高一英语教案:第4讲 不定式用法总结

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高一英语教案:第4讲 不定式用法总结

辅导教案 学员姓名: 学科教师:‎ 年 级:高一 辅导科目:英语 ‎ 授课日期 ‎××年××月××日 时 间 A / B / C / D / E / F段 主 题 不定式用法总结 ‎ 教学内容 ‎(本次课的重点、难点以及达到怎样的情感目标)‎ ‎1.掌握不定式的基本用法及常考考点;‎ ‎2.能在具体的语境中灵活运用动词不定式。‎ 教学建议:‎ 1. 此部分主要让学生了解不定式的部分用法,尤其是不定式在句子中所充当的成分。‎ 2. 建议老师让学生来猜测句子所表达的含义 3. 通过比较几个句子黑体部分不定式所在位置及含义总结出不定式在句子中所充当的成分。‎ 名句赏析 ‎1. To know everything is to know nothing. 百事皆通,百事不能。 ‎ ‎2. Learn to walk before you run. 循序渐进。 ‎ ‎3. Never offer to teach fish to swim.不要班门弄斧。 ‎ ‎4. He is not fit to command others that cannot command himself. 正人先正己。 ‎ ‎5. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. ‎ 早睡早起,令人健康,富有而且聪明。‎ ‎6. He who has a mind to beat his dog will find his stick.欲加之罪,何患无辞。‎ 教学建议: ‎ 1. 此部分内容较多,建议老师根据学生的程度选择使用;‎ 2. 对于程度中等及偏上的学生可采用以教带学的方式,每个学生负责一个知识点进行讲解,辅以对应的练习来检测学生掌握情况,对于学生错误较多之处老师进行重点讲解和拓展;‎ ‎3. 对于程度中等以下的学生,老师需要对没一个考点逐一进行讲解;‎ ‎4. 较简单的课堂练习可以采取边做边讲或者现场提问的形式以节约课堂时间。‎ 动词不定式 i. 不定式作主语 ‎1. 不定式作主语和表语口语中常用it作形式主语。‎ ‎2. 若说明不定式动作对于执行者的影响,常在不定式前加for sb.。‎ ‎3. 但是以形容词作表语来说明主语的行为品质时(如kind,goodnice,wise,clever,silly,wrong9 right, foolish, stupid, careless, considerate, rude, naughty, polite, agreeable等),不定式前加of sb.。‎ ‎4. 不定式作表语,表示目的、结果、同意、命令、安排、决定、劝告等意义。‎ 专项练习 ‎1. How the problem will be discussed some time later this afternoon.‎ A. to solve B. to be solve C. being solved D. solving ‎2. Is it necessary the geography book at once?‎ A. for her to return B. that she must return C. her returning D. of him to return ‎3. It forty-five minutes there by bus.‎ A. costs... to get B. costs... getting C. takes... to get D. takes... getting ‎4. This grammar point is later.‎ A. to explain B. to have been explained C. to be explained D. to be explaining ‎5. Tom seemed the good news.‎ A. to learn B. to be learning C. to have learned D. to have been learning Keys: 1‎-5 ‎A A C C C ii. 不定式作宾语 ‎1. 只能以不定式作宾语,而不能以动名词作宾语的动词有:‎ ‎ (“希望”干)wish, hope, expect, long, desire;‎ ‎ (早“打算”)plan, mean, prepare, attempt, intend;‎ ‎ (“同意”“否”)agree, consent, refuse, decline;‎ ‎ (“寻”“问”看)seek, ask, beg;‎ ‎ (“选”“定”了)choose, decide, determine, promise;‎ ‎ (“尽”“自愿”)manage, volunteer, tend;‎ ‎ (“称”“失败”)claim, fail;‎ ‎ (“敢”“装蒜”)dare, pretend ‎2. 可用于“动词+ it+形容词/名词+to do sth.”结构中的动词有feel, find, make, think, believe, consider等。‎ ‎3. 以动词不定式作宾语的形容词有happy,glad,pleased,sure,ready,anxious,eager,free,afraid,willing等。‎ ‎4. 有些介词后也可以不定式作宾语,如介词but,about,except,save等。‎ 专项练习 ‎1. The flu is believed by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat.‎ A. causing B. being caused ‎ C. to be caused D. to have been caused ‎2. There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars road conditions need A. that. .. to be improved B. which ... to be improved C. where. . . to be improving D. when.. . improving ‎3. Remember the magazine when you have finished reading it.‎ A. putting back B. having put back C. to put back D. will put back ‎4. —I'm sorry I forgot your dictionary.‎ ‎—Let's use Li Hua's.‎ A. to take B. taking C. to bring D. bringing ‎5. At the moment, Jason is considering next.‎ A. to do what B. what to do C. doing what D. what doing ‎6. I first considered to him, but then I decided him.‎ A. writing... phoning B. to write. . . to phone C. writing... to phone D. to write. . . phoning ‎7. Tom is always forgetting things he has done. Yesterday, he forgot and looked for it everywhere.‎ A. to post the letter B. to have the letter posted C. to having posted the letter D. having posted the letter ‎8. You didn't hear us come in last night. We tried noisy.‎ A. to be not B. not to be C. not being D. being not ‎9. My brother regretted a lecture given by Prof. Wang.‎ A. missing B. to miss C. missed D. being missing ‎10. I regret you that we are unable to offer you a job.‎ A. informing B. having informed C. to inform D. to informing ‎11. He felt tired with typing the lecture. So he stopped a short break.‎ A. having B. to have C. taking D. to taking ‎12. In order to gain a bigger share in the international market, many state-run companies are striving their ‎ products more competitive.‎ A. to make B. making C. to have made D. having made ‎13. She had no choice but in the corner of the room .‎ A. to sit... wept B. to sit. .. weeping C. sit... wept D. sat. . . weeping ‎14. —You have come just in time to help us. —Fine. What needs ?‎ A. I do B. done C. to be done D. to do ‎15. That evening, he set about the report the next morning.‎ A. write... to hand in B. to write.. . handing in C. written... to hand in D. writing... to be handed in ‎16. There seemed nothing to do but for the doctor.‎ A. leave... send B. left... to send C. left... send D. leaving... send ‎17. Do you think it difficult a dolphin ?‎ A. to train... jumping B. training... for jumping C. to train... jump D. to train... to jump ‎18. I prefer rather than .‎ A. to do some reading... watching TV B. doing some reading... watching TV C. to do some reading... watch TV D. doing some reading... to watch TV ‎19. The two boys pretended very hard, though they did nothing.‎ A. study B. studying C. to be studied D. to be studying Keys: 1-5 CACCB 6-10 CDBAC 11-15 BAB CD 16-19CDCD iii. 不定式作宾语补足语 ‎1. 常见的以不定式作宾语补语的动词及短语有ask,allow,advise,beg,call on,expect,force, forbid, invite, teach, would like, depend on. wait for等。‎ ‎2. 以省略to的不定式作补语的感官动词有:feel(一‘‘感’’),listen to,hear(二‘‘听’’);have,let,make(三‘‘使”);look at,see,watch,observe,notice(五‘‘看’’)。但这些感官动词若在被动语态的句子中,动词不定式则必须带to,let除外。‎ 专项练习 ‎1. An army spokesman stressed that all the soldiers had been ordered clear warnings before firing any shots.‎ A. to issue B. being issued C. to have issued D. to be issued ‎2. The girl is often listened to songs in the next room.‎ A. practice to sing B. practice singing C. to practice to sing D. to practice singing ‎3. —What can we do to help Li Ming?‎ ‎—All we can do is to try that he should study even harder.‎ A. making him to realize B. making him realize C. to make him realize D. to make him to realize ‎4. Soon they saw the two strangers in the crowd.‎ A. disappear B. to disappear C. disappearing D. disappeared ‎5. Professor Smith has his students compositions every Friday.‎ A. to write B. written C. write D. writing ‎6. The boys were seen model ships in the room when someone rang the bell.‎ A. made B. to make C. making D. to be making ‎7. I heard the guide so.‎ A. says B. saying C. say D. said ‎8. Mr. Brown was made his teaching because of his poor health.‎ A. give up B. giving up C. to give up D. to giving up ‎9. Shall we go and listen to the reviewers on the new book?‎ A. to comment B. comment C. to commenting D. being commented ‎10. Mrs. White made her pupils the text every day.‎ A. recite B. recited C. reciting D. to recite ‎11. The student asked the teacher .‎ A. repeat the question again B. repeating the question ‎ C. to repeating the question D. to repeat the question ‎12. The museum is said in a big fire five years ago.‎ A. to be destroyed B. to have been destroyed C. to be destroying D. to have been destroying ‎13. Jane wishes us with her.‎ A. to go along B. going along C. went along D. will go along ‎14. My motor-cycle has broken down. Would you help me ?‎ A. to get it to start B. get it start C. to get it started D. getting it started ‎15. The boss ordered the hall .‎ A. to sweep B. to be swept C. should sweep D. being swept Keys: 1-5 ADC AC 6-10 CCCBA 11-15 DBACB iv. 不定式作定语 ‎1. 不定式与所修饰的名词构成动宾关系,不定式后接的若是不及物动词,应在动词后加上合适的介词。‎ ‎2. 数词和最高级后常接不定式,如the first,the second,the last,the best等。‎ ‎3. 有些名词后常接不定式,如time,way,right,chance,reason等。‎ 专项练习 ‎1. —I'd like to buy a car made in Shanghai.‎ ‎—Okay, Sir. You have several models .‎ A. to choose B. to be chosen from C. to choose from D. for choosing ‎2. It's time rice.‎ A. for transplant B. of transplanting C. to transplant D. to transplanting ‎3. It is a very difficult problem. I need a few days .‎ A. of thinking over it B. to think it over C. of thinking it over D. to think over it ‎4. People need homes and food .‎ A. to live... to eat B. to live in... to eat C. live. . . to eat D. to live in... to eat for ‎5. Columbus was the first the New Continent.‎ A. to have discovered B. to discover C. discovering D. having discovered Keys: 1-5 CCBBB v. 不定式作状语 ‎1. 不定式作状语主要表目的、结果和原因。‎ ‎2. 常用的表示目的短语有:to do,in order to do,so as to do,(so as to不能放在句首)。不定式作目的状语,其否定式必须用in order not to或so as not to;不能只用not to do。‎ ‎3. 常用too…to,enough to,only to,so+形容词/副词+as to,such a+名词+as to等结构表示结果。‎ ‎4. 常用表示情绪的动词surprised,joy,glad,pleased等后接不定式表示原因。常用独立成分,作插入语,表示说话人的态度,如to tell you the truth,to be exaot,to be sure, to be frank (with you),to be honest, to cut a long story short, to start with, to begin with, to say nothing, to be brief等。‎ 专项练习 ‎1. The flat is much too small .‎ A. for the family to live B. for the family to live in C. that the family can't live in D. that the family can't live ‎2. The teacher didn't speak clearly enough .‎ A. so everyone to understand B. for every one understood C. for everyone to understand D. for understanding ‎3. Do you think Julia is easy ?‎ A. to get along with B. to get along C. to be got along with D. to getting along with ‎4. Prof. Bush's talk in English was easy .‎ A. for us in following B. for us to be followed C. to be followed D. for us to follow ‎5. The water-melon juice is nice .‎ A. to drink it B. to be drunk C. to drink D. to be drinking ‎6. The patients were waiting the doctor.‎ A. to see B. for to see C. for seeing D. seeing ‎7. , I don't want to argue with them about the matter.‎ A. To tell you the truth B. Telling the truth C. Having told you the truth D. Out of the truth ‎8. The soldier spoke to the boy kindly him.‎ A. to not frighten B. so as not to frighten C. in order to not frighten D. for not frightening ‎9. Would you be good enough to the bus station?‎ A. showing me the way B. as to show me the way C. to show me the way D. so you can show me the way ‎10. Tom was so careless his car unlocked.‎ A. to leave B. that he leaves C. as to leave D. leaving Keys: 1-5 BCADC 6-10 AABCC vi. 不定式的时态与语态意义 ‎1. 不定式的时态意义 ‎ 1)一般式:不定式的动作与谓语动词的动作同时发生或是在其后发生。‎ ‎ 2)进行式:不定式的动作与谓语动词的动作是同时的,而且正在进行。‎ ‎ 3)完成式:不定式的动作先于谓语动词的动作。‎ ‎ a. happen, seem, be reported, be said, be likely等动词的复合谓语中,多使用完成式。‎ ‎ b. 在“be+形容词”结构后使用完成式。‎ ‎ c. 完成式用在某些动词后,如pretend,intend,expect,mean,hope,wish,think,was,were,want,would like等表示过去未实现的愿望、期待或计划。‎ ‎2. 不定式的语态意义 ‎ 1)当不定式的逻辑主语是动作的承受者时,不定式用被动语态。‎ ‎ 2) be+easy/ difficult/ fit/ hard结构中,不定式的主动语态表被动意义。‎ ‎ 3) there be结构中不定式多用主动语态表被动意义,也可用被动语态来表示。‎ ‎ 4)当不定式在句子中没有逻辑主语时,不定式最好用被动语态。‎ 专项练习 ‎1. Do let your mother know all the truth. She appears everything.‎ A. to tell B. to be told C. to be telling D. to have been told ‎2. Robert is said abroad, but I don't know what country he studied in.‎ A. to have studied B. to study C. to be studying D. to have been studying ‎3. One of the salesman in this shop is .‎ A. saying to have been fired B. said to have been fired C. saying to have fired D. said do have fired ‎4. Mr. Brown is said for Italy last week.‎ A. to have left B. to have C. to be leaving D. to have been left ‎5. He claimed in the supermarket when he was doing shopping yesterday.‎ A. being badly treated B. to be treated badly C. treating badly D. to have been treated badly Keys: 1-5 DDBAD vii. 省去to的动词不定式 ‎1. 并列不定式to只用于第一个动词之前,后面不定式的to要省略。‎ ‎2. 在had better, would rather, would rather…than, rather than, would sooner, would sooner…than, cannot but, cannot help but, do nothing but, might as well, do nothing besides, do nothing than( except,save)等结构后的动词不定式要省略to。‎ ‎3. 在(一“感’’)feel,(二“听”)hear,listen to,(三“使”)have,let,make,(五‘‘看’’)look at, see,watch,notice,observe后以不定式作宾补时要省略to;但这些动词用在被动语态的句子中时,则不能省略to。‎ ‎4. 当动词help意为“帮忙”时,其后的动词不定式可省略也可不省略to;在can’t help意为“不由自主”时,后需接动名词形式;在cannot help but意为“不得不”时,后需接省略to的动词不定式。‎ ‎5. rather than,sooner than位于句首时,其后的不定式省略to。‎ ‎6. 主语是all,what引导的从句,或者主语受only,the first,one,least或最高级修饰,且从句或短语中有do时,作表语的不定式一般省略to。‎ ‎7. 在以why引导的疑问句中不用to。‎ 专项练习 ‎1. I'd rather lose the game .‎ A. not to hurt him B. not hurt him C. than to hurt him D. than hurt him ‎ ‎2. Has he any other choice but as you have told him?‎ A. to do B. do C. doing D. he'll do ‎3. Tom did nothing else but back all he owned.‎ A. taken B. took C. taking D. take ‎4. All the people in the hall couldn't but , hearing such an absurd story.‎ A. to laugh B. laugh C. laughing D. to laughing ‎5. —You should have thanked her before you left.‎ ‎—I meant , but when I was leaving I couldn't find her anywhere.‎ A. to do B. to C. doing D. doing so Keys: 1-5 DADB B viii. 带介词to的动词短语和不定式的省略 ‎1. 有些动词短语中的to是介词,后需要,接名词或动名词,注意要与动词不定式区分。这些动词短语有get down to,keep to,find one's way'to,put one's heart to,admit to, turn to, lead to, look forward to, put one-s mind to, stick to, be related to, be familiarto, be accustomed to, get used to, be faithful to, see to, be equal to,be object to, in addition ‎ to,be open to等。 ‎ ‎2. 一些情态动词ought to,need to,dare to,would/ would like to, would love to,used to,have to,be going to,be able to后省略已提到的或已知的内容。‎ ‎3. 动词want, plan, decide, love, like, promlse, know, forget, prepare, hope, wish, try,refuse,hate,expect,fail,manage,agree,pretend,afford后省略已提到的或已知的内容。‎ ‎4. 疑问词接不定式作宾语时不定式后可省略已提到的或已知的内容。‎ ‎5. 形容词afraid, anxious, careful, eager, glad, happy, kind, lucky, proud‘,ready, sorry,able后可省略已提到的或已知的内容。‎ ‎6. 动词allow, ask, beg, cause, encourage, expect, force, get, order, permit, teach, prefer, want,warn,wish,command,forbid后作主补或者宾补的不定式可省略已提及或已知的内容。 ‎ ‎7. 作名词time,chance,duty,right,way定语的不定式可省略已提及或已知的内容。‎ ‎8. it作形式主语,不定式作逻辑主语时,可省略已提及或已知的内容。‎ ‎9. 如果重复的不定式是to be或者to have时,通常保留be或have。‎ ‎10. 作有些感官动词(feel,hear,listen to,let,have,make,see等)的宾补时,to,必须省去。‎ 专项练习 ‎1. Have you got used here now?‎ A. to live B. living C. to living D. to be living ‎2. Those who were object the suggestions were asked to put up their hands.‎ A. to accepting B. to accept C. for accepting D. for ‎3. —Would you like to go with us for an outing tomorrow? —Yes, .‎ A. I'd like B. I'd like to go C. I'd love D. I'd like to ‎4. Thomas wanted to buy a sports car, but he .‎ A. wasn't able to B. wasn't able to afford C. wasn't able D. didn't able to ‎5. Will you show me a guide book?‎ A. where to get B. where to getting C. where getting D. where in getting Keys: 1-5 CAD A A ‎(教学建议:‎ 1. 规定学生必须在20分钟内完成;‎ 2. 相互交换批改,表扬正确率最高的学生;‎ 3. 做对的学生给做错的学生讲题;‎ 4. 让每个学生简单总结一下错误原因及应该注意的问题。‎ A. 选择最佳答案。(高三12年一模)‎ ‎1. A red light is a warning to drivers and staff that another train is dangerously close and that adjustments need _____ . (12宝山区一模)‎ ‎ A. make B. to make C. to be made D. made ‎2. Many farmers in the countryside have gone to cities to look for work and left their children behind ______ by their grandparents. (12崇明区一模)‎ ‎ A. to be raised B. raised C. being raised D. raising ‎3. ______ global temperature rising, the UN Climate Change Conference was held in Cancun, Mexico last year. ‎ ‎(12奉贤区一模)‎ ‎ A. Prevented B. Preventing C. Having prevented D. To prevent ‎4. I have tried everything I can _____ him to stay, but without success, so I wish him good luck. (12虹口区一模)‎ A. persuade B. persuading C. to be persuaded D. to persuade ‎5. Your job is to make my work easier, _____ it more difficult. (12黄浦区一模)‎ A. not make B. not to make C. not to making D. not making ‎6. The first black president of the United States of America, Barack Obama, won the election in the end, but it remains, of course, _________ whether he can overcome the present difficulties. (12金山区一模)‎ A. to see B. seen C. seeing D. to be seen ‎7. You should allow two weeks for your visa application . (12静安区一模)‎ A. to process B. to be processed C. processed D. to be processing ‎8. Medical experts say the most effective way to prevent the spread of disease is for people ______ their hands with soap and water. (12卢湾区一模)‎ A. to wash B. washed C. washing D. being washed ‎9. Standing on the top of the hill, I would not do anything but ______ the flowing of the clouds around me. ‎ ‎(12卢湾区一模)‎ A. enjoy             B. enjoying           C. enjoyed       D. to enjoy ‎10. The little girl showed no anxiety before the competition. She seemed ______ for it pretty well. (12闵行区一模)‎ A. to prepare                                         B. to have prepared ‎ C. having prepared                              D. to be preparing ‎11. Studies show that daydreaming contributes significantly to concentration powers and the ability with others. (12浦东新区一模)‎ A. communicating B. to be communicated ‎ C. to communicate D. to communicating ‎12. Although parents seem _______good advice to their sons and daughters, their kids have marked them poorly on being good role models when it comes to dealing with life’s difficulties. (12普陀区一模)‎ A. given B. giving C. to be given D. to be giving ‎13. Mr. Wang made up his mind to devote all he could_______ his oral English before going abroad. (12普陀区一模)‎ A. improve B. to improve C. improving D. to improving ‎ ‎14. The plan ________ by 2012 will expand the city’s telephone network to cover as many users as possible. ‎ ‎(12青浦区一模)‎ A. accomplished B. being accomplished C. to be accomplished D. having been accomplished ‎15. The flu is believed _______by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat. ‎ ‎(12松江区一模)‎ A. to be caused B. being caused C. causing D. to have caused ‎16. The “magical apple”, which we wish not to be the last one _____ us, has inspired the imagination and passion of millions of people. (12徐汇区一模)‎ ‎ A. fascinate B. fascinating C. fascinated D. to fascinate ‎ ‎17. The queen bee appears ______ well in the comb built by the diligent worker bees. (12闸北区一模)‎ A. to nurse B. to be nursed C. to have nursed D. being nursed keys:1-5 CADDB 6-10 DBAAB 11-15 CDDCA 16-17DB B. 用括号里词的正确形式填空。(14年一模语法填空分考点整理)‎ ‎1. The work required the family (live) two hours from the nearest big city. ‎ ‎2. The last one is the most challenging, according to Nerenberg, who said the goal is _____(make) the audience laugh with your laugh. ‎ ‎3. I wanted to be special and I was naively determined (reach) an impossible goal. ‎ 4. Good, then, I expect _____ (hear) more from you at staff meetings or at any other time you want to discuss an idea with me.” ‎ 5. In a unique aviation experiment recently, the 170-seat-Boeing 727 was made_____ _____ (crash) in a controlled manner in a remote part of Mexico’s Sonoran Desert. ‎ 6. The thing I had fallen over felt like a bundle of clothes, and I picked it up _____ (protect) my face from the smoke and heat. ‎ 7. Then a year later she went to India, where she began _______ (train) to be a teacher. ‎ 8. Perhaps the best way ______ (learn) how to behave in the working world is to identify a worker you admire and observe his behavior. ‎ 9. C. 翻译下面句子。(13年二模)‎ ‎1.你很有可能在这次考试中取得好成绩。(likely)‎ You are most likely to achieve good results in this examination. / It’s most likely that you will achieve good results in this examination.‎ ‎2.这首诗太抽象,我不能完全理解。(too…to…)‎ The poem is too abstract for me to fully (totally / completely / entirely) understand.‎ ‎3.那些受过良好教育的人更可能理解献血其实只需一点点勇气的事实。(It)‎ It is more likely that those who are well-educated will understand the fact that donating blood requires only a little courage.‎ ‎4.在寒冷的冬日喝杯热饮真是惬意。(It)‎ It is pleasant having / to have a hot drink on a cold winter day / on cold winter days.‎ ‎(以学生自我总结为主,TR引导为辅,为本次课做一个总结回顾)‎ 只能以不定式作宾语,而不能以动名词作宾语的动词有:(“希望”干)wish, hope, expect, long, desire;‎ ‎(早“打算”)plan, mean, prepare, attempt, intend;‎ ‎(“同意”“否”)agree, consent, refuse, decline;‎ ‎(“寻”“问”看)seek, ask, beg;‎ ‎(“选”“定”了)choose, decide, determine, promise;‎ ‎(“尽”“自愿”)manage, volunteer, tend;‎ ‎(“称”“失败”)claim, fail;‎ ‎(“敢”“装蒜”)dare, pretend 教学建议: ‎ ‎1. 规定学生在30分钟内完成;‎ ‎2. 要求学生对不确定有疑问的题目做标记;‎ ‎3.下节新课前让学生相互批改表扬正确率最高的学生;‎ ‎4.让作对的学生给做错的学生讲题,老师进行补充;‎ ‎5.老师对错误率较高的题目相关的知识点进行复习。‎ ‎【巩固练习】‎ A. 选择最佳答案。(高三12年二模)‎ ‎1. A disabled boy begging on the street was reported ___________ by a car, but the driver fled instead of sending him to hospital. ( 12长宁区二模 )‎ A. being hit B.to be hit C. having been hit D.to have been hit ‎2. This scientist is known _______ on this problem for about ten years. (12崇明县二模)‎ ‎ A. to work B. to be working ‎ ‎ C. to have been working D. to have been worked ‎3 .People hope the new measures ______ house prices, taken by the government, will succeed.(12虹口区二模)‎ ‎ A. to control B. controlled C. controlling D. having controlled ‎4. It is the duty of a teacher _____ the interest of students and pass on knowledge to them. ‎ ‎(12静安 杨浦 青浦 宝山二模)‎ A. to be stimulating B. to have stimulated C. to be stimulated D. to stimulate ‎5.What people learned from China Got Talented was that there were so many talented people out there waiting ______.(12闵行区二模)‎ A. to discover B. to be discovered C. discovered D. being discovered ‎ ‎6. ______ the burden of carrying heavy school bags, some schools introduced iBooks a few weeks ago.( 12浦东二模)‎ A. Eliminating B. Eliminated C. To eliminate D. Having eliminated ‎ ‎7. Police are urging anyone who saw the accident ______ them immediately. (12普陀二模)‎ A. to contact B. contact C. contacting D. need contact ‎ ‎8. We had better not bother our professor these days, for he is awfully busy preparing a report _____ at an international conference next month. (12徐汇 松江二模)‎ ‎ A. being delivered B. to be delivered C. to deliver D. delivered ‎ ‎9. With recent permission from Chinese government, Japan has become the first country _________ huge sums of Chinese government bond (债券). (12 闸北二模)‎ A. allows to buy B. to allow to buy ‎ C. to be allowed buying D. to be allowed to buy ‎10. Medical teams are reported ________ to isolated villages to help people fight against the cold snap in Europe. ‎ ‎(12杨浦二模)‎ A. to have been sent B. to be sent C. sent D. having been sent 答案:1-5 DCADB 6-10 CABDA B. 用括号里词的正确形式填空。(14年一模语法填空分考点整理)‎ 4. ‎_______ (earn) enough money, they finally could move from their two-bedroom home to a seven-bedroom home in a rich neighborhood. ‎ ‎10. Certain people in society, such as motorcyclists, seem to believe they have a right ______ (make) as much noise as they like without being fined. Do they?‎ ‎11. However wealthy he was, he never forgot his humble beginnings and was always ready ______(help). ‎ ‎12. But I decided _________ (give) them another try because I’m in London. To give ‎13. And now comes evidence showing that 11-year-old children are three times more likely to be hurt or seriously injured on the way to and from school than 10-year-olds, since 11 is the average age at which children receive their first mobile phone, six times more likely _____ (send) a text when it happens. ‎ C. After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically ‎ correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.‎ I was the middle child of the three, but there was a gap of five years on either side, and I hardly saw my father before I was eight. For this and (1) reasons I was somewhat lonely. I had the lonely child’s habit of making up stories, and I think from the very start my literary ambitions (2) (mix) up with the feeling of being isolated. I knew that I had a natural ability with words, and I felt that this created a sort of private world where I could get my own back for my failure in everyday life.‎ However, the quantity of serious writing which I produced all (3) my childhood would not add up to half a dozen pages. I wrote my first poem at the age of four or five, my mother (4) (take) it down to dictation. I cannot remember anything about it except that it was about a tiger and (5) tiger had “chair-like teeth”— a good enough expression. At eleven, when the war of 1914-18 broke out, I wrote a poem (6) (print) in the local newspaper later. From time to time, when I was a bit ‎ ‎(7) (old), I wrote bad and usually unfinished “nature poems”. I also, about twice, attempted a short story (8) was a failure. That was the total of the would-be serious work that I actually set down on paper during all those years. ‎ keys:1. other 2.were mixed 3.through 4.taking 5.the 6.printed 7.older 7. which / that D. 翻译下面句子。(13年二模)‎ 1. 你真的忙到抽不出一点时间给父母打个电话吗? (too)‎ Are you too busy to spare a little time to make a phone call to your parents?‎ 2. 和你在一起的时候,我很容易有好心情。(It )‎ It is easy for me to be in a good mood/ to be happy when staying with you.‎ 3. 没有和他接触过的人不太会知道他的真实想法。(it)‎ It’s not very likely for those who haven’t had contact with him to know his true thoughts. ‎ 4. 经过热烈讨论,我们一致同意再为那所小学捐赠一台电脑。(agree)‎ After a heated discussion, we all agreed to donate another computer for the primary school. ‎

