沪教牛津版四年级上英语Project 3课件

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沪教牛津版四年级上英语Project 3课件

Project 3 沪教牛津 · 四年级上册 My shop 1 What is in your shop? Draw and write. _________Shop Shelf 1 Happy 2 3 5 Shelf 2 Shelf 3 1 3 8 30 10 6 2 What do you want? Write a shopping list. Shopping list ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ an apple, three tomatoes, some fish, three eggs, some rice Play roles What would you like? I'd like an apple. Where's it? It's on shelf 1. It's beside the tomatoes. How much is it? Two yuan. What would you like? I'd like a cake. Where is it? It’s on shelf 3. It’s beside the candy. How much is it? Thirty yuan. 3 Visit your friend’s shop. Ask and answer. S1: What’s in your shop? S2: There’s/There are… S1: I’d like a/an/some…Where is it/are they? S2: It’s/They’re on Shelf…It’s/ They’re under/ beside… S1: How much is it/are they? S2: …yuan. Ask and answer. What’s in your shop? There are many carrots, eggs, meat, fish in my shop. I’d like some eggs. Where are they? They’re on Shelf 2. They’re beside the fish. How much are they? Three yuan.

