territory their home 为关系词 who 引导的非限制性定语从句。 【 名师点津 】 特殊倒装句的结构 ( 在句首的 -ing 形式 ) 句子结构为“现在分词 ( 短语 ) +be 的各种形式 + 主语 + …… ” 。 在这种倒装句中 , 主动词 ( 连同其宾语或状语 ) 和助动词 be 双重提前 , 形成了全部倒装。之所以用倒装 , 主要是为了强调主语。 *Sitting at her desk in deep concentration was my sister Flora. 坐在书桌旁沉思的是我妹妹芙罗拉。 * Also traveling around the sun are a number of comets. 同时绕着太阳运行的还有许多彗星。 【 即学活用 】 根据语境和汉语提示完成句子 ①台上发言的是我的妹妹 , 她以前可腼腆了。 ________________on the stage is my sister, who used to be very shy.   Giving the speech ② 村子周围有一条清澈的大河 , 这条河在他们小时候 给他们带来了极大的欢乐。 ______________________________________, which brought them great joy when they were children.   Surrounding the village is a wide clean river 【 一语闻天下 】 1. Daocheng Yading is so beautiful like a painting, with shades of fascinating red, orange and yellow which create a visual feast and make the area a popular destination during autumn. 稻城亚丁美得像一幅画 , 迷人的红、橙、黄色调造就 了一场视觉盛宴 , 也让它成为秋季的热门目的地。 2. The World Anti-Doping Agency, or WADA, on Monday announced that it banned Russia from all major global sporting events for the next four years, including the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, and the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar. 世界反兴奋剂机构 (WADA) 星期一宣布禁止俄罗斯在未来 4 年内参加所有主要国际体育赛事 , 包括 2020 年东京奥运会 , 2022 年北京冬奥会和 2022 年卡塔尔国际足联世界杯。 3. On Jan. 20, 2020, after joining local villagers in making rice cakes, a traditional local festival food, according to local custom, Xi beat a wooden drum of the Wa ethnic group three times to bless the coming year. 2020 年 1 月 20 日 , 在和当地村民一起制作米糕 ( 当地传统节日食品 ) 后 , 习按照当地习俗敲三次佤族木鼓来祝福来年。 4. “This world stage calls for a Chinese face who truly understands different cultures to represent the image of a modern China. I have a competitive edge here, and I should live up to it. I grew up between Chinese and Western cultures, and I regard this as my mission. ”Wang Yuchen said, who won the East Champion award and the Most Popular Contestant title at the Chinese Final of Miss World held in Foshan, Guangdong province, on Jan. 12. “ 这个世界舞台需要一个真正了解不同文化的中国人来代表现代中国的形象。我在这里有竞争优势 , 我应该不负众望。我是在中西方文化中长大的 , 我认为这是我的使命。”王宇晨说。 2020 年 1 月 12 日 , 她在广东佛山举行的世界小姐中国总决赛上 , 获得了东部冠军和最受欢迎选手的称号。

