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期末检测二 (考试时间:100 分钟,满分:120 分) 题号 第一部分 第二部分 第三部分 总分 Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ 得分 第一部分 听力(20 分) Ⅰ.听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(5 分) ( )1. A. I’m doing my homework. B. I’m going to the library. C. Very well, thanks. ( )2. A. Don’t do that. B. It’s very nice of you. C. Take it easy. You will be OK. ( )3. A. My English is poor. B. Yes, of course. C. No, she can’t. ( )4. A. I think so. B. Help yourself. C. It’s very nice of you. ( )5. A. You are right. B. He should be careful. C. I’m sorry to hear that. Ⅱ. 听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5 分) ( )6. What will the man do next? A. Go for a field trip. B. Stay at home. C. Watch TV. ( )7. How much is the new coat? A. 2 000 yuan. B. 3 000 yuan. C. 4 000 yuan. ( )8. Where will Darren go for his vacation? A. China. B. America. C. Japan. ( )9. What size does the woman’s daughter wear? A. Size 25. B. Size 26. C. Size 27. ( )10. Does Lucy like wearing school uniforms? A. Yes, very much. B. No, not at all. C. Yes, a little. Ⅲ. 听两段对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5 分) 听第一段对话,完成第 11,12 小题。 ( )11. Mike often ____ with his friends on Saturday. A. plays soccer B. has a piano lesson C. cleans the house ( )12. Sally often goes to the movies with ____. A. her father B. her brother C. her mother 听第二段对话,完成第 13-15 小题。 ( )13. Sam’s father will take him to ____ during National Day. A. Nanjing B. Beijing C. Lijiang ( )14. There are ____ people in Maria’s family to visit Lijiang. A. two B. three C. four ( )15. How are Maria’s family going there? A. By bus. B. By air. C. By train. Ⅳ. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5 分) ( )16. What did Mrs. Brown want to buy? A. A coat. B. A pair of jeans. C. A sweater. ( )17. Why didn’t Mrs. Brown buy it at once? A. Because she didn’t like the color. B. Because she was busy. C. Because she didn’t have enough money. ( )18. Why didn’t her husband want her to buy it? A. Because it was too expensive. B. Because she had so many sweaters. C. Because it was not good enough. ( )19. When did her husband agree to buy it? A. The next day. B. The third day. C. After a week. ( )20. Who bought the sweater at last? A. Mrs. Brown. B. Mr. Brown. C. Nobody. 第二部分 英语知识运用(65 分) Ⅰ. 单项选择。(15 分) ( )1. —Why do they look so disappointed? —They look disappointed ____ they can’t go to see Love Me Once More, Mom. A. so B. but C. because D. because of ( )2. —How is this kind of apple? —It tastes ____ and sells ____. A. good; good B. well; well C. good; well D. well; good ( )3. —Mr. Wang, I always feel bad these days. Can you give me ____ advice? —Sure. You should talk to others and listen to soft music. A. a B. an C. / D. some ( )4. —Oh, Miss Yang, what happened? Why are your eyes ____ tears? —It’s Mid-autumn Festival today, but I can’t get together with my family. I feel so ____. A. filled of; lonely B. filled with; alone C. full of; lonely D. full of; alone ( )5. —Mr. Wang, I have trouble ____ the text. —Remember ____ it three times at least. A. to understand; reading B. understanding; reading C. understanding; to read D. to understand; to read ( )6. —Would you like to stay ____ days in Beijing? —No, thanks. I’m afraid I’ll be back tomorrow. A. more two B. other two C. two another D. another two ( )7. —Mom, there are two apples. Are they for me? —Yes. You can have ____. Leave one for your little brother. A. both B. all C. neither D. either ( )8. When we heard the exciting news, we couldn’t help ____ happily. A. jumping B. to jump C. jump D. jumped ( )9. ____ we rode our bikes for one and a half hours, we ____ the bookstore. A. When; reached B. While; arrived in C. After; arrived at D. As soon as; reached ( )10. —Do you know when ____? I miss him very much. —Don’t worry. I will tell you as soon as ____. A. will he come; he comes B. he will come; he comes C. he comes; he will come D. he will come; he will come ( )11. We all want to know ____ or not the famous writer will come to our school. A. if B. that C. whether D. when ( )12. China is ____ beautiful country ____ many foreigners want to visit it. A. so; that B. so a; that C. such; that D. such a; that ( )13. There are more and more foreigners coming to China. So I think English is ____ useful than before. A. more much B. much more C. many more D. more many ( )14. —Can you tell me ____ we will have a holiday for May Day? —Yes, we will. We will have a ____ holiday. A. if; two days B. that; two days C. if; two-day D. that; two-day ( )15. Yesterday Mr. Wang told us the earth always ____ around the sun. A. to go B. goes C. went D. going Ⅱ. 情景交际。(10 分) (A)根据对话内容填空,用单词补全对话。 A: Good afternoon. Welcome to Beijing Restaurant. This 16 , please. B: Thank you. A: Here is a table 17 three. Is it OK? B: Sure. We will take it. A: May I 18 your order now? B: Sure. We’d like Beijing Roast Duck, vegetable soup and three bottles of Tsingtao beer. A: Anything 19 ? B: Three bowls of rice. A: OK. Please wait a moment. (Half an hour later.) B: May I have the 20 ? A: Let me see. It’s¥110. B: Here you are. A: Thank you for coming! Have a nice day!. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. (B)根据对话情景选择恰当的选项,其中有两个选项是多余的。 A. Which kind do you want? B. How many tickets do you want? C. May I have your name and telephone number, please? D. Which train should I take? E. Can I help you? F. When do you want them? G. What about the price then? A: Hello. Heze Railway Station. 21 B: Yes, I’d like to book a ticket to Beijing. 22 A: T108. It leaves at 2:37 a. m. and arrives at 8:42 a. m. at Beijing West Railway Station. B: Sounds great! 23 A: We have tickets at¥93 for the hard seat and¥154 for the hard sleeper. 24 B: I’d like to book a ticket for the hard sleeper. A: All right. A hard sleeper ticket to Beijing. Please pay for the ticket before 2:20 p. m. 25 B: Sure. I’m Xu Xingsheng and my phone number is 131 8408 9663. Thank you. A: You’re welcome. Bye! 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Ⅲ. 完形填空。(10 分) If you want to do your homework right after school, you may eat something before getting to work. Never try to work when you are very 26 . Always do your homework before you get too tired. Don’t wait 27 late in the evening, or the homework will seem 28 than it really is. Divide your time into a few parts if you have more than 29 work. Have a short rest every forty minutes. However, don’t divide up your time 30 short to do anything. You should he able to work at least half an hour at a time without 31 . Don’t 32 doing your homework until the last minutes, or you will have it on your mind and you won’t 33 your free time. If you put off until the end of the week or even before a test, you will have too much 34 . What’s more, you will have a fear of tests and can’t get a good result. Do your homework at the same time every day. This will help you make it a 35 —part of you daily work. Then it will make your free time more enjoyable. ( )26. A. full B. hungry C. angry D. busy ( )27. A. until B. before C. after D. when ( )28. A. hard B. more hard C. much hard D. much harder ( )29. A. an hour B. one hour C. an hour’s D. an-hours ( )30. A. so B. too C. such D. very ( )31. A. stop B. stops C. stopped D. stopping ( )32. A. put off B. put on C. put away D. put up ( )33. A. spend B. take C. enjoy D. like ( )34. A. do B. to do C. doing D. did ( )35. A. habit B. hobby C. pleasure D. joy Ⅳ. 阅读理解。(30 分) (A) Bicycles in China Bicycles are very popular in China. In our country you can see bicycles almost everywhere. When you walk on the road, you will find a lot of people riding bicycles to schools, shops and anywhere else. Therefore( 因 此 ), China is known as “the kingdom of bicycles”. In China, many families have one or two bicycles. Compared(与……比) with cars, bicycles have many advantages. First, they are much cheaper than cars. Most Chinese can’t afford cars, but they can afford bicycles. Second, bicycles are small enough to park anywhere, while cars need a larger piece of land to park. What’s more, with lower speed, bicycles are safer than cars. However, bicycles also bring some problems. Some riders don’t obey the traffic rules and some riders don’t think about others’ safety. So they ride too fast. During rush hours, too many bicycles may cause traffic jams. We still have a long way to go to solve the problem. ( )36. Where can you see bicycles in China? A. In the big city. B. In the town. C. In the country. D. Almost everywhere. ( )37. “The kingdom of bicycles” here is saying ____. A. China has a large number of bicyclesB. China makes bicycles C. bicycles are a kingdom D. only China has bicycles ( )38. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of bicycles? A. Bicycles are much cheaper than cars. B. Bicycles are easy to park. C. Bicycles are more beautiful than cars. D. Bicycles are safer than cars. ( )39. What problems can bicycles bring? A. Bicycles are more and more expensive. B. Riding bicycles is more dangerous than driving cars. C. There are no places for so many bicycles. D. Too many bicycles may cause traffic jams. ( )40. What does the last sentence mean? A. We should drive cars instead of riding bicycles. B. It’s too far to ride bicycles. C. Bicycles are safe enough. D. We still need to do much to solve the problem. (B) Beijing Restaurant MENU SOUPS Tofu soup¥10. 00 Bone soup¥15. 00 Chicken soup¥20. 00 STAPLES Fried rice¥8. 00 Fried noodles¥10. 00 Hot dog¥4. 00 Meat pie¥10. 00 Sandwich¥10. 00 Hamburger¥10. 00 MAIN COURSES Roast chicken¥30. 00 Italian pizza¥9. 00 Indian curries¥15. 00 Pork and cabbage¥15. 00 Cheese pie¥10. 00 Beef¥15. 00 Beijing Roast Duck¥50. 00 Sausage¥15. 00 DESSERTS Fruit salad¥8. 00 Pear pancake¥6. 00 Apple pie¥6. 00 Ice cream¥4. 00 DRINKS Coke¥5. 00 Coffee¥5. 00 Tea¥3. 00 Apple juice¥3. 00 Beer¥10. 00 Wine¥30. 00 Milk¥3. 00 Lemonade¥4. 00 ( )41. Which soup can’t you have in this restaurant? A. Tofu soup. B. Vegetable soup. C. Bone soup. D. Chicken soup. ( )42. How many kinds of main courses are there in this restaurant? A. 7. B. 8. C. 9. D. 10. ( )43. What’s the price of pear pancake and a cup of tea? A.¥9. 00. B.¥10. 00. C.¥11. 00. D.¥12. 00. ( )44. If you have twelve yuan, what can you buy in this restaurant? A. Four ice creams. B. A bottle of wine. C. An apple pie and a pear pancake. D. A sandwich and a hot dog. ( )45. Here is Mr. Wang’s bill. How much does he need to pay? BEIJING RESTAURANT BILL Beijing Roast Duck Chicken soup Two bottles of beer Tea Fried rice TOTAL:¥____ Thank you for coming! A. 91 B. 92 C. 93 D. 101 (C) Can you creat your own T-shirt? Let me tell you it’s easy! In the modern world, designing a personal T-shirt with your own message or favorite image(图像) is now a piece of cake. At first, you can use a digital camera to take some photos. Also, you can download beautiful pictures from the Internet. Of course, you can also draw your favorite pictures by yourself. In a word, you can use your imagination. Then, buy some heat-sensitive iron-on transfer paper(感热的可熨的摹写纸) and print(打印) your picture or text using a standard ink jet printer(喷墨打印机). You can print black or colors or even buy other special paper. Put the paper onto a clean T-shirt that you bought from the shops, then just use an electric clothes iron(熨斗) and in a few minutes you can make your own T-shirt. You must be confident and proud in this kind of T-shirt. 按要求完成下列各题。 ( )46. What does the phrase “a piece of cake” mean here in Chinese according to the passage? A. 一块蛋糕 B. 小菜一碟 C. 一只蛋糕 D. 一块饼干 47. How can you get your favorite picture? We can ____ from the Internet, take photos with a digital ________ and ________ by ourselves. 48. What paper can you use to print your picture? We can buy some heat-sensitive iron-on ________ _______. 49. What can you do after putting the paper on the T-shirt? We can use ________ ________ ________ ________. 50. 将短文最后一段画线部分翻译成汉语。 _____________________________________________________________________ 第三部分 写作(35 分) Ⅰ. 词汇部分。(15 分) (A)根据句意及首字母提示填空。 51. I’d like to i_________ you to my birthday party. 52. Don’t make so much n_________. The baby is sleeping. 53. I will go to Hainan for my summer v_________. 54. I asked the age of the girl, but she r_________ to answer. 55. What people wear d_________ on what they like. (B)根据句意及汉语提示填空。(5 分) 56. Hainan Island is in the _________ (南方的) part of China. 57. She couldn’t _________ (接受) our invitation because she was too busy. 58. It’s difficult for him to make a _________ (决定) now. 59. They were _________ (讨论) the food of western countries. 60. —Which is the most _________ (传统的) festival of China? —Spring Festival. (C)根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 61. There are four main _________ (role) in Beijing Opera. 62. —How are you _________ (feel) now? —Much better. 63. I want to live as _________ (happy) as you do. 64. _________ (lady) and gentlemen, I have some exciting news to tell you. 65. The _________ (marry) makes her very happy. Ⅱ. 综合填空。(5 分) 用方框内所给词的适当形式填空。 write, bright, something, into, but It was Friday that day. The sun was shinning 66 . Mrs. Zhang went to buy a fish in a fish shop. She didn’t know how to cook it. So she asked the shopkeeper 67 down the way of cooking on a piece of paper. Then she put the paper 68 her pocket and left the shop happily with the fish. On her way home, a white cat took the fish away from her and ran away at once. Mrs. Zhang ran after the cat 69 she couldn’t catch it. But suddenly she remembered 70 and laughed. She shouted to the cat loudly, “You don’t know how to cook the fish. The paper is still in my pocket!” 66. ________ 67. _______ 68. _________ 69. _________ 70. _________ Ⅲ. 书面表达。((A)题 5 分,(B)题 10 分,共 15 分) (A)你的一个同学最近心情不太好。因为他/她很担心他/她的英语。请给他/她一 些建议;词数在 30 个左右。 ____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ (B)你喜欢你的校服吗?请说出你的理由,并且试着设计出你理想中的校服,请 谈谈它的颜色、样式等等,词数在 60 个左右。 _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 听力材料 Ⅰ. 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。 1. Hi, Jim! How are you doing? 2. I’m worried about the final test. 3. Could you help me with my English? 4. Let me help you carry out the special task, Tom. 5. My brother fell off his bike and hurt his leg. Ⅱ. 听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。 6. M: Lucy, I always feel very bored and lonely. W: Why not go for a field trip with me? M: Good idea. 7. M: I paid 3000 yuan for my new coat. W: Oh, my God! 3000 yuan! It costs too much. 8. W: Hi, Darren. Would you like to come to China for your vacation? M: I’d like to. But my parents will take me to Japan instead. 9. M: Can I help you? W: Yes, I am looking for a pair of shoes for my daughter. M: What size does she wear? W: Size 25. Oh, no. Size 26. 10. M: Do you like wearing school uniforms, Lucy? W: I don’t like them at all. I like to look cool. Ⅲ. 听两段对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。 听第一段对话,完成 11,12 小题。 W: Mike, what do you usually do on weekends? M: On Saturday I often play soccer with my friends. On Sunday I have a piano lesson. What about you, Sally? W: I often go to the movies with my mother on Saturday evening. On Sunday I often help my mother clean the house. 听第二段对话,完成 13-15 小题。 W: National Day is coming next week. What are you going to do, Sam? M: My father is going to take me to Beijing. And we are going to visit the Great Wall. W: Oh, that must be very interesting. M: I hope so. What about you, Maria? Are you going back to Cuba? W: No. My parents are going to take me to Lijiang. M: How are you going there? W: By train. M: Have a good trip! W: The same to you! Ⅳ. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。 One day, Mrs. Brown saw a beautiful sweater in a clothing shop. She liked it very much, so she wanted to buy it at once. But she didn’t bring enough money with her. Then she went back home and told her husband that she wanted to buy the sweater. But her husband said she had so many sweaters that she didn’t need to buy another one. The next day, she told her husband that she still wanted to buy the sweater. The third day, she said the same thing. After a week, her husband told her she could go to buy the sweater. When they went to the clothing shop, the sweater was still there. But Mrs. Brown didn’t want to buy it any more. “The others don’t want to buy the sweater, I don’t want to buy it, either.” she said. 参考答案 第一部分 听力 Ⅰ. 1-5 C C B C C Ⅱ. 6-10 A B C B B Ⅲ. 11-15 A C B B C Ⅳ. 16-20 C C B C C 第二部分 英语知识运用 Ⅰ. 1. C 考查原因状语从句。他们失望的原因是不能去看电影《妈妈再爱我一 次》, because 后跟从句;而 because of 后接名词(词组)或代词。 故选 C。 2. C 考查系动词和实义动词的区别。系动词 taste 后加形容词作表语;修 饰实义动词 sell 则要用副词来修饰。good 为形容词;well 为副词。故选 C。 3. D 考查 some 的用法。advice 为不可数名词,不能用 a,an 修饰。一条建 议为 a piece of advice,一些建议为 some advice。故选 D。 4. C be full of 和 be filled with 意为“充满,装满”。lonely 强调内心的孤独寂 寞。而 alone 强调一种处境,一人独处。故选 C。 5. C have trouble doing sth. 做某事有困难/麻烦;remember to do sth. 记住做 某事(事情还未做);remember doing sth. 记得做过某事(事情已做过)。由语境 可知选 C。 6. D another+数词=数词+more 常表示在原有的基础上增加的数量。本句是 问“你还愿意在北京多待两天吗?”故选 D。 7. D 考查不定代词的用法。both 意为“二者都”;all 意为“三者或三者以上 都”; neither 意为“二者都不”;either 意为“二者中的一个”。本题的 题意为“吃一个,给弟弟留一个”。故选 D。 8. A can’t help doing sth.情不自禁地做某事。故选 A。 9. C when 和 while 意为“当……时候”;as soon as 意为“一……就……”;after 意为“在……之后”。表示到达可以用 get to,arrive in(大地点),arrive at(小地点)或 reach。bookstore 为小地点,结合语境可知选 C。 10. B 在宾语从句应该用陈述句式,且在宾语从句中,当主句为一般现在时 时,从句可以用任何时态,根据本题题意应该用一般将来时。同时, 在时间状语从句或条件状语从句中,如果主句用一般将来时,从句要 用一般现在时。故选 B。 11. C 考查 whether 的用法,意为“是否”,引导宾语从句,句中有 or not 因此 不能用 if。故选 C。 12. D 主要考查 so ... that ...和 such… that…句型。so 为副词,修饰副词或形 容词,不能修饰名词;such 是形容词,修饰名词,country 是名词单 数形式。故选 D。 13. B 考查比较等级。more 可以加多音节词或部分双音节词构成比较级;a little, much, even 等词可以用来修饰比较级,表示程度。因此“更加有 用”应说 much more useful。故选 B。 14. C if 在宾语从句中表示“是否”。这时 if=whether。“基数词+名词”构成的 复合形容词只能作定语,无论基数词是几,名词都不用复数。a two-day holiday 两天假期。故选 C。 15. B 考查宾语从句。主句是一般过去时,从句相应地用过去的某种时态。 但如果从句所描述的事实是真理或自然规律时,则用一般现在时。故选 B。 Ⅱ. (A)16. way 17. for 18. take 19. else 20. bill (B)21-25 E D G A C Ⅲ. 26. B 由第一段第一句 you may eat something before getting to work 可知当你 很饿时不要去做作业。故选 B。 27. A not…until… 直到……才……。本句指不要等到深夜才做。故选 A。 28. D 考查 hard 的比较级为 harder,其前可加 much 等修饰词。故选 D。 29. C an hour’s work 一小时的作业,这里用名词的所有格。故选 C。 30. B too…to…太……而不能。本句指不要把你的时间划分得太短而什么事 也做不成。故选 B。 31. D without 是介词,表示“没有”的意思,其后的动词用-ing 形式。故选 D。 32. A put off 推迟;put on 穿上;put away 把……收拾起来;put up 张贴。本 句指不要把你的家庭作业推迟到最后一分钟。故选 A。 33. C 本句指家庭作业会一直记挂在你的脑海中,那样你的空闲时间也不会 玩得开心。故选 C。 34. B have…to do 有……要做。故选 B。 35. A 每天在同一时间做家庭作业,这将有助于你形成一个习惯。故选 A。 Ⅳ. (A) 36. D 由 In our country you can see bicycles almost everywhere. 可知在我们 国家你几乎到处都能看到自行车。故选 D。 37. A 由 China is known as“the kingdom of bicycles”. 可知中国有大量的自 行车。故选 A。 38. C 此选项与原文意思不符。自行车的优点文中有三处:一是便宜,二是 易停放,三是安全。故选 C。 39. D 由 too many bicycles may cause traffic jams 可知太多的自行车也能导致 交通堵塞。故选 D。 40. D We still have a long way to go ... 意为“我们还有很多事情要做……”故 选 D。 (B)41. B 42. B 43. A 44. C 45. D (C) 46. B 由第一段可知:设计一件印有自己的信息或最喜欢的图像的 T 恤衫在 当今世界是很容易的。故选 B。 47. download; camera; draw 48. transfer paper 由第三段 buy some heat-sensitive iron-on transfer paper 可 知。 49. an electric clothes iron 由最后一段 then just use an electric clothes iron 可 知。 50. 穿着这样的 T 恤衫,你一定会充满自信和感到骄傲。 第三部分 写作 Ⅰ.(A)51. invite 52. noise 53. vacation 54. refused 55. depends (B)56. southern 57. accept 58. decision 59. discussing 60. traditional (C)61. roles 62. feeling 63. happily 64. Ladies 65. marriage Ⅱ. 66. brightly 67. to write 68. into 69. but 70. something Ⅲ. 参考范文: (A) If you want to learn English well, you must try to be confident and work hard. The following ways may help you. First, try to speak English as much as you can. Second, do more listening. Third, do more reading. Finally, try to write diaries in English. (B) I don’t like our school uniforms because I look ugly in them. I like to look cool. I like to wear my own clothes. But I have to wear uniforms on weekdays. It makes me bored. If I can design my own school uniforms, I will choose a blue T-shirt, a pair of dark jeans, and a pair of running shoes. Oh, the shoes must be white. It is my favorite color. Maybe I can have a sweater and a windbreaker in winter.

