二年级上英语教学设计Unit Im Danny深圳罗湖红桂小学

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二年级上英语教学设计Unit Im Danny深圳罗湖红桂小学

Oxford English 2A M1 U2 I’m Danny (1)‎ Aims To learn the following words, eg, boy, girl, big, small ‎ Teaching focus To introduce oneself and describe people, e.g., I’m a boy. I’m short and thin. You’re tall.‎ Teaching Aids media, mask, cards, etc.‎ Procedures Step Teacher's activities Students' activities Purpose Pre-task ‎ preparation 1. Sing the song ‘Hello! How are you?’‎ 2. Greet the students and introduce yourself. ‎ Follow the recorder.‎ Greet each other ‎ 通过活泼动听的歌曲,为学新内容打基础。‎ 温习旧句型为新授打基础。‎ While-task procedure 1. Show the pictures /puppets to elicit the key words boy and girl. ‎ T: Look! This is Danny and this is Mary.‎ Hi, I’m Danny.‎ Hi, I’m Mary.‎ ⑴ Show the word and picture.‎ ‎(2) Read the word.‎ ‎(3) Boys: Hi, I’m Danny.‎ ‎----T: Yes. You’re Danny. ----Girls: Hi, I’m Mary.‎ ‎----T: Yes, You’re Mary.‎ ‎(Work in pairs with these patterns.)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎2. To teach: I’m a boy/short/thin.‎ 2. Say the word one by one.‎ 3. Use the pattern to introduce yourself.‎ Boys: Hi, I’m Jack. I’m a boy. I’m short and thin. ‎ Girls: You’re Jack. You’re a boy. You’re short and thin.‎ ‎ (More practice)‎ T: He is Jack. He is a boy. He is short and thin.‎ ‎(More practice)‎ Follow the teacher and say.‎ Try to say ‎“I’m…”‎ Practice with classmates quickly.‎ Say the new words and patterns some times..‎ Say and play. ‎ 通过图片认识新人物,并且能够运用句型进行介绍。‎ 正确跟说。‎ 通过男女生之间的互动,让学生明白介绍自己和对方的区别。‎ 使学生明白词不离句,学了男孩后,就要用相应的句型来介绍,并且感知第三者的介绍。‎ T: He is Jack. He is a boy. He is short and thin.‎ ‎(More practice)‎ T: He is Jack. He is a boy. He is short and thin.‎ ‎(More practice)‎ 1. To learn: girl/I’m a girl./tall/fat.‎ ① Say the word one by one.‎ ② Use the pattern to introduce yourself.‎ Girls: Hi!I’m Linda. I’m a girl. I’m tall and fat.‎ ‎ Boys: You’re Linda. You’re a girl. You’re tall and fat.‎ ‎(More practice)‎ T: She is Linda. She is a girl. She is tall and fat.‎ 2. Consolidation:‎ Boy/girl/thin/fat/short/tall ① Read the words together.‎ ② Have a quick response.‎ ③ Game: What’s missing?‎ 3. Do a servey. Complete the table on page 8.‎ S1: You’re tall. You’re thin.‎ S2: Yes, I’m tall. I’m thin.‎ ‎…‎ Try to communicate with others.‎ Follow the teacher and say.‎ Try to introduce yourself.‎ Try to communicate with others.‎ Say and play.‎ Do the exercise.‎ 创设情景,给学生特定的语境,回归生活实际。‎ 使学生明白词不离句,学了女孩后,就要用相应的句型来介绍,并且感知第三者的介绍。‎ 通过快速反应来复习,使学生正确掌握单词和图片 及时反馈学生学习掌握的情况 Post-task activity 1. Have the students look at the book and listen to the tape.‎ 2. To learn: Who am I ?‎ 3. Read after the tape.‎ ‎4. Have the students play the game in groups of four or six.‎ ‎5. Have the students talk about themselves in pairs. Then check with them in class.‎ Follow the tape.‎ ‎ ‎ Play the game.‎ 让学生能够进行愉快的游戏,并能掌握句型和介绍人物。‎ Homework Homework:‎ ‎1. Read after the tape on page 6, 7 for10 minutes.‎ 养成课后复习、坚持听录音的学习英语的好习惯。‎ Oxford English 2A ‎ M1 U2 (2) ‎ Content ‎2AM1U1 Greetings Look and say Aims To learn the sentences: I’m short.‎ ‎ You’re tall.‎ Language focus To introduce oneself and describe people,‎ Teaching aids media, mask, cards, etc.‎ Procedures Step Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Purpose Pre-task preparation ‎1. Say the rhyme.‎ 2. Guessing game:‎ S1: Who am I?‎ ‎ I’m a …‎ ‎ I’m … and …‎ ‎ I can …‎ ‎3. Have the students describe their classmates by using You’re…‎ Follow the recording and clap hands.‎ Play the game.‎ 通过活泼动听的儿歌,为学新内容打基础 While-task procedure 1. Elicit the new words by using the students’ pencil cases : big/ small ‎ T----Helen, is this your Try to say the new words some times.‎ P-P 通过实物引出新单词。‎ ‎ pencil case?‎ S1: Yes.‎ T----Look, your pencil case is big. My pencil case is small.‎ Ss: Big. Small.‎ ‎…‎ ‎2. Show the card and say the patterns.‎ T----I’m big. You’re small.‎ S1---You’re big. I’m small.‎ ‎(Work in pairs.)‎ ‎3. To learn: long/short T----I’m long. You’re short.‎ S1---You’re long. I’m short.‎ ‎(Work in pairs.)‎ 1. Have the students listen to the recording and act out the dialogue in groups of five.‎ ③ Greet Eddie.‎ Understand the meaning of the dialogue with the teacher’s body language and follow the teacher.‎ Have a quick responds.‎ More practice.‎ 通过比较,让学生明白词义。‎ 通过快速反应来复习,使学生正确掌握新句型。‎ Post-task activity ‎1. Look and choose.‎ ‎2. Look and say.‎ ‎3. Act out the dialogue.‎ ‎1. Look and choose.‎ ‎2. Look and say.‎ ‎3. Act out the dialogue.‎ 让小朋友在看一看、选一选、读一读、演一演中加强对本课的巩固。‎ Homework ‎1. Read the text and recite it.‎ ‎2. Introduce yourself and your friend.‎ Oxford English 2A ‎ M1 U2 (3) ‎ Content ‎2AM1U1 Greetings Say and act Learn the letters Aims ‎1.To learn the letters: C, c, D, d ‎2. To use the daily expressions in the different situations.‎ ‎3. Try to say the tongue twister: Is it a cat? ‎ Language focus To introduce yourself and your friend.‎ Teaching aids media, mask, cards, etc.‎ Procedures Step Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Purpose Pre-task preparation ‎1. Song‎ ‎2. Look and say.‎ ‎3. Quick response.‎ I’m short.‎ ‎ You’re tall.‎ ‎1. Sing the song.‎ ‎2. Look and say.‎ tall,short, fat, thin .etc…‎ ‎3. Quick response.‎ 歌曲,进入英语的学习氛围。‎ 快速问答中让学生对前两课时的内容进行复习和回顾。‎ While-task procedure ‎1. To learn: Who am I ?‎ ① Show the word card.‎ T-P ② Play the media and say “You are …”‎ T-P ③ Ask the pupils to practice.‎ ‎2. Learn the big letters.‎ ① “C” T. Write it on the blackboard. ‎ ②Then show “D” ‎ ③ Show the letter cards “C, D, ” ‎ ‎5. Learn the small letters ① “c” T. Write it on the blackboard. ‎ ②Then play a match game. ‎ ③ Teach “d”‎ 1. Find the letters ‎ C, c, D, d, ‎ ‎7.Tongue twister.‎ ‎★ : Is it a cat? ‎ Is it a dog?‎ A cat and a dog ‎★★: Is it a cat?‎ Yes, it’s a cat .‎ ‎1. Learn: Who am I ?① Follow the teacher and say.‎ T-P ② Say “ You are …” ‎ ③ Ask and answer Who am I ? ‎ ‎ You are …‎ Look at the letter.‎ ①Pp: Look and copy.‎ ‎ ‎ ② Copy it.‎ ③ Read the letters ‎5.Read the small letters ①Pp: Copy it. ‎ ② Look and match.‎ C, c, D, d ③ Read and write the letter ”d”‎ ‎6. Circle the letters .‎ cake, class, donkey, CCTV, Dad.‎ Is it a cat? ‎ Is it a dog?‎ A cat and a dog.‎ ‎7. Learn to say the tongue twister.‎ Pp: choose the sentence and say the tongue 由复习自然过渡到今天的新授。‎ 学写字母,注意仿写。‎ 把刚所学的字母大小写连线,复习巩固同时引出小写字母d.‎ 以星级来分层次阅读,激发学生的挑战欲望,让各个层次的学生都敢学,乐学。‎ ‎★★★:Is it a dog? ‎ Yes, it’s a dog.‎ ‎.‎ ‎ twister.‎ Share in the class.‎ Post-task activity ‎1. Show the letters.‎ T: C ‎2. Wordbook P1-2‎ ‎1. Look and greet.‎ Pp: Good morning, big C.‎ T: Hi, I’m small d.‎ ‎2. Listen and finish.‎ 让小朋友在看、读、练中加强对本单元内容的巩固。‎ Homework ‎1. Listen and read Unit2.‎ ‎2. Copy the letters ”C, c, D, d”‎ 板 书 设 计 ‎2A M1U2 ‎ Who am I? You are … ‎ ‎-----------------------------------------‎ ‎-----------------------------------------‎ ‎-----------------------------------------‎ ‎-----------------------------------------‎

