中考英语专项复习 主谓一致和倒装句

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中考英语专项复习 主谓一致和倒装句

‎(十三)主谓一致和倒装句 ‎01 命题趋势 考标导向化 主谓一致是初中阶段的重要语法项目之一,经常出现在近几年的中考试卷中。考查重点是主谓一致:语法一致原则、意义一致原则和就近一致原则,其中语法一致原则和就近一致原则是历年的考查热点。从命题形式来看,主要以单项选择为主,在完形填空、句型转换和翻译句子中有时也会涉及此考点。‎ ‎02 定义 概念清晰化 主谓一致是指谓语动词与主语在人称和数上保持一致。主谓一致必须遵循三个原则,即语法一致原则、意义一致原则、就近一致原则。‎ 语法一致原则是指主语和谓语在语法形式上保持一致,即主语是单数形式,谓语动词用单数形式,主语是复数形式,谓语也用复数形式。意义一致原则是主语意义上的单复数要与谓语的单复数形式一致,即主语形式上为单数,但意义为复数,则谓语动词用复数形式;若主语形式上为复数,但表示单数意义,则谓语动词用单数形式。就近一致原则也叫邻近原则,是指谓语动词的单、复数形式取决于最靠近它的主语。‎ ‎03 知识归类 知识网络化 ‎❶语法一致原则 分类图解 使用情况 例句 ‎“不可数名词、可数名词单数、单数代词、不定式(短语)、动名词(短语)、从句”等用作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。‎ The girl is fond of singing.‎ To protect the environment is our duty.‎ Reading in the sun is bad for our eyes.‎ 表示复数的名词、代词作主语,谓语动词用复数形式。‎ The students are having their math class.‎ They have been to Qingdao twice.‎ and连接主语时,如果该并列主语指的是两个或两个以上的人或事物,谓语动词用复数形式;如果该并列主语指的是“同一个人或事物”(即and后面的名词前面没有冠词),则谓语动词要用单数形式。‎ Eating vegetables and doing exercise are good for our health.‎ The writer and teacher is coming.‎ The writer and the teacher are coming.‎ both…and…连接主语,谓语动词用复数形式。‎ Both Peter and Mike come from England.‎ 有些只有复数形式的名词(如glasses, shorts, trousers, jeans, shoes, clothes, gloves等)作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。‎ Jack’s glasses are broken.‎ Linda’s shoes are black and blue.‎ ‎“a number of +复数名词”作主语,谓语动词用复数形式;“the number of+复数名词”作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。‎ A number of trees have been planted.‎ The number of the men teachers in our school is more than 120.‎ 不定代词another, each one, either, neither, the other, somebody, someone, something, nobody, everybody, everyone, everything, nothing, anybody, anything, anyone, no one等作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。‎ Is everyone here?‎ Something is wrong with my computer.‎ I called last night,but nobody was in.‎ 主语后面跟with, along with, like, except, besides, as well as, together with, including, no less than, rather than, as much as等词或短语时,谓语动词的数与主语保持一致 Mei Mei,with her parents,often goes to the park on Sunday.‎ A teacher,together with some students,is standing at the gate.‎ 主语前面有表示“单位、度量”的短语如“a kind (sort/ type/ form/ pair/ cup/ glass/ piece/ load/ block/ box/ handful/ quantity/ ton/ metre/…)of”等时,表示“单位、度量”的这个名词的单复数决定谓语的单复数形式。‎ This kind of car is made in China.‎ Large quantities of water are needed.‎ ‎“分数或百分数 + 名词”作主语或“a lot of/lots of, plenty of, most of + 名词”作主语时,谓语动词的单、复数形式取决于名词。若名词是单数可数名词或者是不可数名词,则谓语动词用单数形式;若名词是可数名词复数,则谓语动词用复数形式。‎ Two thirds of the work has been finished.‎ Most of the books are written in English.‎ 特例清单 ‎1.what从句作主语时 ,如果表示的是单数意义,则谓语动词用单数形式;如果表示的是复数意义,则谓语动词用复数形式。如:‎ What we need is time.我们需要的是时间。‎ What she needs are good books.她需要的是一些好书。‎ ‎2.and连接并列主语,若前面有each,every,many a,no等词修饰时,谓语动词通常用单数形式。如:‎ Each boy and each girl has got a present.每个男孩和女孩都收到了一份礼物。‎ ‎【题组训练】‎ ‎( )1.(2014·黔东南)Climbing hills _____ good for our health.‎ A.are B.is C.was D.were ‎( )2.(2014·咸宁)—What are you going to do this weekend?‎ ‎—I together with my classmates ____ going to climb Mount Qian.‎ A.is B.am C.are D.Were ‎( )3.(2014·达州)—I called you at 5:00 yesterday afternoon,but no one answered.‎ ‎—Sorry,I with my parents______ at that time.‎ A.was shopping B.were shopping C.are shopping D.went shopping ‎( )4.(2014·孝感)A number of volunteers ____ from far away cities.‎ A.is B.are C.is come D.arc come ‎( )5.(2014·白银)The zoo keeper is worried because the number of visitors ________ smaller and smaller.‎ A.become B.are becoming C.is becoming D.have become ‎❷意义一致原则 分类图解 使用情况 例句 使用情况例句有些集体名词如crowd,family, team, group, government, class, staff, public等,它们作主语时,谓语动词的数要根据具体语境而定:若它们表示一个集体单位,则动词用单数形式;若表示集体中的成员,则谓语用复数形式。‎ His family isn’t large.His family are fond of watching sports programs.‎ 有些集合名词如people, police, cattle, poultry(家禽)等,形式上是单数,而意义上却表示复数,因此谓语动词用复数形式;有些名词如news, means, works, physics, politics, maths等,形式上是复数,而意义上却表示单数,因此谓语动词用单数形式。‎ The police are searching for the murder.‎ Physics is really difficult for me ‎“the + 某些形容词”可以表示一类人,作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。‎ The young are energetic.‎ 某些代词或短语如half(of),plenty (of),the rest(of),(a)part(of)等作主语时,谓语动词应视其“具体所指”即所修饰的名词来决定单、复数。‎ Half of the work has been finished.‎ Half of the workers have finished their work ahead of time.‎ 表示重量、度量、时间、长度、价格、数学运算等的词或短语作主语时,通常视为一个整体,谓语动词用单数形式。‎ Two pounds isn’t so heavy.‎ Two months is a long holiday.‎ Ten yuan is enough.‎ Ten minus five is five.‎ 特例清单 ‎1.某些以s结尾的地理名称,如果是国名,如the United States,the Netherlands等,谓语动词用单数形式;如果是群岛、山脉、海峡、瀑布等地理名称作主语,谓语动词用复数形式。如:‎ The United States is a developed country.美国是一个发达的国家。‎ The Niagara Falls are perhaps the most splendid waterfall in the world.尼亚加拉大瀑布或许是世界上最壮观的瀑布。‎ ‎2.none如果指量,动词用单数;若用来指数目,与可数名词连用,谓语动词用单、复数形式皆可;none如果代指不可数名词,则谓语动词用单数。如:‎ None of the money belongs to me.没有一分钱是属于我的。‎ None of the students has/have been to Egypt in our class.我们班没有一个学生去过埃及。‎ ‎3.“all/most/half/the rest of+名词”作主语,谓语动词与of后面的名词的数保持一致。如:‎ Most of her money is spent on clothes.她的大部分钱被花在衣服上了。‎ Half of the students watch TV twice a week.一半的学生一周看两次电视。‎ ‎【题组训练】‎ ‎( )6.(2014·广东)—Do you need more time to complete the task?‎ ‎—Yes.Another ten days ______ enough.‎ A.is B.was C.are D.were ‎( )7.(2014·宜宾)Look! The police _____ the food onto the bank of the river.‎ A.am carrying B.is carrying C.are carrying D.are carried ‎( )8.(2013·广安)—Maths ______ my favorite subject.What about you?‎ ‎—Physics _______.I think it’s very interesting.‎ A.is;is B.are;are C.are;is ‎( )9.(2012·佛山)Thanks to the organization,some money ______ given to the poor children.‎ A.was B.were C.are ‎( )10.(2012·自贡)—How soon can you finish this job?‎ ‎—Two days ____ enough for me to finish the work.I need a week.‎ A.isn’t B.aren’t C.is ‎❸就近一致原则 分类图解 使用情况 例句 由or, either…or…, nor, neither…nor…,whether…or…,not…but…,not only…but also…等连词连接并列主语时,谓语动词必须与它相邻的主语保持一致 Neither you nor he is wrong.‎ Not only Jim but also his friends are enjoying the film.‎ Here/there be句型中句子的主语在be之后,系动词必须与它相邻的主语保持一致。‎ Here are some books and paper for you.‎ There is an orange and two apples on the plate.‎ ‎【题组训练】‎ ‎( )11.(2014·广安)—Neither Tony nor I ____ interested in playing Weibo.‎ ‎—You are out.‎ A.am B.is C.are ‎( )12.(2014·白银)There ______ great changes in such kind of PDAs(掌上电脑)in the last few years.‎ A.has been B.have been C.has had D.have had ‎( )13.(2014·济宁)Across from my home,_______ a shop which sells things from foreign countries.‎ A.it is B.it has C.there is D.that is ‎( )14.(2014·重庆)There ______ lots of sheep and pigs on my uncle’s farm now.‎ A.was B.were C.is D.are ‎( )15.(2013·安顺)Neither my sister nor I ______ been to America before.‎ A.have ever B.have never C.has ever D.has never ‎❹倒装句 结构 例句 so+助动词/情态动词/be动词+主语(主语不是同一个人,意为“也是如此”)‎ ‎—Tom has ever been to China.汤姆曾经到过中国。‎ ‎—So has Mike.迈克也去过。‎ neither+助动词/情态动词/be动词+主语(主语不是同一个人,表否定)‎ ‎—Li Ping wasn’t late for school this morning.李平今天上午没有上学迟到。‎ ‎—Neither was Tom.汤姆也没有。‎ so+主语+助动词/情态动词/be动词(主语是同一个人,意为“的确如此”)‎ ‎—He continued watching TV after the phone rang many times.在电话铃响很多次后他继续看电视。‎ ‎—So he did.的确如此。‎ Here/There+谓语动词+名词主语 Here/There+代词主语+谓语动词 Here comes the bus.公共汽车来了。‎ Here it is.它在这里。‎ ‎【题组训练】‎ ‎( )16.(2014·黄石)—Sorry Sir,I’ve made so many mistakes in this paper.‎ ‎—It’s OK._____.This paper is very difficult.‎ A.So have other students B.So do other students C.Neither do other students D.Neither have other students ‎( )17.(2014·南充)—He hasn’t seen that interesting film before.‎ ‎—_________.‎ A.So have I B.Neither have I C.Nor do I D.So do I ‎( )18.(2014·云南)—Kunming is really a comfortable city to live in.‎ ‎—_________.The weather is pleasant.‎ A.So it is B.So is it C.So it does D.So does it ‎( )19.(2014·遂宁)—Will you go to Peter’s party this Saturday evening?‎ ‎—I haven’t decided yet.If you don’t go,________.‎ A.so will I B.neither do I C.neither will I ‎( )20.(2014·白银)—Has your mother been to London?‎ ‎—Yes,and _______ .We went together.‎ A.so have I B.so I have C.neither have I D.neither I have ‎04 整合集训 反馈层级化 ‎( )1.One of my friends ______ moved to America. I miss her so much.‎ A.has B.have C.is D.are ‎( )2.This is my twin sister, Lucy. Not only she but also I______ good at drawing.‎ A.is B.am C.are D.be ‎( )3.Ten minutes ago, there _____ an eraser,a pen and some books on the desk.‎ A.is B.are C.was D.were ‎( )4.Linda,with her parents, ______ the Wolf Hill, and they will be back this afternoon.‎ A.have gone to B.has been to C.have been to D.has gone to ‎( )5.In 1850,about a third of the USA ______ covered with forests(森林).‎ A.were B.has been C.are D.was ‎( )6.The population of the world ______ still _____ now.‎ A.has;grown B.will;grow C.is;grown D.is;growing ‎( )7.As the saying goes, no news _______ good news.‎ A.is B.are C.has D.have ‎( )8.Most of the boys who are good at playing basketball_____ in good health.‎ A.is B.are C.was D.were ‎( )9.—Have you got any water to drink?‎ ‎—Here you are.There ______still some in the bottle.‎ A.are B.has C.is D.have ‎( )10.Cindy together with her parents often _____ to the movies on weekends.‎ A.go B.goes C.has gone D.have gone ‎( )11.—Which would you like,tea or coffee?‎ ‎—Either______ OK,but I prefer coffee _____ tea.‎ A.is;to B.are;with C.is;with D.are;to ‎( )12.The whole family _______ enjoying the beautiful music now.‎ A.is all B.all is C.all are D.are all ‎( )13.—How much would you like to pay for the pair of shoes?‎ ‎—Twenty dollars _______ enough.‎ A.be B.is C.are D.am ‎( )14.—Physics _____ more difficult than math, do you think so?‎ ‎—Yes,I think so.‎ A.is B.are C.has D.have ‎( )15.Everyone _______ I come from Sichuan. Actually, I come from Shanxi.‎ A.thinks B.don’t think C.think D.doesn’t think ‎( )16.Each man and woman _____ the same rights(权利).‎ A.had B.has C.have D.is having ‎( )17.Climbing hills ______ of great help to our health.‎ A.was B.were C.is D.are ‎( )18.Each of the girls here ________ to the West Lake twice.‎ A.have gone B.have been C.has gone D.has been ‎( )19.Neither my father nor my mother _____ rock music.They think it’s too _______.‎ A.likes;noisy B.likes;noise C.like;noisy D.like;noise ‎( )20.______ of the land in this district ______ covered with trees and grass.‎ A.Two fifths;are B.Two fifth;are C.Two fifth;is D.Two fifths;is ‎( )21.Something _____ gone wrong with my TV set.‎ A.has B.have C.is D.are ‎( )22.Talking aloud on a mobile phone ____ impolite.‎ A.are B.seem C.is D.look ‎( )23.Everyone except Bill and Jim _______ there when the meeting began.‎ A.was B.is C.are D.were ‎( )24.Half of the students _____ made the suggestions.‎ A.has B.have C.is D.are ‎( )25.—How many classes do you usually have a day?‎ ‎—Six classes a day.And each of them ______ 45 minutes.‎ A.last B.lasts C.have D.are 参考答案:‎ ‎(十三)主谓一致和倒装句 题组训练 ‎1—5BBABC6—10ACAAA11—15ABCDA16—20ABACA 整合集训 ‎1—5ABCDD6—10DABCB11—15ADBAA16—20BCDAD21—25ACABB

