初中英语九年级全册Unit5Whatarethes课件 人教新目标版

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初中英语九年级全册Unit5Whatarethes课件 人教新目标版

Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? 第二课时 Section A (3a3c) ►no matter意为“不论;无论”,后常接how,when,what,who,where 等,相当于however,whenever,whatever,whoever,wherever,分别译成 “不管怎样,不论何时,无论什么,无论是谁,无论在哪里”,常用来引导 让步状语从句或名词性从句。 eg:Don't trust him,no matter what he says.不管他说什么都不要相信他。 ►avoid动词,意为“避免;回避”,后常接名词、代词或动词ing形式。 ►【辨析】everyday与every day ①everyday形容词,意为“每天的;日常的”,在句中只能作定语。 eg:They are learning some everyday English.他们正在学一些日常英语。 ②every day副词短语,意为“每天”,在句中作状语。 eg:The girl plays the piano every day.这个女孩每天弹钢琴。 ►find句型归纳 ①find+that宾语从句 eg:I found that he was an honest boy.我发现他是一个诚实的男孩。 ②find+it+adj.+to do sth. eg:We found it very easy to learn English well.我们发现学好英语是非常简 单的。 ③find+宾语+宾补(形容词、名词、动名词) eg:He found a wallet lying on the ground.他发现地上有一个钱包。 ►重点词组归纳 even though虽然,尽管 in fact事实上 mobile phone移动电话,手机 everyday things日常用品 hightechnology products高科技产品 all parts of全部,所有 一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。 1.—Do you know Paris? —Yes,it's in F____________. 2.On my birthday,my father bought me a m_________ phone. 3.Look at this camera,Sir.It is our new _____________(产品). 4.Xu Yuan works as a teacher in a __________(当地的) school. 5.These ______________(小手提包) are all beautiful.I can't decide which one to buy. rance obile product local handbags 二、单项选择。 6.(黄冈中考)—Nowadays lots of products from China are very popular in the world. —Yeah! Many people can hardly avoid ________ products made in China.                       A.to buy B.buying C.bought D.buy 7.If you want to improve your ________ English, you should practice it ________. A.everyday; every day B.every day; everyday C.everyday; everyday D.every day; every day B A 8.(兰州中考)Do you think ________ acceptable for a group of women to dance to loud music on the square near your house? A.it B.that C.this D.its 9.I visited three stores before ________ a blouse. A.buy B.to buy C.buying D.bought 10.________ happens,the fact that Huangyan Island and Diaoyu Island belong to China will never change.(易错题) A.No what B.No matter what C.No matter how D.No matter when A C B 三、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 11.无论花多长时间,我们都必须找到那个男孩。 We have to find the boy,__________________how long it takes. 12.虽然工作很辛苦,但我还是乐在其中。 ______________________it was hard work,I enjoyed it. 13.事实上,汤姆做每件事都比我细心。 _________,Tom does everything more carefully than me. no matter Even though In fact 14.我们在世界的每个地方都能听到音乐。 We can listen to music in __________________the world. 15.那不是我们工厂制造的唯一的一种机器。 That is not the only kind of machine ________________our factory. all parts of made in/by 四、词语运用。 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、 意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。方框中有两个词是多余的。 search,hope,brand,handbag,make,France, local,produce,fact,everyday,avoid,grow If you go to another country,what kinds of things would you buy?Would you buy a camera in Japan,some beautiful clothes in 16. ___________,or a watch in Switzerland?No matter what you may buy,you might probably think those 17._____________ were made in those countries.However,you could be wrong. France products Kang Jian is a 17-year-old student from Shanghai.Last year he went to visit his aunt and uncle in San Francisco.He found it interesting that so many products in 18._______ shops were made in China.“I wanted to buy a toy car for my cousin, but even though most of the toys had American 19. _________,they were made in China.” Toys are not the only things 20.______ in China.“I wanted to buy a pair of basketball shoes,”he explains,“But I had to visit five to six stores before finding a pair made in America!” He realized that Americans can hardly 21._________ buying products made in China.“In 22. _______,”he continues, “there are so many things made in China—football,23. ________,pet food, mobile phones.Even American flags are made in China!” local brands made avoid fact handbags Kang Jian thinks it's great that China is so good at making these 24. ________________things.However,he 25. _________that in the future China will also get better at making high-technology products that people can buy in all parts of the world. everyday hopes

